
NoskcajIs an anti-bitesize tag? I.E. You can't fix this bug unless you have a complete knowledge of C++, debhelper and symbols files?01:13
NoskcajI'm only half joking01:13
wagafoSomebody knowledgeable in update-manager may be can take a look to comment 3 in bug 294139? It seems to have a clear description of the problem if it still there in the current code.12:26
ubot2`Launchpad bug 294139 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "update-manager fail release upgrade if using apt-cacher " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29413912:26
penguin42wagafo: I don't know anything about apt-cacher to be honest, but can you just clarify which version you says it's still present in12:30
wagafopenguin42: sorry just saw your message. The description reported is for the quantal version 1:0.174.314:25
wagafopenguin42: the original report is for a much older version, so it seems the problem has been around for some quite time14:25
penguin42wagafo: but it's said to still happen in current code - was Quantal what you tested on?15:31
wagafo_penguin42: I'm not the OP, I'm just triaging the bug, I was just asking because it seemed to me quite straightforward what comment 3 describes15:34
penguin42wagafo_: so is it update-manager or apt-cacher that needs fixing15:35
wagafo_<penguin42> It seems that comment 3 is on apt-cacher15:37
penguin42wagafo_: right, so I don't know enough about it - if it's just one doesn't work with the other then perhaps it doesn't matter, or should we add an apt-cacher bug for it?15:38
wagafo_penguin42: I think it is already filed also against apt-cacher, but if not I will add it to the bug, thanks anyway for your interest15:41
penguin42no problem15:41
TheLordOfTimeso... a bug day today?16:14
TheLordOfTime(see the bugsquad list)16:15
chilicuilyep TheLordOfTime, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2013091416:15
smartboyhwTime to squash bugs people16:15
TheLordOfTimechilicuil, i'm assuming that it'd be a good idea to make myself available for bugcontrol stuffs :P16:15
smartboyhwTheLordOfTime, you should be able to kill 100 of those within 1 hour;)16:15
TheLordOfTimesmartboyhw, ehhhh16:15
* penguin42 hands out the fly swatters16:15
TheLordOfTimei can't actually...16:15
* smartboyhw suddenly realizes he's bug control member now-.-16:16
smartboyhwUh oh16:16
* smartboyhw hides16:16
chilicuilsmartboyhw: then, forget the idea about going to sleep =)16:16
TheLordOfTimesmartboyhw, i'm actually a little busyish but around...16:16
* penguin42 hands smartboyhw a much larger fly swatter16:16
TheLordOfTimesmartboyhw, side effect of being forced to upgrade 12 servers remotely :/16:16
smartboyhwchilicuil, I care about my sleep than computer bugs, sorry;P16:16
smartboyhwTheLordOfTime, congratulations16:16
* TheLordOfTime is available to help with setting bug stuff that requires bug control presence, but not much else today16:17
TheLordOfTimethat, and I'm installing Ubuntu on another system, so...16:17
chilicuilsmartboyhw: x_x16:17
smartboyhwchilicuil, I do take care of myself.16:17
chilicuilsmartboyhw: x_x16:17
smartboyhwIf I don't take care of myself, then I won't be able to contribute to Ubuntu at al.16:18
chilicuilsmartboyhw: haha, that's fine =D16:18
chilicuilanyway, I'm going out now to give brochures away, http://spreadubuntu.neomenlo.org/es/material/brochure/ubuntu-brochure-triptico, I'll squash bugs in the afternoon16:19
TheLordOfTimechilicuil, i'll stick around to help out with the bug control stuff.  I even sent an email out that I'll try and make myself available.16:20
TheLordOfTimebut i can't confirm bugs today... got to get Ubuntu onto the new system!16:20
chilicuilTheLordOfTime: cool, I know who to bug then =)16:21
TheLordOfTimechilicuil, heh16:21
TheLordOfTimedon't innundate me with bugcontrol stuff, I do have to work on 5 nginx bugs and prioritize them :/16:21
chilicuilTheLordOfTime: lol, I wont =)16:22
TheLordOfTimei'll help out, but i do have my own crap too.16:23
TheLordOfTimegeez, download faster, Ubuntu ISO :/16:23
chilicuilTheLordOfTime: if you usually install new systems, you should invest time in pxe + preseed + puppet16:25
TheLordOfTimechilicuil, it's not normal for me to install a new system16:26
TheLordOfTimechilicuil, this is what happened: previous laptop replaced, new laptop has windows, install Ubuntu for dualboot.16:26
chilicuilTheLordOfTime: ahh, then it's fine16:26
TheLordOfTimechilicuil, it's a "rare instance" where i have to install things :/16:26
TheLordOfTime... speaking of which i need to clone my settings for programs...16:26
TheLordOfTimeand grab /etc/apt/* and a list of packages installed...16:26
TheLordOfTimerandom question for people here who know, since i need to lurk this channel today: anyone know how I can export a list of the packages installed?16:30
penguin42oh hmm yeh there is a way of doing that16:31
penguin42I can't remember it though, I've heard it used to do bootstrapping16:32
penguin42TheLordOfTime: I mean dpkg -l   is the simplest16:32
TheLordOfTimepenguin42, yeah, i'll drop a question into the #ubuntu channel see if I get anything16:33
TheLordOfTimeor check ask ubuntu or the forums :P16:33
penguin42TheLordOfTime: I think it's dpkg --get-selections I was thinking of16:34
wagafo_TheLordOfTime: Yes, dpkg --get-selections > installed-software will create a txt file for you16:35
f-jackhey im doing global jam how do i mark the bug on the global jam wiki page as done16:44
jack_ i need to mark a bug off this list can you tell me how https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20130914#preview16:53
TheLordOfTimeif you don't stay connected, we can't xD16:57
jack__ I have confirmed this bug and triaged it. I am a member of bug squad so i need bug control to mark it as triaged https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/106179217:05
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1061792 in unity (Ubuntu) "Memory Leak in Unity (Compiz)" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:06
penguin42can someone nail him to the channel next time17:07
TheLordOfTimepenguin42, i wish17:08
TheLordOfTimejack__, stick around dude17:08
TheLordOfTimewe cna't help you if you quit all the time17:08
jack__xchat forced closed17:08
jack__I'm back17:08
TheLordOfTimecool.  stick around though, because you can stay in this channel all you want17:09
TheLordOfTimepenguin42, you can handle changing that bug?17:09
* TheLordOfTime is currently eating a sandwich17:09
penguin42jack__: OK, so what priority ?17:09
penguin42TheLordOfTime: What type?17:09
TheLordOfTimepenguin42, ham + cheese cold cuts + mayo + mustard + hawaiian sweet buns.17:09
jack__Its a memory leak so i think it should be medium priority i went and it like slowed my system down17:10
TheLordOfTimereference for importance: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance17:10
TheLordOfTime... this sandwich is delicious... *shifts attention away from IRC*17:11
jack__Wouldnt it be critical it causes the system to lock up17:12
penguin42jack__: Well does it - I mean there are lots of leaks, but is this a slow leak or a fast leak?  If it's a slow leak will it actually eventually cause it to lock up or just gently swap along?17:13
penguin42jack__: Also is there really enough there to make it triaged?17:13
jack__Theres like how to reproduce the bug like exactly apport logs17:14
jack__Im just bug squad this is my first time doing this17:14
jack__ And i filed the swap in  30 minutes. Do you think theres enough to mark it17:16
penguin42jack__: You managed it in 30mins? The last person commenting on there said it took 2 days?17:16
jack__I knew what i was doing17:16
penguin42haha - so when that happened which process used all your ram?17:17
penguin42jack__: ok, so add some comments in there to say how you managed to get it to fail in 30mins; that's the type of thing you want to be able to get to the state where 'developers can start fixing the problem right away' which I'd say you want for triaged17:18
TheLordOfTimepenguin42, you're on duty for a while17:18
* TheLordOfTime has to deal with broken glasses now since he kinda sat on them :/17:18
TheLordOfTime*back later*17:18
penguin42jack__: Because a bug that a developer can repeat in 30mins is great for a developer, one that fails after 2 days is well not very nice!17:18
penguin42TheLordOfTime: I'd blame the mayo17:19
TheLordOfTimepenguin42, i blame not having coffee :/17:19
jack__who needs coffee red bull is better17:21
jack__Hey whats the command to have apport collect for a certain bug17:22
TheLordOfTimejack__, people like me need coffee :p17:22
TheLordOfTimebecause redbull is bleh17:22
TheLordOfTimebesides, i get coffee from a local coffee roasters at a discount :P17:23
jack__penguin42:  whats the command to get apport to collect for a certain bug17:25
penguin42jack__: I think it's apport -c from memory - but be careful about adding logs to someone elses bug, it's a bit unusual17:27
jack__im not adding logs i need someone to run it17:27
penguin42ah, just apport-collect bugnumber17:28
=== lordsame is now known as SergioMeneses

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