
darkxstjbicha, any idea on this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6104366/02:56
darkxstthat is building folks btw02:57
bjsnideri'm assuming that's not actually true and the header is really there03:01
darkxstof course the header is there, but its looking for a system installed header which is not there!03:07
bjsnideryou're building folks-telepathy and it need flks-dev03:09
bjsnideroh, i see, it's all in the same tarball03:10
bjsniderfrustrating to try to browse the git version of that file, because it doesn't exist03:17
bjsnideri guess it's the whole vala thing03:17
bjsnidermight be useful to see if that file's changed in any way in between releases03:18
darkxstwell there is https://git.gnome.org/browse/folks/commit/?id=311690817f40affee131cbd64870f9f5c4d32196 which was supposed to fix this very issue03:21
FiremanEdbug 122457403:23
ubot5`Error: Launchpad bug 1224574 could not be found03:23
bjsniderso i wonder if the path was just folks.h in that case would it work03:24
darkxstnah, its probably needs something added to Makefile.am, but I have no idea what03:35
darkxstFiremanEd, that is a private bug, no one can see it!03:37
bjsnideri guess it would build with the headers for folks 9.403:37
bjsnideralthough it would break because of symbol mismatches and whatnot03:37
darkxstsure, but can't do that, Ubuntu packages build in a sandbox03:37
bjsnider9.4 built fine?03:38
darkxst0.9.2 was the last version03:38
darkxst(in ubuntu archives)03:38
bjsnideroh, that's a big gap03:38
bjsniderthat sucks03:38
bjsnidercould be all kinds of stuff different03:39
darkxstthere were api breaks after 0.9.203:39
bjsniderbetter get in touch with gnome devs about it03:39
darkxstit requires e-d-s 3.9 for one03:39
darkxstyeh I filed a upstream bug03:39
bjsnider2 to 5, i mean that's a lot of changes03:40
bjsniderwait, only 3 months03:41
bjsnideronly 3 weeks between 4 and 503:42
darkxstyeh they are just development releases, inline with 3.903:44
jbichaI don't think folks actually needs e-d-s 3.9 (try patching the bumped requirement out of configure.ac)03:46
darkxstjbicha, https://git.gnome.org/browse/folks/commit/?id=57621de89d49b06a1db7436de346afdd866b163703:51
=== Ashok is now known as Guest95834
Guest95834i have followed this link to install gnome3... but after rebooting , the screen looks same that comes originally with ubuntu 13.0414:55
Guest95834i have followed method 1 to install gnome 314:56
Guest95834anyone online.... ?14:58
xan_IThi to all, there is a bug that i think is in gnome3 ppa, any help here?16:18
xan_ITwhen i try to enable gedit plugin16:19
xan_ITwhen i try to enable gedit-latex plugin16:33
jbichayeah, gedit-latex is broken in saucy16:37
xan_ITi use 12.0416:41
xan_ITjbicha it's normal?16:45
jbichaok, if you're using 13.04 with the gnome3 ppa, gedit-latex is broken16:45
xan_ITi use 13.04 with gnome3 ppa16:46
jbichaI think the gedit-latex developers aren't even using gedit 3.8 themselves yet and are unaware that their plugin isn't working16:46
xan_ITthe version inside universe is the last?16:47
jbichano, but since 3.8.0 doesn't work either I didn't bother uploading it16:48
xan_ITjbicha you are sure that doesent works on 13.04 gnome3ppa? here https://git.gnome.org/browse/gedit-latex/tree/NEWS here are wrote Port to python 3,16:57
xan_ITit's not that the problem?16:57
jbichathey didn't finish the port17:00
xan_ITok, sorry for time17:01
darkxstthere is no network icon on the live cd now ;(23:36
darkxstjbicha, oh network-manager is missing23:43
darkxstbut installing it pulls in network-manager-gnome ;(23:43
bjsniderthat could be a bit of a problem23:55

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