
snizzoI have this code but setRoleNames doesn't seem to work. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6117212/ it says it's undeclared00:02
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dholbachgood morning06:57
dholbachjppiiroinen, Mirv: any new qtcreator/plugin uploads planned?06:58
jppiiroinenMirv ^07:00
Mirvdholbach: yep, you weren't online but  lp:qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu would be now ready (as of updated changelog entry merged 35 mins ago)07:13
Mirvdholbach: regarding QtC 2.8, postponed to t and saucy support going to PPA like the older releases. but that update is useful to have anyhow in the archives.07:14
dholbachMirv, I'll check into it07:15
Mirvsince it improves the installation of SDK via Dash etc, if people do that on pure saucy07:15
Mirvdholbach: the changes from last release are bzr diff -r 24 on that branch07:15
dholbachMirv, uploaded07:20
Mirvdholbach: excellent, thanks!07:23
dholbachMirv, hum, were 1219877 and 1214628 not part of the upload?07:24
Mirvdholbach: those seem to be only fixed in the 2.8 branch (which doesn't compile against QtC 2.7)07:27
dholbachah, gotcha07:27
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dholbachpopey, dpm: do we have a final list of accepted apps for the showdown?08:47
popeydholbach: is the list on the wiki not accurate?08:49
dpmdholbach, nearly. Looking at the responses I think we need to e-mail a couple of folks to resubmit, as they sent their apps to the old store08:49
dholbachdpm, do you have a list of them? I'd be happy to get in touch08:51
Parker001Can I ask anything or only important questions ? I'm new to ubuntu development08:51
dholbachnik90|Office, ^08:51
dpmdholbach, yep, just shared the spreadsheet with the responses08:51
popeyParker001: sure08:52
nik90|Officedholbach, dpm: I created that list :) but it is unofficial meaning that apps in that list could/could not be in the app store08:52
nik90|Officepopey: was referring to you ^^ instead of dpm08:52
dpmnik90|Office, I know, I know, but we asked participants to fill in a form, that's where we tracked submissions08:53
popeywhere does that form go?08:53
dpmpopey, to a spreadsheet, I've just shared it08:54
nik90|Officedpm: can you share it with me as well08:56
dpmI was about to, yes :)08:57
Parker001Hi guys , I develop some android apps and wants to develop for ubuntu touch , can I develop in java ? I searched the internet but everything keeping throwing me from palce to place :p08:58
Parker001is there a standard IDE ?08:58
popeyParker001: http://developer.ubuntu.com/ is the main portal08:59
popeyParker001: We support QML / HTML5 / OpenGL / C++08:59
popeyJava isn't a 1st class citizen on Ubuntu Touch08:59
Parker001Thank you very much !08:59
dholbachMirv, jppiiroinen: is cordova-ubuntu-2.8-dev something that relates to qtcreator 2.8 somehow?09:01
Parker001popey : interface designed in QML , and all the actions code is written C++ , right ?09:03
popeyParker001: whole thing can be qml / js, but some apps use some C++ components, but most don't09:04
nik90|Officepopey: you got Javascript ^^09:04
dholbachnik90|Office, so I'll go through the list of folks who had problems submitting and afterwards we'll get in touch with you and the other judges09:06
nik90|Officedholbach: okay, meanwhile I will review the apps already in the app store and working atm09:06
dholbachrock on09:07
Parker001popey : I search the internet for tutorials but didn't find , What to search ? gnome , unity or ubuntu development ? I know javascript and C++ and little python09:08
popeyParker001: its all on developer.ubuntu.com09:11
popeyParker001: there's not many tutorials, we're working on that09:11
Parker001popey : no I mean what is the general thing to learn before ubutnu touch apps ? ubuntu desktop applications ? or there is general IDE for unity ?09:14
Parker001popey : is there only ubuntu SDK ?09:14
Mirvdholbach: no it's independent, used by qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu-cordova09:15
popeyParker001: we have an sdk you can install - it's based around qtcreator09:15
popeyParker001: we also have lots of open source core applications you can look at09:15
popeyParker001: http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/09:16
popeyParker001: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps09:16
popeye.g. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calculator-dev/ubuntu-calculator-app/trunk/files09:16
dholbachMirv, I was just surprised by the numbers in the package name09:16
Parker001popey : Thanks :)09:17
Mirvdholbach: Apache Cordova and Qt Creator do not select each other's version numbers :)09:17
dholbachah, ok09:18
Parker001popey : what is "quickly" for ?09:22
popeyParker001: quickly was/is used for creating apps for the desktop, generally python apps09:22
Parker001popey : can I use it for ubuntu touch ?09:23
Parker001popey : thanks09:23
popeyUbuntu SDK (qtcreator) replaces it09:23
guschtmoenicke_: do you want to review? https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/qtubuntu-camera/camera-click-sound/+merge/18598909:24
tmoenicke_gusch: done09:26
timpoSoMoN_: there is a new UITK release. So https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/new-panel-api/+merge/185222 should work now. Can you re-trigger CI?09:28
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mzanettinik90|Office: I don't developer a core app. so in that sense I don't "have to" talk to designers10:24
nik90|Officemzanetti: true10:24
nik90|Officemzanetti: but I can imagine the use cases for it. The reason I asked you to talk to a designer is that the SDK developers will *only* implement stuff approved by design. And currently design says you cannot combine pagestack with tabs. So if you have bugs with your implementation, then they might not be fixed.10:25
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oSoMoNtimp: sure, will trigger now10:27
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timpoSoMoN: thanks10:38
timpoSoMoN: how? you click the re-trigger link or you do an empty commit?10:38
oSoMoNtimp: I click the re-trigger link10:42
oSoMoNtimp: I’m having lots of issues with CI and autolanding for the browser lately though, so it may take a while to actually succeed (it keeps failing randomly on stuff that used to pass reliably, no idea why)10:43
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dpmpopey, nice! I just noticed this: https://plus.google.com/117574309170420884411/posts/RJMsaSuXKTT11:21
dpmMichael Spencer from the File Manager is helping implementing the Stock Ticker designs already11:22
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popeyYeah! We spoke last night about it.11:24
popeyHe was looking for something else to do, and offered to do that, so I said "Yes please!" :D11:25
dpmpopey, awesome11:26
marcoceppiI'm having a weird issue with python packaging, can't seem to get past this11:42
marcoceppiI found this bug, but it says it's been patched in the version of python-stdeb (0.6.0+20100620-2build1)11:44
marcoceppiIs there another room that I should bounce in to for packaging stuff?11:50
nik90|Officepopey: can you try uDraw and let me know if you can see the white screen where you draw stuff. Atm I only see a black screen in place of the canvas. Also saucyBacon still doesnt work for me. I tried reflashing phone several times.11:53
popeynik90|Office: for saucybacon you need to install libqt5script511:53
popeynik90|Office: for udraw, yes, I get a black screen11:53
popeyfirst is bug 122574911:54
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1225749 in ubuntu-touch-meta (Ubuntu) "libqt5script5 should be in the base image" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122574911:54
nik90|Officepopey: ah :) ... how come that is part of the dependencies? Anyways thanks.11:54
popeythe other judged need to know this11:54
nik90|Officepopey: yup11:54
popeyi dont have edit rights to the spreadsheet so can't add a note11:55
nik90|Officepopey: also I will give uDraw and Graphite Drawing a try on my desktop since both of them show a black canvas where you cant draw stuff11:55
nik90|Officepopey: if you have the emails of all judges, would mind sending an email? I had some other questions and notices for the judges, but do not know their emails.11:59
popeylemme see12:00
popeyi do12:00
popeywill mail now12:00
nik90|Officethanks popey. Just got the email12:06
nik90|Officezsombi: what do you mean by stock alarm in your comments? Are you referring to the alarm I read from the database?12:24
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zsombinik90|Office I used the same naming when I talked last time in comments about the alarms you fetch from the model12:25
nik90|Officezsombi: I wasnt sure then which I realised when trying to fix the comments12:26
nik90|Officezsombi: but I get it now12:27
zsombinik90|office ok :)12:27
nik90|Officezsombi: btw I reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/122651612:27
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1226516 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Alarm documentation needs more elaboration on save() and cancel() operations" [Undecided,New]12:27
nik90|Officezsombi: I dont have permission to assign it to you12:27
zsombinik90|Office thx, I just did :)12:28
nik90|Officeawesome thnx12:29
GuidoPallemansis there going to be more info about the ubuntu apps showdown?12:40
GuidoPallemansdpm, danielholm12:41
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dpmGuidoPallemans, this week we'll make sure we get all contest apps into the store, and next week we'll start judging12:42
GuidoPallemansk, thanks12:42
GuidoPallemanshow much apps entered?12:42
dpmnik90|Office, do you happen to know any bitesize bugs in the clock app?12:43
dpmGuidoPallemans, about 35-40, really good quality apps :)12:43
nik90|Officedpm: I can find out since Paolo and I spent last week fixing those kind of bugs :P12:43
dpmnik90|Office, I know, I'm trying to give a potential new contributor something to work on, but you guys are too good and fixed them all already. Same for other core apps :)12:44
nik90|Officedpm: hehe. Although lina reported about 6 bugs in one day, some might qualify as bitesize12:45
* dpm looks12:45
nik90|Officedpm: check the hack-days milestone. Those marked as new or incomplete are the ones reported by lina12:45
dpmyeah, they don't look trivial for someone new unfortunately12:47
nik90|Officedpm: the bugs remaining in hack-days milestone are the only ones which need fixing for 1.0 release12:48
dpmpopey, can you think of any task for a new contributor with coding skills? I'm running out of ideas and it seems we've run out of bitesize bugs12:48
nik90|Officenik90|Office: so I gues we are out of bugs :P12:48
popeydpm: test the app showdown apps and file bugs in those?12:49
popeyNo more bugs!12:49
popeyLets go shopping!12:49
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dpmpopey, I think it might be best for folks to focus on contributing to core apps. I can't think of any "easy" app/bug to start on right now though :/12:51
popeyyeah, i was kinda kidding ☻12:51
* dpm hugs popey12:51
dpmfranxesk, I think what I'd recommend is to run the apps, see if there is any missing functionality, then file a bug and try to fix it yourself12:52
dpmfranxesk, you can file a bug for any of the apps here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-coreapps/+filebug (just remember to select the app in the dropdown menu)12:52
mihir__popey: dpm I have been trying to sign code of conduct but not able to do it succesfully :( with KGPG12:53
franxeskdpm, I'll see what I can find then :)12:53
popeydpm: I'll update my (not yet published) blog post and call for bitesize bugs?12:53
dpmpopey, sounds good12:54
dpmfranxesk, perfect, thanks :)12:55
dpmmihir__, what's the exact issue you're having?12:55
mihir__dpm: I have generated Fingerprint with KgPG on kubuntu but when I try to import it's unsuccesful12:56
mihir__dpm: I'll ping you once I reach home I am leaving office currently12:58
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dholbachbeuno, so I was just chatting with GuidoPallemans who just submitted his app and it's still in "draft" - do you know anything about it?13:38
dholbachbeuno, it's "connect4"13:38
dholbachGuidoPallemans, when you resubmit the app, you might have to use a new version number (one you didn't use before) and make sure the version in the web form and in the manifest (in the 'advanced' tab of the 'packaging' section in the SDK) matches13:40
GuidoPallemansdholbach: ohh, yes that's the same as I did wrong on reversi13:40
dholbachthat should be easy to fix then :)13:41
beunodholbach, I don't, but as long as it's in draft, it's not visible to us13:43
dholbachah, ok13:44
GuidoPallemansIt just goes back to draft13:45
GuidoPallemansshowing the following message: ....13:45
beunoGuidoPallemans, dholbach, that's because it was submitted to the old store13:46
dholbachGuidoPallemans, sorry about that - the navigation might be a bit confusing right now - try again at https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/13:46
GuidoPallemansnow its reversi: needs info | c4: pending13:47
dholbachGuidoPallemans, I can see connect4 now13:48
GuidoPallemansnow its reversi: pending | c4: in progress13:50
dholbachGuidoPallemans, replied to the c4 submission13:51
GuidoPallemansdholbach you can copy that comment to reversi, didnt do it there either13:52
dholbachGuidoPallemans, yep, and there's another small issue in reversi13:52
dholbachresponding in the form13:52
dholbachjust a sec13:52
GuidoPallemansresubmitted c413:54
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dholbachI think the security policy thing is less important13:55
dholbachmaybe just ignore it for now13:55
dholbachit'll be fixed with bug 1221407 in the future13:55
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1221407 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "please provide gui for security manifest" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122140713:55
GuidoPallemansdholbach: submitted13:56
dholbachGuidoPallemans, approved13:57
dholbachkeep up the good work!13:58
GuidoPallemans(think I'll make a chance at a price?)13:58
dholbachI'm no judge - I'm just helping out :)13:59
dholbachbut I'll go and check out the apps in a bit :)13:59
GuidoPallemansthat's why I'm asking you :d13:59
guschtmoenicke_: up for another review? https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-bug-close-abum-view/+merge/18607515:38
tmoenicke_gusch: thats a lot of code to read ;)15:40
guschtmoenicke_: sorry ;)15:40
om26eroSoMoN, I see you are top contributor for calendar, you still working on it ?15:55
om26ersummary: the years view is too slow on mako :/15:55
popeyom26er: known problem16:00
WebbyITI have to report a bug about login in gmail app, where I have to report it?16:01
GuidoPallemanswho is lucas romero di bendetto on irc?16:04
GuidoPallemanslucasromerodb, nvm16:05
om26erpopey, ah - so i don't need to report a bug for that then16:07
oSoMoNom26er: launchpad karma is misleading, I only do reviews and fix tests from time to time, the real main contributor is Kunal16:09
om26erboiko, hey.. this bug 122669216:25
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1226692 in messaging-app (Ubuntu) "New message does not appear in the app once an old coversation with that contact is deleted" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122669216:25
om26eroSoMoN, thanks for letting me know16:25
boikoom26er: if I'm not wrong salem_ already fixed this problem16:26
om26erboiko, I have the latest image, if only that fix is not yet in the image16:26
boikoom26er: yeah, it was not released yet it seems16:27
om26erboiko, thanks, you know which package had that bug? so I'd move it there16:28
om26erand assign salem16:28
om26erofcourse if there isn't another bug already16:28
boikoom26er: there was another bug I think16:30
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boikoom26er: https://bugs.launchpad.net/history-service/+bug/121028516:31
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1210285 in history-service "removed threads are not recreated on incoming messages" [Undecided,Fix committed]16:31
om26erboiko, cool, thanks16:31
om26ernerochiaro, hey16:34
salem_om26er, yep, the fix was committed but not released yet.16:34
om26ersalem_, do you when we'll release that ?16:35
nerochiaroom26er: hey16:38
om26ernerochiaro, I see a grey area in the camera view16:38
salem_om26er, not sure. we are preparing another change for the history-service, so I think it wont take too long.16:38
om26ernerochiaro, bug 122670216:38
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1226702 in camera-app (Ubuntu) "[mako] camera view is cropped from the right side" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122670216:38
om26ernerochiaro, specifically this screenshot https://bugs.launchpad.net/camera-app/+bug/1226702/+attachment/3825567/+files/screenshot_1379435364.png16:39
nerochiaroom26er: i don't have a mako :(16:39
om26ersalem_, ok, thanks16:39
om26ernerochiaro, ugh. can you please mention that in the bug report :) someone might send you a mako ;)16:39
nerochiaroom26er: i've seen that bug report before, but haven't been able to do anything about as i can't repro16:39
nerochiaroom26er: is the screen res of mako the same as maguro ?16:41
om26ernerochiaro, yes both the devices have the same screen resolutions16:41
nerochiaroom26er: then i really have no idea. posted a comment on the bug16:41
om26ernerochiaro, actually, its 1280 x 76816:41
nerochiaroom26er: bigger ?16:42
nerochiarothan maguro16:42
om26ernerochiaro, maguro is 1280 x 720 Yes16:42
nerochiaroom26er: can you also find out what's the camera resolution (of the camera with which you took that picture) ?16:43
nerochiaroom26er: my guess is that it's different than the screen res, and there's some issue in the code that is supposed to center it horizontally16:43
nerochiaroom26er: (i know we center the other camera vertically on maguro, but maybe we're not centering the front camera horizontally because on maguro front camera res == screen res)16:44
om26ernerochiaro, height of the image is 3264 pixels and width is 1836 pixels16:45
om26ernerochiaro, the problem I descrive is with the back camera though16:46
nerochiaroom26er: the camera and the screen have different resolutions. so it's  a bug in the centering code that probably never came up in maguro because in maguro i think the aspect ratio is diff but it results in an image that needs vertical centering. in this case instead it seems to result in an image that needs horiz centering, and that part is bugged)16:49
nerochiaroom26er: that's just my suspicion though16:49
om26ernerochiaro, if you get sometime please have a look, else I guess its not that important but "nice to have"16:51
nerochiaroom26er: i am adding a comment to the bug. whatever fix i do i'll need your help to test it16:51
om26ernerochiaro, sure16:52
om26erboiko, about our yesterday's conversation that Ubuntu phone calls back automatically, it seems the phone app is first started at its own and then the call happens17:06
om26eris there anything (logs) that you'd like to see to check what invokes the dialer-app17:08
boikoom26er: hmm, I don't remember we talking about that yesterday, what exactly is the problem?17:09
om26erboiko, after some real stress testing my Ubuntu phone would stop ringing and there is no notification on the phone to show that there is an incoming but.. when the phone gets into that state, calling it a few more times invokes the dialer-app automatically and it calls back to the number that was calling on Ubuntu phone17:10
om26erI have reported a bug for the first part, which I'd assume someone else will work on but the automatic call back part might be for you to investigate17:11
boikoom26er: oh, that's interesting17:11
boikoom26er: so, if you can get logs from telephony-service-approver and telephony-service-handler, those are the most interesting parts for us17:18
om26erboiko, where are they?17:19
boikoom26er: that's a good question :)17:19
boikoom26er: I usually start them manually when I need to get logs17:19
om26erboiko, you mean starting from terminal and paste the verbose output17:21
boikoom26er: yep, or check if any of those are crashing at some point, etc17:21
wellsbIs there a clean way to change an app's theme from dark to light.  No problems changing background color if the isLight of mainview style doesn't change, but if I change from a dark color to a light color, I get binding errors (still works, but it redraws everything)17:33
=== bfiller_afk is now known as bfiller
nik90_popey: uDraw works fine on saucy desktop while on phone the canvas is all black. Can we get this to the attention of who ever necessary. The app developer couldn't have seen this coming and falls in our shoulder to find out what is wrong.17:47
popeynik90_: yes. I'll look into it19:03
AskUbuntupublishing an app for ubuntu software center | http://askubuntu.com/q/34679119:36
popeybeuno: "Changes can not be accepted and published at this time. Please try again later."21:39
GuidoPallemansremember this guys? https://lh3.ggpht.com/-GsprtTxx95U/UdwAEdtE8fI/AAAAAAAAJ_4/bh-KuQN7ItQ/s1600/unlocscreen03A.png    ?    I implemented it: https://github.com/brambram/QML-Lock22:02
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
beunopopey, odd. Are you sure it's in the click store, right?23:17
popeybeuno: yes23:19
popeybeuno: i downloaded the click package, ran the tests, they passed, so I pasted in the pass text and hit approve23:19
popeybeuno: had to wait ages then the page refreshed with no change. I went back and there was that message23:20
popeybeuno: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/41/23:20
popeybeuno: also this guy is getting a 500 when uploading.. something is fishy https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/91/feedback/23:21
popeyand now, bed.23:21
beunopopey, indeed, something's broken23:21
beunoI'll take it from here23:21
popeythanks beuno23:21
beunopopey, ah, it's a known prodstack failure23:21
popeybeuno: be good if we could add some kinda bar along the top which lets people know things are busted, or maybe a twitter account or something23:22
popeyanyway, bed for real23:22
beunopopey, night!23:23

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