
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Friday the 13th and happy Programmers' Day! :-D08:17
AlanBellhi, I am having problems with ubuntuone-syncd using excessive CPU (like 98.6%)12:24
AlanBellI don't use it for syncing stuff, but I have 250MB of stuff in the folder, already synced to the cloud12:25
AlanBellI am running 13.10 saucy (yes, I know, I am testing it)12:25
AlanBellhow can I find out what that process is actually trying to achieve?12:26
AlanBellah, it appears to have stopped now, and tells me all files are synced, maybe it was recalculating a hash of everything12:27
dobeyAlanBell: ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log should give more information about what exactly is going on. it was probably rehashing or something similar, indeed.13:47
AlanBellthanks dobey15:03
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Eimannhi, are there any known performance issues with ubuntuone filehosting? I only get 15-35KB/sec from several ISPs, doesn't matter if in UK, DE or US20:33
Eimann2013-09-13 22:37:49 (19.4 KB/s) - `1Q5Yi3eVAzS2xn3Ex7Ix3n' saved [7063106/7063106] - sigh. what a bad performance20:38
Eimannlooks like only is slow, if I use manually via /etc/hosts I get 500-800KB/sec, still slow but better21:13
ralsinaEimann: thanks for looking into this, sorry about responding so late, but I will pass it on!21:15

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