
ScottKshadeslayer: IIRC it was more pocket picking than outright mugging one had to watch out for.  01:35
Noskcaj_yofel: I think i'll leave gambc then, the .9 release should help anyone that still uses it03:42
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lordievaderGood morning.07:16
soeehiho lordievader 07:17
lordievaderHey soee, how are you?07:18
soeelordievader, slept only 2 hour but im ok :) you ?07:18
lordievaderUgh 2 hours, what are you a zombie :P. I'm doing good.07:19
soeeworking hard :D07:25
* Riddell puts on Monic Monday by the Bangles09:19
smartboyhwHmm, maybe I should package https://github.com/sayakb/sticky-notes in Debian09:59
RiddellI'd rather someone got on with plasma active10:00
* smartboyhw thinks Quintasan is working on it10:01
* smartboyhw is not exactly confident with Plasma Active10:01
smartboyhwAnd speaking about it, I'm afraid that libmm-qt got a update10:01
smartboyhwDamningly, I need a FFe for just ONE feature addition:(10:01
smartboyhwkubotu: newversion libmm-qt 0.5.110:05
* smartboyhw realizes that he is speaking to thin air-.-10:05
smartboyhwapachelogger, please resurrect kubotu10:05
Riddellsmartboyhw: what's the new feature?10:11
smartboyhwRiddell, KDE Telepathy SMS messaging10:11
smartboyhwHandy to include10:11
smartboyhwAlbeit, new symbols (sigh)10:13
smartboyhwFortuntately, it's new not MISSING:P10:13
Riddellnew is all good10:15
* Riddell blogs http://blogs.kde.org/2013/09/16/kubuntu-best-kde-distro-201310:27
apacheloggersmartboyhw: but where did he go?10:28
smartboyhwapachelogger, I don't know, missing in the symbols file-.-10:29
smartboyhwRiddell, nice10:29
apacheloggermy bot, my bot, my poor bot10:29
apacheloggerjussi, tsimpson: did the bot machine go OOM possibly?10:32
smartboyhw\o/ it's back10:33
smartboyhwRiddell, do I have to re-build plasma-nm and libnm-qt for the new libmm-qt versions?10:39
smartboyhwAnd if I do have to rebuild, do I require FFe(s)?10:41
* smartboyhw isn't sure how to test it though, there is absolutely no modem here to test-.-10:41
Riddellsmartboyhw: nope10:42
Riddellthat's the beauty of binary compatibility10:42
smartboyhwRiddell, ACK OK10:42
Riddellapachelogger: you could move kubotu to the kubuntu web server if needed10:43
apacheloggerI think he's quite happy on the bot server :)10:43
apacheloggerwhen he doesn't get OOM killed anyway ^^10:44
smartboyhwRiddell, Bug 1225979 for you to ACK10:44
ubottubug 1225979 in libmm-qt (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Please update libmm-qt to 0.5.1" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122597910:44
smartboyhw(Please change it to Triaged)10:45
smartboyhw(If you approve the FFe)10:45
Riddellsmartboyhw: is this requested by KDE Telepathy? will KDE Telepathy use it?10:49
Riddellmck182_: ^^10:50
mck182_not quite10:50
mck182_so we have this gsoc about sms sending from kde telepathy10:51
mck182_that requires libmm-qt 0.5.1 to work10:51
mck182_BUT it also requires an unreleased telepathy-qt version10:51
mck182_stashed somewhere on github10:51
smartboyhwLet me throw it away then:P10:51
Riddellso it sounds like not much advantage if we include it10:51
mck182_well I'd still include it10:51
smartboyhwmck182_, em?10:52
mck182_telepathy-qt will get released eventually ;)10:52
mck182_then users can use sms sending right away10:52
smartboyhwmck182_, eventually = how long?10:52
mck182_when someone brave enough writes unit tests for connection managers apis10:52
mck182_then it can be out immediately10:53
smartboyhwI would rather not upload it in this case10:53
smartboyhwRiddell, your opinion?10:53
mck182_depends if you'd include the new telepathy-qt then10:54
smartboyhwmck182_, when will the new telepathy-qt be released?10:54
mck182_smartboyhw: when the unit tests are written :) not sooner than a month I'd say10:54
smartboyhwThat will affect my decision quite a lot10:54
smartboyhwmck182_, not sooner than a month?10:54
smartboyhwNot uploading.10:54
Riddellbest leave it I think, we can upload it all in a PPA as an update10:55
Riddellor a backport rather10:55
apacheloggerkubotu: hi10:55
kubotuhello, apachelogger10:55
mck182_I doubt it...all I'm saying is that if you're not going to package the new tp-qt, then there's no point in having this libmm-qt 0.5.1 as it will be useless for KTp anyway10:55
smartboyhwRiddell, reject the bug for saucy then10:55
smartboyhwmck182_, we are about to release 13.1010:56
smartboyhwmck182_, after a month or so10:56
smartboyhwIf this can't go in, I just won't package it.10:56
smartboyhws/package it/upload it for 13.10 archive/10:56
kubotusmartboyhw meant: "If this can't go in, I just won't upload it for 13.10 archive."10:56
mck182_smartboyhw: ok11:01
BluesKajHiyas all11:53
apacheloggeryofel: we now have neon/kf5-snapshot-daily and kf5-snapshot-weekly12:26
apacheloggerformer is populated by http://paste.kde.org/pb83d3db5/ on a daily basis, copying all of kf5 into the snapshot iff all daily recipes are built and all sources have built successfully12:27
apacheloggercontent for weekly is promoted from daily after someone checked that the daily snapshot actually has a working session and stuff12:28
smartboyhwapachelogger, nice:)12:29
apacheloggershadeslayer: oh, we still need a more reliable version for daily stamping12:29
markeyRiddell: heh, so a writer from Netrunner Mag finds that Kubuntu and Netrunner are the best distros12:47
markeysounds legit ;)12:47
Riddellno no he said just kubuntu, if he was biased he'd go for netrunner :)12:48
markeynext up: Netrunner Mag finds that projects sponsored by Blue Systems are the best :p12:48
BluesKajmarkey, Netrunner is sponsored by Blue Systems :)12:49
RiddellI think that's his point12:50
BluesKajwell , it's not exactly legit then is it12:50
BluesKajnetrunner is ok , nothing special about it tho 12:51
Peace-Hey guys the beta has trouble with the bios ?12:56
Peace-i mean uefi12:57
Riddelluefi is troubleful generally12:58
Peace-Riddell: ok but did you test on a uefi computer ? 12:58
smartboyhwPeace-, please try turning off UEFI12:58
RiddellPeace-: not for a while12:59
Peace-smartboyhw: ok i have uefi turned off12:59
Peace-and it works fine ... 12:59
Peace-but ... :D12:59
Peace-well i am a bit bored to change bios settings to get access to windows13:00
shadeslayerPeace-: make sure you're booting the 64 bit ISO?13:00
Peace-without that linux cna't read from ntfs13:00
Riddellsmartboyhw: how did you get on with crauchy?13:00
Peace-shadeslayer: i have 64bit machine yes13:00
smartboyhwRiddell, still waiting for the email reply13:00
Riddellsmartboyhw: from cyrille?13:00
smartboyhwPinged CyrilleB to reply before Thurs. Riddell <13:01
smartboyhwPeace-, machine != image13:01
apacheloggerutc in python is not confusing at all I have to say13:01
Riddellsmartboyhw: did you even work out what it does?13:01
Peace-smartboyhw: yes i have 64bit image :P13:01
smartboyhwRiddell, can't on my own13:01
shadeslayerPeace-: what happens when you boot it then?13:01
Peace-shadeslayer: :D well it works fine with uefi = off with uefi =on i am a bit scared to install linux13:02
shadeslayerPeace-: should work fine13:02
Peace-shadeslayer: because i have read that it doesn't work well expecially kubuntu 13:02
Peace-mmm 13:02
Peace-ok i mean you guys have tested ? 13:03
shadeslayerI would think that if the live session works, the install works as well13:03
Mamarokwho is this Luis Augusto guy?13:03
smartboyhwMamarok, ?13:03
* Peace- damn cat why always on my keyboard13:03
Mamaroksmartboyhw: the one who wirtes in that Netrunner Mag13:04
smartboyhwMamarok, dunno, probably a fanatic Netrunner user13:04
Mamarokand an idiot who apparently just complains for the sake of it, his Amarok review is abysmal, he didn't even bother to check teh View menu, and apparently didn't try to use it but for complaining's sake13:05
Mamarokdidn't bother to read the handbook, or ask13:06
Mamarokthat really makes me angry13:06
MamarokRiddell: if you happen to know that guy: writing articles like these is a shame13:06
RiddellMamarok: why?13:07
* Peace- hates amarok 213:07
Mamarokbecause he complains about stuff that is fully configurable13:07
Riddelloh right, no idea who he is I'm afraid13:07
Mamarokhe is the guy who managed to put a blog article from 2009 on planet13:08
MamarokPeace-: hate? why so harsh? Can't you just say you don't like it? I don't "hate" applications13:08
Peace-Mamarok: i hate amarok becuase for me gui sucks 13:09
Peace-it's the first application that i remove 13:09
smartboyhwPeace-, -.- 13:09
highvoltagebut how will that make uncle rodney feel?13:09
MamarokPeace-: when did you last really try to use it? like configuring the layout?13:09
* smartboyhw thinks GUI is awesome!13:10
smartboyhwhighvoltage, LOL13:10
Mamarokit is fully configurable13:10
Peace-Mamarok: i tried to use it and ... omg i have to lose my time even for a gui to listen music ?13:10
Peace-anyway sorry 13:10
Peace-i don't want speak anymore 13:10
Mamarokwell, then you should not even have started, making statements about hating stuff triggers discussions13:11
Peace-yes you right13:11
Mamarokif you don't want to talk about something keep your mouth shut :)13:11
Peace-stop the discussion here please13:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about peace13:11
smartboyhwKeep Calm and don't talk.13:11
* smartboyhw does not exactly like using this British sentence, but..13:12
Peace-i have my cat here on my shoulder it is doing prrrrrrrr  i am relaxed 13:12
* Peace- is thinkign to test kubuntu beta xD13:14
* Peace- uefi brrr13:14
yofelapachelogger: hm, kinda nice idea, but how often do you run the script? (for kf5 you might be lucky enough that it works frequently, but the large PPA constantly has something in pending or building state)13:25
apacheloggerevery 30 minutes13:27
apacheloggercertainly wouldn't work for the large ppa13:28
apacheloggernot impossible though13:28
apacheloggerjust needed a staging-for-daily13:29
apacheloggerapparently yofel disgrees ^^13:29
smartboyhwapachelogger, LOL13:30
yofelapachelogger: did you say something in the last 5 min?13:32
apacheloggeryofel: was just musing about the possibility of having a snapshot for the regular neon13:33
smartboyhw<apachelogger> every 30 minutes13:33
smartboyhw<apachelogger> certainly wouldn't work for the large ppa13:33
smartboyhw<apachelogger> not impossible though13:33
smartboyhw<apachelogger> just needed a staging-for-daily13:33
smartboyhw* yofel has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 90 seconds.)13:33
smartboyhw<apachelogger> apparently yofel disgrees ^^13:33
smartboyhw* yofel (~quassel@ubuntu/member/yofel) has joined #kubuntu-devel13:33
smartboyhw<smartboyhw> apachelogger, LOL13:34
apacheloggeryofel: the problem with the neon pile is more of the kind: what packages are considered essential 13:35
yofelhm, whatever project-neon-base depends on IMO. Not sure how up-to-date that list is though13:35
apacheloggertargetPPA.description = re.sub("(Last-Update:) (.*)", "\g<1> " + date_today.isoformat(), desc)13:35
apacheloggermagic I say13:35
yofelfun ^^13:36
apacheloggeryofel: well, I wouldn't want to do it for neon anyway :P13:36
apacheloggerseems hardly useful13:36
yofelyeah, was just wondering how that'll scale13:36
apacheloggerfor kf5 the primary incentive is that it constantly breaks because someone changes something in libs13:36
apacheloggerand when it breaks you have no working package set because modules are then ever so slowly adopting the changes from kdelibs and during that time the session may be defunct13:37
apacheloggermhh, datestamp works like a charm13:37
apacheloggershadeslayer, yofel: with stamp in ppa description for peristency http://paste.kde.org/pa28d4110/13:39
apacheloggerwhat I don't like is the api thing13:40
apacheloggerdidn't we somehow manage to get peristent auth?13:40
shadeslayerthe api thing?13:40
apacheloggerhaving to auth the api for a week or whatever13:40
yofeluh, credential files are forever usually13:41
yofelif you choose forever13:41
smartboyhw"if" emm13:41
* yofel has one credentials file that he created a few years ago13:41
yofelstill works fine ^^13:41
apacheloggerthere is a forever option?13:42
* smartboyhw always uses forever13:42
apacheloggerI recall having had to auth it for a year13:42
apacheloggera week13:43
apacheloggerlunchpad is broken in w3m13:43
apacheloggeruntil I disable it13:44
apacheloggerreadign helps13:44
BluesKajhmm, think I might give netrunner another look , install it on a spare drive 13:51
mck182_Download size: 65,54 MB13:59
mck182_Installed size: 199,33 KB13:59
mck182_heh, why I need to download so much for so little... :P13:59
mck182_(nvidia binary driver)13:59
Riddelllordievader: what did you fix about the images?14:53
lordievaderRiddell: It can now handle the "target="<something>", for example on the main page next to the gplus icon there is target="_blank", this is part of the image link but didn't get converted properly. Hope <- makes sense.14:56
Riddellah yeah nicer14:58
Riddelllordievader: you commented out the pages in wikiPages array, I presume that's just for speed of debugging?14:59
lordievaderOh did I forget to uncomment everything before uploading? Hmm yes, indeed speed of debugging.15:00
Riddelllordievader: nah you fixed it back later, I was only looking at the one commit15:01
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
Riddelllordievader: yay fixed http://docs.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs.html15:20
Riddelllordievader: the "kubuntu wiki" image in the top has gone which is fine cos it's obviously wrong but might be nice to keep the kubuntu logo there15:20
Riddelllordievader: but more important is to export it to a package for the local user to install, fancy tackling that one?15:20
lordievaderWell I'm still kind of busy with the conversion of MoinMoin to html.15:22
Riddelllordievader: what's still broken?15:27
lordievaderRiddell: Image sizes for one: http://griffioen.no-ip.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs/Basic.html15:29
=== Darkwing_ is now known as Darkwing
Riddelllordievader: oh aye they could do with being shrunk15:40
lordievaderRiddell: Yes, that. In the source the size is given, however the creola parser simply ignores that or something.15:43
Riddelllordievader: I just can't help but think i'm missing something with that parser15:58
Riddellanyway thanks for doing that :)15:58
lordievaderNo problem, I like doing it ;)16:06
=== ronnoc_ is now known as ronnoc
ronnocshadeslayer: come to America and you'll find lots of ppl who look at you funny when you say "Linux". Your evangelical opportunity awaits!16:40
shadeslayeryofel: apachelogger https://code.launchpad.net/~blue-shell/+recipe/milou-daily16:40
shadeslayerbzr dailydeb is completely broken16:40
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1206371] kwin is not starting: cannot find libwayland-egl.so.1 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1206371 (by Chupligin Sergey)16:54
yofelshadeslayer: don't use format 0.417:02
yofelthere's a bug about that somewhere17:02
shadeslayeryofel: how come https://code.launchpad.net/~neon/+recipe/project-neon5-kde-workspace works then?17:14
shadeslayerand what's not valid in https://code.launchpad.net/~blue-shell/+recipe/milou-daily17:14
shadeslayer( in the version )17:14
shadeslayeryofel: git-commit wasn't substituted but then it goes on to say git-commit is a valid substitution17:16
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apacheloggershadeslayer: yeah, I totally tripped over that as well17:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: how did you fix it?17:53
apacheloggerbut like months ago17:54
shadeslayerbecause I see you're using 0.417:54
shadeslayerin neon517:54
apacheloggerand someone speculated the sub is not subbed17:54
apacheloggerneon is special? :P17:54
shadeslayeryes, lets call it that :P17:54
shadeslayershit is broken in the daily PPA17:55
shadeslayercan't start plasma-shell, something about a missing import or sth17:55
apacheloggerit builds.17:55
apacheloggerit not starting may be why the daily snapshot was not promoted to weekly? :P17:56
shadeslayerfwiw where is that script running?17:56
apacheloggershadeslayer: mail host17:59
apacheloggershadeslayer: also notable difference between neon5 branches and milou ... neon5 uses nested packaging17:59
apacheloggermay be related17:59
shadeslayeryeah, that's what I was thinking of as well18:00
shadeslayerI can try and nest it I suppose18:00
shadeslayerif it works, I'd like to kick launchpad in the nuts18:00
shadeslayernesting won't work, I'll have to change the dir structure :(18:01
apacheloggercp -rf foo/debian bar&& cd bar && bzr init && bzr add * && bzr commit && bzr push lp:~me/+junk/bar18:02
apacheloggerchange recipe to point to junk/bar18:02
apacheloggers/point to/nest18:02
yofelshadeslayer: weird, true. neon is really the only place I see that working. I tripped over debupstream in the kdelibs stable recipe18:04
=== ejat- is now known as ejat
NikThHello everyone22:27
NikThWhat we can do about a broken link here → https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuTesters22:27
NikThLook at the section "How to Contribute" → other projects (link)22:28
shadeslayerNikTh: fix it?22:29
shadeslayerit's a wiki22:30
shadeslayeranyone can edit it22:30
NikThYes, but how to fix it ? I don't know the correct page.. :) Maybe remove it completely ? 22:32
shadeslayertry and find it, if you can't find one, create a new one ? :)22:32
shadeslayer-> sleep22:33
NikThMaybe this one is a nice one ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/QA22:34
NikThshadeslayer: Good night 22:35
ScottKUpdating pykde4 to 4.11 trunk should fix it.22:49

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