
micahgochosi: I have the patch and the change I need to make, but I'll have to upload tomorrow04:49
Noskcajhttp://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/xubuntu/xubuntu-recent-bug-tasks.html yay?10:01
ochosiali1234: wanna help write up the instructions for gtk3 indicators in xubuntu in the wiki?11:41
jjfrv8Running Xfwm4 Settings testcase, hit bug 1181134. Had to do a hard reboot after submitting the bug. Everything was locked up.14:53
ubottubug 1181134 in xfce4-indicator-plugin (Ubuntu) "xfce4-indicator-plugin crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118113414:53
NoskcajThe latest update just gave me the "ubuntu web browser". Can someone explain20:38
ochosiyeah, i got that too20:45
ochosiseems like some mobile stuff20:45
bluesabreI saw one of the packages pulled in click package support the other day20:48
NoskcajIt's called webbrowser app20:56
skellatbluesabre Noskcaj -- Flag that to cjwatson as I don't think he wants that happening on the desktop side at all.  He'd possibly appreciate the feedback.21:11
knomeor stgraber.21:12
knomeor just poke people at #ubuntu-release21:12
knomebluesabre, you're in the release team..21:12
knomebluesabre, but you don't seem to be on the channel21:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 1204486 in LightDM GTK+ Greeter "Unable to select alternate languages at login screen" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:47
brainwashthe priority of this bug needs to be set to high I guess21:47
knomewe're working on it.21:48
brainwashis it a gtk-greeter bug only?21:49
ochosiit doesn't seem like it21:50
ochosiwe don't know yet what's causing it21:50
ochosinot unlikely that it's logind21:50
ochosieven ubuntu seems to have that problem21:50
ochosii'm currently asking whether ubuntu-gnome has the same issue21:50
brainwashofc it's related to the systemd/logind :D21:50
ochosiyeah, but it's not certain whether the problem is in xfce4-session, or lightdm or the greeter21:51
brainwashlubuntu users seems to be affected too21:52
knomeochosi, do you think you could come up with a better bug description?21:52
ochosibrainwash: yeah, which kinda rules out xfce4-session...21:53
ochosi(but not entirely)21:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 1213837 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "I cannot select an Xsession after logout from Lubuntu Saucy Daily" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:53
ochosiknome: well i'd love to, but it's just not really clear what's going on yet21:53
knomeochosi, can we make it point to something else than the languages?21:53
knome"Greeter is in lock-mode after logout" or sth21:54
brainwashrestart is missing to21:54
brainwashafter the first logout21:54
brainwashthe option to restart I mean21:54
ochosiyeah, true21:54
ochosisame version of the greeter works fine though in R21:55
brainwashcan consolekit still be used in saucy?21:56
ochosiwell tbh i don't like the fact that ubuntu is pushing unstable versions of lightdm down our throat21:56
knomeochosi, but again, whining about it won't fix the bugs, will it?21:57
ochosiwell don't you whine about my whining, i'm at least asking around21:57
Unit193In theory it could, if he needed to vent before he could take a llook. ;)21:57
ochosianyhoo, the desktop-folks say they're too busy to even look21:58
knomeochosi, fssst, :P21:59
ochosiknome: my main point being: it wasn't even whining, but rather pointing out what might be the source of the problem (lightdm being updated with micro-releases to hopefully get Mir to work for 13.10)22:00
knomeyeah, sure22:00
knomei'm not whining about anything22:00
knomei'm just as frustrated that it doesn't work as you are22:01
ochosiyeah, blows a bit that even the ubuntu folks don't see this as problematic as we are22:01
ochosiwe even have a patch in our pipe22:01
knomeis it confirmed that works?22:02
ochosiwhich would fix things for most i guess22:02
ochosiwell it doesn't hurt anyway22:02
knomeso where's the patch?22:02
ochosii have it here locally22:02
ochosibut what it doesn't fix is locking22:02
ochosiprobably not a tragedy because we're not using it by default in 13.1022:03
knomewhat does it fix then?22:03
ochosithe logging out (or so it seems)22:03
ochosiit still takes ages to log out though22:03
ochosiit just fixes the greeter somewhat22:03
ochosihave to retest though22:03
knomefixes - in what way?22:03
knomeskellat, thanks for updating the wiki. missed that.22:07
knomeand with that - bah, need to make sure i can make the meeting.22:07
ochosiso selecting languages is fine with that i guess22:08
ochosiand sessions too22:08
ochosiso the patch does improve the situation22:09
Unit193knome: This week?22:09
ochosinot sure it 100% fixes all of the problems22:09
knomeUnit193, tuesday 15UTC22:09
knomewas the comments from robert of any help?22:10
Unit193Ah, thanks.  Adding to cal.22:10
ochosiyeah, that's what we used to create the patch22:10

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