
Jonathan__that doesnt work00:13
Jonathan__I tried it it said that it cant find it00:13
Guest65804why do I have to keep right clicking on the speaker icon and selecting the master channel to get the volume keys to work? How do I get it to save that setting?00:19
SnowhogJonathan__: k9copy isn't being developed since 2011. The developer 'gave up' on the project.00:24
Jonathan__so we cant get it anymore???00:24
SnowhogJonathan__: You can get the 'latest' source and compile it yourself: http://k9copy.sourceforge.net/web/index.php/en/download00:25
Jonathan__how do u compile it?00:26
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Greylocks_Jonathan__: http://www.wikihow.com/Compile-a-Program-in-Linux check this.00:30
SnowhogJonathan__: The 'last' Ubuntu versions of k9copy are for Lucid, Precise, and Quantal: http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/k9copy00:35
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ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger01:21
thelionroarsask for an op, get an op :P01:23
skreech__What just happened?01:24
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lars__anyone here?02:46
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lars__Anyone here?03:12
lars__Anyone here know how to use Kubuntu?03:12
lars__Does anyone know how to setup the network connections?03:20
lars__Does anyone know anything aobut network connections?03:20
lars__Iḿ trying to fix myh netwwork connections03:21
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wafflejock_is there anybody out there?04:25
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lars__I have trouble typing quotes and apostrophes.  Itś a problem. See05:05
lars__is there an easy and safe way to change my global keyboard settings using the Kate text editor?05:06
lars__I have a new logitech wired up keyboard that uses U.S. English, itś a standard keyboard hooked up with USB connector05:07
lars__actually doesn the KDE help link have thing that tells you how to fix the keyboard settings?05:09
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ozysimpsonsorry for cross posting: Could some one please point me to a document or help me in Setting up RAID on an existing Ubuntu Machine, the machine only had 2TB hard drive, i saw my friends machine just die last week and lost most of his data, I am being little cautious here went and brought another disk 2TB now my ubuntu is able to see the disk, could some one tell me how to setup as RAID 1 mirror please05:36
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ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto05:51
ozysimpsonTm_T, you here?06:02
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lordievaderGood morning.07:16
cluelesscoderhey, I'm trying to understand .profile and stuff and was reading http://mywiki.wooledge.org/DotFiles07:43
cluelesscoderdoes X session apply to kubuntu for login? he mentions kdm at the end, but Muon is telling me kdm is not installed07:44
lordievadercluelesscoder: X session applies to Xorg, since we are still using X. Yes this applies to both kdm as lightdm.07:47
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cluelesscoderthanks lordievader just trying to see how things fit together - that helps08:05
colin_hi helloooooooo08:59
colin_anyone there?09:00
colin_oh this is a good room aint it NOT09:00
jussicolin_: did you have a question?09:01
jussi(if you just want to chat, join us in #kubuntu-offtopic)09:02
lordievadercolin_: There are a lot of idlers, does that count?09:03
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MonkeyDuston my desktop icons: what's the use of the +/- sign?11:27
Graf_WesterholtMonkeyDust, you can add or remove a desktop. :)11:28
MonkeyDustGraf_Westerholt  not sure what you mean: there's the arrow up, which shows the content of the folder, but the +/- doesnt seem to do anything11:29
Graf_WesterholtMonkeyDust, I am not sure what you mean. Can you please show a screenshot?11:30
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MonkeyDustGraf_Westerholt  sure: this plus-sign http://imagebin.org/27106911:33
Graf_WesterholtMonkeyDust, that is to multiselect items without the keyboard.11:34
MonkeyDustGraf_Westerholt  ok, great, thanks11:35
Graf_WesterholtMonkeyDust, no problem. Glad to help you. :)11:35
BluesKajHiyas all11:53
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ovidiu-florinI'm trying to install kubuntu 13.04 on an old computer, but the installer keeps crashing after I enter the user info and click next13:57
ovidiu-florinwhat to do?13:57
ovidiu-florinI'm installing it in Romanian, but that shouldn't affect it.13:58
ovidiu-florinI'm using a USB flash drive with grub2 and the Kubuntu ISO. I've installed it from this drive on other computers, and it worked just fine. So I don't understand what is the issue?14:02
ovidiu-florinwhere are the logs for the installer stored?14:02
lordievaderovidiu-florin: You could try with the Precise alternate disk and then upgrade to 13.04.14:03
ovidiu-florinI'm affraid of those upgrades14:03
ovidiu-florinthey always turned out bad for me14:04
ovidiu-florinwhy isn't there a text based installer for 13.04?14:07
BluesKajovidiu-florin, older computers won't boot the image from usb14:08
ovidiu-florinBluesKaj: it's already booted14:08
ovidiu-florinand I've used it to make the data backup14:09
BluesKajplop ?14:09
ovidiu-florinbut the installer crashes14:09
ovidiu-florinwhat is plop ?14:09
ovidiu-florinah, boot manager14:11
ovidiu-florinno, I'm using grub on a 4GB flash drive where I have 4 Kubuntu ISO LTS and latest, x86 and x86_64 for each14:12
BluesKajso the pc isn't real old then if it boots from usb14:12
ovidiu-florinI guess14:12
ovidiu-florinbut still the installer crashes even if I use english to install it14:13
ovidiu-florinwhere are the installer logs stored?14:15
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ovidiu-florinwhat happenend?16:16
Graf_Westerholtovidiu-florin, how can we help you?16:17
ovidiu-florinso this connection is still alive, I've just got no answer16:18
ovidiu-florinI'm trying to install Kubuntu 13.04 on a desktop but the installer keeps crashing after the user info page16:18
mokushdoes anybody when where the kde icons are, as in folder on disk?16:23
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cire_nonickHi, I am using kontact at home and at work for nearly everything (mail, kontacts, calendar) but since a long time I have a lot of problems with my imap accounts. They, after some time, sometimes directly after startup, either appear as offline, or freeze, which means no new mails arrive and not cached ones cannot be viewed.16:51
cire_nonickThis renders it unusable. Restarting akonadiserver helps for a short time.16:51
cire_nonickI did a fresh configuration, thinking my old config was the problem, but the problems came back.16:51
cire_nonickIs this a known issue, if yes is it being fixed, or how could I help fixing it?16:52
cire_nonickI think these problems exist since more than a year now. I am quite used to do killall akonadiserver and restart it, now ;)16:52
cire_nonickI will ask in a more direct way: Does anybody use kontact (kmail) with akonadi, and does NOT have these problems? I have 2 computers, 12.10 and 13.04, both having that issue...16:58
Graf_Westerholtcire_nonick, Akonadi does always problems.17:02
cire_nonickGraf_Westerholt: I know. I really know. It always makes problems for months now. Is this the situation? Leaving people with serious bugs? I like the idea behind akonadi, but I will change to sth different. Getting laughed at several times if I miss important mails at work. This is no fun.17:05
Graf_Westerholtcire_nonick, Akonadi is very buggy for a long time.17:06
cire_nonickThey use evolution or thunderbird and no problems.17:06
Graf_Westerholtcire_nonick, I cannot open my wastebin in Kmail. Akonadi seems to chrash then. That is normal.17:06
ovidiu-florinIt's not normal17:06
ovidiu-florinwhat version of KDE?17:07
ovidiu-florincire_nonick: 17:07
FloodBotK1ovidiu-florin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:07
Graf_WesterholtAkonadi is bad. That is a fact.17:07
cire_nonickovidiu-florin: at home 4.10.517:07
ovidiu-florinI'm using Kmail for more than an year on more than one computer17:08
cire_nonickat work I don't know. Latest in kubuntu 12.1017:08
ovidiu-florinand I don't experience those problems17:08
Graf_Westerholtovidiu-florin, but I have problems with Akonadi. And other people, too.17:08
ovidiu-florincire_nonick: I recommend that you use the kubuntu backports to get the latest KDE17:08
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Graf_Westerholtovidiu-florin, I cannot open e-mails in the wastebin in Kmail.17:08
cire_nonickovidiu-florin: having these problems for several montzhs now. Having two computers, also did some fresh installation in between.17:08
cire_nonickwhen saying months this may also mean more than a year17:09
ovidiu-florinThis leads me to believe that there are problems with the Akonadi implementation on Kubuntu. I don't experience these issues on other distros17:09
ovidiu-florinHaven't used it on Kubuntu in a while though17:10
cire_nonickthis is a pity.17:10
cire_nonickI really would like to help solving those problems. WHat can I do? Where are the important logs?17:10
ovidiu-florinI'll give it a try later today17:10
ovidiu-florincire_nonick: do you know C++?17:10
cire_nonickbut I am not a noob, so I could do more than just pastebnin some logs if needed. I am also willing to setup a virtual machine to track this issue down.17:12
ovidiu-florincire_nonick: Kmail, akonadi related chats take place in #kontact17:13
cire_nonickokay, tried #kde last time, no replies17:13
ovidiu-florinyou should ask there for more specific details17:13
cire_nonickI will do so. Really like kontact17:13
cire_nonickI will wait until this happens again, then talk to the people in that channel. (restarted akonadiserver, so now it will work for some time)17:14
ovidiu-florincire_nonick: on IRC you have to get lucky to get an answer that helps. The right person might not be around right then.17:14
ovidiu-florincire_nonick: first of all17:15
ovidiu-florinuse backports17:15
cire_nonickovidiu-florin: I will give it a try17:15
ovidiu-florinand only complain about problems if you use the latest version of the software17:15
ovidiu-florinalways install your updates17:15
cire_nonickbut 13.04 is newest stable, thought backports are new packages made for old releases?17:16
ovidiu-florincire_nonick: also https://bugs.kde.org/ is a good place to look if the problems you are experienced have already been reported and their status17:17
ovidiu-florinbackports bring the latest KDE to any kubuntu version.17:17
cire_nonickahh, so you are talking about kde backports, instead of kubuntu backports?17:17
ovidiu-florinEach kubuntu is released with a specific version of KDE. I think the most stable at the release time17:17
ovidiu-florinkubuntu backports17:18
ovidiu-florincire_nonick: sudo add-apt-repository kubuntu-ppa/backports17:19
lordievaderovidiu-florin: Complaining about Precise is perfectly fine, as long as it is supported ;)17:19
cire_nonickadd-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports you mean17:20
cire_nonickokay, did it17:20
ovidiu-florinwasn't so sure about the ppa: part17:20
ovidiu-florincire_nonick: now sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade17:21
cire_nonickshould I do some apt-pinning now?17:21
ovidiu-florinor apritude or muon, what ever you preffer17:21
cire_nonickotherwise I will get all backports, right?17:21
cire_nonickwhich means a "testing" system17:21
ovidiu-florinwhat message did you get when adding backports?17:21
cire_nonickokay, I see. These are only kde backports...17:22
ovidiu-florin"Backports of new versions of KDE and major KDE apps for Kubuntu which are either too large a change or not yet tested enough to go to Ubuntu Backports."17:22
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging17:23
ovidiu-florinlordievader: is there a bot message for kubuntu backports?17:23
lordievaderNot sure.17:23
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots17:23
lordievaderovidiu-florin: Click the first link and check ;)17:23
cire_nonickovidiu-florin: thanks for your help. Going to test the backports now. If it worked this would be amazing!17:24
ovidiu-florinlordievader: nope17:24
lordievaderNo factoid?17:25
ovidiu-florinnot for kubuntu backports17:27
ovidiu-florinjust ubuntu backports17:27
lordievaderWell that's just too bad :(17:27
bjrohanIt appears that my kontact account GoDaddy is very . .  slow in responding, any suggestions to speed it up?17:52
bjrohanFor example when I delete a message, it says moving to trash, and that operation takes quite a while, 2 minutes or more. Is this taking so long because it is synving with GoDaddy?17:54
ovidiu-florinbjrohan: POP3 or IMAP18:05
m_tadeuhow can I stream my desktop through the network?18:31
m_tadeuand...my rekong says this "rekonq does not know how to handle this protocol: gg"...how can I solve it?18:33
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ovidiu-florinm_tadeu: how have you tried?18:45
m_tadeuovidiu-florin: just put my search words in the url bar18:48
ovidiu-florinm_tadeu: I meant what ways to stream your desktop?19:10
m_tadeuovidiu-florin: I want to stream my desktop as if it was a cctv camera....so I can grab it somewhere on my network19:12
ovidiu-florinwhat is the difference between a normal lib package and a -dev lib package? What do they both contain?19:36
m_tadeuovidiu-florin: the dev packages contain development stuff, like header files...a lib package contains the libs programs use19:37
ovidiu-florinm_tadeu: and no header files on the normal lib package?19:37
m_tadeunot usualy19:38
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RoeyBluesKaj:  hola!22:26
Roeywhy is Firefox stalling after I hit click on Go?  It sometimes timesout without ever showing anything.  Chromium-browser shows stuff instantly22:27

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