
* wrst sees miley cyrus committed Facebook suicide... people rally should check things with snopes first00:56
Juzzyit's not on snopes yet if you're the one starting it ;)13:56
wrstHA HA  Juzzy I don't know anyone that creative13:57
cyberangerwrst: sure you do14:04
wrstwell anyone that would waste there time on facebook doing that14:08
Juzzyheh true14:08
Unit193wrst: OH, speaking of such: http://imgur.com/gallery/7tkIn15:11
wrstha ha Unit19315:16
netritiouswoo hoo it's monday17:27
netritioushow's everyone17:28
wrsthey good netritious, how are you doing?17:28
wrstwb netritious, and how are you doing?17:55
Unit193wrst: He really doesn't want to answer. ;)17:56
netritiousty wrst, am doing fine besides cert issue+forgot password for freenode lol17:56
wrstnetritious: that means it has been too long17:57
Unit193netritious: By cert I'm guessing you don't mean certfp?17:57
wrstUnit193: and yes I am used to that attitude towards me by now so I pick it up pretty quickly ;)17:57
netritiouseh pretty busy atm17:57
wrstwell what are you doing here killing time? :)17:57
netritiousi take breaks at break time ;)17:58
wrstha ha that's good17:58
netritiousUnit193: freenode cert18:00
Unit193Yep, that's certfp, I quite like it.18:00
netritiouscertfp? haven't seen that reference before. must be getting old...18:01
netritiousoh wow, thx for the link Unit19318:03
Unit193Another reason it's nice is if you connect when services are gone, when they come back they "see" your cert and identify you, rather than kicking you to Guest9082318:03
netritiousthat is cool18:03
wrstUnit193: do I need that?18:03
Unit193I set it up, also have SASL and server password, never can have enough, right? ;P18:03
Unit193wrst: "Need"?18:04
wrstI mean I use SASL is it better than that?18:04
* wrst realizes he is asking dumb questions18:04
netritiousNOM ALL TEK18:04
wrstha ha :)18:04
Unit193wrst: SASL failed on me a couple times, so I setup server pass as a backup.  I see certfp as being better, personally.18:05
wrstdoesn't sound like its worth the effort for me really18:05
wrstbut I will no doubt mess with it and toast something18:06
Unit193Nice that you don't need to use a grouped nick with it, tested that one.18:07
netritiousaw, where'd the hacker wrst go? :D18:07
Unit193He's still asleep.18:07
netritiousit /is/ monday18:07
Unit193This is slacker wrst.18:07
wrstha ha well I had to rush and buy a router yesterday and flashed dd-wrt on it before I put it in use does that give me any cred?18:07
netritiouswrst is OG18:08
Unit193(I can't complain, I'm the pot calling the kettle black.)18:08
* wrst has no clue what being OG is...18:08
netritiousold gansta18:09
wrstoriginal gansta or old...18:09
wrstha ha18:09
wrstoh yeha that's me of course...18:09
netritiouspull your pants up wrst :)18:09
wrsttrust me if i need to pull them up its because my fat gut pushed them down :)18:09
netritiousi actually came to brag on ubuntu a bit18:10
wrstI had a problem with my wireless just shutting off and solved that, now my modem has started dropping connections since the new router :\18:10
netritiousit might be a bit premature, but so far so good18:10
Unit193netritious: Oh?18:11
wrstdon't let that stop you :)18:11
netritiousoh crap...can't win for losing wrst18:11
Unit193netritious: Oh, and tried the new Xmir? :P18:11
netritiousuh no, just server stuff18:11
wrstwell I'm using another modem outside of my provider its always been a little awkward but connects at the correct speed and the one from the ISP doesn't18:11
netritiousI do use ubuntu desktop but rarely18:12
wrstI have been using a debian VPS lately I'm really liking that18:12
Unit193If Xfce/Xubuntu counts as Ubuntu, I use it all the tiem. :)18:12
wrstit does Unit19318:12
netritiousi use good old LTS atm, alternate install with lxc containers for services18:13
wrstnetritious:  I think LTS on servers just make sense and to me if I'm doing that Debian seems to make pretty good sense to me18:15
netritiousright now i have a file server, db server, and syslog server on a dual core 2.5GHz/8GB ddr2/160gb sata2 drive18:15
netritiousdebian is a good os18:15
wrstI really like using it18:16
netritiousthe packages are tad bit stale though, unless you run testing or unstable, then you get a system that's not ready for production18:17
wrstcan't the same really be said for a LTS?18:17
wrstjust seems stability usually means old :)18:22
* wrst is getting pretty stable :)18:22
Unit193netritious: I'd disagree on that point a little, testing is quite stable for me.  (Though, technically it is still half wheezy. >_> )18:23
wrstfor a production server you don't want to tell people oh well i'm running the testing repo :)18:23
Unit193(On a headless, so server.)18:23
Unit193wrst: Of course.18:24
wrstUnit193: and really if I'm using debian for a desktop I've found testing to still be way old18:32
Unit193wrst: I'd agree there.  I use it for a server.18:32
Unit193Still have to roll some of my own packages for  it.18:32
Unit193wrst: What was netri* using for desktop again?18:37
wrstI think you just do that for fun Unit19318:37
Unit193Well, partly yes, but somethings are really outdated in repo, and some are missing.18:38
wrsttesting I would say is pretty stable, but when going to unstable I have found things can get a little weird18:39
Unit193I've "backported" a couple things from unstable and testing to my Xubuntu. :P18:40
wrstUnit193: you could just run arch and be finished with it18:41
Unit193Don't you know how lazy I am?18:41
Unit193Also, the compiling on here would take ages.18:41
wrstwhat compiling?18:42
wrstI didn't say gentoo :P18:42
wrstUnit193: there are some packages in the AUR that do compile and automatically form a package18:45
netritiousUnit193: I use Windows 9818:47
Unit193netritious: Aha!  So that's your useragent hitting my server!  You dual-boot Jaunty too?18:49
Unit193Or two.22:52
Unit193You looked out of order.22:58
wrstI suppose :P ?22:59

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