
ali1234hah. i know why indicator-sound worked briefly for elfy02:03
ali1234it's a race condition02:03
ali1234between the indicator and anything else that uses the service02:04
ali1234because the gtk3 indicators use d-bus service activation, the gtk3 dbus-backends can get loaded before the indicator plugins02:04
ali1234since they have the same service names, then the gtk2 version won't load02:04
ali1234so it breaks02:04
ali1234this is only a problem if you have the gtk2 and gtk3 versions installed at the same time02:04
ali1234but for some weird reason indicator-sound-gtk2 depends on indicator-sound02:05
micahgali1234: hrm, that's bad, it makes sense though as the gtk3 version is progressing without concern for the gtk2 version, I guess our only hope might be to try for the gtk3 indicators, but I'm very reluctant still02:11
micahgmaybe we can rename the gtk2 dbus services to not share the same names02:11
ali1234that will break all apps that use sound menu won't it?02:12
ali1234like rhythmbox won't be able to put it's controls in there02:12
ali1234i already thought of this :)02:12
micahghow did this all work before?02:12
ali1234before d-bus service activation was not used at all02:12
ali1234this is caused by indicator-ng02:12
ali1234not gtk3 directly02:13
micahgI don't see indicator-ng in saucy02:13
ali1234indicator-ng is new in saucy02:13
ali1234it's not a package02:13
ali1234it's just "the new way"02:13
micahgaside from uploading the old gtk3 indicator stack, I'm not sure what to d02:14
ali1234i have a feeling that having indicator-sound-gtk2 depend on indcaitor-sound is unneccessary02:15
ali1234and that removing indicator-sound and rebooting would make indicator-sound-gtk2 work correctly in xfce02:15
ali1234(force removing without removing dependants that is)02:15
micahgwell, it used to have files needed for the gtk2 versions to work02:15
ali1234which files?02:16
micahgali1234: can you try that with equivs (or I can build you test packages)02:16
micahgidr, but that's why it was there originally02:16
ali1234i can't test, because all my stuff is patched for gtk3/indicator-ng02:16
micahgI wish I would've know this 3 weeks ago :(02:17
ali1234i'm not sure if that stuff i just said about d-bus activation is actually true02:18
ali1234i need to look at the raring packages really02:18
micahgit would be nice to know for sure, we've got 4 weeks left (2 for beta 2) and I'd hate to drop the rest of the indicators02:19
ali1234the rest?02:19
micahgwell, if they're broke, I'm not sure we have any other choice but to drop or jump to patched gtk302:20
ali1234there is only sound and appindcator that still have gtk2 versions02:20
ali1234and appindicator is currently broken in gtk302:21
ali1234i need to make several vms...02:21
micahgok, please let me know when you find something02:23
ali1234ok. it won't be tonight, it's 3am here02:24
micahgunderstood, whenever you get to it will be appreciated02:24
Unit193micahg: Just dropping the dep on on the gtk3 one might be something elfy can try, if it's a quick package install.02:35
micahgUnit193: sure, I can generate something, can you tell me which packages?  (appindicator and indicator-sound)?02:35
Unit193That'd be my guess, I was going to quickly try something in VM, but just broke that...02:46
ali1234ok i've got the vms going03:07
ali1234hmm interesting03:09
ali1234in raring, the service running is the gtk3 indicator service03:09
ali1234but it works03:10
ali1234so i guess the d-bus backends must have previously shared the same api, but now the gtk3 one has changed03:12
ali1234moving aside the d-bus service does not cause the gtk2 one to get loaded instead03:15
ali1234so the only way to really fix this is going to be to update the indicator to the new d-bus api03:16
micahgali1234: let me know if that's fairly straightforward03:27
Noskcajmicahg, any progress on the pkg-xubuntu team?05:31
micahgNoskcaj: no, not yet05:31
micahglet me see if I can poke someone this weekend05:32
NoskcajWe'll probably need to package simple-scan and alacarte with the team too.06:35
micahgok, sure06:36
ali1234micahg: the whole dbus service has been rewritten from scratch13:38
ali1234somewhere in this lot is what needs to be backported to -gtk2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6110453/13:39
ali1234even the build system has been changed from make to cmake13:41
brainwash_I disabled the language indicator by setting "show-language-selector=false" in lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf, but one small white pixel still remains.13:45
brainwash_Anybody else noticed that?13:45
jjfrv8brainwash_, I can reproduce that13:55
brainwash_worth creating a bug report? I assume that (almost) nobody is affected by this little tiny glitch, it's just a white pixel after all :D13:58
NoskcajDid we do anything to xfce4-session this cycle? I get a heap of error messages when i turn on my PC from apps that it decided where open.20:24
NoskcajAlso, usb-modeset-data won't upgrade20:24
ochosibrainwash_: yeah, unfortunately it's known, we'll fix it eventually20:27
micahghrm, ok, I'd like to know when that breaking change to the indicators landed if it was part of http://launchpadlibrarian.net/150184786/indicator-sound_12.10.2%2B13.10.20130829-0ubuntu1_12.10.2%2B13.10.20130913-0ubuntu1.diff.gz or something previous20:45
micahgif it was after feature freeze, we can push back20:46
ochosii think at least the bugreport was earlier than FF20:55
ochosimicahg: any chance you can take a quick look at the gmusicbrowser patch?21:02
micahgyeah, in a bit21:05
ochosinice, thanks21:17
knomejjfrv8, your merge proposal has been merged21:37
ali1234micahg: i looked at the sound-indicator thing and i can't see any reasonable way to make it work21:37
ali1234the whole dbus service looks like it has been rewritten and even the build system was changed from make to cmake21:38
micahgali1234: can you tell which upload broke it?21:38
ali1234how do i see a list of uploads?21:38
ali1234the breakage is in the gtk3 indicator anyway - the gtk2 indicator has not changed at all since raring21:39
micahgright, I'm wondering if it was after feature freeze (Aug 29)21:39
micahgif so, I can most likely get it reverted and/or get help to make it work for us21:40
micahgotherwise, we might have to try to push our gtk3 stack in21:41
ali1234at a guess this one: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/12.10.2+13.10.20130716-0ubuntu121:41
ali1234"sorry for the big changeset"21:41
ali1234can i download those debs and try them?21:41
micahgjust click on the arch you want21:41
ali1234ok i'll do a bisect and see what hapens21:42
micahgif it was back in July, it becomes our fault for not testing enough21:42
ali1234well, not really21:42
micahgif it's after Aug 29, they'd need a freeze exception and I'd have some leverage21:42
micahgI mean, some communication would've been nice, but if it's before feature freeze, there's not much we can do21:43
ali1234Reported by       Elfy       on 2013-07-2221:43
ali1234that is the date the package after that one was uploaded21:44
ali1234still think it's that one though21:44
ali1234the fix would always have been "update the gtk2 indicator for the new api" anyway21:45
ali1234but from looking at the diff, that would be almost as complex as pushing the gtk3 stack instead21:46
micahgI'm thinking to do the latter with a release note21:46
micahgunfortunately, I don't see myself having this ready before next sunday21:46
micahgCanonical seems to love breaking APIs...21:48
micahgLTS+1 is the time to do that, not LTS-121:48
knomeare we cranky today?21:49
micahgmaybe :)21:49
* knome gives micahg a cookie21:49
micahgali1234: do we know if the gtk3 stack will work with the new APIs21:49
* micahg has sugar overload21:49
ali1234new APIs?21:49
* knome takes the cookie away from micahg and gives him a glass of water21:50
ali1234which ones?21:50
micahgali1234: indicator stack21:50
ali1234(it works with all of them actually)21:50
ali1234i ported the indicator-ng changes - the indicator-sound change is between the indicator itself and it's dbus backend and they both live in the same package if you're on gtk321:50
micahgknome: I wasn't very happy to found a decision I made to preserve stability left us with a totally broken indicator stack due to existing changes this cycle21:50
micahgali1234: ok, thanks for your help with this, we'll have to do the best we can I geuss21:51
knomegrumpyness doesn't fix the issue though, does it? :)21:51
ali1234the sound thing does boil down to dbus activation - you can only have one activation script and it activates the gtk3 dbus backend which *used* to work wit the gtk2 indicator but now they are out of sync21:51
ali1234there is a workaround on the bug actually21:51
ali1234someone put a test into the activation script so it runs the gtk2 backend if XUBUNTU_DESKTOP is set21:52
micahgwhich bug is this?21:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged]21:53
ali1234(and the original report on 22 july is marked a duplicate of that)21:53
ali1234i'm just going to post a comment there summing up the situation21:53
ochosiat least i can say i've tested the gtk3 variant for quite a while now and it seems as stable as the gtk2 variant used to be21:55
Unit193But, need to roll something from git head.21:56
micahgI wonder what's working, hacking up the dbus service file or pushing gtk3 stack...21:56
micahgI have to run out for a bit, I'll be back21:57
ochosiwell tbh the gtk3 stack seems a bit more sustainable21:57
ochosihacking on the dbus stuff to keep gtk2 running for one more cycle...21:57
ochosithat sounds a bit like a waste of time21:57
micahgthat's assuming it's just the service file21:58
micahgotherwise, agreed21:58
knomejust for the sake it's not LTS, but LTS-1, +1 for the gtk3 stack...21:59
ali1234just patching the service file to always run the gtk2 backend does work (tested by others) but it also breaks other desktops since you can only have one service file22:00
ali1234adding a complex /bin/sh test to it might have weird side effects and is not tested22:00
ochosican't you add a session-query like the sound-indicator does?22:00
ali1234add it to what though?22:00
ochosisome wrapper script22:01
ali1234that's what the workaround in comment 27 does22:01
ochosiah right, hadn't looked at it so closely22:01
ali1234Exec=/bin/sh -c 'if [ -n "$(pidof xfce4-session)" ]; then /usr/lib/indicator-sound-gtk2/indicator-sound-service;else /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-sound/indicator-sound-service;fi'22:01
ali1234instead of just of Exec=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-sound/indicator-sound-service22:02
Unit193Wouldn't it be better ot -f the file?22:02
ali1234well i don't know about that - it's just a proof of concept and i don't think anyone even really tested it22:02
ali1234i agree that gtk3 would be less hassle long term22:02
ali1234nobody is maintaining this gtk2 stuff any more22:03
ali1234that's the whole reason for the problem22:03
ali1234it's out of sync with gtk3 (again)22:03
ali1234and it will only keep happening22:03
ochosivery true22:03
ochosiit has happened before22:03
ochosiwe lost the messaging-menu that way as well22:03
ali1234yeah, i know all about it :(22:04
ali1234as i said, it's why i didn't use xubuntu before22:04
ochosiwell nice to have you "on board" now22:05
ochosii prepared a tiny patch for the power-indicator to work with xfce4-powerman22:07
ali1234i only found out about the gtk3 progress because someone posted the irc log of the xmir meeting on reddit22:08
ochosinice :)22:08
ali1234i don't care about xmir but the indicator stuff got me interested again22:08
ali1234i have not tested the power indicator cos i am on a desktop... don't even know how to make it show22:08
ochosiah righ22:09
ochosiwell it's very basic tbh22:09
ochosiit shows a power-icon and a very short menu22:09
ochosiif the drivers support it, it shows brightness controls22:09
ochosior maybe it needs more gnome-powerman for that22:09
ali1234i've seen it in unity on my laptop22:09
ochosiand then it shows the de/charging time/percent22:09
ochosiand it has a "preferences" menuitem22:09
ali1234but i rarely use that22:10
ochosiwhich i patched to open xfce4-powerman if it's run in a xubuntu session22:10
ali1234ah yes... all the indicators have checks to run different prefs panels in different desktops22:10
ochosi(agreeable it does create a problem in case someone uses gnome-powerman in xubuntu)22:10
ali1234there are lots in sound-indicator22:10
ochosii know22:10
ochosiwe could also fork the session menu if we wanted22:10
ochosishouldn't be all-too-hard22:10
ali1234just to get the xfce session-save dialog?22:11
ochosinah, i actually prefer xfce's action.menu22:13
knomebe back later.22:15
bluesabreali1234: hi, I'm trying to get the gtk3-indicators working, I've followed ochosi's instructions here: http://dpaste.com/1381815/23:07
bluesabrecurrently, everything seems to be working except for the sound indicator, see: http://imagebin.org/27104423:08
ali1234ther was one missing line iirc23:08
ali1234that looks like it is working to me?23:08
bluesabrethe sound indicator's volume slider and playback buttons are missing23:08
ali1234yes... theme perhaps?23:09
bluesabreusing greybird from git, ochosi added support23:09
ali1234can you check the log...23:09
ali1234look for missing icon warnings and so on23:10
ali1234no sure if they would show up there or not23:10
bluesabreWARNING    Gtk                       gtk_menu_new_from_model: cannot find type 'com.canonical.unity.slider'23:11
bluesabreWARNING    Gtk                       gtk_menu_new_from_model: cannot find type 'com.canonical.unity.media-player'23:11
bluesabreWARNING    Gtk                       gtk_menu_new_from_model: cannot find type 'com.canonical.unity.playback-item'23:11
ali1234yeah that's it23:11
ochosiali1234: i vaguely remember having seen bluesabre's problem before here myself, but i'm not sure why...23:11
ali1234ido provides several new menu models23:11
ali1234you might have the wrong version23:11
ali1234there is a gtk2 and a gtk3 version23:11
bluesabreah, ok23:12
ali1234or maybe you don't have it at all23:12
ali1234i think andrzejr added possibility to compile without it23:12
ali1234then it won't get loaded23:12
ali1234so... make sure libido is installed and then rerun autogen.sh and rebuild the indicator-plugin (last thing you built)23:12
bluesabreok, I'll try that now23:12
ali1234there are a couple of those warnings i still get even with ido installed properly23:14
ali1234WARNING    Gtk                       gtk_menu_new_from_model: cannot find type 'com.canonical.indicator.switch'23:14
ali1234but i can't find what library is supposed to supply that one and there is literally zero documentation from any of this com.canonical.indicator stuff23:15
ochosiyup, lack of docs really blows23:15
ochosigood luck bluesabre and night everyone!23:15
bluesabrewoohoo, that did it, thanks a lot ali1234!23:16
ochosihm, guess that should be included in the instructions...23:17
ali1234ido is indicator-ng stuff, so it's newer than those instructions :)23:17
ochosiali1234: i just received an update here on the sound-indicator that supposedly fixes scrolling23:18
ochosiwill try to install that update and then report back whether it works (again)23:18
ali1234i updated earlier and no change23:19
ali1234earlier today i mean23:19
ochosiwell i "just" ran update-manager now23:23
ali1234ok i see the fix23:23
ali1234but 120403623:23
ali1234bug 120403623:23
ubottubug 1204036 in The Sound Menu "[Regression]Mouse wheel to change volume stopped working on Saucy" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120403623:23
ali1234i have that version: it's still broken in xfce23:24
ali1234andrzejr said this was the case23:24
ochosihm, then it's still broken with the xfce-plugin23:24
ali1234ok, at least i can try to fix it now23:25
ochosiyeah, but it sounded like he wasn't sure why23:25
ali1234maybe related to why child-added events aren't passed23:25
ali1234wait no, that is also broken on unity too23:25
ali1234can't be that23:25
ochosim, i can confirm that it's broken23:26
ochosiin xfce23:26
ochosiok, bedtime (this time for real)23:26
ochosittyl ali1234 23:27

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