
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
vmussahello everyone03:38
vmussaI have a small SDD disk and I'm thinking about installing Xubuntu on it or in the HDD03:39
vmussais there any possibilities of ruining SSD?03:40
vmussaif I do something wrong?03:40
pleia2works fine for me03:45
pleia2been using xubuntu on my netbook ssd for almost 5 years, and my new desktop has an ssd that I put xubuntu on, very fast, it's lovely :)03:45
vmussapleia2, I see. Cool!03:47
vmussapleia2, but I'm worried about messing up the SSD, since I was told that there is things you can do that will mess it up03:47
vmussaand I'm very much a newbie03:48
pleia2I don't know anything about that03:48
vmussaso the chances of doing something wrong are good haha03:48
pleia2I don't really mess around with overclocking or anything crazy on my hardware03:48
vmussathe thing is that I want to install it alongside windows 803:49
vmussaand I'm thinking of installing it in the HDD but I'm not sure how03:50
pleia2in the installer you can select where you want to install it03:50
vmussathe fact that it is lighter than Ubuntu has something to do with the hard disk too or only RAM?03:52
vmussaI mean Xubuntu on HDD will still be faster than Ubuntu on HDD?03:53
pleia2ram and cpu03:55
pleia2there aren't any optimizations for hdd03:55
vmussaI see03:58
vmussathank you pleia2!03:58
[0gb_us]The Ubuntu Software Center, apt-get, and the Software Updater all crash as soon as I start them. Is there a way to repair this, or do I have to reinstall Xubuntu again? This seems to happen to me every few months ....04:01
[0gb_us]I'm tired of re-installing Xubuntu. Any advice on how to not have to is greatly appreciated.04:02
nerdtron[0gb_us], sudo apt-get update, any errors?04:03
[0gb_us]No errors, just a crash after line three.04:03
[0gb_us]Oops, I thought you said 'upgrade'. Trying 'update' now.04:04
[0gb_us]That seemed to have fixed it, though the impending software updates were lost to the void. I swear I tried that last time, and I had this issue with no effect ....04:06
[0gb_us]Anyway, thanks nerdtron!04:06
nerdtronalways remember to update first then upgrade04:07
[0gb_us]I was using the graphical interface when this all started. I was trying to use the software center.04:08
[0gb_us]i would use apt-get exclusively, as it lists dependencies before installation, but if you don't know the name of what you're looking for, apt-get can't help you.04:09
nerdtron[0gb_us], yes you can04:11
nerdtronapt-get cache search web browser04:11
yeyemanwhat the ...04:12
[0gb_us]Trying ...04:12
nerdtronapt-get cache show girefox04:12
nerdtronapt-get cache show firefox04:12
nerdtronapt-cache search web browser04:12
yeyemanslightly rotating the sound cord seems to change system volume04:12
yeyemanhaven't seen this before04:12
nerdtron[0gb_us], apt-cache search web browser04:13
nerdtroni had a typo :)04:13
nerdtronyeyeman, how does it change? mute to unmute?04:14
yeyemannerdtron, no full vol to half vol04:14
[0gb_us]"apt-cache search web browser" dumps a little data to the console, but nothing else happens, and "apt-cache search firefox" seems to do nothing at all.04:14
nerdtronapt-cache search firefox no entries at all??? i have at least 10004:16
nerdtronwhat version are you using?04:16
[0gb_us]Not no entries, just very few.04:16
[0gb_us]Version of what, Xubuntu? 12.04.*04:17
nerdtronyes, try apt-cache show firefox and it will show you the info on firefox before you install it..04:17
[0gb_us]Oh, for "firefox"? Yeah, no entries at all.04:17
nerdtronoh...hmmm haven't tried it as i have 13.0404:18
[0gb_us]I tried searching for "leveldb" and "leveldb-dev", and no info there either.04:18
[0gb_us]Anyway, you still seem to need to know the package name to find it, which was the original reason I'm not using apt-get for general work anyway.04:19
nerdtronyes..that is why synaptic and software center are included in the GUI..on a server, apt-get is what i use04:20
[0gb_us]Software Center has the issue of not telling you what else you're installing when you try to install one application - an issue fixed in GNU/Linux Mint. I'll look into Synaptic.04:22
[0gb_us]Synaptic seems to fail to list dependencies as well.04:23
[0gb_us]Never mind, it just doesn't list them on the main page. This will work. Thank you!04:24
[0gb_us]Sorry to keep posting problems, but I have another. I select all files in my home directory, right click, and try to make an archive. After a few seconds, I'm told that permission is denied, though it won't be specific and tell me if a particular file or directory is the issue.04:44
nerdtron[0gb_us], chmod everything?06:12
kj5t[0gb_us]: Probably the easiest thing to do, assuming these files are on your local system is just to chown them to your user and group06:14
[0gb_us]I tried that. It seems to be aliases that are the issue. Instead of reporting that there is a symlink that it doesn't like, it reports a permission error. Even if the symlink points to something I do have permission to use.06:14
[0gb_us]So permission errors were never the issue, the system was just lying to me.06:15
nerdtronhmm maybe you don't have write permissions on where you want to save the tar file?06:15
[0gb_us]I do. If I save to the same directory without the symlink, it works.06:16
=== xubuntu276 is now known as loosec
[0gb_us]Now I'm dealing with some other error that kills the archive when I try to compress all my files. i'm having to add my files to the archive one directory at a time to try to see which directory has the error. and doing so is slow, because the archiver reads the whole archive, adds the directory of files, re-compresses, and repeats.06:18
[0gb_us]If I could compress them all in one go, it'd be way faster.06:19
nerdtron[0gb_us], what is your command to create a tar file?06:48
[0gb_us]nerdtron, not a command. I select all directories (control + a), right click, and choose "make archive".07:00
nerdtronare you including hidden directories?07:01
[0gb_us]Yes I am.07:01
nerdtronmaybe some of the hidden folder causes errors.. i say its the .ssh folder07:01
[0gb_us].ssh is successfully in the archive.07:02
nerdtrondon't include hidden directories in your backup...why do you need them anyway?07:02
[0gb_us]Much of my data is in these so-called hidden directories.07:03
[0gb_us]I forget what all is in there, but there are game saves and plugins I built.07:03
[0gb_us]And my system settings.07:04
[0gb_us]So far, only symlink files seem to be the issue, and not all of those are (were) in hidden directories.07:05
[0gb_us]Oh yeah, there's also the virtual machine I was using for homework. VirtualBox puts those in a hidden directory.07:06
[0gb_us]So much would be lost if I ignored hidden directories in my backups.07:06
[0gb_us]I wasn't using tar though, and hidden directories are backing up with no difficulty. It's symlinks and only symlinks that will not back up properly.07:13
well_laid_lawnman <whateveryouareusing> and see what it says about symlinks07:14
[0gb_us]That might work. Thanks!07:14
[0gb_us]Now I just need to figure out what I'm using, but I can probably find that in the menu.07:14
elfyif it's the default gui archiver it's file-roller I believe07:15
elfyand it says absolutely nothing about symlinks in the man page07:15
[0gb_us]"Exec=file-roller %U", yep, that would be it.07:15
elfyI just created one with a symlink successfully07:17
[0gb_us]Huh ... I wonder why it's failing for me then ...07:17
well_laid_lawnfile-roller would just be an interface to different archiving apps afaik07:18
elfytry running it from a terminal - see if that points to the error07:18
elfywell_laid_lawn: it is - uses tar etc to do the work07:19
[0gb_us]Check your archive. Did it compress the symlink or did it follow the link and compress the contents of the other directory? THat's what it does for me when I try to compress only one file and it is a symlink.07:19
elfy[0gb_us]: it id both - archived the link AND the link target07:20
[0gb_us]I'll try once the non-command line copy stops running. Running two instances would be a bad idea, one instance is already eating a lot of my power.07:20
[0gb_us]Resources, I should say, not power.07:20
[0gb_us]Wait ... I don't even know how to run this from the command line. I could enter "file-roller', but that doesn't tell the application what files to compress the way the right click menu does.07:22
elfyit starts it - then you use the gui to set up the archive07:23
[0gb_us]The GUI doesn't seem to be able to add multiple files.07:25
[0gb_us]I can't add a single directory, as the directory is ~, and I don't have somewhere outside ~ to save it to.07:25
elfyseems not07:28
[0gb_us]I think I remember tar having the same problem for me in the past ... Perhaps tar doesn't like my system.07:29
elfygood luck - I'm off now07:30
elfyI wish - it's 830am - work calls :p07:30
[0gb_us]Good luck then!07:30
cultavixgood morning07:38
cultavixjust wanted to say that I am loving Xubuntu07:38
wachirabluetooth manager keeps on crashing on my xubuntu07:43
wachiraany help07:43
well_laid_lawnwachira:  what happens if you start the bluetooth manager from a terminal ?08:10
cfhowlettwell_laid_lawn, cascade failure resulting in an inter-dimensional rift which allows hostile aliens to enter our realm and enslave the earth.08:11
cfhowlettstarting from terminal or starting from gui results in the same outcome08:12
well_laid_lawnbut it is easy to see why if the error is in a terminal08:12
cfhowlettwell_laid_lawn, that's true..08:13
fdelI just upgraded to ubuntu 13.04 (xfce 4.10), and gnome-system-manager has a black background in the "resources" tab graphs. Is there a way to make the normal background appear?09:45
fdel(IIRC I had the same issue in 12.10 but had it fixed somehow; just can't find the link anymore)09:45
knomefdel, sounds like a possible theming issue09:54
nerdtronfdel, fresh install or dist-upgrade?09:57
fdelfrom 12.1009:58
fdelknome, nerdtron: http://tinypic.com/r/10f9mj4/510:04
knomefdel, yep, looks like a theming issue.10:05
knomefdel, file a bug against shimmer-themes10:05
fdelknome: I use Xfce-smooth style. Oddly as I try other styles, sometimes the normal appearance "appears", but when closing/reopening the syst manager, the problem comes back10:07
nerdtronfdel, i have no idea.. sorry, at least that is your only issue in upgrading your system...i have no luck in terms of in place upgrades.. i alway sdo fresh install10:12
fdelknome: dpkg -S says Xfce-smooth is in /usr/share/themes/Xfce-smooth/gtk-2.0/gtkrc10:14
fdelso I guess a gtk2/3 issue10:14
fdelI mean in gtk2-engines-xfce package10:14
koegshow can i add a new user with encrypted home?10:15
koegsthe standard-dialog does not have that option10:16
yeyemanwhich version of skype should I choose?10:52
kj5tyeyeman: I am running and it is working well on 13.0410:53
yeyemanthe previous version I had would crash randomly10:57
yeyemanand worse, crash reliably if I tried to call or accept a call10:57
MonkeytoeI am synergy to allow one keyboard/mouse to control multiple desktops. My linux desktop is one of those. It works fine except for when I start the linux computer up. Right now I just have synergy set in the program autostart menu which means it does not sync the keyboard/mouse until after the user login is complete. How can I get the command /usr/bin/synergyc to run before the user login is prompted?12:25
Monkeytoe*I am using synergy12:25
koegsMonkeytoe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto#Autostart_Synergy_before_logging_in_.28LightDM.2912:28
Monkeytoenice !12:29
Monkeytoeso LightDM is the desktop manager xubuntu uses?12:29
koegsMonkeytoe: yes12:29
knomethe login manager, yes12:29
xubuntu289Hi all I am using xubuntu 13.04 with the latest AMD stable display driver and the 3.9.13 kernel and when I restart or shutdown I get black and blue stripes12:54
Monkeytoesweet it worked, thanks koegs :)13:00
Monkeytoeone other question... I have my desktop configured as a dual monitor... I moved my panel to the right monitor so that is where my whiskermenu and application icons are... the only issue I have with that is when I right click a program or file and hit "add to desktop" it adds it to the left monitor instead of the right. I cant for the life of me figure out how to set the right monitor as the main monitor and then extend the desktop of13:02
Monkeytoef to the left in catalyst control panel. Is there any way to specify which monitor to place new icons on?13:02
ruienHello all. I'm using Xubuntu 13.04, and for the first time plugged in a second monitor. After booting into xfce, my panels look completely wrong, similar to a very vanilla Xfce session, and many icons are missing. Changing the "Style" in "Settings Manager -> Appearance" has no effect. The problem is reversible -- remove the second monitor, and after booting everything looks completely normal. Has anyone seen this before?13:29
ruienOkay, I fixed it. Strangely, restarting has no effect at all, but logging out, logging into a new user with default configuration, then logging out and logging back into my own user fixed the problem.13:35
horrowhello guys14:53
GridCube!hi | horrow15:12
ubottuhorrow: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!15:12
doug_what is the substitute for ctrl+alt+-> (right arrow). I want to move a window to another workspace17:19
Piciusually ctrl+alt+shift+->17:20
bgardnerOr right click title, 'Move to another workspace'17:20
doug_sorry, it was my fault. I am trying ctrl+alt+shift+-> but it isn't working17:21
doug_I am using bgardner solution atm, but I would like to use my keyboard17:21
Sysidoug_: see window manager settings, you can actually set combination there and see the default17:22
bgardnerdoug_: Check Settings->Window Manager->Keyboard->Move Window to ...17:22
doug_it is set to alt+ctrl+KP_117:25
doug_what would be kp1?17:25
doug_oh no, sorry17:25
doug_it is alt+ctrl+home17:25
doug_what a weird combination, but I like it17:25
doug_anyways, any idea of what is KP_1?17:27
Pici1 on your keypad17:27
bgardnerdoug_: Key pad 117:27
doug_so I can have 9 workspaces and send the window directly to them17:28
doug_thanks guys17:28
l01it seems I cannot set the date on 12.10: after a couple of seconds, it returns back to today. Is this a bug?18:00
GridCubeprobably you dont understand how to set time in linux18:00
l01GridCube: date -s gives the same behavior.18:02
l01also does --set=18:03
l01Never mind, it's VirtualBox Guest Additions http://askubuntu.com/questions/3556618:05
xubuntu354hi, there is any way to set snippets to a keyboard shortcut?? thanks in advance18:38
GridCubexubuntu354, yes19:02
GridCubemake an executable file, and link it to a keyboard shotrcut19:03
luis__hello gridcube, i was wondering if there is a way to create a shortcut for text, for example i press ctrl+9 and insert text "hello world"19:04
GridCubehe left?19:16
=== Maple__ is now known as [Rainbow_Dash]
ciderbatcan anyone here shed some light on a problem I'm having?22:28
knome!anyone | ciderbat22:28
ubottuciderbat: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:28
ciderbatI reinstalled Xubuntu 12.04 and now it won't load anything past the lightdm login22:29
ciderbatdropping to TTY and doing "sudo startx" only tells me it's already running22:29
ciderbati've installed it twice today to the same problem22:29
GridCubeciderbat, from a tty run: sudo service lightdm stop22:33
GridCubethen run it back and see if a message changes22:33
ciderbatthanks. i'll boot and try it then i'll check back here [in live USB currently]22:35
GridCubeciderbat, you can install irssi and log in from a terminal22:35
GridCubei mean, log in here22:35
ciderbatok. gonna use weechat :)22:36
GridCubeP: same but takes longer to install22:36
ciderbati stopped light dm. it said "checking battery state" and then i started it again to the same issue22:43
GridCubewhen you stop the lightdm service you can try the startx22:44
ciderbatthis is very odd since I formatted my root partition and did a clean install22:44
ciderbatok, ill try that22:44
GridCubei don't know22:44
ciderbatok i'm in the barebones XFCE X window now22:45
ciderbatoh no, now i do ctrl alt f7 to go back to it and it's just that "checking battery state" again22:46
ciderbatoh, nm, it works with f822:46
GridCubeciderbat, try deleting the .Xauthoriy and .ICEauthority in your ~/ folder22:46
GridCubei don't know why but deleting them sometimes fixes booting from lightdm22:47
knomeGridCube, that's related to file permissions - they are flawed at least if you boot with root to the graphical interface (which you shouldn't do)22:48
GridCubemmkay :)22:48
GridCubei just know that reseting them by deleting them many times fix failed lightdm sessions22:49
ciderbatThank you so much!!!22:50
ciderbatIt all makes sense now. I carried over my /home partition from the previous install, so the problems that were happening with that one were affecting this one since it's in /home and not /22:51
ciderbatnow for many hours of apt-get!22:51
GridCubeo: it fixed you?22:53
ciderbatthank you again!22:53
GridCubenvm :)22:53
ciderbatit must have been the same thing causing X11 to go wonky before I reinstalled too22:54
ciderbati don't know why it happened. Maybe I shouldn't have merged Xubuntu with "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" and then tried to backpedal. My comp was so messy after that22:54
GridCubesounds about messy22:55
ciderbatoh that's weird. some of my games are still there22:55
ciderbatI tend to experiment a lot, but I think this time around I'll try and keep my system clean. Kind of silly to use a light distro and then throw a ton of random stuff at it22:58
JonathanDGood evening. I'm trying to get the (old) nvidia driver working on an (old) laptop. And I have, except it seems to detect the wrong native resolution for the display and do weird things as a result.23:16
Unit193JonathanD: Howdy.  And you can't set "Display" in the Settings Manager?23:18
JonathanDin display it maxes out below the native res.23:19
JonathanDIt's not centered, either, it's top-left with weird corruption in the lower and right borders23:19
Unit193Fun times.  I'm guessing there's an nvidia settings manager, but what I do personally is force the mode with xrandr on startup by adding the mode and switching to it, but pretty sure that's not the best way.  Normally I've used X -configure in a TTY to generate an xorg.conf file, but you can also use a minimal one to set the res (and driver?) you need.23:20
JonathanDthe settings manager doesn't work properly with the older nvidia driver23:21
JonathanD"The nvidia x driver on ubuntu:0.0 is not new enough to support the nvidia-settings..."23:22
JonathanDI do have an xorg.conf created by nvidia-xconfig23:23
Unit193Yep, so I'd start there.23:27
JonathanDI wonder if it's actually related to the external port. I had to enable twinview w/ clone to get anything to display at all23:30
JonathanDperhaps the lower res is the max it can push to two displays.23:30
ciderbatit's day of the xorg issues!23:45

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