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dokoScottK, dh-python seems to be stuck in proposed10:46
cjwatsondoko: I'm working on that right now10:48
cjwatsondoko: Also all the other things with unsatisfiable Depends: foo:any10:48
cjwatsonJust preparing a precise-amd64 chroot so I can build something to sync to lillypilly to test10:48
cjwatsondoko: Any plans to fix the python2.7 and python3.3 autopkgtests?10:57
dokocjwatson, ahh, forgot about these ... maybe not today, but tomorrow11:06
* cjwatson curses the sheer number of places that need to be fixed for :any in britney13:12
cjwatsonOh, this looks betetr13:35
cjwatson <li>Maintainer: Debian Python Modules Team13:35
cjwatson-<li>alembic/i386 unsatisfiable Depends: python:any (>= 2.7.1-0ubuntu2)13:35
cjwatson <li>Valid candidate13:35
barryany chance someone could free up nose2 from the new queue?  it was uploaded before ff but it's been sitting in new for a while now and i'd love to get this into saucy13:56
cjwatsonI think I've unwedged :any dependencies now, after way more effort than that should have been.  Monitoring proposed-migration ...14:05
cjwatson finish: [alembic,avahi,cherrypy3,dh-python,frog,gnucash,gourmet,graphviz,ibus-hangul,ibus-xkbc,cobbler,meld,python-cliff,python-django,python-drizzle,python-pip,python-virtualenv,python-whoosh,pywapi,qtpim-opensource-src,sabnzbdplus,schooltool,schooltool.lyceum.journal,schooltool.gradebook,schooltool.cando,terminator,ubuntu-touch-meta,xpra]14:22
cjwatsonthere we go, much better14:22
jokerdinoany archive admin feeling charitable enough to take a look at this FFe? bug 122605914:38
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1226059 in unity-tweak-tool (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Please sync unity-tweak-tool 0.0.5 from upstream git" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122605914:38
cjwatsons/archive admin/release team member/14:40
smartboyhwjokerdino, "The new version is focused on bug fixes only and has no new features." I'm not sure if that requires a FFe.14:40
cjwatsonif the reporter wants release team attention then they should subscribe ~ubuntu-release ...14:40
jokerdinocjwatson: aw, oops14:40
jokerdinoi was looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess14:41
Laneyyou want14:42
ubot2`Feature Freeze Exception. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess for the freeze exception process.14:42
jokerdinoright. So I unsubscribe ubuntu-sponsors and subscribe ubuntu-release then?14:44
stgraberah, I was wondering why terminator only migrated a few minutes ago, but looking at the scrollback completely explains it :) thanks cjwatson14:53
sgranhi all15:00
jokerdinoi ..uh am confused a little. Scott says it is not a FFe. What is the next course of action?15:00
jokerdinoDo I get a sponsor or something?15:01
smartboyhwjokerdino, yes, you get a sponsor. It is of course not a FFe-.-15:01
sgranI'm less familiar with what is ok in ubuntu for things like -updates or -proposed for LTS, so I just wanted to ask15:01
jokerdinoI pretty much did the same thing for syncing 0.0.4 last cycle.. :/15:01
LaneyThe Fs in FFe stand for Feature Freeze; you don't need an exception for updates which only contain bug fixes15:02
Laneyso go straight to ubuntu-sponsors in that case15:02
sgranopen-iscsi in precise has a hack to make it not start on hosts with / on iscsi, since it gets it wrong15:02
sgranthis makes it impossible to run diskless compute nodes with openstack15:02
sgran(which just so happens to be what I'm doing at work ...)15:02
sgrana newer version does the right thing, the hack is removed, and all is well with the world15:03
jokerdinoLaney: can i reset the bug status then? Scott set it to invalid.15:03
sgranI'm just curious if there is an avenue for the newer version to make it into precise, in some description15:03
tumbleweedsgran: how complex is the patch that does the right thing?15:04
sgranthe difference between the version that is in precise and the version that works is quite large15:04
sgranI have not even tried to track down a single patch that fixes the issues in precise - there was lots of upstream work on this area in the meantime15:05
sgranin debian, I would start working with the maintainer to put this in backports, as it's too invasive for stable proper15:05
sgranI don't know what the options are in ubuntu15:05
tumbleweedwe have backports too, which is appropriate for new versions like this15:05
Laneybackports would be an option15:06
Laneyjokerdino: sure, do that15:06
sgrangreat, how would I go about starting that ball rolling?15:06
ubot2`If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging15:06
Laneyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports → tl;dr: apt-get install ubuntu-dev-tools; requestbackport -d precise -s <whatever> open-iscsi15:07
Laneysgran: ↑15:07
sgranLaney: perfect, thanks15:08
jbichathat gnome-disk-utility upload was intended for a ppa so gilir could test it first17:31
jbichaScottK: if you're here I assume you want to kill it since the ffe wasn't approved yet17:37
jbichaooh, it failed to build anyway, hmm17:40
ScottKjbicha: It's gone.19:08
NoskcajMy latest update has installed the ubuntu touch web browser. I'm on xubuntu 13.10 amd64.21:34
NoskcajI have since installed it and it's dependencies21:34
skellatcjwatson: Might Noskcaj have encountered click packages accidentally being dragged in with his scenario?21:37
NoskcajAlso, will i need an FFe to merge the latest audacity 2.0.3-1 to 2.0.4-1ubuntu1? I've already prepared the branch21:37
cjwatsonskellat: Not possible21:47
cjwatsonskellat: (a) apt doesn't know about click packages so can never install them; (b) the Ubuntu Touch web browser is not currently being shipped on touch devices as a click package anyway21:47
stgraberthat reminds me I need to figure out how system-image and ubuntu-system-settings somehow got into the Edubuntu DVD image21:54
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