
Kaeinhello? Can someone assist me with a 13.04 issue00:20
ninnnuTry #ubuntu00:21
ninnnuThis isn't really a support channel00:21
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josehey guys, I've checked the #ubuntu-uds ACL out of curiosity and figured out that entry 7 is following the old dual cloak format - should be *!*@*/ubuntu.* instead of *!*@*/ubuntu.member.*14:08
Myrttimany people still have the old format cloak tho14:34
Myrttiwell, I don't know about many but I doubt they've been actively changed14:34
joseyeah, but wouldn't ubuntu.* include those people too?14:39
MyrttiI suppose14:41
MyrttiI didn't quite think that far ahead14:41
josewell :)14:42
AlanBelljose: fixed :)14:45
josegreat, thanks AlanBell! :)14:45
josebtw, mind a quick PM?14:45
Genyaranyone here?22:31
GenyarWhat's the email address of the IRC Council?22:32

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