
hallyn_hi, i have a noob question on relation-joined vs relation-changed.  do i understand right that i can relation-set several things in x-relation-joined?  and x-relation-changed will be fired in response to any relation-set by the peer?00:55
hallyn_(somethign is not quite going right in my charm, and i'm trying to figure out if it's kvm's fault, or my charms')00:56
hallyn_hm, maybe here's my problem.  I have x relating to y.  y-relation-joined is doing two relation-sets.  x-relation-changed at the top does relatino-get on both of them.  What is expected to happen?  will one of them (racily) fail?00:57
hallyn_is there an argument i can check in x-relation-changed to tell me which relation was changed?00:58
* hallyn_ reading over https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/authors-charm-anatomy.html00:59
hallyn_all right think i've got it, thanks01:00
sarnoldhallyn_: what's the resolution? :)01:01
hallyn_I'll need to look through `relation-ids` output to see what relations have been set so far01:01
hallyn_sarnold: yeah i see now that what i had was quite racy.  i haven't yet committed the fixes to bzr, so you can see for yourself in *-relation-{changed,joined} in bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/charms/precise/kvm-test-block-dest/trunk/ and bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/charms/precise/kvm-test-block-src/trunk/01:08
hallyn_all right well the way my day's going i'd better commit now before my hd dies :)01:09
sarnoldhope your weekend goes better :)01:10
hallyn_heh thanks me too :)01:10
hallyn_(I already manged to type "rm budg *" instead of "rm budg*" in my homedir earlier today :)01:10
hallyn_luckily i've been so conditioned by wildfires and floods that i don't really lose much when i lose a hd :)01:11
sarnold"lucky" indeed01:12
hallyn_so let's see if this works now.  if it does i can start adding ceph backends for some real fun01:12
sarnoldhallyn_:  DEST_GOT_SSHKEY vs got-sshkey  ... in kvm-test-block-src01:14
sarnoldhallyn_: should this:  elif [ "$id" = "DEST_GOT_SSHKEY" ]; then   be this?  elif [ "$id" = "got-sshkey" ]; then01:14
hallyn_oh at first i thought you were pointing out case-difference.  yeah01:14
hallyn_thanks, fixed :)01:20
hallyn_starting another test.  back in awhile01:22
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czajkowskihey folks https://jujucharms.com/precise/mongodb-HEAD/  seems to not be loading10:21
czajkowskinone of the other charms are10:22
czajkowskijcastro: ^^10:22
rick_h_czajkowski: take off the -HEAD11:16
rick_h_czajkowski: we've got to fix the urls again. Will hopefully have that updated soon11:16
rick_h_czajkowski: so https://jujucharms.com/precise/mongodb11:16
czajkowskirick_h_: hey there11:26
czajkowskithey were broken thursday evening and jcastro got them fixed11:26
rick_h_czajkowski: k11:29
czajkowskirick_h_: just we've been tweeting it and then the url is broken , didn't know who to poke11:33
czajkowskirick_h_: howdy doody :)11:33
AskUbuntuConfigure a container for using it with juju | http://askubuntu.com/q/34553517:20
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