
smartboyhwJackYu, ypwong ping15:10
ypwongsmartboyhw, pong15:11
ypwongwhat's up15:11
smartboyhwypwong, why are you using archive.ubuntukylin.com for youker-assistant recommends?15:12
smartboyhw(Instead of archive.ubuntu.com)15:12
ypwongsmartboyhw, well, i just know it on friday.15:13
smartboyhwI don't think you are allowed to use your own archive...15:14
smartboyhwTechnically, all approved flavours should only ship things in archive.ubuntu.com15:14
ypwongsmartboyhw, yes I'm wondering too15:14
ypwongyes you're right15:15
smartboyhwypwong, BTW I'm now a Kubuntu Dev:P15:15
ypwongsmartboyhw, eh? congrats!15:15
ypwongwhat have you done for kubuntu?15:15
smartboyhwypwong, a lot of packaging:P15:16
ypwongsmartboyhw, wonderful, how many?15:17
smartboyhwypwong, I lost count, but over > 80 uploads (at least)15:17
ypwongsmartboyhw, 80 uploadds not 80 packages?15:17
ypwongBut that's still a lot even for uploads :)15:18
smartboyhwypwong, I seriously don't know:P15:18
happyaroncontributions are first counted using uploads, unless significant to a wide range of stuff (then no need for counts)15:18
happyaronso 80 uploads is still a lot of thing, congrats smartboyhw15:19
happyaronI've got ubuntukylin-dev PPU last week, btw, :)15:19
ypwonghappyaron, hey good evening15:19
ypwongcongrats to you too15:19
* happyaron is working on fcitx-qimpanel right now, sorry for the overdue...15:20
smartboyhwhappyaron, congratulations. Maybe you should explain why we have archive.ubuntukylin.com?15:20
happyaronsmartboyhw: I'm not sure, I know it even later.15:20
smartboyhwhappyaron, huh15:21
smartboyhwWhat, we are all tricked!?15:21
happyaronsmartboyhw: maybe you need to ask JackYu ...15:21
smartboyhwhappyaron, which i did15:21
smartboyhwJust waiting for him to reply15:21
happyaronso let's wait him15:21

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