
Kilosmorning all05:28
Kiloskonversation takes a while to show who is here and who is away05:29
Kiloshi superfly 05:29
superflyhi Kilos 05:29
Kilosis 4.1.11 the latest kde superfly ?05:34
superflyother way round. 4.1105:36
Kilosi followed a link to make kubuntu faster05:36
superflyKilos: that's just looking for trouble05:36
Kilosmajor data use and everything changed05:36
Kilosi had lotsa probs, with black screen and not booting past password and so on but it seems ok at last05:37
Kilosonly the blue screen i dont like05:37
Kilosbut it seems a bit faster now05:38
Kilosblue background that is05:39
Kiloshi  bduk1 05:48
Kiloshi mazal 05:48
mazalMore oom05:48
Kiloshi Xethron 05:51
Kiloshi Squirm 05:54
Kilosmôre inetpro 06:00
theblazehenhi Kilos inetpro 06:03
theblazehenSquirm: 06:03
Kiloshi theblazehen 06:03
Squirmhey theblazehen 06:03
Kilosno school?06:03
bduk1Morning everyone06:03
theblazehenKilos: free period06:03
Kilosarent you supposed to study in free periods06:04
theblazehenyeah. on my phone06:04
theblazehenI guess06:04
Kilosai! you okes and these modern fones06:04
Kilosis that how peeps pass nowadays by googling for answers on fones06:10
theblazehenlol not usually :p06:11
theblazehenthey don't let you keep phone06:12
XethronHi Kilos 06:54
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:17
Vince-0Hi Oom Kilos 07:18
Kilosoh my , you also going with the oom now07:19
Vince-0Its the Afrikaans way07:27
Kilossouth african way actually07:30
Kiloswe were taught anyone 10 years older than you is uncle or aunt07:30
Vince-0yep me2 and we're souties07:31
Kiloswe were called rooinek07:31
Vince-0watched Elysium last night - they put in a thick accent on the mercenaries 07:33
Vince-0Sholto sings Jan pierewiet 07:35
nuvolariMaaz: is mail.google.com up?07:47
Maaznuvolari: Yes, http://mail.google.com/ is up07:48
nuvolariMaaz: you're a liar07:48
Maaznuvolari: What?07:48
Kilosmôre nuvolari 07:48
tinuvayeah i now have a girlfriend, whose parents are originally from Brittain07:50
tinuvacant exactly call them oom or tannie, they will chase me away07:51
Kilosthe english think calling them that makes them old07:53
tinuvaits kinda cool though, she has this brittish accent, I am still not used to it07:53
tinuvaand I am teaching her to speak afrikaans 07:54
Kilospeeps should accept that age creeps up on everyone07:54
Kiloslet her watch some old afrikaans movies07:54
Kilosthose jamie uys movies are good07:54
Kilosthe gods must be crazy etc07:55
nuvolarimôre oom Kilos 07:55
Vince-0oom nuvolari 07:56
Kiloskde 4.11 is quite lekker07:59
mazal+1 Kilos , gods must be crazy 1 is baie snaaks en nog genuine old-school humor08:22
Kilosi forget the other ones08:23
mazalI watched that one again not too long ago and laughed so lekker08:23
Kilosoh ya beautiful people08:23
mazalWhat is the one with the talking and singing animals ? That was hilarious but can never remember the name08:24
Kilosmight be beautiful people08:25
Kiloswhere the animals get dronk on marulas08:25
mazalYeah !08:26
ThatGraemeGuyhello peeps08:28
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy min dae08:38
ThatGraemeGuy4! :-)08:40
nuvolarioh hi oom Vince-0 08:41
nuvolariHow are you?08:41
nuvolarihi ThatGraemeGuy 08:42
Kilosmazal: het barry daai router gekoop08:46
mazalNee oom , hy het 'n ander telkom een gekoop08:50
mazalDaai een was te duur08:50
mazalMaar die telkom een het ook als is , selfoon goete , adsl , wi-fi en ethernet08:51
mazalHy het net nie lekker ontvangs nie , en die 3g diconnect wanneer hy idle08:52
Kiloshi charl 09:08
Kilosmazal: hy sal sy pc moet stel om te ping die hele tyd 09:09
Kilosmy pc disconnect van my router maar 3g bly lewendig, sal nog moet soek hoekom09:10
charlgood morning09:10
charlhi Kilos 09:10
charltried tmux yesterday but can't say i see the advantages above screen09:10
charljust has a terribly ugly lime-green bar at the bottom that screen (thankfully) doesn't have09:11
Kiloshehe i did a ppa thing that ate up 672m data then couldnt boot past password and black screens and lotsa crazy stuffs but now i got kde 4.11 running lekker09:12
charlah kde 4.11 - glad to hear09:13
charlhaven't tried that yet, is it much different from 4.10?09:13
Kilosjust faster i think, i also did some disabling of stuff09:13
mazalAnybody else notice Firefox issues lately ?09:13
Kilosbut it wasnt worth the trouble to get it working again09:14
Kilosmage will ask me why i didnt reinstall09:14
Kilosmazal: what do you do with your browser09:14
tinuvaim still using archlinux, that looks like crunchbang, really like it still09:14
tinuvadno how you guys can use kde :P09:15
Kilosi dont enjoy the xfce stuff tinuva 09:15
mazalAll of a sudden I have many sites that don't work , especially drop-down boxes and forms that must be filled in. This is on 3 different pc's and installs on both 12.04 and 13.04. I know it's firefox related as chromium works on every site that don't work with firefox. Anybody know of an update that broke something in firefox ?09:15
Kilosbut love kde and unity in 12.0409:15
tinuvaKilos, what xfce stuff? crunchbang uses openbox/tint2 not xfce09:16
Kilosoh i couldnt get crunchbang to connect with 3g09:17
Kilosi get mixed up with them all09:17
Kiloskde takes getting used to but quite cool once you sorta understand it09:18
tinuvamaybe its because i am old school09:18
Kilosand the underlining function in konversation saves tons of scroll backs09:18
charltinuva: that looks pretty elegant what you have there09:25
charlis that a custom setup on archlinux? or some standardised thing?09:26
tinuvaarchlinux you have to build yourself, but I got the idea after trying out Crunchbang linux09:26
tinuvaI really liked how it worked and looked, but I didnt like the fact that Crunchbang is based on Debian09:27
tinuvaso decided to build it on Archlinux09:27
tinuvaDebian's software is usually too old for me, even though it is rock solid stable09:27
tinuvaArchlinux is up to date with most software in the Linux world, which I like a lot09:27
Kilosi cant build stuff so gotta use what works09:35
charltinuva: what panel is that at the bottom? i used to use tint2 but this looks different10:12
charltinuva: i used to use tint2 and openbox on ubuntu but in the latest version of ubuntu it seems like openbox is broken or something10:13
charlhere's an old screenshot of mine: https://github-camo.global.ssl.fastly.net/c2ad4e318dcf7d195e0adb5340e5512772837da7/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f6d4e4f44522e6a706710:14
tinuvacharl, that panel at the bottom is still tint2, I just modified the config a bit so that it can look like that10:15
tinuvaps, you should try out terminator for terminal applet :P10:15
tinuvaotherwise your screen is cool10:15
charlare those terminal emulators?10:16
charlooh my goodness, terminator is ugly10:17
charli have this red bar at the top10:20
charlprobably configurable but still10:20
charlwhat is terminal applet though?10:20
tinuvacheck that10:21
charlah that looks much nicer, is that after configuration?10:21
charlhow do you switch between tabs10:21
tinuvawell you split the panes on demand using shortcuts10:21
tinuvathere is a shortcut for that too10:22
tinuvathough you can use the mouse10:22
charli don't want to use the mouse :P10:22
tinuvai just like it, cause it has tables like the gnome one, but also because you can split a tab into multiple panes10:22
charlmy whole desktop has been organised in a way that i have minimal reliance on the mouse10:22
charli never really split tabs, i just want an easy way to launch tabs and switch between them10:22
tinuvaok just check the preferances for the shortcuts, you can modify that too if you want10:22
charlctrl+alt+n works for launching a new tab but alt+1 etc and shift+left and right arrows don't work10:23
charli see them, the switch_to_tab options10:23
charlall disabled by default10:24
charlah i changed the red too, although looking much better10:24
tinuvaso yeah, you can just change all of it, to what you are used to, and tada10:24
tinuvabut if you dont need to split panes...then you dont really need terminator10:25
tinuvathats pretty much the reason I have it10:25
charlyeah i don't care about it, i use i3 so i can tile all windows the way i want them10:25
charlusing the keyboard :P10:25
charli like that irc client you're using, hexchat10:26
charllooks better than xchat10:26
tinuvaits basically xchat, but a newer version10:29
tinuvaubuntu with their slow release update, is still on the older xchat, which doesnt get updated anymore10:30
tinuvahexchat is a fork from xchat, and still gets regular updates10:30
charli have seen many of these arch-based distro's10:30
tinuvawhich is one of the reasons why i like archlinux, so that i can be on newer versions of software all the time10:30
charlthey also look quite good but i guess i should just start from scratch10:30
tinuvawell you can do what i did10:31
charlneed to make some time for this10:31
charlnah i would go for i3 (for a start) etc10:31
tinuvai started my archlinux build inside a virtualbox vm, so it took me 4 weeks to build it the way i like it, in that time i was still on crunchbang so that i could still do other work ect10:31
charlbbl need to go out to lunch10:31
charlyeah i'll do it the same10:31
tinuva4 weeks later when my arch build was done, i migrated to that on my physical machine10:31
tinuvacheers, enjoy lunch10:31
charlfirst start inside a vm10:31
Kiloswbb going to unity10:33
nlsthznseems coming from Unity not that easy11:32
KilosMaaz, hmm...12:04
Maazhmm... is often used to try make others believe one is actually thinking12:04
theblazehenLol Kilos . what are you thinking?12:05
Kilosi see an i/o error on booting12:05
Kilosi/o error zram0 block so and so12:06
Kilosput other ram in but its not that12:06
Kilosthe swap thing12:06
KilosThatGraemeGuy, you got some time to read a link?12:25
Kilosor tinuva 12:25
Kiloszram stuff12:25
Kilosnever seen it before12:26
Kilosbut zram.config is in the repos12:26
tinuvawhy do you want to use zram?12:26
Kilosi get an error in booting that says i/o error zram012:27
Kilosabout 6 lines then boot proceeds12:28
Kilosive installed it with synaptic and it gave the error it couldnt start zram12:30
Kilosdid a aptitude reinstall and it started12:30
Kiloswhatever it might be12:31
Kilostinuva, i found this about it http://slexy.org/raw/s21ZcN68Qv12:56
tinuvaare you running out of memory?12:57
KilosMaaz, seen inetpro 12:57
MaazKilos: inetpro was last seen 1 day, 14 hours, 42 minutes and 39 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2013-09-15 00:14:24 SAST], and has been online on freenode since 2013-09-11 02:56:12 SAST12:57
Kilosat times pc does go slow when opening or running stuff12:57
Kilosgot 1.5g ram12:57
mazalBye everyone , enjoy your evening12:57
Kiloscheers mazal 12:57
Kilosyou too ty12:57
charlwhow vmware doesn't even seem to have support for arch13:50
charlthat's pretty terrible13:50
charltime to move back to virtualbox :)13:50
charlvmware was well ahead of virtualbox at the start but i feel virtualbox has done more than overtake vmware at the moment13:50
charlany thoughts?13:50
Kiloshiya maiatoday 13:51
charlhi maiatoday 13:51
ThatGraemeGuyvmware is a huge company13:56
ThatGraemeGuyi assume you are referring to vmware workstation?13:56
ThatGraemeGuybecause virtualbox is the lego beach buggy to vSphere's F1 car :)13:57
charlyes sorry i should have added that14:08
charlvmware workstation14:08
charlyeah vmware has all this vcloud and vsphere stuff14:09
charlat work we use that too but i don't work on that personally14:09
charlESX with vSphere or something14:09
psychicisthi charl 14:11
charlhi psychicist 14:12
charlwb psychicist 14:32
Squirmhi hi14:33
charlhi Squirm 14:33
psychicistty charl 14:34
psychicisthi Squirm 14:34
Kiloshi kbmonkey 15:50
KilosQA google google how to show hidden home files on kubuntu16:17
QAKilos: I'm not feeling too well16:17
KilosQA google how to show hidden home files on kubuntu16:18
QAKilos: I'm not feeling too well16:18
Kiloshi Squirm 16:19
Squirmthe server I was connected to seemingly went down16:19
* Squirm kicks freenode16:19
Kiloshi Trixar_za 16:23
Trixar_zaHey Kilos16:23
inetprogood morning16:47
inetproKilos: ai!16:48
Kiloshi inetpro 16:48
Kiloswat ai! jy16:48
inetproKilos: click on the spanner in Dolphin16:48
inetprothen start reading the list of options16:48
Kilosfor what now, im trying to setup QA on a host16:49
inetproone of them says "Show Hidden Files"16:49
Kilosoh my i have it16:49
inetprowhy google for it when you can just RTFS16:50
Kilosi didnt know it was there man16:50
Kilosai! ek sukkel16:50
inetprohoe gaan dit oom?16:50
Kiloshi mage16:50
Kilosgoed dankie en self boetie16:51
magespawnGood evening16:51
inetproKilos: ons leef nog dankie16:51
inetprohi magespawn16:51
inetprowarm vandag en gister16:51
Kilosek sal later chat, moet eers QA reg maak16:52
Kilossy het ge burp met my16:52
Kilosya lekker16:52
Kilosmaar sy burp net op kanale wat ek haar gese het om te join16:52
Kilosek het haar net op my kanaal ingesit soos n domme16:53
magespawnIs it the meeting tonight?17:01
magespawnNo worries, my calender just beeped at me17:02
magespawnI have switched my server off, i had to move stuff in the shop, busy packing everything up.17:04
magespawnBe back later17:13
Kiloswb mage18:17
magespawnBack again fish are now in bed18:18
magespawnKilos did you get the ibid sorted18:22
Kilosyip running lekker18:23
Kilosweird. when i had her join a channel once online she burped when told to google some stuff but when joining the channel on boot np18:26
magespawnDid you find out what caused it?18:27
Kilosfemale bot thats why18:27
Kilosnope just set up the ini file to join on booting18:27
magespawnYou going to get yourself in trouble18:27
Kilosno ladys here18:27
KilosQA: wb18:29
QAYa ya man I'm not the one disconnecting or crashing the pc18:29
KilosQA:   google how to show hidden home files on kubuntu18:30
QAKilos: That didn't seem to agree with me18:30
magespawnMaybe she just does not like to google18:33
magespawnQa coffee please18:34
QAmagespawn: There isn't a pot on18:34
magespawnQA coffee18:34
QAmagespawn: Huh?18:34
magespawnQA coffee please18:35
QAmagespawn: There isn't a pot on18:35
magespawnDoes not like to make coffee either apprently18:36
KilosQA: coffee on18:39
* QA flips the salt-timer18:39
magespawnAhh the magic words18:40
magespawnQA coffee please18:41
QAmagespawn: Done18:41
QACoffee's ready for Kilos and magespawn!18:43
KilosQA: ty18:44
QAYou're welcome Kilos18:44
magespawnQA botsnack18:47
magespawnI am off Kilos, good night18:49
=== Kilos is now known as die
=== die is now known as Kilos
Kilosi give up for tonight19:17
Kilosnight all sleep tight19:17

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