
jrwrenrick_h_: ceph instead of postgresql?02:12
rick_h_jrwren: ceph instead of swift02:21
brousch1I'm going to submit my PyOhio Kivy tutorial to pycon as a tutorial. They have 3 hour long slots, and the presenter is compensated15:46
brousch1I have more material to add to it, too15:47
rick_h_brousch1: coolio20:52
brousch1I did  it20:53
jrwrenoh, we arelady have the swift up and running.21:16
rick_h_jrwren: all good, was just poking as ceph > swift21:17
gamerchick02the swift? i've managed to miss a lot...21:41
cmaloneyI'm semi-jamming22:12
cmaloneyManaged to find a cold and hold on to it22:12
rick_h_hah, woot22:18

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