
linuxtechjose: Today the calendar showed Juju Charm School at http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar/ and that didn't happen...  marcoceppi pointed me to https://juju.ubuntu.com/events/ to find the upcoming events.06:42
linuxtechjose: Jono Bacon @ home is listed at  http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars/ on Wednesdays and the details link shows it being hosted on Ustream, and it is no longer broadcast here.  Can you fix that one also?06:42
dakersmartboyhw: congrats for joining the kubuntu dev team12:58
joselinuxtech: thank you for the details. I needed the heads-up on the charm school time change, and about Jono's one, it's being hosted at ubuntuonair :)13:18
josemarcoceppi: are you still hosting the ubuntuonair sessions regularly? and are you doing it on #juju or #ubuntu-on-air? the latter has a questions bot13:20
marcoceppijose: we do them every two weeks, directing everyone to go to #juju15:55
marcoceppijose: we rarely get questions, so we don't need a question bot per se15:55
joseok, so I'll change the channel to #juju and make sure webchat is set to #juju before leaving for school on fridays :)15:56
marcoceppijose: thanks!15:56
josesure :)15:57
chilicuilhappy ubuntu global jam =D16:04
smartboyhwHappy Ubuntu Global Jam indeed16:05
chilicuilsmartboyhw: =)16:05
SergioMeneseschilicuil, smartboyhw \o/16:11
chilicuilSergioMeneses: =D16:11
SergioMeneseschilicuil, smartboyhw  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20130914#preview16:22
chilicuilSergioMeneses: yep, we've work to do!16:22
SergioMenesesI think so16:23
AskUbuntuCommunity Not There | http://askubuntu.com/q/34553116:58
=== lordsame is now known as SergioMeneses

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