
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
bazhangwhat do you need01:11
bazhangthen please exit the channel01:11
hello34a rule?01:11
bazhangread the topic here01:12
yoo213bazhang, hi01:16
bazhangdont rejoin here01:17
yoo213why not01:17
bazhangcheck the topic01:17
yoo213i will stay here01:17
yoo213i will stay here01:18
yoo213bazhang, how do you like that?01:18
ubottuyoo213 called the ops in #ubuntu ()01:19
ubottuyoo213 called the ops in #ubuntu (BAN ME)01:20
ubottuyoo213 called the ops in #ubuntu (BANME)01:20
ubottuyoo213 called the ops in #kubuntu ()01:21
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler!01:21
ubottuyoo213 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()01:21
bazhangcant wait til jr. high starts again01:22
ubottuyoo213 called the ops in #ubuntu-irc (Bazhang is a midgit)01:23
ubottuyoo213 called the ops in #ubuntu+1 (opic for #ubuntu-ops is: Welcome to the home of the Ubuntu IRC Team operators | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam | This channel is for operator/abuse questions in the IRC Team domain only | LoCo channel discussion/issues to #ubuntu-irc | Please exit the channel once your issue is dealt with. | We reserve the right to remove idlers | Channel is logged at irclogs.ubuntu.comopic for #ubuntu-ops is: Welcome to the hom01:23
ubottuyoo213 called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (is kim kardashian a virgin?)01:26
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler!01:30
ubottuJDong called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()01:30
LjLi bet you're not the real jdong01:30
JDongLjL if i was i would be op01:31
JDongbut i am not01:31
JDongwho knows where the "real" jdong is01:31
JDongwhats up01:31
LjLbusy becoming a millionaire, i would like to think01:31
JDongand i am busy trying to be saved from hell unlike most people in the world(Matthew 7:13-14)01:32
LjLi've stopped trying01:32
JDongwhere is "pelo"01:34
LjLhaven't you trolled around here in a while, or what01:36
JDongoh yes it goes back to 2007 i believe, but its losing its interest01:37
JDongi am seeking God now01:37
* LjL nods01:37
JDongive use names like hfsplus, theundertaker and so many times01:37
JDongwe used to be like family you guys banning me01:37
LjLyes i know, but i meant whether you had been absent for a while since you remember more old nicks than i do ;(01:38
JDongTheUnderTakerok, whats your point in this?23:3501:38
JDongLjLhow's about you do get in, *register* your nickname, keep using that one, and then behave like a normal person?23:3501:38
JDongTheUnderTakeri have been lately23:3501:38
JDongLjLyou do know the guidelines and all the ubotu relevant factoids by now?23:3601:38
bazhangJDong, you haven't stopped.01:38
JDongbazhang, yeah and i am here to say i am retiring01:38
JDongfrom trolling freenode01:38
bazhangJDong, you've said that too many times before01:38
JDongthis time i mean it, and liars go to hell01:39
bazhangJDong, just exit the channel01:39
JDongno ban me for old time sakes for the last time01:39
JDongyou have to ban me01:39
bazhangJDong, back up your words with action01:39
LjLno i have to go to bed :(01:39
JDongi will as soon as you ban me01:39
JDongthats the deal01:40
bazhangsame old then01:40
JDongban me and thats the deal i am retiring from trolling on freenode to pursue god01:40
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler!01:40
ubottuJDong called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()01:40
ubottuJDong called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (BANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE)01:41
JDongi will stay here all night until tomorrow until i am banned01:41
lars__Anyone here?02:47
lars__this is a test02:47
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (AssmanLubeless,)13:36
smallfootI humbly request to get unbanned from #ubuntu+119:09
smallfootI am now running the latest daily build in order to help Ubuntu strive19:10
smallfootand iron out the last bugs before the final release19:10
ikoniawhy where you banned ?19:10
smallfootbecause I used a bad word there before19:10
ikoniayeah, you have about 50 entries in our ban tracking system19:10
ikoniajust found them.19:11
ikoniasmallfoot: it seems you have a history of causing a problem, promising not to do it again, then doing it again19:11
smallfoot50 wow, i must be most wanted19:11
smallfootits not like i killed anyone19:11
ikoniaso to be honest, I'd rather you just took a break from using the ubuntu channels19:11
smallfootalso im not banned in #ubuntu :p19:11
ikoniano, of course not, I'm not suggesting you did anything terrible19:11
ikoniabut it's tedious to have to keep moderating you19:11
ikoniasmallfoot: well, using ubuntu well would be a good way to show you can be trusted19:12
smallfootyeah, I use the channel well19:13
smallfootbut now i'm on 13.1019:13
smallfootso thats why i want to goto #ubuntu+119:13
ikoniaahh that is a problem then19:13
ikoniayes, I can see that19:13
ikoniaok - serious question, why do you keep causing a problem ?19:13
ikoniait's clear you know what you are doing and try to cause a problem, so why ?19:14
smallfootidk, its not like im disrespecting anyone or telling someone to delete all their files or tricking people19:14
smallfootits just that i used some bad words19:14
ikoniayou are disrespecting people - constantly19:14
ikoniayou cause a problem, why can you not follow the rules of the channel ?19:14
smallfooti nevre insulted anyone19:14
smallfootcuz its hard19:14
smallfooti get angry and use bad words19:14
ikoniayou do - you insult everyone with your language and attitude19:14
smallfootbut i never used to bad words against anyone19:14
ikoniapeople don't deserve to see them19:14
smallfooti just said stuff like "grrr, this shit sucks it doesnt work"19:15
ikoniaright - and you've been told many times not to19:15
ikoniaso why do you keep doing it ?19:15
smallfootcuz i get angry when stuff dont work19:15
ikoniaok, so maybe IRC isn't a good medium for you19:15
smallfootbut i never was mean to any person, i wud never tell anyone anything mean19:15
ikoniahave you considered using forums/askubuntu where you don't have to talk in real time and can self moderate yourself better ?19:15
smallfootyeah, but they're boring cuz you have to wait19:16
ikoniawell, it's clear you can't participate in real time discussion, so that maybe the best compromise19:16
smallfootwell im trying19:16
smallfooti havent sad any bad words in a really long time19:16
ikoniayeah, I appreciate that, but I can't really let you back in at this time, as we've heard "I won't do it again" too many times19:17
ikoniaand it's a bit tedious to keep having this discussion19:17
ikoniaso consider using the forums, or askubuntu try to get into that style of moderation19:17
smallfootyeah, but when you ever gonna let me back?19:17
ikoniadon't know to be honest19:17
smallfooti havent been in there in like a year19:17
ikoniawhen we have confidence you're not a problem19:17
ikoniayou where in 22 august 201319:17
smallfootwhen was the last time i got banned from there?19:17
ikoniaso you where in a few weeks ago19:18
ikoniayou where also banned July 28 201319:18
smallfootwell, i didnt cause any bad stuff in there19:18
ikoniaso a bit of a lie there19:18
smallfootwell i forgot19:18
smallfootwell they probably banned me without reason then19:18
ikoniawell, now I've reminded you19:18
smallfootcuz i dun think i wud cause any problems in july or augaust19:18
ikoniathey banned you because you shouldn't have been in the channel19:18
smallfootthey keep banning me cuz they hating19:18
ikoniait's not hating19:18
smallfooti never did anything bad in whole august, whole july19:18
ikoniait's your inability to follow the rules that everyone else follows19:18
smallfootthey wont leave me be, even tho im nice19:19
smallfootyeah, but i stopped breaking the rules19:19
ikoniayou've not, you did it last month19:19
ikoniaand the month before that19:19
smallfootlook in august and july, they ban me for nothing, i was nice19:19
smallfootso when was the last time i said anything bad?19:19
ikoniaI told you why they banned you19:19
ikoniaas you shouldn't have been in there19:19
smallfootyeah, i shouldnt be there if im bad19:19
smallfootbut now im good19:19
ikoniaif you wanted back in, you should have come and talk to the team, like you are doing now19:19
smallfootand they ban me when im good too19:19
smallfootyeah, i come to talk cuz i wanna let back in19:20
smallfootbut nobody wanna let me back in19:20
smallfooteven though im nice and dont disrespect anyone19:20
ikonia2013-07-28T03:07:37 <smallfoot> see, usually u wud tell u to fuck off, but am nice, so i listen to u, i've changed19:20
ikonialook at how you spoke to an operator last month19:20
smallfootyeah, i dont do that anymore19:20
ikoniayou swore AGAIN !19:20
ikoniayou did it last month19:20
smallfootyeah, but  ididnt swear at him19:20
ikoniaapologies, but I'm going to put a stop to this now19:20
ikoniasmallfoot: you swore to the channel19:20
ikoniathat is NOT acceptable19:20
smallfootcuz he was being mean to me, and i cud be mean back, but i didnt19:20
smallfooti was the bigger man19:21
ikoniayou did - you ruined the channels converation with swearing19:21
ikoniapeople do not deserve to read swearing19:21
smallfootcuz he was mean to me, and i didnt tell him to f off, but usuallly u wud do that, but i changed, so i dont do that anymore19:21
ikoniayou did it19:21
ikoniaso now I'll put this to an end19:21
smallfoothmm :s19:21
smallfootthis is unfair19:21
ikoniasmallfoot: at this time you will not be unbanned from the ubuntu channel you require, please keep out of the channel.19:21
smallfooteveryone banning me from everywhere19:21
smallfootjust cuz i sad bad words before19:21
ikoniasmallfoot: do you understand ?19:21
ikoniasmallfoot: do you understand ?19:22
smallfootthen im rly trying to not say bad words, but ppl still jerks to me19:22
ikoniasmallfoot: I'm looking for yes / no19:22
smallfootbut its unfair19:22
smallfootim angry now19:22
ikoniasmallfoot: ok, thank you19:22
smallfootTHIS IS UNFAIR19:22
ikoniasmallfoot: please /part this channel now19:22
ikoniasmallfoot: and try to show you can behave19:22
smallfoothmm :S19:22
smallfootim rly pissed now19:22
smallfootbut ima do it19:22
smallfootbut im angry, juts so you know! im really angry now19:22

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