
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
* jose jose04:29
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DanChapmanGood Morning all06:46
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DanChapmanelfy hey :-)06:53
elfyboomtown rats definitely got it right ...06:53
DanChapmanlol :-)06:54
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jibelpitti, about this apport issue, I reported bug 122603012:54
ubot5bug 1226030 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport refuses to report a crash from another machine if package is not installed locally" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122603012:54
pittithomi: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/autopilot/fix-state-not-found/+merge/185675 reviewed12:59
pittijibel: merci13:00
pittithomi: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/autopilot/fix-select-single/+merge/185678 reviewed13:03
elopiogood morning team!13:56
cgoldberghey elopio 0/14:08
elopiohello cgoldberg. I'm looking at your branch.14:08
cgoldbergelopio, cool.  it's just some general cleanup removing older idioms that won't port to py3 nicely14:09
elopiocgoldberg: new things to learn there. I'll take some time.14:10
thomiHello everyone14:12
pittijibel: I take it you already tested the new script with xvfb and xephyr, right? I'm just doing eyeball review of the MP14:12
pittiso with all that option parsing it became quite a bit more complex than we originally intended to :)14:13
balloonshello :-) Feeling a bit sore anyone?>14:13
jibelpitti, I did14:13
thomiballoons: A tiny bit sore in the legs, but otherwise OK :)14:13
pitti+export DISPLAY=:${SERVERNUM}.014:13
pittijibel: ^ is that .0 actually necessary? I never append the .0 and it works anyway14:14
pitti(just curious)14:14
elopiojfunk: at what time is the next stand up?14:14
jibelpitti, no it is not necessary as we don't use multiple screens in Ubuntu14:15
pittijibel, thomi: LGTM, approved (also if you want to re-target to 1.3014:15
jibelbut it doesn't hurt either14:15
pittijibel: oh, that's for multiple screens? I never knew what that was14:15
pittijibel: thanks14:15
thomijibel: please re-target to 1.3, link a bug report, and approve14:15
pittiI need to AFK for a bit, talks starting now14:16
thomi(bug report is required since 1.3 lands in saucy)14:16
thomio/ pitti14:16
jfunkelopio, 21:30UTC14:17
elopiojfunk: oh, great, I'll attend that one.14:17
elopiojfunk: I think it will make sense to do the stand ups here instead of ##qa.14:18
elopiocgoldberg: why there is no xrange on python3 ?14:18
elopiooh, range is now a generator. That's nice.14:19
elopiocgoldberg: approved.14:21
cgoldbergelopio, thanks.. merging14:28
balloonsso jibel I am going to try and write everything up on the manual exploratory testing into https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing/Manual14:29
jibelballoons, okay, I started https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/TouchTesting can you move it to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing/Manual ?14:31
smartboyhwHeyas balloons14:31
balloonsjibel, it matters not.. I'll use yours14:32
balloonslink updated, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing/Manual is no more :-)14:33
jibelballoons, would you know how to report bugs against click packas?14:33
balloonsjibel, mm.. good question. I should make sure I can14:34
jibelballoons, for example I broke the sudoku, and it went all black, that's highly critical :)14:34
rigvedhi everyone14:34
balloonshello rigved14:35
rigvedballoons: hello14:35
rigvedyesterday, i also filed these two bugs. bug #1225810 and bug #122581214:36
ubot5bug 1225810 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Duplicate tests in the Nautilus package testcase" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122581014:36
balloonsjibel, well does omer's script still work in that case?14:36
ubot5bug 1225812 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Incorrect command given in the testcase for the Nautilus package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122581214:36
jibelballoons, I don't think so, where is the script?14:36
jibelthomi, how do I retarget for 1.3, should I resubmit a new MP?14:36
slickymastergood afternoon all14:37
balloonsrigved, those look like straightforward bugs to fix, you interested in submitting a merge to do so? I can help ;-)14:37
rigvedi was not sure where to file the bugs to, so i just filed them against "Ubuntu Manual Tests".14:37
rigvedballoons: that would be wonderful!14:37
balloonsslickymaster, afternoon14:37
slickymasterballoons, hi, hope everything is fine with you14:38
balloonsjibel, I'd have to dig it out.. remind me in a few mins to do so :-)14:39
rigvedballoons: but i have to go out now. can i come back in a few hours? i will do propose the merge then14:39
balloonsrigved, yes, let me leave you with a link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ContributingTestcases/Manual14:41
balloonsrigved, well might be best to start here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ContributingTestcases/14:41
balloonsrigved, I should be around, ttyl14:41
balloonsslickymaster, yes, everything is wonderful.. now is the most exciting time to be in QA each cycle.. it's the countdown to release and lots of things to do :-)14:42
rigvedballoons: ok thanks. be back in a few hours.14:42
DanChapmanafternoon balloons14:46
balloonsafternoon DanChapman14:47
elopiogoing for a walk with the dog. BBS.14:51
slickymasterDanChapman, afternoon14:51
slickymasterballoons, yeah, I know, and after my three weeks off the grid, enjoying my vacations, I'm coming back fully pumped14:53
balloonsslickymaster, wonderful! do you happen to have a device that can run ubuntu touch?14:54
slickymasterballoons: no, I've an IPhone and nothing else14:55
balloonsslickymaster, ahh14:56
thomijibel: yeah, you need to resubmit15:07
elfyafternoon all15:07
slickymasterelfy, hi. Nice to "see" you15:07
elfyhi slickymaster - good vacation I hope and it's good to see you too :)15:08
slickymasterelfy: yes, three fabulous weeks. Back again, full with energy15:08
elfynice one15:09
elfyyou'll like this - http://tinyurl.com/qf34tbx15:09
slickymasterelfy: just putting my email in order and a I'll start where I left15:10
elfythe list of required testcases with a xubuntu tag15:10
balloonsom26er, if you are about, got a link to the bug reporting script you created last week for pulling bugs off the touch devices?15:11
slickymasterelfy: it's an empty list, there are no records retrieved15:11
elfyslickymaster:  \o/15:12
slickymasterelfy: more, at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+bugs?field.tag=todo there is no xubuntu tag15:12
elfyall done :)15:12
slickymasterelfy: silly me. No I see what you meant15:12
om26erballoons, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6098563/15:13
slickymasterxubuntu team is something else15:13
elfyslickymaster: yep but they aren't xubuntu ones - I'm not worried about those - or rather I'm as worried about them as other QA leads were opf getting xubuntu ones done15:13
elfyslickymaster: we won :)15:13
om26erballoons, which channel are we supposed to test ? what comes through phablet-flash ubuntu-system is fine ?15:13
balloonsom26er, that's what I've written up :-)15:14
slickymasterelfy: well, that leaves me more time to work on the Xubuntu Documentation translation15:14
slickymasterelfy: or do you have something that needs to be addressed?15:14
elfynot atm15:14
balloonsom26er, we're building the wiki here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/TouchTesting15:14
elfyslickymaster: need to look again at autopilot at some point soon - but that's not something I can actually do15:15
slickymasterokie dokie, I'll work on the translation and helping in the forums15:15
slickymasterelfy: me too, I'll have to catch up with python, though15:16
elfyslickymaster: mostly it's just going to be calls for testing now - both iso's and pacjkages - and the bug with the package site is fixed - no archived testcases now15:16
elfyslickymaster: I don't code nor dance15:16
slickymasterelfy: well, I do code, but I would love to know who to dance :)15:17
balloonsslickymaster, if you are interested in trying to learn autopilot there's folks here who are happy to help :-)15:17
elfyballoons: it's about getting autopilot to work with us still I think15:18
elfyI've got time now to dig a bit deeper15:18
balloonsif you want to learn about gtk test writing DanChapman is the resident expert :-) For qt/qml stuff I guess you get me :-p15:18
balloonsnot to mention all the support of the autopilot team and others :-)15:19
thomiAnyone want to scan the autopilot 1.4 MP for stupid things? https://code.launchpad.net/~autopilot/autopilot/experimental/+merge/18567215:19
slickymasterelfy: yes, I know, I'll ask for it after the I've finished my editing work in the saucy manual15:19
* thomi fixes conflicts15:19
* balloons sees conflicts15:20
elfyballoons: I'm still not sure how the autopilot 'system' works - once we've got tests for the things we want testing what do we do with them then?15:20
elfyis it down to asking people to test things - or is there a central setup that just does them once they are there?15:20
thomielfy: we run them as part of the CI infrastructure.15:21
davmor2om26er, balloons: for the phablet flash is it meant to test daily or the stable image?15:21
elfythanks thomi - what's CI ?15:21
om26erdavmor2, that command tests "stable"15:21
om26errather flashes15:21
thomielfy: Continuous Integration. Essentially "run tests for every merge proposal, and for every release to distro15:21
balloonsdavmor2, the stable images.. which a new one should land each day :-)15:21
elfythomi: ok - thanks15:22
thomielfy: oh, and every time we spin a new image :)15:22
elfyta :)15:22
elfythat seems simple enough for me to understand lol15:22
thomiso basically, if you write automated tests, we'll make sure they get run in the right places.15:23
thomiWell, I say "we", but I really mean the CI team, who hang out in #ubuntu-ci-eng15:23
elfyyep - that makes it seem a lot more useful to me knowing that15:23
davmor2balloons, om26er: no then you want to test daily not stable.  there are two now.  Stable is like alpha1/beta/rc/final  and proposed is the daily.  phablet-flash ubuntu-system (gets the stable which is about a week or so old now) phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel=daily-proposed (gets the  twice daily image 8 am and 8 pm utc) and --no-backup (added to the end give you a fresh image no data retained)15:25
balloonselfy, yep.. if there's any spare time, hah, I want to do a writeup to bring the big picture that is coming together in qa, so everyone can understand how there contributions help and what happens with the tests written15:25
om26erdavmor2, no, for me its downloading 20130914.1.full.tar.xz15:26
cgoldbergelfy, if you hear the name "Jenkins". he is the handy butler that runs tests :)  http://jenkins-ci.org/15:26
om26erwhich is pretty new15:26
balloonsdavmor2, the current stable is from 9/1415:26
balloonsand yes, per your description, we want stable.. the ci team is driving to release a stable once a day15:26
davmor2balloons, om26er: then there has been another stable release15:26
elfycgoldberg: I've heard that name - but didn't take much notice15:26
balloonsdavmor2, we had 3 last week :-)15:26
* om26er would prefer for us to call it "tested" rather than stable 15:27
davmor2balloons: ah nice I'm on daily proposed and the occasional stable so I lose track of what and when :)15:27
elfyballoons: yep - understood15:28
thomiballoons: your requested features have landed in 1.3 trunk15:35
balloonsthomi, <3 ty sir15:35
rigvedballoons: actually, i had a few minutes now. so, i have put a branch up with the fixes here: https://code.launchpad.net/~rigved/+junk/ubuntu-manual-tests-1225810_122581215:38
rigvedballoons: how do i propose it for merging now?15:38
balloonsrigved, push it to lp:~rigved/ubuntu-manual-tests/1225810_122581215:39
balloonsrigved, you can propose it for merging against the project if you have the project name instead of +junk. make sense?15:39
DanChapmanballoons: could you run your eyes over this review of the current ubuntu_ap_tests http://pad.ubuntu.com/8ewWk1VpVc before i file some bugs15:41
thomipitti: cgoldberg: would one or other, or both of you like to eyeball https://code.launchpad.net/~autopilot/autopilot/experimental/+merge/18567215:42
pittijibel: btw, waiting for the PS bot to approve before I set the branch to approved for landing15:45
pittithomi: wohoo15:46
pittithomi: still in a talk, but I've some non-talk time afterwards, queueing15:46
thomipitti: thanks15:46
pittithomi: but the individual bits got tested, so I guess it's mainly a question of keeping -qt and -gtk in sync and getting signoff from the bot?15:47
pittiI'll still have another eyeballing go at it15:47
rigvedballoons: oh ok. understood.15:48
rigvedone moment. doing that.15:48
thomijfunk: have we got any test cases from the manual test team yet? or is it too early?15:49
jfunkthomi, still too early, I expect weds there should be something15:49
balloonsok I think the literal bare minimum of what we are doing is in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/TouchTesting now15:50
balloonsDanChapman, having a look now15:52
rigvedballoons: done. thanks a lot for your help!15:52
balloonsDanChapman, pad's aren't liking me today15:53
DanChapmanballoons: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6115478/15:54
thomicgoldberg: pitti, or anyone else, there's also the other autopilot 1.4 branches that need reviews: https://code.launchpad.net/~autopilot/autopilot-qt/experimental/+merge/185843 https://code.launchpad.net/~autopilot/autopilot-gtk/experimental/+merge/185845 and https://code.launchpad.net/~autopilot/xpathselect/experimental/+merge/18584615:57
elopiothomi: I removed the things you didn't like, and I'm trying to figure out how does the qt-creator plugin works to move them there.16:03
elopiocan you leave your approve? https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/base_autopilot_class/+merge/18517016:03
balloonsDanChapman, this list looks good. I think I agree on the apps that can't be added to16:04
balloonsDanChapman, I know everything keeps changing but I'd like to talk about the role of ubiquity tests and our upcoming iso testing :-)16:06
balloonswe'll also need to think about how much of the ubuntu-autopilot tests project goes upstream16:06
balloonsI'm really happy with how the emulator turned out16:07
DanChapmanballoons: I plan to move onto sorting ubiquity next. Should start that in the morning, So whats the plans with it. Yeah the emulators i actually think are quite cool, and rather simple from an author point of view. Just need it reviewed ;-p16:08
balloonsDanChapman, Well long term I'd like to scope down the repetition in our iso testing as we push that into autopilot. Thus the goal is to have less manual repetition and more along the lines of new features and exploratory testing (trying to break things :-) )16:11
balloonsthat's just been my thought process for all of the manual testing, since we're able to scale up autopilot testing now :-)16:11
balloonsit's something to talk about with everyone16:11
DanChapmanballoons: I agree, testing new features is always more enjoyable. So passing the burden of repetitive iso testing over to autopilot i think is ideal, especially with some flavors having a hard time getting testers.16:17
balloonsDanChapman, exactly..16:19
elfywholehearted agreement from this corner ;)16:20
balloonsDanChapman, elfy do you think starting this transition with iso testing is a good way to start?16:20
balloonseventually we'll want to also incorporate packages :-)16:21
elfyyea I'd think so16:21
DanChapmanballoons: +116:21
elfyeasier to find time for teams like ours for package testing - easy - quick - results for us - and a positive experience for testers16:22
elfy20 minutes to fiddle about with an iso test can be a less than rewarding experience16:22
elfymore or less what knome was saying on the pad for qa flavours16:23
balloonsso we should look at what we haven't automated on the ubiquity side16:23
balloonserr, the iso testing side16:23
balloonsbasically the same review you did for each gtk app16:24
DanChapmanballoons: ok no probs :-) I'll get something together and get everyone to take a look and see if there is anything else wanted.16:25
balloonsDanChapman, sounds great.. I'm really pumped about this16:26
balloonsAt the sprint last week we spent some time putting together a plan to test the phone and essentially arrived at the idea of doing manual tests for new things, then automate them, using bugs found as a great way to add testcases. I think that basic workflow can be applied on the desktop side as well16:27
balloonsSince we have a really nice foundation and base put together now, I think moving forward we can adopt that workflow and start the transition to more and more automation16:28
slickymasterballoons, DanChapman, elfy: I couldn't agree more with the idea of starting the transition of ISO testing to autopilot16:29
balloonsslickymaster, so ideally for instance, the manual iso tests I'd like to see happening this cycle would be around the new ubiquity feature, ubuntu one integration., and trying to break things. Everything else ideally would be automated and looking for regressions.16:30
elfywe don't have ubuntu one integration16:31
slickymasterballoons: one advantage of using the autopilot would also be the accuracy of the tests16:31
slickymasterelfy: yes, exactly16:32
DanChapmanballoons: thats sounds like a great idea!16:49
DanChapmanballoons: i removed _build16:51
balloonsDanChapman, I saw that, thanks.. much easier diff to look at now16:51
jfunkanyone else seeing the battery not fully charge after hours of plugin time?16:52
elopionot here.16:53
balloonsjfunk, yea, the indicator shows red16:53
balloonsjfunk, that said the image from 9/14 I flashed this morning seems to be correct16:54
pittijibel: approved your branch, should autoland now16:55
jibelpitti, danke16:55
DanChapmanpitti, is that the autopilot-sandbox-run?16:55
pittiDanChapman: yes16:56
DanChapmanpitti, jibel awesome!16:56
pittithomi: the -gtk MP failed, I guess because it requires the main ap merge to be done first?16:56
* pitti starts with the xpathselect one16:56
thomipitti: almost, it depends on the xpathselect one16:58
thomipitti: oh, actually, yeah, it'll depend on both16:58
jibelballoons, did you find om26er's script?16:59
* pitti grumbles a bit about soname being independent from software version, but that's more or less stylistic16:59
thomiI forgot about the autopilot tests16:59
thomipitti: feel free to tie them together, we never bump one without the other16:59
thomibut our upstream versions get mangled by the release team, so.....16:59
om26erjibel, yes I linked him, perhaps we also want a "take screenshot script" I wrote one of those and seems popey have a similar one as well17:00
om26erwell in my case I upload to imgur17:00
pittithomi: hm, so where in https://code.launchpad.net/~autopilot/xpathselect/experimental/+merge/185846 does it actually change the soname? shouldn't that be in some cmake-ish file?17:00
balloonsjibel, om26er yes, I added it to the wiki, but it needs some info.. and as mentioned, popey has some stuff we should look at17:00
thomipitti: yes, it is17:01
pittithomi: oh, does the "set (VERSION 1.4)" apply to the SONAME?17:01
thomipitti: yes, exactly17:01
thomiugh, I should use the one piece of german I know and say "ya, genau" instead ;)17:01
pittithomi: ok; so essentially this is the soname, and we don't care about a "release version" as we don't really release?17:02
pittithomi: "ja" :)17:02
thomipitti: yeah, but more like "we release every day, and the release version is mangled by the release team:17:02
thomiI guess we set the first three characters of the release version ("1.4")17:03
thomibut everything after that is outside our control17:03
pittiso, let xpathselect land17:04
pittidoing ap now17:05
pittithomi: after that we should forward-merge 1.3 into trunk again for your fixes from this morning17:05
jfunkhey team, I flashed this morning, but perhaps there is a command I can run to verify that the version I am running is the same as current?17:05
thomipitti: yes17:05
thomijfunk: there is, but I can never remember it... let me find out quickly17:06
jibeljfunk, adb shell cat /etc/media-info17:06
jibeland check the build number17:06
thomithat works :)17:07
thomieasier than what I can was going to suggest :)17:07
jfunkthx guys17:07
jfunkballoons, ^^ one for the wiki perhaps?17:07
balloonsjfunk, perfect, yes17:08
jfunkballoons, and if you still have it, the link which shows current may be useful17:08
balloonsjfunk, what do you mean?17:08
jfunkthere is a URL that shows us the current build17:09
jfunkwe passed it around last week17:09
pittithomi: so, ap merge looks mostly fine, but CI fails on PEP-8 errors so you need to push some fixes17:10
thomipitti: oh, which one?17:10
pittithomi: after that I suppose it would fail for a too old xpathselect, but as that has been approved it ought to land soon and thus one of hte next ap test runs should pick it up?17:10
thomipitti: yes17:10
pittithomi: oh wait, that depends on actually landing xpathselect in some PPA or the distro, doesn't it?17:10
pittithomi: yes, https://code.launchpad.net/~autopilot/autopilot/experimental/+merge/18567217:10
thomipitti: no, it doesn't need to land in distro17:11
thomithe builders have a local repository17:11
pittithomi: are they using the exp PPA?17:11
thomipitti: no17:11
thomipitti: it's some internal archive17:11
jfunkhey team, is there anyone who specifically has responsibility to execute a test plan that includes updating and rebooting?17:11
thomipitti: if you comment-approve each MP once you're happy with it I can make sure they land in the right order17:12
jfunkom26er? ^^17:12
pittithomi: yep, that's what I'm doing now (already done for ap itself)17:12
om26erreads backlog17:12
thomijfunk: you mean for testing the phone image-based updates, right?17:13
pittithomi: can you trigger re-runs? i. e. that magical https://s-jenkins/ link?17:14
thomipitti: yes17:14
thomidon't get me started17:14
thomithat link is so totally braindead17:15
om26erjfunk, I don't think anyone is doing that. we do flash images in CI whenever a new image is available on which our touch testing infrastructure is based17:15
om26erI flash my phone daily to the latest image if that matters17:16
balloonsjfunk, et la gema was intended to test upgrades17:16
pittithomi: wrt https://code.launchpad.net/~autopilot/autopilot-gtk/experimental/+merge/185845, how are uints and doubles handled now? that parsing code went away17:16
jfunkballoons, thx17:16
om26erpitti, which packages gives ubuntu-bug ?17:17
pittiom26er: apport17:17
om26erpitti, ack17:17
thomipitti: we only support signed ints on the server side17:18
thomipitti: there's code on the client side that checks the matching value, and only sends it to the server if the value is within range17:18
jfunkballoons, here's the URL which shows current I mentioned earlier - http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/current/17:18
balloonsjfunk, ohh yes, that's in the wiki now17:19
pittithomi: ah, and doubles are filtered on the test side? (is that client or server)17:19
thomipitti: test side is client, and yes17:19
thomipitti: all incompatible types are filtered client-side17:20
thomithis is how matching for complex types work17:20
thomifor example you can say:17:20
thomiand it'll "just work" (tm)17:20
thomicos.. magic17:20
pittithomi: https://code.launchpad.net/~autopilot/autopilot-gtk/experimental/+merge/185845 reviewed, needs some dependency fixes17:20
thomipitti: OK, I'll need to make a similar change for ap-qt as well17:21
om26erpitti, reported that as bug 1226140 -- not urgent but good-to-have17:21
ubot5bug 1226140 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport-gtk crashes when reporting a bug for saved crash file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122614017:21
pittithomi: pushed another comment to that; yes, same issue for -qt17:22
pittithomi: also this reminds me that p-autopilot needs these breaks, too; updateing that MP17:22
pittihmm, they recommend >= 1.417:23
pittithat's not strictly correct, but will probably help in most cases17:23
pitti^ added a comment, but not setting to "needs fixing"; add it if you like, or use it as a means to re-trigger tests later on :)17:24
pittithomi: need to afk again for a bit; perhaps you could ping me with the remaining oustanding (re)reviews, and I mop them up in an hour or so?17:25
pittiom26er: thanks17:26
elopiothomi: the logging annotation: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/autopilot/loggging/+merge/18587017:27
thomielopio: thanks, will check it out in a second17:35
thomijfunk: just a heads up, we just discovered that the autopilot libraries don't load on the phone when running with the mir shell17:35
thomijfunk: however, we've pretty much ruled out any blame on the autopilot side. Gerry Boland is looking in to it17:35
thomijfunk: but that's going to be a *huge* issue very soon, so we may want to suit up :)17:36
thomielopio: I'm not sure you want to be using %r in your log message, do you?17:40
elopiothomi: what would you prefer?17:41
thomi%r is the same as repr17:41
jfunkthomi, I believe you, perhaps you help me suit up by explaining the issues we'll run into17:41
thomiwhih adds quotes to the log message17:41
thomijfunk: sure - want a hangout call? I happen to have some time now17:42
elopiothomi: both are fine for me. I'll change it.17:42
thomielopio: thanks. ping me and I'll approve it once the new revision is up17:42
jfunkthomi, is PM out of the question?17:42
thomijfunk: not at all, just thought it would be easier to talk17:43
elopiothomi: pushed.17:45
thomielopio: ok. did you run the tests with python 3 as well as 2?17:47
thomielopio: I've approved anyway - it won't land if the tests don't pass :)17:47
elopiothomi: no. Just python2.17:48
elopiothat's nice.17:48
cgoldbergthomi, are the sphinx generated docs for AutoPilot posted somewhere?  got a link?18:18
thomicgoldberg: http://unity.ubuntu.com/autopilot/18:18
thomijfunk: you may want to join #ubuntu-touch on freenode18:25
* jfunk nods thx18:25
thomijfunk: I didn't realise that autopilot is in "ask mode", which means all my bugfixes aren't getting released to distro18:26
thomiwhich is going to be a real PITA18:26
thomiapparently I need to ask my manager to get things released now, or something equally frustrating18:26
jfunkI heard your manager is really smart and charming18:27
jfunkbut yeah, that is true, it's for a good reason18:27
jfunkasac, how would you suggest we coordinate thomi's AutoPilot fixes to land?18:28
thomiI understand the reason, I don't agree that the process decided upon is a good solutioin18:29
* thomi shrugs18:29
thomijfunk: there's now at least 4 fixes to land, and I'm looking in to another one today/tomorrow18:29
jfunkthomi, you will need to provide a good story as to how they are helping this release18:29
asacjfunk: just update the landing spreadsheet18:30
asacjfunk: it has it already in the Ask sheet18:30
asacbut it currently says: "needs FFe first" in the comments18:30
asacjust say its ready and what it fixes18:30
thomijfunk: hey, can we have a call about this? this is totally borked.18:30
asacjfunk: also if it requires us to update tests etc. at the same time to not breka them18:30
thomiif we're going to keep this process, then I need write access to that SS at the very least18:31
thomiotherwise jfunk becomes my PA ;)18:31
asaci want to coordinte the asks18:31
asacbecause we might throw stuff out18:31
asacwe use leads18:31
asacif jfunk wants you to be that, thats fine... but please dont add every developer18:32
jfunkasac thank you - will work this out18:33
jfunkthomi let's mumble18:33
thomisure, one sec18:33
robotfueljfunk: is there a list of test cases that need to be automated started, where do I look to find it?18:34
thomijfunk: i can't connect to mumble, has the password changed recently?18:34
jfunkrobotfuel, not quite yet, the person coordinating that is offline until weds, may get balloons to step in to mediate in his absensce18:35
jfunkthomi, we can do GH18:36
thomijfunk: I may have figured it out, one sec18:36
thomijfunk: got it now - can do either mumble or GH, whichever you prefer18:37
jfunkasac, hey, so I've talked with Thomi, we're going to give him 'lead' responsibility for the time being, he will shepherd any changes the QA team needs for this release - I'm sure he has a few questions about the ideal way to notify/update the doc with his changes which he has assured me are all bug fixes for landed code and not new features18:46
pittithomi: ah, so xpath landed; how does that make it into the mystical private archive for the other tests?18:46
thomipitti: should be automatic18:49
jfunkasac, I don't have write access to the landing sheet, and as such cannot grant thomi access18:54
pittiasac: hm, as core devs we can just upload any bug fix without process; can't we do that with autolanding on stable branches like the ap 1.3?18:57
jfunkelopio, can I ask you to be the click testing guy18:57
pittithomi, asac: I mean, if it helps I can just take current branch and upload it manually18:57
pittithen I'd need to craft the changelog myself, but that's not too hard18:58
thomipitti: asac asked me to not do that earlier in #ubuntu-touch18:58
jfunkI know you've got a phone and it's come to my attention that clickpackages are suffering at the moment and we need someone committed to testing clickpackages on every current that is realeased18:58
jfunkelopio, ^18:58
jfunksince you're close to click anyhow..18:58
thomipitti: I'm emailing didier to find out what's going on, so I should have an answer tomorrow morning.18:59
pittithomi: I guess not releasing trunk is not a bug, but a deliberate setup due to that "ask" mode?18:59
thomipitti: genau19:00
pittithomi: perhaps you can CC: me, then I'll send my "+1" with my core dev hat on19:00
thomipitti: OK :)19:00
thomipitti: email sent!19:01
pittithomi: replied19:05
asacpitti: wait19:07
asacdont do it please19:07
asacif it has impact on autopilot tests19:07
asacrun all autopilots first locally19:07
asacif you want to do that on your own as core dev19:07
asacgo ahead19:07
asacall that pass on current image19:08
pittiasac: no, I'm not going to actually upload manually, just that I think the changes are okay19:08
asacpitti: right. thats good19:09
pittithomi: well, we need to fix the ap-gtk 1.3 tests for this to move from select_single -> None to expecting the exception19:09
asacbut still need a hard confirm that it doenst break autopilot ... i will add your ocmment to the comments19:09
asacwill give me confidence :)19:09
thomiasac: please can you give me write access to that SS.19:10
pittithomi: that particular change might potentially break other tests19:10
thomipitti: that's not landing in 1.319:10
thomipitti: oh wait, sorry, I thought you were talking about something else19:10
pittithomi: but it already did19:11
thomipitti: you're correct19:11
thomipitti: I guess if the touch developers don't want those bugfixes, and asac doesn't want to give me write access to that SS then that's OK19:12
thomiI mean, it's dissapointing, but at the end of the day it's not really that important19:13
asacthomi: man... dont sweat it19:13
pittithomi: yeah, I guess either way it's not earthshaking19:13
asacthomi: a) the process is overly tight19:13
asacb) we will revisit your upload tomorrow morningt... today there was just still outstanding FFe19:13
asacc) we will improve the process soon so you can most likely autoland in distro again19:14
asacthomi: have you talked to jfunk? if he wants you to be on the spreadsheet i add you19:14
asaclast I heard i was told to wait19:14
thomiasac: [14:46:38] <jfunk> asac, hey, so I've talked with Thomi, we're going to give him 'lead' responsibility for the time being, he will shepherd any changes the QA team needs for this release - I'm sure he has a few questions about the ideal way to notify/update the doc with his changes which he has assured me are all bug fixes for landed code and not new features19:16
asacthomi: good19:16
asacthomi: done19:16
thomiasac: thanks19:17
letozafballoons, hi19:33
balloonsletozaf, hello19:40
letozafballoons, howzit ?19:40
balloonsletozaf, busy busy ;-) I saw your questions, I don't think I have an answer off the top of my head19:41
letozafballoons, ok no matter :) I migrated music-app to the emulator19:43
balloonsletozaf, awesome!19:43
letozafballoons, now I was trying to do the same with sudoku-app, but I'm stuck19:44
letozafballoons, but if you are busy I will try  to figure out what the problem is by myself (at least I hope to :P)19:44
balloonsletozaf, feel free to ask questions19:46
balloonsletozaf, did you do an mp for the music app?19:46
letozafballoons, yes and Victor already merged it19:46
letozafballoons, this yesterday19:47
balloonsthe email makes more sense.. i was traveling19:47
letozafballoons, there is a mail from Victor on music-app utilizing the mediascanner service19:48
letozafballoons, but maybe I will wait for you to read it first19:48
balloonsi saw that..19:48
balloonsletozaf, I would say what needs to happen is they need to fake the mediascan db, or otherwise have it be built during the test19:50
balloonsyou can see some of this being done in the weather app for instance19:50
balloonsto get more specific I'd have to dig into the app itself I think19:50
letozafballoons, yes I think I will wait for you to have a look first19:51
balloonsso probably safe to let it go for now, as you did.. ping with questions on sudoku if needed19:51
letozafballoons, on sudoku app, I am having problems with switching to tabs, should I try doing it the way it is done on the calendar app, buy swiping to change page ?19:52
elopiojfunk: sure. I thought we had already agreed on that, I'll test the click installation from the phone.19:53
letozafballoons, the weired thing is that without emulator it works, when I use emulator I get an error, but probably I am doing something wrong19:54
letozafballoons, just cannot figure out what19:55
letozafballoons, so I'm stuck on that19:55
balloonsletozaf, well elopio is the man if you've found an emulator bug19:55
jfunkelopio, great, I suppose we'd left it off the pad - http://pad.ubuntu.com/test-SWAT19:55
jfunkelopio, I've added it now, have you had a chance to test the clickapps since the last current was released19:56
letozafballoons, ok so I will try to ask him :P19:56
balloonsletozaf, share the error and yea :-)19:56
jfunkelopio, are you clear about where to report the defect you find?19:56
jfunkelopio, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/TouchTesting19:57
balloonsI'm adding the chart to the page as we speak19:58
letozafballoons, I get a RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object19:58
balloonsjust need to do a little regex replacing19:58
letozafballoons, but maybe I should push the changes I made otherwise it-s hard to figure out19:58
balloonsletozaf, yep19:59
elopiojfunk: I'm not, but I'll read that.19:59
letozafballoons, here: https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/ubuntu-rssreader-app/tests-on-feeds-topics  the problem is in the "test_best_scores_tab"20:01
letozafballoons, argh! wrong link20:02
balloonselopio, for the moment, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/TouchTesting/BugFiling20:02
letozafballoons, this one: https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/sudoku-app/emulator-integration20:02
letozafballoons, test: test_best_scores_tab20:02
jibelballoons, shouldn't we file a bug in ubuntu and open an upstream task to track the status in the releasE?20:03
jibelballoons, on the wiki page there are only upstream projects20:04
jibelballoons, otherwise it will quickly become difficult to know when fix land and when it requires veirfication20:05
elopioballoons: nice, thanks.20:06
balloonsjibel, ahh yes, thank you for noticing20:08
balloonsI ripped that from somewhere and was working on editing it20:08
balloonsbut I thought I'd throw it up as is20:08
jibelballoons, I think the process should be, open a bug in Ubuntu, upon triaging if the bug is valid, open an upstream task20:10
jibelballoons, when the fix lands in proposed change the ubuntu task to fix commited and to released when it is in -release20:11
jibelballoons, this way we know if we can test the fix in -proposed or -release and what's the status upstream, what do you thnik?20:12
balloonsjibel, yes I am in agreement.. I'm triaging with jfunk right now20:13
balloonsfeel free to add some quick notes to the wiki, i'll update the links20:13
balloonsjibel, essentially I wanted a list of packages to steer you towards.. the links I suppose are secondary20:21
balloonsjibel, I suppose we'll need to fix all the bugs to follow this model also20:24
balloonsom26er, I don't seem to be able to set importance on some bugs.. perhaps I'm not as super cool as I thought20:30
balloonsom26er, for example can you set importance on this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/122478720:31
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1224787 in ubuntu-system-settings "Can't set manual timezone" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:31
robotfueljibel: are you around still?20:32
jibelrobotfuel, it depends on the question :)20:34
jibelballoons, another reason to add an ubuntu task20:34
balloonsjibel, :-)20:35
om26erballoons, I can't either, that launchpad project needs some project managementr20:35
jibelballoons, upstream won't have to make you a member of each and every upstream project20:35
robotfueljibel: where are the unity 7 autopilot tests run? I want to look at the logs.20:35
om26erjibel, balloons the general guidelines for new projects in launchpad is that Maintainer: PS Project Management Team and Driver: Ubuntu Phablet Team20:36
om26erfor the settings it seems that's not the case, so needs to be changed20:37
thomisuprt-easy MP for someone: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/autopilot/add-sigabrt-test/+merge/18592620:39
jibelrobotfuel, select a build then click on the build number next to autopilot-saucy-daily_release20:40
robotfueljibel: thanks!20:41
jibelautopilot-saucy-daily_release do not seem to be published to the public instance20:41
jibelrobotfuel, starting from last friday saucy tests are cu2d-unity-saucy-2.2check (instead of head) but no test have run yet20:42
robotfueljibel: I am ChrisGagnon on other irc networks ;) so I have access20:42
jibelrobotfuel, yup, I remember, but I like pasting public links on public channels :)20:43
elopiodo you guys now what to do when the phone is stuck on the Google start up screen?21:26
balloonselopio, yes that's a bootloop.. check out the touch/install wiki page21:27
elopiothanks balloons.21:29
alesageelopio, robotfuel advised me on 'sideloading', which wound up working when that wiki didn't FWIW/YMMV/PBJBBQ21:31
elopioalesage: how do I do sideloading?21:37
elopio:/ now I'm on a screen that says download mode: Do not unplug.22:05
elopioI want to unplug, it's so hard not to do it.22:05
* thomi EODs22:06
* balloons <-- out22:10
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alesageelipio sorry distracted, still needing halp?23:14
alesagejfunk, om26er, I don't remember any appropriate quotations from the Avengers movie :(23:25
om26eralesage, btw that wiki does sound helpful I am flashing again23:27
alesageom26er, under the "filing the bug using Omer's script section", that's when there's an autopilot suite already in place, no?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/TouchTesting23:29
alesageso the command-line arg is the suite-name, e.g. 'camera-app'23:29
om26eralesage, you are talking about my script ?23:30
om26eralesage, it only takes the package name you want to report bug for as argument23:30
alesageom26er, o ok, right that makes sense23:31

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