
zradminhas anyone been able to get the nova-ccc up and running properly? It keeps erroring out for me when I join a nova service to it00:00
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kurt__zradmin: have you gotten a relationship successfully between nova-cc and nova-cs?00:08
zradminkurt__: thats when nova-ccc turns red00:13
zradminkurt__: the log only shows something about the ssh keys for the compute node and then fails the hook, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6117251/00:15
kurt__right, you are running in to the same bug as we are00:16
kurt__you have two work arounds00:16
kurt__are you doing maas?00:16
kurt__from kentb: kurt__: yep. indeed.  What I ended up doing was adding the "option domain-search 'master';" line to /etc/maas/dhcpd.conf and restarting the service so all future machines would get the new settings.00:17
kurt__that's one way00:17
kurt__the other way is to ensure your nodes alls have /etc/host entries for each other00:18
kurt__you'll have to ensure the nodes are up via maas with a valid image, then go in and update them manually00:18
kurt__kentb's method is probably easier.  I've tested neither yet00:19
zradminah ok so adding to dhcpd, restart the service and reboot the affected nodes?00:19
kurt__well, make changes to dhcpd, then just destroy and re-add nova-cc00:20
kurt__then add relationship00:20
kurt__you keep dropping from the room00:20
zradminok I'll play around with it a bit00:20
kurt__but the key is obviously, the nova-cc node needs to re-up via dhcp to get the info00:21
kurt__back in a few00:22
zradminsounds good00:22
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marcoceppiFYI jamespage adam_g: this is a bug that's affecting a lot of people trying to deploy openstack on MAAS https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/nova-cloud-controller/+bug/122516000:58
_mup_Bug #1225160: cloud-compute-relation-changed fails, getaddrinfo error <nova-cloud-controller (Juju Charms Collection):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1225160>00:58
adam_gmarcoceppi, can you please test with the py rewrite branches in lp:~openstack-charmers?00:59
marcoceppiadam_g: I certainly can, I'll update the bug report tomorrow with my findings01:00
adam_gmarcoceppi, can't promise its going to work any better, actually01:02
adam_gmarcoceppi, issue is that MAAS/users need to ensure DNS works when resolving non-FQDN hostnames. not just for the charm to deploy okay, but for ssh block migration to work.. nova attempts to initiate that by pointing a libvirt migration to qemu+ssh://$HOSTNAME/system, not qemu+ssh://$FQDN/system01:03
marcoceppiadam_g: that's fine, I don't mind getting you as much information as possible to fix it. I've got a 4 hour flight tomorrow so I might just try to find where in the code it's dropping the tld and patch the bash charm for now01:03
marcoceppiadam_g: So this is more a bug in maas, where the workaround outlined in the bug report needs to be applied to maas and not the charm?01:04
adam_gmarcoceppi, i believe you can work around better by just ensuring /etc/resolv.conf contains 'search master'01:05
adam_gmarcoceppi, or getting maas to ensure that when its giving out DHCP01:05
marcoceppiadam_g: this is the current workaround: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/nova-cloud-controller/+bug/1225160/comments/101:05
_mup_Bug #1225160: cloud-compute-relation-changed fails, getaddrinfo error <nova-cloud-controller (Juju Charms Collection):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1225160>01:05
adam_gmarcoceppi, oh, didnt see that. but yeah, that is correct01:06
marcoceppiI mean, this is a big problem for users deploying on maas, I just want to know who I have to annoy to get this fixed01:06
marcoceppiso if it's not at the charm level, maybe this needs to find it's way in to MAAS, either during the MAAS setup or as part of the documentation01:06
adam_gmarcoceppi, i'd think it would be a reasonable default to set the domain-search  in MAAS?01:06
adam_gmarcoceppi, alterantively, you can just disable live-migration in nova-compute01:07
marcoceppiadam_g: I agree as far as maas01:07
adam_gif DNS is borked, thats not going to work anyway01:07
adam_g(live migration)01:07
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josehey guys, anyone around here?01:49
davecheneyjose: yes01:49
josehey, I'd like to know if any of you know how could I add hook triggering on my charm01:52
thumperjose: what do you mean by that?01:58
joseon http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jose/charms/precise/postfix/trunk/files I have hooks such as add-ssl, and would like to know if there is a way to trigger them like an option change02:00
josemaybe something like 'juju set charmname option true'02:00
davecheneyjose: yes, handle that in config-changed02:14
josedavecheney: and is there any pages that can give me a clue on that? I'd like to implent it02:14
davecheneyjose: to restate your request, you would like the enable ssl with a config flag ?02:15
davecheneyis that correct ?02:15
joseenable ssl and update ssl certs, which are the two hooks I have02:16
davecheneysomething like02:16
davecheney[[ $(config get option) == "true" ]] hooks/ssl-update02:17
joseso, if that line's in there, would the person be able to do 'juju set postfix ssl-update' and get the hook running? because as far as I can understand, that line would need to have something changed in config.yaml02:20
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davecheneyjose: ssl-update is not a hook name02:27
davecheneythe names of hooks are fixed02:28
davecheneyjuju set will fire the config-changed hook02:28
davecheneyso you caninsert logic inside that hook to check the content of $(config-get ssl-update)02:28
joseoooooh, got it now!02:28
joseso basically if I say it to check if the command is 'juju set postfix ssl-update' and that is true, then it can trigger it02:29
davecheneyjose: close02:29
davecheneyyou check the value of the config item, ssl-update02:29
josegreat, I think I now have an idea on what to do. Thanks a bunch, really!02:30
* jose runs and fixes his code02:30
davecheneyjose: don't forget to define ssl-update in your charm's config.yaml02:31
joseyep, thanks!02:31
davecheneyand also, if $(config-get ssl-update) is false, don't skip it02:33
davecheneyyou need to remove any existing ssl configuration from the service02:33
josehm, bug appears02:34
josealthough it'd be best to add a 'remove ssl' config option, as I find it quite difficult for me to get around a solution on that02:35
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davecheneyjose: hmm, i think that will be harder02:45
davecheneyall config vlaues have a default02:45
davecheneythat is to say, there is no way that config-get will return nothing02:46
davecheneyso make it a bool param02:46
davecheneyand if inside the config-changed hook you find 'ssl-update' is false, then do whatever logic you need to disable ssl support02:46
davecheneythat logic should expect to be run multiple times02:46
joseI don't understand why people would like to disable ssl, but I'll try to find a workaround02:47
josealso, is it possible to end and if/elif without an else?02:49
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zradminanyone around still?03:04
joseI am, though I'm not that of a coder03:07
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thumperzradmin: I'm here, and so are a few ozzies03:42
thumperbut I don't follow this all the time as I have about 30 channels open03:42
zradmindo you know anything about setting the api ips in openstack? glance is giving me some trouble and only coming up with one of the two nodes instead of the HA IP (I'm following the ubuntu HA guide using juju for this)03:45
josehey thumper, do you by chance know if an if/elif can end without an else?03:51
joseor zradmin, ^03:51
thumpersorry don't know anything about openstack03:51
thumperjose: in what language?03:52
joseforgot to mention :)03:52
thumpersure, just don't code the else03:52
josegreat, thanks! :)03:52
zradminthumper: no problems, I'm sure I'll figure out whats going on with it eventually03:52
josethumper: also, if you have a min, do you know a command for juju to return the charm name deployed on a node? not wordpress/1 but wordpress, as an example.03:56
thumperjose: command from where?03:57
* thumper doesn't really know much about charms03:57
josesuch as config-get03:57
thumperso from the client machine03:57
thumperusing the juju command line, or a library, or what?03:58
josejuju CL03:58
josesecond, let me grab a linkl03:59
joseurgh, can't find it04:01
josehttps://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/authors-charm-anatomy.html here, in hook environment04:02
josesomething like $JUJU_UNIT_NAME04:03
thumperso inside the hook context?04:04
thumperno, it doesn't look like it04:05
thumperbut you could to an rsplit on the slash04:06
josersplit? /me googles04:06
thumperright split04:06
thumperso take foo-bar/204:06
thumperand split on the last /04:06
thumperwhich should be the only slash04:06
thumperto get foo-bar and 204:06
thumperthe service name is the first bit04:06
thumperunfortunately I have to go04:07
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joseno worries04:07
josemarcoceppi, jcastro: http://manage.jujucharms.com/review-queue is 40404:28
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=== jose changed the topic of #juju to: Share your infrastructure, win a prize: https://juju.ubuntu.com/charm-championship/ || OSX users: We're in homebrew! || Review Calendar: http://goo.gl/uK9HD || Review Queue: http://manage.jujucharms.com/tools/review-queue || http://jujucharms.com || Reviewer: ~charmers"
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mattywis it ok to reboot units after the intall charm has run? if say you edit users and groups?10:13
marcoceppimattyw: you can reboot units, they are designed to survive restarts11:29
mattywmarcoceppi, just doing reboot in the hook?11:29
marcoceppimattyw: I really /really/ wouldn't recommend a reboot, I don't know how it will handle during a hook execution. Why do you need to run a reboot in the first place?11:30
davecheneymarcoceppi: mattyw it would be great if you didnt reboot a unit11:32
marcoceppidavecheney: that's my gut feeling wrt this11:32
mattywdavecheney, marcoceppi I have a feeling it's something I don't want to be doing11:40
mattywI don't think I really need to be doing it, but wondered if other were doing it in charms already11:41
davecheneymattyw: no, it would be without precident11:42
davecheneyi'm fairly sure it would raise merry hell11:42
mattywdavecheney, my favourite kind of hell11:42
davecheneymattyw: go on, blow up the world11:43
mattywmarcoceppi, davecheney, I was playing around with trying to do a docker charm last night, part of the install instructions suggests to create  a docker group and add the ubuntu user to the group so you don't have to do sudo docker all the time, but it appears that it isn't working11:44
mattywI was going to try a last ditched reboot to see what happens (out of desperation rather than thought)11:44
marcoceppimattyw: hooks are executed as root, but new groups won't take affect until "next login" of that user11:45
marcoceppithere's a newgrp command that might help, but you shouldn't need to do anything with the ubuntu user if you do everything as root11:46
mattywmarcoceppi, it's basicall the why sudo? section here I was following http://docs.docker.io/en/latest/use/basics/11:47
marcoceppimattyw: since hooks are run as root, you can just pretend like that's not an issue. Alternatively, create a new user (like docker) to run all the docker commands under11:48
davecheneymattyw: the bbb is rather nice11:49
davecheneyblows the doors off the RPI11:49
davecheneyshame to turn it into a freebsd builder11:49
mattywdavecheney, have you tried running ubuntu on it?11:53
davecheneymattyw: not tried nothing, it was waiting at the door when I got home11:53
davecheneywill have a play this weekend11:53
mattywdavecheney, so it's not building yet but will be?11:54
davecheneygetting a stable freebsd 10 image is the next challenge11:55
mattywdavecheney, I'm still trying to find an lcd screen to connect to my pi that doesn't suck or cost too much11:56
davecheneymattyw: there are a few SPI based Oled ones11:57
davecheneyfreetronics has one11:57
mattywdavecheney, this is actually the sort of thing I was after https://store.tinygreenpc.com/monitors-displays/7-hdmi-touch-monitor-without-enclosure.html12:03
mattywdavecheney, see if I can turn my pi into some budget tablet thing12:03
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mattywso here's a question, has anyone tried upgrading the kernel in a charm?13:20
davecheneymattyw: yes, and no13:20
davecheneyyou'll find thta most hosts expect to be rebooted due to the implicit apt-get update && apt-get upgrade that cloud-init does on your behalf13:21
davecheneymattyw: it is important to recognise that juju is a _service_ management tool, not a _host_ management tool13:21
davecheneyas such, juju expects a few things to be already done for it13:21
davecheneyie, we expect the host to work13:21
mattywdavecheney, yeah sure, understood13:22
davecheneyand we expect the host to have working networking13:22
davecheneyetc, etc13:22
mattywbut if the service requires a special version of the kernel that means it's not really suitable to be charmed?13:22
davecheneymattyw: we'd handle that with a constraint13:23
mattywdavecheney, oh right13:23
davecheneyin the same way that you would say 'this service should be deployed on machines with a big /dev/sdb'13:23
davecheneywell, if we had working constriants, that would be what we use them for13:24
mattywdavecheney, ok understof13:24
mattywunderstood as well13:24
bachi sinzui, would it do any good for you to review my rewriterules branch or should i just wait for a webops to do it?13:41
sinzuiI can in  a few minutes13:41
bacthanks sinzui, it is at https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/canonical-is-charm-configs/remove-head-redirects/+merge/18592713:51
sinzuibac, we are removing the HEAD redirects because charmworld supports juju-gui urls?13:52
bacsinzui: yes13:53
bacsinzui: revisionless urls return head13:53
sinzuididn't juju-gui also need to understand revisionless urls to route to the details13:54
sinzuiHi lifeless13:54
sinzui^ bac13:54
bacsinzui: unsure, let's ask gary_poster ^^13:55
rick_h_sinzui: no, the gui is kind of revision agnostic https://jujucharms.com/precise/mysql13:55
sinzuirick_h_, bac: fab!13:56
gary_posterwe want both revisionless and revision...-full fwiw13:56
gary_posterrevisionless works now.  with revision works 1/4 way13:56
rick_h_1/4 way?13:57
gary_posterit doesn't fall over but ignores revision13:57
gary_posterwill change upcoming13:57
rick_h_oh right13:57
rick_h_yea, right the gui just takes whatever it's given as the charm id and passes it to charmworld. Making sense/providing the right data comes from there.13:58
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mhall119jcastro: are you familiar with the gunicorn charm?14:09
mhall119jcastro: and do I need to have this charm I'm developing in a ./precise/ directory?14:11
marcoceppimhall119: yes it needs to be in a series directory if you want to deploy it14:29
marcoceppimhall119: the gunicorn charm is being depreciated I think. let me check14:29
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adeuringmarcoceppi: could you please have a look here: https://code.launchpad.net/~adeuring/charm-tools/check-config-yaml/+merge/186066 ?15:12
marcoceppiadeuring: see my reply15:13
mhall119marcoceppi: I have a limited amount of space on /, but a lot of it on /home/, how can I get juju's local provider to put it's instance on a different partition?15:13
adeuringmarcoceppi:  thatnkas -- and sorry for not seeing you reply ;)15:13
marcoceppiadeuring: no worries! thanks for the submission15:14
marcoceppiadeuring: give me two seconds to push the latest to the python-port branch15:14
marcoceppiadeuring: actaully, latest is up there. This is the 1.0.0 release. While I probably won't get your merge in for that, I'll have it for 1.1.015:15
marcoceppiSo it'll land in the daily ppa, and in stable in about a week15:15
marcoceppimhall119: you'll need to configure lxc to do that. I believe it's outside the reach of juju15:17
marcoceppimhall119: either way, I've not tried15:17
marcoceppimhall119: first thing that comes to mind is to just symlinkn the containers in to your home directory, from /var/lib/lxc*15:18
marcoceppi* I think that's where the containers are put15:18
mhall119ok, I'll give that a try15:21
mhall119marcoceppi: should I be able to run juju debug-log immediately after bootstrapping15:29
mhall119or is that only usable after deploying15:29
marcoceppimhall119: no, debug-log does not work on local provider15:29
marcoceppimhall119: you can find all the logs in ~/.juju/local/log15:30
marcoceppimhall119: that should be in the docs but is not15:31
marcoceppimhall119: I'll make sure it gets added15:31
mhall119yeah, it just returns a 255 error code15:31
marcoceppimhall119: you also can't juju ssh 2; where 2 is the machine number, you must always use the unit-name15:31
marcoceppimhall119: because the debug-log is on the bootstrap node, and the bootstrap node is your machine. so the bootstrap node has the IP address of the lxc bridge15:31
marcoceppimhall119: you just tried to ssh into the gateway of the LXC bridge, hence the 255.15:32
mhall1192013-09-17 15:30:50 ERROR juju.container.lxc lxc.go:161 lxc container creation failed: container "mhall-local-machine-1" is already created15:32
mhall1192013-09-17 15:30:50 ERROR juju.provisioner provisioner_task.go:341 cannot start instance for machine "1": container "mhall-local-machine-1" is already created15:33
mhall119even after juju destroy-environment -e local, I still have /var/;lib/lxc/mhall-local-machine-115:33
mhall119I don't think jcastro is *actually* sick, I think he just heard that I was going to be trying Juju and decided to hide from me :)15:34
marcoceppimhall119: that's odd15:36
marcoceppimhall119: about to board a flight, best of luck, but if you dont' get it working I'll be back online in a few hours15:36
adeuringmarcoceppi: new attempt: https://code.launchpad.net/~adeuring/charm-tools/python-port-check-config/+merge/18608015:43
bacsinzui: did that MP look ok?  i see moon did your previous reviews.  is he the webop i should try to get to review it?15:53
sinzuibac: yep15:54
sinzuibac: sorry, I was ambiguous. moon127 or any webops can do the review.15:58
bacsinzui: oh, ok15:58
sinzuibac I don't understand the user rewrite rule.15:58
bacsinzui: getting on a call.  can chat in 15 minutes.15:59
sinzuibac: http://manage.jujucharms.com/~abentley/precise/charmworld is an example of a user charm url15:59
sinzuiuser urls don't have "charms" in them15:59
bacsinzui: good catch.  we had thought there had been URLs of that form before.  i'll remove that rule.16:22
mhall119so on the local provider, can I just go into /var/lib/lxc/{machine}/rootfs/ and see what it has?16:47
mhall119marcoceppi: ^16:48
mhall119is there documentation on setting up a clean environments.yaml?16:54
jcastrohey mhall11917:15
jcastroI ran into this this weekend17:15
jcastroI just blew away /var/lib/lxc/jorge-whatever17:16
jcastroand rebootstrapped17:16
mhall119jcastro: I tried that,then it complained about stuff in /etc/lxc/auto/17:17
mhall119jcastro: I think I need to blow away my environments.yaml, it currently has http://paste.ubuntu.com/6120281/17:18
mhall119what's the cleanest way to get a new one with properly configured local17:18
mhall119hope you're starting to feel better, btw :)17:18
jcastromove it out of the way17:30
jcastroand do `juju init` to make a new one17:30
jcastroit being the old environments.yaml file17:30
mhall119thanks jcastro, seems to be getting further now17:38
mhall119jcastro: can local instances get to external websites (like LP)?17:41
jcastrootherwise charms wouldn't work17:44
mhall119man, I can't type "unit" without my fingers automaticaly putting a "y" at the end :(17:48
jcastroyeah, it took me 6 months to fix that17:49
mhall119jcastro: ok, so my install hook failed, I made some changes and added a bunch of juju-log commands, how to I get rid of that instance and deploy again using the new charm?17:49
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tasdomasmhall119, if your install and upgrade_charm  hooks point to the same code, you can do juju upgrade-charm service --force18:18
tasdomasI have a question of my own - is it normal that juju-core leaves the instance running after a destroy-service ?18:22
kurt_tasdomas: no18:24
kurt_tasdomas: watch the status / debug-log to ensure the service is in fact truly getting destroyed18:25
kurt_my guess is it is not18:25
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mhall119tasdomas: it seems mine are different, what are my options in that case?19:00
tasdomasmhall119, 'juju resolved service/unit' - repeat until the service is in a non-error state19:01
tasdomasthen do a destroy-service and redeploy19:01
mhall119thanks tasdomas19:04
tasdomasmhall119, hope that helps19:05
mhall119tasdomas: trying it now19:07
mhall119we shall see19:07
mhall119well the service is gone, but the machine is still there, is that expected?19:08
mhall119do I need to destroy the machine before I redeploy?19:08
mhall119where would I find the output from juju-log?19:17
mhall119I'm not seeing *any* output in ~/.juju/local/log/ that looks like it's coming from juju-log commands19:22
marcoceppimhall119: I'd this on a local deployment still?19:24
marcoceppimhall119: the machine staying behind is expected19:24
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mhall119marcoceppi: local still yes19:27
mhall119marcoceppi: where does juju-log write to?19:27
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mhall119marcoceppi: can you look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/6120826/19:29
mhall119"instance-state: missing" looks suspiciously bad19:29
marcoceppimhall119: on the unit itself in /var/log/juju/unit-(service)-#.log however, they will be in .juju/(env-name)/log/unit-(service)-#.log19:29
marcoceppifor local environments19:30
marcoceppimhall119: that just means it can't query state. happens on some openstack local and Maas deployments19:30
mhall119marcoceppi: hall@mhall-thinkpad:~/projects/Ubuntu/api-website/charm$ ls /var/lib/lxc/mhall-local-machine-3/rootfs/var/log/juju/19:31
mhall119mhall@mhall-thinkpad:~/projects/Ubuntu/api-website/charm$ ls /var/lib/lxc/mhall-local-machine-2/rootfs/var/log/juju/19:31
mhall119mhall@mhall-thinkpad:~/projects/Ubuntu/api-website/charm$ ls /var/lib/lxc/mhall-local-machine-1/rootfs/var/log/juju/19:31
mhall119none of the 3 machines I've created so far have anything in their rootfs/var/log/juju/ directory19:31
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mhall119mhall@mhall-thinkpad:~/projects/Ubuntu/api-website/charm$ ls ~/.juju/local/log/19:31
mhall119machine-0.log  machine-1.log  machine-2.log  machine-3.log  unit-api-website-0.log19:31
mhall119all I have in my ~/.juju/local/log is machine logs, no unit ones19:32
marcoceppiunit-api-website-0.log looks like it19:32
marcoceppimhall119: FYI, that directory is loop mounts from the VM. of you ssh to it you'll see the loss, but they are in that. juju folder so nbd19:33
mhall119marcoceppi: ah, didn't see that in there before19:34
marcoceppimhall119: if you want to mimic debug-log just run `tail -f .juju/local/log/unit-*.log`19:35
mhall119thanks marcoceppi, I see some useful messages in that log, I'll be back if I get stuck again19:36
marcoceppimhall119: cheers19:36
jaywinkhey guys and gals ... read about GreenQloud (https://greenqloud.com) in Iceland offering cloud instances with a fully EC2 compatible API ... shouldn't that mean that Juju could be hacked to work with GC quite easily or would it be hard to tweak it?19:40
sarnoldjaywink: you might get away with just changing the URL..19:41
jaywinksarnold, yeah I though of trying but the environments.yaml has no url. Will check the code where it could be defined. Just thought if someone has any quick "NO cannot be done"'s :)19:43
sarnoldjaywink: ec2-uri: https://juju-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/provider-configuration-ec2.html19:44
mhall119marcoceppi: does juju keep a cached copy of my charm?  I changed my install hook but it doesn't seem to be using the changed version19:44
sarnoldjaywink: oh, looks like you'll also need s3-uri19:44
sarnoldmhall119: iirc, juju deploy -u  will help with rapid iteration of charm development19:45
mhall119thanks sarnold, I'll give it a try19:45
jaywinksarnold, ok thank will try that19:45
mattyware they any plans to allow deploying via github: something like juju deploy github:mattyw/charms/mycharm?19:51
jaywinksarnold, after setting ec2-uri and s3-uri to the endpoints in greenqloud, bootsrap gives 'error: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.'. I noticed GC has a separate EC2 key and separate S3 key for the API - so maybe that... will try to grep the code once I find it :)20:00
marcoceppimhall119: yes, it does20:05
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kurt_marcoceppi: still trying to figure out how to work around that nova-cc problem20:31
kurt_I thought kentb had a more elegant solution than adding it in to \/etc/hosts20:31
kurt_but I can't get the dhcpd.conf to accept it.  Any ideas?20:32
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marcoceppikurt_: check the bug report?20:38
marcoceppikurt_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/nova-cloud-controller/+bug/122516020:38
kurt_yeah, that doesn't work20:38
_mup_Bug #1225160: cloud-compute-relation-changed fails, getaddrinfo error <nova-cloud-controller (Juju Charms Collection):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1225160>20:38
marcoceppiaccording to adam_g this is actually a problem with MAAS and not the charm20:39
marcoceppikurt_: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/09/17/%23juju.html#t00:5820:39
mhall119marcoceppi: ok, so how do I deploy gunicorn to work with my django?20:40
mhall119mhall@mhall-thinkpad:~/projects/Ubuntu/api-website/charm$ juju deploy --to 9 gunicorn20:40
mhall119error: cannot use --num-units or --to with subordinate service20:40
marcoceppikurt_: try `option domain-search "example.com";`20:40
marcoceppimhall119: right, because by nature subordinates live on other services20:41
mhall119marcoceppi: ok, so how to I get it playing together with my "api-website" service?20:41
marcoceppiso you `juju deploy gunicorn`, then `juju add-relation gunicorn api-website`20:41
kurt_marcoceppi: maas by default sets up .master as it's domain20:41
marcoceppimhall119: apparently not, given the errors you're seeing20:41
kentbkurt_: what marcoceppi said, and afterward restart the maas-dhcp-server (or whatever it's called) service20:42
marcoceppiin my example20:42
kurt_I tried that too20:42
kurt_still borked20:42
adam_gkurt_, are you really planning on using ssh block live migration? if you are not, just turn it off on nova-compute charm config, and you should not have the DNS error during the hook execution.20:42
marcoceppikurt_: I'm just echoing what's in the man page20:42
adam_gkurt_, if you are planning on using it, you need reliable DNS20:42
kurt_adam_g: ok. but there's a gap here that will prevent maas working with juju the way things are. so maybe it needs to be carefully captured in documentation then?20:44
kurt_let me qualify that - in HA situations as described in jamespage's document where live migration via ssh is concerned20:44
marcoceppikurt_: I plan on re-targeting the bug for maas, it's not outside the realm of too much to ask for, to have maas setup include this step20:44
kurt_marcoceppi: thanks and adam_g thanks for chiming in20:45
marcoceppikurt_: adam_g: re-targeted to maas, https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1225160, adam_g thanks for the help earlier!20:49
_mup_Bug #1225160: MAAS doesn't add tld to DHCP domain-search <MAAS:Confirmed> <nova-cloud-controller (Juju Charms Collection):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1225160>20:49
mhall119marcoceppi: sarnold: tasdomas_afk: thanks for all your help, I'm very close now!20:49
marcoceppimhall119: yahoo!20:49
mhall119marcoceppi: the add-relation between gunicorn and api-website failed because of a missing python-jinja2 package, which I assume gunicorn uses20:50
mhall119why wouldn't gunicorn be installing that?  Do I have to install any gunicorn dependencies in my charm?20:51
marcoceppimhall119: it's possibly a dependency? I've not used that charm. If it is a gunicorn dep, the gunicorn charm needs to install it20:51
marcoceppijinja2 is a templating system for django, so it might not be a gunicorn dep20:52
mhall119well api-website doesn't use it...20:54
marcoceppimhall119: I'm simply googling around :\ what's the log for the unit say?>20:54
mhall119unless it's somehow still buried in the remnants of the charm I'm basing this off of20:54
mhall119mhall@mhall-thinkpad:~/projects/Ubuntu/api-website/udn$ grep -i error ~/.juju/local/log/unit-gunicorn-0.log20:55
* marcoceppi shrugs, it could20:55
mhall1192013-09-17 20:42:45 INFO juju.worker.uniter context.go:234 HOOK ImportError: No module named jinja220:55
mhall1192013-09-17 20:42:45 ERROR juju.worker.uniter uniter.go:356 hook failed: exit status 120:55
marcoceppimhall119: everything I'm reading suggests jinja2 is married to django and not gunicorn20:56
marcoceppimhall119: typically, a charm should install it's own dependencies. For the sake of moving you along, I'd say have you api-website install the dependency20:57
mhall119marcoceppi: hmmm, I see it in both the postgres and gunicorn logs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6121191/20:57
marcoceppiwhy is postgres doing anything?20:58
jaywinkhmmm stupid question if someone can help. I'm looking to tweak locally how juju uses creds towards ec2. It imports txaws module to do the magic. But I cannot find this module on my system no matter where I look?21:05
marcoceppijaywink: what version of juju are you using?21:06
jaywinkmarcoceppi, 1.13.3-raring-amd6421:06
mhall119marcoceppi: well I deployed postgres and added it as a relation to api-website21:06
mhall119not sure why it's using jinja though21:06
marcoceppimhall119: I have no idea why postgresql is installing anything21:06
marcoceppijaywink: well, 1.13.3 is written in Go-lang if you didn't know already, so juju is compiled.21:07
mhall119marcoceppi: I'm using the IS postgres charm, if that matters21:07
marcoceppimhall119: probably, I've not looked at that one21:07
jaywinkmarcoceppi, ok so I took the wrong sources from launchpad haha.... sigh.. that explains it21:08
marcoceppijaywink: yeah, juju-core is juju version > 1.021:08
marcoceppijaywink: just "juju" is version 0.7 and below21:08
* marcoceppi makes a note to update the juju project page21:08
mhall119marcoceppi: yeah, the postgres charm uses jinja in it's hooks21:11
* marcoceppi tilts head21:12
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mhall119marcoceppi: which service do I juju expose, gunicorn or api-website?21:31
mhall119marcoceppi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6121351/ shouldn't that mean I should be able to go to and see something?21:39
mhall119hmm, more missing deps it looks like21:41
hazmatmarcoceppi, so charm-tools still depends/recommends pyjuju21:50
hazmatmarcoceppi, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6121393/21:51
hazmatmhall119, jinja2 gets pulled by charm-helpers21:53
hazmatwhich postgres charm might be using21:53
jaywinkjuju-core doesn't seem to support ec2-uri and s3-uri (grepped the code too) - any idea if this support is coming or any branches with it included?21:56
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AskUbuntuDeploying with juju-core on non-ec2 ec2 clouds | http://askubuntu.com/q/34686022:53
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hazmatmarcoceppi, is there a separate place for python charm-tools?23:00
hazmatoh.. python-port branch23:01
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