
HowdyDoodyI setup my monitor to run on 75khz. Now it has change the refresh rate by itself to 83.3Khz and monitor refuses to display.   Is there a command line way to change the refresh rate of a monitor/card system ?  Ctrl-ALT-F3 gives me a prompt, but what to do to change refresh rate ?00:30
waltmanHowdyDoody: These days I just let X autoconfig and let it use whatever refresh rate it wants to. Why do you want to use 75 khz?00:34
HowdyDoodyCause it was trying to use 60 and was blinky.00:35
waltmanIs it an old card and/or monitor?00:37
HowdyDoodyHmmm, may be mixing up my Hz and kHz     got 60 wanted 75 Hz and set it there.   Take out of screen saver mode later and get monitor message that can't display 83.3 kHz/300 Hz out of scan range00:37
waltmanX reads a config file when it starts up, but trying to tweak the monitor settings there is nontrivial.00:39
HowdyDoodyold Nvidia  uses 173 driver PNY nvidia GeForce 8500 GT00:39
HowdyDoodyX used to read a config file until ubuntu took it out a couple or so versions ago.00:40
waltmanAh, then I *really* don't know the answer. :(00:40
waltmanI was just trying to cover the simple  fixes, but it seems clear now that you're already aware of them.00:41
waltmanOh well, it's Friday night and also a Jewish holiday. Maybe someone will come around later who can help.00:42
HowdyDoodyI used to tweek that x file until ubuntu took it away.00:42
HowdyDoodyIf you're Jewish, shouldn't you be offline since sundown ?00:43
waltmanit's got to save the settings *somewhere* thought, right? :)00:43
waltmanI'm not Jewish, hence not offline :)00:43
HowdyDoody(08:43:35 PM) waltman: it's got to save the settings *somewhere* thought, right? :)   <-- I thought so too back then, others said use Compiz or nvidia app.  But both are GUI.   Is there a command line to card -->do default, NOW !   Then I could go back to GUI to fix again.00:47
waltmansorry, I've exhausted all of my suggestions00:48
HowdyDoodyWhat about the rest of you all ?  All sawin' zzzz's ?00:49
jedijfHowdyDoody: xrandr01:06
jedijfHowdyDoody: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution01:06
HowdyDoody$ xrandr    <--- can't open display01:09
jedijfahh - alt ctl f701:11
jedijfthen open terminal01:11
jedijfyou were in console, there is no X in 1-6 *console*01:11
HowdyDoodyso xrandr only works on consoles with GUI running in them ?01:23
HowdyDoody$ mv ~/.config/monitorsd.xml ~/.config/monitorsdold.xml    instead of rm01:24
HowdyDoodyThat got gui working again.01:25
HowdyDoodyODD though the window for Pidgin is all grey, no text.   All other windows working ok.01:26
HowdyDoodyAfter Loooongg while, Pidgin goes white for 3 seconds, then back to grey.01:35
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square-r00tHowdyDoody: library issue or I/O load is my guess05:36
HowdyDoodysquare-r00t: I see InHisName is still in the room, that's the machine behaving grey/white cycles.  It is in some kind of overload like you suggested, but not enough to kick out my presence in the chat room yet.  Just for the practice of things, is there a way to fix it without terminating Pidgin and restarting it ?  Someday this may occur again and I may not have a duplicate cnx to all chats like myself in my backup machine06:10
square-r00tthat is... the wrong paste.06:30
square-r00tfor I/O stuff specifically, iotop is pretty handy. http://www.cyberciti.biz/hardware/linux-iotop-simple-top-like-io-monitor/06:31
HowdyDoodytop shows 1. pidgin, 2 firefox, 3. compiz, 4. xorg (mostly), 5. varies  with pidgin taking 99+% of cpu07:11
HowdyDoodysudo iotop --only, shows only firefox items (2) plus occasionally [jbd2/dm - numbers]07:13
HowdyDoodyIs pidgin too far gone to save ?07:13
square-r00tit's still UP? yeah, kill it man07:19
square-r00tpkill pidgin07:19
square-r00tif it doesn't die, pkill -9 pidgin07:19
HowdyDoodywow, nother new command -->pkill   ===  pkill  will  send  the  specified  signal  (by default SIGTERM) to each process instead of listing them on stdout.       %% Nifty07:27
HowdyDoodywatch for InHisName to disappear for a few moments.07:27
square-r00tpkill lets you kill by program name instead of PID. :)07:28
square-r00tyou can also use killall - on LINUX. on older bsd variants / other unices it does something entiiiiirely different.07:29
square-r00tif you need to run the command from the same machine in the future, you can either run it as one-off (alt+f2 if enabled in your DE) and run the command there, open a terminal (the command to open a terminal window in that shortcut alt+f2 box is gnome-terminal), or switch to a TTY if your entire DE is locked up (ctrl+alt+f1, login- alt+f7 is usually how to get back to your desktop interface. may be alt+f6, may be alt+f8, etc.)07:33
InHisNameMine is the f7 one when I want to switch back.07:36
InHisNameIt wasn't all that bad.  Missed out on 1 min 58 seconds worth of chat.    It plays old history last captured along with new stuff.07:36
square-r00tit usually will be f7, yeah. it can be f8, f9, etc. if X crashes but recovers07:37
HowdyDoodyIt's gettin' late, need my 2nd nap to finish sleeping, so's I wont be sleepy all day.07:39
jedijfsquare-r00t: for future assistance they get 6 consoles f1-6 all flavors ubu - good work11:02
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