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* didrocks just back from Boston08:16
didrockssil2100: Mirv: hey, how is it going?08:20
sil2100didrocks: morning!08:21
sil2100didrocks: rather fine... but I'm not sure what's the status of daily-release right now08:22
didrocksMirv: sil2100: can we sync up in a hangout in a few?08:22
didrocksso that I can give you the status, story and so on…08:23
didrocksjust expect to see a really tired didrocks ;)08:23
sil2100didrocks: ok, fine with me in ~20-30 min, let's wait for Mirv ;)08:23
didrockssure, good plan ;)08:23
sil2100didrocks: how was the flight? When did you return back home?08:23
jibelGood morning didrocks! you arrived home safely ?08:24
jibelHi sil210008:24
didrockssil2100: I returned back home 10 minutes ago08:24
didrocksjibel: yeah, uneventful! how was yours?08:24
didrockssil2100: so, it's technically still Sunday for me :p08:24
sil210010 minutes ago?!08:25
jibeldidrocks, good flight, arrived 20min earlier than schedule, so exceptional. but then we had to wait for a free parking stand :)08:25
didrockssil2100: yeah, I left Sunday evening08:26
didrocksjibel: ahah, really worthed arriving in advance :p08:26
sil2100jibel: morning!08:26
jibeldidrocks, how was your WE in Boston?08:26
sil2100didrocks: damn! You should have a day off now and sleep!08:26
sil2100Mirv: piiing! ^08:27
didrockssil2100: well, I have to sync up with you first ;)08:27
didrocksjibel: excellent! Boston is a really beautiful city, I wasn't expecting that08:27
didrocksalso, I saw mterry on Sunday08:27
didrockshum, I'll need to sync up with dbarth as well08:28
didrocksdbarth: around for a hangout?08:29
didrocksneed to talk about webapps08:29
jibeldidrocks, Good you enjoyed Boston. Now GO TO BED!08:32
didrockswell, I need people around first ;)08:32
didrocksand going to bed at that time is ensuring it will be a fail tonight08:33
didrocksjibel: btw, we had fun with a lxc failure on Friday evening08:33
didrocks(what a week)08:33
didrocksbut stgraber got a fix08:33
dbarthdidrocks: yup08:34
didrockssil2100: yeah, because of a wrong upgrade08:34
didrocks(well, latest lxc broke)08:34
didrocksbut latest latest fixes it now ;)08:34
jibeldidrocks, yep I saw that last week on my machine, something with mountall IIRC08:34
didrocksall fixed normally now08:34
jibelIt is fixed, I verified this morning08:35
Mirvsil2100: pong pong :)08:38
Mirvdidrocks: just fine, eager to get daily releases back online :)08:38
sil2100didrocks: we have contact with Mirv ! Hangout guys?08:39
Mirvfine by me, at least as soon as I find a headset08:40
didrockssil2100: Mirv: I'm talking with dbarth right now, will ping you later08:40
sil2100ah, ACK08:40
Mirvok. kind a Sunday you have.08:40
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sil2100didrocks: then in the meantime I go grab late breakfast09:14
didrockssil2100: sure sure09:14
* Mirv -> lunch09:15
ricotzdidrocks, hi :)09:41
didrockshey ricotz09:41
ricotzdidrocks, the gnome-session update in saucy might have been a bit rushed09:42
ricotzit seems better to keep using 3.8.x if there are no problems resolved by 3.9.9009:42
sil2100didrocks: when can we connect btw.? I want you resting already ;p!09:43
didrocksricotz: who uploaded it? Sorry, I'm just back from Boston and totally jetlag/out of the loop09:43
ricotzdidrocks, while gnome-session 3.9.91 requires a new gnome-desktop3 which kind of requires a running mutter/gdm09:43
ricotzdidrocks, ah i see, i think jbicha did09:44
didrocksricotz: can you sync up with him to revert it?09:44
ricotzdidrocks, i decided to ping you while seb isnt here ;)09:44
ricotzwill do, see it as note for now then09:44
didrocksricotz: yeah, I'm in a middle of 100 things right now, so I think jbicha will be available before me ;)09:45
ricotzdidrocks, don't worry then, thx09:45
didrocksricotz: just reping me tomorrow when I'm fresh and not in a crazy timezone mindset ;)09:45
ricotzheh ;)09:45
tkamppeterI have applied a bug fix to Cairo, can someone upload it for me? Bug 968785.09:46
ubot2`Launchpad bug 968785 in ghostscript (Ubuntu) "ghostscript runs for indefinitely long period of time when called by foomatic-rip" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96878509:46
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sil2100didrocks: ping! Hangout11:05
sil2100asac: ^11:06
asacsil2100: ok11:07
asacone sec11:07
didrockssil2100: I rerun the sdk stack11:34
sil2100didrocks: ACK, I'm looking on unity8 now11:35
sil2100didrocks: you SLEEP!11:35
didrockssil2100: was I looking that bad? :p11:36
sil2100No ;) But when I think about it that you got back from Boston just today in the morning, I feel tired myself!11:36
didrocksahah, sorry to make you feel tired ;)11:37
didrocksok, maybe the fact that I'm working laying on carpet is not a good sign11:37
didrocksbut I feel good that way11:37
loolqengho: heyo, asac has other issues than the chrome disappearing with latest chromium-browser; notably with google docs; is this something reported / that you know of already?11:43
sil2100Wohoo, daily-build is so CLEAN11:44
didrockscleanly empty! ;)11:45
sil2100didrocks: spinning off unity8!11:47
pittiGood morning12:15
didrockshey pitti!12:24
didrocksenjoying your trip apparently? ;)12:24
pittididrocks: bonjour Didier, ça va ? survived the flight?12:24
didrockspitti: apparently yeah. Still surviving the jetlag though (arrived at home 4 hours ago now and still awake \o/)12:25
didrocksdidn't succeed to sleep during the flight, so still Sunday for me :p12:25
didrockspitti: how was yours? uneventful?12:25
pittididrocks: both of the planes were an hour late, so in the end the tight connection worked out12:25
pittibroken panel in the first, broken battery in the second12:26
pittilike, even Friday 13 itself was delayed by a day :)12:26
didrocksahah, happy that you got there in a piece then!12:26
didrocksno broken pitti :p12:27
pittiyeah, indeed; I'm just beginning to get the usual cold, though12:27
pittithere is NO escape!12:27
didrocksah, finally, an ubuflu! I was afraid nobody would get one :)12:28
* didrocks hugs pitti12:28
didrocks(with care to not grab the cold)12:28
didrockspitti: you should have stayed a little bit more to Boston12:30
didrocksI was alone, but it was lovely12:30
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* desrt yawns12:37
didrocksthanks Mirv!13:33
tkamppeterxnox, hi14:28
xnoxtkamppeter: heya!14:29
tkamppeterxnox, I Have a problem with PackageKit when adding package sources, it does not install the GPG key, see14:29
tkamppeterxnox, it seems to be caused by some change in PackageKit, as system-config-printer did not change and current Saucy package works perfectly on Raring.14:30
xnoxtkamppeter: it cloud be a dbus/glib change wince it is expecting a UINT64 or UINT32 bit value but that's not what it is getting. Maybe the signature should be prefixed with 0x ?14:34
xnoxtkamppeter: I don't think it's my domain =/ try debugging it with pdb to see what values it's receiving and why install-printerdriver.py:35 is reporting warnings.14:35
tkamppeterxnox, I have done the same thing with pure Python now, without system-config-printer, once with the unchanged key and once with the key with 0x preceded. See http://paste.ubuntu.com/6115179/14:39
tkamppeterxnox, do you know whom I can ask? Who has made this package? r should I replace the small Python script by C or shell, to avoid the Python bindings?14:43
jbichadidrocks: I don't think there's any need to revert gnome-session, 3.9.90 works fine and there are unlikely to be more 3.8 releases; we just can't upgrade to 3.1014:43
didrocksjbicha: can you discuss with ricotz? I have no personal opinion about it and he brings that on14:44
xnoxtkamppeter: right, so on command line I did: $ sudo /usr/sbin/aptd14:44
xnoxtkamppeter: then I opened D-feet and org.freeddesktop.PackageKit appeared on the system bus.14:44
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xnoxtkamppeter: and indeed there is no CreateTransaction method.14:44
ricotzjbicha, i am fine with that, but carefully looking at the recent changes for cherry-picking fixes is needed then14:45
xnoxtkamppeter: there is however org.debian.apt dbus-interface with "AddVendorKeyFromKeyserver / from File" etc. but at that point one can already use something like python-apt.14:46
tkamppeterxnox, this means that pk.install_signature() is not compatible with aptd any more due to API changes?14:46
xnoxtkamppeter: well, either packagekit api changed, or aptd changed or both.14:47
tkamppeterxnox, who is resposible for that?14:47
xnoxtkamppeter: currently in saucy there is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aptdaemon/1.1.1-0ubuntu1 done by glatzor which FTBFS and thus still not available. It seems to have plenty of bugfixes.14:47
xnoxtkamppeter: not sure who is responsible.14:48
ricotzjbicha, e.g. https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-session/commit/?id=2040b88847ed1ee11182caac96b0f09c553c646e, or even https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-session/commit/?id=ac9fd0dc97a17674cb082f80df0b1fcc45bc92bf14:48
xnoxtkamppeter: try pulling that newer package, rebuild locally (ignoring the test-failure, or better fix them) and check if it fixes the issues with system-config-printer for you?!14:49
tkamppeterxnox, good idea, thanks.14:49
jbicharicotz: the first commit needs rebasing of some Ubuntu patches, the second commit should be fine though14:50
jbichaand we wouldn't have gotten either of those by sticking with 3.8 either14:50
ricotzjbicha, i guess it might be easier to take 3.9.91+ and revert things14:50
ricotzjbicha, the argument for going with 3.8.4 would be to avoid clashes with gnome3 ppa where we don't want to revert things14:52
jbichaI think we'd need a ffe to upgrade gnome-session any further for saucy but you can upgrade further with the gnome3 ppas14:53
tkamppeterxnox, that's it, aptdaemon 1.1.1 solves the problem. Thank you very much.15:02
xnoxtkamppeter: right, then please help to fix it's test-suite failures, such that we release saucy with aptdaemon 1.1.1 =)15:06
didrockssil2100: falling asleep, leaving now, please do feel free to publish (and continue on the rest) once you are confident. See you!15:35
tedgDoes someone know why we'd be getting this cli-common error?16:05
tedgWhat do the cli dh rules do?16:05
cyphermoxsil2100: what pieces are we publishing atm?16:07
Laneytedg: you asked that exact question before16:08
sil2100cyphermox: for now none, we're more or less ready to publish unity8, sdk and apps, but we have some AP failures going on16:08
LaneyThe job broke and didn't install the build deps16:08
albertsHi! Can someone look at this fix for nautilus - https://code.launchpad.net/~albertsmuktupavels/nautilus/white-screen-fix/+merge/18023116:09
tedgLaney, Oh, so this is the same thing with dh rules needing to be on the base image.16:09
tedgLike the dh_click stuff16:09
tedgBut, wait, why only on ARM then?16:09
Laneydpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: python-all-dev cli-common-dev (>= 0.5.7) libnunit-cil-dev dbus-test-runner xvfb valac mono-devel (>= 2.4.3) python-gtk2-dev gtk-sharp2-gapi libgtk2.0-cil-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev (>= 0.82) libindicator-dev (>= 0.3.90) libindicator3-dev (>= 0.3.90) libdbusmenu-glib-dev (>= 0.5.90) libdbusmenu-gtk-dev (>= 0.5.90) libdbusmenu-gtk3-dev (>= 0.5.90) libgirepository1.0-dev16:10
Laneyit should have installed those16:10
Laneyin particular missing cli-common-dev makes that error happen16:11
tedgOkay, so fginther it seems that the ARM images don't have cli-common-dev installed on them.  Can we fix that please?16:12
fginthertedg, yes, should be able to16:12
tedgLaney, It seems that the images do a "dh clean" before installing the build-deps, so if the needed dh scripts aren't there, they fail.16:13
Laneythat would happen16:13
Laneythe build deps should have been installed; error with the job16:13
tedgReally I think it should install the build deps before doing dh clean.  Not sure why it doesn't.16:14
tedgfginther, Thanks!16:14
fginthertedg, ugh, cli-common-dev requires 154 packages16:15
Laneywhy don't you do the source package build with -nc?16:16
Laneyit's freshly checked out so won't be dirty16:16
cyphermoxsil2100: you planning on releasing everything? what about services?16:17
tedgfginther, That's a bunch!16:19
sil2100cyphermox: we're not planning on releasing that16:22
sil2100cyphermox: we have a schedule for releases:16:22
sil2100cyphermox: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au6idq7TkpUUdGNWb0tTVmJLVzFZd0doV3dVOGpWemc#gid=016:23
cyphermoxMTP ;)16:23
cyphermoxmtp is in services, that's the one I'm interested in16:23
cyphermoxit's already been preNEWed, btw. slangasek looked at it16:24
cyphermoxsil2100: can I run the stack anyway with just mtp? we'll just wait before publishing?16:35
sil2100cyphermox: I think there was a talk about MTP today, so I guess it's ok to spin the stack16:38
sil2100cyphermox: just asac would have to make sure all is green16:39
cyphermoxasac: ^^ I'd like to land MTP, ok to spin the stack with just it?16:39
fginthertedg, cli-common-dev is installed on all the arm boxes, is there an MP I need to rerun?16:42
asaccyphermox: aftrer we pushed unity8/sdk16:47
cyphermoxasac: ack16:47
asacwhats the status on that? did we get confirm that eerything is good and pushed it?16:47
tedgfginther, Yes please, https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/libappindicator/misc-debian-control-fixes/+merge/18003216:47
ogra_asac, see -touch16:47
ogra_asac, sil2100 is on it16:47
asacogra_: whats the summary16:48
asaclots of stuff was talkeda bout16:48
asac-> touch16:48
ogra_still testing16:48
sil2100kenvandine: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro-config/mir_switch_to_next_PPA/+merge/185871 <- can you take a look? The Mir guys asked for this17:32
sil2100cyphermox, kenvandine: later this day, check this branch and redeploy for the US guys on the Mir sprint ;) -> https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro-config/mir_switch_to_next_PPA/+merge/18587118:14
asacsil2100: how long befrore you drop off?18:15
sil2100I should be gone already so not super long, I have a strange headache now as well!18:16
kenvandinesil2100, sure18:16
sil2100kenvandine: do you have a moment for this? https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro-config/extra_pkgs_for_services/+merge/185905 ?18:59
sil2100kenvandine: I'll redeploy anyway ;)18:59
kenvandinehey sil2100, sorry, let me look19:01
cyphermoxI do19:01
cyphermoxdon't redeply now please19:02
kenvandinecyphermox, thx :)19:02
cyphermoxif the mir team just wants to write code for post-saucy, this is the wrong way to "fix" it19:02
sil2100cyphermox: I think they want to write fixes for saucy19:03
sil2100Not post-saucy19:03
sil2100cyphermox: since they want to have those changes released to saucy later19:03
cyphermoxwell, the result is the same really19:03
sil2100cyphermox: at least that's how I understood kgunn19:03
cyphermoxthey should do saucy bugfix in a saucy branch19:03
cyphermoxand upstream development in turnk19:03
sil2100There is no trunk, and I think they only want to do bugfixes for saucy for now19:04
sil2100I mean, trunk is for saucy still19:04
sil2100cyphermox: but best if you discuss that with kgunn19:04
cyphermoxfrom there we can just change the target branch for saucy to whatever they name their change, and trunk for further devel19:04
kgunnsil2100: cyphermox ....our trunk is for saucy19:04
sil2100cyphermox: ^19:05
kgunnour trunk is sacred, so anything landing there...we want in saucy19:05
cyphermoxkgunn: you don't expect to be doing any development not expected to land in saucy?19:05
sil2100cyphermox: as I said, trunk is for saucy, there is no 'upstream development', they work for saucy only19:05
cyphermoxsil2100: but then the PPA change is still incorrect, daily-build-next is explicitly not saucy19:05
kgunncyphermox: correct...for the moment...and totally understand, if/when we get to doing dev that's not going into saucy19:05
kgunnwe would branch ourselves19:05
cyphermoxkgunn: ack19:06
cyphermoxwell for now anything in trunk does end up in saucy, that's all good19:06
sil2100cyphermox: well, true, but Didier uses it temporarily for saucy stuff as well19:06
cyphermoxsil2100: the ppa change would make mir build in a ppa that could have random other stuff for future releases.19:06
sil2100cyphermox: I remember last week he used it as well19:06
cyphermoxyes, for a very specific reason, to avoid building against Mir :)19:07
cyphermoxsince we purged the daily-build ppa completely19:07
albertsHi! Does anyone knows what version of gtk will be used in ubuntu 14.04?19:07
cyphermoxkenvandine: what's your opinion? feels to me like this should all be a no-op19:07
cyphermoxalberts: whatever stable version of Gtk will be available, I'd say19:08
cyphermoxalberts: depends on roadmap, let me check19:08
cyphermoxalberts: I'm not sure. 4.0 by then maybe? I have no idea19:11
cyphermoxthere's a 3.9.14 tagged in git so there is a possibility I guess19:11
albertscyphermox: thanks!19:11
kenvandinecyphermox, sil2100: not sure, so sending it to daily-build-next means not saucy, so yeah... a no-op19:12
cyphermoxwell, the ppa itself doesn't change where we land stuff19:12
kenvandinewell, not totally a no-op... it still gets sent there19:12
kenvandineoh... that's where it builds it19:12
kenvandinenot the dest19:12
cyphermoxbut I'm not sure we should possibly break what builds in next with an old mir19:13
kenvandinethat is scary then19:13
albertscan someone look at this fix? https://code.launchpad.net/~albertsmuktupavels/nautilus/white-screen-fix/+merge/18023119:13
kenvandineshould it maybe stay in experimental for now?  so it doesn't taint anything?19:13
albertsubuntu 13.10 probably will be last ubuntu supporting multiple screens as with gtk 3.10 multi screen support has removed. it would be nice if this bug is fixed at least in this ubuntu version.19:14
cyphermoxwell if it's meant to be bugfix I'm fine with it building in the daily-build ppa... that's what it's for anyway19:14
cyphermoxas long as there truly are no non-bugfix commits, but even then we can see it since it's manual publishing19:15
kenvandinetrue... so then just not making the change makes sense19:15
sil2100cyphermox: I didn't want to build it in daily-build PPA since I only want things in daily-build which we are considering to release in the nearest time19:15
cyphermoxalberts: my concern wasn't with the fact that it's run only once per screen or not, but with whether there is an upstream-acceptable alternative to using the constructor to handle this19:15
sil2100cyphermox: while not slowing down the development of the Mir guys19:15
sil2100So maybe a different PPA?19:16
cyphermoxsil2100: you wouldn't be slowing things down for Mir people19:16
cyphermoxbugfix is just that -- bugfix19:16
cyphermoxso if it's bugfix that lands in Mir trunk as kgunn mentions, you really don't need to change anything19:16
sil2100cyphermox: well, I'm tired now, so I don't care much now - so if you think it's ok to have it in daily-build, then ACK19:17
cyphermoxI think it's perfectly safe and fine19:17
cyphermoxdoh, why did kgunn leave, we still need him :D19:18
albertscyphermox: upstream has removed background drawing. so i guess there is no alternative. or I don't understand something?19:18
cyphermoxalberts: that said, I don't feel strongly about it, just mildly prefer to see a patch that has received the blessing from the gnome people19:18
ricotzcyphermox, hi :), just wanted to ask if you are going to take a look at network-manager
cyphermoxricotz: I will, soonish19:19
cyphermoxricotz: got to land one patch first, then I'll be updating the packaging for
ricotzcyphermox, great!19:19
cyphermoxwe should be able to land that this week19:19
cyphermoxricotz: do you need anything in particular?19:20
albertscyphermox: so what should I do to get that fix accepted?19:20
ricotzcyphermox, nothing particular, i was about to take a look to get it into gnome3 ppa (which currently has, i will leave it to you then ;)19:21
cyphermoxkenvandine: want to give your opinion on alberts' patch too? I don't feel strongly against the patch, though I think there is a better way to do this... but I'm not sure any of us have time to spend working on it19:21
cyphermoxricotz: ack19:21
cyphermoxricotz: there is a bunch of memory fixes and stuff like that, so a good idea to land anyway19:22
albertscyphermox: it is not my patch. Its old patch which was rejected with "seems a bit simple to me, we don't want to construct a new object each time, rather we want one per screen". But it is already [with patch] constructed once per screen.19:25
kenvandinecyphermox, not really, i'm pretty distracted right now by content-hub19:25
cyphermoxkenvandine: ack19:25
cyphermoxalberts: I still think the fix is slightly incorrect, but let's just get it out of the way19:27
cyphermoxalberts: it's for saucy right?19:27
albertscyphermox: yes, but I have created merge proposal for precise too. what would be correct way to fix it? Maybe I could try to fix it myself...19:29
cyphermoxalberts: let's done one thing at a time :)19:33
cyphermoxalberts:  if you want to see your name in changelog, could you also update changelog to bump the version and apply the patch? do you know how to do that19:34
albertscyphermox: I don't care about seeing my name in changelog. I just want it to be fixed. so do i need to do something now?19:37
cyphermoxnah, I can handle it from here19:38
tedgfginther, Thanks, it looks like that patch landed!19:40
fginthertedg, \o/19:40
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jasoncwarnerhey Laney , still around? was wondering if we are still missing anything for datetime settings in system settings?21:01
thumpero/ jasoncwarner21:11
Laneyjasoncwarner: hi, here for two minutes21:14
Laneyjasoncwarner: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeAndDate#Phone21:14
LaneyWe don't have the "Setting the time & date automatically ..." bit21:14
jasoncwarnerLaney: is that needing the location service? (which is landing this week, I think)21:15
Laneymmm, I don't know exactly what that provides21:15
LaneyI didn't know which API to use to ask if there's internet access21:15
LaneyI think I started a thread about it on ubuntu-phone a few weeks ago but didn't get a clear answer21:16
jasoncwarnerLaney ok. since you are heading off, mind following up on that tomorrow and driving to an answer? if need be, grab lool or chickencutlass and get a definitive answer.21:17
LaneyI think this http://doc.qt.digia.com/qtmobility-1.2/qml-networkinfo.html is the thing21:17
Laneybut it didn't work, maybe due to missing backend21:17
LaneyI'll try it again21:17
Laneyoh yes, wait, I'm remembering more21:18
Laneyit has some complicated notion of 'informative' carriers and stuff21:18
Laneyjasoncwarner: More remembering; the 'automatic' timezone selection doesn't do anything either21:23
LaneyI think ofono provides this21:23
LaneyKen has been doing settings for things that need ofono as he has a device whereas Seb and I don't21:23
ochosiLaney: sorry to bother you again with this, but you mentioned before that ubuntu also has a logout issue (i pinged you about xubuntu and our session taking forever to end when logging out, because you submitted that logind patch)21:32
Laneyochosi: nothing more to report21:33
ochosiso this still hasn't been debugged yet in ubuntu?21:34
Laneynot by me anyway21:34
ochosiok, any idea whom i could ask about this?21:34
LaneyI don't think anyone is doing so21:35
ochosippl just too busy with mir and the phone-stuff?21:35
Laneypitti might know best how to start looking but I doubt he has began to debug this one either21:35
Laneybasically phone things for 13.1021:36
LaneyIdeally I'll get more time for desktop bugs soon21:36
Laneyanyway, in the absence of that it'd be great for someone else to prod at it21:37
ochosiwe'll see whether we get anywhere, but i guess i'll ask pitti first for some pointers21:37
Laneymaybe the ubuntu GNOME guys have the same problem21:37
Laneytry asking them too21:37
ochosithey use gdm though, no?21:38
Laneylogind though21:38
ochosiany names in the u-gnome team you can recommend?21:38
LaneyI recommend that you go ask in #ubuntu-gnome and hang around for a reply21:39
Laneygot to go now, see you tomorrow21:39
* Laney waves21:39
ochosisure, thanks Laney !21:40
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cyphermoxalberts: I haven't forgotten you, just busy and I ran into issues merging your branch23:01
cyphermoxI'll get back to it soon23:01
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