
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-oh to: Welcome to the IRC home of Ubuntu Ohio! | Check us out at http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-us-ohio/ | Current podcast episode (131): http://tx0.org/6n5/ Speex Version (131): http://tx0.org/6n6/ | Never attribute to malice what can be better explained by incompetence
Derath-S1vr*yawn* evening all05:49
=== Derath-S1vr is now known as Derath-Srvr
Derath-SrvrWas great to see some people this past weekend, although there were only a handful that I recognized...05:51
=== Darkwing_ is now known as Darkwing
skellatIf anybody wants a small project to play with, here is something: http://bugs.debian.org/72310916:46
jenni[ #723109 - RFP: markdowner -- A two-pane editing tool for creating in Markdown and cross-walking to HTML - Debian Bug report logs ] - https://j.mp/1eVtK8L16:46

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