
darkxstjbicha, so folks is failing to build because PKG_CONFIG_PATH is not set correctly, even though it is correct in the Makefiles, any idea on this?01:33
darkxstjbicha, https://git.gnome.org/browse/folks/commit/?id=b1735191b8119484488c0deadd3e9c1b9ff38eb0, just doesnt seem available to the build system01:36
bjsniderdarkxst, you could set "echo PKG_CONFIG_PATH" in rules before configure to see what it's using02:43
bjsniderforgot the $02:44
bjsniderbut you get it02:44
darkxstI know what its using, but well the problem is its not exported02:46
darkxstI did export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(DEB_BUILDDIR) in rules which worked atleast02:46
bjsniderwasn't this a problem in other folks packages, or has it all of a sudden reared its ugly head?02:56
bjsniderthe last version that built error-free had some other way to find the pc file, or didn't require it at all?02:56
darkxstthe stuff that was failing was added since the last package02:57
darkxstand it was just the pkgconfig calls from the gir scanner not picking up the correct PKG_CONFIG_PATH03:01
bjsnideri have to remember this if it comes up in the future03:23
ricotzdarkxst, hi05:17
darkxsthi ricotz05:18
ricotzPlease use something like "Breaks: libecal-1.2-15 (>= 3.9)"05:19
ricotzyou can't just conflict with all previous versions since the e-d-s 3.8 packages are fine05:19
ricotzbut i guess there is no way that a normal package manager will solve this easily05:21
darkxstok I can change it05:26
ricotzthis will make it possible to install things without having to rebuild all rdepends since there are quite some05:26
darkxstor should I just break on the broken package ie (= 3.9.91-0ubuntu1~saucy1)05:27
ricotzbut it will probably lead to a ppa-purge and reinstall for normal users anyway to get out of this05:28
ricotzthis wider break/replace might be better05:28
ricotzsince it won't leave people with 3.9.x versions05:28
ricotzdarkxst, i am going to push some rebuilds for the gnome-desktop transition05:40
darkxstricotz, right go ahead, I was going to get to that, but got tied up with the folks mess ...05:41
ricotzdarkxst, what was the reasoning to update gnome-session to 3.9.x in saucy directly?05:59
darkxstI have no idea about gnome-session update05:59
ricotzoh, your name says otherwise ;)06:00
ricotzgnome-session will require gnome-desktop 3.9 which isnt in saucy06:01
darkxstthat was just a simple patch to desktop file, jbicha uploaded 3.9.9006:02
ricotzah ok06:02
ricotzanyway 3.9.91 can't be uploaded to saucy06:03
darkxst3.9.91 is very broken anyway06:03
ricotzbecause it need g-d3, or anything besides that?06:03
darkxstgdm won't even run, failing with some X error06:05
darkxstbut I havent had a chance to look into it yet06:05
darkxstI was building it against g-d 3.9.91 though06:07
ricotzi see06:08
ricotzmaybe i will take a look later06:09
darkxstricotz, debdiff for 91 http://paste.ubuntu.com/6113710/06:13
ricotzdarkxst, thanks, could you use a "normal" pastebin06:15
ricotzi mean not something where you need to login to get a raw version06:15
ricotzlike paste,debian.net06:16
darkxstsorry didnt realise that,  that is stupid06:16
ricotz"* debian/control.in: b-d on gnome-desktop3" >> "* debian/control.in: Bump b-d on gnome-desktop3" ?06:17
ricotzyeah, that is why i never use this paste service06:18
darkxstit depends on some change in 9106:21
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ricotzyes, adding "Bump .." make more sense06:21
darkxstas in version numbers in the changelog?06:22
ricotzthat is another story which i would prefer myself06:23
ricotzi mean the actual missing word "Bump"06:23
darkxstoh oops ;)06:24
ricotzdarkxst, alright downgrading libebackend-1.2-6, libecal-1.2-15, libedata-cal-1.2-20 and libedataserver-1.2-17 to their 3.8.4 saucy versions resolves the e-d-s problem06:54
ricotzdarkxst, ping09:40
ricotzdarkxst, gnome-session 3.9.91 seems to work fine here09:40
ricotzcould be related to some fixes in mutter git if it really fails for you09:46
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amjjawadKnock knock :)20:03
amjjawaddarkxst: are you there?20:03
amjjawadok, darkxst is not here yet :)20:05
amjjawadjbicha: hi20:05
darkxsthi amjjawad20:08
amjjawaddarkxst: hi :)20:09
jbichahi, I'm half here20:09
amjjawadjbicha: hi, since you are half here, that is good :D I just need one Q :)20:10
amjjawadUbuntu GNOME 14.04 will be an LTS release or not?20:10
darkxstricotz, ok, I was building against mutter 91, will try again20:10
jbichaI won't be here for 14.0420:10
amjjawadjbicha: then who will take care of your work??20:11
jbichaI believe Ubuntu GNOME is off to a great start, the first alpha was only released a year ago this month20:12
amjjawadas far as I know, jbicha and ricotz are the main devs, right?20:13
jbichayou forgot darkxst20:13
amjjawadof course :)20:14
amjjawadso you are saying, you are handing over everything to darkxst and ricotz ??20:14
jbichaI was hoping that some of the Canonical guys (Laney & robert_ancell) would have chipped in more, but Ubuntu Phone was such a huge undertaking that there's been no time for them20:14
amjjawadno doubt about that20:15
jbichayes I've been telling people that I'm on my way out for several months20:16
amjjawadanyway, good luck jbicha wherever you go and hope your new challenge is something you are going to enjoy :) and yes, I have read your blog the other day :)20:16
amjjawaddarkxst: it seems we are only few so shall we start the meeting or what? :D20:17
darkxstamjjawad, sure, you know how to drive meetingology?20:17
amjjawadhaha I was about to ask you to chair :P20:17
amjjawadI did quick read here but have never chaired a meeting. Yes, I am the most one who used to talk/write with Lubuntu Meetings but never chared. Julien was the boss :)20:18
darkxstamjjawad, you can chair then ;)20:19
amjjawadthat is bad news haha20:19
amjjawadlet me try ... haven't done that before20:19
amjjawadI don't know the command for saving the log to a wiki page?20:19
amjjawad#chair amjjawad20:22
amjjawad#startmeeting Ubuntu GNOME Team Meeting20:22
meetingologyMeeting started Mon Sep 16 20:22:54 2013 UTC.  The chair is amjjawad. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.20:22
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired20:22
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amjjawadOkay so it seems only few and Alfredo is not here :(20:24
amjjawaddarkxst: I was about to discuss a bit of the structure of Ubuntu GNOME team but I guess I got the answer that I was in mind. jbicha has confirmed he is leaving and won't be available with 14.04.20:24
amjjawadSo, my Q to you will be the same as I asked eariler ... will Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 be LTS?20:25
amjjawadbecause some users are asking me and I have no clear answer yet!20:25
darkxstwe don't really have the man power to commit to full LTS support right now20:27
darkxstso it is unlikely that 14.04 will be an official LTS release20:27
amjjawaddarkxst: I do know that which is sad but what if I can arrange that? can we go for it?20:27
amjjawadI mean, if I can recurit more people to join and help?20:28
amjjawadif yes, how much time do I have for that?20:28
darkxsteven if you could recruit more dev's we would need time to see they are committed long term!20:30
amjjawaddarkxst: okay, then chances are so slim20:30
amjjawadso, do you think it is pointless to invest time for that? or perhaps it worths a try?20:31
darkxsteven if we don't do an official LTS release, we could still provide SRU's where possible20:32
jbicharight, the community can provide updates to 14.04 LTS for the entire 5-year lifecycle if they want to20:33
amjjawadwhat I wanted to discuss today in this meeting not only the LTS topic but a somehow related topics :)20:34
darkxstand obviously those running 14.04 will still benefit from the Ubuntu HWe updates etc20:34
amjjawaddarkxst: yes, but then, the same issue with Lubuntu 12.04 which is based on a core system that is LTS but other LXDE packages are not supported for 3-5 years :(20:35
amjjawadanyway, the final answer for that is 14.04 is not going to be an official LTS.20:36
amjjawadwhat I wanted to highlight and it is no secert and very obvious but thought it is good to double highlight it :D20:39
amjjawad1- We do need more testers20:39
amjjawad2- we do need more contributor20:39
amjjawadhaving that said, I will take care of these two tasks :)20:39
amjjawaddarkxst: what do you think?20:40
darkxstit would be great to find a couple more devs20:41
darkxstIt would also be good if we can find someone to take of triaging bugs from the ppa's20:42
amjjawadthen, we agree to that :)20:43
amjjawad#action amjjawad to find more contributors to Ubuntu GNOME and more testers also people to help with other tasks20:43
meetingologyACTION: amjjawad to find more contributors to Ubuntu GNOME and more testers also people to help with other tasks20:43
amjjawad#topic sub-teams20:44
amjjawadI am waiting the right moment to communite on the mailing list my next project for Ubuntu GNOME. After I have put so much time and energy on the Wiki Area, I do think it is time to use the same plan for Lubuntu and have sub-teams (Document, Test, etc) BUT for this to happen, I do need first to find more people to join!20:46
amjjawadbut, I thought it is good idea to bring this to your attention, darkxst :)20:46
amjjawadI have already created 3 teams on Launchpad but did not send anything about it as I am waiting the right moment :)20:47
darkxstwe can always form more sub-teams as we grow20:48
amjjawadglad you liked the idea :D20:48
amjjawadLubuntu had a successful story with sub-teams and I'd love to do the same with Ubuntu GNOME but we need to grow a bit bigger first hehe20:49
amjjawad#topic Slide Show Updates20:50
amjjawaddarkxst: to keep you in the loop, I have worked on the slide show and send my suggestions to Alfredo and he will work on that and hopefully we can finish that before the freeze :)20:50
darkxstok, sounds good20:51
amjjawadso, slide show is almost done20:51
amjjawadwhat about Wallpapers? I don't think there is enough time for that, right?20:52
amjjawadI mean, no time to include more for example?20:52
amjjawadas for 14.04, we will hopefully ask for the community input to submit some wallpapers as this will motivate them and attract them to join and help :)20:53
darkxstsure, we just didnt have time in the end to set that up this cycle'20:54
amjjawadI am so excited to start planning for 14.04 from now heheh20:55
amjjawadbut I will take it easy :P20:55
amjjawad#topic Ubuntu GNOME Web Site20:56
amjjawaddarkxst: thanks for the access, it was good to add two posts and yet again (as always), I have some ideas and plans for the Web Site but I do need 2 things20:57
amjjawad1- Are we counting more on our website? or our mailing list? or our social media? what is the channel that represent our main channel and front line?20:58
amjjawad2- Whatever I have in mind for the website, I do need some help and that means, I need to team up yet again with Alferdo to work on that by adding some nice stuff to the website!20:59
darkxstre 1 I think they each serve a different purpose really21:01
amjjawadas we still in point 1, what do you expect from the website? or shall I just take care of that entirely and save you the trouble :P21:03
darkxstyou can take care of that21:04
amjjawaddarkxst: ok, then I guess I need to be admin on the Launchpad Tea for the website21:04
amjjawadso I can add Alfredo and whoever else interested to work on that website21:04
amjjawadand I guess this one as well: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-gnome-release/+members#active that is why I had no control panel on the ISO Tracker the other day with Beta 1 release :(21:07
amjjawad#action darkxst to give amjjawad access of admin on the Lauchpad area21:07
meetingologyACTION: darkxst to give amjjawad access of admin on the Lauchpad area21:07
jbichaif you need to add a new WordPress theme to the website, you'll have to submit a ticket to Canonical by emailing rt@ubuntu.com21:09
amjjawadjbicha: oh, that news to me21:09
amjjawadI guess this step is a must, correct?21:09
darkxstamjjawad, Canonical host the website, we have no access beyond wordpress admin panel21:12
amjjawadI see :(21:13
amjjawad#action amjjawad to email Canonical - rt@ubuntu.com in case of adding new theme to Ubuntu GNOME Website21:14
meetingologyACTION: amjjawad to email Canonical - rt@ubuntu.com in case of adding new theme to Ubuntu GNOME Website21:14
amjjawad#topic StartUbuntu21:16
amjjawad#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StartUbuntu21:17
amjjawaddarkxst: jbicha not sure if you guys have seen my other project? which is not a personal project but rather a community project right now that some people are involved and helping21:17
amjjawadI'd like for Ubuntu GNOME to play a role on that project and I have asked Rafael, Lubuntu Artwork Team Leader who is so good friend of mine and teammate to work on some nice artwork that you can see on the Wiki Page :)21:18
amjjawadand, Ubuntu GNOME is there ;)21:18
amjjawadfinal note, Facebook and Google+ Pages are having more and more activities and subscribers :) I am not dreaming of Ubuntu GNOME every night :P21:22
darkxstamjjawad, great!21:23
amjjawadI am enjoying it but it sure adds so much tasks for me so once I will find more contributors, maybe they can also help with this area. Because I am also admin for Lubuntu Pages and Peppermint, I am having so much to handle21:23
amjjawadand, I have not heard from Matthew yet :( regarding our Twitter account21:24
amjjawadI am now dreaming*21:25
jbichatry not to burn yourself out21:25
amjjawad#action amjjawad to send another email to Matthew regarding Ubuntu GNOME Twitter Account21:25
meetingologyACTION: amjjawad to send another email to Matthew regarding Ubuntu GNOME Twitter Account21:25
amjjawadjbicha: phillw, my mentor, has always and still warning me about that :D hehe21:26
amjjawadbut +1 I promise I will jbicha :) thanks a lot for the advice21:26
amjjawadso, anything else you would like to add guys before ending our first meeting?21:27
amjjawaddarkxst: and jbicha anything else you guys would like to add before ending? :)21:30
darkxstnope, go ahead and end meeting21:31
amjjawadokay, thank you so much darkxst and jbicha :) that was fun and a good meeting21:33
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Sep 16 21:33:10 2013 UTC.21:33
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-gnome/2013/ubuntu-gnome.2013-09-16-20.22.moin.txt21:33
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-gnome/2013/ubuntu-gnome.2013-09-16-20.22.html21:33
ochosihi everyone21:40
ochosiwanted to stop by to ask whether gnome3 is also experiencing a logout-issue in saucy (possibly logind connected)21:40
ochosiwe're seeing this in xubuntu and from what i've heard ubuntu folks are experiencing this as well21:41
ochosiso i wanted to ask around whether you're affected too21:41
ochosibasically logging out takes ages (+8secs even on a fast machine)21:41
ochosiand then our greeter is going sixes and sevens21:41
ochosiso i suspect the session crashes or something21:41
amjjawadochosi: hi21:46
amjjawaddo you mean logout and then log back in?21:46
ochosijust logging out takes that long21:46
ochosiin sauc21:47
amjjawadbecause I don't logout for any reason, I have not noticed that21:47
amjjawadI just installed the latest build on my machine so I will have a look later and let you know :)21:47
ochosiwell testers started reporting it21:47
amjjawadbug report?21:47
ochosiwell currently it looks a bit unrelated, but it's this one (kinda) https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm-gtk-greeter/+bug/120448621:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1204486 in LightDM GTK+ Greeter "Unable to select alternate languages at login screen" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:48
ochosii wanted to investigate a bit more before reporting a new bug21:48
amjjawadthat is a duplicate bug for another one which affects Lubuntu21:49
amjjawadlet me try to find that one21:49
ochosiwell lubuntu uses the same greeter21:49
jbichaUbuntu GNOME uses gdm so lightdm bugs likely don't affect our image's21:50
ochosiyou're using logind though21:51
ochosiso in case it's a logind issue, it would affect you21:51
ochosi(basically trying to narrow down the issue)21:52
amjjawadI am not sure if this is even similar or not - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/121383721:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1213837 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "I cannot select an Xsession after logout from Lubuntu Saucy Daily" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:53
darkxstochosi, logout takes about 10secs here, but that is in a VM so not sure if its actually slow, or just the VM!23:15
ochosidarkxst: it is just as slow on a real install23:18
ochosiat least in xubuntu23:18

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