
macspleani am currently running ... should i upgrade?00:56
* apw complains about the cold :)07:59
infinityapw: Nice change from complaining about the heat.08:10
apwinfinity, i don't discriminate08:11
smbinfinity, Looks like we may get 30°C and a few thunderstorms08:12
apwsmb, 30, we have more like 908:13
smbinfinity, And my condolences again ;-P08:13
smbapw, Right now its 14 but over there08:14
apwoh heh08:14
smbIf I ever make it08:14
apwsmb, at least youi don't need to pack any clothes if it is that hot08:30
smbapw, Given the US Americans liking for AC I have to08:31
* apw notes that typing with a wacking great cut across ones index finger is sub-optimal09:04
smbapw, Maybe you are more careful with your keys next time. :-P09:10
apwsmb, not a chance of me being more careful, i am too dumb09:14
smbapw, Isn't impatient a more fitting description. :)09:15
apwsmb, both i suspect09:15
* henrix -> lunch11:20
mck182hi, I just noticed I've been hit by this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/823106 - using 13.04, standard kernel etc., so I've tried to update to kernel 3.9.0 from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.9-raring/ but after installation, all of the dkms cannot be built - here's nvidia dkms build log http://paste.kde.org/p99289c62/13:34
ubot2`Launchpad bug 823106 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel panic - not syncing: smp_callin: CPU1 started up but did not get a callout on macbook running oneiric" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:34
mck182any ideas about either the bug or the failing dkms?13:34
apwmck182, well the 3.9 kernel is an unsupported mainline build, and more importantly is a newer version than that in 13.04, which was v3.8 so it is entirly likely the dkms packages are not compati13:42
apwcompatible with v3.913:43
apwyou may have better luck with the versions of the dkms packages in devel as they have been built agianst all of the main releases in between13:44
mck182ah, I may try that13:45
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bjfppisati, got a precise ti-omap4 kernel for me :-)16:24
ppisatibjf: ah, i forgot16:24
ppisatibjf: but i'll do it now16:24
bjfppisati, thanks16:24
ppisatibjf: what's the tracking bug?16:25
bjfppisati, bug 122360716:26
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1223607 in Kernel SRU Workflow promote-to-proposed "linux-ti-omap4: 3.2.0-1437.56 -proposed tracker" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122360716:26
ppisatibjf: but that's marked as 'fix released'16:30
bjfppisati, that's because you put the version for one that had been released. just go ahead and fix up the title and description and I'll "fix" the rest.16:31
ppisatibjf: ok16:32
rtgapw, uploaded goldfish with the tools package name changes16:48
rtg(and other stuff)16:48
rtgxnox, ^^ plus you config changes16:52
xnoxrtg: \o/ thanks =) meta upload as well? (as there is no i386 meta yet)16:53
rtgxnox, yead, was waiting on that until apw and I sorted the tools package names16:53
rtgI'll git 'er done soon16:53
xnoxrtg: alright, cool ;-)16:53
FernandoMiguelah got in18:00
FernandoMiguelmy network card isn't working with the latest kernel18:00
FernandoMiguelon ubuntu +118:00
FernandoMigueland ubuntu-bug linux is not helping ....18:01
FernandoMiguelThe problem cannot be reported:  This is not an official Ubuntu package. Please remove any third party package and try again.18:01
ppisatibjf: ok, i pushed a new kernel18:07
ppisatibjf: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ppisati/ubuntu-precise.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/ti-omap418:07
bjfppisati, cool, thanks18:07
ppisatibjf: and updated the tracking bug18:07
rostamHI is there a way to o monitor changes to some memory map area in user land? thx21:33
* rtg -> EOD21:46
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