
DandelI'd like to talk to one of the nexus 7 (Grouper) developers to see about helping with some of the development.01:00
AskUbuntuHow do I connect to my Verizon AC30 Fivespot device via mobile broadband? | http://askubuntu.com/q/34567601:22
imanustmaihas anyone installed ubuntu touch on a TF201 before?01:32
Dandelimanustmai, I doubt that someone has placed ubuntu on the asus eee pad device.02:38
imanustmaihow come?02:39
Dandelmost likely none of the developers has one to place ubuntu on it.02:39
Dandelhowever your device may prove useful for me to reconstruct the kernel on a device where the oem is currently not released the gpl code for it.02:40
imanustmaiI see02:40
imanustmailets experiment02:41
Dandelimanustmai, would ya mind providing the information I was going to ask a nexus 7 owner?02:43
imanustmaigo ahead02:43
Dandelfirst is a dmesg log from the device02:43
Dandelthen the contents of these files ( cat result over adb should do ): /proc/cpuinfo /sys/kernel/debug/gpio /sys/kernel/debug/tegra_gpio /sys/kernel/debug/tegra_pinmux /sys/kernel/debug/tegra_pinmux_drive02:44
Dandeland lastly the contents of /proc/config.gz ( may have different name depending on kernel config )02:44
Dandelthis will get a general profile of the asus tablet02:45
Dandeland this is specific for tegra based devices.02:45
PomoneI am trying to install Ubuntu Touch on my Galaxy Nexus, if anyone could help me it would be appreciated03:25
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sarnoldhey folks, trying an install on a nexus 4, 'adb backup' doesn't work, 'adb devices' reports "... offline"04:50
Dandelsarnold, did you enable debugging on the nexus 4?04:53
geniiAlso getting the charge-only cables mixed up with the data cables happens occasionally04:54
sarnoldDandel: yeah, and when I connect the usb I get a nice little notification in the notification center, "USB degugging connected"04:54
sarnoldgenii: ooh. I just grabbed my google-provided charging cable.04:54
Dandelsarnold, often times the charging cable works just fine for data... can you access the sdcard for the phone on your pc?04:55
sarnoldHA! rather. I had to actually unlock the phone to see a dialog box prompting me for some details.04:55
Dandelthat also happens :)04:55
sarnoldwoo, backup running, thanks :)04:56
sarnoldgenii,Dandel, sweet, image flashed! thanks for the help, time to turn of the computer and goof around with my new phone :D05:17
Dandelsarnold, your welcome05:17
hari_i need ubuntu touchfor tab 2 p310006:15
AskUbuntuWhy Ubuntu Mobile apps are from Qt? | http://askubuntu.com/q/34576707:10
auronandaceAskUbuntu: qt isn't a language, its a toolkit07:14
smartboyhwauronandace, please answer it in the question itself, AskUbuntu is just a bot.07:15
auronandacesmartboyhw: my mistake, thanks07:15
j4b3rcan install ubuntu touch from cwm on nexus 4?07:37
wellsbj4b3r: It's best to follow these instructions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install07:39
j4b3ri follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install but not happening07:59
j4b3ri flash the orginal recovery feom google07:59
smartboyhwj4b3r, which device are you using?08:10
j4b3rدثطعس ۴08:17
j4b3rnexus 408:17
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user82_is there a gui config method for 3g networks yet?12:05
AskUbuntuubuntu update for samsung | http://askubuntu.com/q/34577412:06
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AskUbuntuUbuntu Touch SDK - qmake problem | http://askubuntu.com/q/34588915:06
harrishey if my tab is under the Working, but not available from cdimage.ubuntu.com how do i get it now15:18
iBotPeachesanders3408|afk: very nice :p15:19
harrishey if my tab is under the Working, but not available from cdimage.ubuntu.com how do i get it now15:20
cjohnstonharris: you just asked two minutes ago, its a weekend, and you didn't provide a whole lot of information about what your wanting help with. I have no example what my tab is under the Working means15:21
harrismy tablet is the galaxy tab 2 10.1 wifi only gtp511015:22
harrisit is listed under Working, but not available from cdimage.ubuntu.com15:22
cjohnstonDid you follow the instructions harris ?15:23
cjohnstonFor your device15:23
harrisi cant find anty15:23
cjohnstonhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices  read that and it will tell you what's on cdimage and give links to instructions for other devices15:24
harrismine isnt on cd image15:25
harrisso how do i get it15:25
cjohnston"...and give links to instructions for other devices"15:25
cjohnstonThat's the page15:27
harrisok but nothing is filled in15:27
cjohnstonI see a link for 'Code/Image'15:28
cjohnstonThat'd be where I'd start15:28
harrisi have never installed other os before15:29
harrisis this not official15:30
harrisand what works and what doesnt15:30
cjohnstonThe only ones that are official are the ones on cdimage15:30
harriswill mine ever be there15:31
cjohnstonEverything else is community maintained and you would be better off discussing with the people who do maintain it15:31
cjohnstonTo my knowledge at the present time there are no plans to expand past the 4 that are official.15:31
matanyahello, is it possible to run ubuntu on a tablet, not alongside android16:26
coolthundertrying to install ubuntu touch on nexus 7 wifi(2012) grouper17:22
coolthundergetting installation error17:22
coolthunderphablet-flash:Command 'adb shell mount /sdcard/' returned non-zero exit status 25517:23
coolthunderplease help :)17:24
coolthundertried instaaling clockwork mod recovery and flashing17:24
coolthundergot THIS error now17:25
coolthunderphablet-flash:Command 'adb shell mount /sdcard/' returned non-zero exit status 25517:25
coolthundererror: insufficient permissions for device17:25
Tassadar_try to run adb as root: adb kill-server && sudo adb start-server17:27
popeycoolthunder: also, what command are you issuing ?17:30
coolthundersudo phablet-flash cdimage-touch -d grouper17:37
coolthunderwell.. it did flash touch onto my device..but now it boots straight back to android17:37
popeyyou probably want -b in there too17:38
popeyand no sudo17:38
popeyphablet-flash cdimage-touch -b -d grouper17:38
coolthunderok... this is gonna take a looooooong time i guess... net is slow here today :/17:40
popeycoolthunder: i cant help you with that, sorry ☻17:54
coolthunderthanks a ton guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!18:39
coolthunderit worked!!!!!!!!18:39
timppaCan anyone help me regarding QtCreator problems?18:39
timppaas of today I cannot run software on device anymore;18:40
timppa[21:38:11] bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Invalid argument18:40
timppabash: no job control in this shell18:40
timppa[21:38:12] QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display18:40
timppa[21:38:13] bash: [2323: 3 (255)] tcsetattr: Invalid argument18:40
timppaI can only see the above lines in messages window18:41
timppaCtrl+R works so I can run the app on desktop18:41
nik90_timppa: that's a known bug. I reported it 2 days back18:41
timppaah, ok18:41
timppaany workaround available?18:42
nik90_timppa: https://bugs.launchpad.net/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/+bug/122517818:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1225178 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu "Cannot launch application through qtcreator" [Critical,Confirmed]18:42
nik90_timppa: it copies the files to /dev_tmp folder on your phone18:42
nik90_timppa: you can navigate there and execute it manually18:42
nik90_timppa: it is not really easy doing that using the touch keyboard, but a hard workaround nonetheless18:43
nik90_timppa: marked critical, so expect a fix very soon18:43
timppaok, it seems to be there18:43
timppaI will try to manage until a fix is committed.18:43
timppaThanks a ton!18:43
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UbuntuFanNexus 7 2013 ubuntu install quantal.... grouper.zip error status 7 please help21:46
popeyUbuntuFan: i dont think we support the 2013 nexus 721:49
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee

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