
Kiloscremora minora05:18
nuvolarimornings oom Kilos 05:32
Kilosmorning nuvolari 05:32
Kiloshi snowy05:32
bduk1Goeie more almal05:45
Kilosmôre bduk1 05:46
inetprogoeie more oom Kilos06:07
Kilosmore inetpro 06:08
inetprooh and a good morning to everyone else06:08
Kiloshi mazal 06:08
Kiloslo Squirm 06:12
SquirmMaaz: coffee on06:13
* Maaz flips the salt-timer06:13
SquirmMaaz: large06:13
MaazIn a beer mug just for you Squirm06:13
SquirmMaaz: larger06:14
Maazinna bucket for you Squirm06:14
KilosMaaz, coffee please06:14
MaazKilos: Yessir06:14
Squirmjust for those bored people who can spare a little data06:15
KilosMaaz, spanne06:17
MaazI will keep the coffee machine topped up Kilos so you can just help yourself.06:17
MaazCoffee's ready for Squirm and Kilos!06:17
KilosMaaz, danke06:18
SquirmMaaz: botsnack06:18
MaazThank you thank you, munch munch chomp chomp06:18
KilosSquirm, please dont forget the hosting thing06:19
SquirmKilos: it looks complicated for what you want to do06:19
Squirmwill have another look though06:20
Kilosand dont forget first LPI class tonight06:20
Kilosstarting with runlevels on the pink hat thing06:20
Kilosoh red06:20
Kilosai! hit a hang06:30
Squirmwon't make the LPI class06:32
Squirmbraai + lan06:32
Squirmand I know the runlevels06:32
mazalMorning everyone06:44
Kiloshi mazal 06:44
nlsthznmorning all *yawn*06:44
Kilosohi nlsthzn 06:45
nlsthznalo uncle Kilos06:45
ThatGraemeGuymorning peoples07:20
Kilosmorning ThatGraemeGuy 07:32
mazalMorning ThatGraemeGuy 08:21
mazalHave you guys seen that medibuntu is falling away. Wonder how we gonna get all medi stuff then ?08:57
ThatGraemeGuylooks like everyone is saying most everything in there is no longer relevant except libdvdcss, which the vlc guys will provide09:06
mazalYou think we should go ahead and change to that repo now ?09:18
mazalI added this repo : http://www.videolan.org/developers/libdvdcss.html and it updated mine now09:32
Kilossudo add-apt-repo http://www.videolan.org/developers/libdvdcss.html09:43
Kilosis that the command09:43
Kilosjust that one package?09:48
charlgood afternoon all10:45
charlvery disappointed with the current state of xmpp implementations10:45
Kiloshi charl 10:45
charlinstalled prosody, configured my dns, couldn't connect with gnu freetalk and centerim gave a segmentation fault upon attempting to register a new user10:46
charlports were open and dns was configured10:46
charlhi Kilos 10:46
charlapparently i need to speed up development of my new idea :)10:46
charleither that or start writing my own xmpp client/server implementations10:47
charlwe need a good reliable, distributed instant messaging system10:48
charland most of all secure :)10:48
Kilosdo whatever is the easiest for you10:48
charlwe need to solve this problem for everyone Kilos not just for me...10:48
Kilosya but who else has the time10:48
charlenough people to make this work, i think10:49
charlmaybe i should ask around on pirateirc if someone would be interested10:49
charla lot of pirates are into privacy and distributed systems10:49
Kilosask them lets hear10:50
Kilosonly one here that commented was the pro wasnt it10:51
charlretroshare is a good idea but i'm just not so sure about the reliance on upnp/stun10:51
Kilosza peeps dont have time10:51
charlwhy you people all so busy down there, i thought africans were easy going :010:51
Kilosthe IT peeps here never have time10:52
charlbut that's true there doesn't seem to be many projects that get off the ground in africa10:52
Kiloshi superfly 10:52
charlit's lunch time let's first drink some coffee10:53
charlMaaz: coffee on10:53
* Maaz puts the kettle on10:54
KilosMaaz, whats for lunch10:54
MaazGoats cheese on crackers and a bowl of salad for you fat people10:54
KilosMaaz, coffee please10:54
MaazKilos: Alrighty10:54
Kiloscharl, what kinda help do you need?10:55
charllol Maaz 10:57
charlKilos: programming, python/java10:57
charlthis is going to cost a lot of work10:57
MaazCoffee's ready for charl and Kilos!10:58
charli need to first document the protocol but for that i also need input10:58
KilosMaaz, gracias10:58
charlMaaz: dankeschon10:58
MaazKilos: ¡de nada!10:58
Maazcharl: *blink*10:58
Kilosask in lpi class tonight10:59
charltls for connections, and for messages dsa for asymmetric encryption and aes for symmetric encryption10:59
charludp for sending messages, tcp for receiving messages for the relay nod3es11:00
Kilostry that youngster in the states11:00
charlcool i am on there i think11:01
charlwhat you ppl doing tonight?11:01
Kilosgoing through 11:02
Kilosrunlevels and some more11:02
charlok a starting point for the architecture: http://i.imgur.com/tZwKT1D.png12:13
charleach client connects to multiple servers12:14
charland for routing messages between clients, the servers talk to each other12:14
charlconnections between clients and servers are tls encrypted12:14
Kilosyou must try get smile and theblazehen involved as well12:23
Kilosblaze has lotsa geek buddies12:23
charli like this architecture because everything is encrypted client to server and server to server12:26
charland over the encrypted tls connections you use another layer of dsa+aes encryption12:26
charlfor end-to-end encryption between clients12:26
charland if any of the servers fail, you can switch to different server without any impact on the client, it's fully transparent12:27
charland if you use a round-robin algorithm to switch between servers for message delivery, you can't intercept all the traffic by only listening to a single server, even though the traffic is double-encrypted in any case12:28
charlhi henkj 12:28
henkjhi charl12:29
charland the client ips are only known on the servers, the clients don't know each other's ips12:29
henkjwhat is double encrypted?12:29
charlhenkj: i think you missed part of the conversation :)12:30
henkjcharl: I missed almost all of it12:30
henkjbut you had me interested with double encryption12:31
charlcheck the logs in 30 mins or so, it should have updated by then, otherwise i can pastebin it for you12:31
charlok lemme pastebin it 1 sec12:31
henkjthanks :)12:31
magespawnafternoon all12:33
Trixar_zaI don't really use run levels so I don't really need to learn them12:34
charlme neither12:34
charlhenkj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6101418/12:34
Trixar_zaIt's more a systemd or related function ;P12:35
Trixar_zaI tend to use busybox's init12:35
mazalAnybody remember who is the guys that took over remastersys ?12:38
mazalI can't remember now to go and check their site :-P12:38
bduk1Buy everyone12:42
magespawnmazal ask Kilos12:43
Kilosoh my12:44
Kilosits not just runlevels man12:45
Kilos101.3, 102.1 and 102.2 from the study manual12:45
Kilos101.3 is runlevels12:46
Kilosmazal, sorry i dunno12:46
mazalfound it12:46
mazalEnjoy the evening everyone12:47
ThatGraemeGuyin std 7 my maths teacher always used to mock me for getting simple stuff wrong and complicated stuff right13:50
ThatGraemeGuy20 years later not much has changed13:50
ThatGraemeGuyjust finished up doing a V2P, going from a single virtual disk (RAID happens at the storage level) to a software RAID set. boot both from livecd, mount source and target root filesystems13:51
ThatGraemeGuyconfigure networking manually, rsync stuff from source to target13:51
ThatGraemeGuybind mount /sys, /proc and some other stuff like that, chroot into the copied target filesystem, run update-grub and grub-install to MBR of all the physical disks13:52
ThatGraemeGuysit for a bit and figure "yep, that's all"13:52
ThatGraemeGuyping ............13:52
ThatGraemeGuyno response after 10 mins13:52
ThatGraemeGuyand it turns out it booted just fine after all that, i just forgot to clear out udev's cached rules for network devices, so eth0/eth1 came up as eth1/eth213:53
ThatGraemeGuyon the plus side, only 4 more days here, woop!13:54
charlhaha that's so funny i had that too13:57
charlwith maths13:57
charlthought i was the only idiot13:58
Kilosinetpro, gaan huis toe14:57
Trixar_zaJy's dronk - sorry, got caught up in the "Go home X, you're drunk" meme14:59
Kiloshows the kernel work going15:00
KilosTrixar_za, ?15:02
magespawni am on my way home, later all15:05
Kiloslo nuvolari kbmonkey 17:57
superflyo/ from Debian18:01
Kiloshi superfly kde debian of course18:02
Kilossuperfly, just testing or switched completely18:10
superflyKilos: switched, like I said to you last night18:18
Kilosnot to me18:18
Kilosi woulda remembered18:19
Kilosi member you talking about a quad18:19
Kilosi went green18:19
kbmonkeywelcome to the darker side superfly !18:32
superflykbmonkey: I was always halfway there... just didn't have a huge reason to go through the schlep of reinstalling18:35
superflynew computer = reason18:35
Kiloshi nlsthzn 18:56
nlsthzno/ again uncle Kilos :)18:57
Symmetriaman Im gonna miss this place when I fly back to kenya tomorrow night18:58
Symmetriamauritius is awesome ;p18:58
kbmonkey;hello nlsthzn o/19:02
nlsthznSymmetria, ah nice19:03
nlsthznkbmonkey, alo :)19:03
kbmonkeyhiya :D19:08
* nlsthzn is conflicted, watch the game tomorrow and suffer a lot on night shift or skip the game and only suffer a little ...19:21
Symmetriathe one thing I miss about south africa 19:22
Symmetriais that I cant drink water straight out the tap in the rest of africa 19:22
Kiloswatch the game19:22
Symmetriastrange thing to miss but its a pain in the ass ;p19:22
Kilosand drink lotsa coffee at work19:22
Symmetrialol which game?19:22
Symmetriaaahhh, lol, I only watch football ;p liverpool ftw!19:23
Symmetriaoh and Im watching man-u games this season because it amuses me to watch them lose ;p19:23
nlsthznguess I will see how tonigth goes... already feeling sleepy :/19:42
Kilosmore coffee nlsthzn 19:44
nlsthznkoffiehuis finished... so no more drinkabe coffee for me here... now back on tea... but stuck on the panel alone so can't just go and make some more... grrrr....19:47
Symmetriakoffiehuis isnt drinkable coffee ;p19:47
Symmetriadrinkable coffee = freshly ground beans outta kenya put through a proper coffee machine ;p all instant coffee must die :)19:48
Kilosno man Symmetria 19:48
Kilosnescafe classic is lekker19:48
Kilosand encore19:48
Symmetrialol, how to know when you fly to much?. when you get to an airport at immigrations desk and the customs dude greets you by name before he's had a chance to look at your passport19:49
Symmetriakilos haha, tell you what, if we ever meet, I will give you a real cup of coffee19:49
Symmetriaand you will never look at nescafe the same way again ;p19:49
nlsthznSymmetria, anything from SA is ok for me :p19:49
Symmetrianlsthzn trust me, go and buy some proper kenyan coffee 19:49
Symmetriaor some columbian coffee19:49
Symmetriatake your pick, they are as good as each other 19:50
Symmetria;p you'll never go back from that19:50
nlsthznwell arabian coffee beans apparently also some of the best in the world...19:50
Symmetriaheh, columbian, kenyan, followed by arabian in third I would say19:50
* nlsthzn doubts it... give me Frisco and I am very happy19:51
Symmetriacoffee and tea are two of kenyas largest exports :)19:51
Symmetriamost of the high quality expensive tea you buy in the UK, all of that is kenyan 19:51
Symmetria(kenya is known to make some of the best tea in the world)19:51
nlsthzncool... didn't know19:51
Kilosthey cant even make up their minds about ipv619:51
SymmetriaUgandan coffee is really strange 19:51
Symmetriahaha kilos who cant19:51
Kilosthem afrinic okes19:52
Symmetriahaha screw afrinic, I was in their offices this morning arguing with them19:52
Symmetriaand what an argument it was :) 19:52
Kilosthey a bunch of half wits19:53
Kilosgot nothing to do with progress. they all just scared someone else gets the lions ahre19:53
Symmetriakilos give me till May next year... then things will change :) 19:54
Kiloslets hope19:54
Symmetriagnight all20:01
psychicistnight Symmetria 20:05
psychicisthi nlsthzn 20:05
nlsthznpsychicist, alo20:05
magespawngood night all21:04
inetprogood morning21:30
inetproKilos: wat maak jy nog hier?21:30
inetpronlsthzn: oops, not quite morning yet21:31
nlsthznwell it is very early morning for me :)21:31
inetprocool, so I was not completely wrong21:33
superflyhi inetpro, nlsthzn21:44
inetprohello superfly21:45
inetproKilos: gaan slaap!21:45
nlsthznsuperfly, alo :)21:45
nlsthznI think uncle Kilos long time sleepy now21:45
inetproyep probably fell asleep at his desk21:51
nlsthzndrooling over his keyboard :p21:52
nlsthznjust saying if he can't type any "p"'s tomorrow and want some advice on his keyboard start there21:53
nlsthznother than that, all well with you inetpro and superfly ?22:02
inetpronlsthzn: all fine here thanks22:02
* inetpro just trying for the 2nd time to load Garmin Navigon on me note II22:03
inetprohad about 80% of 620MB downloaded when the power tripped22:04
nlsthznbetter than the navigation software from Google?22:04
inetproI'm not sure really22:04
inetprobut am willing to try22:04
nlsthznwell I find I am using my phone more and more and not my Garmin cause it sucks :p22:04
nlsthznok it was a cheapy but still22:04
inetprofind it weird that I have to download a full 620MB but I guess I will be able to use it without needing a data connection once I start using it22:06
nlsthznhopefully :)22:06
nlsthznare you getting maps for the whole africa :p22:06
inetprowill be nice if that is the case22:06
inetprostrange thing is that I didn't have an option to choose22:07
nlsthznhmmm... well it would be handy to have US maps if you ever go there22:07
inetproso I really hope that I get at least the southern part of africa22:07
inetprowill be a real waste if I get the US maps22:08
* inetpro not planning to go there any time soon22:08
inetpronow I really hope that this thing could speed up a bit22:10
inetprosounds like we have yet another thunder storm coming our way22:11
inetpronow on 64%22:11
inetprothere comes the rain22:14
inetpro460/620 22:15
inetpronlsthzn: how are things on that side?22:16
nlsthznlate :p22:16
nlsthznbut ok I guess :)22:16
nlsthznwork work and some more work22:17
inetprountil what time is your shift?22:17
nlsthzn7 ... so that would be 5am in SA22:18
nlsthznglad you think so ;p22:19
inetproyou don't enjoy the work?22:20
nlsthznit can be rewarding and fun... however the company I am working for now has removed most of that... 22:21
inetprohow so?22:21
nlsthznday in and day out they expect the same little narrow output from you ... and because you excell at it you can continue with it :/22:21
nlsthznno chance for growth or anything new22:22
inetprodonkey work?22:22
inetprosounds like my first job as a salary clerk22:23
inetpromany years ago22:23
nlsthznand trying to go above and beyond just leads you to work harder for nothing as nothing changes...22:23
inetprobecame frustrating as hell very quickly22:23
nlsthznthe one thing I miss from SASOL... until I hit the AA ceiling22:24
inetprodownloaded 100%22:24
inetproand now it asks me to select the countries whose maps you want to be available...22:25
inetproon the list I have, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland22:26
inetprohmm... will have to test and see22:27
nlsthzngood article - https://www.usenix.org/blog/my-daughters-high-school-programming-teacher22:27
* nlsthzn posts random links cause it is past 2am22:27
inetpro:-) I read that link22:32
nlsthznsad that it is still so rampant22:32
inetproanyway, /me goes to sleep now22:34
inetprowill have to test this thing tomorrow22:34
inetprofunny new interface22:35
inetprogood night22:37
nlsthzng night22:41

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