
popeyhttp://aem1k.com/world/  nice00:01
olutayoregister adedayo106:01
moodoomorning all06:51
MartijnVdS\o moodoo06:51
MartijnVdSmoodoo: where'd your captial M and D go?06:52
moodooMartijnVdS: ?07:04
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MooDooi get ya07:04
MooDooMartijnVdS: better? ;)07:04
MooDooMartijnVdS: if that's all you have to worry about on a monday, I wish I was in your shoes ;)07:05
brobostigongood morning everyone.07:08
brobostigonmorning MooDoo07:09
jussihehe, I was watching an ultrabook review (sony viao pro 11) and it was saying "if you are looking for security components such as finger print reader and tpm chip, it has neither" - there I was thinking that was a good feature  :D07:52
MartijnVdSVaio, plastic.07:53
MartijnVdSvaios come apart very easily from normal use07:53
popeythats always been teh case07:54
popeysame for toshibas07:54
nigelbhey, at least you don't get a shock randomly.07:54
* nigelb looks at macbooks.07:54
TheOpenSourcererMorning all07:55
MartijnVdS\o TheOpenSourcerer07:55
jussianyone want to point me in the direction of a better option for an 11 inch ultrabook? (and if you say macbook air Ill shoot you :P :P )07:55
TheOpenSourcererThing 2 sick after a weekend of football, hockey & partying.  Not bad for a 9 yr old...07:55
nigelbjussi: did you already consider the carbon?07:56
jussinigelb: does it come in 11 inches?07:56
popey11 inch is tiny!07:59
TheOpenSourcererfnar fnar..08:00
jussipopey: I currently use a 12" and love it. Its a great size when you are on the move08:02
jussiMorning czajkowski08:03
jussi(i have a latitude e4200,  geeting a bit long in the tooth now (3 years old), almost time for a new one)08:03
popeyI was going to suggest the dell xps 13 or the x1 carbon08:05
popeyboth 13 though08:05
popeyand both have decent resolutions unlike most of the 11" devices08:06
jussipopey: maybe, but the viao has 1920x1080, which is quite acceptable imho. that plus SSD, i7 and a few other things makes it look like an excellent offering. As people have mentioned, I worry about build quality...08:10
jussiprice of course is "sony like", but still, similar to similar offerings08:13
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:16
AlanBellmorning all08:17
bigcalmPfft. My manipulation of lubotu3 is being limited08:22
jussibigcalm: you need more info for a factoid like that08:22
jussiI can add it, but a link, some more info on its signifigance to the loco etc would be good08:22
bigcalmhttp://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/2320-real-ale-train/ Ubuntu UK08:23
bigcalmTa :)08:23
bigcalmjussi: it'll change from one year to the next08:23
jussibigcalm: so, compose something that reads nice and Ill add itr08:23
SuperMattanother real ale train?08:24
SuperMattoh, has anyone discussed the launch party yet?08:24
bigcalmThat's a point. We can celebrate Software Freedom Day while we're on the train ;)08:25
bigcalmjussi: is that a better factoid?08:25
AlanBellSuperMatt: I got as far as looking up the release date, which is October 17th08:27
jussi[11:26:55] <jussi> !rat-#ubuntu-uk is <reply>The Real Ale Train. A yearly Ubuntu UK loco event to celebrate friends, trains and ale. 21st September 2013, Hampshire, UK: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/2320-real-ale-train/08:27
jussi[11:27:10] <ubottu> I'll remember that, jussi08:27
jussishould sync across in about an hour08:27
lubotu3The Real Ale Train. A yearly Ubuntu UK loco event to celebrate friends, trains and ale. 21st September 2013, Hampshire, UK: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/2320-real-ale-train/08:28
jussibit quicker than I thought :)08:28
bigcalmjussi: grand. As long as we keep doing it each year, we'll need to update it now and then08:28
jussibigcalm: just make a new request each year. and remember the little bits I added (like the -#ubuntu-uk and the <reply> )08:28
bigcalmI see08:29
* bigcalm sets a calendar entry :D08:29
jussithe -#ubuntu-uk part makes it specific to this channel08:29
bigcalmBut everybody should know about it!08:29
SuperMattAlanBell: shall we discuss possible venues?08:33
SuperMattI think it should be a pub of sorts08:33
SuperMattpreferably with beer08:33
bigcalmAre there many pubs without beerage?08:34
SuperMattthere are trendy wine bars08:35
bigcalmThat reminds me. Need to buy a ton of miniatures for Hayley to sneak onto the train. It's either that or we just buy them all from the train and deprive other non ale types08:35
bigcalmSuperMatt: ah, ones that used to be banks?08:36
SuperMattlike that08:36
SuperMattwhich is a very pleasant place to drink, despite being mega crowded 100% of the time08:37
bigcalmIs "Thank you both." a legitimate use of English? It sounds weird when I type it08:37
jussihrrrm... is "bi-weekly"  twice a week or  once every 2 weeks ?08:37
SuperMattit's fine08:37
SuperMattI think bi weekly is twice a week08:37
bigcalmjussi: twice a week. Fortnightly is every 2 weeks08:37
SuperMattbecause you're bisecting the week08:38
bigcalmjussi: think of bi-annual : twice a year08:38
gordonjcpaww, just missed a screengrab of my plane tracker with three planes in a row leaving Edinburgh showing different shades of yellow to indicate their position on the climbout08:38
SuperMattbigcalm: I don't think many people remember that08:40
bigcalmAlanBell et al: shall we keep the RAT to October each year?08:41
gordonjcpthe BA and the Virgrim are turning south for Heathrow but the United Airlines is heading straight out, off across the pond ;-)08:41
SuperMatteasiest way to remember what bi-weekly means: we already have a word for every two weeks, it's a fortnight08:41
bigcalmSeptember even08:41
bigcalmWhich means planning in Julyish I think08:42
SuperMattugg, using google to define it didn't help. Google says biweekly means both08:42
bigcalmJust trying to work out when to make the calendar entry for08:42
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bigcalmAdded it to 1st July, that'll do for now08:43
DJonesHmmh, wind, rain, standing water on the roads, I think its time to get new tyres on the car before the weatehr gets any worse08:55
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AlanBellSuperMatt: yeah, venue suggestions welcome :)08:58
SuperMattwell, I suggested the golden hinde/thames-side inn last time, that exhausts my knowledge of southbank locales08:59
AlanBellbigcalm: october is good, but we don't have to keep it there exactly08:59
bigcalmAlanBell: indeed. I've added a calendar entry for 1st July with the title "Organise RAT". So we can discuss it each time. Just hope people will want to keep doing it :)09:00
popeyJuly feels quite late09:00
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Monday and happy International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer! :-D09:01
jussibigcalm: why wouldnt people want to go on a train and drink alcohol? sounds perfect!09:01
bigcalmJamesTait: have you got your head in the clouds?09:01
JamesTaitBa-dum, tsch!09:01
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* bigcalm is covered in graphite powered09:13
bigcalmIt comes out of the bottle more quickly than expected09:14
bigcalmJust hope it was worth it and actually fixed the bathroom latch09:15
AlanBellbigcalm: best time to organise it is when they announce the dates for the next year09:31
bigcalmAlanBell: when is that?09:32
AlanBellwhen they get round to it I think, I see that in 2009 the dates for 2010 went out to their mailing list in November09:36
AlanBellgenerally around the end of the year they sort out the dates for the following year09:36
AlanBelland sometimes they add additional dates during the year09:36
bigcalmOh, a mailing list you say?!09:36
AlanBellsign up for newsletter, bottom right09:37
* bigcalm signs up for one more spam09:38
AlanBellthey don't appear to have done a specific "RAT DATES !!11!!" email for a few years09:38
bigcalm"...you will receive our regular Watercress Line enewsletter with all of our latest news and events." I can't help but read that as E_newsletter09:40
MartijnVdSerrno = ENEWSLETTER09:41
mungbeanwhat does this mean?09:51
mungbean"I send you the correct part # since i didn't have bundle to look at , I think I missed the this card is 8ports09:52
mungbeanfrom oracle support09:52
MartijnVdSmungbean: Inglish?09:53
mungbeani think they are sending either me a part or a part number.09:59
davmor2Morning all10:02
bigcalmMorning davmor210:03
popeyhttp://jolla.com/media/documents/130916_press_release.pdf interesting10:18
dwatkinspopey: I managed to finally install Ubuntu on my MacBook Pro, even got it running on a MicroSD card, too :D10:26
dwatkins(with noatime, of course)10:26
dwatkinsI have one of these adapters: http://theniftyminidrive.com/10:27
popeyand you have the OS on it?10:29
dwatkinsyeah, on a 64 GB MicroSD card in it10:29
popeysurely thats megaslow?10:30
popeyand how do you boot from it?10:30
dwatkinsit was rather tricky for various reasons (creating a read/write USB image) and booting isn't so easy - had to create a 1 GB FAT32 partition with an EFI executable at the start of the MicroSD card with rEFIt in it to allow it to boot.10:30
dwatkinsit runs fine, surprisingly10:30
dwatkinsI'll do a write-up on my blog and let you know full details, links etc.10:31
dwatkinshere are my notes thus far with a couple links: http://hastebin.com/raw/paquqesepo10:32
dwatkinsI imagine if I upgraded to 13.10, the wireless driver would work without the need for the PPA.10:33
dwatkins13.04, I mean, probably best not to use the beta just yet on a Mac.10:33
neurodoes the trackpad work "properly"? i.e. two-finger scroll, pinch, etc10:33
neuro(and in other news, morning all)10:34
mgdmneuro: I tried my magic trackpad on Precise. Those things did work, but the gestures weren't recognised anywhere near so well10:35
neurolike three finger swipe, etc10:35
mgdmneuro: so you had to be a bit mechanical when using them. Might be better now, it's config rather than code10:35
mgdmyeah, that did work, but you had to be 'precise' (arf)10:35
neuroho ho10:35
dwatkinsneuro: not yet, I have a few links to read which discuss pinching etc.10:35
dwatkinsalso it seems to occasionally act as if I'd tapped somewhere else in a text field, not sure what I'm doing wrong there.10:36
neurowould be nice if apple could spend a fraction of resource to do some drivers10:36
dwatkinsstill, considering how long it's taken me to get this far, I was happy ;)10:36
neurobut i guess they have other priorities ;)10:36
mungbeanany twiki users in here? need to add myself to the admin group via the CLI10:49
mungbeansince the admin login is not working10:49
Monotokoanyone know of a web-based IRC client I can install on my server?10:58
mungbeanwhat do you mean?10:58
mungbeanweb-based surely means not installed?10:59
mgdmit'll need to run somewhere10:59
dwatkinsa webpage which provides an IRC client, so the HTML/PHP source is located on the server, I assume.10:59
neurofreenode use http://www.qwebirc.org/10:59
Monotokomungbean: I mean for other people to use, from my Debian server10:59
MonotokoI will obviously have to install it on the server11:00
davmor2Monotoko: there is one on JUJU that is used in the ubuntu-on-air page not sure what it is called now was subway I think11:00
mungbeanok, an web gateway for irc11:00
mungbeanlike mibbit11:00
neurodavmor2: ubuntu on air uses qwebirc as well11:00
neuroyeah and there's mibbit as well11:00
Monotokoyeah that kind of thing11:00
davmor2Monotoko: ah ignore my suggestion then11:00
Monotokoneuro: can I install mibbit or do I have to go through their servers?11:01
neurogood point, no idea11:01
MartijnVdSpopey: Have you managed to get an 1.8" disk converter yet?11:01
mgdmMonotoko: I'm pretty sure mibbit is a hosted service11:02
Dave2CGI:IRC is the typical one11:02
Dave2I'm sure there are other alternatives intended for people to host themselves, but I can't htink what11:03
DJonesMonotoko: I wonder whether asking #freenode about the web gateway they use might be an idea, if its open source, they may be able to point you towards something11:04
dwatkinsUnfortunately, CGI:IRC is often slow to update.11:04
DJonesMonotoko: Just looking the freenode web gateway is qwebirc11:06
Dave2We use qwebirc, but I believe that's more aimed at networks running their own instance11:28
Dave2I could be wrong11:29
dwatkinsI've always wondered about setting up ajaxterm, although I don't know what ports it needs open (and therefore whether it would be pointless if the reason to use cgi:irc is because ports for IRC and ssh are blocked)12:01
dwatkinsIf I ever do get ajaxterm setup, I'll probably do it on my Raspberry Pi in a DMZ protected network to minimise the possibility of problems arising from a breach.12:02
diddledandwatkins: afaik ajaxterm works entirely over http12:03
dwatkinsdiddledan: aha, that's good to know, thanks12:06
dwatkinsI cheated by putting my ssh port elsewhere, but that's another story12:06
popeyhttp://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ZTE-Open-powered-by-Firefox-OS-3G-unlocked-smartphone-orange-eBay-exclusive-/171123860758 back on sale12:06
diddledanpoo that's cheap12:08
diddledansee what I did there instead of swearing? :-p12:08
MartijnVdSit's also Nexus One-generation hardware, I guess?12:08
* dwatkins ponders how to embed an image or webpage from a server with a dynamic internal IP address without any control of the DHCP server12:10
dwatkinsso far I'm just loading a 1x1 pixel image from a system I do have access to, and manually checking the Apache log, but I'm sure there's an easier way12:10
MartijnVdSdwatkins: you could have it GET a simple CGI script and have that execute whatever you want12:12
gordonjcpdwatkins: so you don't know the addres of the internal server, necessarily?12:12
dwatkinsgordonjcp: indeed, it's on wifi and renews its IP address periodically, so when I want to check the munin graph for temperature, I have to find out its IP address12:12
dwatkinsperhaps I can get it to register its hostname if I install Samba and join the domain from it, though12:13
diddledandwatkins: try it's-hostname.local12:14
popey21879 root      20   0  179m  41m 1352 R  99.0  0.5 848:13.33 hp-setup12:14
diddledanif it's got avahi then that'll work12:14
popeywondered why my laptop was slow today12:14
Dave2you didn't need that cPU core anyway12:15
popeychromium using another one12:15
popeykswapd the third12:15
popeyKiB Mem:   8056628 total,  6949820 used,  1106808 free,   139884 buffers12:15
dwatkinsdiddledan: sadly it doesn't seem to have registered that, but perhaps if I set its domainname correctly, it might12:15
popeyKiB Swap:  8267772 total,  3433852 used,  4833920 free,  1461972 cached12:15
diddledan3.5 GiB used?12:16
diddledanthat's a heckofa swap usage12:16
popeyi imagine this could be worse12:16
popeyif I had a real disk and not ssd12:17
gordonjcpdwatkins: does it put its hostname on the DHCP server?12:17
gordonjcpdwatkins: or, slightly evil, can you give it a static IP address as an alias?12:17
popeyah, facebook was eating a core12:20
MartijnVdSalways facebook12:20
dwatkinsgordonjcp: I'm not sure how to check it's sending its hostname to the server, although I might be able to find out from its dhclient logs, I guess12:22
dwatkinsgordonjcp: bingo! As Apache just told me: It works! :D thanks12:22
gordonjcpdwatkins: simplest way would be to ping its hostname I guess12:29
dwatkinsgordonjcp: yeah, I just opened a browser to raspberrypi.corp.companyname.com and got the "It works!" page, so that'll do me for now.12:59
gordonjcpdwatkins: cool13:10
mungbeanis there a twitter feed that just tells you the free amazon UK appstore app for the day?13:26
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neuromv file1 file2 newdir/ = good16:31
neuromv file1 file2 = bad16:31
neurothat's 30 minutes down the toilet16:31
diddledanI hope you had backups of file216:36
popey\o/ backups16:37
ali1234what is backups?16:38
diddledanali1234: backups is what you do to stop chinese workers jumping to their doom at an apple/foxconn factory16:43
diddledanali1234: (a safety net)16:43
neurodiddledan: i only created file2 30 minutes prior, so rsnapshot's 4 hour rotation hadn't caught it yet16:44
diddledanoh dear16:44
diddledanpoor chinese worker16:45
diddledansee, neuro you killed a chinaman16:45
neuroi know what i did, so it's pretty straightforward to reconstruct16:45
neuroright, right16:45
popeyi wish i still had all the pascal programs I wrote in 199316:45
popeywish I'd backed those up16:45
diddledanpopey: I have loads of various bits and pieces that I've lost over the years16:46
neuroi'm pretty sure a php script to pull blog metadata related to specific franchisees based on a command line parameter had a deliterious effect on the mental health of a chinese electronics worker16:46
diddledanusually through thinking I've got it backed up elsewhere than the backup I'm overwriting16:46
popeyI went to a pub once and a guy came up to me, he'd been at school with me. Said he found some tapes in the loft, they were spectrum tapes.16:46
popeyOne of them had a game on I'd written in ~198416:46
neuropopey: i still have all my turbo pascal and think pascal stuff from college / uni (93-94) on floppies somewhere16:46
mgdmTurbo Pascal was awesome16:47
popeyAlso! I want all the code I did at college16:47
mgdmit fit on a floppy, too16:47
popeyInfoBasic on Vax16:47
popeynope, infobasic was on Pr1meOS16:47
neuroman, what cheapskate college did you go to? :)16:47
MartijnVdSI have my very first GW-BASIC programs from the early 90s (late 80s?) somewhere tool16:47
* neuro did C at college on an IBM RS/600016:47
popeyused to love the Pr1me16:47
neuropascal on IBM P/S2s16:48
mgdmthe first Pascal I did was n an archimedes16:48
diddledanthanks for making me feel young again :-p (well, younger than you lot, anywho)16:48
neurodiddledan: get off my lawn16:48
MartijnVdSI just found my 1993-era history notes.. all made in WordPerfect 5.116:48
popeyI got my pascal compiler (and taught myself) from a shareware catalog16:48
mgdmneuro: A31016:49
popeyon a 5.25" floppy in the post16:49
neurowp5.1 \o/16:49
neuromgdm: ooh posh16:49
popeywonder what text editor I used16:49
MartijnVdSneuro: converting those files to something modern was HARD16:49
diddledanI used wordstar for most everything when I was on dos16:49
mgdmneuro: actually, a bit of both16:49
MartijnVdSdiddledan: ah, you're a joe user then ?:P16:50
diddledanMartijnVdS: you'd think so, but I'm converted to nano now16:50
MartijnVdSdiddledan: *shudder*16:50
neurothat's just as bad16:50
neurogive me vim or give me death16:50
diddledanI can do vi in small doses for simple edits16:50
* MartijnVdS gives neuro emacs16:50
diddledanbut anything complex I get lost16:50
* neuro dies16:50
popeythis was in DOS16:51
popeyI may have just used some shareware editor16:51
popeyI miss the days of having a A5 size catalog come through the post16:51
MartijnVdSpopey: MS-DOS 5.0's built-in "edit.com"16:51
popeythis was way before 5.0 i think16:51
* neuro used whatever fancy editor came with dos 5.x16:51
MartijnVdSwhich was a thin wrapper around the qbasic executable16:51
neurothat's the one16:52
neuroalthough turbo pascal's IDE was epic16:52
* mgdm prints out the dpkg database and mails it to popey 16:52
MartijnVdSand before that.. some IBM editor my dad used to use16:52
neuroon the RS/6000, /me just used vi16:52
MartijnVdSand, looking back on it, he might have used it because it reminded him of the one at work (where he wrote COBOL)16:52
neurogod, yeah, i did cobol on that RS/6000 too16:52
MartijnVdSyou.. COBOLed it together?16:53
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neuroba dum tsh16:53
popeyoh, 1988 I got my epson pc16:53
neuroposh git16:53
popeyi chopped in a 464 for it16:53
popey350 quid16:53
popeybought from a liquidated company16:53
* neuro was still rocking a speccy+ back then16:53
popeynever ended up paying them, they never invoiced me (yay)16:54
neuro350 quid when i was 14 would still have been a smegload16:54
popeycame with an Epson LQ-550 printer16:54
popeywhich was pretty awesome16:54
neuroactually, i'm trying to remember when i got my spectrum +316:54
popeyI started writing a "timeline of my life" doc, because otherwise I forget16:54
* bigcalm ponders buying a Nexus 416:55
neurooh, spec+3 was summer '8716:55
neuroand i got mine that xmas16:55
neuroso in 1988 i must have been rocking the +316:55
bigcalmI put Android 4.3 back on my Galaxy Nexus and gave it to my dad16:56
popeyOctober 1987, First issue of ACE magazine16:56
MartijnVdSbigcalm: wait a month, get a N516:56
popeyI remember drooling over that mag16:56
neuroyeah, i bought a few copies16:56
popeyscreenshots of R-Type16:56
bigcalmMartijnVdS: it'll only be for testing Ubuntu Touch stuff16:56
bigcalmMartijnVdS: I'm happy with my SGS3 and don't want to have a new every day phone16:56
bigcalmpopey: erm, yeah, that one :)16:56
MartijnVdSpopey: We had a Panasonic KX-P1080i (1080i!)16:57
bigcalmI think my Dad was quite pleased to go from my old Nexus One with CM7.2 to a Galaxy Nexus with Android 4.316:57
diddledanMartijnVdS: I think I had one of those16:57
MartijnVdSthe number of times I read that!16:57
MartijnVdSAnd as a 10-year old I didn't understand the bit pattern stuff :|16:58
diddledanyup that's the one we had16:59
diddledanI've never read the manual tho16:59
MartijnVdSdiddledan: I was mistified by the "bit image" parts17:00
MartijnVdS(I was just learning English, AND programming, at the same time..)17:01
=== JamesTai1 is now known as JamesTait
diddledanI was thinking about reading that and then realised it's 111 pages long, so I closed the browser17:03
neurooh good, my kimsufi box in canada has fallen over17:12
neurothere goes my tertiary nameserver, some websites and my parents' imap mailboxes17:13
neuroand it's back up17:15
neurolet's see if it was actually down17:16
neurouptime 7 minutes17:16
neurooh good17:16
diddledansounds like they killed it17:17
neurosmeg all in the logs17:17
neuroit wasn't a panic17:17
* neuro hugs pingdom, at least that worked as expected17:18
diddledango and moan at their ticketing system :-p17:18
diddledanhopefully you've not got any corruption17:18
neuronah. looks ok17:18
diddledansounds like they just pulled the plug which isn't healthy17:18
neuronice clean startup17:18
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
MartijnVdSAnyone interested in old computers, http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01hlkcq18:40
MartijnVdSin 20 minutes on BBC Four18:41
MartijnVdSdoesn't get much older than that18:41
brobostigonMartijnVdS: seen it before, it has been on before.18:41
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: yeah, but maybe some other people haven't :)18:42
* MartijnVdS looks at popey 18:42
brobostigonMartijnVdS: yep, :)18:42
diddledandon't you hate when a client tells you they've done what you told them to do and then you get them to send you a file which they're supposed to have updated but when you inspect it you find they didn't do what you told them to do?!18:46
ali1234diddledan: no, i don't care because i bill hourly, it's more money for me when they do that18:47
zleapali1234, :)18:48
diddledanthe thing is we're supposed to have finished this project but they keep complaining "it doesn't look the same as on the test site"18:48
ali1234yeah i'd just send the screenshots at that point18:49
zleapi need to start charging for stuff,  can't afford to buy a new printer atm,  and costs are mounting printing resources etc18:49
MartijnVdSzleap: but, if you can't afford a printer, you can't print invoices, and you can't get paid18:49
MartijnVdSzleap: so you're already beyond the help event horizon18:50
zleapthis isn;t for business etc,  i can claim more expenses, as a volunteer18:52
bigcalmmgdm: ping18:59
mgdmbigcalm: pong19:01
bigcalmmgdm: having an un-fun time with php sessions, I think. AJAX on a site makes a call that takes several seconds to complete. During that time, the website won't process any more requests from the users' web browser.19:02
dwatkinsdiddledan: I find that numbered bullet points help in those situations19:02
bigcalmmgdm: what's weird is that this is the case in dev and production envs, both running Ubuntu 12.04. But it's not the case in test which is running Debian 619:03
bigcalmmgdm: is it something that you've had to deal with in the past? I'm trying to get multiple requests processed at the same time but really at a loss19:03
bigcalmI wonder if it's something to do with session.save_path19:10
mgdmbigcalm: that really is odd19:11
mgdmbigcalm: where are you storing your sessions?19:11
bigcalmmgdm: my boss set up the test server. He has this weird habbit of symlinking the cli and apache php.ini files19:11
mgdmthat's not a good idea, but shouldn't really cause a proble19:12
bigcalmmgdm: dev and prod both say "/var/lib/php5". test says "no value"19:12
mgdmOK, so built-in thing then19:12
bigcalmWondering if this is a PHP or Apache problem19:13
mgdmbigcalm: http://thwartedefforts.org/2006/11/11/race-conditions-with-ajax-and-php-sessions/19:14
diddledanbigcalm: are you using zend framework 1?19:15
bigcalmdiddledan: no, Symfony219:15
diddledanI just noted you were having issues with sessions and we've come up against an issue with zend framework 1 and php5.4 causing complete breakage that zend won't fix because framework 1 is obsolete19:17
diddledanthankyou zend for not providing an upgrade path19:17
bigcalmI'm guessing that zf1 is to zf2 as sf1 is to sf219:18
bigcalm_completely_ different19:18
diddledanit wouldn't be so bad if they were going to maintain zf1 for the forseeable with regards to security holes, but they've just completely dropped it19:19
diddledanthey gave about 9 months notice that zf1 would disappear entirely with a message such as "rewrite your entire application to zf2 because we don't care about zf1" - so instead we're rewriting our application in ruby-on-rails19:21
bigcalmThis must be the 1st time I've used a 3 way compare in Meld :)19:22
diddledanerm.. is that a swan impression on my part?19:23
bigcalmHow does one run 'php -i' but with the apache php.ini from the CLI?19:23
mgdmbigcalm: php --help will tell you19:23
bigcalmI could just run it in a web browser and copy/paste19:23
bigcalmPitA though19:24
diddledanbigcalm: -c19:24
diddledan-c /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini19:24
bigcalmdiddledan: aha, that's it, ta19:24
diddledanor simular19:24
AzelphurDoes anyone know of a MPX compatible WM?19:25
Azelphurdoesn't have to have anything fancy at all, short of being happy with MPX.19:26
diddledanAzelphur: wiki says mpwm19:27
Azelphurfun :)19:29
=== MattJ100 is now known as MattJ
bigcalmmgdm: I'm going to propose a change to the project so that issuing a command puts the job into the background (we use a queue for everything any way) and then make occasional ajax calls to check in on the progress of the job20:02
mgdmthat works20:04
bigcalmIt also means that I can display something like "4 of 22 items updated" rather than one success or fail message at the end20:05
* bigcalm celebrates with King's Ginger20:09
popeyoof http://blog.novatech.co.uk/post/2421/important-store-announcement/20:14
bigcalmpopey: who?20:23
popeyyou don't know novatech?20:24
mgdmI've heard the name, but nothing beyond that20:24
AlanBellthey sell laptops without operating systems20:25
AlanBellwe bought one, online I haven't been to the store20:25
bigcalmI see20:26
mungbeanhaven't heard much about novacut for a while20:27
mungbeanmaybe after i stopped reading omg20:27
popeythe guy who works on it now has a job20:29
popeyso has less time to work on it20:29
popeyhe works at System7620:29
popeyi guess novatech only have places down south20:30
mungbeangabe newell at linuxcon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gzn6E2m3otg#t=8620:33
mungbeanreiterates that "linux is the future of gaming"20:38
directhexhe's not a great speaker20:48
popeyjust what I was thinking20:57
popeyso, steambox next week then?20:57
bigcalmPortal 3, HL 3?21:01
bigcalmI'd settle for Portal 2 on linux for now21:01
AlanBellanyone want to have a play with my latest project? http://exceptionalemails.com21:03
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=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
AlanBell#join #juju23:59
AlanBellgosh, this IRC thing, when will I learn how it works23:59

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