
=== scottrigby is now known as scottrigby_away
=== scottrigby_away is now known as scottrigby
InHisNameWhere in 13.04 do I change display refresh rate ?   I find everything but that.15:46
InHisNamenever mind, I found it 3 layers deep in nvidia settings.16:19
teddy-dbearAfternoon peoples, dogs, turkeys and everything else18:15
teddy-dbearstupid Clear18:16
teddy-dbeartook all this time to start working18:16
HowdyDoodyNow it has change the refresh rate by itself to 83.3Khz and monitor refuses to display.   Is there a command line way to change the refresh rate of a monitor/card system ?  Ctrl-ALT-F3 gives me a prompt, but what to do to change refresh rate ?18:27
HowdyDoodyteddy-dbear: clear.com ?   I thought rmg51 was at work during daytime....18:28
rmg51I am18:28
rmg51I use Clear at work18:29
HowdyDoodyisn't clear kinda pokey for a business to use for all their employees ?   6Dn 1Up18:38
JonathanDI used clear for a long time.18:38
waltmanJonathanD: You don't anymore?18:39
waltmanWhat do you use instead?18:39
JonathanDI still have the device and they let you buy individual days, though.18:40
JonathanDwaltman: comcast.18:40
waltmanso a physical cable?18:40
JonathanDYes... mobile I tether my phone if I actually need it.18:40
* jedijf is thethered now18:59
jedijfthe tethered18:59
square-r00t"the tethering" would be a bangin' name for a tech horror19:06
jedijfsaw online from variou locations19:08

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