
gfallbackjcbvwhats the best 99 dollar keyboard for linux02:50
Cbass2401I has question.03:06
Cbass2401Are Ubuntu Studio versions commonly released at about the same time Ubuntu versions are released?03:07
holsteinCbass2401: ubuntustudio *is* ubuntu.. just customized.. same sources and default repositories.. same schedule03:08
Cbass2401Oh, awesome03:09
Cbass2401Thing is I use Ubuntu, and have recently thought about giving Ubuntu Studio a try, so I dunno if I should isntall 13.04 or wait until 13.1003:10
holsteinCbass2401: try either live.. or just add what you want to use to main ubuntu03:10
holsteinCbass2401: you can just fire up an ubuntustudio live cd and check it out, or install the software you want to use from our packages into ubuntu right now, since the sources are the same03:11
Cbass2401Yeah, I think I'll do that...03:11
Cbass2401By the way, how well does Ubuntu Studio work with not-so-powerful PC's?03:12
holsteinCbass2401: nothing in the lines of software makes your machine any more than it is03:12
holsteinCbass2401: xfce is one of the lighter-on-resources desktops03:12
holsteinCbass2401: try if live and see03:12
holsteini would say, if ubuntustudio or xubuntu one run on the machine confortably, you wont want to do any production work on that machine anyway03:13
XRS1better to run Ubuntu Studio than Ubuntu on a low spec PC03:13
holsteinmight be better to run something else entirely, like lubuntu, and not expect to do audio/video production, or run the unity desktop on a low spec machine03:14
XRS1well i run a lot of low spec equipment and ubuntu studio is perfect (unless it has less than 16GB of HDD space, in that case use xubuntu)03:14
Cbass2401Interesting... And how about RAM?03:15
holsteinsure. all im saying is, audio/video production, in general, on lowspec hardware is not ideal03:15
XRS1ubuntu studio idles @ 384 MB (200 MB if less than 768 RAM)03:15
holsteinif the machine wont run XFCE comfortably, you likely wont want to run ardour or a large video editor on it anyway03:15
Cbass2401I'm mainly worried about my RAM, everything else is ok on my PC03:16
Cbass2401I have 1.6 GB03:16
holsteinCbass2401: if you have more ram, put it in.. if you dont, use the software03:17
holsteinCbass2401: 1.6 should be plenty.. try it live03:17
Cbass2401Ok, I will03:17
Cbass2401One more question: Can Ubuntu Studio be installed via USB?03:20
Cbass2401I can also use proprietary formats such as .mp3, right?03:23
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:25
holsteinCbass2401: ^03:25
XRS1Ubuntu Studio. Best Linux Ever.03:27
Cbass2401Thanks, one last question03:28
Cbass2401Does it work well when using it for any other purpose appart from multimedia production?03:29
Cbass2401Let's say, if I have it installed as my main OS, can I use it for things such as creating office documents, simple gaming, etc?03:30
Cbass2401excellent, then03:31
Cbass2401Well, thanks for your help, guys03:31
XRS1its ubuntu but geared for creative design03:31
Cbass2401Ok, gonna download it right now03:31
Cbass2401thanks again, bye03:31
=== JohannesG_ is now known as JohannesG
gfallbackjcbvi been reading up that 64bit ubntu 12.04 has problems with jack and pulse any work around ?17:25
gfallbackjcbvmy pc chrased 20 times in 1 hour from this while trying to make music17:26
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=== bootzilla is now known as wilee-nilee
gfallbackjcbvanyone know if my midi knobs will work in zyn or any other linux app21:03
gfallbackjcbvanyone on21:47
dreleteanyone know why kdenlive crashes on ubuntu studio (segmentation fault)?22:43
dreletei'm using the latest version22:43
vltHello. my alsa device I want to playback with mplayer is called "default:CARD=K6" by `aplay -L`. I tried "-ao alsa:device=default:CARD=K6" but I get "Could not parse arguments at the position indicated below:" (points to the capital "C"). I changed ":" to "=" but still the device isn't found. Any idea?22:56
vltOr how can I make it my alsa default device?22:56
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee

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