
rick_h_yay CI!01:27
rick_h_anyone around for a short/sweet review https://codereview.appspot.com/13349047 ?11:26
rick_h_also looking for a second review of Huw's branch https://codereview.appspot.com/13715044/ for the inspector today. 11:40
rick_h_morning bac 12:07
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
gary_posterrick_h_, gave review.  I *think* we need a few more things12:34
gary_posterlemme know if you think I am wrong12:34
rick_h_gary_poster: rgr, looking12:35
gary_posterrick_h_, for 1220909, is there a counter-argument to Jorge's request?12:36
gary_posterbug 122090912:36
_mup_Bug #1220909: Searching for "rabbit" doesn't return the rabbitmq charm <charmworld:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1220909>12:36
rick_h_gary_poster: I think the autocomplete provides some of that since it's matching off the start of the name12:37
rick_h_so typing rabbit will provide rabbitmq in autocomplete12:37
gary_posterrick_h_, agreed some, but not all12:37
rick_h_gary_poster: but honestly...not really12:37
gary_posterrick_h_, ok cool.  easy to change?12:37
rick_h_gary_poster: I think it's decent search experience to add some n-gram indexing of the names at least12:37
rick_h_gary_poster: I'm not 100% sure. Assuming it's supported in ES then should be a config change and a migration to populate the search index?12:38
gary_posterack thanks rick_h_ 12:38
luca__gary_poster: do you know the URL so I can see Makyo's upgrade stuff?12:40
gary_posterhi luca__ .  I don't think it is ready, actually, after looking at it further, but http://comingsoon.jujucharms.com/:flags:/upgradeCharm/12:41
gary_posterluca__, for bug #1221665, if your answer to rick_h_ 's question is "yes", I think I agree, but I am curious to see your answer, because I think we could argue either way12:43
_mup_Bug #1221665: Inspector config fields should be expanded to input size <juju-gui:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1221665>12:43
rick_h_gary_poster: questions back at ya12:47
rick_h_re: review12:47
gary_posterrick_h_, cool looking12:48
gary_posterhey rick_h_ , definitely agree I missed out on some details--sorry about that!  however, I'm getting confused concerns about the state of things around (not in) your branch, and wanted to talk through those with you for a sec.  You available for https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/6be4e6d76bd266bd36ec5c5626c7d5a61d0ea88c ?12:56
hatchman these CI failures are kind of irritating heh :)13:01
rick_h_hatch: I took back the card for the remove units13:11
hatchrick_h_: instead of commenting out the 'fake' test - in my branch I deleted it and put a comment at the top of the file13:11
rick_h_hatch: working on getting changes per review 13:11
* hatch sobs, it'll be missed13:12
hatchI built two boxes yesterday for my monitor and keyboard to give me a standing desk....will see how this goes :)13:13
benjihatch: cool; I've been trying to figure out a good way to do a sit/stand desk without spending a mint on one of those geek desks13:15
hatchtotal cost for this one..... $0 :D13:15
hatchscrap MDF glued/nailed together13:16
hatchunfortunately this one is not adjustable without some help13:16
gary_posterhey benji, have you collected any ElasticSearch knowledge by chance?  I'm looking for an estimate on cost of #122090913:17
_mup_Bug #1220909: Searching for "rabbit" doesn't return the rabbitmq charm <charmworld:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1220909>13:17
gary_posteror bac?13:17
benjigary_poster: a little; I'll see if I can contribute anything13:17
gary_posterthanks benji13:17
hatchrick_h_: in your QA of huw's branch did you happen to test if the 'use defaults' toggle still worked as expected?13:19
rick_h_hatch: yes, I believe I did13:20
hatchok cool - looking at the source I wasn't sure if it was going to pick up the selector properly13:20
rick_h_hatch: feel free to double check me, but pretty sure I did. 13:20
gary_posterhatch, rick_h_ does not for me13:21
gary_posterreloading to verify13:21
gary_posteryeah, does not13:21
gary_posterhatch ^^13:21
benjigary_poster: yeah we can do that; I suspect n-gram indexing is disabled so we'll need to come up with a sane config (min=4, max=20 would give the results requested in the issue) and then reindex13:21
gary_posterhave a quick fix for me to try, hatch?13:21
benjihow, exactly, to do that with ES I would have to figure out13:21
* rick_h_ loading to double check13:21
gary_posterbenji, and do we know how that might affect downtime?13:22
rick_h_gary_poster: so you can't click the "use the default configuration" toggle on the ghost?13:22
benjiI don't know, but if ES is a half-decent piece of software we shouldn't have any downtime.13:22
hatchgary_poster: rick_h_ I believe you will need to change the selector so that it grabs the container outside of the "Import Config File" button13:24
rick_h_gary_poster: works here. I did a clear cache/make clean-all and tried again and it still works13:24
hatchhmm ok I'll pull it down13:24
benjiI think the last Jenkins run failed erroniously.13:25
* benji needs to go AFK for a moment. Contractor here.13:25
gary_posterbenji, sure.  that gives my no reassurance so far though. :-)  could you add a low-burn "investigate" card for yourself to the jujucharms lane for you to tackle when you get a chance?  It sounds doable so far, so let's take it a bit farther and get a more concrete plan, by conferring with others (aaron or abel?) and digging just a bit.  sound ok?13:25
gary_posterrick_h_, hatch, I can click on it, and the behavior is correct, but there is no change to the visualization of the fields13:26
hatchyeah it's probably picking up the wrong element13:27
hatchso it'll have to be more specific13:27
hatch(the selector)13:27
gary_posterso, I was wrong: not actually broken functionally.  but visually not what I though we wanted13:27
hatchI'm just checking it out right now to see what needs to be changed13:27
rick_h_gary_poster: ah, I concur. THe fields aren't disabled to start13:27
gary_postervisually, yeah13:28
gary_posterfunctionally fine13:28
rick_h_right, I flipped the switch before the fields were visible in scroll and it worked so carried on. Thanks for catching. 13:29
hatchcool - yeah I wrote that part so that's probably why I picked it up haha13:29
luca__gary_poster: the answer to 1221665 was yes :)13:30
rick_h_luca__: but then if you've got a couple of big fields you'd have to scroll past all their content to get to config items below it? 13:30
rick_h_luca__: that seems kind of sucky13:30
hatchgary_poster: rick_h_: guess this means we need another test :P13:31
rick_h_hatch: hah! works for me13:31
hatchshall I take over on this branch?13:31
rick_h_hatch: please do. I was going to try to land for him if I got a second code qa, but working on the inspector stuff now13:31
hatchok cool I'll fix and repropose13:32
rick_h_would like to have this for luca__'s qa today so we can release it tomorrow13:32
luca__rick_h_: I would like them expanded, scrolling isn't a usability problem, for now it would be best to expand them and see if its an issue through testing13:33
rick_h_luca__: rgr13:33
benjigary_poster: sounds good, card added13:35
benjiso... I guess I need to figure out how to kick off another Jenkins run13:36
rick_h_benji: will have a branch landing shortly13:36
rick_h_benji: can get a kick in a sec13:36
benjisounds good13:36
gary_posterluca__, cool thanks :-)13:40
gary_posterbenji thx13:40
rick_h_gary_poster: new tests cribbed in https://codereview.appspot.com/13349047/13:42
gary_posterrick_h_, cool, looking thanks13:43
gary_posterrick_h_, LGTM, thanks!13:45
rick_h_gary_poster: awesome, thanks for the review13:45
rick_h_gary_poster: I was starting to do some triage/cleanup in the spare time this morning. Anything in particular you wanted me to grab next then? name conflicts on the inspector, or something in bundles, or the textarea bug from luca?13:46
gary_posterrick_h_, how expensive is textarea work?  That would be my first choice13:47
rick_h_gary_poster: shouldn't be much, will look. 13:47
gary_posterthanks rick_h_ .  hatch, rick_h_ I'd like to get Huw's branch landed.  hatch are you fixing up the disabled visualization issue?13:48
hatchgary_poster: add a space between the & and the . in juju-inspector.less &.use-defaults13:49
hatch& .use-defaults13:49
hatchare you going to do that fix? or would you like me to?13:50
gary_posterack hatch thx.  you doing second review?  I was going to LGTM it except for this issue, so if you have more input that would be better13:50
hatchI agree with rick_h_'s comment re view-content13:51
hatchbut other than that and this fix it all looks fine to me13:51
gary_posterhatch ack.  would you do the fix & landing then?  Hopefully Huw will have another fix for the view-content, which I also agree with13:52
hatchyep no problem just linting and testing now then will submit13:54
gary_posterthank you13:54
hatchI think this is my smallest diff ever13:54
hatch1 space13:54
hatchit wont let me submit without proposing first for whatever reason so it'll be a while but it's in motion :)13:59
gary_posterheh, cool thanks14:02
gary_posterhey jcsackett.  do you need us to do anything about lp:~jcsackett/charmworld/review-queue-metrics or are you on it?14:10
gary_postersame question for latency-sparklines14:10
jcsackettgary_poster: all my current charmworld branches are part of the same work, and no worries on it.14:10
gary_posterawesome thanks jcsackett 14:10
jcsackettit's supporting some metrics for charmers, not juju-gui-ish stuff. :-)14:11
gary_posterI figured, cool :-)14:11
gary_posterhatch did you already have bcsaller's https://codereview.appspot.com/13253050/ followup on your list?  looks like he is ready for you, and would be excellent to get that work landed14:12
hatchoh woops I missed the followup14:15
hatchI swear I Dont' get all emails sometimes14:15
hatchhuws branch landed with fix14:16
gary_posterawesome thanks hatch14:18
hatchgary_poster: QA still no good14:22
gary_posterhatch :-( but hthank you for pushing it forward14:22
hatchis he in today?14:23
gary_posterhatch should be.  has not requested days off14:29
hatchok cool then when he pops in I'll let him know the issue14:29
gary_postercool.  hatch what are you tackling next?14:30
hatchnot sure, just reading through the cards14:30
hatchhave anything in mind?14:31
gary_posterhatch yeah, two choices.14:32
gary_poster1: #122166814:32
_mup_Bug #1221668: Name validation in the inspector should be validated on key input <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1221668>14:32
gary_poster2: (card) ghost inspector: when you click "confirm" and successfully convert to a real service, close the ghost inspector and automatically open the service inspector (or similar)14:32
hatchI'll pick #1, I'm not convinced we want #2 yet :P14:33
hatchwith that said I don't remember why I wasn't convinced14:34
hatchhaha oh boy I need another cup of coffee I think14:34
rick_h_hatch: I think I tried to talk you into it. I'm not a fan14:34
gary_posterrick_h_, not a fan of proposed behavior?14:34
rick_h_gary_poster: rgr, once you go through and do the work, I'm not sold on the workflow that needs to hide the canvas to show the inspector panel after I hit deploy14:35
rick_h_especially since the first thing I'll be doing is waiting for instances to come up14:35
rick_h_and will move along with other tasks14:35
hatchyeah that's what the issue was....I figured you would move onto anothe ghost, not onto the deployed service14:35
rick_h_I've not seen the use case for "I go through, do cnofig, do the deploy...now watch the inspector for a while for something?14:35
hatchmaybe if the inspector played nyan cat while waiting14:36
gary_posterrick_h_, ack.  I thought luca__ was questioning the decision as well, but he as more confident at the sprint than I expected.  luca__ , thoughts on above?  ^^^14:36
rick_h_if I'm missing a user drive case I'd love to hear it. Just haven't thought of it in my head yet. 14:36
gary_posterhatch made a card for you :-)14:37
hatchdo we have checkmarks/x's for #1221668 yet?14:37
_mup_Bug #1221668: Name validation in the inspector should be validated on key input <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1221668>14:37
hatchawesome thx14:37
gary_posternot sure; looking in drive folder...14:38
luca__gary_poster: rick_h_ hatch the post-deployment inspector should show up automatically after deploy has been clicked, it's to show that something is happening, it's just a validation step.14:39
rick_h_luca__: isn't the error bar indicator and the bounce upon deploy an indicator?14:39
gary_poster(I was going to say same thing)14:40
hatchME TOO!14:40
* hatch joins tha gang against luca__14:40
gary_posterthe first one was a cough when you have cold14:40
gary_postera cold14:40
luca__gary_poster: rick_h_ hatch not really, it's automatic, it makes no difference to the users life apart from gives them access to see feedback, it's weird to have the panel just disappear, when you click deploy you're not stating that you are finished with the service, your just saying you want to proceed with it. 14:41
hatchI'd say a tooltip on the deployed service that says 'spinning up' or something would be clearer14:42
hatchI'm just thinking that most people would then just close the inspector14:42
luca__gary_poster: rick_h_ hatch that exists in the inspector14:42
hatchand go work on another ghost14:42
rick_h_luca__: then I'd argue that we should be getting rid of the bounce at least. It seems odd to have all that shaking around the UX if it's going to be considered one through process14:42
gary_posterhatch is what you need in https://drive.google.com/a/canonical.com/?tab=co#folders/0B7XG_QBXNwY1Zm8ya3NIcENyZnM ?14:42
luca__gary_poster: rick_h_ hatch they can just close the inspector, we're not stopping them from doing that, we're just providing more feedback on the way. It doesn't disrupt them at all14:43
gary_posterhatch if not ask luca__ or jamie for it14:43
hatchDoes the inspector tell us anything beyond the canvas at that stage?14:43
luca__gary_poster: rick_h_ hatch the bounce never came from me, or anyone in the team, afaik it's just a placeholder animation14:43
hatchAll it shows is the bar that's in the canvas...but bigger14:43
rick_h_luca__: right, but it's taking up screen estate and covering things, and mental processsing. I'm curious if there's a real workflow for the continued opening of the inspector on deploy14:43
hatchgary_poster: yeah I think it's missing from that folder14:44
rick_h_luca__: that's fine, just saying it's something we have that the users see and deal with. It disrupts the 'single process' flow imo14:44
gary_posterthe current bounce is an engineering artifact IIRC.  There was a different bounce in the firefox demo from ant: it, I dunno, expanded and collapsed IIRC14:45
rick_h_luca__: but if they have to click on close on the inspector every time they deploy a service and never need/use it that's a pain point for that feedback when we're not sure if that feedback is useful/needed atm14:45
gary_posterdemo is kinda broken atm https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10004366/juju-gui/index.html#14:45
gary_posterso can't verify14:45
luca__hatch: gary_poster what are you after?14:45
hatchservice name checkmark/x14:46
gary_posterluca__, assets for https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/122166814:46
_mup_Bug #1221668: Name validation in the inspector should be validated on key input <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1221668>14:46
luca__hatch: gary_poster It has been made, jamie_ can help you with them14:47
hatchgreat jamie_ can you email them to me?14:48
jamie_hatch gary_poster hey guys, how can I help?14:48
hatchneed the checkmark/x for the service name validation indicator14:48
hatchhey rick_h_ your branch 'may' have failed in CI14:50
hatchI think it's just a CI issue though14:50
rick_h_hatch: yea, looks like the same failure/issue we had last week14:51
rick_h_hatch: yea, there it's back to normal now after your branch14:52
gary_posteryeah CI is horribly crazy :-( :-(14:52
rick_h_hatch: I do need to chat for a second on how to hook up what I need in viewlets. I have a feeling what I want to do is against the 'design'14:52
gary_posterjamie_, hi! thank you.  did you see reply from hatch?14:53
hatchrick_h_: sure gimme a ring14:53
jamie_gary_poster hatch got it, we've got the asset, I'll add it to the folder on Google Drive and let you know when it's there14:55
gary_posterthanks jamie_ !14:55
gary_posterhey Makyo.  luca__  (on call with him and others now) says there are two ux bits that you know about for the inspector.  IIUC they are these:15:09
gary_posterstring in integer field needs [...something. better error reporting?]15:09
gary_posterupgrade charm needs [...something?]15:09
gary_posterdo you know about thise/.15:09
Makyogary_poster, upgrade charm needs specifications on conflicts wrt added/removed config fields for concurrent editing, as well as notification that a charm has been upgraded.15:10
jamie_hatch hey there, I've uploaded 2 icons to the assets folder in Google Drive: form-validation-tick.png & form-validation-cross.png15:11
gary_posterMakyo, ok cool, so only upgrade charm stuff, not broader inspector stuff?15:11
MakyoAs for string in integer fields, I think that's it.  I think my concern was wrt constraints, rather than config, and mem=2G,15:11
Makyogary_poster, yep, that's still hidden.15:11
jamie_hatch I need to give you a loading spinner on a transparent bg so you can use it on the dark and light bg15:11
gary_posterMakyo, ah gotcha, thanks.  So we can launch without it but something we want to improve soon.15:12
hatchjamie_: no spinner necessary15:12
hatchit'll happen in real time15:12
Makyogary_poster, correct.15:12
hatchso I just need a check and an X15:12
gary_postercool thanks Makyo !15:13
Makyogary_poster, Upgrade charm can be a later release, and even then, the more important bit is the notification of upgrade.15:13
jamie_hatch nice one, okay. Thought you might need it anyways? 15:13
jamie_hatch I've uploaded the check and X15:13
hatchI don't think so, it'll be immediate so there will be no need15:13
gary_posterjamie_, we want it for another bit but that's postponed because of engineering15:13
jamie_hatch cool, my work here is done :-)15:13
jamie_gary_poster got ya15:14
gary_posterthanks jamie_ !15:14
jamie_gary_poster hatch  ping me if you need anything else!15:14
gary_posterthanks :-)15:16
rick_h_gary_poster: heads up, the textarea stuff is a little more expensive because we can't resize until the nodes are in the dom, and they're not in the dom during the viewlet render() call currently. So adding support to viewlets for an afterRender() method to get around it15:17
gary_posterack on call15:18
hatchjamie_: I'm looking in the folder, what are the files called?15:18
MakyoHeading to coffee shop so I get there in time for call.15:19
hatchmy legs hurt15:19
hatchhow do you guys do this15:20
hatchit's only been 2.5h15:20
rick_h_hatch: takes a couple of weeks15:20
rick_h_hatch: and I tend to work in 2hr intervals15:20
Makyohatch, rick_h_ +1 - I started in 1 hr intervals15:20
rick_h_but I'm not a model of standing desk coolness15:20
hatchmaybe this will be motivation to lose those 20lbs15:20
hatchwalking might actually be easier15:21
MakyoAnyway, back in a bit.15:21
jamie_hatch: form-validation-tick.png & form-validation-cross.png15:22
hatchyeah I'm in the wrong folder15:22
hatchone sec15:22
jamie_in the folder OSCON Deliverables15:22
hatchok found the files15:22
jamie_hatch cool :-)15:23
hatchahh there we go15:23
hatchjamie_: I dont' think I have a mockup of this, do you guys want it IN the input box?15:23
jamie_hatch by "it" do you mean the check and the cross? 15:24
jamie_hatch if so then yes please15:24
hatchyeah ok - I think I'll need different assets then15:25
hatchassuming I'm going to use these as a background image15:25
hatchI'll need the image to have some padding to the right15:25
hatchI believe that's what Huw ended up doing with the configuration inputs15:25
hatchin setting up my vm I want to use the bzr technique where you 'init' the repo and then use lightweight checkouts but I can't remember what I should be searching for for the setup15:35
hatchahh init-repo15:36
hatchyeah that's not working :/15:48
bcsallerhatch:  can you take another look at https://codereview.appspot.com/13253050 again when you have time, it should QA this time. looked into it over the weekend15:48
hatchbcsaller: can do15:48
hatchbzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', 'AlreadyControlDirError', 'A control directory already exists:15:48
hatchhas anyone ever seen that error before?15:49
hatchwhen running bzr init-repo lp:juju-gui15:49
Makyohatch Why are you init-repo-ing? 15:51
Makyojujugui call in 8 kanban now15:51
hatchMakyo: so that I can do lightweight checkouts on my new vm like I do on my laptop15:52
hatchchecking out a 70MB branch every time just doesn't make sense hah15:52
hatchbcsaller: lgtm'd15:53
bcsallerthanks :)15:53
hatchwell.. lgtm'd now15:53
MakyoWhy don't you just do bzr pull in the branch?15:53
hatchi forgot to type it hah15:53
MakyoAh :P15:53
hatchMakyo: my workflow was to init the juju-gui folder, then every branch under it was a very fast pull15:54
hatchnow it pulls down the full repo every time15:54
Makyohatch: Me too, but you should only need to init once15:54
hatchthe first time I inited it failed15:54
MakyoBy saying that it was already inited?15:55
hatchit failed with...15:55
hatchbzr: ERROR: Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()15:55
MakyoOops :)15:55
hatchthen I added the ssh key to my session and tried again15:55
Makyojujugui call in 2 (What's the URL? Thought I saw it changed, forgot to set up 2fa before I left)15:57
rick_h_https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/6be4e6d76bd266bd36ec5c5626c7d5a61d0ea88c?authuser=1 per the calendar15:57
Makyorick_h_: thanks, can't get to calendar w/o 2fa15:57
bacwhat happened to the tiny one?15:58
rick_h_bac: google broke the links/remember setup15:58
hatchMakyo: yeah lightweight checkouts defiitely don't work ... :/15:58
hatchabentley: kickin around?15:58
abentleyhatch: Hi.15:59
Makyohatch: we can talk through it after call if you want, will show you how I do it.15:59
hatchabentley: when I try to run init-repo I get an error bzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', 'AlreadyControlDirError', 'A control directory already exists:15:59
abentleyhatch: It sounds like a .bzr directory already exists.15:59
gary_posterbac benji call now in https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/6be4e6d76bd266bd36ec5c5626c7d5a61d0ea88c?authuser=116:00
hatchabentley: yeah no such luck16:01
hatchcan I 'un-init' ?16:01
abentleyhatch: Sure: "rm .bzr".  But since you say it doesn't exist, that doesn't make sense.  Are there control directories for another VCS there?16:01
hatchit's a brand new vm with bzr just installed16:02
hatchI ran it twice though16:02
abentleyhatch: what's your commandline?16:02
hatchwhen I ran it first it gave me an error bzr: ERROR: Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()16:02
hatchabentley: bzr init-repo lp:juju-gui16:03
Makyohatch: bzr init-repo juju-gui; cd juju-gui; bzr pull lp:juju-gui trunk; bzr branch trunk work; cd work; bzr reconfigure —lightweight-checkouts —bind-to ../trunk; # my workflow16:04
abentleyhatch: I think you might have "init" confused with "init-repo".  "init" creates a bzr branch.  "init-repo" creates a shared repository.16:04
Makyohatch: then you can bzr switch -b ../mine/<branchname> or whatever.16:05
abentleyhatch: Since lp:juju-gui can only hold one branch, it does not make sense to created a shared repository there.16:05
Makyohatch: yeah, I don't \think you want the lp:16:05
hatchohh ok16:06
abentleyhatch: But also, there is already a branch at lp:juju-gui, so you shouldn't init or init-repo.16:06
hatchwell I dont' want to check out the full branch every time16:06
Makyohatch: yeah, this will help with that, init-repo creates the shared repo locally. (correct me if I'm wrong abentley)16:07
abentleyMakyo: you are correct.16:07
abentleyAs long as you don't try to create the shared repository *on launchpad*, which is what "lp:" means.16:08
hatchok ohh ok well phew I'm glad it failed16:08
hatchok working by doing16:09
hatch`bzr init-repo juju-gui; cd juju-gui; bzr branch lp:juju-gui trunk`16:09
hatchnow all the branch checkouts are fast16:09
hatchfwereade: is there a regex or a white/blacklist for characters for service names?16:12
MakyoHeading back home, will be back on tethered net there.16:14
gary_posterrick_h_, hatch, just spoke to luca__ about "ghost inspector: when you click "confirm" and successfully convert to a real service, close the ghost inspector and automatically open the service inspector (or similar)".  He is very open to different ideas for the future.  However, immediately prior to launch, the behavior as described is part of the larger UX story.  Simply trying to replace it with icons or tooltips or16:25
gary_poster other approaches is something that will take thought and time that neither side (UX/engineering) has.  Simply omitting the interaction is something that he's dutifully considered in the past and is happy to reconsider in the future, but for now, prior to launch, that's a key part of the flow that's been designed with testing and feedback.  So in sum: (1) we should implement that behavior for release tomorrow, and (16:25
gary_poster2) we should send an email to Luca and Ale, cc'ing peeps, describing what you think a better interaction would be for the future.  Cool?16:25
rick_h_gary_poster: understood16:26
gary_posterrick_h_, understood and cool? :-)16:26
rick_h_gary_poster: yep16:26
gary_poster:-) k16:26
hatchI am going to bet that it won't work16:26
gary_posterhatch technically or with users?16:27
hatchat the very least I think we will need to wait till the next delta16:27
hatchI 'think' there is a technical limitation16:27
hatchbut I could be remembering incorrectly16:27
rick_h_hatch: right now there's not an event infrastructure to communicate that one is closing, open the other16:27
hatchas it is, if we open the inspector too fast we don't get the current unit count16:27
rick_h_hatch: so it'll have to be found/added16:27
gary_posterOK.  If there is we'll have to reconsider.  I suspect it is not a problem myself, because I think we create a service in the db immediately16:28
gary_posterand we have databinding to update these things16:28
hatchyeah I suppose you might be right16:28
gary_posterbut if it is a big technical challenge--or even a medium sized one--of course then we should step back and consider that16:29
hatcharg this new VM Is driving me bonkers!16:29
hatchI need to write a script to set it up for me16:29
hatch`make newVM`16:30
Makyohatch: friend of mine wrote/uses https://github.com/josh-berry/homectl though I know some who do keep a Makefile for setting things up.16:32
hatchahh cool that's a good idea16:33
gary_posterHey Makyo, sometime today could you add cards (currently to Inspector/Next Tasks but we'll probably move them, as we discussed) to represent the remaining necessary tasks for the upgrade charm work?16:34
Makyogary_poster: Sure16:34
gary_posterthanks Makyo 16:34
rick_h_hatch: got a sec?16:43
hatchyup call away16:43
rick_h_gary_poster: do you have a sec to jump into https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/b9a2b84475d9ae68e7a7396eb719627ff917954f?hl=en ?16:47
hatchdoes anyone know what ppa lbox is in?17:00
hatchfor saucy17:00
hatchrick_h_: so did you want me to show you how to implement that technique?17:02
rick_h_hatch: you have to compile it manual17:02
rick_h_hatch: no, I got it17:02
hatchR YOU FRIGGEN CERIAL!!!!?!?!?!17:02
hatchare there docs on how to do that?17:03
hatchcompile lbox that is17:05
rick_h_hatch: http://paste.mitechie.com/show/1023/ I think17:07
rick_h_hatch: that's after you get the go ppa and such going17:07
hatchahh cool17:07
rick_h_http://paste.mitechie.com/show/1024/ updated17:08
hatchthe 'golang' package also works17:10
hatchrick_h_: well your commands didn't work :(17:12
rick_h_hatch: sorry, that was from my shell history17:13
hatchwell maybe missing a command about putting lbox in the bin?17:13
rick_h_hatch: not seeing anything17:14
rick_h_hatch: need to start a new shell to update your PATH?17:14
hatchoh maybe17:15
hatchit did pull down the source17:16
hatchbut the install doesn't do anything17:16
rick_h_hatch: was there an error then? Maybe something missing and installed failed?17:17
hatchnope nothing17:18
hatchno output, nothing17:18
hatchthere is a /usr/lib/go/bin/lbox now though17:18
hatchso maybe I need to manually add that to my path17:19
rick_h_ah, I do have this in my zshrc17:19
rick_h_if [ -d "/usr/lib/go/bin" ] ; then PATH="$PATH:/usr/lib/go/bin"17:19
hatchyep I'll have to add that to my bashrc17:19
hatchgoing to update the hacking docs with this info too17:19
=== Makyo1 is now known as Makyo
MakyoYay internet :)17:29
hatchso there is flooding there Makyo?17:30
MakyoYeah, quite a bit for a while there.  We're getting a break up north, but there's a dam having trouble down south.17:36
hatchahh darn - hope everyone's ok17:44
bacgary_poster: did you see my canonicaladmin request?18:20
gary_posterbac, from weekend? if so, yes, approved iirc.  will double check18:21
bacgary_poster: yes i think saturday18:21
gary_posterbac, yes, should be approved18:21
gary_poster("No documents found" in canonicaladmin and I recall approving it)18:22
hatchrick_h_: reviewing18:41
rick_h_hatch: sec, pushing a rev now18:41
rick_h_hatch: and not done the inline comments yet until that lands18:41
hatchok will wait18:41
rick_h_hatch: thanks, need like two minutes...well 2 lbox minutes. Might be 10 real minutes :P18:41
rick_h_hatch: ok go for it. I don't have much to add via inline comments really. It's not huge/complicated18:43
rick_h_hatch: cool thanks. I'll update that back. I had to do the .each() to debug in there and get at things and missed backing that out19:01
rick_h_I'm running away, will land that tonight. 19:01
rick_h_gary_poster: let me know if there's something I need to grab asap in the morning to help with landing.19:01
gary_posterthanks rick_h_ !  have a nice afternoon19:02
gary_posterhatch, opening inspector right after ghost is really easy as long as it is ok to do this:19:02
gary_posterfrom ghost inspector19:02
gary_posterthe hard part is that then I really want to fix the post deploy wiggle :-P19:03
Makyogary_poster, there's a flag to control transitions; when that's checked, you could check (for example) a service.get('use_transition') as well?19:05
MakyoOr something.19:05
gary_posterMakyo I had this hack, which might be a start:19:06
gary_poster          var useTransitions = (19:06
gary_poster              self.get('useTransitions') && d.model.get('unit_count') > 0);19:06
gary_posterthat gets rid of the animations in the one case I care about19:06
gary_posterthe canvas still moves, presumably to center19:06
hatchgary_poster: I don't think that will work because the ghostService model is different19:06
Makyogary_poster, correct.19:06
hatchso it will render the same UI19:06
hatchfor example,. the options is a schema instead of a settings list19:07
Makyogary_poster, I was just suggesting a flag rather than testing unit count, which will always be 0 (currently) for subordinates.19:07
gary_posterhatch, no that's a config option.  it seems to work great. <shrug>19:07
gary_posterhatch it is the same model19:08
gary_posterthe same object19:08
gary_posterthat's why it works19:08
hatchhmm /me can't remember when we changed that19:08
hatchbut yay!19:08
gary_posterit was that way even before inspector19:08
hatchwell I know for sure things like the inspector header test for a schema...if it's there it displays the ghost header19:09
hatchso there must be some difference...?19:09
hatchsee inspector-header.js:3519:09
fwereade_hatch, sorry, I've been off packing today: it's in the juju-core/names package19:14
hatchfwereade_: no problem, thanks I'll look there19:14
gary_posterhatch pojoModel.scheme is undefined when I call it--which it needs to be, because, again, the model is reused.  I'll try to discover where scheme is reset...19:14
gary_posterMakyo, gotcha.  Lemme iron this other thing out then I'll want to pick your brain just a bit more.19:15
hatchgary_poster: ok I think ghost-inspector.js:30219:16
gary_posterno hatch, it is that when it is the ghost inspector, the model is a charm.  when it is a deployed inspector, the model is a service19:17
gary_postercharms have schemes, and services don't19:17
gary_posterso that condition in ghost-inspector could be written more directly19:18
hatchright, in _deployCallbackHandler it's no longer a ghost, but a real service19:22
Makyogary_poster, going to walk dogs while it's sunny, will be back (and on real internet) in a few.19:24
gary_postercool Makyo thx19:25
=== _mup__ is now known as _mup_
hatchI was going to use a spare machine for my dev box because it's wayyyy faster but some of these launchpad interactions need a browser...is there any way to do that oauth type stuff through the console?19:48
gary_posterhatch yes, if you are sshing in from a machine with a browser.  It will give you a link.  you can  copy and paste it into a real browser and accept there and all will be well19:49
hatchoh ok awesome - I was a little worried there was no other way :)19:50
hatchstepping away for a bit to grab something to eat19:56
hatchjujugui could I get a review on https://codereview.appspot.com/13253056/ plz thx20:05
gary_posterhatch I'll do it.  going to give you a hack branch to look at if you would.  "localCreation" thing does what I want but is hack.  requesting better approaches20:08
hatchsure np20:08
gary_posterhatch lp:~gary/juju-gui/ghostDeploy .  Last thing is that "Build Relation" menu should show and hide synced with inspector.  looked possibly tricky to me but maybe you see easy way. lp:~gary/juju-gui/ghostDeploy20:10
gary_postershow/hide sync is irrespective of these deploy changes20:10
bachi gary_poster, here are the mappings that are done and work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6116442/20:13
bacgary_poster: via this diff http://paste.ubuntu.com/6116440/20:13
gary_posterlooking bac20:13
hatchlooking bac at what?20:13
gary_posterbah :-)20:14
bacgary_poster: does that look about right?  i know the regex is greedy but i don't think it matters20:14
gary_posterhatch qa works but is weird: ghost starts showing, like (ceph 1) but then if you change it it becomes (ceph4).  Preexisting?  Easy to get rid of " 1" from service display, maybe?20:16
gary_posterinitially I mean20:16
hatchhmm I'll check that out20:17
gary_posterbac you do not show transformation , though I suspect it works.20:17
gary_posterwould be good to verify20:17
bacgary_poster: will try it20:17
hatchgary_poster: do you mean when you change it to 'ceph4' ? As in there is no space20:18
hatchthen yes that's been there forever20:18
hatchnot really sure the purpose of the integer at the end20:18
bacgary_poster: goes to
gary_posterbac, I like simplicity of new rules20:18
gary_posterbac awesome20:18
gary_posterlooks good bac.  here's hoping.  thank you.20:19
gary_posterhatch I expect it was there to support multiple ghosts, in theory...20:19
baccool.  will document the setup script somewhere20:19
gary_posterhatch I'd suggest one of two courses.  you can choose a third which is "file a bug and move on" :-)20:19
hatchI can look at removing it from the canvas20:20
hatchshouldn't be much work20:20
* hatch hopes20:20
gary_poster1: remove " 1" from initial names.  Downside is that if we ever want multiple ghosts then that might make things more fragile.  but for now it is fine and makes sense20:20
gary_poster2: disconnect service names in inspector from service names in canvas.  downside is that this is not intuitive.  oh here...20:21
gary_posterhatch, qa bad: try this20:21
gary_poster1) create ghost.20:22
gary_poster(do *not* deploy)20:22
gary_posterlet's say you named it ceph420:22
gary_poster2) create second ghost20:22
gary_postertry naming it the same thing20:22
gary_posterwhat should happen: service stays around20:22
gary_posterwhat happens: service disappears and then world breaks20:23
gary_poster(when you try to change the name again)20:23
gary_posterI'll doublecheck that this does not happen in trunk...20:23
gary_posterhatch it is pre-existing :-(20:24
gary_posterhatch so your branch is qa ok but this is a blocking bug20:25
gary_posterfor release I mean20:25
hatchthere is your bug for the day20:25
gary_posterhatch, go me :-P :-)20:26
hatchhaha - yeah yikes I see the bug20:26
hatchhmm that's going to be a tricky one20:26
hatchbecause the names need to be unique but only once it's saved20:27
gary_posterbut since we are using real service names...20:27
gary_posterone option is this hatch:20:27
gary_posterwe keep service names generated, and make them uneditable20:27
gary_posterfor ghosts, we can edit another field20:27
gary_posteramd this other field is what is used to display20:28
gary_posterprobably pretty easy change20:28
gary_posterbut a hack :-/20:28
hatchand then on save use that field to set the id?20:28
gary_posterbut we can maybe make it look like not a hack if we make it look pretty :-)20:28
hatchhaha well we 'could' make it look identical but the code would be a little confusing20:29
hatchbut no more than anything else we have haha20:29
gary_posterit would only be in one place, yeah?20:29
gary_posterin the service topology code20:29
gary_postereverything else already has its won place to look20:29
hatchI can't remember how that part works20:30
hatchI can look into it though20:30
gary_posterhatch I gave you a LGTM and qa ok for this branch.  land it and then investigate bug separately?20:31
gary_posterall problems are pre-existing20:31
hatchyeah the bug is definitely separate - but I'll remove the service # indicator20:31
gary_posterand what you did doesn't make anything worse20:31
hatchthat's really my daily goal, go to to sleep knowing I didn't make anything worse :P20:32
gary_posterhatch, did you have any deep thoughts about my branch or did I successfully distract you from it? ;-)  I can try bothering Makyo about it, and maybe try handing it off to him depending on how his other task is going20:33
hatchI got part of the way through it then was distracted :)20:33
gary_posterhatch, :-P the code was good and the feature is nice. *in regards to this particular bug* you didn't make anything worse. :-P20:33
gary_posterhatch cool I'll bother Makyo.  hey Makyo, when you get back please ping me20:34
gary_posterhatch I'll file a bug, make a card and put your head on it for new bug, yeah?20:34
Makyogary_poster, here.20:34
gary_posteroh hey Makyo 20:34
gary_posterMakyo, lemme file bug for Jeff, but while I do that could you take a look at lp:~gary/juju-gui/ghostDeploy ?  It is a sketch that works and *might* do what we want.  It seems good for the first service, anyway.  It is an ugly hack though, I currently think.  Additionally, I want one last thing: "Build Relation" menu should show and hide synced with inspector.  looked possibly tricky to me but maybe you see easy way.20:36
gary_posterMakyo, oh, well...20:36
gary_posterI don't want to block your progress20:36
gary_posterhow is doc writing going?20:36
Makyogary_poster, going okay, about 80% done, then screenshots.  Should be proposed today, I hope.20:38
MakyoWill pull your branch and look, though.20:38
gary_posterCool Makyo.  OK, thank you20:38
gary_posterhatch, bug on board in inspector for you20:41
hatchthanks - I can't find where this number is being set20:41
hatchgetting closer I think20:41
hatchfound it!20:43
gary_posterhatch  /home/gary/dev/juju-gui/app/models/models.js line 406?20:43
hatchid: '(' + charm.get('package_name') + ' ' + serviceCount + ')',20:43
hatchyeah...you got lucky :P20:44
gary_posterI was looking for '('20:44
hatchoo good idea20:44
gary_posterhatch but actually20:44
gary_posterif you buy into my approach20:44
gary_posteryou'll want to keep this code20:44
gary_posteror something similar20:44
gary_posterso that you have guaranteed-ish unique names20:45
hatchwell it's kind of waky because the name in the inspector doesn't match the name in the canvas20:45
gary_posterin the real service name20:45
gary_posteryeah agreed20:45
gary_posterdo what you hink hatch :-)20:45
gary_posterthink, even20:45
hatchwell....the serviceName should be bound to the model in the ghost20:46
hatchthen we can keep it as is20:46
hatchwe intentionally didn't bind them though20:46
hatchbecause 'why would the service name change' :D20:46
hatchso I'd probably opt for that20:46
hatch*he says with no idea the gremlins he may have just let loose on the world*20:47
gary_posterhatch, didn't quite follow.  if you want to talk it through lemme know20:47
gary_posterotherwise cool20:47
hatchI'll call20:48
gary_posterHey Makyo what's the word?  I should head out soon21:00
gary_posterso maybe will need to take it back tomorrow morning21:01
Makyogary_poster, I think it looks good, actually.  That's what I was planning on doing if I wound up with it.21:01
gary_posterMakyo, oh ok21:02
gary_posterlemme look at it again21:02
MakyoKind of wondering about why we don't return immediately in findAndSetCentroid, but setting the centroid shouldn't have any side-effects, unless it shows up in zoom behaviors.21:02
gary_posterMakyo, if you don't think we should, I can undo; thought later code might expect the data to be there and be up-to-date.  I was just guessing/trying to code defensively21:04
Makyogary_poster, Yeah, I guess my concern is the gas scenario with hundreds of services, where the new one may be way out on the edge.  The more I think about it, though, the less I think it matters.21:04
MakyoCan be addressed later if it's an issue.21:05
gary_posterOK Makyo, thanks.  will propose as is, then, if tests pass and so on...21:05
bacgary_poster: i want to update the CDO instructions for deploying juju-gui charm to set ga_key.  But if I do so now, and they follow them with the current charm version, it'll error as the ga_key does not yet exist.21:11
gary_posterbac, add them to a "upcoming" section?21:12
gary_posteror to our own wiki page for later transfer?21:12
bacgary_poster: what is our schedule for next release of charm?21:12
gary_posterbac, next Monday or Tuesday at earliest: I want frankban around21:13
bacoh yeah, that was the dependency21:13
gary_posterhatch or Makyo or anyone else, code review plus deep-ish exploratory qa request: https://codereview.appspot.com/13246050/21:23
gary_posterI'm heading out21:23
gary_posterwill be back later briefly to respond as needed or land if possible21:23
gary_posterbye all21:23
Makyohatch, can you?  Want to get these docs done.  Otherwise, will get before EoD21:25
MakyoOr anyone else.21:25
hatchMakyo: my EOD is in 4 minutes so I can get to it once I get back from my errands21:26
Makyohatch, oh, nvm then, I still have a few hours.21:26
hatchso how about - if you can get to it, great, if not, I can when I get back tonight21:26
huwshimihatch: You're crazy! Why did you not just remove the ampersand?23:50

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