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AlecTaylorWhat are the actual min rec RAM for Ubuntu 13.10 x64? - I tried with 1024MB on VirtualBox and it was very slow :\09:58
Ian_Corneare you sure you hit the ram limit?10:35
Ian_Cornewhat does free -m say?10:35
k1li bet its the video limit or llvmpipe stuff and not the ram10:38
snadgeive lost my ctrl-alt-t open terminal shortcut.. is this a known current issue?11:29
snadgeit started happening a few days ago maybe11:30
snadgeif i go into system settings -> keyboard .. theres a shortcut for launch terminal thats defined as Ctrl+Alt+T11:34
snadgeim using metacity with gnome-fallback11:36
BluesKaj'Morning folks12:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:56
philinuxariel__: hiya14:42
ariel__i am from colombia14:45
ariel__i live in colombia14:45
ariel__my english is sou sou14:45
ariel__help error ubuntu 13.1014:46
philinuxariel__: yep software center crashed on me too.14:57
snadgectrl-alt-t stopped working! noooo *explodes*14:58
philinuxariel__: in a terminal use this ubuntu-bug software-center and raise a bug and include your pastebin14:59
philinuxsnadge: worky here14:59
snadgegnome fallback im using14:59
philinuxah unity here15:00
snadgei may have to switch, it's annoying15:01
snadgealso the scroll wheel has stopped working on the speaker/volume indicator applet15:01
philinuxsnadge: i'm so used to unity now i get a shock at girlfriends when i have to use here machine without unity15:02
snadgeassuming thats another issue specific to unaccelerated gnome fallback session15:02
snadgei can actually happily use either15:02
snadgei just find the non composited desktop better for full screen 3d gaming15:03
snadgethe fallback session is great imho, definitely worth keeping that around, for compatibility and remote desktop especially15:06
snadgeand whingers ;)15:06
philinuxsnadge: saucy running fine even on my acer 141015:25
snadgeyeah okay.. so after installing some updates and a reboot now the scroll wheel works on the volume again15:47
snadgestill no ctrl alt t.. or ctrl alt l15:47
philinuxsnadge: what about in a unity session15:56
philinuxsnadge: might be worth raising a thread here.  http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=42715:56
alankilaIs getting rid of python 2.7 one of the goals for 13.10?15:58
PiciWhy would it be?15:58
alankilaWell, was just wondering.15:59
alankilaI've migrated to python3.x for my own scripts and am just trying to estimate the time frame for when python2.x stops being included by default.15:59
PiciEven if the Ubuntu devs were trying to get all their scripts updated to python3, I can't seem 2.7 getting removed from the standard install.15:59
alankilaI'm thinking it would be fairly soon though16:00
alankilait seems that gnome 3 is still largely dependent on python 2.7, though.16:01
Akiva-Mobileabout to do a reinstall; should I bother with 3.10>16:10
Akiva-Mobiledoesnt seem like much has changed16:11
alankilaI saw that on nvidia hardware gnome 3 now requires vsync. That was huge change for fluidity and pleasantness of the desktop experience for me.16:12
alankilano more tearing halfway every time I scroll down in browser16:13
alankilait used to work by default in compiz, or you could flick a checkbox on to enable it if nothing else, but that capability was lost in gnome 3 transition. I'm glad it's back. For that reason alone, I'd recommend update if you happen to use it.16:14
alankilait's probably been on all the time on unity, the lucky bastards16:14
snadgephilinux .. unity works as expected.. i can open terminal, lock desktop16:14
snadgegnome fallback, i can open a terminal16:15
snadgebut not lock the desktop16:15
snadgegnome fallback with no effects.. cant do either16:15
snadgestrange.. the shortcuts are defined.. i can capture the event.. hmms16:15
fhedstrom When i upgraded to 13.10 beta it doesnt seem to load the correct intel drivers. Always when I start up i get "Low resolution" warning but then it starts lightdm and x as usual. But in settings->about in x it says Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.2, 128 bits) and not intel...19:34
BluesKajfhedstrom:  which intel chip ?  sudo lshw -C video , look for the 'product:'19:37
fhedstromCore Processor Integrated Graphics Controller19:39
fhedstromBluesKaj, Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller19:39
BluesKajfhedstrom:  try ,  lspci | grep VGA , that may give us more precise info19:41
fhedstromBluesKaj, 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 18)19:42
fhedstromI guess it could be the  Mobile Intel GM965 Express19:44
fhedstrombut im not sure... mby i should boot 13.04 and find out19:44
BluesKajI think that's it19:44
fhedstromIts a bit old laptop - dell vostro19:46
brainwashcheck "apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-intel"19:46
brainwashto make sure that the intel driver is installed19:46
fhedstrom  Installerad: 2:2.21.14-4ubuntu419:47
fhedstromTranslates "Installed"19:47
brainwashyea, easy to guess :)19:48
brainwashchecking the relevant log files might shed some light onto this issue19:49
brainwashlike /var/log/syslog /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:49
BluesKajnormally there aren't any additional drivers available for intel onboard gpus , so the default driver is usually "it" .19:50
fhedstromYeah it has been for some realeases now... thats what so strange... never had any problems with it19:51
fhedstromis the gallium a fallback driver or?19:51
BluesKajfhedstrom:  is the same driver default on 13.04 ?19:53
fhedstromno, on 13.04 it says intel19:53
fhedstromin X19:53
fhedstromand its a lot more smoother19:53
fhedstrom[    16.383] (II) LoadModule: "intel"19:54
fhedstrom[    16.383] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/intel_drv.so19:54
fhedstrom[    16.414] (II) Module intel: vendor="X.Org Foundation"19:54
fhedstrom[    16.414] compiled for, module version = 2.21.1419:54
BluesKajare you on unity , and 13,10 is using Xmir is it not ?19:54
fhedstromnow im on gnome-shell but i thought the intel driver didnt support xmir?19:55
fhedstromand it wasnt default yet19:55
BluesKajI'm  KDE user and all this Xmir stuff on ubuntu saucy is becoming difficult for me to figure out ...KDE is still using X19:57
fhedstromSo is gnome-shell19:58
fhedstromBut I agree... Its getting harder and harder to use different windowmanagers20:01
fhedstromwell I'll search the logs BluesKaj tnx for trying20:02
BluesKajif it's any consolation fhedstrom , 13.10 , at least on KDE, isn't really much different than 13.0420:04
DaekdroomIs indicator-datetime not loading for anyone else?20:05
brainwashcan anyone confirm, that notify-osd queues notifications (volume changes,..) instead of replacing the existing notification popup?21:04
trismbrainwash: might be bug 119156521:13
ubottubug 1191565 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "show OSD all skipped tracks, showing wrong thumbnails, repeating, very annoying" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119156521:13
brainwashyes :D21:14
brainwashthis one requires some more attention :/21:15
imnicholI need to file a bug for audio stuttering, anyone know how to do that?23:07

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