
rafael_carrerasCatalan LoCo Team starts with Ubuntu GLobal Jam09:07
KitchenerJamHi everyone! Is there an IRC channel or Google Hangout for UbuntuGlobalJam?15:41
smartboyhwUm, no.15:46
smartboyhwczajkowski, coolbhavi SergioMeneses: Maybe there should be a Hangout or IRC channel next time15:47
coolbhavismartboyhw, what happened?15:47
smartboyhwcoolbhavi, KitchenerJam was asking if there is an IRC channel or Google Hangout for the Ubuntu Global Jam15:47
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, hangout?15:48
smartboyhwSergioMeneses, don't tell me you don't know what's that-.-15:48
SergioMenesesI do15:48
coolbhavismartboyhw, you can still login to the locoteam channel in the particular region and participate in UGJ15:49
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, jams are local events, if any LoCo wants to use hangouts I dont see the problem15:49
coolbhaviKitchenerJam, which area are you living in?15:50
coolbhaviSergioMeneses, +115:50
smartboyhwcoolbhavi, SergioMeneses I think you misunderstood, KitchenerJam wants a general IRC channel/G+ Hangouts for everyone, not for the LoCo event in his country (at least, that's what I thought)15:50
KitchenerJamThanx smartboyhw coolbhavi SergioMeneses !  I'm in #ubuntu-ca and #ubuntu-ca-kw15:51
KitchenerJamBut yes, I'm after a general channel for a _global_ jam15:52
KitchenerJam(this is BobJonkman, BTW)15:52
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, there is not exits, a general channel like #something-jam15:52
SergioMenesesKitchenerJam, oh 15:52
SergioMenesesKitchenerJam, some LoCos are working on global jam using their IRC channels but there is not a general channel 15:53
smartboyhwTechnically, this IS a global channel;015:54
coolbhaviyes since they local events, many locos use their IRC channels to jam :-) 15:54
KitchenerJamOK, we can use #ubuntu-locoteams15:54
KitchenerJamIt was kinda quiet in here anyway15:54
SergioMenesesKitchenerJam, smartboyhw that is right but there is not a jam right now - thats my point15:55
SergioMenesesbut we can do it next time15:55
SergioMenesesor you can share a proposal about it :)15:55
coolbhavismartboyhw, KitchenerJam I think this channel was intended to answer and support queries of loco teams but yes you can share your thoughts too on the lc mailing list :)15:56
SergioMenesescommandoline, KitchenerJam smartboyhw but it is an interesting idea15:59
SergioMenesesI like it15:59
KitchenerJamI'll make the proposal on the LC mailing list.16:07
SergioMenesesKitchenerJam, send it to loco-contact as well 16:07
KitchenerJamSergioMeneses: Will do16:16
SergioMenesesKitchenerJam, perfect! thanks a lot16:18
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, ↑↑↑16:18
smartboyhwSergioMeneses, :)16:18
BobJonkmanHey Everybodeee! Got some pictures at the KitchenerJam  http://pix.ie/ubuntuca/album/475387/detailed16:37
SergioMenesesBobJonkman, great!16:38
KitchenerJamAruna will be uploading some more shortly16:43
BobJonkmanA few more pics: https://twitter.com/chaslinux/status/378910396020953088/photo/1 and https://twitter.com/chaslinux/status/378911062307123200/photo/117:54
czajkowskiBobJonkman: cool18:40
=== lordsame is now known as SergioMeneses

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