
pedroalvarez_smoser: do you know which library needs "sources/DataSourceSmartOS.py" when it does `import serial`?16:46
pedroalvarez_Because this one doesn't look ok to me: http://pyserial.sourceforge.net/pyserial.html16:47
smoserhttp://pyserial.sourceforge.net/ is it.16:55
smoserwhy "doesn't look ok"16:55
pedroalvarez_Just because I don't understand why it needs a library to use the serial port.. 16:55
smoserutlemming, ^ . i dont know for sure.16:59
smoseri'm open to sipmle file io. on it16:59
pedroalvarez_smoser: It also uses "boto", is this one? https://pypi.python.org/pypi/boto17:04
pedroalvarez_to access Amazon web services?17:04
smoserit uses boto to crawl the metadata service on amazon.17:20
smoserbasically turn their web service data into a dict.17:20
pedroalvarez_smoser: thanks for the info :)17:26
utlemmingsmoser: the answer is yes, because otherwise reading the serial is a real pita17:29
harlowjautlemming probably u would have to rewrite a mini-version of pyserial to do it right, which does seem like duplicated work19:13
harlowja*thats sort of the whole point of libraries*19:13
harlowjapedroalvarez_ if u don't need certain datasources u can remove dependencies19:14
harlowjaaka if u don't care about enabling DataSourceSmartOS.py remove the pyserial dependency19:14
smoseri dont really know about reading form serial devices.19:40
smoseri'm perfectly fine to replace it with something else that works.19:40
smoserpySerial is ubuntu-main (a requirement in the end). that does'nt mean other things can't be there, and we get them into ubuntu main. but it sure is nice if the thing is already there.19:41

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