
* pleia2 orders some food and settles in to hotel room03:44
pleia2now I shall UWN!03:44
josepleia2: want a hand in moving articles? you should go and rest for now :)03:55
pleia2jose: nah I'm good :)03:55
josewell :)03:56
pleia2thanks though03:56
joseno worries03:57
pleia2Unit193: link check please :) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue33404:26
pleia2otherwise, sent off to editors04:26
* jose jose04:29
Unit193Heh, early.04:30
josesorry, wrong command04:30
joseblargh :( I am laggy because of that a :(04:31
Unit193Heh, well script finally finished after running the backup one too, I need to adjust the timeout.  I got no 404s, but some things are very slow.04:47
Unit193I'm looking at http://ostatic.com/blog/ubuntus-server-cloud-survey-reflects-trust-in-private-clouds-openstack on that one. :P04:47
dholbachgood morning06:49
=== G4MBY_ is now known as G4MBY
PaulW2UProof reading done. I'll read through once more before 2000 UTC then AFAIAC will be ok to publish17:05
pleia2thanks PaulW2U :)17:07
josePaulW2U: did you give the last proofread? I'm ready to publish22:20
PaulW2Uyep, all done !22:20
joseok, then I'm working on publishing right now.22:23
pleia2jose: just highlight me when you need things22:26
josewill do, thanks22:27
joseUnit193: hey, would you mind link-checking, please?22:27
pleia2he did last night22:27
Unit193And this morning again too, but no big deal.22:30
pleia2thanks Unit193 :)22:31
Unit193The one site is still lagging, but meh.22:32
josepleia2: need approval on the ML22:39
pleia2jose: done22:40
joseThe new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue33422:42
josepleia2: joseeantonior.com/forum.post has the forums post22:42
joseand fridge is done too, that's it for the week :)22:46
pleia2forum done, and did fb, twitter and g+22:48
pleia2now discourse22:48
Unit193Geez, so many places.22:50
pleia2k, should be done22:51
* pleia2 back2sprint22:51
joseUnit193: can you please check if wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Current is redirecting to 334?22:53
josepleia2: have fun!22:53
Unit193Like, click a link?  333 anywho.22:54
josehmm, I'll check that23:00
pleia2jose: it works, it's just that the wiki sets it as a permanent redirect so browsers get confused23:00
pleia2have to do some aggressive convincing to get it to show up if you had previously visited /Current recently23:01
pleia2(arguably the wiki does the wrong thing, but it's not meant to do what we use it for)23:01
Unit193Haven't visited recently in that browser, and deleted it's profile recently. :P23:06
Unit193But, likes it now, so meh.23:07
Unit193(I randomly nuke ~/.xombrero/ and ~/.local/share/webkit/)23:11

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