
andrilhello all00:16
wilee-nileehowdee dewdee00:17
andrildoes installing the Touch Preview delete my sdcard?00:17
wilee-nileewipes everything00:17
andrilok i have my data backed up what command do i run00:17
andrili ahve it installed and device unlocked00:17
wilee-nileeandril, To install the touch?00:17
andrili have it set up in Ubuntu00:18
wilee-nileeandril, I would look at the links in the channel header, it has been awhile since ran a install myself is all.00:18
wilee-nileeubuntu good, it is fairly straight forward I just don't remember it exactly.00:19
andrilok how is it compared to 1st release?00:19
wilee-nileefirst release? It used to be a phablet thing not sure if it is now.00:19
wilee-nileeI mainly installed the dektop versions00:19
andrilok thanks for the info - i am off to explore :)00:20
wilee-nileeandril, look here. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install00:20
wilee-nileestill appears to be loading the phablet ppa and going from there with that link00:22
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Archguycan one dualboot Jellybean and Ubuntu Touch on Nexus 7? this tutorial only says how to install it https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install00:37
wilee-nileeArchguy, the touch is in development a bit rough are you sure it is up for what you want?00:40
wilee-nileereally a phone app in the end, I have a nexus 7 I would be more on installing saucy00:41
Archguywilee-nilee: can you boot a terminal?00:43
Archguywilee-nilee: just asking because I had seen a youtube demo video where Ubuntu was dualbooted (not touch) and the guy said he couldn't boot a terminal...00:44
wilee-nileeArchguy, I have cyanogenmod 10.2 on my nexus 7, I never use the terminal but it is possible in this one.00:47
wilee-nileeArchguy, In the past when I had quantal then saucy I could use the terminal00:48
wilee-nileeHeh, I installed lubuntu on it to have a lighter desktop.00:49
wilee-nileethe lubuntu-desktop though along with unity00:49
wilee-nileebooting to a terminal I did not do though, would just be a modified grub I assume, not sure of the boot on these.00:50
Archguywilee-nilee: what do you think is the most stable release for Nexus 7 yet? I mean surely, Arch might be a little tricky. What about Xubuntu? SUSE? Boddhi?00:50
wilee-nileeArchguy, Has to be a zip to load I would think not sure if those have any top pop in.00:51
wilee-nileeSome people do get into modifying and making partitions etc, I just load roms myself and root em00:51
Archguywilee-nilee: k I see00:57
Archguywilee-nilee: where did you find them?00:57
wilee-nileeArchguy, There are roms all over the place is that what you mean, I just run the cyanogenmod dailies in general.00:59
wilee-nileethe ram manager from google play has roms to download and try00:59
wilee-nileeI stick with android as of now the ubuntu installs like the desktop are a bit rough being in development as far a touch control, at least were last time I loaded one.01:01
imanustmaianybody interested in creating a port for the ASUS Transformer Prime TF201?02:47
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ogra_cjwatson, looking at the last touch livefs build error it look like click doesnt really get along with 0 byte files07:21
ogra_(would be nice to have a more informative error there)07:22
asacpsivaa: plars: hi... :)08:01
psivaahey asac :)08:01
asacpsivaa: safely arrived home?08:01
asacmanaged to get some sleep :)?08:01
psivaaasac: yes and yes luckily this time :), how about you?08:01
asacyeah ... returned and slept a lot. couldnt sleep anymore, but don't feel back to 100% either yet :)08:02
asacguess will take half the week to recharge slowly08:03
asacpsivaa: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/4270/phone-app-connected-autopilot/407483/08:03
asacany idea how we got that new test?08:03
asacseems the package it not avail for that08:03
psivaaasac: just a sec08:03
asacpsivaa: let me get a coffee... maybe give back the webbrowser from mako: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/4259/08:04
asaci feel the phone-app-conneced being there might be a mistake08:04
asacmako still has dialer-app08:05
psivaaasac: will do, yea ill see if that was mistakenly published08:05
asacok ... lets chat in 20 minutes or so08:05
asacbesides webbrowser and that it looks pretty good08:06
asacogra_: thought you reenabled image builds... seems last was saturday08:07
asacodd odd08:07
asacok talk in a bit08:07
* asac goes on a coffee hunt08:07
psivaaasac: the phone-app-connected was disabled but got mistakenly re-enabled during the weekend. I've disabled it now and doing an MP to remove it completely so that this wont happen again08:20
psivaawebbrowser on mako is running btw08:20
asacthx for figuring this08:20
* asac reboots08:21
didrockshey asac08:24
ogra_asac, there is something broken with the click import http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/click_packages/ has two 0 byte files ... see the build log at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/saucy/ubuntu-touch/20130915.1/livecd-armhf.out08:25
ogra_xnox, https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/package/net.launchpad.click-webapps.facebook points me to https://public.apps.ubuntu.com/download/net.launchpad.click-webapps/facebook/net.launchpad.click-webapps.facebook_2_unknown.click ...08:34
ogra_xnox, which in turn gets me a :08:34
ogra_HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized08:34
ogra_Authorisation failed.08:34
ogra_if i try to wget that file08:34
ogra_ah, wait, i'm missing a ?noauth=108:39
xnoxogra_: correct, we are past 15th of September and unauthenticated downloads should stop working, so even ?noauth=1 might not work anymore.08:42
ogra_it does, i get the file now08:42
xnoxogra_: interesting. =)08:42
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ogra_(which sadly still doesnt tell me why http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/click_packages/ has it as 0byte file)08:42
ogra_and if there is a log produced for the click import somewhere, i dont know where ... (nor am i member of ubuntu-archive so i coulld trigger the downloader script by hand)08:44
ogra_which makes it rather hard to debug :(08:45
xnoxogra_: hm, cjwatson can trigger it (at least he did it for the image build last time around)08:45
ogra_right, he also set up a cron job i think08:46
asachi didrocks !08:46
asacogra_: ic, ic08:46
timpdidrocks: do you know when we will have automatic release of packages again for UITK?08:47
asacogra_: so we have a problem?08:47
ogra_asac, yes08:47
asacogra_: so click download stopped working without auth. who landed that?08:47
ogra_asac, needs a member of the ubuntu-archive team to solve08:47
asacogra_: did you ping colin?08:48
ogra_preferably one that knows the click importer ... i.e. sergio or colin08:48
ogra_asac, see above .... :)08:48
ogra_asac, click download works fine ...08:48
ogra_i can wget the 0byte ones here08:48
ogra_with the url the script uses08:49
cjwatsonogra_: Well - I can see your point about the error message, but I wonder how far I should go in terms of special-case checks08:49
ogra_(i can read the script, but not exec it)08:49
cjwatsonI can run the script, but I can't change it - it's in Sergio's homedir08:49
didrockstimp: sync with your manager so that we have a request for your team08:49
ogra_cjwatson, well, i imagine a re-run might fix the 0 byte files08:50
cjwatsonsubprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['wget', u'https://public.apps.ubuntu.com/download/net.launchpad.click-webapps/amazon/net.launchpad.click-webapps.amazon_2_unknown.click?noauth=1', '-O', u'/home/ubuntu-archive/public_html/click_packages/net.launchpad.click-webapps.amazon_2_unknown.click']' returned non-zero exit status 608:50
cjwatsonbzzt not so much08:50
cjwatsonSergio needs to make his script safer so that it produces missing files on error not empty files08:51
cjwatsonOK, I'm going to make a copy of it and try to fix it up08:51
cjwatsonGive me a few minutes08:51
timpdidrocks: we were thinking that it will be switched back on beginning of this week anyway. Is this not the case and do we need to request it?08:52
timpMirv: ^ fyi08:52
didrockstimp: the current process is based on request, your manager should be in the loop08:52
didrocks(or the manager of your manager :p)08:52
cjwatsonFWIW Sergio's script already appends ?noauth=108:53
ogra_asac, xnox ... urgh ... well, xnox seems to be partially right http://paste.ubuntu.com/6114073/ seems noauth+1 sometimes works and sometimes doesnt08:54
ogra_cjwatson, yeah, see the paste08:54
ogra_it works on all subsequent calls now08:55
timpdidrocks: ok, thanks.08:55
ogra_but the first one got me an auth error08:55
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xnoxogra_: bueno said that after 15th noauth hack will stop working, requiring auth before any downloads.08:55
ogra_xnox, heh, well, i get the file on the second try08:55
xnoxcjwatson: ogra_: I see binary_filesize is published by the API, is that verified in the download script?08:56
ogra_doesnt seem to be overly safe08:56
* xnox ponders if API should publish a checksum of the file.08:56
xnoxogra_: yeah, weird.08:57
cjwatsonThat's really strange, https://public.apps.ubuntu.com/download/net.launchpad.click-webapps/ubuntuone/net.launchpad.click-webapps.ubuntuone_2_unknown.click?noauth=1 repeatedly failed, but fetching it from my laptop caused it to work08:57
cjwatsonxnox: Nope08:57
loolit worked for me here08:57
cjwatsonxnox: Though one might hope that wget would fail if it was incomplete08:57
xnoxcjwatson: true.08:57
cjwatsonlool: Behaviour on lillypilly seems to be different; I have no way to find out why.  But it should all be up to date now08:58
cjwatsonogra_: Please trigger a new build08:58
ogra_cjwatson, doing08:58
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Monday and happy International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer! :-D09:01
asacogra_: seems 49 is goodie09:05
asacpopey: ^^09:05
asachave a smoke check maybe09:05
asacthat should have indicators and friends09:05
popeyasac: sure thing09:05
asac(and bugs :))09:05
popeyoh, hang on. 49.. ubuntu-system?09:06
asacpopey: aye09:06
popeyI can't update to that09:06
popeywell, I can, but that will trash the phone I use for testing apps09:06
asacpopey: you cant try ubuntu-system?09:06
ogra_hrm, the UI should really show the version additionally to the "last updated" date09:06
popeyhm, yeah, I'll flash it and flash it back to cdimage-touch after09:07
ogra_i think i am on 49 here (updated via UI this morning)09:07
asacpopey: but its not because 49 has a known regresion?09:07
popeyasac: well, ubuntu-system has a known issue09:07
popeyyou can't use the sdk with it09:07
popeywhich, given I'm working with guys who use the sdk all day to make core apps.. is "a problem"09:07
asacpopey: if its too much of a detour let me know09:07
popeynah, I'll flash and reflash back later09:07
asacand i can try to find someone else for the next days09:07
popeyit's just frustrating not being able to switch to ubuntu-system fully09:08
asacpopey: is that because sdk doesnt have cross compile?09:08
asace.g. you need to install, build etc. on the system?09:08
popeyno. let me find the bug09:08
popeybug 122330109:09
ubot5bug 1223301 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu "Cannot enable developer mode on read-only image" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122330109:09
popeybug 122517809:09
ubot5bug 1225178 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu "Cannot launch application through qtcreator" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122517809:09
popeythose two09:09
asacpopey: which parts of developer mode do you need? RW?09:10
asacso ... that bug at least sounds like it would be fixed if we would have the cross compile support in qtcreator09:10
popeythe ability to press a button in qtc and it deploy the app and run it09:10
popeyyou can't a) deploy, and b) run09:10
popeyboth broken09:10
asacand building neither i assume09:10
popeybuilding isn't an issue really09:10
popeythat's not the issue I face anyway09:11
asacpopey: how do you build? or you dont have binaries?09:11
popeythe apps are mostly qml09:11
asacright. so building might just not hit you09:11
popeythere's a couple with have some binary stuff, but that's not the issue09:11
popeyit will, it's just further down the line than just connecting and running our sample apps09:11
ogra_on my upgraded 49 installs (both arches) calls and SMS work fine in both directions09:12
asacogra_: goodie09:12
asactimp: sdk is in the landing list09:13
asacthats ui-tk09:13
asactimp: however, i asked SDK team to get me manual test results of all the autopilot09:13
asacto give more confidence09:13
asacnever got a confirm, so if this lands and makes stuff fail its out again09:13
asacwe planned to raise the bar for MPs09:14
asacsot hat we know more certain that it works09:14
asacbut that will only happen today later09:14
popeyasac: uhm, Ubuntu Saucy Salamander (development branch) - armhf (20130913)09:21
popeythats what I get when I install ubuntu-system?09:21
asacpopey: yeah... but you should grab --channel=daily-proposed09:22
popeyis there some other magic to get "49"?09:22
ogra_popey, wrong channel then :)09:22
asac13 is the last daily09:22
drachensunhello all, I'm trying to port to a new device, I've it building the cyanogenmod piece and install that and the phablet armhf parts under /data/ubuntu.  I just got done reworking the ubuntu initrd to work out some things for my system.  After run-init I only get one error and nothing else09:22
drachensuninit: upstart-local-bridge main process (903) terminated with status 109:22
drachensunseems to just sit there after that09:23
asacogra_: sounds like something you might know about ^^09:23
ogra_well, check the logs in /var/log/upstart ...09:23
loolcjwatson: let's ping beuno when he's up on this weird behavior; might happen again with newly published debs09:24
drachensunhmmm, so this one sounds bad09:25
drachensunswapon: /SWAP.swap: swapon failed: Function not implemented09:25
asacogra_: can we disable swap please?09:26
asacdrachensun: disable it in fstab would be my guess (without knowing anything)09:26
ogra_asac, can we talk to rsalveti first, there might still be tech implications to keep it atm09:26
asacrsalveti: ^^09:26
cjwatsonlool: sure09:27
ogra_asac, iirc the whole lifecycle thing will only work properly once Mir is the default09:27
asacogra_: ok, but we want to see the implications i feel09:27
asacrather than hide09:27
asacat this stage09:27
ogra_so with SF we might run out of ram09:27
ogra_asac, the implications will be random OOM ...09:27
asacogra_: how much swap do we use?09:27
ogra_depends on how much apps you open i thhink09:28
asacswap size changes?09:28
asacdynamicallY? that sounds odd09:28
ogra_no, its a fixed file09:28
asacright. what size is it?09:28
ogra_512M iirc, let me check09:28
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# ls -lh /userdata/SWAP.img09:29
ogra_-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 512M Sep 13 16:08 /userdata/SWAP.img09:29
ogra_asac, i thought you mean how much is "in use" (vs available) ... that value is indeed dynamically ...09:30
ogra_oh, and after running 24h my mako uses 54M actually09:31
ogra_(no apps open)09:31
* ogra_ guesses if we keep it we should at least adjust swappiness to be more agressive09:32
ogra_cjwatson, 20130916.1 built fine, thanks09:32
drachensunthis seems to be the one it crashes on, or at least the one that makes it the console "upstart-local-bridge: Failed to bind socket unix:/dev/socket/upstart-text-bridge No such file or directory"09:32
ogra_asac, ^^^ new image up09:32
ogra_drachensun, well, you can safely ignore that one, i dont thinkk we use it yet anyway ...09:33
drachensun/proc/self/fd/9: 15: /proc/self/fd/9: cannot create /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iSerial: Directory nonexistent09:34
drachensun/proc/self/fd/9: 4: [: !=: unexpected operator09:34
ogra_check if you see other stuff, also see if adb comes up, that should make debugging easier09:34
drachensunI tried that, I wasn't getting adb09:34
ogra_that looks like your lxc container doesnt come up properly09:34
drachensunah ok09:35
drachensunthats dependent on a kernel option right?09:35
nerochiarooSoMoN: mzanetti: good morning. if any of you is on today's image, can you confirm that the lock button isn't locking the screen anymore ?09:35
ogra_oh, wait, yeah, its the android gadget ... chekc your kernel config09:35
mzanettiI'm not09:35
mzanettinerochiaro: ^09:35
constatninehi ve got 2 questions, can nexus s support ubuntu touch ?09:36
oSoMoNnerochiaro: what do you call the lock button?09:36
mzanettioSoMoN: power button09:36
ogra_nerochiaro, thats a known issue if you enabled Mir ...09:36
nerochiaroogra_: i just flashed the latest image09:36
ogra_it works fine with surfaceflinger09:36
nerochiarooSoMoN: yeah, power button09:36
oSoMoNogra_: is mir enabled in the latest pending image?09:36
ogra_you have to enable it manually09:36
oSoMoNnerochiaro: I can confirm09:37
oSoMoNogra_: thanks, that’s what I thought09:37
* ogra_ cant confirm 09:37
cjwatson!=: unexpected operator> inadequate shell quoting detected09:37
ubot5cjwatson: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:37
nerochiaroogra_: i haven't enabled it manually and the power button doesn't lock the screen or power off the device09:37
cjwatsonoh shut up ubot5 I wasn't talking to you anyway09:37
ogra_nerochiaro, we talk about the default (system) image ? and the daily channel ?09:37
cwaynei assume that it's known that audio stops playing when the screen locks itself?09:38
nerochiaroogra_: cdimage-touch --pending09:38
popeyogra_: asac on mako when i try to record video the app locks up, known?09:38
ogra_nerochiaro, ah09:38
ogra_nerochiaro, why do you use that ?09:38
asacpopey: reproducible?09:38
nerochiaroogra_: it's the latest we can get, isn't it ?09:38
popeyasac: yup09:38
nerochiaroogra_: do you suggest i never use --pending ?09:38
ogra_nerochiaro, well, we shopuld all use the readonly images09:39
asacpopey: guess we would need to know if same happened on 1309:39
popeyasac: i have a device with 13 too ☻09:39
asaclool: ^^ anything that could be related to RO that camera doesnt record?09:39
nerochiaroogra_: i'm not up to speed with this. what are readonly images ?09:39
asacpopey: mako?09:39
drachensunok, swap was off as was CONFIG_FANOTIFY_ACCESS_PERMISSIONS09:39
asacperfect test setup09:39
drachensuneverything else seemed to be right09:39
popeyasac: happens on 13 too09:39
asacpopey: ok, then its not a regression :)09:40
ogra_nerochiaro, what phablet-flash ubuntu-system gets you09:40
asacpopey: but we had permission problems for photos and it also locked things up09:40
asaclool: ^^ i think video recording might need another fix09:40
ogra_drachensun, well, check the gadget driver settings too09:40
asacpopey: i guess it worked on RW at some point?09:40
ogra_else adb wont work09:40
cwaynenerochiaro, readonly images are images that we can update OTA, it's the de facto image of choice09:40
nerochiarooSoMoN: ^ do you agree on what ogra_ and cwayne said about using these images in place of cdimage-touch ?09:41
popeyasac: possibly09:41
oSoMoNnerochiaro: why do you ask? ogra_ is the authority on this topic, I’m not09:42
drachensunogra_ I've got CONFIG_USB_GADGET=y various other ones are set or not, I dont see in the porting guide which ones I should have09:42
nerochiarooSoMoN: I guess I worded the question poorly. i'm asking what is that the rest of the team doing at the moment09:43
drachensunGADGETFS is off and the debug ones09:43
ogra_drachensun, well, the cyanogenmod default config should have set the right ones .. but your errors above suggests they are not set09:44
asacnerochiaro: system-ubuntu is the default and only really supported image09:44
oSoMoNnerochiaro: there have been a few e-mails about using ubuntu-system, and as ogra_ and cwayne mentioned that’s the defacto standard now, so yes we should be working on ubuntu-system09:45
asacnerochiaro: however, there might be problems preventing you from developing apps against our RO image09:45
asacnerochiaro: if thats the case continue to use cdimage-touch for a while, but dont use --pending unless you investigate an issue that is only in --pending09:45
cwayneasac, touch /userdata/.writable_image && reboot :)09:45
mardyzsombi: hi! About https://code.launchpad.net/~mardy/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/lp1221707/+merge/184513, should I just continue approving it and crossing my fingers, or is there a known problem in Jenkins being investigated?09:45
drachensunogra_: I'm building for a device without a cm build, I've got the android kernel source from the manufacturer though09:46
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ogra_drachensun, CONFIG_USB_G_ANDROID is the config you need, use something like menuconfig to set it though (dont just edit the config) it has some conflicting options you want the scripts to take care for09:48
nerochiaroasac: ogra_: oSoMoN: ok got it, thanks09:48
zsombimardy: that MR I just approved, and was kicked back by the autolanding.... something got screwed up there...09:49
drachensunogra_: looks like it was already set09:49
asaccwayne: then the image is not RO anymore, but yeah you can then use it again to workaround the SDK bugs i would hope09:49
mardyzsombi: do other MR on ubuntu-ui-toolkit have the same problem, or do you think that the issue is specific to mine?09:49
zsombimardy: there was some test screwed in unity8 if I'm not mistaken, so the guys worked on it for some time, but still doesn't work properly09:50
mardyzsombi: OK09:50
zsombimardy: ohooohh, yes, plenty!09:50
zsombimardy: we have at least 5 MRs pending on this!09:50
cwayneasac, right, but then at least the same image as everyone else is being used09:51
ogra_cwayne, just keep in mind there is no way back to the OTA upgrades once you installed your first deb :)09:52
cwayneogra_, yep, tbh i do reflashes so often i haven't even gotten a chance to try OTA yet!09:52
asacpopey: so besides that it looks good to yoU?09:53
ogra_its awesome, once you know how to deal with the boroken Ui for it the right way :)09:53
popeyasac: one mo, just filing a bug09:55
cwaynepopey, have you noticed audio stops when the screen turns off?09:56
asacpopey: if its a bug from image testing, give it to jfunk as well09:56
asacpopey: they do manual testing and are suppposed to get back to mgmt etc. with a good bug list09:56
popeyhad to reboot phone to end a call09:59
* cwayne saw that as well09:59
asacwow. .. chromium is really busted in drive09:59
nerochiaroogra_: so if the image is ro, how does one change things on it ?09:59
ogra_nerochiaro, what would you want to change ?09:59
nerochiaroogra_: install packages with changes to apps so i can test them ? do the normal development stuff10:00
ogra_if it is about apps you should use click package, they work fine on the image ... if you actually need to change the toolkit stuff you can make the image writable10:01
ogra_(but then you will have no more upgrade path)10:01
popeyNote: you can't do "normal development stuff" in qtcreator on the read only image though10:01
popeysee previously mentioned bug reports10:02
ogra_popey, well, the fix for that is in since last week10:02
popeywhat is that fix?10:02
ogra_someone needs to update qtcreator to make use of it10:02
ogra_shipping ssh10:02
davmor2Morning all10:02
nerochiaroogra_: once again i'm probably very out of date here, but i need more info on these click packages. i have been using .debs up until now10:03
nerochiaroogra_: where do i look (so i don't have to waste your time) ?10:03
nerochiaroogra_: also how do i make the fs readable ? at the moment seems like the simplest option to me for being able to keep working on the stuff i have as a priority10:07
ogra_nerochiaro, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-1305-click-package10:07
drachensunogra_: I'm seeing this "mount: can't find /data in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab10:07
drachensunshould I worry about that?10:07
drachensunit seems odd, I thought the old data partition was supposed to be root now10:08
ogra_/data/ubuntu is your root on ports10:08
drachensunok, i'm getting this from lxc also10:09
drachensun cat lxc-android-config.log10:09
drachensunlxc-start: command get_init_pid failed to receive response10:09
ogra_well, what is mounted right after boot ?10:09
ogra_you need /system, /data and /vendor (indeed with the right partiton contents in them)10:09
loolasac: yeah I dont know why video recording doesn't work; it's weird10:10
loolasac: others told me it was working, so I dont get what I'm doing differently10:11
drachensunahh ok10:11
drachensunI've got to add those to fstab I think10:11
loolasac: I'll reflash a clean image, redisabling Mir10:11
ogra_lool, video recording doesnt work10:11
ogra_known issue10:11
ogra_(and asac knows about it)10:11
ogra_lool, it will start workingg once the multimedia stack landed10:12
popeyasac: seems okay10:15
timpasac: ok. I am in the SDK team, and I was not aware of your request for manual test results. What do you need?10:16
timpasac: is this what you are looking for? https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjIHgoRj36gldDlqM1lORHpxd2NUMi1ZSGNrVTZaQXc#gid=010:20
timpasac: bzoltan is working on that, but he is on holidays today10:21
timpasac: we really like to raise the bar for MRs, and we try to get all the autopilot tests pass, but I think we need to connect to the right people to get it all right.10:23
timp11:50:41 < zsombi> mardy: we have at least 5 MRs pending on this!10:23
timpzsombi: ^ *I* have 5 MRs pending on this. So *we* must have more...10:24
zsombitimp: :) ok, didn't wanted to offend you :D10:24
popeygroup hug!10:25
asactimp: so CI team protects everyone from otherse breaking their tests10:25
asactimp: sdk can impact everything... i would feel comfortable if you had a autopilot result log10:25
asacof all autopilots10:25
asactimp: on mako and maguro10:26
asactimp: we raise the bar for MR today10:26
asactimp: we will run all autopilots for you guys10:26
asactimp: we can wait till that landed and then remerge to trunk10:26
asacto see10:26
asactimp: we just need to wait for francis... otherwise, if you could test manually we could pipe it in earlier i assuem10:26
asacpopey: ogra_: if both of you agree, lets publish10:30
ogra_for me it looks good, but i didnt flash from scratch ...10:30
popeyi did10:30
asacogra_: ok go ahead... lets take the risk10:30
ogra_that was 14.1 ?10:31
asacogra_: can you ask jfunk where the mails about new images for testing should go?10:31
timpasac: ah great! We wanted to have the app autopilots for UITK merges :)10:31
asaci think they created an avengers list or something10:31
timpasac: just at the moment the autolanding always failing for us :(10:31
ogra_willl do, once he is around10:31
drachensunok so I think I was reading old logs10:31
asactimp: right. we will put you in chains today. happy that you like that :)10:31
timpasac: see for example https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/panel-opened-ro/+merge/18466310:31
drachensunI deleted everything in var/log/upstart10:31
asactimp: oh ... infrastructrure issue?10:31
drachensunand with the new kernel there is nothing in any of the files10:32
timpasac: perhaps. If you could help me figure out that would be great.10:32
asacpsivaa: https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/panel-opened-ro/+merge/184663 :)10:32
timpasac: all the tests pass when I run the autopilot tests on my galaxy nexus, but autolanding fails.10:32
asacpsivaa: can you decipher what that means? :)10:32
didrocksRebooting the phone will take approximately 1.5mins to settle10:32
didrocksBuild timed out (after 120 minutes). Marking the build as failed.10:32
didrocksasac: ^10:32
psivaaasac: sure, just a sec10:33
didrockssame on other machines/runs10:33
asacdidrocks: ok let me come on hangout for you10:33
timpasac: and for example, this MR, CI passes all the tests and then autolanding fails. I do not know why, I think they run the same tests10:33
timpasac: https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/gallery-app-warnings/+merge/18478810:33
didrocksasac: I'm already in :p10:33
drachensunweird, seems like there should be something in the files in /var/log/upstart, the files came back they are just empty10:33
timpasac: I haven't been able to find anything I can do to the UITK to fix it. Looks like a jenkins issue to me.10:33
asactimp: i think only autolanding runs on mako/maguro?10:33
timpasac: the CI has test results with links that have mako/maguro in their url at least10:34
timpasac: and we run the tests on our maguro devices before we submit the MRs10:35
drachensunogra_: I deleted the logs in /var/log/upstart and now after boot they are empty, but the files come back10:35
drachensunshould I not have deleted them? or is that a good thing?10:35
ogra_well, it means the jobs finish with no output10:36
ogra_stgraber, cdimage@nusakan:~$ /srv/system-image.ubuntu.com/bin/copy-image saucy-proposed saucy mako 49 -k10:37
ogra_-bash: /srv/system-image.ubuntu.com/bin/copy-image: No such file or directory10:37
drachensununder syslog and I can see them terminating10:37
drachensunwith various non zero status10:37
drachensunalright, thanks for the help, I think I gotta call it a night here, try later10:37
ogra_try to get adbd working first10:37
timpasac, psivaa if you need anything from UITK side, please let me know. We are eager to get the tests working well again10:37
ogra_that will make debugging easier10:38
ogra_drachensun, and make sure your filsystem structure is correct, as i said before, your rootfs must live in /data/ubuntu ... /data should only contain the default android bits a recovery reset would set up there for android10:39
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psivaatimp: could you take a look at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6114431/ please? apparently a build error10:51
psivaaasac: we have one device  hosed (ps-maguro-01 in ps_android_sandybridge) that is also causing one of the failures and the other one is the above build failure10:52
psivaaasac: we probably need rfowler for that10:53
timpzsombi: ^ see the pastebin from psivaa. Do you understand the segfault?10:54
timppsivaa: ubuntu-ui-toolkit-0.1.46+13.10.20130903.4 seems quite old10:55
zsombitimp: not really, however it can be sthing mardy just fixed... but that MR cannot land either :(10:56
timppsivaa: I don't know what causes it. does it help if I build UITK on my laptop and maguro device? I think those both compile fine10:56
asactimp: can you check if the last ubuntu-ui-toolkit on trunk is somethig we should land at all?10:57
timpasac: in principle we should always land trunk. If there is any reason not to land it, it should not go in our trunk.10:57
asactimp: well. i think the last trunk landing didnt get all the autopilots run10:57
asactimp: can you check?10:58
asacif thats a good one?10:58
asacthen it will land next10:58
psivaatimp: what version of ubuntu-ui-toolkit do you have in your laptop?10:59
timpasac: the last commit to trunk (748) passed CI, and it adds a new component (no changes to existing components), so that should be fine11:00
cwaynezsombi, btw i updated that UBUNTU_UI_TOOLKIT_THEMES_PATH bug. tl;dr, it *cant* use parent themes that live in the standard dir if you change it11:00
timpasac: but it has been a while since the last release. Do you want me to check all of them now? We checked them thoroughly when they were merged in trunk.11:00
timppsivaa: qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin: Installed: 0.1.46+13.10.20130829.2-0ubuntu1 Candidate: 0.1.46+13.10.20130903.4-0ubuntu111:01
timppsivaa: i'm updating now.11:01
timppsivaa: but what cause the failure? was that part of an app compiling or uitk?11:01
timppsivaa: when I compile UITK (a bzr checkout), then it doesn't matter which package I have installed11:02
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psivaatimp: i could not get that info from the job yet, looking still though11:09
cwaynedavmor2, still no messaging indicator :/11:14
davmor2cwayne: mines still installing so I'll confirm in a second11:15
davmor2cwayne: there is a bug for it now though I understand11:16
cwaynedavmor2, yar11:16
cwaynecjwatson, ping11:17
timppsivaa: ok, please keep me informed. we need to release stuff11:18
cjwatsoncwayne: hi (please include content with pings)11:21
cwaynecjwatson, for bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/click/+bug/1223085, i'm not sure why it matters that the image is r/o, as /var/lib/apparmor and /var/cache/apparmor are both writable, aren't those the directories we would need to write to?11:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1223085 in click (Ubuntu) "preinstalling click packages to /custom/click doesn't run apparmor hooks" [High,Triaged]11:22
timp13:20:29 < Mirv> timp: everything'll be done only manually, so if sdk is released it's done only once after being validated, and then that's it  again.11:22
timpasac: ^ is that correct? I understood that automatic releases will be switched on again.11:22
davmor2cwayne: confirmed no messaging indicator still blame tedg's team :D11:23
timpasac: anyway, lets make a manual release then now. What do you need from the UITK team?11:23
cjwatsoncwayne: I've replied on the bug.11:23
cjwatsoncwayne: But if the directories are writable, then running system hooks at boot might indeed help.11:24
cjwatsoncwayne: (Sorry, for clarity, my reply was to your earlier comment which I now see was dated Thursday)11:24
cjwatsoncwayne: I'll give it a try once I'm done with my current task.11:24
cwaynecjwatson, sure thing, yeah sorry my last bug comment isn't quite relevant to today's ping, i had just noticed that the paths are writable and immediately pinged you, i can add a comment to the bug as well11:26
cjwatsonIf you like but not necessary11:26
cwaynedid just for posterity's sake :)11:27
timpasac: so I can run the autopilot tests on maguro for the current trunk. If you tell me from which apps you need the results I'll get them for you.11:28
Mirvtimp: no automatic as in fully automatic anymore for saucy, just selected approved landings like SDK today if you get success on all autopilot tests11:28
timpMirv: that means *all* apps?11:30
timproot@ubuntu-phablet:/# apt-cache search \\-autopilot|wc -l11:30
Mirvtimp: ask that from the others, not sure11:31
asacpsivaa: coordiante your testing with timp11:38
asactimp: all apps11:38
timppsivaa: it seems like we need to run these tests http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/4259/ on our devices for current UITK trunk11:38
asactimp: sdk unfortunately impacts all11:38
timppsivaa: I have a maguro device on which I can run the tests11:38
timppsivaa, asac I have the current stable cdimage-touch image installed (20130913).11:39
timpso, I'll grab the uitk packages from the latest MR that was merged in trunk and install that, and run the autopilot tests11:40
asactimp: we have updated it11:41
asaclatest stable is 14 i think11:41
asacogra_: did you promote earlier?11:41
ogra_asac, yep ... but ro still uses the old way (the new stuff is only landing today) so it only gets picked up with the next hourly run atm11:41
ogra_aha ... https://system-image.ubuntu.com/daily/maguro/index.json done now ...11:42
ogra_image 6 is there11:42
timpzsombi, kalikiana do you have maguro devices also to run some tests? If I run all by myself it will take ages11:42
ogra_(using the 14.1 rootfs)11:42
timpok Saving to: ‘/home/tim/Downloads/phablet-flash/ubuntu-touch/20130914.1/saucy-preinstalled-touch-armel+maguro.zip’11:43
ogra_timp, err11:43
ogra_wrong image11:43
ogra_you want to test ubuntu-system11:43
ogra_not cdimage-touch11:43
kalikianatimp: I have a maguro, not sure what this is about, though11:44
timpogra_: that's with ro filesystem?11:44
timpkalikiana: it is about creating a new release for UITK. We need to show that all app autopilot tests pass before it is released11:44
timpkalikiana: that means all the tests you see here http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/4259/11:44
timpkalikiana: and as I understood it, we should run them manually on our devices..11:44
kalikianathat sounds very wrong on many levels :-)11:45
timpogra_: ok. I haven't used that one yet, so I'll need to figure out how to make the fs rw so I can install the updated UITK11:45
ogra_touch /userdata/.writable_image11:45
ogra_and reboot11:45
timpkalikiana: yes, it does, but we have changes that are needed for some app changes that are needed for more UITK changes..11:46
ogra_but note that this  is a path with no return11:46
ogra_upgradeability will be gone and you cant switch back to ro11:46
ogra_(after anything on the fs changed)11:46
timpogra_: I can still upgrade with a new phablet-flash ubuntu-system right?11:46
ogra_(in fact you have to)11:47
timpogra_: I don't think we have a choice since if I don't upgrade the UITK it is pointless to run the tests11:47
ogra_(theoretically you can also use cdimage-touch ... but bugs that were not verified against ro somply dont exist :) )11:48
psivaatimp: ok, ill flash my maguro11:49
timpkalikiana: if you phablet-flash ubuntu-system, we can divide the tests among us11:50
dnovikovWho put Ubuntu touch Full on Samsung Galaxy Note11:50
timpzsombi: if you join, even better11:50
dnovikovWho put Ubuntu touch Full on Samsung Galaxy Note????11:50
zsombitimp: I can try... :)11:51
ogra_!devices| dnovikov11:51
ubot5dnovikov: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices11:51
timppsivaa: I don't know what are the security, sdk, default, install-and-boot tests on http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/4259/11:51
timpzsombi: great11:51
ogra_dnovikov, see the devices wikipage and contact the porter there11:51
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zsombitimp: in ~10 minutes!11:51
timpzsombi: ok, no worries. We won't finish in the next 10m so there is still something to do for you :)11:51
psivaatimp: install and boot is the test that does flashing of the device, the sdk and security have some relevant tests, i could run them if you want11:52
psivaatimp: as per the auto landing failure, it appears that building UITK failed https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-saucy-armhf-ci/507/consoleFull11:53
psivaatimp: i can not re-run the job since i dont yet have the permission to see if that's recurrent.11:54
psivaatimp: may be we need to wait for fginther who will be here in a couple of hrs?11:54
asactimp: so for all autopilots but the unity8 one you need to unlock the screen manually first if you use phablet-test-run11:54
asacpsivaa: correct?11:54
rahin the porting guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting11:55
rahit says "At the end of the build process a zip file will be generated in out/target/product/<codename>, that you can deploy to the phone through recovery"11:55
timppsivaa: it doesn't say on which test it segfaulted?11:56
rahwhat does the zip file contain?11:56
rahis it a complete ubuntu touch system?11:56
psivaaasac:  yes, if they do not run install-and-boot and flash it directly they need to unlock screen manually11:56
rahogra_: what is missing?11:56
ogra_it is the complete android container and the boot.img11:56
timpasac: I find it easier to run adb shell autopilot run appname_app, but for that I think I need to unlock the screen also11:57
asacpsivaa: right. i dont think we ask them to run that11:57
ogra_the ubuntu rootfs is in a different zip you get from cdimage.ubuntu.com11:57
timpasac: is that the same as using phablet-test-run?11:57
asactimp: yeah. please use phablet-test-run ... that does pretty much the same11:57
asacbut we want to improve it so it does all the matic11:57
rahogra_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip11:57
timpasac: does it install the needed packages?11:57
rahogra_: you mean that?11:57
davmor2Gah 3g still not working /me stabs it and then stabs it again and again and again......................................................................11:57
ogra_rah, right11:57
asactimp: yes if you run phablet-test-run ... -p autopilot-package ...11:57
asacor something11:57
rahogra_: how do you get that on the device?11:57
ogra_davmor2, weird, works fine for me11:58
ogra_rah, thats also written somewhere on the porting page11:58
ogra_but usually by flashing it using the instructions for your device11:58
asactimp: right... phable-test-run -p autopilot-package testpackage ... will install the package11:58
rahogra_: I don't believe it is written on the porting page11:58
ogra_first you need to flash the android zip that you produced yourself, then the ubuntu rootfs11:58
davmor2ogra_: it shows up it in the indicator, but the minute I open the browser nothing11:58
rahogra_: I'm porting to a new device11:59
davmor2ogra_: this a flash with a --no-backup though11:59
rahogra_: there is no recovery11:59
timpasac: could you help me to give a step-by-step list of commands how to run all the tests on https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1cnBELUgsBCz9TMq-mR4VN4bwCKmDDXT9JxG-WFjzDFc/edit# ?11:59
rahogra_: this presents something of a problem11:59
timpasac: that makes it easier to distribute the tests among different people (running it on only one device will take very long)11:59
ogra_rah, your build should have produced one11:59
rahogra_: I have a recovery.img12:00
ogra_right, flash that with fastboot12:00
timpasac: you should have edit rights on that doc12:00
rahogra_: my device doesn't have fastboot12:00
ogra_(or whatever your device uses instead)12:00
rahas far as I know12:00
ogra_well, then with the tool you normally use for flashing that device12:00
psivaatimp: yes i noticed that too, it segfaulted just before tst_components_benchmark tests12:00
rahogra_: and then afterwards I need to use recovery to flash saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip?12:01
ogra_rah, after you flashed your android zip, yes12:02
kalikianahmm my device is acting funny. battery charge icons shows, then flashes wildly, back to normal, flashes again12:02
rahogra_: so, I need to (1) flash boot.img, recovery.img and system.img; (2) use recovery to flash cm-.zip; (3) use recovery to flash saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip?12:02
asacogra_: phablet-network doesnt have the -i (install packages) anymore12:03
asaci assume its just doinmg the right thing without any option?12:03
ogra_rah, flash recovery ... boot into recovery ... adb push cm*.zip ... flash it ... download cdimage zip, adb push and flash it too, reboot12:03
sil2100ogra_: so... do you know anything about the indicator-messages? Do you know who could tell me more what was happening?12:03
asactimp: i think i did that... you might want to try12:03
sil2100And where was the revert that has been done?12:04
rahogra_: it might be worth writing that in the porting guide12:04
ogra_asac, wasnt me who changed it :) ask sergio12:04
rahogra_: also, cm*.zip matches two files12:04
asacogra_: what do i need to touch for RW?12:04
rahogra_: should I really be pushing both?12:04
ogra_asac, would be hard to make it install something on the ro image :)12:04
ogra_asac, touch /userdata/.writable_image ...12:04
rah$ ls cm*.zip12:05
rahcm_a1000g-ota-20130908.zip  cm-.zip12:05
asacogra_: ok ... and the "wipe/reset everythign" option for phablet-flash is --wipe?12:05
ogra_if you want ssh "echo "" >/etc/init/ssh.override12:05
asacor --do-bootstrap?12:05
ogra_(for consistency :P )12:05
popeyasac: I updated the wiki so this is all there now12:05
popeyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install  - search for examples12:05
asacogra_: ok i use that to go back to RO?12:06
asactimp: ok... i think what is there is good12:07
asacgive it a try for one app autopilot12:07
asacfginther: hi12:07
asacfginther: hope you are back and at least a bit recharged :)12:07
ogra_asac, you cant go back to ro12:08
asacfginther: so timp was having problems with merge proposals... psivaa started looking at that12:08
asacnot sure if they figured something12:08
ogra_its a onbe way street12:08
asacfginther: auto landing didnt work for timp12:08
asacfginther: oh seems psivaa identified a build failyure12:08
popeyogra_: you can, by re-flashing ☻12:09
psivaaasac: fginther: we have not still figured out conclusively yet,12:09
ogra_popey, heh12:09
asacpsivaa: ok ... maybe get fginther up to speed :)12:09
asacon what12:09
psivaaasac: the build failure for autolanding12:10
timpasac: great, thanks12:13
timpasac: I hope this will be automated eventuall :)12:15
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asactimp: yeah. as i said i hope MPs will have that and then we can risk a bit more12:21
asacand also it should absolutely be possible to easily run all your tests locally :)12:22
asacpsivaa: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/4286/notes-app-autopilot/409251/ ... if you see these12:22
asacdo we retry?12:22
psivaaasac: i think i did that, let me check12:23
asacnot sure if we had that pattern already12:23
timpasac: ok, good.12:24
kalikianahmm my galaxy nexus continues to spin wildly in the charge screen and adb doesn't see it at all12:24
asackalikiana: you need to unplug it to boot it12:25
asacnot sure if thats your problem12:25
kalikianait doesn't respond to the power button12:26
asackalikiana: right. if its ocnnected that ahppens.12:26
asacusually its a unplug, unbattery12:26
asacpower button ... then it boots and you can connect it again12:26
timpzsombi: whats wrong with your maguro device?12:27
zsombitimp: need to redo the whole procedure...12:27
timpasac: would it be useful to run tests on manta?12:27
asactimp: only if they currently pass12:27
timpzsombi: yeah me too, I'm still flashing the device12:27
asactimp: i assume you ask "instead of a phone"12:28
asacon top its always useful, just not blocking12:28
zsombitimp: not just flashing... rooting ASO12:28
timpasac: I'd like to run more tests in parallel, but passing on manta doesn't mean we can skip that test on a phone, so it won't speed up the process12:29
timpzsombi: ^12:29
kalikianaasac: hm did not work. after those steps I connected it anyway, went back to charging, booted on its own but after the Google logo went back to charging - something wrong with the image I wonder12:31
* kalikiana re-does the steps12:32
didrockssil2100: I'm refreshing the package list for the sdk12:33
didrockssil2100: it seems there is one test node offline, mind starting the jenkins slave on it?12:33
sil2100didrocks: got it12:35
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sil2100didrocks: slave started ;) Back to dealing with lunch ;p12:36
didrockssil2100: enjoy, and thanks! ;)12:36
dholbachwhen I try to install apps the progress bar seems to stay at 0% (for the download) - did anyone else encounter this?12:40
dholbachalso do I sometimes get into a situation where just the home scope is shown and I can't swipe to get to the others12:40
popeydholbach: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-lens-applications/+bug/122540012:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1225400 in unity-lens-applications (Ubuntu) "Cannot get to app scope if you leave it with an app detail screen open" [Undecided,New]12:41
popeyfor your second comment12:41
popeyconfirm pls ☻12:41
dholbachpopey, great, thanks12:41
timpzsombi, kalikiana if any of you get a usable maguro device, let me know. I'll start with the tests and when you can test also we can divide the remaining tests12:41
timpasac: ImportError: No module named camera_app12:41
timpasac: ^ignore that. I skipped a few steps12:41
popeydholbach: not seen bar stick at 0% however. but some have suggested it can get stuck on a low end net connection12:42
dholbachpopey, I'd certainly like a faster net connection, but I'm sure it should be sufficient for downloading apps ;-)12:42
zsombitimp: I'm on routing it12:43
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sil2100didrocks: unity8 passed on jenkins \o/ I'll update my phone and install latest unity8 and try if all is ok12:49
timpasac: 8 out of 11 tests FAILED for camera-app in the ubuntu-system image. Without installing new uitk package12:49
didrockssil2100: excellent!12:50
didrockssil2100: sdk passed as well, do you want to use this run to try it as well?12:51
gatoxsil2100, hi! how are you? and how the packages for the plugin and ui app is going? :P12:51
sil2100gatox: hello! We renamed the project and I'm in the middle of packaging the update app ;)12:52
sil2100gatox: (but it's lunch time here)12:52
timpasac: http://ubuntuone.com/237AGrkw1JXMfXIjrsEu3D12:52
gatoxsil2100, awesome!! ok, enjoy your lunch12:52
sil2100didrocks: first I'll check unity8 by itself, then I'll add SDK and check if all is still ok12:52
didrocksgood plan12:53
gatoxsil2100, let me know when you can which is the name now :P12:53
sil2100gatox: heh, it's click-update-manager for now ;) As we discussed on Friday more or less12:55
gatoxsil2100, nice, thx12:55
sil2100gatox: btw. there's this minor branch to review -> https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/clickmanager-plugin/remove_invalid_deps/+merge/185778 , a quickie really!12:56
gatoxsil2100, on it12:56
timpasac: so the tests won't even pass with the packages currently in the image.12:57
timpasac: so it is not new changes in the UITK that break the tests. something was broken already12:57
fgintherasac, psivaa, morning12:58
psivaafginther: morning12:59
dakerogra_: thanks for accepting the MR :)13:00
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fgintherpsivaa, what's the issue with timp's merge proposal? Is it resolved?13:04
timpfginther: nothing is resolved. we also like to create a release for UITK, but for that we need to show that all the autopilot tests pass for the new UITK trunk13:05
psivaafginther: no. there is a build error at https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-saucy-armhf-ci/507/consoleText13:05
dakerogra_: sorry bad tab13:05
dakeroSoMoN:  thanks for accepting the MR :)13:05
timpfginther: I'm running the autopilot tests on the latest "stable" image, and even there they fail for me, so I don't know how we should be able to make it work for updates13:05
timpfginther: I did this: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1cnBELUgsBCz9TMq-mR4VN4bwCKmDDXT9JxG-WFjzDFc/edit# and got http://ubuntuone.com/237AGrkw1JXMfXIjrsEu3D13:06
timpfginther: I don't know if it is all the same issue, or they are all related, but when local autopilot tests pass, we still get fails on CI. And some times CI gives all good results, and autolanding fails the tests13:07
timpso I am totally confused13:07
thomitimp: it's almost always a timing issue in your tests13:08
thomitimp: the CI systems are typically slower than your development machine, so you need to use the Eventually matcher in your assertions, especially those that are around places where you're creating new UI objects13:09
fginthertimp, I'm digging through things, just to make sure nothing is off in the infrastructure13:09
timpthomi: for example this one http://ubuntuone.com/237AGrkw1JXMfXIjrsEu3D I don't see what goes wrong. The app test waits for 10s, that should be more?13:10
timpthomi: where should we add the timings? In the app autopilot tests? or in the UITK emulators?13:10
timpelopio: ^13:10
thomitimp: ahh, ok, that's not a timing issue, you're right13:10
timpthomi: to be honest I have no idea what it is13:11
oSoMoNdaker: thanks for the contribution! they’re always very welcome13:12
timpmaybe the camera app needs to have something to focus on13:17
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timplet me try again when the phone is not lying flat on the table13:17
timpit passed!13:18
timpok, now trying gallery-app-autopilot13:18
thomitimp: good to know that it was a genuine failure13:18
timpthomi: also I start to doubt now whether the screen was unlocked by the time phablet-flash finished installing packages13:19
timpthat's also tricky13:19
rickspencer3hey, looks like this morning's update downloaded and installed perfectly for me!13:22
didrockssweet! :)13:23
didrocksbarry: hey, did you see my bug about having at least the daemon sending an updateProgress(0) to trigger the ui to show an empty (but which can pause) progress view?13:23
barrydidrocks: i missed that one.  looking now13:24
rickspencer3wow ... and I love the new indicators with barsand everything!13:25
barrydidrocks: bug #?13:26
OrokuSaki@ogra LXC 1.0 alpha does not work for me.. no pid.. have to downgrade lxc to 0.9x.. no idea why13:26
didrocksbarry: let me look13:26
OrokuSakiI upgraded everything but dist-upgrade, then manually upgraded unity and maliit.. so.. I have a frankenstein13:26
didrocksbarry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/system-image-client/+bug/122401613:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1224016 in System Image Client "No feedback when update is being downloaded" [Undecided,New]13:27
barrydidrocks: tagged13:27
davmor2cyphermox: you about?13:28
anders3408ogra_:  just to notify you : i changed kernel and then i could use the normal way my phone mounts so now it mounts partitions in both path as i it should. Only one major issue still exsist in that mount thingy, if i reboot, then it wont mount whats needed for me to use android_chroot anymore, so i guess its the lxc container that somehow fails on number 2 bootup ?13:28
ogra_OrokuSaki, well, lxc 1.0 is in the rootfs since a while already13:28
davmor2ogra_: is there a way to get more logging info with altering the read only FS?13:28
ogra_anders3408, hmm, could be13:29
OrokuSakilxc 1.0 since 09-12-2013 or so I would say13:29
ogra_davmor2, i dont think it was cut down13:29
ogra_OrokuSaki, right, and images still work :)13:29
ogra_for the reference devices13:29
anders3408first bootup no issues with entering android-chroot, but 2nd bootup it fails and says "i dont know wtf sh is" :) kinda :)13:29
ogra_anders3408, that sounds like -stsem isnt mounted on second boot ... did you chan ?13:30
anders3408-stsem ?  ehhh ?13:30
ogra_lets try that again13:30
ogra_ /system13:30
davmor2ogra_: ie I want to add debugg to /etc/init/network-manager.conf but obviously that is in the RO section of the image and I don't want to lose the RO in case it is that, that is causing the issue (I'm assuming it isn't but hey)13:30
OrokuSaki@ogra... yep.. but I fear that one day they won't work.. because I will be using old lxc.. maybe not.. just a piece of the puzzle13:31
anders3408haha ahh :) well in the linux enviroment, /system is mounted13:31
anders3408just doing a new build as we speak13:31
OrokuSakidid notice dm stuff being added. =)13:31
ogra_davmor2, go into rw mode ... just make sure to properly revert everything if you have no actual changes you should be able to revert13:31
davmor2ogra_: is there any info on how to get in and out of rw mode?13:32
anders3408ogra_: any major fixes in saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip            14-Sep-2013 that is not in 13-sep ? that can affect bootup :)13:32
OrokuSakiOgra@ this is how I have to do it.. take an image from 09112013.1 then upgrade it.. for some reason taking an image from 20130916 and dpkg -i old lxc...13:32
ogra_davmor2, touch /userdata/.writable_image ... and removal of the same13:33
OrokuSaki@Ogra what happens is.. lxc starts... android-chroot works..but unity8 does not run on its own you have to run it as phablet in terminal13:33
davmor2ogra_: thanks dude13:33
ogra_anders3408, well, not really and the reference images have no issues13:33
OrokuSaki@ogra so I use 09112013.1 and upgrade it13:33
anders3408good :) then i dont wanna redownload :)13:33
OrokuSakiGot the keyboard working, had to install libpinyin2 and use /usr/share/maliit from 09-16-2013... so it all works now13:35
ogra_OrokuSaki, well, i dont see any lxc related kernel changes, ask hallyn on #ubuntu-devel ... he is the lxc maintainer13:35
ogra_some missing kernel feature would be my only explanation13:35
OrokuSakisweet, thanks man! I figure lxc has something to do with unity8 not starting on its own13:35
OrokuSakiI saw pstore being added13:35
OrokuSaki"/sys/fs/pstore is a mountpoint its looking for"13:36
OrokuSakiI will ask! =)13:36
sergiusensjdstrand, hey, do we have a preliminary name for the policygroups for the urlhandler stuff?13:36
anders3408ogra_: but the change in kernel that fixed mount points would be some good info for w-flo :) looks like he had same issues with his kernel and my current kernel is same kernel as before but without 4 mounts commits13:39
ogra_anders3408, i'm not sure what kernel change you talk about13:40
anders3408ogra_: let me explain : normally on my phone, the system mount point is here : /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system but with the first kernel i used in porting ubuntu that would fail as /dev/bkicj/platform dont exsist when it is being builded for ubuntu, then i changed to same kernel but just an older branch and it worked. same issue had w-flo with missing mount points and its possible a commit that works in 13:42
OrokuSaki@ograOh.. ogra.. I fixed my pulse issue.. finally.. for people who have 2.6.35 and do not have accept4 syscall.. udev-systemd must be patched to get the cpu usage down, then patch pulse to get the assertions to go away.. https://github.com/jshafer817/UbuntuTouch/tree/master/important%20files%20after%20compiling/data/debs/patches13:42
OrokuSakiOr just use the debs in the deb folder for now13:42
OrokuSakiIf you add accept, pulse patch does not work.. I guess. =) pulse and gstreamer assertions13:43
ogra_OrokuSaki, hmm, probably put a note and links to the patches on the porting page13:43
OrokuSakiSweet! Good to be organzed!13:43
OrokuSakilast time I did this I didn't take notes...13:44
ogra_anders3408, in ubuntu the by-* paths are hadled by udev13:44
timpthomi: clock app is now failing for me.13:44
timpthomi: zoltan already tried all the autopilot tests last week in an image withouth updating any packages: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjIHgoRj36gldDlqM1lORHpxd2NUMi1ZSGNrVTZaQXc#gid=013:44
anders3408oh :)13:44
timpthomi: even there a bunch of tests fail :(13:45
ogra_anders3408, so you have one kernel where udev works and one where it doesnt ... no idea why though13:45
thomitimp: yes, lots of the tests are awful, and need some development effort13:45
anders3408thats still usefull :) thanks ogra_13:45
ogra_anders3408, compare the configs of the two ;)13:45
timphmpf. on 2nd the clock-app-autopilot passes :s13:45
anders3408could be yes ogra_ :)13:45
timpthomi: if we cannot make them pass reliably in the images, then it is a really big challenge to make them pass with an updated UITK so we can make a release13:46
stgraberogra_: it'll work as soon as I land the new code (doing that now)13:46
ogra_stgraber, yeah, i wasnt sure it was supposed to work :)13:47
thomitimp: we can make them pass, if just needs some work13:47
ogra_the system picked it up fine the old way though13:47
thomitimp: we spent some time on the unity8 AP tests, for example, and now they're very reliable13:47
timpok, that sounds good.13:47
thomitimp: so it's not an inherent problem with the technology/tools or environment, it's a problem with the test code itself :)13:47
timpis it something that needs to be changed in the app autopilot tests?13:47
stgraberogra_: yeah, I'm turning off cron now for system-image and will migrate to the new code in the next couple of hours13:47
thomitimp: exactly, yes13:48
timpthomi: so then the test code of the apps is blocking the UITK13:48
thomitimp: yeah13:48
thomitimp: I can see that that sucks for you :-/13:48
timpare the app developers aware of the issues?13:49
ogra_stgraber, does the last lxc upload require special kernel features ? seems OrokuSaki has issues with lxc since fri.13:49
stgraberogra_: nope13:49
tedgpete-woods, Hey, is there a chance you could look at this merge for me?  https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/hud/lp1193700/+merge/18379713:50
timpI talk to the developers of gallery-app and webbrowser-app and we are solving the problems there, but it is not feasible if one or a few people from the SDK team have to work on all the apps tests I think13:51
sil2100asac: unity8 green - tests pass, it works on the phone as well, testing with SDK now13:51
timpsil2100: you mean that you test it with ubuntu-ui-toolkit trunk?13:52
anders3408ogra_: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-hMlkzWn7E0I/UjXQK0do4RI/AAAAAAAAAms/I0VnVF_P_ac/w661-h574-no/2013-09-1513:52
sil2100timp: yes, is that a bad idea?13:52
timpsil2100: no it is a great idea :)13:52
anders3408camera and speaker is working,13:52
ogra_anders3408, !!13:52
ogra_mhall119, ^^^^13:52
ogra_anders3408, thats awesome !13:53
wellsbWell done, anders3408.  We may just have a winner13:54
anders3408one pics more : http://www.oppoforums.com/attachments/1379257259463-jpg.6747/13:54
anders3408wellsb: still need to fix a few things before the needed things are working :)13:55
wellsbIndeed, but you're definitely making progress13:55
anders3408yes :D i have always wanted to try and run ubuntu touch on  a device :D13:55
anders3408and its nice13:55
timpsil2100: I am doing the same for apps13:56
anders3408there is just one question about winning wellsb ogra_ , is it cheating that i own a find 5 ?13:56
ogra_anders3408, well, imho it is the only way to port to a device13:57
anders3408yes :) specially ubuntu touch. other aosp roms can be builded without the device if there is already a working device tree :)13:57
ogra_yeah, i would like to get us to such a point too some time13:58
ogra_but currently there is way to much moving in the image itself ... we need some kind of stable base to build such a feature on13:58
anders3408also did compile and release first android 4.3 for find 5 , and it was marked as stable for the even first release :) compiled from a openmaster branch based repo13:59
ogra_stgraber, you didnt back out any code from indicator-power, right ? just the deps (so i could seed the missing bit in touch)14:00
timpasac: I'm running the autopilot tests now with the uitk trunk packages.14:03
timpasac: what happens after the release? We do tests already for each MR that goes into trunk, so every trunk version should be good for a release14:03
sil2100timp: it looks ok here!14:04
timpasac: ok manually we do not run *all* app tests, just a selection14:04
timpsil2100: hurray \o/14:04
sil2100asac: tested the new UITK with the new Unity8 and things look alright14:04
timpsil2100: thanks :) on which device was it?14:04
stgraberogra_: the deps were dynamic (shlibs) based on the code change, so I reverted the whole thing to the previous version. I think the plan is for tedg to first sort out the deps of that url library, then re-upload his change to indicator-power14:06
tedgYes, the merges are proposed to do both of those.14:06
sil2100timp: nexus 4 ;)14:06
timpsil2100: ok, I'm testing on galaxy nexus. I guess I will still need to do the unity8 test.14:08
sil2100timp, asac, didrocks: you guys think we can anyway publish unity8 and SDK stacks now anyway? Or at least unity814:08
ogra_stgraber, ok14:09
didrockssil2100: you tested those, so I trust you, I +1 on the packaging side but you need to do a MP for fixing the tab in a later release please ;)14:09
asacsil2100: is everything ready for publishing?14:10
asacsil2100: why "anyway"?14:11
asacsil2100: sounded like its proiven to not break - or did i miss something?14:11
sil2100asac: since Apps werent tested yet with the new SDK, right?14:11
sil2100asac: at least by timp (if I understood correctly)14:11
asacsil2100: please run app autopilots locally14:12
asacas part of the testing of unity8/sdk14:12
asacthats essential14:12
asactimp: do the same :)14:12
asacwe do this because of the apps14:12
timpasac: I am doing that right now.14:12
sil2100I guess timp is doing that now ;)14:12
sil2100I was just doing UITK and unity8 testing14:12
timpsil2100: we test for some apps, no automated testing for all apps yet. There has been an attempt to test all apps, but some app tests fail even for the UITK in the image. probably the quality of the app tests needs to be improved (for some apps)14:13
asacsil2100: right. was miscommunication. testing uitk and unity8 means to run all autopilots14:13
timpsil2100, asac fyi, so far we were not able to make it pass all the tests. let's hope we can manage now, or if they fail fix it somehow.14:13
asacsil2100: timp: so see if you can share load maybe14:14
asactimp: all that pass on dashboard14:14
asactimp: you dont need to run those that dont pass yet (e.g. filemanager etc.()14:14
asactimp: just check what passed on 4914:14
timpasac: is there a way to disable the standby screen? that makes it easier to script the test-runs without having to touch the phone all the time.14:14
timpasac: 49?14:14
asactimp: build 49 ... yes.14:14
asactimp: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/4259/14:14
asacand http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/4270/ (maguro)14:14
timpasac: ok, so I only run the green ones from there14:15
timpasac: I tried to share the load with zsombi and kalikiana but their devices are not cooperating.14:15
timpasac: sil2100 has a nexus 4, I have galaxy nexus. so sil2100 should share the load with psivaa14:15
anders3408ogra_:  where do i find logs from a running system ? like if an function in system settings doesnt open or doesnt do as it should ?14:15
sil2100asac: anyway, unity8 is tested anyway, since I ran the unity8 testing on it14:16
timpis anyone else around with a galaxy nexus device who is willing to speed up the progress by running some of the app tests?14:16
ogra_anders3408, for that i would defer to seb128, but he is on vacation ... many of the settings pages do not work in general though14:17
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asactimp: ack. the green ones should be pretty stable... we at most retry one or two tests once14:18
asacusually in automation to get it green14:18
anders3408it was also just as an example ogra_ :) need to debug hw buttons and sim card signal and wifi , but thats hard withou a log :914:18
zsombitimp: asac: my Nexus simply does not get listed with adb, I tried with 4 separate cables, no luck14:18
ogra_anders3408, well, /var/log should be full of logs :)14:19
ogra_as on any ubuntu14:19
timpasac: some tests may be tricky. camera-app fails some times for me. I'm guessing it will fail if I leave it flat on the table so the camera cannot focus14:19
timpor perhaps something else was wrong14:20
psivaaasac: timp i have been slow on manually running the test, have been looking into some other stuff too, will get going now14:20
anders3408okay :) just not nothing in syslog regarding that :)14:20
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anders3408|afkgonna go a bit :)14:20
timpzsombi: can you use the device? or does it stay off? maybe battery issue?14:20
zsombitimp: it has Android on it...14:20
timppsivaa: running the tests manually will be slow even if you don't have other stuff14:21
zsombitimp: and I cannot even get further that that14:21
timpzsombi: how did that happen? ;)14:21
zsombitimp: I managed to unlock, but that's it14:21
zsombitimp: I got a new one...14:21
loolzsombi: did you enable adb?14:21
loolyou have to turn on developer mode to get adb14:21
zsombitimp: I followed instructions from here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install14:22
zsombitimp: couldn't get further than step 314:22
timplool: ^14:22
zsombilool: I did14:22
davmor2ogra_, cyphermox, awe_ :  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1226071  3g still hates me14:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1226071 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Maguro: NM indicator says I have 3g, browser says can't find homepage" [Undecided,New]14:22
sil2100asac: ok, so can we at least release unity8 for now then? Since I ran unity8 tests on it, not sure how unity8 could affect application tests14:22
loolzsombi: what state is USB debugging in, under Developer options?14:23
zsombilool: checked14:23
awe_davmor2, I know cyphermox was working on landing a NM patch at the end of the last week...14:23
awe_cyphermox, did you patch land?14:23
loolzsombi: did you try "adb kill-server" on your workstation?14:23
zsombilool: after I unlocked, it suddely rebooted, then I had to repeat the steps enabling developer mode again...14:24
zsombilool: yep14:24
didrockssil2100: +1 release!14:24
zsombiups!, just got the device listed! without touching it!14:24
timpin theory unity8 can break app tests if it does something with the user interaction that should go to the app14:25
zsombiwtf??! it reboots from itself...14:25
loolzsombi: ok, no idea then; perhaps device permissions; try running adbd manually on your workstation14:25
loolzsombi: ah14:25
jdstrandsergiusens: re urlhandler> it won't have a policy group. it will just be allowed in the template14:25
loolzsombi: it's probably some leftover phablet-flash you have in the background that triggered the reboot once it got the connection working after your lad kill-server14:26
jdstrandsergiusens: btw, it should be in the next apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu upload14:26
zsombilool: lemme try again with an other cable... it doesn't work with its own one or with the tablet cable, I had to use a Nokia cable...14:26
didrockstimp: oh right, so please run those if possible14:26
didrockssil2100: ^14:26
timpdidrocks: I'm running all the tests on my galaxy nexus14:26
timpdidrocks: but it will take a while to finish14:26
zsombilool: well, at least none of the phablet-flash scripts went thru, as they haven't even started14:27
loolzsombi: in any case shouldn't reboot by itself14:27
zsombilool: it also could be that the cable has some breaks and does short circuit14:27
zsombiI swear I haven't touched it :)14:28
=== Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc
timpdidrocks, sil2100 ah I'm running the tests for the new UITK, not with a new unity8..14:29
timpcan do that afterwards, but I don't think I'll get to it today14:29
didrockssil2100: doing those tests?14:29
cjwatsonsergiusens: Could you please apply http://paste.ubuntu.com/6115146/ to your click_copy.py script to make it safer against server failures?14:30
sergiusenscjwatson, yes14:30
nerochiarosergiusens: do you know if, besides of the read only fs, cdimage-touch is any differnet than the ubuntu-system image ?14:30
ogra_nerochiaro, it is14:30
sil2100didrocks: backloging14:30
zsombilool: now I got this: ERROR:phablet-flash:Command 'adb shell mount /data' returned non-zero exit status 25514:31
ogra_nerochiaro, system image uses a completely different layout ... based on loop mounted files14:31
sil2100didrocks: ok, will run those tests then14:31
sergiusensnerochiaro, upgrades don't work on regular images14:31
cjwatsonbeuno: Can you investigate download failures from the store to lillypilly?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6115159/14:31
didrockssil2100: thanks!14:31
nerochiarosergiusens: OTA upgrades you mean ?14:31
sergiusenscjwatson, I know what that is :-/14:31
cjwatsonbeuno: When this happened earlier, attempting to download the same URL from my laptop apparently mysteriously cleared the error ...14:31
sergiusensnerochiaro, yes14:32
cjwatsonsergiusens: Oh?14:32
sergiusenscjwatson, I think it's the auth thing14:32
cjwatsonsergiusens: But as I say the same URL works locally, and after downloading it then rerunning click_copy.py works fine14:32
cjwatsonsergiusens: So that's a bit WTF no matter what ...14:32
beunocjwatson, yeah, I think I know what it is, one of the two servers is probably out of date, we're rolling out the code to both servers now14:32
cjwatson(Well, that was the pattern earlier; I haven't tried that this time)14:32
beuno(now == when we get webops time)14:33
cjwatsonbeuno: Aha, OK.  So does that mean ?noauth=1 will work on neither server, or both?14:33
shomhow do i call using ubuntu touch??14:33
OrokuSaki@ogra what is the best way to tar up the rootfs from the device?14:33
OrokuSakiI am using this one command, but its skipping data folders.. I guess I need to look at it14:34
ogra_i would boot with break=bottom on teh kernel cmdline and do it from the initrd14:34
beunocjwatson, on one of them, which gets selected semi-randomly  :)14:34
OrokuSakilong tar... I tried --one-filesystem option or whatever, but it didn't seem to work14:34
OrokuSakikept tarring files from the data mount14:34
cjwatsonbeuno: I mean, what will the state be after the rollout?14:35
ogra_OrokuSaki, right, thats why i would do it from the initrd (and specifically only tar up /data/ubuntu)14:36
nerochiarosergiusens: i guess my question is: if i test a .deb and run AP tests on cdimage-touch, will the result be the same as if i did it on the system image (with rw enabled), and vice versa ?14:36
ogra_that way yu make sure nothing is mounted14:36
beunocjwatson, that it will work on both14:36
beunocjwatson, we've extended the noauth=1 trink for another month14:36
ogra_nerochiaro, we cant gurantee that anymore ... all tests and test modifications happen with the ro image in mind now14:36
timpasac: do you want the test logs when I'm done?14:37
cjwatsonbeuno: OK; what's the long-term plan for downloading click packages for use in images?14:37
sergiusensnerochiaro, it should, we are rolling to a ro testing for images so you might really want to test that way14:37
ogra_nerochiaro, it might still be the same today ... but can all change until tomorrow14:37
beunocjwatson, as in, in an automated way?  they'll ahve to be authenticated, oauth signed14:37
cjwatsonAnd sergiusens is on that?14:37
beunocjwatson, so someone will just have to pick a user and set up the token14:37
timpnerochiaro: why would you not test with the ro image?14:37
beunocjwatson, I'll find out  :)14:38
cjwatsonI'm uneasy about our image builds relying on something timebombed, you see ...14:38
sergiusenscjwatson, I am aware14:38
sergiusenscjwatson, I'm actually moving away from that to using dbarth's packages14:38
nerochiarotimp: i have no reason not to, now that i know how to make it rw i guess14:38
cjwatsonsergiusens: Doesn't that just kick the can down the road to those packages' build process?14:39
OrokuSaki@Ogra.. doh! Thanks =) I did it from recovery mod.. and it didnt work when I went to wipe and reinstall with my newly created zip.. I will retry.. =)14:39
OrokuSakiTook me to busybox!14:39
nerochiarosergiusens: ogra_: ok, so ubuntu-system is the way to go. and for now cdimage-touch is still ok but won't be for long14:39
sergiusenscjwatson, beuno well to really use the store as the repo I would need to be able to upload from jenkins too14:40
ogra_we wil keep cdimage-toouch around, since ports cant use system images, but cdimage-touch images wont see testing anymore at some point14:40
sergiusensnerochiaro, only use cdimage if you want to do some image testing and mods; but not as a guarantee that something is working14:40
timpasac: I succesfully ran all the green app tests from http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/4259/ on my device with a new UITK.14:40
timpasac: still need to do unity8, and I don't know what's security, sdk, ...14:41
nerochiarosergiusens: ok, thanks14:41
timp(default, install-and-boot)14:41
asactimp: ignore security and sdk14:44
asacyou will have zero effect on that :)14:44
asaconly focus on the autopilots14:44
asactimp: your device is mako?14:44
timpgalaxy nexus14:44
timpuhm.. maguro?14:44
didrocksyep maguro14:44
sergiusenscjwatson, that said, I do have the tools to implement auth for copying14:45
davmor2awe_: I don't know is cyphermox is in hiding today :)14:47
beunosergiusens, pindonga is finishing CLI uploads this week14:47
beunocjwatson, downloads should be fixed, let me know otherwise14:47
cyphermoxawe_: I should land the patch now, let's just have some review prior14:47
davmor2cyphermox:  Ah nice , thanks dude :)14:49
cjwatsonbeuno: thanks, I'll keep an eye on it14:49
sergiusenscjwatson, your patch is applied btw14:50
cjwatsonbeuno: though I still think it's a mistake to require auth for non-pay packages, but hey, I'm not doing the work14:50
cjwatsonI guess that's for download counting or something?14:50
sergiusens+1 on that14:52
awe_cyphermox, sounds good14:52
beunocjwatson, yeah, it's a mix of download counts, letting you re-install previous downloads on your device, us knowning which users to notify if there's malware that needs attention and requests from app developers14:53
sergiusensbeuno, if that's the case, then maybe noauth can stay even if the official client doesn't use it?14:54
stgraberasac, lool, plars, cjohnston: FYI I'm doing the switch now, so no images will publish for the next 30min or so, as soon as it's done, you should see a new touch_ro image appearing and we'll be on the new system from that point on14:54
sergiusensbeuno, how are we going to count/track preinstalled apps coming from the store14:54
beunosergiusens, preinstalled won't be counted, of course14:55
cjwatsoncounting/tracking preinstalled apps sounds like a fairly uninteresting exercise14:55
dbarthbeuno: hi; while we're on the topic of the preinstalled pacakges, is there a discussion on the unicity of app names?14:55
ogra_cjwatson, sergiusens, could we perhaps make the copy_click script a cdimage team owned branch that gets mirrored to people.c.c ?14:55
cjohnstonstgraber: cool14:55
loolstgraber: ok14:56
dbarthie, to avoid the collision that happened with xnox (now this is resolved at least)14:56
ogra_that would have helped this morning14:56
beunodbarth, there is not14:56
beunodbarth, feel free to kick it off in the public mailing list14:56
dbarthbeuno: should i start a thread on the appstore list?14:56
cwaynestgraber, does that mean saucy-customized will be ready by US EOD?14:56
dbarthah, you beat me to that14:56
dbarthok, will do14:56
timpasac, sil2100 unity8-autopilot failed for me: https://pastebin.canonical.com/97534/14:57
stgrabercwayne: yep, it should be available in the next 30min14:57
sergiusensogra_, yes we should14:57
cwaynestgraber, :D thanks man14:57
plarsstgraber: ok, we'll switch over to the new channel soon on our end too14:58
sergiusensdbarth, we should namespace the preinstalled ubuntu maintained packages with com.ubuntu instead of net.launchpad anyways, right?14:59
cjwatsondunno if it matters ...14:59
timpsil2100 asac any ideas? I do see a bunch of warnings that will be fixed in upcoming uitk MRs (which are ready but not merged because of the testing issues that we were having)14:59
dbarthsergiusens: i suppose so, that's what i did14:59
cjwatsonGiven that https://launchpad.net/click-webapps exists, net.launchpad.click-webapps is a perfectly good reverse-domain-name to use14:59
sergiusenscjwatson, from a technical stand point, not at all14:59
sergiusensfair enough15:00
cjwatsonEven from a policy standpoint.  As I said at UDS we shouldn't be connecting whether something is preinstalled to its namespace - they're orthogonal things15:00
cjwatsonnet.launchpad.PROJECT is actually quite nice as we might in future want to do something like connecting their ownership15:01
sergiusenscjwatson, oh, not for preinstalled, I mean ubuntu maintained15:01
dbarthcjwatson: are you attaching special properties to pre-isntalled click packages right now? or are they just there before other apps?15:01
cjwatsonSo you get to own that namespace on the store if and only if you own that project15:01
cjwatsondbarth: They're in a different directory, and they aren't removable (though I plan to add support for hiding them)15:01
sergiusenscjwatson, wrt to vUDS talk, I am on board with what you said15:02
dbarthah, not removable is special indeed15:02
cjwatsondbarth: Not sure what else you mean by special properties15:02
dbarththat type of things15:02
cjwatsondbarth: They will become "removable" from the point of view of the UI, once I implement hiding/whiteout/whatever-you-call-it15:02
dbarthbut i was looking to see if there were prps for the discussion on unique names for apps15:02
dbarthwith beuno15:02
dbarththoguh, click should be neutral here15:02
cjwatsondbarth: Of course since they're preinstalled they're intrinsically not removable from the filesystem15:02
cjwatsondbarth: prps?15:02
dbarthproperties, sorry; can't type today15:03
cjwatsondbarth: oh, click doesn't really give a damn, no :)15:03
xnoxcjwatson: note that some of the net.launchpad.click-webapps that are at the moment pre-installed, are temporary, and will be replaced by "proper" webapps with more priviliges and more integration. And those "feature-full" ones will have some other namespaces. E.g. I guess dbarth's should just pick one. E.g. com.canonical.webapps.* or com.ubuntu.* or net.launchpad.project-name-for-those-new-webapps and we'll pre-install those.15:05
xnoxcjwatson: e.g. coreapps are using com.ubuntu. at the moment, maybe they to should start using e.g. net.launchpad.core-app-project-name ?15:05
asactimp: check with saviq15:05
cjwatsonxnox: *shrug* click still doesn't care :)  Since they're preinstalled, they can be "upgraded" to versions from entirely different namespaces with a system update15:05
xnoxcjwatson: ah, brilliant =)15:06
asacSaviq: what about unity8 failures due to the staged ui-toolkit. can you take a look and help timp15:06
cjwatsonxnox: I took a fair bit of care to avoid that sort of thing leaking in ways that are hard to upgrade15:06
asactimp: if this is a symbol/name transition, could you try to establish best practices to keep stuff deprecated for at least the transition?15:06
asac(not sure if thats the reason)15:06
cjwatsonThe only thing about preinstalled apps that leaks onto the user-data partition is the result of hooks, and hooks are supposed to be written to catch up with changes to the set of installed packages, including removals15:07
asactimp: also you test unity8 + sdk update?15:07
asactimp: maybe its a unity8 regression? you could downgrade that to latest in image15:07
asactimp: otherwise, try testing with the latest unity8 that is supposed to go in with you15:07
asac(maybe that has the fix)15:07
asacstgraber: thanks!15:08
asacsil2100: didnt you say that unity8 succeeded?15:08
asac(with ui toolkit and unity8 upgraded)15:09
asactimp: have you retried?15:10
asacmaybe its a timing thing15:10
Saviqasac, timp, I can try, wassup?15:11
asacSaviq: so we want to land unity8 fixes for messaging indicator and ui-toolkit from trunk15:12
asacSaviq: timp had problems with the unity8 autopilot15:12
asacSaviq: when installing both15:12
asac16:57 < timp> asac, sil2100 unity8-autopilot failed for me: https://pastebin.canonical.com/97534/15:12
janimorsalveti, hi, is phablet-saucy the default branch now?15:12
asacSaviq: ^15:12
asactimp: btw, please use paste.ubuntu.com15:12
rsalvetijanimo: hey!15:12
rsalvetijanimo: yes15:12
asacwe want to work in publid15:12
nerochiaroboiko: is dialer-app supposed to be ok to run on the desktop ?15:13
sergiusensasac, and we don't want to use 2fa all the time15:14
Saviqtimp, asac, checking here15:14
Saviqtimp, u-ui-tk trunk good?15:14
Saviqto test the fail?15:15
cyphermoxrsalveti: could you review my patch for NM? :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/6115330/15:16
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mininaohi !15:23
mhall119anders3408|afk: you got Ubuntu Touch running on an OPPO Find 5?!?!15:23
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mininaoDoes anyone knows if you can have a dual boot Touch / Android 4.2 on a nexus 4 ?15:25
didrockscyphermox: if you want to land mtp, there is no blocker for me15:26
nerochiarooSoMoN: looks like jenkins doens't like your MR https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/unskip-test/+merge/18580615:28
stgrabercwayne, mfisch, ssweeny: just noticed that the initial import of saucy-customized is wrong (missing the android bits). I'll wipe the channel and re-create once the other channels are done.15:29
oSoMoNnerochiaro: yes, that’s an unrelated failure though, the test envs have been incredibly flaky lately, I’ve requested another CI run15:29
davmor2cyphermox: before I enable wifi is there any more info yyou need on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1226071 ?  I'm assuming not but thought I'd double check :)15:30
mfischstgraber: ok, thanks15:30
cwaynestgraber, ack thanks15:30
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1226071 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Maguro: NM indicator says I have 3g, browser says can't find homepage" [High,Triaged]15:30
nerochiarooSoMoN: agree on tests being a pain. let's see how the new run goes. might want to ping someone from QA as well so they're aware15:31
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oSoMoNnerochiaro: they are aware, we’re having a call on wednesday night to try and address those issue15:32
nerochiarooSoMoN: gret15:32
nerochiaropete-woods: hi, can you please ping me when you have a minute ?15:36
nerochiarotimp: the /userdata/.writeable_image flag doesn't seem to make the  / fs writeable15:38
ogra_nerochiaro, writable_image ...15:39
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ogra_(no e)15:39
pete-woodsmerochiaro: hi15:40
nerochiaroogra_: bad spelling, sorry15:40
pete-woodsnerochiaro, even15:40
stgraberogra_: so the first copy from saucy-proposed to saucy will likely be horribly long for the first device (~20min), that's expected, any copy after that should only take < 10s15:40
ogra_stgraber, ok, i dont expect us to release a new image today anyway15:40
stgraberogra_: that's because our version numbers between saucy and saucy-proposed are currently out of sync, which messes with the delta generation, so the deltas will be re-generated on the first copy15:40
stgraberogra_: that's unfortunate, I'd have liked seeing one happen before I jump on a plane and disappear, oh well...15:41
ogra_well, we released one this morning15:41
nerochiaropete-woods: hi Pete, I am working on using libusermetrics to send more data from applications. i noticed there's no qml bindings for the library and i was thinking of adding them myself. do you see any problem with that ?15:41
achianghm... accepting the latest OTA update today made my videos and music sample content go away15:42
pete-woodsnerochiaro: seems pretty sensible to me - although I think it was agreed that this is an internal API for the time being15:42
nerochiaropete-woods: but most internal apps need to use it, and they are mostly qml15:43
nerochiaropete-woods: that's why i thought it would help15:43
rsalveticyphermox: looks fine, let me just test first15:43
stgraberogra_: well, I built an image right before I updated the server, so it should be very very close to what you released this morning15:43
ogra_achiang, wow, then you have been behind for a while :)15:43
stgraberogra_: I'd suggest that if that one passes all the tests, we release it too, even if it doesn't bring anything new15:43
cyphermoxrsalveti: sure, hold on I'll get you a full branch15:43
ogra_stgraber, it has to pass all testing, including the varoious manual tests15:44
pete-woodsnerochiaro: I have absolutely no problem with that being done, and it should be reasonably straightfoward15:44
rsalveticyphermox: ok, thanks15:44
achiangogra_: what does that mean?15:44
nerochiaropete-woods: so if i add the bindings as part of the libusermetrics package would you be available to review them ?15:44
ogra_achiang, we dropped that a week ago15:44
achiangogra_: i accepted an OTA update on thursday or friday and i accepted one today15:44
stgraberogra_: it's either that or I'd recommend not releasing anything tomorrow as I won't be able to help should anything go wrong15:44
pete-woodsnerochiaro: certainly, as long as there's decent test coverage :)15:44
ogra_achiang, oh, you are on the stable image ?15:44
ogra_then that might be, yeah15:45
achiangogra_: where is info like this announced?15:45
ogra_asac, stgraber needs a test image release, preferably today15:45
cyphermoxrsalveti: https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/network-manager/prov-fix/+merge/185839  -- so you get the branch too15:45
rsalveticyphermox: thanks15:45
ogra_achiang, wasnt announced ... you could have seen the change in the ubuntu-touch-meta changelog on the saucy-changes ML though15:46
achiangogra_: what is the saucy-changed list? what's the address? i'll go subscribe there15:46
ogra_achiang, https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/saucy-changes15:47
ogra_achiang, note that evey upload to saucy shows up there ... can be high volume at times15:48
achiangogra_: :-/15:48
achiangogra_: well, thanks anyway. i joined up15:48
ogra_we are late enough in the cycle that it isnt actual high volume atm ... except when kubuntu uploads their whole stack at once15:49
asacSaviq: timp: how is the testing going?15:49
asacsil2100: ^^15:49
ogra_asac, did you see the discussion with stgraber above ?15:50
ogra_asac, we either have another release today or cant do one tomorrow15:50
rsalvetidavmor2: can you test https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/network-manager/prov-fix/+merge/185839 ?15:50
stgraberasac: basically because our image IDs are currently out of sync between saucy and saucy-proposed, the next migration will be special (will trigger a bunch of delta generation), I'd like to be the one doing that one in case anything goes wrong.15:51
rsalvetidavmor2: should have the fix for bug 122607115:51
ubot5bug 1226071 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Maguro: NM indicator says I have 3g, browser says can't find homepage" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122607115:51
ogra_asac, looking at http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/20130916.1.changes  i would say we should be safe to just send 16.1 out if the tests for these two apps dont show regressions ...15:51
stgraberasac: problem is, I'm around today and completely unavailable tomorrow15:51
stgraberasac: so I'd recommend either doing another migration today or waiting until Wednesday15:51
sil2100asac: still testing on mako15:51
stgraberany migration after that point should be safe as all deltas will have been pre-calculated during the import (the first promotion will make the channel build IDs sync again)15:52
ogra_plars, for touch_ro #50 the total for maguro doesnt seem to fit on the dashboard15:53
Saviqasac, couldn't get a hold of timp15:53
plarssergiusens: looks like we got a new touch_ro build, but we're getting this: ERROR:phablet-flash:local variable 'recovery_path' referenced before assignment15:54
plarsogra_: looking15:54
sergiusensplars, strange, I haven't updated the tools15:54
sergiusensplars, can I see the logs15:54
ogra_oh, who triggered 16.2 ?15:55
ogra_cjwatson, was that you to test something ?15:56
plarsogra_: looks like notes_app was missing somehow, but we got a new build now15:56
plarsogra_: I think stgraber15:56
cjwatsonogra_: No, I haven't touched it15:56
stgraberogra_: that was me, I triggered one right before the server switch as the switch needed a pending image to work properly15:57
ogra_stgraber, we are explicitly on manual, please coordinate with asac before triggering builds15:57
mterryracarr, why does unity-system-compositor hard-depend on xorg?  I thought we wanted to use it for touch too15:57
plarssergiusens: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-touch_ro-maguro-smoke-install-and-boot/143/console15:57
stgraberogra_: ok, I didn't get the memo apparently, can you make sure that kind of change is communicated to the rest of the cdimage team?15:57
sergiusensplars, I'm guessing it's the daily-proposed saucy-proposed change15:57
ogra_stgraber, yeah, sorry15:57
ogra_will tell yoou next time15:58
stgrabersergiusens: I'll prepare a branch for phablet-flash to deal with some of the server side changes16:02
sergiusensstgraber, I'm sure it's the is_device_file thing I have16:03
sergiusensstgraber, already on it16:03
stgrabersergiusens: so there are two things, the first thing is that you want to use either devel or stable by default instead of daily, the second is that the server will start to transition from grouper-<version>.tar.xz for the device files to device-<version>.tar.xz (where version is a sha256 hash)16:04
om26erI am seeing this while I try to flash new image http://paste.ubuntu.com/6115524/16:06
om26erstgraber, ^16:06
sil2100timp, asac, Saviq: actually... I get the same number of failures for the old unity8 and UITK16:08
stgraberom26er: I think that's the bug sergiusens is currentl fixing, looks like the client is assuming the file paths are guessable, which they're not16:08
stgraberom26er: you can use --channel=devel and that should work16:08
sil2100timp, asac, Saviq: so at least it doesn't seem to be a regression16:08
om26erstgraber, right, but I am wanting the "tested" image to do my testing on the phone. I'll wait for the bug to get fixed probably16:08
stgraberom26er: devel is the tested image16:09
stgraberom26er: devel-proposed is the untested image16:09
om26erstgraber, ah - ok. trying16:09
om26erstgraber, btw its now downloading the whole image again (ubuntu-20130914.1.full.tar.xz) shouldn't it be resumable or something ?16:11
asacstgraber: how often did you rerun?16:11
om26ersucks for the case where you have pretty slow internet16:11
ogra_asac, only once16:11
asacsil2100: i think unity8 needs to be run differnlty16:11
stgraberom26er: phablet-flash always re-downloads everything, if you want deltas, you need to update from the device itself16:11
asacsil2100: check with sergiusens16:11
stgraberasac: I just did one build right before I switched the server to the new code16:11
ogra_asac, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/20130916.2.changes16:11
om26erstgraber, right, but it had downloaded that same file ubuntu-20130914.1.full.tar.xz completely a few minutes ago16:11
* ogra_ wonders why we have devicemapper on the image at all 16:12
stgraberom26er: I suspect phablet-flash caches per channel name, so since you passed a different one, it's re-downloading everything16:12
sergiusensstgraber, that is the case16:13
sil2100sergiusens: ping16:13
sergiusenssil2100, hey16:13
om26erhmm, ok. that should be fine then16:13
stgrabermfisch, ssweeny, cwayne: I'm doing a test run of a customized image, if that works, I'll officially consider saucy-customized as ready :)16:16
ssweenystgraber, awesome!16:16
cwaynestgraber, great! thanks :D16:16
mfischstgraber: where do the scripts that do all this work live?16:16
stgrabermfisch: it's running on nusakan and the code is at: lp:~ubuntu-system-image/ubuntu-system-image/server/16:17
sil2100sergiusens: is there a specific way we need to run unity8 to get the AP tests running?16:23
sil2100sergiusens: on the device that is16:23
sergiusenssil2100, you would need to stop it16:23
sergiusenssil2100, there's a blocked branch from thomi that adds upstart/click support16:24
sergiusenssil2100, it would be interesting to try out setting up the test class to use upstart16:25
sil2100sergiusens: so, before running the AP tests, I need to kill unity8 ?16:26
sergiusenssil2100, not kill, stop, as in /sbin/initctl stop unity816:26
ogra_why doesnt the AP test do that automatically ?16:27
sil2100sergiusens: is that how it works for the current version that's released in the image?16:27
sergiusensogra_, sil2100 because it was added to phablet-test-run (-n)16:28
ogra_sergiusens, which is what sil2100 runs i thought16:28
sil2100Didn't use -n16:29
stgrabermfisch, ssweeny: Oh, fancy background, so I guess that channel works.16:30
stgrabermfisch, ssweeny: phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel=devel-customized16:30
boikonerochiaro: it should run ok, as long as you first run ofono-setup16:30
stgrabermfisch, ssweeny: have fun16:30
mfischI'm going to try it now16:30
stgrabermfisch: it should be looking for new tarballs every minute and publish updates automatically16:31
sergiusensstgraber, mfisch not yet16:31
mfischstgraber: we're meeting with some folks tomorrow to discuss setting up a mirror infrastructure, so if any of this is documented other than the code, I'll take a link16:31
sergiusensyou'll break16:31
Saviqsil2100, what device, btw? on mako I just got 21 OK16:31
mfischsergiusens: stgraber just tried it16:31
sergiusensmfisch, well recovery should break16:32
popeykgunn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1225028 happens with the latest update on the read-only image today.16:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1225028 in Unity 8 "Can't launch any of the default icons on the Launcher" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:32
kgunnpopey: sorry..not familiar with "read-only" image....16:33
sergiusensplars, stgraber mfisch https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/update-updates/+merge/18585616:33
stgrabersergiusens: I think only the daily and daily-proposed channels are broken at the moment16:33
stgrabersergiusens: though they'll all be broken pretty soon :)16:33
popeykgunn: the image on the phone if you "phablet-flash ubuntu-system" - the current flavour du jour16:33
sergiusensstgraber, well I shouldn't be able to find the recovery image, right?16:33
kgunnpopey: ok...yea16:33
stgrabersergiusens: shouldn't that be "defaults to stable"16:34
sergiusensstgraber, since it's now s/$device_name/device/16:34
kgunnpopey: i just flashed ubuntu-system because rick had claimed the same thing in a bug16:34
sergiusensstgraber, right16:34
kgunnbut it worked for me...16:34
kgunnare you on N4 or GN ? popey16:34
stgrabersergiusens: no, it's going to be "device" for all newly imported images but saucy and saucy-customized are based on old images and so still use $device_name16:34
popeykgunn: n4, unity 7.81.3+13.10.2013091216:35
sergiusensstgraber, should I add an 'or' in there then?16:35
stgrabersergiusens: oh and as a result, your code will still fail... you need to support both for now, hopefully in 20 days, all the old names will be gone16:35
stgrabersergiusens: right16:35
sergiusensstgraber, ok, fixing16:35
stgrabersergiusens: also, are you for some reason assuming that the device tarball is always under <channel>/<device>/? the error om26er pasted earlier seemed to indicate that16:36
sergiusensstgraber, I'm not assuming anything, it's building the paths from the json... but I can check.... I had no failures with my MR16:37
stgrabersergiusens: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6115524/ shows phablet-flash trying to grab the tarball from https://system-image.ubuntu.com/daily/mako/mako-20130913.full.tar.xz instead of https://system-image.ubuntu.com/saucy/mako/mako-20130913.full.tar.xz16:38
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plarssergiusens: trying it now16:38
stgraberso it's either some caching problem somewhere or a phablet-flash bug as index.json definitely points to the right path (just confirmed)16:38
sergiusensplars, wait one sec, applying a couple of unseens16:39
kgunnpopey: thanks....looking16:40
sergiusensstgraber, it is most likely a caching issue (they are in the lab after all)... I just flashed with no issues here (http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/phablet-tools/trunk/view/head:/phabletutils/ubuntuimage.py#L41)16:40
sergiusensstgraber, it's the same code you gave me file_uri='%s%s' % (uri, entry['path']) ... uri is built from json16:40
stgrabersergiusens: yeah, the code looks right16:41
sil2100Saviq: on mako, yes16:44
sil2100Saviq: running with the -n command now, but first it died16:44
sil2100I got 21 OK when running once before as well, not sure why16:45
nerochiaroboiko: it tells me it can't "import Ubuntu.Telephony 0.1"16:45
boikonerochiaro: did you install the package or manually built from a branch?16:45
boikonerochiaro: the package should install the deps automatically, but if you are building from a branch, you need to install the deps manually16:46
boikonerochiaro: in that case it is: qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-telephony0.116:46
boikonerochiaro: but I think it will request a few more before it runs16:46
Saviqsil2100, does it also take *a lot* of time to launch unity8 for you?16:48
asacsil2100: Saviq: whats the one line summary of unity8/sdk landing issues?16:48
Saviqasac, I've not yet reproduced16:48
sil2100Saviq: don't have too much comparison... it looks more or less ok16:49
ogra_Saviq, thats about 1min of our boot :)16:49
sil2100asac: I think it's green I guess, but we seem to be having testing problems16:49
sil2100Saviq: you're running latest UITK and unity8 from daily-build PPA, right?16:49
ogra_Saviq, last time i did a bootchart it was the hud and indicator services that held it back from starting for a while16:49
Saviqsil2100, yes16:49
ogra_(but thats a while ago ... i should probably run a new one soon)16:50
sergiusensplars, stgraber ok, just tested with daily-proposed, works16:50
Saviqogra_, yeah, we have the hud client blocking while hud didn't start (have to fix that)16:50
timpsil2100: which fails did you find for unity8? new unity8 + new uitk fails.16:50
sergiusensmfisch, can you test the MR I gave you with custom?16:50
Saviqogra_, shouldn't be the case for indicators, IIRC16:50
cyphermoxrsalveti: did you have time to review16:50
sergiusensplars, can you test now?16:50
timpsil2100: how about combinations with the "stable" versions of either package?16:50
plarssergiusens: awesome, are you going to rebuild in the ppa?16:50
mfischsergiusens: sure, the existing code worked, but I can redo also16:50
plarssergiusens: will test it locally, would like to have a new package in the ppa for updating in the lab though16:51
ogra_Saviq, yeah, tedg said back then it would be fixed ... i didnt do a new bootschart to verify yet16:51
sergiusensplars, well, if it gets approved and we can get daily-release to get it built, it would be automatic16:51
sergiusensmfisch, yeah, strange, the MR worked?16:51
timpsil2100, Saviq I got 12/21 fails with stable unity8, new uitk16:51
timpon maguro16:51
nerochiaroboiko: i'm building from source and running it in place16:51
* sergiusens goes for quick lunch16:52
Saviqasac, timp I got hud segfaulting16:52
boikonerochiaro: ok, so you'll have to install the runtime dependencies by hand16:52
Saviqhud-service, that is16:52
stgrabersergiusens: cool16:52
nerochiaroboiko: so basically the dialer app depends on the old telephony app ?16:52
Saviqasac, which might be causing the issues (as shell is blocked by hud service not being there)16:52
tedgogra_, To be clear, I didn't say it would be fixed.  I said it was known, we haven't scheduled fixing it yet.  It requires getting the voice code out of the main thread.16:52
ogra_tedg, well, i was referring to the indicator service ...  when we had the conversation chewie was still around16:53
tedgOh, I thought you were talking about HUD blocking in some cases.16:53
tedgogra_, What's the other issue?16:54
ogra_i think indicators got fixed since ... but i didnt do a new bootchart to verify that16:54
sil2100timp: uhh, ok, let's wait16:54
* tedg got confused in the backlog16:54
ogra_tedg, well, the session takes about 1min to start ... back then it were hud and indicators ... so today its likely the hud only16:54
ogra_(to sum up the backlog)16:54
* om26er wonders why don't we flash touch recovery on the phones instead16:56
tedgHmm, okay.  It'd be interesting to see your next bootchart16:57
tedgogra_, Can we put some of the mobile targets in the daily chart that we're generating for desktop?16:57
ogra_tedg, you mean the bootchart ?16:57
tedgogra_, Yea16:59
ogra_tedg, talk to QA ... :)17:00
mfischsergiusens: that branch worked, assuming I tested it properly17:00
mathomastechI am trying to install ubuntu touch on my first gen nexus 7. I have followed all the direction on cannonicals website, but when I run phablet-flash ubuntu-system --no-backup it always results in this error message ERROR:phablet-flash:Command 'adb shell mount /data' returned non-zero exit status 25517:01
mathomastechand hangs on the dead android with red ! icon.  Anyone run into this issue?17:01
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mterrysergiusens, is there a trick to flashing from daily-proposed?  I seem to get an error when doing so17:01
sergiusensmterry, there's been a couple of server changes that require some changes that are landing soon17:02
stgrabersergiusens: btw, sorry I forgot about the device- change, I should have known it'd break phablet-flash...17:03
mterrystgraber, ah yeah, that looks like it's my error17:03
mterrystgraber, is there a workaround or should I just wait for a phablet-tools update?17:03
rsalveticyphermox: yes, just installing and rebooting17:03
rsalvetitook a while to build :-)17:03
sergiusensstgraber, np17:03
loolmterry: read-write image would likely work17:03
loolmterry: cdimage one that is17:04
mterrylool, but those are for chumps17:04
stgrabermterry: or just locally apply: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/update-updates/+merge/18585617:04
loolmterry: indeed  :-)17:04
mterrystgraber, OK thanks17:04
sergiusensmathomastech, I think I know what's going on here. can you first phablet-flash cdimage-touch -b as workaroung and then flash the system stuff?17:05
cyphermoxrsalveti: alright17:06
stgrabermfisch: are you guys planning on releasing a new customization tarball in the next few hours? would be nice to confirm the auto import works and that you get some deltas generated for it.17:07
mfischstgraber: we can force something17:07
Saviqsil2100, can you check if you have a hud-service crash report in /var/crash?17:08
Saviqsil2100, I suspect bug #1226134 to be our culprit17:09
ubot5bug 1226134 in hud (Ubuntu) "hud-service crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122613417:09
stgrabermfisch: would be nice if you could get a build with at least one file changing so we can check the delta17:09
mathomastechsergiusens: ERROR:phablet-flash:Command '['rsync', '-l', 'rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current']' returned non-zero exit status 1017:09
mfischstgraber: okay, we have an extranneous file in there, I can delete it, is that sufficient?17:10
stgrabermfisch: yep, that should result in an empty delta tarball with that file listed in removed_files17:10
sergiusensmathomastech, are you behind a proxy or firewall that blocks rsync?17:10
mfischssweeny: I'm going to remove the unused wallpaper from sevilerow per discussion above17:11
stgrabermfisch: it's probably going to be the smallest diff ever generated by system-image :)17:11
ssweenymfisch, ack17:11
Saviqsil2100, which might actually be bug #1183130 or bug #1193700 but the trace is crap17:11
ubot5bug 1183130 in hud (Ubuntu) "hud-service crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_unref()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118313017:11
ubot5bug 1193700 in hud (Ubuntu) "hud-service crashed with SIGSEGV in hud_token_list_distance()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119370017:11
sergiusensplars, I'll leave the Happrove  to you ;)17:11
plarssergiusens: I can't top approve it17:11
plarssergiusens: I did ack it though17:12
sergiusensplars, ok, ping when you approve and I'll do it myself17:12
plarssergiusens: already did17:12
sergiusensmfisch, custom works fine then?17:12
mfischsergiusens: yes17:12
sergiusensmfisch, can you ack that in the MR?17:13
mathomastechsergiusens: Not sure, it's very likely though. Is there a way I can check?17:13
mfischstgraber: change pushed17:13
sergiusensmathomastech, just run rsync -l rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current17:13
mfischssweeny: do you have a jenkins login?17:14
mfischssweeny: this college is blocking my VPN and I need to kick a sevile build17:14
ssweenymfisch, not for that instance17:14
mathomastechsergiusens: It would appear so. I got a 'Failed to connect to ... ' message.17:17
graphikhey there, I have a question about x11 in ubuntu touch. (and yes I red the F.A.Q)17:17
sergiusensmathomastech, I'll have to get back to you on this one17:17
mathomastechsergiusens: Ok, thanks.17:18
asacSaviq: sil2100: ok so you guys say that the autopilots succeed?17:19
mfischstgraber: a build should be done shortly17:19
stgrabermfisch: for the internal system-image server, there's no good doc but I'm sure that I can get you something that works pretty quickly, just need to extend one existing file importer a bit to work with remote servers17:19
stgrabermfisch: cool, thanks17:19
sil2100asac: yes17:20
mfischstgraber: we'll also need to discuss how we (PES) can modify channel.ini17:20
sil2100asac: ran it now with -n and it's as I had it in the beginning17:20
graphikSo I like to ask how probably it is that x11 is supported in the relese of ubunut touch?17:20
sil2100asac: so I publish unity8 and sdk17:20
asacSaviq: sil2100: or rather saviq cannot reproduce, except a hud crash?17:20
asacsil2100: for you the failure is reliable reproducible?17:20
Saviqasac, *I'm* not saying anything, still investigating17:20
mfischstgraber: I think the simplest way is for the code that uses it to also check custom unless you have a var we can set or something17:20
sil2100asac: the failures were rather reproducible when running tests wrongly (didn't know you had to run them with a -n)17:21
sil2100asac: but if you do them right, all is green17:21
sil2100asac: so from my side, it's green again for unity817:21
mfischstgraber: build is complete and posted publicly17:21
stgrabermfisch: so I've got no plan to allow a separate gpg key on all our devices, so no, that won't be that simple17:22
asacsil2100: wait17:23
asacsil2100: -n means?17:23
asacsil2100: thats for unity8 tests?17:23
ogra_AskUbuntu, stop unity first17:23
ogra_asac, ^^17:23
ogra_(-n that is)17:23
asacsil2100: i think thats correct. did you get a confirm from plars that we run it that way in utah?17:23
stgrabermfisch: what we need to do is write a generator plugin for the system-image code which imports from system-image.u.c, unpacks the tarballs, replaces the keys, repacks them and publish them17:23
asacsil2100: if so its all ok if its now green for you17:23
stgrabermfisch: basically swapping the archive key for yours in the process17:23
asacSaviq: did you run the untiy8 tests with phablet-test-run -n?17:23
sil2100plars: ping17:23
stgrabermfisch: that's the same infrastructure the ports will need. It's not horribly difficult to implement but will need some thinking to get right (especially as that stuff is supposed to all be running as a user, so unpacking/repacking initrd images gets tricky)17:24
plarssil2100: hi17:24
timpasac: good one :) /me trying.17:24
plarssil2100: the question is whether we stop unity8 before running the autopilot tests?17:24
sil2100plars: yes17:25
sil2100plars: are we running it like that?17:25
asactimp: yeah. unity8 is the only test to run like that... app tests should be run by unlocking screen with your hands before running phablet-test-run17:25
plarssil2100: yes, we do17:25
sil2100asac: ^ so it's green17:25
asacsil2100: you got green on mako?17:25
asacand timp can confirm on maguro17:25
asacsil2100: everything staged and ready for pushing to proposed?17:25
timpI got green for all apps on maguro that were green before17:25
timpand I am running unity8 with -n now.17:26
asacsil2100: ok once he confirms, push the button17:26
mfischstgraber: is there a way to just host the customization tarball on the other server and leave the core stuff on system-image?17:26
timpso, I got green for all apps with the new UITK, but old unity8.17:26
sil2100asac: unity8 and sdk are ready, should we push something else as well?17:26
timpand now I am running new UITK with new unity817:26
stgrabermfisch: if you don't need to change the ubuntu or android tarballs, yes17:27
mfischstgraber: we would also host device specific stuff there. for a real shipping device, having it all together makes the most sense now that I think about it17:28
stgrabermfisch: unless you absolutely need this this week, I'd recommend we setup a meeting next week to try and figure out the next steps (I'm back to work on Tuesday)17:29
stgrabermfisch: I suspect 99% of that will also cover the needs for the ports, so it'd be good to address pretty soon17:30
mfischstgraber: I do not need it this week. I will prep Schwuck on the general idea and setup a follow-up for next week17:30
rsalveticyphermox: hm, still got into a state where the gprs interface is up, but it actually failed for nm17:30
rsalvetilet me try to reproduce with logs17:30
rsalvetithis is with maguro17:30
mfischstgraber: Jenkins is done, how long for the new image?17:31
asacsil2100: only the items discussed17:31
asacand tested17:31
mterryIs the /persist folder on touch images a folder that will persist across flashes?17:31
stgrabermfisch: let me check, it should be importing it a minute after it's done on Jenkins17:31
mathomastechI just flashed the saucy-preinstalled-boot-armhf and recovery files. I am going to try using the Ubuntu recovery to unzip and install Touch. Do I need both touch-armhf.zip and touch-armel+grouper.zip?17:31
rsalveticyphermox: syslog, without debug http://paste.ubuntu.com/611588617:31
asacsil2100: can you repeat what you are going to push?17:31
stgrabermfisch: and it did17:31
stgrabermfisch: it's published for 9 minutes now17:31
sil2100asac: one moment17:32
stgrabermfisch: with a tiny delta from one image to the next (as expected)17:32
stgrabermfisch: http://system-image.ubuntu.com/pool/custom-sevilerow-27.delta-custom-sevilerow-28.tar.xz is the generated delta17:32
sil2100asac: ok, so we have the following components ready for release: unity-mir and unity8 from unity8 stack17:33
sil2100asac: and ubuntu-ui-toolkit, u1db-qt and ubuntu-html5-theme in SDK17:33
mfischstgraber: version 2 here?  http://system-image.ubuntu.com/saucy-customized/mako/17:34
asacsil2100: we dont need qtubuntu?17:34
asacfor the unity8 update?17:34
asac(to get messaging indicator back)17:34
sil2100asac: no one told me anything about that, I only upgraded unity817:34
asacwait a sec17:34
stgrabermfisch: it sure is (index.json got upated version-2* got published at the URL you just pasted and the tarballs got imported in /pool/)17:34
sil2100asac: didn't touch qtubuntu as no one told anything that we need to release platform17:34
asacsil2100: if the above was tested and green, push it17:35
stgrabermfisch: if you're not seeing them, you're likely behind a tranparent proxy (you mentioned being on a sucky network earlier ;))17:35
asacignore qtubuntu17:35
mfischstgraber: I see them, earlier you said you had to do a rebuild, so I wasnt sure if #2 was right17:35
mfischjust updated and am rebooting17:35
Saviqsil2100, asac, ok, my mako issues were unrelated (mir-related)17:35
mfischstgraber: the file was not removed from /custom after update17:36
stgrabermfisch: no, the earlier fix was a wipe of the channel and reset at ID 1, so ID 1 was what you tested earlier, ID 2 is your new build17:36
mfischgot it17:36
stgrabermfisch: hmm, that's odd. Can you confirm /etc/ubuntu-build says "2"?17:36
sil2100asac: what's up with the message indicator17:36
timpasac, sil2100, Saviq: with -n, new unity8 is green with new UITK17:37
asacsil2100: it was not visible in the previous build17:37
asacsil2100: this is supposed to be the fix we get from the unity8 side17:37
Saviqtimp, thanks17:37
timp^on maguro17:37
asacsil2100: so if you see the messaging indicator now its all good17:37
sil2100asac: well, with unity8 here it's still gone I guess17:37
timpasac: so I got all green for new UITK. Let's release :)17:37
sil2100asac: so it might be true that we need qtubuntu17:38
mfischstgraber: yep it says "2"17:38
asacsil2100: probably.17:38
mfischstgraber: let me check the logs17:38
asacsil2100: is it built?17:38
asacsil2100: can you try?17:38
sil2100asac: no...17:38
sil2100asac: we didn't build platform17:38
rsalveticyphermox: seems to be better, but I still got into a weird state once17:38
rsalveticyphermox: and it also worked better for davmor217:38
mfischstgraber: Applying update: version-2.tar.xz17:38
asacrsalveti: is ricmm there?17:39
davmor2rsalveti, cyphermox: I've just rebooted to see if it is still up17:39
sil2100asac: I can spin a platform build, but not sure how many components will be ready for release then17:39
sil2100I guess more than just qtubuntu ;17:39
asacricmm: can you help sil2100 etc. to figure why he might not have the messaging indicator fix?17:39
rsalvetiasac: he should be on17:39
mterrystgraber, does the /persist folder persist across flashes?17:39
asache built unity8 and friends, but a fix that was supposed to be in isnt in there17:39
ricmmasac: what about the messaging indicator?17:40
asacricmm: its not visible in latest daily17:40
dobeyanyone got a minute to help me with a nexus 7? i just got one, but i can't seem to do the unlock. the screen is black, but when i plug it in, dmesg shows the new usb device being attached. and pressing or holding the power button doesn't seem to do anything :(17:40
* timp bbl17:40
sil2100ricmm: do I need qtubuntu for the messaging indicator working?17:40
asacricmm: but we wanted to land unity8 and friends that are supposed to fix it17:40
asacbut the bits we have dont help17:40
ricmmno, I personally didnt land any unity8 messaging indicator fix17:40
ricmmgerry was taking a look at it but I dont see anything in trunk17:41
ricmmgreyback: did you ever get to revert the offending commit?17:41
sil2100asac: so no fix for messaging...17:41
rsalvetidavmor2: did it work for you between reboots?17:42
rsalvetidavmor2: if so, can you also add a comment at https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/network-manager/prov-fix/+merge/185839 ?17:42
stgrabermterry: that sounds like an android partition, so yes, it should17:42
mterrystgraber, it points to /android/persist yeah17:42
stgrabermfisch: hmm, ok, testing it here now to see exactly what's going on17:42
davmor2rsalveti: one second I'm doing 5 see how it goes so far so good17:42
mfischstgraber: are there any more details that I can enable with a switch during update?17:43
rsalvetidavmor2: ok, thanks17:43
mterrystgraber, is there a folder on the ubuntu side that also persists?17:43
davmor2rsalveti: famous last words Network ERROR :(17:43
stgrabermterry: /userdata is persistent. What do you need to store?17:43
rsalvetidavmor2: hm, can you get nm and ofono in debug mode so we can have more logs?17:43
rsalvetiit failed for me once only17:43
mterrystgraber, just when I have some code branches I'm keeping on the device, I'd like to not have to redownload/build them after reflash17:44
isantopHi all! Ian@system76 here17:44
greybackricmm: dammit, slipped my mind. Will do now17:44
davmor2yeap let me do another reboot and see what happens17:44
mterrystgraber, everything under /userdata keeps?17:44
* thomi waves to isantop17:44
ricmmgreyback: thanks17:44
ricmmasac: ^17:44
isantopRunning phablet-flash ubuntu-system -b gives me an unrecognized argument error for -b.17:45
sil2100ricmm, asac: I'm not sure if I'll be around for re-testing and re-releasing that17:45
sil2100asac: I would opt for releasing that tomorrow, there's not enough time for a new re-testing now17:45
stgrabermterry: yep17:45
sil2100asac: ...or maybe you wanted this fix in the most?17:45
ricmmsil2100: tomorrow then, a branch might be up later today but it will certainly be past your EOD17:46
sil2100greyback: in what project that revert will be needed? Only unity8?17:46
ricmmif it hits soon someone else can get that in17:46
popeyisantop: omit the -b17:46
popeyisantop: can you tell me which documentation you saw which said to use -b and I'll correct it?17:46
isantoppopey, Did that, but then it just downloads everything and stops afterwards. Nexus 7 (2012, non-3G, Currently on Android)17:47
davmor2rsalveti: I know this will sound daft,  but when I powered the device down and then backup it was fine, when I reboot the machine is when it seems to fail.  So I'm going to try that too for confirmation and then add some debug settings and reproduce with debug in place17:47
isantoppopey: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install17:47
popeyisantop: I'd recommend doing "phablet-flash cdimage-touch -b"17:47
asacsil2100: the whole unity8 landing was just fore the messaging indicator17:47
asacfor nothing else17:47
asacsil2100: however, if we see no regressions17:47
asacsil2100: and we have it tested17:48
asacwe can land it17:48
popeyisantop: the further examples section on that page is useful17:48
asacsil2100: so we move forwrd17:48
mterrystgraber, thanks!17:48
davmor2teatime brb17:48
popeyisantop: fixed the page17:49
isantoppopey, I see.17:49
rsalvetidavmor2: yeah, just got with debug17:49
rsalvetidavmor2: cyphermox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6115947/17:49
rsalvetiand updated the mr17:49
greybacksil2100: probably unity8, I need to track down the fail17:50
isantoppopey, Seems to be working now, thanks!17:51
Andromofoanyone running ubu-touch on an htc phone? (especially the jewel/evo 4g lte)17:51
om26ersergiusens, how do you delete the openssh override on read-only system ?17:51
stgrabermfisch: reproduced the issue here, looking into it now17:51
om26ermaking it rw but will that break my future updates ?17:51
sergiusensom26er, look at the email ogra sent on ubuntu-phone17:52
mhall119hmmm, can't power off the screen on my N7 after phablet-flashing cdimage-touch17:52
mhall119using --pending17:52
mhall119is this a known issue?17:52
asacgreyback: so i was told that the emssaging indicator was fixed in a unity landing17:53
om26ersergiusens, cool, thanks17:53
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asacgreyback: i couldnt distill if yuou identified this17:53
plarssergiusens: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/update-updates/+merge/185856 still needs top approve I think?17:53
cwayneasac: ping17:53
bnjmnI'm having trouble updating utouch on Nexus 7. `phablet-flash` seems to work; can access CWM Recovery, but reboots just load black "Google" screen. Can anyone lend me a hand? thanks.17:53
greybackasac: well I flashed thins morning's image and it's not there. I'm checking trunk now17:53
stgrabermfisch: hmm, that should have worked, everything looks good, so that must have been a bug in the upgrader itself, will look into it after lunch17:53
mfischstgraber: ok, I can retest when needed17:54
mhall119anders3408|afk: ping me when you're back, I'd like to get those Find 5 images from you to try them out17:54
asacgreyback: what is not there ... the fix?17:54
mhall119bnjmn: which Nexus 7 do you have?17:54
asacgreyback: or the problem?17:54
greybackasac: the fix isn't there (i.e.no messaging menu)17:54
asacgreyback: whereelse could that have been landed?17:55
bnjmnmhall119, I'm actually not sure; it was loaned from a friend17:55
asacsil2100: let me know when pushed17:55
asaci think we agreed that we have blessed the package set above, so lets push it17:55
mhall119bnjmn: when you phablet-flash'd, did it identify the device as 'grouper'?17:55
asacsil2100: even if it doesnt fix what we wanted17:55
asacand do the postmortem after17:55
bnjmnmhall119: yep17:55
greybackasac: I've to see. It could be unity8 problem, or the indicator service itself.17:55
asacgreyback: qtubuntu?17:55
sil2100asac: ok...17:55
asacgreyback: qmenumodel :)?17:55
mhall119bnjmn: and did you phablet-flash ubuntu-system or cdimage-touch?17:55
ricmmasac: the problem is most likely in unity817:56
* asac throws random package names :)17:56
bnjmnI did cd-image-touch17:56
ricmmthere was just miscommunication, there was no ened to release as it hadnt landed17:56
asacsil2100: we did the best we could then :)17:56
mhall119yay, apt-get dist-upgrade and a reboot, now powering off the screen works17:56
asacricmm: but there is a fix in a MP?17:56
* sil2100 thought that Unity8 had different things17:56
sil2100For release that is17:56
asacprobably, but we wouldnt have scheduled it todeay17:56
asacif it wasnt this messaging menu issue17:57
karniHi guys. How can I enable ssh on utouch for run_on_device from unity8 to work?17:57
karniroot@ubuntu-phablet:/etc/init# rm ssh.override17:57
karnirm: cannot remove 'ssh.override': Device or resource busy17:57
ricmmasac: no, there is no fix anywhere, it wasnt resolved on friday17:57
ricmmgerry is working on it today17:57
asaccome back then once yhou have the fix :)17:57
asacnot you, but gerry and Saviq and kgunn17:57
asacat least we moved more late4st stuff in then17:57
ricmmwho scheduled it for relese?17:57
asaclets move on17:57
bnjmnmhall119: I specified "grouper" on `phablet-flash cdimage-touch -b -d grouper`, without specifying it does not work17:57
asacricmm: the techlead/manager of the component17:58
asacricmm: asks17:58
ricmmyea, at least other stuff got released17:58
ricmmits never a no-op17:58
sil2100Ok, so I prepare for publishing17:58
asacso saviq and kgunn would ask if they want a new unity8 landing17:58
Saviqkarni, you on read-only image maybe?17:58
mhall119bnjmn: sounds like it might be the new (2013) Nexus 717:58
mhall119which isn't supported17:58
asacsil2100: right. do that and lets kick an image once its in17:58
Saviqasac, can we just say "yes" implicitly17:58
asacSaviq: no17:58
asacSaviq: without reason lots of stuff lands before17:59
asacSaviq: if yuou fix the messaging menu i want to land it early17:59
bnjmnmhall119: I don't think so, friend had Ubuntu-touch working, said it needed an update and now I'm worried I've bricked it17:59
karniSaviq: aye, had to fix that. will reboot now, I think that'll help ;) thanks17:59
tedgbfiller, The current desktop file for the music-app doesn't have a %u in its Exec line.  Is that on the TODO list?17:59
mhall119bnjmn: Nexus devices are pretty darn hard to brick17:59
Saviqkarni, cheers17:59
asacSaviq: above was not "if", but "if and when"17:59
mhall119bnjmn: even if something went wrong, it should be possible to recover17:59
bnjmnmhall119: well, that's good news18:00
Saviqasac, I just have no way to distinguish between "yes, we want it in the image" and "no, we don't want it in the image"18:00
Saviqasac, everything we do we want in the image18:00
asacSaviq: the messaging indicator fix would be great18:00
mhall119bnjmn: if you hold power + both volume keys, can you get it into fastboot mode?18:00
asacthe rest will probably get in soon enough anyway18:00
kgunnSaviq: asac is the only one that might say "no" when you put it in the "landing ask" sheet18:00
asacwhen we try mir18:00
bfillertedg: don't know, popey can we make sure to get this on the music-app list ASAP so it can support being launched from the lens?18:01
bfillerpopey: see above from tedg18:01
* popey looks18:01
popeytedg: why does it need it? (excuse ignorance)18:01
stgrabermfisch: I found the bug, I'm very surprised nobody noticed it earlier though, I guess we're not removing that many files...18:01
mhall119tedg: file a bug on lp:music-app and I'm sure it'll be added quickly18:01
Saviqkgunn, asac, and is the process that we merge everything in trunk, and keep a list of "not yet landed" changes in the spreadsheet, and once we land it we clear the spreadsheet again?18:01
mhall119popey: in order to open the music-app to play a specific song18:02
stgrabermfisch: I'll test a fix, if that works, I'll push to the android branch, but it'll take a while until you get an image with the fix...18:02
Saviqwhere landing means promoting from saucy-proposed to saucy, as far as I understand?18:02
bfillerpopey: so that other apps and lens can launch it via url handler18:02
popeymhall119: I'll do it tedg18:02
mfischstgraber: thanks, I'll test again the next time we have an update18:02
sil2100asac: unity8 and sdk published18:02
mhall119popey: it needs both the %u on the Exec line of the .desktop, and it needs to use the Arguments API used to read and open that music file18:02
tedgpopey, So that it can get "music-app file:///home/ted/Music/CAKE/Fashion_Nugget/13_-_Italian_Leather_Sofa.mp3" and that works :-)18:02
popeygot it18:02
asacsil2100: cool. can you keep an eye on proposed18:03
* kgunn waits for asac to answer Saviq18:03
bnjmnmhall119: yep, it lists "grouper", HW version "ER3", bootloader "4.18", Baseband v. "N/A", Signing "not deinfed yet", Lock State "UNLOCKED", etc ...18:03
kgunnmakes sense to me18:03
stgrabermfisch: chances are it's going to be much later than that. My best guess is 2-3 days18:03
bfillertedg: will the url that is passed to the app still be a file url even if the handler will need music://xxxxxx18:03
stgrabermfisch: though file addition and changes should be fine till then, it's only file removal that's affected18:03
bfillertedg: same question for media-player app18:03
mfischstgraber: ok, thats fine, we dont have anything to delete ATM18:03
sil2100asac: sure18:03
mhall119bnjmn: cool, now while it's in that state you should be able to run phablet-flash on it again18:03
tedgbfiller, No, it'll be the same URL I'm passed, which today looks like it'll be a file:// URL18:03
asacSaviq: for minor stuff just put a landing request in every other day or so (unless you already have one in)18:03
mhall119bnjmn: just "phablet-flash ubuntu-system"18:04
karniSaviq: :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/6116015/18:04
asacSaviq: like "unity8 bugfixes"18:04
mhall119or "phablet-flash cdimage-touch"18:04
asacSaviq: for visible features make an explicit request18:04
Saviqkarni, is it actually mounted rw?18:04
Saviqasac, and that means promoting from saucy-proposed to saucy?18:04
bfillertedg: so the caller who wants to invoke the music app would pass you what specifically?18:04
karniSaviq: how would I check that.. ?18:04
Saviqkarni, output of `mount`18:05
asacSaviq: not sure what you mwan. you basically ask for us to ensure your latest trunk stuff gets into the archive/image18:05
tedgbfiller, Just a sec, let me get a link.18:05
asacwe land that in saucy-proposed and ensure it gets into saucy then for you18:06
stgrabermfisch: root@ubuntu-phablet:/# ls -l /usr/share/backgrounds/InTouchWallpaper.png18:06
stgraberls: cannot access /usr/share/backgrounds/InTouchWallpaper.png: No such file or directory18:06
asacSaviq: we are working on refining this process, so yes its a bit odd18:06
asacand anti-CI18:06
karniSaviq: sysfs is rw http://paste.ubuntu.com/6116024/18:06
tedgbfiller, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ted/url-dispatcher/music-video-urls/view/head:/service/dispatcher.c#L9718:06
tedgbfiller, Basically satisfy those Regex's18:06
asacSaviq: it will soon be better for those that have CI and proper testing if nothing goes wrong18:06
karniCan't rm /etc/init/ssh.override18:06
mfischstgraber: good, want me to try it also?18:07
bnjmnmhall119: hmmm, that doesn't seem to work. "error: device not found", previously I've successfully run `phablet-flash` while the device is in recovery mode (not fastboot)18:07
asacSaviq: just for now let us know once you feel you accumulate stuff that hasn't make it in the image and of course always if you land a new feature18:07
mfischif it's in the touch scrpit I can rebuild the initrd and try it18:07
asacSaviq: kgunn: does that answer sufficiently satisfy you for a couple days? :)18:07
stgrabermfisch: testing the fix involves manual patching of the recovery image, but the fix was very simple and pretty obvious, I just can't believe I never noticed that problem before18:07
sergiusenscyphermox, can you daily release phablet-tools?18:07
stgrabermfisch: http://phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb?p=CyanogenMod/android_bootable_recovery.git;a=blobdiff;f=system-image-upgrader;h=035625b1bc5e0b4580c85b2998d96ca8d6f11851;hp=d8ef62b43a539148bd4faaf2b2076a83949add1c;hb=69f5587f6843126b7a6af29880d75097dbb3a7a7;hpb=a51672467e2bcc6b686cdbd2b75ae064930feebd18:08
karniSaviq: gotta run. I'll try to fight it later this evening. o/18:08
Saviqkarni, o/18:08
mfischstgraber: thanks, will try after lunch18:08
stgrabermfisch: basically the removed file processing was only done on full images which doesn't make any sense since it's the one case where it's pointless, so the logic was reversed...18:08
stgraberrsalveti: can I get a new android tarball published to /export on phablet.u.c?18:08
Saviqasac, ok, so just instead of quarternouly release, we're doing on-demand release, is that what you're saying?18:08
mhall119bnjmn: try "fastboot reboot recovery"?18:09
Saviqasac, and is that just for promoting from -proposed, or for quarternouly release to happen?18:09
rsalvetistgraber: it should automatically start one in 1 minute18:09
stgrabermfisch: unfortunately that means we've got cruft on all our existing devices... so I'll get the fix pushed through, then I'll have system-image.u.c force all our current users to do a full update so that we clean up any extra files from their device18:09
stgraberrsalveti: neat!18:09
asacSaviq: exactly18:10
bfillertedg: ok, btw line 112 should be dialer-app not telephony-app18:10
mfischstgraber: glad we caught this now18:10
asacSaviq: currently yhou have to ask18:10
tedgbfiller, Ah, cool.  Will fix18:10
asacSaviq: feel free to ask us multiple times a day :)... we pull you on the first moment possible18:10
stgrabermfisch: yeah, I'd have preferred to notice it a couple weeks ago, but better now than post-release...18:10
asacwe surealy wont land you multiple times a day for now though18:10
Saviqasac, sorry, which one? I shouldn've have asked "that or that"...18:10
bfillertedg: and as we discussed last week, think we need an application://<app-id> for generic launching of apps by id18:10
timpasac: will you take care of a uitk release? it is eod for me now18:11
tedgbfiller, yeah, that's there, it's just handled as a special case down bellow18:11
tedgbfiller, What we need to add is partial AppID's, ones without version numbers.18:11
bnjmnmhall119: that doesn't work, I can `fastboot reboot` or manually select "recovery mode" on the device but `fastboot reboot recovery` doesn't work18:11
=== dandrader|lunch is now known as dandrader
asacSaviq: its 'on demand'18:12
asacSaviq: 'on ask'18:12
asactimp: its on its way in18:12
mhall119bnjmn: do that then, once you're in recovery re-phablet-flash it18:12
Saviqasac, release, that is?18:12
timpasac: great, thanks!18:13
bfillertedg: so how would I launch the camera app from the gallery app? what would be the scheme and url18:13
asacSaviq: release to archive/image... yes18:13
mhall119bnjmn: did it have Ubuntu on it before you started, or was it back to android?18:13
bnjmnmhall119: In recovery, I get get an error (one sec to post)18:13
tedgbfiller, Assuming non-click, it'd be: application:///camera-app.desktop18:13
bnjmnmhall119: it had Ubuntu on it before18:13
tedgbfiller, The regex is here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ted/url-dispatcher/music-video-urls/view/head:/service/dispatcher.c#L23618:13
bfillertedg: I see, what about for click?18:14
mhall119bnjmn: does it show up if you run "adb devices"?18:14
tedgbfiller, Then it's got to be the full AppID, like $(pkg)_$(app)_$(version)18:14
bnjmnmhall119: yep, says its in recovery18:15
bnjmnmhall119: here is the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/6116041/18:15
tedgbfiller, And I think that's where we have to get a bit smarter18:15
bfillertedg: got it, makes sense18:15
mhall119bnjmn: hmmm, make sure you have the latest phablet-tools package18:15
mhall119other than that, I'm not sure why it doesn't recognize it if it is a grouper device18:15
asactimp: i assume there is noone in sdk team who can help in case there is something bad (unexpectedly?)18:16
asacin US time?18:16
bnjmnmhall119: I updated them today18:16
sil2100I guess timp is AFK now18:16
asacsil2100: thats fine18:16
mhall119sergiusens: ogra_: maybe one of you can help bnjmn?  I'm out of ideas18:16
asacsil2100: do you trhink kenvandine and cyphermox can prep the apps?18:16
mhall119sergiusens: ogra_: he has a nexus 7 that identifies itself as grouper, but phablet-flash doesn't recognize as such18:17
asackenvandine: cyphermox: can you prep the apps ffrom the spreadsheet?18:17
asacsil2100: ^^18:17
bnjmnmhall119: thanks for trying18:17
sergiusensbnjmn, mhall119 if you are in recovery you need to add -d [device]18:18
asacthat and the seed change for landing MTP is supposed to go in once we see the image for the last unity8 push18:18
sil2100asac: I can fire up the stack right now18:18
sil2100And see how it goes18:18
asacsil2100: you rock18:18
asacsergiusens: python-autopilot ... that one still needs FFe?18:18
asacsergiusens: whats the status?18:18
sergiusensasac, thomi was handling the FFe18:18
thomisergiusens: asac: it's already landed18:19
asacthomi: ^^ ... any progress? want to update the landing page18:19
bnjmnsergiusens: running `phablet-flash ubuntu-system -d grouper` now18:19
thomiI got the FFE, and pushed the button18:19
asacthomi: where?18:19
thomiasac: in distro18:19
asacthomi: where did you land it?18:19
asacthomi: err18:19
thomiasac: lp:autopilot/1.318:19
asacthomi: you directly upload without going through CI>?18:19
asacthomi: in future, dont do that anymore18:19
timpasac: no, we are all in Europe. I may be around for another 90m, but not really able to work on anything.18:19
thomiasac: no, it went through CI18:19
asacthomi: this feels like has impact on touch image and infrastructrue18:19
asacthomi: those we coordinate here: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au6idq7TkpUUdGNWb0tTVmJLVzFZd0doV3dVOGpWemc#gid=118:19
asacthomi: go through your lead18:19
asacto get it on the list18:20
thomiasac: I DID18:20
asacthomi: you use the CI system on your own?18:20
asacthomi: you didnt get a slot18:20
asacthomi: you landed without being scheduled18:20
thomiasac: *everything* in autopilot lands with the CI system. Autopilot is not in "ask mode"18:20
asacthomi: right. put it in ask mode18:20
asacunless its not the autopilot we use in images18:21
sergiusensasac, land in trunk is different than land as package18:21
sergiusensasac, I thought package was in ask mode, not trunk18:21
sil2100asac: what about messaging-app? We want that released as well?18:21
asacsergiusens: thomi said it landed in distro18:21
asacnot sure how trunk lands in distro without package18:21
thomihasn't it?18:21
sil2100asac: or just the ones you listed?18:21
thomiit usually lands within a few hours18:21
asacbfiller: you didnt ask for messaging-app18:22
asacbfiller: we wanted to land your asks from the top...18:22
asacbfiller: we can add that as well if you feel its good in trunk18:22
asacthomi: dunno. it shouldnt be in auto landing mode i hope18:22
ogra_the last autopilot package landed friday18:22
bfillerasac: about to test some final MR's that need to land on messaging app18:23
asacthomi: nothing lands automatically anymore ... so unless you published from the daily-release stack its not in :)18:23
bfillerasac: should be ready to go after that MR lands18:23
sergiusensogra_, that's probably the one I requested on the list with the Recommends/Depends change18:23
asacbfiller: ok, lets skip it then ... if it comes in 15 minutes or so18:23
sil2100asac: so for now without it I guess18:23
thomiasac: I have no idea about what happens downstream - that's someone else's concern. I got the FFE and landed it in trunk.18:23
dobeydoes anyone know if 2013 nexus 7 has a different "boot into bootloader" process than the older nexus 7?18:23
asacsil2100: right18:23
asacthomi: right. hence i asked if you landed it on trunk18:23
asacthomi: so no :)18:23
bfillerasac: ok, will let you know. if not we get it in the next time apps refreshed18:23
sergiusensxnox, I just setup a new schroot for xcompile and seeing a lot of cmake issues I didn't see before18:23
asacthomi: just confusion18:23
ogra_sergiusens, yeah, so thomi's change isnt landed in the archive18:23
asacthomi: sergiusens: so its ready now? then we can update comment18:24
asacand weill look at it tomorrow morning18:24
asacwhere to land it18:24
thomiin general we're releasing a bunch of bugfixes to AP that will land in saucy. If we have to go through some big process every time I fix a bug then this is going to get painful very quickly18:24
ejb_Hello. I'm trying to flash Ubuntu on a Nexus 7. I've copied the file "saucy-preinstalled-touch-armel+grouper.zip" to autodeploy.zip. After I run the command "adb reboot recovery", all I get is a sick Android (the robot with the ! above him). What am I missing.18:25
xnoxsergiusens: interesting, please pastebin $ dpkg -l & your errors.18:26
xnoxsergiusens: everything but friends plugin should work just fine.18:26
* ogra_ goes afk to fight jetlag 18:27
rickspencer3kgunn, ralsina I'm having the empty Installed apps scope bug right now18:28
rickspencer3bug #122539118:28
ubot5bug 1225391 in unity-lens-applications (Ubuntu) "Installed Applications is blank after doing a search" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122539118:28
asacsil2100: do you need me in next 30 minutes? i will get some dinner going if not18:28
rickspencer3anything I can do to help debug?18:28
ralsinarickspencer3: we should check to see it it crashed18:29
sil2100asac: I guess not, I think I'll have to do a small hack to only release those few apps18:29
asacsil2100: i guess its just sitting and waiting if we make it to and from proposed18:29
sil2100But I'll manage18:29
rickspencer3ralsina, just tell me what to do18:29
ralsinarickspencer3: (which I am at a blank on how to do right now)18:29
asacsil2100: and see if the apps now flow nicely18:29
ralsinarickspencer3: so give me 5' ;-)18:29
asacsil2100: ok... before you drop off, definitely quickly ping me :)18:29
* rickspencer3 looks in /var/crash18:29
asacfor handover to ken/cypher\18:29
davmor2rsalveti: nice18:29
rickspencer3nothing in there from today18:30
ralsinaoh great adb shell crashes18:30
greybackasac: this is a working fix for the messaging indicator being missing: https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/indicator-messages.icon-fix/+merge/18555218:32
greybackI've reviewed and approved it18:32
sil2100greyback: uh oh! \o/18:32
ricmmasac: should land in ~1 hr to trunk unity8, then will need release18:33
ralsinarickspencer3: is click-scope running?18:33
mhall119rickspencer3: is yours a duplicate of mine? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/122144418:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1221444 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Empty categories in Applications lens" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:33
kgunnrickspencer3: "empty" apps installed in the app view seems to be happening regardless of surf flinger or mir18:34
rickspencer3ralsina, let me look18:34
kgunnjust sharing18:34
rickspencer3root@ubuntu-phablet:/var/crash# ps -A | grep click-scope18:34
rickspencer3so looks like not18:34
bnjmnsergiusens: I ran the update (`phablet-flash ubuntu-system -d grouper`) but still have same issue. Only boots to black "Google" screen.18:35
bnjmnAny other ideas?18:35
rickspencer3ralsina, what is the process name?18:35
bfillerasac: just added a request to line 6 of sheet for history-service and messaging-app. messaging-app should be merging anytime now as just approved the MR. history-service already merged18:35
asacbfiller: sorry, can you make a new entry18:35
asacwe already have the other in process and now i dont know what we landed18:36
bfillerasac: I did, line 618:36
asacbfiller: that was a new line?18:36
ralsinarickspencer3: click-scope18:36
asacbfiller: thats ok18:36
bfilleryes, inserted it18:36
bfillershould I put at end instead?18:36
om26ertedg, hello18:37
jonoSaviq, hey, have you seen https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1226187 ?18:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1226187 in Unity 8 "Unity gets stuck on Home Scope and can't switch to other scopes" [Undecided,New]18:37
asacbfiller: its fine... we move it if we cant pick it up18:37
rickspencer3ralsina, then it looks like it is not running18:37
Saviqjono, yes, we were unable to reproduce18:37
asacbfiller: both need to go in together? if so ping sil if both are done18:37
tedgHowdy om26er18:37
ralsinarickspencer3: ok, the problem is that it's not restarting18:37
asacbfiller: sil2100 and me at bets18:37
om26ertedg, I reported bug 1226145 does that sound like something in indicator-network to figure or is it deeper in the stack ?18:37
rickspencer3ralsina, nothing with "click" or "scope" seems to be running18:37
ubot5bug 1226145 in indicator-network (Ubuntu) "Network indicator says 'No Signal' when the phone is started" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122614518:37
ejb_hello everyone18:37
jonoSaviq, so I think it is when you try to launch a click app and the click app doesn't load18:37
Saviqjono, but will look again tomorrow when dednick comes back - he's the only one that has a Nexus718:37
jonoSaviq, I have this on a N418:37
Saviqjono, oh ok, same steps?18:38
ralsinarickspencer3: nothing with scope? not even unity-scope-home?18:38
sergiusensxnox, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6116145/18:38
rickspencer3ralsina, oops, I stand corrected18:38
sergiusensxnox, lp:~sergiusens/camera-app/click18:38
ralsinarickspencer3: phew ;-)18:38
rickspencer3root@ubuntu-phablet:/var/crash# ps -A | grep scope18:38
rickspencer3 2155 ?        00:00:02 unity-scope-hom18:38
rickspencer3 2179 ?        00:00:02 unity-scope-loa18:38
rickspencer3 4653 ?        00:00:00 unity-scope-loa18:38
ralsinarickspencer3: ok, so no click-scope, it seems it either is failing to start or crashed and is not restarted, or killed and not restarted18:39
jonoSaviq, so I just tried to load Karma Machine which doesn't load at all and then tried to run something else (I can't remember what) which gave a manifest error when loading and then I was stuck in the Home Scope18:39
jonoSaviq, rebooting to reproduce18:39
davmor2rsalveti, cyphermox: do you still need a log from me or is rsalveti 's enough?18:39
sil2100asac, bfiller: ok, give me a ping once messaging-app merge gets in and I'll re-spin everything18:39
Saviqjono, it feels like bug #1221137 and bug #1224186 are related18:40
ubot5bug 1221137 in Unity 8 "[dash] open preview disables scrolling in all scopes" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122113718:40
ubot5bug 1224186 in Unity 8 "screen lock while viewing a preview page causes device to be stuck on Home scope upon waking" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122418618:40
asacsil2100: respin everything?18:40
bfillersil2100: will do18:40
asacsil2100: ok. only if thats quick and doesnt make you do even more overhours :)18:40
jonoSaviq, that sounds familiar18:40
bfillersil2100: it can wait till next run if that's easier18:40
jonoSaviq, aha!18:40
Saviqjono, yeah, bug #1221137 has easy steps to repro18:40
jonoI just looked at a preview and locked the screen and stuck on Home View18:41
sil2100bfiller: how long till it gets merged approx?18:41
jonoSaviq, so I think 1224186 is the one18:41
om26ertedg, thoughts ? :)18:41
Saviqjono, ok, I'll mark as dupe, we'll see if you can repro when fixed, ok?18:41
bfillersil2100: I guess that depends on jenkins, top approved 8 mins ago https://code.launchpad.net/~tiagosh/messaging-app/add-quicksearch/+merge/18439118:42
bfilleractually I just top approved18:42
jonothanks Saviq, perfect18:42
rickspencer3ralsina, so, how can I help?18:42
rickspencer3try to find repro steps, I guess?18:43
=== bfiller is now known as bfiller_brb
ralsinarickspencer3: yeah, no idea how to go further without an actual crash18:43
jonoralsina, are you aware of many click apps not loading?18:43
ralsinarickspencer3: I'll poke randomly to see if I can make it happen18:43
Saviqjono, I can't reproduce it on nexus4, though...18:43
tedgom26er, Yeah, I think that's probably an ofono or android backend issue.18:43
rickspencer3ralsina, I theorize that a comibination of searching and running click apps may be involved18:43
tedgom26er, I'd ping awe_ on it.18:44
ralsinajono: I am vaguely aware, but have not followed up on that today yet18:44
=== ejat- is now known as ejat
om26ertedg, bug 1226197 is something that's clearly in the indicator though (just reported)18:47
davmor2jono: if you restart your phone do they start up then?  I think I was able to reproduce on one of the gplus apps but not the other18:47
ubot5bug 1226197 in indicator-network (Ubuntu) "Network menu shows wireless networks even the switch is off" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122619718:47
om26erawe_, hello18:47
om26erawe_, when my phone starts it shows 'No Signal' for a few seconds after the boot hence the phone (calling/messaging) does not work for a few seconds18:48
om26erawe_, bug 122614518:48
ubot5bug 1226145 in indicator-network (Ubuntu) "Network indicator says 'No Signal' when the phone is started" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122614518:48
davmor2om26er: which one is wireless network I never see it :D  For me the 3g one is always infront of it18:48
om26erdavmor2, damn I meant wifi network :/18:48
awe_om26er, it take a few moments for the modem to come to life18:48
om26erdavmor2, thanks, I'll update the bug :)18:48
awe_tedg, does the indicator blindly try to read the signal strength, or does it check that the modem is online first?18:49
davmor2om26er: for me it is that 3g is always on display even if the wifi is connected18:49
om26erawe_, right, maybe the OS should wait to show unity till the modem is fully up and running then ? which package you think this bug should be moved to?18:49
tedgawe_, It checks that it has the connection object and that's valid.  Then it shows the cell strength in that object18:50
davmor2om26er: however if you goto settings cellular and disable the 3g in there the wifi is then presented correctly :)18:50
awe_tedg, the signal strength is actually a property of the NetworkRegistration object.  Perhaps you need to add some logic to not show "No Signal" if the modem isn't active yet?18:52
awe_tedg, when the phone is first starting, it's a different situation than losing signal later on18:52
awe_om26er, I saw "No signal" displayed for maybe 1-2 seconds18:53
awe_so while I agree this should be fixed, I don't think it's super critical18:53
tedgawe_, Hmm, mpt, thoughts? ^18:53
om26erawe_, for me it takes ~20 seconds often. though its random18:53
tedgNot sure it's really a different state.  I mean, you have "No Signal".  Even if you're just booting.18:53
awe_om26er, have you updated/installed today's image yet?  9/14 was a long time ago in touch-time18:54
om26erawe_, on some reboot I don't even see the 'No Signal' message at all and the phone runs just fine18:54
om26erawe_,  I am 14.1 of ubuntu-system18:54
om26erawe_, that's what we should be testing, right? The stable channel18:55
awe_om26er, yes...18:55
awe_I'm always running bleeding edge18:55
stgraberxnox: FYI I'll be updating a new snapshot of android in the next few minuts18:55
davmor2awe_: you can't be bleeding nexus maybe, edge didn't meet the target :'(18:56
davmor2awe_: couldn't resist sorry, I tried too :)18:58
awe_om26er, could you update the bug to describe that the problem doesn't always occur?19:00
om26erawe_, yes I will do that now.19:00
awe_right now it reads that every time you reboot, 'No Signal' is always displayed for 20-30 seconds19:00
bnjmnsergiusens: I tried running `phablet-flash cdimage-touch` and everything seemed fine until final reboot. However, it seems like it can't mount sdcard and eventually aborts installation19:03
sergiusensbnjmn, do a --bootstrap19:03
bnjmn*`phablet-flash cdimage-touch -d grouper`19:03
bnjmnsergiusens: what's the full command?19:04
sergiusensbnjmn, add --bootstrap to that19:04
bnjmnthanks, trying it now19:04
jonodavmor2, yep19:07
jonoralsina, yep, a bunch of click apps are in the store but not starting19:07
ralsinajono: ok, I'll check that out in a bit19:08
jonothanks ralsina19:08
sil2100Jenkins is taking its sweet time...19:09
popeyjono: such as?19:10
jonopopey, Karma Machine19:11
jonoralsina, rickspencer3 is there a bug for click apps that won't start?19:12
jonoI would like to have a bug to say which ones don't run19:12
jonoI will file it if not19:12
rickspencer3jono, yeah, I filed one on Saturday19:12
awe_ted, any plans to fix the Wi-Fi toggle switching being out of sync?19:12
popey-rw-r--r--  1 phablet phablet  497 Sep 16 19:12 com.ubuntu.developer.brianrobles204.karma-machine_KarmaMachine_0.5.desktop19:12
jonorickspencer3, have a link?19:12
awe_tedg, https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/+bug/122033219:12
popeyjono: capital letter in the filename, big no-no19:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1220332 in touch-preview-images "Wi-Fi menu shows incorrect state after flashing" [High,Confirmed]19:12
popeyExec=aa-exec-click -p com.ubuntu.developer.brianrobles204.karma-machine_KarmaMachine_0.5 -- qmlscene $@ KarmaMachine.qml19:13
popeyalso there19:13
jonopopey, can you mail the reviews to ask that they check for these kinds of issues with a little more rigour?19:13
popeyjono: file a bug against karmamachine and tell them to lower-case-ify it19:13
jonopopey, can't we just fix this on the server?19:13
* popey points jono at beuno 19:13
* jono looks at beuno and folds arms19:13
tedgawe_, Can you update that with ubuntu-bug so we can get the upstart logs?19:14
popeyjono: unlikely unless we're in the business of doing sed/awk on peoples code before we publish19:14
rickspencer3jono, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/122538419:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1225186 in Unity 8 "duplicate for #1225384 Launcher icons for click apps not displayed after reboot" [Critical,Fix committed]19:14
beunojono, popey, yeah, we're not going to be running apps before they upload19:14
awe_tedg, do you have a phone?  It's super easy to reproduce19:14
beunowe'll automate as much as we can19:14
beunoand the rest, reviews should burry them19:15
rickspencer3jono, it was erroneously marked as a dupe19:15
* rickspencer3 fixes19:15
tedgawe_, Okay19:16
awe_I'll run ubuntu-bug, but it happens 100% of the time for me19:17
cjwatsonpopey: capital letters are supposed to be permitted there19:17
cjwatsonpopey: not an app bug, a bug in whatever's consuming it and breaking19:17
cjwatsonjono: ^-19:17
cjwatsonjono: please don't file a bug on karmamachine for this, it's not their problem19:18
Saviqricmm, hmmm is ubuntumirserver QPA used for anything still?19:18
popeyuntil a fix exists for whatever consumes that, the app is broken though.19:18
awe_tedg, which upstarts logs do you want?  ubuntu-bug <bug #> doesn't work, cause it doesn't find any crash files19:18
Saviqricmm, it's not set in the unity8 upstart session, but then it's being compared to in unity8's main()?19:18
cjwatsonpopey: honestly, how hard can it be to fix the consumer?19:18
popeynot knowing the code, pass.19:19
tedgawe_, Hmm, odd.  I want ~/.cache/upstart/indicator-network.log19:19
awe_tedg, probably because it's not affecting indicator-network19:19
cjwatsonpopey: I don't want to have incorrect memes leaking out to app authors ...19:19
jcbjoehi all i have a question .. im trying to build ubuntu-touch .. it gives me errors on some dependnacies ie libncurses5-dev .. its installed already but it still for some reason isn't installing .. any ideas ?19:19
cjwatsonthey'll be a right pain to shift later19:19
cjwatsonasac: permission to upload http://paste.ubuntu.com/6116310/ ?19:20
popeyok. well over the weekend we had numerous apps posted to the store before a 1AM UK deadline and we had nobody around to own the issue and fix it19:20
popeyso the workaround was to lower-case the apps19:20
popeyif there's a better fix, then I'd be interested to get that in ASAP19:20
cjwatsonpopey: do we have a traceback or logs or something of whatever's going wrong?19:21
jcbjoei figured it out19:21
popeyQXcbConnection: Could not connect to display19:21
popeythats all I get from qmlscene when trying to start such an app19:22
awe_ted, added an affects distro to indictor-network, still doesn't make ubuntu-bug work; log attached to the bug19:22
awe_oh, see you did the same19:23
cjwatsonpopey: I get a segfault19:23
bnjmnsergiusens: still having the same problem (even with --bootstrap).19:23
popeysudo aa-exec-click -p com.ubKarmaMachine.qmlrianrobles204.karma-machine_KarmaMachine_0.5 -- qmlscene $@ K19:23
popeythat's what I did19:23
bnjmnSeems unable to mount /sdcard in all cases19:23
asaccjwatson: i think you can better assess what the regresison impact on our autopilot tests might be19:23
mterrybzoltan, I'd like your opinion on https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.saucy-noaudioengine/+merge/185568 when you get a chance19:24
asaccjwatson: if you know its zero go ahead... if you dont know you can check locally by running a few19:24
jonocjwatson, I agree, I don't think a bug needs filing there either19:24
cjwatsonasac: is there a doc somewhere for running them?19:24
cjwatsonpopey: sudo is inappropriate, surely19:24
cjwatsonand that's probably why it can't talk to the display19:24
popeyoh yes.19:25
cjwatsonanyway, I have a crash file here, will debug as soon as I get a chance19:25
popeyso yes, I too get segfault19:25
asaccjwatson: i think there is a doc but i dont know where... its simple: phablet-flash -> make RW -> phablet-network (to setup network) -> phablet-test-run -p AUTOPILOT-PACKAGE-NAME autopilot-suite-name19:25
asaccjwatson: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/4259/19:25
jonothanks cjwatson19:26
jonocjwatson, so where should I file the bug?19:26
asaci would suggest to run unity8-autopilot and one or two app autopilots that were green there19:26
jcbjoenew issue .. im adding the touch deevloper tools right .. it says *Note: replace [dist-codename] with precise, quantal, raring or saucy.19:26
jcbjoeim not on ubuntu im on debian19:26
asaccjwatson: oh ... you need to manually unlock the screen for the application autopilots; for unity you have to pass the -n option to phablet-test-run19:26
jcbjoecan i skip that ?19:26
=== bfiller_brb is now known as bfiller
cjohnstonsergiusens: what's the status of the changes to phablet-tools hitting the PPA?19:28
cjwatsonjono: I think it's in qtdeclarative-opensource-src, but how about I take it from here - I've got the crash file and I own the spec saying how click app ids are meant to behave :-)19:28
jonook, thanks cjwatson19:29
cjwatsonasac: OK.  How do I find the suite names?19:30
jonocan you tag it with "avengers"19:30
cjwatsonI assume unity8-autopilot is a package name19:30
cjwatsonjono: Sure.  What's that collecting?19:30
asaccjwatson: yeah its USUALLY, s/-autopilot// and replace - with _19:30
asacso unity8 for unity8-autopilot19:30
jonocjwatson, we set up a team of people using the phone on a daily basis to track regular use bugs19:30
asacand webbrowser_app for webbrowser-app-autopilot19:30
sergiusenscjohnston, waiting for daily release19:31
jonofolks testing are using Ubuntu Touch as their only phone19:31
asaccjwatson: yeah sorry. this will soon be automated so we run all the relevant tests easily19:31
asacwiuth a single command19:31
* sergiusens wishes he could trigger one19:31
sergiusensasac, I need a new phablet-tools daily released ASAP19:31
jonoSaviq, if an indicator does not appear, do I file the bug with unity or the indicator?19:31
jonoI have no messaging menu19:31
cjohnstonsergiusens: can fginther trigger it? ;-) (or show me how)19:32
popeyjono: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/122501719:32
sergiusensasac, if not, everything will break everywhere as the touch_ro backend made a change in their filenaming19:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1225017 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Messaging indicator missing from indicator bar" [Undecided,In progress]19:32
popeyjono: you should check out the avengers bugs dude ㋛19:32
dobeysergiusens: hi. i was told you might be able to help. is there any way to flash a new nexus 7 (2013) with ubuntu touch?19:33
sergiusensdobey, if it's not grouper, no19:33
jonopopey, lol19:33
sergiusensdobey, there are no ports for it19:33
bnjmnsergiusens: I'm still having trouble. Can't mount /sdcard . (even with  --bootstrap). Any thing else I should try?19:34
dobeysergiusens: what is grouper?19:34
bnjmndobey, grouper is the code name for the N7 running firmware nakasi (or nakasig)19:35
dobeybeuno: and where can i see that on the device?19:36
beunodobey, what what?19:36
dobeybeuno: err, sorry. bad tab complete19:37
* cjwatson fails to find a whole lot of evidence of autopilot tests actually using click from their console logs, but maybe I'm looking in the wrong place19:37
dobeybnjmn: and where can i see that on the device?19:37
bnjmndobey: I'm probably the wrong person to help (troubleshooting my own issues right now, but) can you access fastboot?19:37
fginthersergiusens, do you know what needs to be retriggered?19:38
thomicjwatson: AFAIK, none of the current AP test suites use click package support, since it hasn't landed yet19:38
dobeybnjmn: yes19:38
cjwatsonasac: ^- I am therefore extremely sceptical that a click upload could possibly break autopilot :-)  (The unity8 tests seem to still work fine, at least)19:38
bnjmndobey: what does Product Name say?19:39
dobeybnjmn: ah, it says flo19:39
asaccjwatson: it might break the scope, which might break unity19:40
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asaccjwatson: i agree its unlikely19:40
asacbut i dont know19:40
asachappy to test your change and have it uploaded19:40
bnjmndobey: there you go. not grouper19:40
asactoday i have no additional testing19:40
cwaynecjwatson: what was the fix for the click apps? system-level hooks run on boot?19:40
asaccjwatson: oh ... for app autopilots you need to unlock the screen19:40
asacbefore running19:41
jcbjoeanyone ?19:41
jcbjoecan you build ubuntu-touch without being on ubuntu .. im on debian19:41
bnjmnAnyone ever have issues mounting `/sdcard` and therefore just getting "Google" screen. I've Re-flashed a dozen times in different ways. Not sure what to try next.19:42
wellsbAny updates on pushing a new version of libaccounts-glib?  (to fix 1220552)19:42
jonojasoncwarner, hey19:44
jonois there any chance we can fix the date/time in the settins19:44
jonoso I can set it19:44
sil2100asac: ubuntu-keyboard tests all failed on my device19:48
sil2100bfiller: do I have to do something specific to run ubuntu-keyboard tests? Do you know?19:48
asaci kind of felt that this might be busted19:48
asacleave it out19:48
asacbfiller: ^^19:48
asacand have bfiller rerequest19:48
sil2100bfiller, asac: I get errors like "Unable to find maliit-server dbus object. Has it been started with introspection enabled?" <- but the keyboard works normally on the system19:48
asacsil2100: lets try to rather take the other big19:48
asacthat he wanted19:48
asacsil2100: yeah that doesnt sound its complete19:48
sil2100asac: ok, waiting for the merge to get in...19:49
bfillersil2100: not sure about the tests, need to ask tmoenicke19:49
bfillersil2100: I think you have to start maliit-server in testability mode19:49
sil2100Let me try that somehow...19:49
bfillersil2100: so "stop maliit-server" and then "maliit-server --testability"19:50
jonoSaviq, I think I have another reproducable way of getting the home scope stuck19:50
jonoload StackBrowser, which currently has an error when you load it with the manifest19:51
jonowhen you tap it it shows the error but tries to show a window19:51
sil2100bfiller: there doesn't seem to be a job to stop for maliit-server on my device it seems19:51
jonoand then go back to the home scope and it is stuck19:51
sil2100And running with --testability causes a SEGFAULT here, hm19:51
bfillersil2100: there is, have to be running as user phablet19:51
popeyjono: how do you mean stuck?19:52
bfillersil2100: sorry it's -testability19:52
jonopopey, you can't navigate to the other scopes19:52
jonoto reproduce, show a preview and then lock the screen19:52
SAIHow many Debice Ubuntu Touch Support?19:52
popeyjono: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-lens-applications/+bug/122540019:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1225400 in unity-lens-applications (Ubuntu) "Cannot get to app scope if you leave it with an app detail screen open" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:53
popeyknown bug ☻19:53
jonopopey, right, but I am saying there is another way of triggering it19:53
jonowhen you get the manifest error19:53
cjwatsoncwayne: Yeah - haven't tried it with /custom/click specifically, but I can see it running the hooks19:53
sil2100Ah, k19:53
jonowithout locking19:53
jonoupdating the bug19:53
bfillersil2100: what command are you using to run the tests?19:53
jonopopey, also, StackBrowser is broken19:53
jonobad manifest19:54
jonocan you check what the issue is?19:54
sil2100bfiller: even when running phablet user stop maliit-server returns stop: Unknown job: maliit-server19:54
bfillersil2100: strange, works fine for me. I am ssh'd in19:54
sil2100asac: ok, the messaging-app merge seems to take AGES to finish, I have no time to wait for that19:55
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bfillersil2100: or edit the upstart file  sudo vi /usr/share/upstart/sessions/maliit-server.conf and add -testability to the exec line and restart19:56
bfillerbut shouldn't have to do that19:56
popeyjono: stackbrowser works here19:56
popeyjono: http://popey.com/~alan/device-2013-09-16-205709.png19:57
jonopopey, hrm19:57
jonodoesn't work on my N419:57
popeyjono: takes a while to start19:57
sil2100asac: ok, that's it for me... let's maybe release those things in the morning20:00
cwaynecjwatson: any idea when the fix would land in an image?20:00
tedgstgraber, Double checking, this is the right fix? https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/url-dispatcher/lib-suggests-service/+merge/18569420:00
asacsil2100: ok20:01
asacsil2100: tell me what is ready20:01
cjwatsoncwayne: Hopefully by tomorrow, I'm just running autopilot tests20:01
asacand good20:01
stgrabertedg: yep, that should be enough to break the dependecy/recommend chain so that indicator-power would only pull the -dev and the library but nothing more20:01
asacsil2100: or what we would need to continue doing20:01
cjwatsoncwayne: But everything's so much on manual that I probably can't give very exact timings20:01
tedgstgraber, Great, thanks!20:01
cwaynecjwatson: okay, but then this week is a reasonable expectation then20:01
Saviqjono, yeah, works here, too20:02
bfillersil2100: the only thing in ubuntu-keyboard-tests is /usr/bin/ubuntu-keyboard-benchmark and it works on my system20:04
asacsil2100: so where do the other landings stand?20:04
bfillersil2100: what were you trying to run?20:04
asacsil2100: the sdk and unity landings. ..are those in the archive?20:04
sil2100asac: unity8 is in the archive, UITK is still in -proposed it seems20:06
asacsil2100: what makes it stick?20:07
sil2100asac: not sure... as for the apps you mentioned to release, ubuntu-keyboard I would say is not entirely ready, but I could publish address-book, dialer-app and and the address-book-service, just need to finish testing on the device20:08
cjwatsonThe last run was waiting for an autopkgtest20:08
sil2100But the stack is ready for release20:08
cjwatsonBut that test finished recently so I think it should migrate next run20:08
bnjmnHey guys. This is what I get after phlashing http://imagebin.org/27110320:08
cjwatsonIf it doesn't, I'll poke it20:09
sil2100cjwatson: thanks!20:09
WACOMaltHello, I am wondering if there is a version past the developer preview available for galaxy nexus?20:09
asacsil2100: we need to get uitk in20:09
asacsil2100: please asses what needs to get done and then i will carry that forward whne you are gone20:09
cjwatsonasac: I'll make sure uitk lands20:10
sil2100asac: cjwatson is on it20:10
asaccjwatson: ok. whats the prob?20:10
cjwatsonI said just above20:11
asaccjwatson: ignore that question. let me know once its in, so we can have a new image20:11
cjwatson21:08 <cjwatson> The last run was waiting for an autopkgtest20:11
cjwatson21:08 <cjwatson> But that test finished recently so I think it should migrate next run20:11
sil2100asac: shit... dialer-app tests also failing for me20:12
sil2100asac: MismatchError: After 10.0 seconds test on KeypadEntry.value failed: u'123' != dbus.String(u'', variant_level=1)20:13
asacsil2100: maybe it expects the new keyboard?20:14
sil2100asac: I think it has a built-in keypad20:14
asacbfiller: ok to just push addrss-book and addressbook service?20:14
asacsil2100: i assume you retried?20:14
bfillerdialer does not need new keyboard20:14
asacsil2100: then go for just for those address-* ones if the retry fails20:15
sil2100Retried... maybe I'm doing something wrong? But it starts the app without pressing anything, just times out20:15
sil2100On desktop it was fine20:15
Saviqfginther, mediumtests-touch got somewhat queued?20:16
cjwatsonshould I be concerned about autopilot tests failing with "unknown option -- t" (continuing with one "unknown option" for each of the letters in "testability")?20:16
* sil2100 is wating for a merge to go in but mediumtests didn't even start for the branch20:16
thomicjwatson: no20:16
asacsil2100: right. ignore. bfiller can work on that20:16
thomicjwatson: it's a longstanding issue in qt somewhere, but it still loads the testability library just fine20:16
cjwatsonmaybe that isn't the failure then20:17
thomicjwatson: it just barfs some noise on stdout, that's all20:17
cjwatsonoh, indeed20:17
cjwatsonthomi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6116464/20:17
asacyeah, just wait for the final result count :) ... only failures there are worrying20:17
cjwatsonI can see it launching the app on screen so I don't think I've broken anything fundamental, but would be nice to have a clean run20:18
thomicjwatson: it looks to me like it never starts playing the media20:18
thomicjwatson: MismatchError: After 10.0 seconds test on MainView.isPlaying failed: True != dbus.Boolean(False, variant_level=1)20:18
sil2100bfiller: did you try running the dialer-app tests on mako?20:19
bfillersil2100: I only have maguro. I can try there20:19
cjwatsonthis is on grouper; is autopilot known-busted there?20:20
thomicjwatson: no, there are no known autopilot issues that would cause test failures20:20
badger89hi i need a help with flashing n720:21
cjwatsonI'll reflash and try clean20:21
sil2100asac: in the meantime, I publish only the address-book parts20:21
sil2100asac: can you note all that somewhere?20:21
asacsil2100: sure, so we landed address-book and address-book-servie?20:22
badger89is there a problem with flashing and android 4.3? i followed the wiki and i got an error at the phablet-flash stage20:22
asacthe rest is out?20:22
Saviqtvoss__, still a link failure on https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/qtubuntu/qtubunturl/+merge/18175220:23
fgintherSaviq, yes, things are backed up today, just lots of mps20:24
Saviqfginther, hanks20:24
cjwatsonasac,sil2100: ubuntu-ui-toolkit landed by itself, as predicted; it's publishing to release now20:25
asaccjwatson: already in madison? or rather wait 5 more minutes?20:25
asacstgraber: you wanted to do the first image kick, right?20:26
asaconce ui-toolkit is in, we want that20:26
cjwatsonstgraber's action is for after the image is built, I believe20:26
sil2100asac: published address-book and address-book-service, should be in -proposed soon20:26
sil2100I go now, time to sleep20:26
sil2100See you tomorrow!20:26
asacsil2100: thanks a bunch!!20:26
asacwell done20:26
thomiSaviq: so I'm unable to reproduce your SIGABRT autopilot bug. I wonder if unity8 does something strange?20:27
Saviqthomi, AFAICT, it just aborts... bug #122622720:27
ubot5bug 1226227 in unity-mir "libmirserver parses arguments and fails if it's not something it understands" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122622720:27
stgraberasac: I want to do the first copy from saucy-proposed to saucy once it's passed all the tests.20:27
asacstgraber: ok gotcha20:27
Saviqthomi, although maybe I just wasn't patient enough, and it was dumping the core...20:28
Saviqthomi, let me try to run it again and let it have its time20:28
thomiSaviq: thanks20:28
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asaccjwatson: so did your testing proof that apps also dont suffer in the end?20:32
asacfor click?20:33
Saviqthomi, nope, it just hangs there...20:33
Saviqthomi, tried os.abort() on the device, too20:33
Saviqthomi, maybe it's qt-backend related...20:33
thomiSaviq: the backend hasn't connected yet though20:34
thomiSaviq: maybe you want to look at my test case? I may be doing something stupi20:34
Saviqthomi, ok, it looks it's not autopilot itself20:34
asaccjwatson: what we expected for SDK/ui-toolkit was:  ubuntu-ui-toolkit, u1db-qt and ubuntu-html5-theme20:34
asaccjwatson: i assume all thsoe went in?20:34
dave_Hello, a quick question: if I enable usb-audio in my grouper/saucy kernel and attach a USB DAC, would Ubuntu Touch user space be able to make use of it?20:35
Saviqdave_, unless jdstrand tells you it's locked down, possibly yes - we're using pulseaudio, and as long as the device is available, I think it should work, diwic could also tell you otherwise if he's around...20:41
Saviqs/he's/he'd be/20:41
dave_Saviq, this is great! I will go ahead and add the driver now. I assume ~/.pulse/daemon.conf is suppoted as on the desktop side, correct? I'll be back with results :)20:47
Saviqdave_, yeah20:47
asacogra_: so think we want a new image started20:54
asacstuff is in that i was waiting for20:54
alesageom26er, ping20:56
om26eralesage, hello20:57
cyphermoxrsalveti: I don't understand that failure, it should never happen20:59
cyphermoxit's like ofono just didn't answer, or something blocked dbus20:59
cyphermoxI'll dig deeper20:59
rsalveticyphermox: yeah20:59
asacsergiusens: seems ogra is not around. afaik you can also kick an image build?21:02
sergiusensasac, yes21:02
asacsergiusens: the unity8 and sdk stuff is finally in, so lets do that then (unless you see something running right now)21:02
sergiusensasac, nothing is running21:03
sergiusensI'll trigger21:03
asacok go ahead21:03
jdstranddave_: as Saviq said, it should just work because of pulseaudio21:09
cwayneasac: would that unity8 that's in have merges from today in?21:11
asaccwayne: unlikely. was a very early cut we did21:12
asaccwayne: check the package version in the archive to know for sure21:12
bnjmnHey guys, before I sign off, any ideas on how to fix Utouch on N7 grouper that won't mount /sdcard ?21:12
bnjmnJust boots to fastboot, recovery or black "Google" screen21:12
bnjmnNo Ubuntu Touch21:12
dave_jdstrand: hi! And because of pulseaudio 24/96 should also work?21:20
jdstranddave_: I don't know what you mean by 24/96, but because pulseaudio is the one accessing the devices and not the app itself, it should work. if you have pulseaudio specific questions, I'll refer you to diwic21:26
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dave_jdstrand: 24 bit 96000 khz audio (not supported by some other OS, so this would be really nice)21:30
jdstrandyeah, that is definitely not a question for me :)21:31
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janimorsalveti, sergiusens are videos playable on the current images? I push the Play button next to the file icon but nothing seems to be happening21:46
janimosame with mp3 files under the Music view21:46
cjwatsonasac: I interrupted testing for family time.  Yes, all those packages went in21:46
asaccjwatson: figured myself. will do so next time as well21:47
asacjust wanted to check if you need help or hit and roadblocks on the testing so we can help or so21:47
asacstgraber: i am about to do the final missing test for 50 locally here on my maguro21:48
asacstgraber: in case thats good, we might want a promotion. is that a valid candidate for testing your code?21:49
asacor do we need something that got built _after_ you transitioned?21:49
timpasac: I see there is an UITK release. thanks21:50
asactimp: yeah. still fighting its way through21:50
asacbut next proposed image has that21:50
timpasac: does CI take the latest image, or the latest released package versions?21:52
asactimp: the daily image smoke dashboard taskes the latest image21:53
stgraberasac: 50 will be fine for the bits I'm the most worried about (re-sync of IDs between the two channels)21:53
timpasac: so would a CI job use the new UITK release now, or should we wait until it is in the image?21:53
timpasac: I mean CI for an MR for an app, for example this one https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/new-panel-api/+merge/18522221:53
asactimp: CI job... meaning upstream merger?21:53
timpasac: it failed so far, but with the new UITK it should work21:53
asactimp: did that one fail because you didnt have the latest?21:53
asactimp: if so, just give it a try.21:53
timpasac: yes, it failed because it used a new function from UITK that was not in the previous release, but is in the new one21:54
asactimp: right. so just retry i guess21:54
asacthen we will know21:54
asaci think it apt-get installs the package on top of latest image21:54
asacthat might bring a new toolkit for you21:54
asacor not ... depending on how the packaging is done really.21:54
timpasac: does the trigger rebuild link there work for you? I guess I don't have my dns or vpn setup correctly now21:54
asactimp: i never did that21:55
asacso ... not sure21:55
timpwell it is not that urgent, can wait till tomorrow21:55
asacok. would love to know what happens :)21:55
timpasac: usually I just do an empty commit to my branches to re-trigger CI, but this is not my branch21:55
plarsstgraber: ping21:55
stgraberplars: pong21:55
plarsstgraber: I'm getting something very strange from your check-latest script21:55
stgraberplars: ah?21:55
plarsstgraber: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6116848/21:56
asacbfiller: can you give an empty commit on the webbrowser-app?21:56
asacbfiller: to test if the uitk is picked up21:56
asacbfiller: see above (timp)21:56
timpasac: it is only for this MR https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/new-panel-api/+merge/18522221:56
timposomon owns that branch21:56
stgraberplars: oh yeah, looks like it got a bit confused, let me patch it up quickly to support both the old and new way of getting that info21:57
plarsstgraber: thanks21:57
asactimp: you could repropose i guess21:57
asacbut well... you can also wait then21:57
timpasac: or someone with a proper vpn setup can "Click here to trigger a rebuild:21:57
asactimp: how do i log in there?21:57
asactimp: "publish again" button?21:58
asacfginther: can you retry the job above?21:58
timpasac: at the bottom of the CI messages on the MR page are links to trigger rebuild21:58
timpI gott go now. cu tomorrow21:58
asactimp: thanks21:58
fgintherasac, timp, yes21:58
rsalvetijanimo: hm, music-app should work, not for video I'm not sure if it's integrated with the file-browser or such21:59
rsalvetias the video lens is empty now21:59
asacpopey: are you using build 50 by coincident :)?22:00
stgraberplars: plars http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-system-image/ubuntu-system-image/server/view/head:/utils/check-latest22:00
popeyasac: nope22:01
janimorsalveti, also how often should the mediascanner service (?) update the views? I adb push files under Music or Video but they do not show up22:01
stgraberplars: basically, new images now store the triplet in the description field and the filenames are now based on sha256 of the source file (to avoid any double import and to speed up processing)22:01
janimowhat triggers a rescan?22:02
rsalvetijanimo: not sure if that is worked as expected yet, let me push some files to check22:02
stgraberplars: the code change I just did isn't ideal as eventually we'll want to use the description field for an actual update description, but by then all of the image pool will have the new json metadata files and I'll be able to change the code to rely on that instead22:02
popeyasac: how can I tell what version I *am* running?22:02
asacpopey: you think its safe to publish it without testing given that we saw just these changes: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/20130916.1.changes ?22:02
stgraberplars: so in short, as long as you use check-latest from that branch, you should be fine :)22:02
asaci feel it is ... we have same pass rate on dashboard etc.22:02
popeyasac: I am flashing my device right now22:02
asacpopey: i have no idea :) ... i think you could guess from the media-info22:02
popeyphablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel=daily-proposed22:03
popeythat's sufficient?22:03
plarsstgraber: I am using it from the branch always, but it looks like the formatting has now changed, so I need to adjust the regexp I guess22:03
stgraberplars: ah, how so?22:03
asacpopey: no ... -1 i think22:03
asacpopey: --revision -222:03
asacpopey: double check that you see 50: getting downloaded.,.. otherwise aboard22:03
asacabort :)22:03
stgraberplars: oh, I see, that's my fault, let me fix that22:04
ricmmSaviq: I assume gerry got you up to date22:04
ricmmwith the current mir/sf works in unity's main()22:04
popeySaving to: ‘/home/alan/Downloads/phablet-flash/imageupdates/saucy/ubuntu/ubuntu-20130910.2.full.tar.xz’22:04
popeyi see no 50 there asac22:04
asacpopey: thats not correct i think22:04
Saviqricmm, somewhat, yes, I was just wondering, since nothing actually *sets* QT_QPA_PLUGIN=ubuntumirserver22:04
asacpopey: 50:20130916.1:20130911.322:04
popeyasac: that was me doing  phablet-flash ubuntu-system --revision -222:04
asacpopey: try -3 then?22:05
asacpopey: oh sorry, misread above ... you probably need -1 :)22:05
=== kentb is now known as kentb-out
asacthat works22:05
asachtought you had 16.2 not 10.222:05
popeythats -122:05
asacpopey: did you drop --channel=... ?22:06
asacthats still needed22:06
rsalvetijanimo: hm, music-app was able to see my new files, but I get no sound22:06
popeyok.. so22:06
popeyphablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel=daily-proposed --revision -1 -d mako22:06
ricmmSaviq: has to be set somewhere, cant remember where tho22:06
stgraberplars: ok, pushed another commit to get you something closer to the previous output22:06
asacpopey: what does that give you?22:06
popeyINFO:phablet-flash:Downloading https://system-image.ubuntu.com/pool/ubuntu-9cd83d85c3e1433dfa25524bd65251f882c9b2ceebe3838140b08de20e681715.tar.xz to /home/alan/Downloads/phablet-flash/imageupdates/pool/ubuntu-9cd83d85c3e1433dfa25524bd65251f882c9b2ceebe3838140b08de20e681715.tar.xz22:06
asacstgraber: how to find out if he is downloading the right one?22:07
stgraberplars: the only change is that instead of seeing mako= you'll see device=22:07
Saviqricmm, ah ok, found it22:07
Saviqricmm, tricksy22:07
asacpopey: could be you need latest p-f https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+files/phablet-tools_1.0%2B13.10.20130916.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb22:07
ricmmSaviq: where is it? remind me22:07
plarsstgraber: my regexp is flexible enough to deal with that, as long as the order is the same22:07
ricmmI forget22:07
karniHi guys. Can you tell me how to rm /etc/init/ssh.override so I can use the run_on_device from unity8 trunk?22:07
Saviqricmm, main()22:07
ricmmthere you go22:07
karniI do have .writable_image in /home/phablet22:07
ricmmits set before the QGuiApplication is created22:07
stgraberplars: right, the fix I pushed will give you the same order and the same format string, s/mako/device/ should be the only remaining change22:07
plarsstgraber: that should fix it according to my local testing, thanks!22:07
Saviqricmm, if QPA.startsWith("ubuntumir"): setqpa("ubuntumirserver")22:07
Saviqricmm, in ~pseudocode22:08
karniI can touch a file in /etc, so I have root access and writable partition. I can't rm /etc/init/ssh.override though.22:08
ricmmSaviq: yea22:08
cjwatsonkarni: You don't need to rm it, just empty it22:08
ricmmSaviq: its all to enable the "supports both SF and Mir" transition22:08
karnicjwatson: oh22:08
Saviqricmm, which is *so* hackish ;)22:08
* karni tries22:08
Saviqricmm, yeah, I know22:08
ricmmSaviq: gets better then you reach the QLibrary22:08
stgraberasac: doesn't phablet-flash tell you what version it's flashing?22:08
Saviqricmm, don't want to :D22:08
asacstgraber: popey seems to not get that info22:08
cjwatsonkarni: (You can't rm it because that single file is bind-mounted)22:08
Saviqasac, the message menu fix should land within minutes22:08
popeyasac: installed new p-f22:08
popeySetting up phablet-tools (1.0+13.10.20130916.1-0ubuntu1) ...22:08
plarsasac: I can either stop the current run and it will start 52, or I can go back and fix the 51 versions in the job description22:08
stgraberasac: anyway, that file isn't from 50, it's from 5122:08
karnicjwatson: I see, thank you. rebooting, hope this helps :)!22:08
* Saviq afk22:09
popeyasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6116884/22:09
asacpopey: ok guess its -2 indeed according to what stgraber said22:09
popey--2013-09-16 23:09:32--  https://system-image.ubuntu.com/saucy-proposed/ubuntu/ubuntu-20130916.1.full.tar.xz22:09
stgraberyeah, we're currently at 52, so if you want 50, you'll need -222:09
asacpopey: that looks good22:09
popeyok, flashing22:09
popey(once I clear out some crap from my disk)22:10
popeyssd filled up with all this nonsense ☻22:10
popeyadb reboot recovery22:10
cjwatsonasac: music and weather app tests are fine with new click, as are unity8 tests.  uploaded22:10
asaccjwatson: thanks. rock on22:10
cjwatsonI guess there was just some random junk in my environment before22:10
asaccjwatson: maybe. unfortunately, tests are still flaki ... in particular if something happens like a crash in the background22:11
asacbut its more 1 out of 5-10 times failing22:12
cjwatsonthis was reliably broken before.  whatever, it's fine now22:12
asacogra_: if you are avail to do a call test on maguro 50, that would be great ... otherwise we will just bless it as there were just two packages22:13
karnicjwatson: ssh still seems broken :( ideas? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6116901/22:13
asacafter popey confirms its good22:13
cjwatsonoh, I was running the app tests with phablet-test-run -n, maybe that was my fault then22:13
asacthats it22:13
plarscjohnston: just the unity8 one with -n22:13
asacapp tests need stupid manual unlock22:13
asacbecause noone can agree what to do :)22:13
cjwatsonkarni: see if sshd is actually running22:13
karnicjwatson: heh.. that was the problem. thank you!22:15
cjwatsonkarni: now it's weird that it wouldn't have been, after you cleared /etc/init/ssh.override and rebooted22:15
cjwatsonkarni: so (a) check that /etc/init/ssh.override is still empty, (b) look in /var/log/upstart/ssh.log to see if that has anything22:15
karnicjwatson: yes, ps ax|grep ssh returned nothing22:15
karnissh.override still empty22:16
karniroot@ubuntu-phablet:/# cat /var/log/upstart/ssh.log22:16
karnicat: /var/log/upstart/ssh.log: No such file or directory22:16
popeythis isn't looking good.22:16
cjwatsonanything interesting in /var/log/syslog, /var/log/auth.log?  don't paste them here22:16
popeyah, finally rebooting22:16
asacpopey: dont confuse me :)22:17
cjwatsonkarni: however, I need to go to bed now.  good luck investigating22:17
karnicjwatson: o/ night!22:17
karnicjwatson: I'll just settle with that approach for time being.22:17
asacpopey: good?22:18
asacstgraber: go promote 5022:18
popeyjust booted, am testing22:18
asacstgraber: oh22:18
asacsorry :()22:18
asacstgraber: wait :)22:18
asacfor popey22:18
asaci am done on maguro22:19
dave_anybody knows when diwic might be around?22:20
asacdave_: tomorrow euro time i think22:21
dave_asac: ah, ok thanks22:22
anders3408anyone knows where i should be able to see logs from running system other than /var/log/* ? like why it fails turning on wifi or some function ?22:22
cjwatsonsome things may be in /home/phablet/.cache/22:22
anders3408yes found that one 2 cjwatson :)22:23
popeylooks good.22:24
asacstgraber: ok whenver you want, promote 5022:25
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
stgraberasac: ok22:26
stgraberasac: running22:27
slangaseksergiusens: I guess you might appreciate that libglib2.0-dev in saucy now depends on python:any instead of python22:27
asacstgraber: cool. happy to flash the promoted if that helps once you say its good22:27
sergiusensslangasek, great!22:30
asaccjohnston: can you change the smoke CSS to only show green for 100%?22:31
cjohnstonasac: ack22:31
* jono flashes with 5022:32
slangaseksergiusens: can you remind me which package you were tryign to build when you ran into the problem?22:32
anders3408just a quick question , this socket that fails in this line, what is that used for : upstart-local-bridge: Failed to bind socket unix:/dev/socket/upstart-text-bridge No such file or directory22:32
anders3408i mean what uses upstart-text-bridge and what does it do ?22:32
slangaseksergiusens: so I can make sure it really works now and we don't have any other issues hiding22:32
slangasekanders3408: the text bridge is used to notify upstart of changes in the android container22:33
anders3408so like when wifi is ready or modem is ready in the android container it should tell ubuntu via upstart-local-bridge ?22:33
slangasekI don't believe it's used for either of those things specifically; the main thing we need it for is to know when android has finished hardware initialization with ueventd22:35
stgraberasac: copy completed without a problem, I'm now checking the result to make sure it's sane22:35
sergiusensslangasek, it was libnotify-dev:armhf22:35
anders3408but uhm it fails pretty much :D slangasek22:35
sergiusensslangasek, was the apt selection stuff fixed as well?22:36
slangaseksergiusens: ok. 'apt-get install libnotify-dev:armhf' seems to work now... I didn't make any changes to apt, so maybe that bug still lurks somewhere22:36
sergiusensslangasek, or do we need to have python preinstalled?22:36
slangaseksergiusens: oh, right, the chroot I'm testing in already has python; maybe the behavior is different when python isn't present22:36
stgraberasac: looks good to me.22:37
slangaseksergiusens: hmmmnope, it still grabs python, not python:armhf, for me22:37
sergiusensslangasek, yeah, when it isn't present the python:any dep selects python:armhf22:37
sergiusensslangasek, great then22:37
slangaseksergiusens: what's the exact command you're running? 'apt-get install libnotify-dev:armhf'? or 'apt-get build-dep -a armhf $something'?22:37
asacstgraber: ok let me try flashing i guess22:37
sergiusensslangasek, the former22:38
slangaseksergiusens: ok.  so, WorksForMe22:38
asacstgraber: Downloading https://system-image.ubuntu.com/stable/maguro/version-50.tar.xz to /home/asac/Downloads/phablet-flash/imageupdates/stable/maguro/version-50.tar.xz22:38
sergiusensslangasek, then I'm good, I'll give it a test later tonight22:38
stgraberasac: I guess some users may be surprised to see their device jump from version 7 to version 50 but that's normal :)22:38
slangasekgreat :)22:38
asacstgraber: didnt even download new files. so even that worked22:38
asacstgraber: we work hard :)22:39
asacstgraber: why do they see it upgrading froom 7?22:39
asacwe had 49 promoted before etc.?22:39
asacor were the _old_ users still stuck before todays landing?22:39
om26erlarsu, hello22:39
stgraberasac: we talked with lool about that, before today daily and daily-proposed were run independently, so the images were getting renumbered when they were copied22:39
asacoh right22:39
asacyeah i remember22:40
asaci like it this way :()22:40
asacstgraber: do we touch the files at all when copying?22:40
stgrabertoday's change corrects that which explains the huge bump and why I wanted to do the first copy myself in case something got confused22:40
asacor is it now an untouched copy?22:40
stgraberwe rebuild the version tarball, the rest is copied untouchd22:40
asacstgraber: we dont have that version in the tarball though, right?22:41
asacstgraber: like in media-info?22:41
stgraberthough this run was special since it had to generate a bunch of missing deltas too (but that was a side effect of the huge version bump, it won't happen next time)22:41
asacstgraber: or is that preserved from the initial tarball?22:41
stgraberasac: the version tarball contains the data needed by the upgrader. That's the build number (50), server URL, server ports, channel name and some extra metadata (including the version of each of the bits that are part of the image)22:41
asacstgraber: yeah. was hoping to have it in the rootfs tarballs etc.22:42
asacbut well. guess something to figure later if and what would make sense there22:42
stgraberso once barry will be done with the client side change, we won't even need to look at media-info anymore, system-image-cli -i will just parse version_detail and show that instead (that'll get you version of rootfs, version of android, version of the customization tarball if any, ...)22:42
asacstgraber: oh ... maybe we can use the version tarball to store that info on the device during install/upgrae?22:42
stgraberI'll update the wiki with more info on how the server side of things work with some examples, but will probably wait 10 days or so before doing that as currently the server is a bit of a mess because of the migration from one setup to the other. In 10 days most of the old stuff will have expired so then everything should be consistent and pretty :)22:44
stgraberasac: ah, btw, current expiration rules are 10 images for the saucy channel, 20 images for saucy-proposed and 15 images for saucy-customized22:45
slangasekstgraber: surely the saucy-proposed channel could be shorter instead of longer, since it's not for end-users?22:46
asacstgraber: sounds good. dont thinks we necessarily need to reduce the proposed22:46
stgraberslangasek: it actually needs to be longer as it contains delta from both itself and from saucy. If we made it 10 images and we were building more than 10 images between releases to saucy, we wouldn't be able to QA the upgrade22:47
asacstgraber: can we at least keep everything that was not promoted?22:47
slangasekstgraber: hmm, I thought the -proposed channel always consisted of the saucy channel plus the current to-be-tested image22:47
asacslangasek: right. but we might iterate very fast22:47
stgraberslangasek: not anymore as asac wanted to have older images in it22:47
slangasekyes, but each iteration should involve re-flashing from the last promoted image22:48
asacstgraber: so i think 20 is fine for now... if we run out of space we can revisit22:48
asacslangasek: we parallelize22:48
asacand want to be able to go back22:48
asaclook back :)22:48
asacnot go back22:48
slangasekhmm, ok22:48
stgraberslangasek: nowadays saucy-proposed is an import of everything we ever build, then we can choose to copy any of those over to saucy (version number remains the same, so there may be gaps in the version numbers of the saucy channel)22:48
asaci think we can reduce it once we know more22:49
stgraberslangasek: every time something gets published to saucy-proposed, two deltas are generated, one from the latest saucy-proposed to the new image and one from the latest saucy to the new image22:49
stgraberslangasek: that way the channel is usuable day to day by users who want untested images (and they'll get small deltas) and it's also usable to QA the next saucy update since the source image and delta are in the channel too22:50
slangasekI don't think it's a good idea to be supporting use of the -proposed channel by day-to-day users22:50
slangasekthat seems to greatly increase the amount of work required22:51
stgraberslangasek: well, that channel has the "hidden" flag set so it won't show up in any UI, but if your device is on it, you'll get updates instead of having to wipe it clean every time22:51
asacwe can hide it22:51
asacnot sure what additional work we need22:51
stgraberthe only additional work is a 2-3min delta generation done automatically on publication, which saves >3min for anyone who has their device on the channel (most of our image developers I suspect)22:52
asacwe could probably even put it on a separate machine at some point22:52
=== plars is now known as plars-afk
asacstgraber: install worked fine22:53
plars-afkneed to step away for a bit22:53
slangasekstgraber: alright, if it's not actually much work then I withdraw my comments22:53
asacplars-afk: everything running?22:53
plars-afkasac: the tests are all going on 52 now, and the description is happy once more22:53
plars-afkasac: I'll cleanup the 51 descriptions later for the ones who ran, when I'm back on tonight22:53
stgraberslangasek: yeah, on my side it'd actually have been harder to special case that channel NOT to generate the standard image to image deltas ;)22:53
asacplars-afk: thanks. ttyl or tomorrow22:54
mhall119anders3408: why must you tease me so?22:54
stgraberslangasek: oh, btw, all that stuff also means we now have the alias channels setup like we want post-release and I believe sergiusens' new phablet-flash now defaults to using the stable channel alias22:55
jonojasoncwarner, would you mind taking a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1224637 when you get a moment22:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1224637 in ubuntu-system-settings "Online Accounts aren't added" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:55
jonogotta run22:55
anders3408mhall119:  what do you mean :P22:55
slangasekstgraber: ah, great :)22:55
mhall119anders3408: your Find 5 build!  I saw pictures of it running this morning and I want to try!22:55
iBotPeachesmhall119: just send him the phone, he won :p22:55
anders3408im 99,99 % sure that the competition will never end :)22:55
mhall119iBotPeaches: I gotta be able to run it before I send it22:56
mhall119anders3408: why not?22:56
anders3408mhall119:  you have a bit crazy needs that should be fixed before we can win win :)22:56
mhall119anders3408: but you got it to boot right?22:56
mhall119that's more than any other image I've tried so far22:57
anders3408yes im using it now, trying to get that stupid wifi up22:57
mhall119anders3408: at this point even if it doesn't meet *all* of the criteria, I think we can still call you the winner22:57
iBotPeachesanders3408: :)22:58
anders3408im glad that you dont have a goal like need to work after reboot :)22:58
mhall119heh, well that would be nice to have :)22:58
mhall119but I'll still happily send you a second Find 5 so you can have one for work and one for play :)22:59
anders3408there is one single issue that stops display, i can upload the build so you can try it, and explain what you need to do to get display on but you will need adb :)22:59
mhall119adb and I are becoming friends, so that's fine22:59
anders3408wait a sec :) i can tweak that in the init.find5.rc part :) but that will be a dirty thing :) but it should work22:59
anders3408or a simple init.d script23:00
* mhall119 plugs his Find 5 in to charge23:00
anders3408current state of ubuntu on find5 is no major reboots at all, you can launch the apps that is working, sometimes it slow but it works, you can switch between them. you can start camera and shoot images with or without flash and also with front face camera, but you cant watch them after they have been shooted, the file is stored, but its corrupt and you can play ringtones so sound should also work mhall11923:04
anders3408so a lineup would be :23:04
anders3408you can take pictures with the front and rear cameras but files is corrupted23:04
anders3408you can play audio with settings->ringtones23:05
anders3408you can launch multiple apps and switch between them23:05
anders3408i will keep working on ubuntu touch even if i win the competition caus ill do what ever i can to get ubuntu touch working stable enough to use as dayli driver23:06
iBotPeachesanders3408: did you merge that apparmor patch into kernel? for click packages?23:06
* popey hugs anders3408 23:06
anders3408iBotPeaches:  nope23:07
anders3408if i get those click thingy correctly they need wifi at least ?23:07
om26erwhich channel have the "tested" images again ?23:10
mhall119anders3408: let me play with the image, but what you just said it so much more than anybody else has gotten23:10
asacom26er: daily23:11
asacom26er: the default when using ubuntu-system23:11
asacom26er: tested == blessed23:11
asacom26er: the ones on dashboard come from daily-proposed :)23:12
* asac thinks thats what he was looking for23:12
iBotPeachesmhall119: not to bash anyone, but the one guy who said he was doing it for "2+ months" didn't really look like he had any idea what he was doing, then anders3408 comes and has working build in 2 days23:12
om26erasac, so we should test daily-proposed ?23:12
om26eras our daily drivers I meant23:12
mhall119iBotPeaches: well there have been many people sending me images since the XDA:DevCon in early August23:14
mhall119and they were all got stuck at about the same place before23:14
iBotPeachesmhall119: good to hear theres more people interested in porting then23:15
stgraberbarry: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6117108/23:15
iBotPeachesmhall119: at least on xda, most of the ubuntu ports are buggy as hell and no where good enough for daily. hopefully that'll change as ubuntu phone matures23:15
anders3408yes iBotPeaches file manager gives permission denied23:18
anders3408when creating a new folder :)23:19
iBotPeachesanders3408: I just flashed a new build, and borked my android-chroot, going back to working on apktool, where things aren't as maddening :p23:20
anders3408iBotPeaches:  oh i know its a tricky bitch getting to run, but when this competition is over we can work all together and ill release sources and explain a bit so we can get things working :)23:22
anders3408mhall119: so how are we gonna do this ? im just doing a new build, hopefully you wont need to do anything to get display up :)23:24
anders3408iBotPeaches:  oh you just flashed a build on top of an older build ? if comming from ubuntu , first bootup will fail, go back to recovery and reflash , something is odd with lxc container23:31
iBotPeachesanders3408: yeah, I didn't know why that was. I just remember I had to double flash a lot23:31
anders3408yes, same issue exsist if oyu reboot23:32
anders3408mhall119:  did we lost you ? :)23:35
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
anders3408mhall119: music player can play music if you push a file to the device and then chown and chmod the file :D23:45

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