
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
AskUbuntuDoes a MaaS region or Cluster controller going down mean the provisioned servers go down or only that new servers will not be provisioned? | http://askubuntu.com/q/34604800:48
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
freeflyingwhen does maas add CNAME, after enlist or after it be allocated?05:27
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
bigjoolsfreeflying: after commissioning06:09
freeflyingbigjools, is there any clue on why some node can't be added after commissionning07:06
bigjoolsfreeflying: what do you mean by added?07:06
freeflyingbigjools, the CNAME record07:07
bigjoolsfreeflying: you'd have to look a in a few places.  The path from commissioned node to dns cname is a long one, I'll try to explain:07:09
freeflyingbigjools, thanks07:09
bigjools1. the celeryd on the cluster controller periodically scans the dhcp leases file and reports active leases to the region controller07:09
bigjools2. the region controller associates the lease (MAC/IP combo) with any known nodes07:10
bigjools3. it sends a job to the celeryd-region daemon to write a new zone file07:10
bigjools4. it sends a job to the celeryd-region daemon to reload the zone07:10
bigjoolsso check logs for both celeryd processes to start with and see if there's any errors07:11
bigjoolsalso check the maas log07:11
freeflyingbigjools, celeryd scans the lease of dhcp managed by maas only, right?07:13
bigjoolsfreeflying: yes07:14
bigjoolsunless you have dhcp controlled by maas you won't get any CNAME07:14
freeflyingbigjools, but now we running a external dhcp server for enlisting/provisioning07:15
bigjoolsfreeflying: then you're out of luck, you need to use DDNS to update an external DNS server07:16
bigjoolsthis is largely because maas needs to be able to force a static host mapping in the dhcp server07:17
freeflyingbigjools, that explains I only have 2 nodes CNAME added by maas07:17
bigjoolsif the leases file is on the same server as the cluster controller it can scan the leases, but if the IP changes things will break07:19
freeflyingbigjools, the leases file is on the same server, so we have isc-dhcp-server running, bind to one eth, and maas's dhcp bind to another eth on same server07:21
bigjoolsfreeflying: maas does not have its own dhcp server, it uses isc07:22
bigjoolsI think its ok to have another isc running for a separate eth but I've never done that07:23
freeflyingbigjools, yes, and I run into problem that node's CNAME can't be added07:24
bigjoolsfreeflying: so you have maas-dhcp installed?07:26
freeflyingbigjools, yes07:27
bigjoolsfreeflying: then there must be an error in one of the logs somewhere to say what's going on07:27
bigjoolsfreeflying: which version of maas?07:27
freeflyingbigjools, 1.2+bzr1373+dfsg-0ubuntu1~12.04.207:28
bigjoolsfreeflying: did you set the cluster controller to manage dhcp/dns?07:28
bigjoolsin the web ui07:28
freeflyingbigjools, yes07:28
freeflyingbigjools, and I'm confused that we had 3 machines enlisted, and we successfully bootstrapped, and deployed ubuntu to another machine, I tried to add-unit, it fails, checked /etc/bind/maas/zone.maaslab.mast, only got 2 CNAME there07:30
bigjoolsfreeflying: that is odd07:32
bigjoolsfreeflying: can you look at the leases file and see if there is an entry07:32
bigjoolsthen can you do this:07:32
bigjools$ maas shell07:32
bigjools> from maasserver.models import DHCPLease07:32
bigjools> for l in DHCPLease.objects.all():07:32
bigjools>     print l07:32
freeflyingbigjools, only 2 entries can be found, I believe its because the third one hasn't boot up successfully after commissioning, so it never has a chance to get ip from dhcp managed by maas07:37
bigjoolsfreeflying: that sounds reasonable07:38
bigjoolsI have to step out for a bit, back later07:39
freeflyingbigjools, so to use external dhcp, I need set ddns?07:39
freeflyingbigjools, ttyl07:39
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
AskUbuntuNot abel to destory service as agent state is down | http://askubuntu.com/q/34622812:34
AskUbuntujuju error: hook failed: "config-changed" | http://askubuntu.com/q/34627615:12
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
AskUbuntuMAAS with external DHCP TFTP time out | http://askubuntu.com/q/34633918:14
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== kentb is now known as kentb-out
=== bigjools_ is now known as bigjools

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