
gfallbackjcbvanyone here00:28
wilee-nileenobody but us chickens, you have an issue00:35
gfallbackjcbvyes im trying to configure knobs with my mpk mini00:36
gfallbackjcbvu know about that00:37
wilee-nileenot really00:37
wilee-nileegfallbackjcbv, For help on the IRC though generally stating the issues in detail is the norm.00:38
gfallbackjcbvwhat about recording from seq 2400:38
gfallbackjcbvshould i use ardour00:38
XRS1another good resource would be the  #opensourcemusicians  room00:40
gfallbackjcbvmap the knobs on my physical midi controler to the ones in zyn, or any that works00:40
MaynardWatersin 11.04 lilypond could import midi, i think01:50
MaynardWatersim not in 13.04 and lilypond appears to be an entirely different program01:50
MaynardWatersnever mind i was thinking of rosegarden01:51
XRS1it happens01:53
perotinhey hey... total noob here, i was wondering if someone could tell me if there's a different settings mgr i'm supposed to use besides compiz-config.  i'm running ubuntu studio 12.04.3 on an ibm intellistation z desktop and all i'm trying to do is change the opacity of windows06:08
perotinbasically i can set values for windows but when i click the "enable" button in the opacity brightness & saturation section nothing happens.  i've found that if i hit alt+f2 and type "compiz --replace" it lets me adjust an active window's opacity using alt+mouse scrollbar, but then the titlebars of all windows disappear and can't be moved or resized until i restart, at which point the windows are no longer transparent06:11
perotini really want to have transparent windows as they make life quite a bit easier so if anyone has any ideas or experiences with this problem i'm all ears06:12
IntuitiveLeapopen your settings manager06:14
IntuitiveLeap'window manager tweaks'06:15
IntuitiveLeapcompositor tab06:15
IntuitiveLeapthat is if you are running the xfce desktop as per a normal ubuntustudio install06:15
IntuitiveLeap@ perotin06:16
perotini believe so.  oh there it is06:16
perotinthanks intuitive06:16
perotinhope it's cool if i lurk here for awhile.  i just installed this os today and am still trying to figure it out lol06:17
IntuitiveLeapit's all good06:24
IntuitiveLeapare you running it natively or in a  virtual machine?06:25
IntuitiveLeapi much prefer studio to the standard ubuntu, i'm running studio 13.04 in a VM at the moment, but i have it native on another machine. it's a smooth setup, i think.06:28
perotini do too so far. i had tried out mint before this and it just wasn't as stable06:31
IntuitiveLeapthere's a zillion flavors out there, but this one is a keeper as far as i can tell.06:33
IntuitiveLeapvery nice to have access to all the audio capabilities in this distro too. i guess they are available for almost any distro, but man it is hard to know what to get and what is stable. sooo many audio related apps to configure can be a huge pain.06:35
perotini'm pretty impressed so far.  i'm just using it for my tv's brain currently but i'm probably gonna swith my laptop over to it in the next few days. eventually i want to start figuring out the ardour and the other audio production utilities but aside from audacity they seem a little... cockpitesque06:37
perotinprimarily i've used renoise & fl studio on windows but i want see what the open-source side of things has to offer in terms of sound creation06:40
XRS1if it's for a TV you should use mythbuntu06:41
XRS1or at least install xbmc06:41
IntuitiveLeapardour is a bit of a monster at first :P06:42
perotinwhat can you tell me about xbmc, xrs1?06:44
perotini've always used vlc for the most part06:45
perotinmost daws usually are, at least until you really start playing with them06:46
XRS1check out that link. its basicly just xbmc on xfce (xfce is the desktop manager ubuntu studio uses)06:46
perotininstall xmbc... nice design but the cursor moves really slow.  it might just be all the other shit i have up lol06:54
perotinmyth sounds like it omits a lot of stuff i'd rather have, such as libre, music production software, etc06:55
wiakdoes anyone else have  the dummy audio output bug in 13.10 amd64?09:21
wiakbtw worked fine in 13.0409:21
zequencewiak: What bug is that?09:47
=== a1|away is now known as AbyssOne
wachinGood day to all15:05
wachinHi UbuntuStudio dev, I format my Laptop Dell Inspiron 1750 where have installed ubuntuStudio 13.04 to downgrade to the UbuntuStudio 12.04.3 LTS the final update(its like the best of the best). But I need, help with UbuntuStudio 12.04.3 I used ubuntu one and all fine, working fine. But not in U.S. 12.04.3. The share link not appear properly.15:05
wachin(sorry my english, I am Spanish parlant)15:06
wachinI have nautilus 3.4.2 with Ubuntu One 3.0.1 with this on Synaptic:  https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/83295394/Ubuntu%20One/04%20Packages%20installed.png15:06
wachinIn the next picture see that first appear ok: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/83295394/Ubuntu%20One/01%20Ubuntu%20One%20and%20Nautilus%20-%20Problem%20to%20share%20link.png15:06
wachinAfter appear a ms that said that the File Is Not Public15:07
wachinInd next, you will see that Is Missing the option "Copy Share Link"15:07
wachinPlease do can help me, now I have to use dropbox15:07
wachinAfter appear a ms that said that the File Is Not Public15:33
wachinInd next, you will see that Is Missing the option "Copy Share Link"15:33
wachinI dont understand why the integration with nautilus menu not working properly15:34
zequencewachin: It's not related to UBuntu Studio at all. More a matter of installing the correct packages.16:21
zequencewachin: I would ask on a ubuntu related channel about this. Don't know if any of the devs have used ubuntuone. It's not what we offer by default anyway16:21
=== osirisgothra is now known as windows
* windows just crashed19:42
=== windows is now known as osirisgothra
osirisgothrawell don't all say hello at once, it could be considered flood19:43
zoneminderI use ubuntu studio. Does anyone have any ideea why I can't use compiz correctly on it?... OpenGL gives an error...21:07
zoneminderhello :)22:22
zoneminderI need something like tv mosaic or fftv or something with multiple streams shown at once under linux ... No one knows of any software doing this??... I want it for live rtsp streams...22:22
zoneminder(I'm under ubuntu studio)22:22
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee

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