=== _salem is now known as salem_ === salem_ is now known as _salem === jono is now known as Guest64072 [08:18] sil2100, ping [08:47] fginther, ping [08:51] larsu: hi... Just wanted to answer the mail thread on "Standard icons" and realized that we can't load icons from ubuntu-mobile-icons without giving the absolute path to the image file [08:51] larsu: am I missing something? [08:52] mzanetti: yes, you can use image://theme [08:52] image://theme/,, [08:53] larsu: Failed to get image from provider: image://theme/reload [08:53] mzanetti: the provider is in ubuntu-ui-toolkit, is that imported? [08:53] larsu: same with "reload.svg", "actions/reload[.svg]" or "actions/scalable/reload[.svg]" [08:53] larsu: yes... units.gu() works fine [08:54] mzanetti: you definitely don't need to prepend "actions/". Do any of the png icons work? (for example, "music") [08:55] larsu: Failed to get image from provider: image://theme/music [08:56] mzanetti: same problem here. I'll look into it [08:59] mzanetti: wait, is this the theme-isnt-set problem again? Are you trying this from within unity8? [09:00] larsu: no... I'm using a mini qml example. but I've set my system to use ubuntu-mobile icons everywhere [09:00] mzanetti: ya, qt doesn't read that [09:00] mzanetti: you have to set it manually (or fix qt...) [09:01] larsu: dammit... good catch... somehow the last upgrade seems to have reset my system to oxygen icons [09:01] larsu: I've set it back to ubuntu-mobile and it works now [09:01] larsu: seems Qt picks that up just fine here [09:02] mzanetti: where are you running this on? [09:02] larsu: but I set that in KDE systemsettings. So that might set it in a different, more Qt-friendly way than the gnome systemsettings [09:02] larsu: ubuntu saucy with KDE running [09:02] mzanetti: right, that might be. It doesn't work in unity [09:08] mzanetti, got a moment to pick up where we left off last night? I've tried to pin point the scrolling issue to no avail. [09:09] nic-doffay: right [09:09] mzanetti, so what I can say is it appears to have nothing to do with the behaviours. [09:09] nic-doffay: hmm... need to check then... [09:13] nic-doffay: do you have a package for the SDK with your changes? [09:14] nic-doffay: just copying the OptionSelector files makes unity crash at startup here and building a packages fails because tests in the SDK are failing [09:16] mzanetti, if you branch lp:~nicolas-doffay/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/multi-selectors [09:16] nic-doffay: yeah, did that [09:16] you can . export_modules_dir.sh in root to set the env var and use the branch [09:17] interesting [09:18] * mzanetti wonders how he could have missed that so far... seems extremely useful when doing something in the sdk [09:18] nic-doffay: still, it segfaults here :/ [09:21] mzanetti, did you upgrade today or anything? [09:21] It's working for me. [09:23] nic-doffay: hmm... I merged your branch with trunk and it works again [09:26] nic-doffay: so what exactly is the issue you're trying to solve? [09:30] davidcalle: pong! [09:30] davidcalle: what's up? [09:31] sil2100, by any chance, do you have a minute for https://code.launchpad.net/~davidc3/cupstream2distro-config/tmdb-scope/+merge/185433 ? [09:32] davidcalle: let me take a look :) [09:32] sil2100, thanks :) [09:35] davidcalle: looking good, we'll have to poke Francis later on to set up mergers for that [09:35] sil2100, thanks :) [09:35] Approved - np ;) [09:36] larsu: another question, as you seem to know about the volume control stuff. Is there any way to access the volume keys in an app? [09:38] mzanetti, line 457 of PageHeader.qml in the filters branch. [09:38] The call isn't working. [09:38] It's supposed to scroll the ScrollView to the beginning of the index selected. [09:38] nic-doffay: I'm asking what the issue is you're trying to solve... I know that this line isn't working, but I also think this is the wrong approach to fix the issue [09:39] mzanetti, the issue is nothing visibly happens when that line is called. [09:39] nic-doffay: first of all, I think this is a bug in the OptionSelector and should be fixed in the SDK, not workarounded wverywhere where you use the OptionSelector [09:39] mzanetti, it has nothing to do with the OptionSelector. [09:40] nic-doffay: then tell me how to see the issue [09:41] mzanetti, https://pastebin.canonical.com/97471/ [09:41] mzanetti, line 94. [09:41] where should I click in the UI to see what is broken? [09:41] mzanetti, ah. [09:41] mzanetti: I don't know much about how the volume keys are accessed. Unity8 uses Keys.onVolume{Up,Down}Pressed, but I don't know if any app can access those [09:41] I don't know what you are trying to achieve with this [09:41] mzanetti, on any of the selectors. [09:42] When they are expanded that line is called. [09:42] "selectors" is the ListView which should scroll to the beginning of the OptionSelector clicked. [09:50] nic-doffay, just so it's clear "to the beginning" of it is incorrect [09:51] nic-doffay, it's supposed to scroll *as little as possible* to show *as much as possible* [09:51] so, if the last visible OS has only 2 items, it should only scroll enough to show the two items [09:52] and, the OSs should never expand beyond their container [09:52] Saviq, so contentY would have to be manipulated directly then? [09:52] i.e. if there's 10 items in an OS, but there's only space for 5 items in the container, it should only expand to 5 items' height and scroll inside [09:52] nic-doffay, not necessarily, there's positionViewAtIndex [09:53] nic-doffay, which you can use to position the OS in question at the end of the container [09:53] Saviq, that's what I'm currently using and where I'm encountering the issue. [09:53] nic-doffay, dunno, it might be that direct contentY will be required (especially if you animate both at the same time) [09:55] Saviq, any idea why a child's animation would interfere out of interest? [09:56] nic-doffay, because if ListView tries to position at an index, it queries for its size [09:56] nic-doffay, but if the item is animated, the size is somewhere between the initial and final value [09:56] nic-doffay, you'd have to wait for the size animation to complete and position then [09:57] Saviq, yeah that's what I was thinking, but it might look bad? [09:57] but that's bad UX - so you need to "predict" the end size of the item and position the ListView accordingly [09:58] which, btw, is something we're missing in QML, IMO - a way to query the target value of an animated property (other than talking to the animation itself) [10:00] nic-doffay: so... the reason why it doesn't work is because at the time you call this, the optionselector is not expanded yet so no scrolling needed, because its visible already [10:01] nic-doffay: I've delayed it for when the expansion is finished now and it works. [10:01] nic-doffay: however, it jumps instead of scrolling as positionViewAtIndex doesn't scroll [10:01] just positions :) [10:04] mzanetti, ah I see. [10:04] mzanetti, it appears to jump in the scope behaviour too... [10:04] when you select one of the tabs. [10:04] Saviq, in your opinion should it jump? [10:04] nic-doffay, of course not, it should scroll [10:04] the answer will be no [10:05] nic-doffay, and the scopes don't jump either - they animate [10:07] Thanks for the assist guys. Guess I'll be manipulating the contentY then. [10:12] saviq, we still have issues with the header not appearing for some of the scopes, any ideas what might cause that? [10:12] i did a bit of debugging and the scopes model was properly populated [10:12] mhr3_, because the scopes are still not installed, I'd say? [10:12] nope [10:12] they're there, just don't have any results [10:13] saviq, it can actually happen on the desktop as well... i was able to rep it about 1:40 times [10:13] mhr3_, so a race of some kind? [10:13] indeed [10:13] i just have no idea what's the racy thing [10:13] mhr3_, and I assume libunity-tool correctly shows you the results for those scopes? [10:14] yep [10:14] saviq, and the odd thing also is that home and apps always work, the rest doesn't [10:15] mhr3_, yeah, not sure what could cause that - maybe something is updated but Changed signal isn't sent, or even something is assigned and not bound [10:15] in QML [10:15] mhr3_, but I can't help today unfortunately, at a conference and trying to keep my devices ~workable ;) [10:15] saviq, no worries, just trying to suck in some knowledge :) === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch === hikiko is now known as hikiko|lunch [11:11] mzanetti, this issue was a good thing I'd say, I've added some more signals to the SDK component, it seems pretty pertinent that we can know when the expansion/collapse has completed. [11:11] not just when it begins. [11:11] nic-doffay: hmm... not eniterly sure if adding signals is the right thing to do [11:13] mzanetti, what method did you use? [11:14] I just fired off signals in a ScriptAction. [11:25] nic-doffay: yeah... I'm thinking about polluting the API [11:28] nic-doffay: where do you set the expanded height? [11:28] nic-doffay: is that hardcoded inside the OptionSelector? [11:28] nic-doffay: or do you set that from the PageHeader? [11:31] mzanetti, the OptionSelector handles that. [11:31] nic-doffay: so hardcoded inside... hmmm [11:31] nic-doffay: dunno... ask the SDK guys on their opinion on that [11:31] mzanetti, the other option would be to expose two readonly aliases which link to the individual tab height and the total contentHeight. [11:31] I just think adding some random signals is a bad idea [11:31] nic-doffay: yeah... I somehow prefer that one === alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk === mzanetti is now known as mzanetti|lunch === hikiko|lunch is now known as hikiko [11:58] * greyback has to move to office, back in 40 === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow === _salem is now known as salem_ === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk === alan_g|afk is now known as alan_g === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader [13:10] greyback: any difference this morning ? i was about to try... [13:11] kgunn: I pulled the pending cdimage-touch image this morning and no good. But then I dist-upgraded it, and bam, working! [13:12] greyback: freakin' weird...so did you think that would work? or just stumble into that :) [13:12] I'm a bit confused why I didn't get the updated image straight away [13:12] I'm downloading manuall from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/pending/ [13:12] as its manifest claims to have the latest and gratest === mzanetti|lunch is now known as mzanetti [13:14] greyback: do you see "bad flicker" ? [13:14] kgunn: nope, none at all [13:14] woop woop [13:14] seems to be a nexus4 only issue [13:14] as I've GNexus [13:14] oh yeah... :-/ [13:14] sorry! [13:14] checking now [13:23] greyback: so i normally set wifi password from ui...so now need to port fwd....i do adb forward tcp:8888 tcp:22 [13:23] ssh phablet@localhost -p 8888 [13:24] at the console...but it says ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host [13:24] kgunn: use "phablet-network" [13:24] it'll grab your PC's active wifi connection config and push it to the phone [13:25] hmmm...do i have to be on wifi greyback ? i'm on ethernet cable...it says Network connection file "No active wifi network connection, exiting" cannot be read [13:25] lemme pull cable [13:27] kgunn: aha, yeah then that tool not so handy. Could use the -n switch to pass /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ [13:33] mzanetti: Sorry for bothering you during the stand-up. But I just pushed for review https://code.launchpad.net/~paulliu/unity8/movie-preview/+merge/181856 [13:34] paulliu: ack. I'll review it after the standup [13:34] paulliu: as you're back in our team, feel free to join the standup :) [13:35] mzanetti, do you know anything about url-dispatcher? [13:35] mhr3: I know that id doesn't work in our platform [13:35] mhr3: otherwise... not much [13:35] cause it looks like it works now, launches stuff, but shell doesn't realize a new app is running [13:36] mhr3: interesting... no I don't know anything about it [13:36] but if you kill the shell, the app appears beneath [13:36] mzanetti, who would? [13:36] mhr3: I guess tedg [13:36] mhr3, Mir or Surface Flinger [13:37] tedg, surfaceflinger [13:37] mhr3, Wait for Mir :-) [13:37] i see :) [13:38] mhr3: do you have a clue why the suggested apps aren't showing up half of the time? [13:39] mzanetti, cause you need internet when it tries to do the query, and it does it too early, wifi might not be up [13:39] mzanetti, but if you search afterwards it should be fine [13:39] ah ok... [13:41] nic-doffay, poing [13:42] mhr3: I'm the person who can help. You are using the urlDispatcher to launch an application, yes? Is that being used on images right now? [13:44] I don't have opens installed [13:44] openssh [13:44] also, I cannot use dpkg [13:44] W: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock [13:44] E: Unable to write to /var/cache/apt/ [13:44] E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. [13:44] on the phone... [13:45] Cimi: that happens sometimes if the auto xapt updater is running [13:46] greyback, nope [13:46] greyback, it's not running... [13:47] Cimi: give me context. You have "adb shell" into the phone? [13:47] greyback, y [13:48] Cimi: ok, so you're running as root [13:48] greyback, yes [13:49] Cimi: and you're doing "apt-get update && apt-get install openssh-server" [13:49] greyback, it's read only file system [13:50] Cimi: try rebooting. If that doesn't work, reflash with the "-b" switch [13:52] greyback: so...got it running...even shot a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaPKxLh9_So [13:52] it looks good...just small inconsistent visual artifact [13:54] kgunn: nice! The perf is so much better than on my GNexus. But I don't have those visual artifacts either [13:58] kgunn: hey, I think you follow all those stories about the subscription list [13:59] so if you want Mir in with the transition, you will have to subscribe now [13:59] didrocks: do you mean to say i need to specificaly list mir in the "ask" list ? [14:00] * kgunn would've thot there was some grandfather rule here.... [14:00] or do you mean something else? [14:01] greyback: so what are our package names we need in w updates ? [14:02] kgunn: not me making the process ;) [14:02] didrocks: sure...we're inventing on the fly... [14:02] kgunn: but yeah, everytime you want to land Mir, apparently, you have to prepare, justify why and get queued [14:04] greyback, -b doesn't work with ubuntu-system... [14:05] Cimi: i saw someone else in community complaining about the same thing on #ubuntun-touch [14:06] kgunn, you have backlog? [14:06] Cimi: oh you're using ubuntu-system. There's a mail on ubuntu-phone ML with how to turn on write for the filesystem [14:07] paulliu: added some comments [14:10] greyback, can you search for the message? I realised I was not subscribed to it [14:10] mzanetti: ok [14:11] greyback, grep "write" on subjects returns ' [14:11] nothing [14:11] Cimi: https://www.stgraber.org/2013/09/05/ubuntu-touch-system-images-now-default/ [14:11] is blog post with the same content as the mail [14:11] greqth [14:11] greyback, thx [14:14] didrocks: ping (can this count as official ?) [14:14] didrocks: we've updated the xls with the "ask" [14:14] didrocks: do you need specific versions ? [14:24] greyback, Cimi: I tried that... doesn't work for our purpose. You need to flash cdimage-touch [14:25] Cimi: also, after flashing you need to do an adb shell and rm /etc/init/ssh.override [14:27] mhr3, ping [14:29] Cimi: greyback: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/fix-run_on_device-s/+merge/185509 [14:29] mzanetti, when you have a moment could you pull on both branches and have a look at the new changes? The icon's been sorted and I think the scrolling looks good, just would like a second opinion. [14:29] nic-doffay: ack [14:30] mzanetti: ah they added an override [14:30] good find [14:31] kgunn: you need to tell what's the risk, how many packages are impacted, what's going in the comments I guess [14:31] nic-doffay: the icon is too small [14:31] nic-doffay: the scrolling seems good now [14:32] nic-doffay: would be nicer if it would scroll together with the expanding :) You think thats doable? [14:32] nic-doffay: 'cause right now it expands into the invisible area and then scrolls up. which is better than before... but still not quite "perfect" [14:34] greyback, nope, it's launching a http uri [14:34] ssweeny, pong [14:34] mhr3: if you give me steps to repro, I can look into it. A bug with qtubuntu would be best [14:35] mhr3, hey, i'm getting an error with my scope i haven't seen before: scope-loader.vala:59: Could not find 'get_version' symbol in /custom/lib/customscope [14:35] mhr3, there's no get_version function in the scope template [14:36] greyback, if you have latest everything, just going to video lens, previewing something and tapping play triggers it [14:36] greyback: hmm... do we actually need to "ask" if we're allowed to commit this? [14:36] kgunn: ^^ https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/fix-run_on_device-s/+merge/185509 [14:36] ssweeny, yea, the template is outdated :/ [14:37] pstolowski, did you push your music scope somewhere already? would be useful so that ssweeny can take a look at the scope initialization [14:39] ssweeny, mhr3 : lp:~stolowski/+junk/unity-scope-onlinemusic [14:39] pstolowski, mhr3 thanks, i'll take a look :) [14:40] ssweeny, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~stolowski/+junk/unity-scope-onlinemusic/view/head:/src/OnlineMusicScope.cpp#L34 [14:40] mhr3, great [14:42] dpm, we'd need to update the tutorial ^^ :) [14:43] ssweeny: yw [14:44] mhr3, next week we'll be updating a bunch of content on d.u.c. I think you already have a branch with changes. If you could update it and ping me, I'll make sure on Monday I update it [14:45] I mean I'll update the tutorial [14:45] dpm, i had a branch? [14:46] yey me! :) [14:46] mhr3, yeah, I think I saw one at some point [14:47] mhr3, yeah, there it is -> https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sdk-tutorials [14:47] :) [14:49] i love when i forget about doing something and then discover it :) [14:49] ssweeny, this can help too > http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mhr3/ubuntu-sdk-tutorials/scope-module/revision/51 [14:49] mhr3, awesome :) [15:00] dednick: hey there [15:00] dednick: so, I think you are already aware for bug #1225017 [15:00] bug 1225017 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "Messaging indicator missing from indicator bar" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1225017 [15:01] which package is unity-shell-launcher? [15:01] dednick: as the indicators didn't change at all since latest image and we checked that it was effectively working, we think that the issue comes from unity8 [15:01] didrocks: hm. nope. havent seen that [15:02] I saw a commit from you that seems to be likely linked to this [15:02] does it make sense? [15:02] didrocks: yeah, i'll take a look now [15:02] thanks! [15:03] now only if i could get some signal to send myself a message! [15:06] mzanetti: hey, could you get you to cast your eye over this MP please: https://code.launchpad.net/~veebers/unity8/adding-app-lifecycle-tests/+merge/185514 [15:07] it's related to the questions I was asking you yesterday :-) [15:23] anyone knows what this is [15:24] 2576 phablet 30 10 18736 13m 3684 R 93.3 1.9 0:56.91 ��� [15:30] greyback, Hey, so I followed the instructions to enable Mir on my phone. Now everything is slow, so I think that worked :-) It doesn't seem like apps are being started with upstart-app-launch. Is there something else I need to do there? [15:31] tedg: you're correct, haven't had change to use upstart for app launching. It's next big thing on my list, I've it >50% completed [15:31] s/change/chance/ [15:32] tedg: is it blocking you by any chance? [15:32] greyback, No, more wanting to test and look at it to see if it looked sane. [15:32] greyback, I thought it was in with the Mir backend change. [15:33] tedg: unfortunately not. I tried, but too many other things were needed first [15:34] greyback, K, no issue. Just wanted to get ahead of issues :-) [15:34] greyback, Are you using the Exec in the generated desktop file then? [15:34] tedg: yes [15:34] K, makes sense. [15:37] greyback, Cool, so ping me when it gets close. Better to fix things before the barrage of IRC pings :-) [15:37] tedg: will do [15:39] tedg, but we have green to have zg on the phone, is your push-event-on-app-launch branch official? [15:39] s/but/btw/ [15:40] mhr3, I think that's all merged, but it won't send events until using Upstart. [15:41] tedg, right, just wanted to know if something will actually inform zg about the app launches [15:41] mhr3, I think if you use it today, it'll try to send them whether zg is there or not ;-) [15:43] mhr3, Are we going to use ZG for calls/messages too? I really want my "favorites" to depend on location. So mpt would be on the list when I'm in London. :-) [15:49] tedg, first we'd need the location extension :) [15:49] but yes, would be awesome [15:49] mhr3, I thought there was one? I used it for a while. [15:49] i think it was never ported from python to vala [15:50] Ah, bummer. [15:55] nonetheless, now that zg is on phone, maybe the core schema should contain location :) [16:04] mhr3, I would argue that it should have on desktop, it's one of the reasons I wrote and pushed for ubuntu-geoip :-) [16:13] mzanetti, greyback I give up: cdimage-touch -b and I don't have adb [16:13] ubuntu-system doesn't have unity-shell-launcher [16:14] Cimi: ? [16:14] mzanetti, can't test run_on_Device [16:14] mzanetti, no adb here [16:14] Cimi: no adb... I find that hard to believe [16:14] Cimi: what's the error? [16:14] Cimi: if you run "adb devices" what do you see? [16:14] mzanetti, adb devices empty [16:15] tried rebooting both ubuntu and phone [16:15] Cimi: but the phone boots up successfully? [16:15] yes+ [16:15] now that is strange [16:15] Cimi: check the cable? [16:16] Cimi: if you unplug and replug the usb cable into your machine, and run "dmesg | tail" do you see usb related events logged there? [16:18] Cimi: when I do that, this is what I see: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6102283/ [16:27] * greyback needs to reboot === dandrader is now known as dandrader|lunch [17:59] how is unity8 started in the mir image? :) [18:10] kdub: upstart manages it, so "start unity8" [18:10] kdub: so to stop it, do "stop unity8" [18:10] else if you kill it, it'll respawn [18:11] * greyback eow [18:11] greyback, i get 'stop: Unknown job: unity8"... [18:11] anyways, i'll figure it out, see you next week! [18:11] kdub: you running as user phablet? [18:12] yeah, same thing [18:12] kdub: "initctl --list" <- what does that give you? Also are you logged in via adb, or using ssh? [18:13] adb [18:16] kdub, su - phablet [18:16] kdub: ^^ [18:16] And it's /sbin/initctl list then [18:16] ssh is easier [18:17] I think that gets fixed with logind working... [18:17] ah there it is [18:18] yay, thanks tedg and greyback === dandrader|lunch is now known as dandrader === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader === salem_ is now known as _salem