
popeyRight, time for bed for me.00:04
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mihir___Good Morning guys :)06:33
dholbachgood morning06:49
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JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Monday and happy International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer! :-D09:01
dholbachdpm, popey: do we know of folks who are struggling with getting their app submitted or are we generally fine?10:10
popeydholbach: right now we're okay.10:12
popeyThe two issues that everyone got yesterday...10:12
popeysome app developers wanted to use picture_files so they could store/use photos10:13
popeye.g. photos of recipes in Saucy Bacon, photos of memories in Memories app, and also in Cnotes10:13
popeythe other issue seemed to be a backend problem. We wasted too much time yesterday with the developers trying to understand and fix a problem which it turns out isn't supported by the backend yet AIUI10:14
popey    "lint_control_architecture_valid_contents": "found binaries for architecture 'all': "10:14
dholbachpopey, if they ship binaries, like .so files, they can change the architecture in the manifest to 'armhf'10:19
dholbachpopey, this should be automatic in the future10:19
popeythey did10:19
popeywe had people change the arch and it still complained10:19
popeywhich led to the frustration because neither I nor nik90_ knew the solution10:19
dholbachthen jdstrand or beuno can maybe shed some light on this10:19
popeyi saw beuno had let an app through with a comment that the backend wasn't done, so I let others through10:19
popeydholbach: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/61/feedback/10:22
dholbachit seems Martin +1'd this and forgot to hit "approve"?10:22
randomcpppopey, hi :)10:24
popeyhi randomcpp10:24
randomcppyesterday I forgot to fix the bug with the keyboard10:24
popeythat it obscures content?10:24
randomcppbut I don't know where to look :/10:25
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nik90_good morning everyone :)10:53
randomcppnik90_, morning :)10:53
* nik90_ is going to start reviewing apps now10:54
randomcppnik90_, popey told me that on the phone, when the keyboard is showed, the textarea is covered by it10:54
randomcppdo you know if others had a similar issue?10:54
nik90_randomcpp: Do you mean the recipe instruction textfield?10:55
nik90_randomcpp: yeah some othe people also had it10:55
nik90_randomcpp: I think you can fix it with anchortoKeyboard: true or something10:55
nik90_boiko knows about it but isnt online no10:56
randomcppnik90_, can I fix this kind of bugs even if the contest is over?10:57
nik90_randomcpp: I am not sure if it would taken in consideration while judging the app for contest, but people using your app would like a fix later.10:58
nik90_randomcpp: you should do it for them if not the contest10:58
randomcppnik90_, ah ok..10:59
nik90_zsombi: I fixed many of the comments in the alarm MP.10:59
nik90_randomcpp: but what you have to understand is that if you have a bug then most likely many of them have it as well. So at the end of the day, you are in the same plane as others10:59
zsombinik90_ I saw it, just haven't had time yet to check them...11:00
randomcppnik90_, ok, so I shouldn't be worried11:00
nik90_zsombi: no worries11:00
nik90_randomcpp: yes11:02
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randomcppclepto, ping11:28
cleptorandomcpp, pong11:41
randomcppclepto, how did you get u1 sync?11:59
cleptorandomcpp, I didn't, its not implemented yet I think12:00
randomcppah ok,12:00
randomcppyou scared me :p12:00
cleptosorry :)12:00
randomcppnp :)12:00
randomcppclepto, do you use ubuntu13.10 right?12:04
cleptorandomcpp, 13.0412:04
randomcppah ok12:05
randomcppI don't know why I have lag with animations in saucy with fglrx drivers12:05
randomcppwith raring I hadn't a problem12:05
cleptorandomcpp, what gpu?12:06
randomcpp5650 mobility hd12:06
cleptono idea...12:06
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jdstrandnik90_: fyi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Specifications/ApplicationConfinement#Application_environment12:12
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dholbachjppiiroinen, I just saw your bug fix land for qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu - does it need an upload?12:59
mefriobeuno, hi :)13:15
mefriobeuno, have you said to judges about my app situation? :)13:15
beunomefrio, I am passing it along, yes13:16
mefriobeuno, ok thank you :)13:17
jppiiroinendholbach: Mirv is handling the stuff related to releasing :) ..i am just a tool ;P13:35
dholbachjppiiroinen, you're joking :)13:35
dholbachMirv, was 2.8.1 ever uploaded or it this still in FF review?13:37
oSoMoNnerochiaro: would you mind reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/unskip-test/+merge/185806 ? it unskips and fixes an autopilot test that started consistently failing last week13:52
nerochiarooSoMoN: on it in a minute when i finish running AP tests on device for another MR i had pending13:53
oSoMoNnerochiaro: thanks13:54
nerochiarooSoMoN: well, i'm actually gonna wait for jenkins to do its thing and then test the generated pacages on device13:54
oSoMoNnerochiaro: makes sense13:54
nerochiarooSoMoN: speaking of which, how would you do this same thing on a readonly image ?13:55
nerochiarooSoMoN: i switched back to cdimage-touch (without --pending) as i can't work on the ro images at all13:55
nerochiarofor now13:55
oSoMoNnerochiaro: why not?13:55
nerochiarooSoMoN: they are ro, i can't install debs13:55
nerochiarooSoMoN: i can't even push them on the device13:56
timpnerochiaro:  touch /userdata/.writable_image && reboot13:56
oSoMoNnerochiaro: there was an e-mail sent to ubuntu-phone@ on Sept. 5 titled "System images now the recommended way to deploy and update Ubuntu Touch" that explains how to make the RO images RW13:56
nerochiarooSoMoN: i need to figure out a way to handle that mailing list. it's too high traffic13:57
nerochiarooSoMoN: i keep missing important things13:57
oSoMoNnerochiaro: quickly scanning the subjects is usually enough to figure out whether a mail really is important or not13:58
nerochiarooSoMoN: hasn't been working very well for me judging from the results13:58
oSoMoNnerochiaro: works for me, ymmv…13:59
aquariusdpm, ping about generic scopes14:05
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dpmhi aquarius, I'm about to enter a call with our mutual bearded friend, but feel free to ask and I'll read the scrollback :)14:54
aquariusdpm, ha! say hello for me :)14:54
dpmwill do :)14:54
aquariusdpm, my idea is this: having to write scopes in C is sad for people like me who are not good at C, and it's sad for the compile step (which is hard if you need to cross-compile for arm, set up your environment so that's possible, etc).14:55
aquariusdpm, I think it ought to be possible to write, in C, a "generic scope", which receives JSON from a URL and renders its output.14:55
dpmaquarius, indeed. I was actually thinking about this. The template we've got on Qt Creator has no backend, and extending it to use a JSON backend might be a very good idea14:56
dpmnote also that we recommend folks to develop scopes to run on the smart scopes server, so cross-compilation won't be as much of a pain unless you really want to run your scope locally14:57
aquariusThat is: you add to the .scope file the URL to fetch (so there's a new entry, X-Ubuntu-Generic-Scope-Search-URL: http://myserver.com/search?q=%s) and the URL to fetch data about an individual item (so there's a new entry, X-Ubuntu-Generic-Scope-Search-URL: http://myserver.com/item?id=%s), and the scope is hardcoded to look for JSON that looks like {items: [ { id: "item1", image: "url of image", title: "title"14:57
aquarius, description: "dscription" }, ... ] }14:57
aquariusthe idea here is that instead of writing a scope which works with the HTTP API my service provides, I use the generic scope and then provide an HTTP API that it can consume.14:58
davidcalleaquarius, maybe with some manifest like -> title:['result']['title'];i con:['result']['image']['thumbnail']14:58
davidcallemanifest file*14:58
aquariusand all the customisation of the generic scope (which is not much) is done in the .scope file.14:58
aquariuspressing the "Open" button on a preview would run the command defined in the scope file,14:59
aquariusSo if I wanted to write a service, I would write a .scope definition file and ship a shell script which does what I want to open an item14:59
snizzohow can I tell a webview to expand inside a Column item?15:00
aquariusand then my scope definition file would name *the generic scope* as my scope executable.15:00
aquariusthat way, I can write scopes without having to compile anything, without having to set up a cross-compile thing.15:00
aquariusdpm, davidcalle, it would be possible to make this more complicated -- that is, define in the manifest how to parse the JSON feed. But I think that's too complex for step 1. Just state "your JSON feed has to look like THIS." and if you want to do something else, you have to write a C scope yourself.15:01
aquariusI can imagine Generic Scope Version 2 could have a thing in the manifest defining how to parse the feed, what the names of the attributes are, etc. But version 1 should just define what it wants a feed to look like, and you change the feed to look like it expects.15:02
aquariussnizzo, what does "expand" mean in this context? if you want it to be expanded widthwise, set anchors.left:parent.left, anchors.right:parent.right or similar.15:03
snizzoaquarius: isn't that not allowed to do inside a column?15:05
aquariussnizzo, a column lines up stuff vertically. It doesn't affect the horizontal width of your items, so if you want them to have a certain width you need to set iut15:05
nerochiarobfiller: at the moment it looks like there's no QML bindings for libusermetrics, but if we want more apps to be abe to add data I think it might be a good idea to create them ?15:26
nerochiarobfiller: camera app just exposes a few methods from it to the QML side15:27
bfillernerochiaro: can we do the same in other apps for short term? otherwise I agree full bindings would be desireable15:27
nerochiarobfiller: yes, it's not a problem to do that in other apps too, if you think it's best for the moment15:28
bfillernerochiaro: how much of an effort would it be to make proper bindings?15:28
nerochiarobfiller: a day or two i think, from what i've seen up to now.15:30
bfillernerochiaro: guess it makes sense to start on the bindings but just for the functions we need for the apps15:33
nerochiarobfiller: sounds good15:35
oSoMoNnerochiaro: would you mind approving https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/skip-flaky-test-slow-configs/+merge/185847 ? no need to wait for CI to run in this case, as all it does is skip a test known to be flaky15:56
nerochiarooSoMoN: done16:05
oSoMoNnerochiaro: thanks16:05
dholbachMirv, shall I sponsor an upload of qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu?16:34
dholbachit seems like there's a couple of good fixes in trunk16:35
dholbachbzoltan, ^ what do you think?16:39
dholbachbzoltan, I was also thinking: is 2.8.1 going to land?16:40
dholbachbeuno, do you have any idea what we can do about https://plus.google.com/112114577111064174226/posts/ijRukyX7wpB?16:44
* beuno looks16:45
beunodholbach, yeah, keep bumping the version16:46
beunowe're working on the underlying problem16:46
dholbachbeuno, which version would you suggest there?16:46
beunodholbach, it doesn't matter, just a new one  :)16:46
dholbachbeuno, ok, I replied16:48
beunodholbach, https://oops.canonical.com/oops/?oopsid=OOPS-630af07045d743b0b05aa33723c01f2116:49
beunoas you can see, the error is that the version already exists16:49
beunodholbach, there is a combination of steps that leaves people in this state, we are addressing them so they don't happen again16:50
dholbachawesome, thanks16:50
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popeythanks beuno17:17
om26ersalem_, ping17:38
salem_om26er, pong17:38
om26ersalem_, if I call to my ubuntu phone and I don't see any notification on the screen which package to blame17:39
salem_om26er, can you hear the ringtone?17:39
om26erno notification, no sound but the phone through which I am dialing says that the call is outgoing indeed17:39
om26ersalem_, no, neither the ringtone17:40
salem_om26er, is the call accepted? or the other phone keeps ringing?17:40
om26ersalem_, the phone keeps ringing since I don't have a way to pick it up17:41
salem_om26er, ok. can you check if tp-ofono is running?17:41
salem_om26er, telepathy-ofono is the process name17:41
om26ersalem_, yes telepathy-ofono is running17:42
salem_om26er, what about ofonod?17:42
salem_om26er, and phone-app-approver?17:42
om26ersalem_, should all these things be in the result of ps -ax ?17:43
om26erofonod seems to be running17:43
salem_om26er, yes17:43
salem_om26er, sorry, it's not phone-app-approver, it telephony-service-approver17:43
om26ersalem_, everything is running it seems17:44
salem_om26er, can you run "dbus-monitor > call.log", reproduce the bug and then send me the log?17:45
om26ersalem_, in one of the cases I noted that there was no rington or the accept/reject dialog but the screen did lighten up when I called17:45
om26ersalem_, sure, I am going to have to be able to reproduce the bug again for that. It happened 2-3 times while we were chatting but now its not happening17:46
om26erI'll reboot the phone17:46
salem_om26er, ok. thanks17:46
om26erboiko, hello17:57
boikohey om26er17:57
om26erboiko, can you have a look at this bug please (bug 1226157)17:58
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1226157 in dialer-app (Ubuntu) "the 'back' button in the dialer panel should lighten when there is some number written" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122615717:58
om26eryeah, the title is not that great17:58
boikoom26er: so disable the backspace button when there is no text to erase, is that it?17:59
om26erboiko, it actually looks faded in its initial form, rather lighten it up when there is some number dialed18:00
bzoltandholbach: We decided not to push it to 13.10 with an FFe, too much hustle for few weeks before T queue opens18:00
boikoom26er: actually that's because the default asset is gray, we need to colorize that18:01
om26erboiko, do you need some design for that ? aka icon etc ?18:01
boikoom26er: don't think so, I think we can colorize the icon in the UI, I will check that later18:02
om26erboiko, cool, thank you. I have another smaller bug incoming as well18:02
boikoom26er: sure, keep them coming :)18:02
iBelievepopey, ping18:04
popeyiBelieve: pong18:04
iBelievepopey, you mentioned in our last meeting about me helping with another app. Have you picked one that could use more help, or should I just pick one? I was thinking about implementing the visual designs for Stock Ticker that Lucas Romero Di Benedetto made.18:06
iBelievepopey, these designs: lucasromerodb.wordpress.com/2013/08/02/stock-ticker-v02/18:06
popeyiBelieve: So glad you asked!18:06
popeyiBelieve: I have a to-do list item to contact people for exactly this reason ☻18:07
popeyiBelieve: we're looking for someone to do exactly what you described, if you're up for it, that would be great!18:07
iBelievepopey, cool, that's what I'll work on then. I love implementing awesome UI designs :)18:09
popeyThanks iBelieve !18:09
om26erboiko, bug 122617718:29
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1226177 in dialer-app (Ubuntu) "The 'All Contacts' text is at an odd place" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122617718:29
boikoom26er: odd place you mean it is under the header?18:30
om26erboiko, yes under the header is fine but, there are few padding problems and I don't think that place is good for any sub title18:31
om26erbecause there is no enough space.18:31
om26erneeds design ?18:31
boikoom26er: it is not a subtitle, that's the problem :)18:31
boikoom26er: this is to separate the Favourites from all the other contacts18:31
om26erboiko, I suggested a long term solution in the bug report to use something we do in unity818:31
boikoom26er: try running the address-book-app18:31
om26erboiko, yeah, looks fine in the address book app18:32
om26erboiko, see my attached screenshot in the above bug18:32
boikoom26er: so, this design is not even final yet, we are not sure what the tabs will look like in the dialer app18:32
boikoom26er: the bug here is that the listview is appearing under the header when you first start it, if you scroll it down you can see what the correct position is18:33
boikoI think there is a bug reported for that18:33
om26erboiko, yeah, that sounds like the bug18:33
boikoom26er: anyway, I will take the bug a look tomorrow probably18:36
om26erboiko, you are in the bug fixing mode, right ? (or is there still something coming ?)18:36
boikoom26er: there are still some things coming18:37
om26erugh :/18:37
boikoom26er: mostly changes to the history-service though18:38
om26erboiko, I'll keep the bugs coming for the next 4 weeks, but i'll make sure to bug you once a day instead of bugging for each bug separately18:38
boikoom26er: haha, that's fine :)18:38
boikoom26er: once we get to finish the missing bits the focus will be only on bugs, so then you can ping me for each and every bug you find :)18:39
om26erboiko, ok cool. dialer and messaging are on my plate to pursue so we'll be talking much18:39
boikosalem_: ^18:41
boikoom26er: that's good to hear :)18:41
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AskUbuntuHow to make ubuntu realize application type? | http://askubuntu.com/q/34641921:24
om26ersalem_, this http://paste.ubuntu.com/6116765/21:30
om26erdbus-monitor > dial.log was running when this problem happened this time21:30
om26erlogs at the very end must be of use21:30
salem_om26er, interesting. nothing is wrong here. perhaps telephony-service-approver is stuck21:32
salem_om26er, can you try killing it and calling the phone again?21:33
om26ersalem_, I have found a way to reproduce as well, I just keep trying multiple times and during one of the times the problem happens21:33
salem_om26er, ah, I think this is a known bug. if you try again some seconds later, does the notification appear?21:34
om26ersalem_, I killed telephony-service-approver and the problem is still there21:35
om26ersalem_, it does not appear at all even after a few seconds as you say21:35
salem_om26er, ok, but was it relaunched once you made another call?21:35
om26ersalem_, yes, it seems to have relaunched21:36
om26ersalem_, also the screen does turn on, just there is no sound or notification21:36
salem_om26er, what if you send a text?21:36
om26ersalem_, there is no sms notification as well during that problem21:39
salem_om26er, no sound as well?21:39
om26ersalem_, yep, no sound21:39
salem_om26er, can you try playing a video from video lens and check if you have sound?21:40
om26ersalem_, I tested in the settings app and there is no sound in there during the time of problem,21:42
salem_om26er, ok. can you log a bug about it?21:47
om26ersalem_, sure21:51
om26ersalem_, my phone automatically calls the other phone sometimes21:51
om26erafter the above issue happens21:51
salem_om26er, that's weird. do you have dialer-app open?21:59
om26ersalem_, no, not necessarily21:59
salem_om26er, ok. please, provide all this information in your bug report.22:00
om26ersalem_, which package should I report the bug for ?22:00
om26eror the launchpad project22:01
salem_om26er, telephony-service22:02
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