
ozysimpsonsorry for cross posting: Could some one please point me to a document or help me in Setting up RAID on an existing Ubuntu Machine, the machine only had 2TB hard drive, i saw my friends machine just die last week and lost most of his data, I am being little cautious here went and brought another disk 2TB now my ubuntu is able to see the disk, could some one tell me how to setup as RAID 1 mirror please05:36
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czajkowskiozysimpson: this isn't the channel to ask that kinda question, perhaps #ubuntu07:56
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smartboyhwwgrant, weird, https://launchpad.net/builders/chindi02 takes 2 days to build a translation template-.-11:36
cjwatsonIt's obviously dead, but I wonder how to cancel it ...11:37
wgrantun-ok, wait for scan to rescue the DB job, re-ok, next scan will rescue slave11:38
cjwatsonWe should expose a builder's current build on the API11:38
wgrant2013-09-16 11:37:58+0000 [QueryProtocol,client] Builder 'chindi02' rescued from 'TRANSLATIONTEMPLATESBUILD-43563': 'Slave building when should be idle.'11:38
wgrantcjwatson: TTBs can't be cancelled normally anyway.11:38
cjwatsonHow come?  The process-reaping bits in lp-buildd are hooked up for them.11:39
wgrantI mean on the DB model side11:39
wgrantThey have no concept of cancellation, in either the model object or the BFJB11:39
cjwatsonAh, ugh11:40
cjwatsonIncidentally "Builder 'chindi02' rescued from 'TRANSLATIONTEMPLATESBUILD-43563': 'Slave building when should be idle.'" repeats a lot in the buildd-manager log - is something wrong there or does it just take a while?11:42
wgrantThe slave isn't cancelling, quite possibly because it's hung beyond repair.11:42
wgrantWe should probably immediately reset if there's no job to send the log back to11:42
wgrantIn fact I think I have a bug for that.11:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1041701 in Launchpad itself "rescueBuilderIfLost cleans up virtual builders inefficiently" [High,Triaged]11:43
cjwatsonMm, I think I didn't touch that because I don't sufficiently understand the fake-virtual armhf builders.11:45
wgrantThat's obsolete now; the virtual builders are all virtual.11:45
wgrantI might look at it this week.11:45
wgrantWhen I filed that bug, the armhf builders were pandaboards with a no-op reset trigger11:46
wgrantSo resetting for cleanup purposes wouldn't be immensely effective.11:46
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Akiva-MobileGreetings, I am on windows, using the bazaar gui, and I am trying to make my own branch to a project. This is the code I am using:  bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lord-high-exchequer/dominion.linux/trunk/15:45
Akiva-Mobileunfortunately it is saying in response "Permission denied (publickey).15:46
Akiva-MobileConnectionReset reading response for 'BzrDir.open_2.1', retrying"15:46
Akiva-Mobileim new to launchpad and bazaar; is there something I am doing wrong?15:46
mgzAkiva-Mobile: what do you get from `ssh -vv lord-high-exchequer@bazaar.launchpad.net`? you have some ssh keys on that account, but you need the private key accessible locally to connect15:48
Akiva-Mobilemgz from a terminal, right?15:50
Akiva-Mobileor from the gui?15:50
Akiva-Mobile< graphics designer, not a programmer :/15:50
mgzAkiva-Mobile: from a terminal, it will give more details before the "Permission denied (publickey)" from the underlying program, which might be helpful15:51
ubot5For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:51
Akiva-Mobileokay, so I was lying, winterfrost was the guy having the issues;15:56
mgzAkiva-Mobile: so, he needs his own account and ssh key, is the answer16:06
mgzget him to read the setting up ssh page on help.launchpad.net16:07
Akiva-Mobilemgz: your script actually apparently worked for him16:07
Akiva-Mobilehe had that setup16:07
winterfrostYeah, I had the ssh key done. It seems to be working now though.16:07
Akiva-Mobilemgz: +1 internet points for you16:08
shadeslayercould someone look at this recipe failiure https://launchpadlibrarian.net/150406874/buildlog.txt.gz16:09
shadeslayerwgrant: czajkowski ^^16:24
shadeslayercan be reproduced everytime16:24
shadeslayerhttps://code.launchpad.net/~blue-shell/+recipe/milou-daily > for all failiures16:25
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czajkowskishadeslayer: I don't work for canonical any more18:01
shadeslayeroh ....18:02
dobeyshadeslayer: eh. looks like it works now?18:03
shadeslayerdobey: I changed the version18:04
shadeslayerso that it doesn't use git-commit and doesn't use version 0.418:04
shadeslayerdobey: the weird thing is that it works in another project18:05
shadeslayerbut that project uses nest instead of merge for the packaging brancjh18:05
shadeslayeractually, that might make sense, because if you merge 2 branches the git commit might change or sth18:05
shadeslayersince you're modifying the bzr history18:06
shadeslayeryofel: ^^18:06
shadeslayerwhile in nesting you're not18:06
shadeslayerbut then why does it work locally ...18:06
yofelwhat does merging have to do with *git*-commit? If anything it would change revno18:06
dobeyi'd say more likely git-commit would fail because with merge you'd have uncommitted changes in the tree18:07
shadeslayerdobey: so why does it work locally18:09
dobeyshadeslayer: you're not running on hardy?18:09
shadeslayerheh true, but I thought the buildd's had the latest bzr?18:10
dobeymaybe it's not a bzr issue, but python?18:10
dobeythere are plenty of issues that only happen on the build servers, unfortunately :-/18:10
shadeslayerhm, yeah, the traceback does indicate that it doesn't have a python method split18:10
shadeslayersomeone should document these quirks in the launchpad help page18:11
yofelwell, the buildd's use python2.5, which indeed is far too old18:11
yofelthis is bug 915505 btw.18:11
ubot5bug 915505 in launchpad-buildd "0.4 recipes: bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AttributeError: 'cStringIO.StringI' object has no attribute 'split'" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91550518:11
shadeslayeryep, nesting works18:14
shadeslayersilly launchpad18:14
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cjwatsonyofel: builderstack (which will involve them running precise instead of hardy) is supposed to be RSN18:59
cjwatson(though we've been hearing that for a while)19:00
yofelyeah, I'll be happy once it gets fixed, but I'm not holding my breath ^^19:01
alesageI'm having some trouble getting through to the LP API, does it need kicking?21:28
dobeytrouble in what sense?21:38
alesagedobey, let me paste one sec21:39
alesagedobey, here's me in ipython: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6116795/21:40
dobeyoh, that is the staging server21:48
cjwatsonYeah, staging was having a (long) DB restore last I checked21:49
dobeyappears to still be going as the OOPS is a DB issue on the server21:49
cjwatsonIt's a many-hour job21:52
cjwatsonwgrant estimated 12-24 hours about 7.5 hours ago21:52
alesagedobey, cjwatson ok yes I'm able to get on the production service, thanks21:55
alesagecan someone instruct on how to use the LP API to get all bugs reported by a specific user?22:16
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cjwatsonalesage: person.searchTasks(bug_reporter=person)22:21
cjwatsonshould do it22:21
alesagecjwatson, thanks :)22:21

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