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TsarObombais thgere a way to do a text based install on the desktop cd?01:37
TsarObombafor a remote server thatr runs kubuntu where the person wont be their to install tonight01:37
TsarObombah ecan start shh01:37
Greylocks_nick Greylocks01:38
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TsarObombaSorry got disconnected01:48
TsarObombaIs there a way to do a text install? OI know kubuntu doesnt have an alternate install iso like ubuntu, xubuntu, etc01:48
bazhangthere is no longer an alternate installer01:49
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal01:49
TsarObombabut not even a text one?01:49
bazhangtry the minimal01:49
TsarObombai dont see a minimal iso anymore01:49
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:49
bazhangthe minimal is flavor-less01:50
TsarObombai dont see a kubuntu mini01:53
bazhangit has no flavor, thats why01:54
TsarObombaiooh forget that then01:54
bazhangit's generic, you need to add the gnome/kde4 or whatever01:54
TsarObombahes gonan stick around to install01:54
TsarObombaya forget that02:00
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abhineetKDE shell is not my favourite although02:34
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cortexA9when the daily comes out ?05:21
cortexA9when the daily comes out ??05:29
valoriecortexA9: whenever it's done spinning05:30
valorienot sure what the schedule is, but it will vary by when launchpad is done with the processing05:31
roberth1990anybody but me who only comes to busybox when booting 13.10 install medium?05:39
valorieroberth1990: you are the only person I've ever seen mention it05:40
roberth1990valorie: odd...05:40
valoriemaybe explain what you mean by 'busybox'?05:40
roberth1990valorie: tried both beta1 and dailies05:41
roberth1990same thing05:41
roberth1990busybox is a shell05:41
roberth1990which kubuntu just boots into05:41
valorieprobably most here would not have tried such05:41
valorieyou might try #ubuntu+1 which specializes in that05:41
valoriealso if you look at the testing site, you might see some feedback there05:42
valoriereally that is where we need your input05:42
valorieroberth1990: it is awesome that you are testing05:45
roberth1990valorie: im not testing actually, 13.04 gives me issues with old software versions05:46
valorieif you are using it, you are testing05:47
valorieso it would be good if you reported your results, while you're at it05:47
valoriethe more reports we get, the better05:47
roberth1990the result will be that I use less backports05:48
roberth1990for example kde 4.11 isnt behaving nicely for me on 13.0405:49
valoriebug reports are welcome for all current versions05:50
valoriebut of course most welcome for the testing versions05:50
roberth1990I am not exactly any bug reporter05:58
roberth1990I only use *ubuntu because of an application which seems to be designed for *ubuntu05:59
valorieok, but filing bug reports do help improve the system06:03
valorieyour information is valuable06:03
roberth1990Ive never every filed a bug report to a large project that has been fixed06:03
valoriesome people don't realize that bug reports aren't complaints, but valuable info06:03
valoriesome aren't fixed, you are right06:04
roberth1990the problem for me is that my issues automatically gets back in the line, like I requested que sheet support for banshee in 2007 or something first now have they began working on it06:04
valorieand some are, but the report itself is never triaged, so it doesn't get reported back to ya06:05
valorieI think we are making cue sheets work in amarok again06:05
roberth1990well there you have bug reporting within open source software in a nutshell06:05
valoriesure, but there are only so many people willing to do reporting, triage, and testing06:06
* roberth1990 prefers MPD06:06
valoriedocumentation, etc.06:06
valoriesure, everyone should use what they like06:06
valoriethis isn't religion06:06
roberth1990religion shouldnt be chosen either by what you like06:07
roberth1990but going to try to install 13.10 one more time...06:07
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lordievaderGood morning.08:26
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Graf_WesterholtHello, roberth1990.11:11
roberth1990I am installing kubuntu 13.04 on an uefi machine, and I get "Executing 'grub-install dummy' failed. This is a fatal error." under the install and the installer crashes11:11
roberth1990Graf_Westerholt: guten dag(?)11:11
Graf_WesterholtGuten Tag, roberth1990. :)11:11
roberth1990nailed it almost dammit11:12
roberth1990anyone know what causes this?11:12
Graf_Westerholtroberth1990, sorry no.11:12
Graf_WesterholtDo you have "secure boot" disabled in the BIOS?11:12
Graf_WesterholtMaybe someone other can help you.11:13
roberth1990but it doesnt help for me11:18
roberth1990ohhh nm11:18
roberth1990if I make a fat32 partition, can I mount it so it can be used as efi partition?11:26
kerloiHi all. I just bought a new laptop with windows 8 installed on it. I want to get rid of that system and install kubuntu instead but for the first time since I'm using linux I'm having big troubles and I'm unable to solve them ....11:29
roberth1990that tip doesnt help11:29
kerloiI've deactivated the secure boot and created a live usb disque with kubuntu 13.04 using lili. When I boot on my usb hard drive grub start. Whatever the choice I make (start kubuntu or check disck) I have a black screen and that's it.11:30
kerloiI tried linux mint, it start but my touchpad bearly works ... I don't understand why ...11:32
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI11:33
kerloimonkeyjuice: Thx I'll check everything11:35
Roberth1990hello again11:46
Roberth1990tried that11:46
monkeyjuiceare you running archlinux Roberth1990?11:47
Roberth1990/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/efi/ (is /dev mounted?). I have mounted /dev/sda1 as /mnt/boot/efi, and chrooted to /mnt11:48
Roberth1990monkeyjuice: no but ubuntu does the same in this regard11:48
Roberth1990/dev/sda1 is formatted as an EFI partition by the installer11:48
monkeyjuicewhat is it that your trying to do?11:49
Roberth1990ẅell installing kubuntu 13.0411:51
monkeyjuiceon a uefi machine?11:52
Roberth1990and when the installer is installing grub to /dev/sda, and this comes up "Grub-install dummy failed"11:52
Roberth1990and the installer crashes and grub was never written to /dev/sda11:52
monkeyjuiceare you dual booting with win811:52
Roberth1990no turned of all that crap in uefi settings11:53
monkeyjuicehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI  have you looked at this?11:53
Roberth1990I allready asnwered you that indirectly11:54
monkeyjuiceok just checking 11:54
Roberth1990windows 8 has never even been installed on it11:54
monkeyjuiceoh i c11:54
Roberth1990legacy boot is disabled on uefi11:55
monkeyjuicei have not worked with uefi install  . so im not going to be able to help much , someone will come on tho11:56
monkeyjuicei guess i would double check things and start over11:56
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Roberth1990monkeyjuice: been there done that11:58
BluesKaj'Morning folks12:04
monkeyjuicemorning BluesKaj12:05
BluesKaj'Morning folks12:06
BluesKajhey monkeyjuice 12:06
aydjaymorningn BluesKaj12:06
BluesKajhi aydjay12:06
BluesKajI'm giving Linux Mint 15 a try , seems not too bad so far , a lot like kubuntu 13.04 , except for package management and default media player12:19
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ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!13:08
paul__123can anyone help me with the installation of kubuntu?13:28
BluesKajpaul__123, what's your issue ?13:30
paul__123i bought a new win 8 laptop13:30
paul__123not informed about uefi and stuff13:30
paul__123i see the procedure to install is different on win 813:31
paul__123no usual boot dvd installation13:31
paul__123is there an up-to-date guide13:32
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI13:34
paul__123reading it13:36
BluesKajpaul__123, , i'm not very knowlegeable about uefi , but there ppl at #ubuntu that do , suggest you join and ask there13:37
BluesKajat the uefi phase of installation whether the drsktop is kde or unity is immaterial , they're all just ubuntu at that level13:40
paul__123i am confused about the steps to make13:41
BluesKajso asking in ubuntu will give more responses 13:41
BluesKajjust tell them what is confusing to you 13:42
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kerloiHi again. Could anyone explain me how a kubuntu live usb disk may not start on a computer when you know that  : 1°) The disque can boot with virtual box 2°) it's  a 64 bits 13.04 distro 3°) If I make a linux mint in the usb disk it starts ...14:29
kerloiI'm trying to install kubuntu on my new laptop. Windows 8 is installed but I've disabled the secure boot and the fast boot options ...14:32
kerloiAnd still I cannot make the usb live disk boot14:32
kerloiwell it's not really working in virtual box. Sometimes it starts sometimes not and graphics sometimes crash ...14:38
BluesKaj!uefi | kerloi14:41
ubottukerloi: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:41
kerloiBluesKaj: Thanks but I've already done that14:43
kerloiI can't go through step 3 because the live usb doesn't start14:44
BluesKajkerloi, better to ask in #ubuntu then , it's much more populated 14:44
kerloiBluesKaj: ok thx14:44
BluesKajkerloi, better chance of getting an answer that works there 14:46
BluesKajthe desktop etc is immaterial at this stage14:47
aydjayI seem to have lost my minimize/maximize buttons on a reboot. Any suggestions?16:05
oeiii'm buying this small/weak computer: http://www.ldlc.com/fiche/PB00149165.html is it fine to install kubuntu 13.04 and latest kde on that, or should i install something else? thanks16:24
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ScuniziI don't know if it's related but lately on the 3.2.0-48 & 3.2.0-49 kernel when I reboot I have to manually start the GUI and also nepomuk indexer is crashing continuously.  Is there a fix for either or both? (Ubuntu 13.04 w/ latest backported upgrades for kubuntu desktop17:55
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ScuniziI don't know if it's related but lately on the 3.2.0-48 & 3.2.0-49 kernel when I reboot I have to manually start the GUI and also nepomuk indexer is crashing continuously.  Is there a fix for either or both? (Ubuntu 13.04 w/ latest backported upgrades for kubuntu desktop18:17
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Guest67291selam .18:52
Guest67291nasıl oluyor burda işler ;)18:52
yumboxGuest67291: Only English please18:52
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.18:53
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reindeerQ: Hi! Need help with a bash one-liner that would write named {0..1000} empty files to a drive, using dd as long as there is free space left? like 0001.dat..0002.dat, with size determined by bs=xxx count=, any help?20:27
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ikoniareindeer: try #bash 20:33
reindeeroh.. sure20:34
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chesterinteresno a zachem syolko naroda esli vse molchat21:33
chesternashih pohodu sovsem net21:37
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.21:37
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FlyingFoXI m using kubuntu 12.04 and my flash player crashes very often, when viewing youtube videos is there something i can do to fix that?23:10
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valorieFlyingFoX: what I did was change to chromium23:20
FlyingFoXthats probably not an option as i use firefox and its sync option rather heavily23:21
valorieafter so many years with Moz/FF, it still feels sad23:21
valorieI felt the same way23:23
valoriebut the last crash, I was done23:23
FlyingFoXchromium seems to have the same problem. videos there just crash after 1 sec or 2 of playing as well.23:24
valorieFlyingFoX: also, I have an android phone, and find the google 'sync across all devices' works better than FF sync ever did23:34

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