
albertscyphermox:  in what issues you ran?03:54
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tkamppeterlarsu_, hi07:19
larsu_tkamppeter: hi07:25
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tkamppeterlarsu, can you have a look at bug 1196986, seems to be a problem with bannertopdf.07:27
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1196986 in cups-filters (Ubuntu) "bannertopdf can't handle Japanese characters" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119698607:27
larsutkamppeter: yes I saw that one. I'll have a look as soon as I have time.07:28
didrocksgood morning08:02
jibelGood morning08:05
Mirvdidrocks: I've the new autopilot compiled in daily-build, and I've the first comparison now - at least during first run, 3 failed ui-toolkit autopilot tests with the new autopilot, all successful with the old. I'll test now again with the new one.08:15
didrocksMirv: thanks! keep us up to date :)08:19
* didrocks has to answer tones of emails on people not being happy with the manual landing. Not sure why they don't contact asac :/08:23
asacdidrocks: dont explain08:23
asacdirect them to me08:23
didrocksespecially has some wants to workaround this with manual uploads now that "everything is blocked because of daily release"08:23
didrocksasac: this is clearly hurting the CI view, everyone things now that dailies are broken as well ^08:24
didrocksand that's why we have this process08:24
asacdidrocks: lets talk in 6 minutes :)08:24
Laneymuhahaha, libgdata succeeded on a rebuild08:32
didrockscyphermox: sil2100: robru: Mirv: can you join #ubuntu-ci-eng please? we can coordinate landing there09:44
didrocksjibel: hey, who should I contact to create an experimental view? (experimental/mir and experimental/mirslave)10:19
jibeldidrocks, on jenkins?10:20
jibeldidrocks, I explained cyphermox how to do it last week10:20
didrocksjibel: ok, I'll ping him, thanks10:20
didrockswe still have until then10:20
jibeldidrocks, he should know but I can help if he encounters any problem10:20
didrocksjibel: perfect, thanks a lot ;)10:21
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* didrocks out for an hour, trying to run to keep awaken ;)11:33
Sweetsha1kjibel: any chance you get the libreoffice bibisect repo updated again?11:43
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Laneydpm: hey, translations q: I just set up https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-wallpapers/trunk/+pots/ubuntu-wallpapers - is it going to synchronise with https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+source/ubuntu-wallpapers/+pots/ubuntu-wallpapers ?12:10
* dpm looks12:14
Laneyit says they are shared12:14
Laneyjust wondering if there's a delay to be expected there12:15
SweetsharkHey desktopers, I need someone to sponsor a LibreOffice saucy update! volunteers?12:17
dpmLaney, it looks good. I've just changed a couple of things: set the permissions to Restricted in the upstream project (they were set to Open). I've also set the imports to import only templates: there is no need to import PO files in the upstream project if translations are going to be done in LP. Notice that the "Automatic synchronization of translations is not enabled" message in https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+source/ubuntu-wallpap12:18
dpmers/+sharing-details is a bug in LP. It happens when you set the imports to templates only, but it does the sharing nevertheless.12:18
Sweetshark(well, s/I need someone to sponsor/Tommorrow I need someone to sponsor/)12:18
Laneydpm: OK, there were no translations in the source branch only12:18
Laneynot sure why you'd choose restricted but if that's the standard choice then fine12:19
Laneyif there's people who do the necessary reviewing12:19
dpmLaney, and sharing is instant (i.e. once set in LP, translators can already translate on either side, and the translations will propagate the minute they submit them)12:19
Laneydpm: what about the pre-existing ones?12:19
dpmLaney, leaving a project's translation permission to open is a recipe for disaster. It's the same as if bzr branches were open for commits: you'd get lots of activity, but that wouldn't reflect on good quality12:20
dpmLaney, ah, let me have a look. Perhaps we need to set upstream to import PO files and when LP is done then switch it back to templates only12:20
dpmthere don't seem to be any translations in the branch: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-art-pkg/ubuntu-wallpapers/ubuntu/files/head:/po/12:22
dpmso I think we can set the imports to templates only12:22
Laneyyeah I want to get the ones that LP knows about in there12:22
Sweetsharkno volunteers? Then I suggest to assign didrocks as a sponsor -- LibreOffice wouldnt work without a french guy sponsoring it ...12:22
Laneyfrom the saucy package12:22
dpmLaney, automatic exports should take care of that for you12:23
Laneyok, will see if it happens in a few hours then12:23
Laneyotherwise can always manually import it12:23
dpmLaney, I think it happens some time very early in the morning, once a day, so I think we've missed the window for the exports12:23
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pittiGood morning12:27
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tkamppeterI have installed "gallery-app" on a normal Ubuntu desktop (Unity) how do I get my photos (in ~/Pictures/) visible in it?13:04
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czajkowskichrisccoulson: you mock me! meanie! :)13:10
chrisccoulsonhi :)13:10
sil2100Mirv: still around :D ?13:31
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sil2100kenvandine: ping!13:45
desrt_Laney: did you do the new glib upload yet?13:45
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Laneydesrt: which new?13:45
desrtLaney: released yesterday13:45
Laneywas off yesterday & sponsoring this morning13:46
Laneya problem?13:46
desrtif you're gonna do it, please include this little guy: https://bug707787.bugzilla-attachments.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=25510713:46
kenvandinesil2100, pong13:46
desrtLaney: thanks13:46
Laneynot worth doing a .1 release?13:46
sil2100Laney: hi! I'm running the latest content-hub right now on my phone, and I'm trying to change the background in u-s-s - when I click on the Welcome screen image it opens up the gallery-app, but do you know what I should do to select the image to be the wallpaper ;p?13:46
desrtLaney: hmm13:46
sil2100kenvandine: ^13:46
desrtLaney: we do have a new chinese translation as well :)13:47
LaneyI heard people like those13:47
desrtokay sure.  i can do a new release.13:47
sil2100kenvandine, Laney: since right now it opens up the gallery-app like a normal app and I just can browse images, not select any of them to be my wallpaper13:47
kenvandinesil2100, humm... do you get the picker toolbar at the bottom?13:47
Laneydesrt: up to you, cherry picking is just as easy for me13:47
sil2100kenvandine: nope...13:47
kenvandineit should go in picker mode13:47
kenvandinedo you have multiple instances of gallery-app?13:47
kenvandineoh... wait13:48
kenvandinesil2100, latest content-hub == what version?13:48
kenvandinelast i checked, the latest published was too old for what gallery-app needed13:48
sil2100kenvandine: the one that got built today, i.e. 0.0+13.10.20130917-0ubuntu113:48
kenvandinesil2100, that's why i was bugging you guys about publishing last week13:48
kenvandineok... humm13:48
sil2100kenvandine: since before it didn't even start the gallery-app when clicking on the background13:49
kenvandineand what about gallery-app?13:49
sil2100kenvandine: gallery-app I have an old one - do we need a new gallery-app for that? I have 0.0.67+13.10.20130905-0ubuntu113:49
kenvandinesil2100, that version of gallery-app worked for me last week... with content-hub trunk13:51
kenvandineoh, wait not quite13:51
kenvandinethere is one more branch...  https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-single-select/+merge/18523013:51
kenvandinei'm using that branch, which has failures still13:52
sil2100Ouch ;/13:52
sil2100kenvandine: did you add that to the list of 'Landing Asks' in the Landing Pipeline?13:52
sil2100Since I guess it's essential to land along with content-hub, otherwise we have no test-cases to check if it works13:53
kenvandinehumm... the failure is because it is building against the old content-hub13:53
kenvandinehe should bump the build depends there13:53
kenvandineso content-hub got published today?13:53
kenvandinesil2100, the content-hub items on the landing asks sheet lists this use case to test, so that's good :)13:54
tkamppeterHas anyone tested gallery-app on a normal Ubuntu desktop? I cannot see my photos then/13:54
kenvandinetkamppeter, it works for me... it only shows photos in ~/Pictures13:55
sil2100kenvandine: no it didn't get published, I want to publish it but I must make sure it passes the manual tests13:55
sil2100kenvandine: which I tried, but don't work ;p13:55
tkamppeterFor convergence (using same data on Ubuntu Touch and normal desktop) this shouls work.13:55
sil2100kenvandine: so it means we need to rebuild and release gallery-app along with content-hub...13:55
kenvandineyeah, the CI is failing on this branch13:55
tkamppeterkenvandine, my photos are in subdirectories of ~/Pictures.13:55
kenvandinebuilding against the older content-hub13:55
kenvandinetkamppeter, should work then...13:55
kenvandinetkamppeter, works for me... any errors if you run it from a console?13:56
kenvandinesil2100, now that we have read-only images, do we just need to remount rw to install debs?13:56
sil2100kenvandine: well, I still use the old images since it's a pain otherwise ;)13:57
tkamppeterkenvandine, I get only photos shown which are directly in ~/Pictures/ not the ones in subdirectories.13:57
kenvandinetkamppeter, oh... i guess you're right13:58
kenvandinetkamppeter, ask about that in #ubuntu-touch13:58
kenvandineor look for bug reports, surely someone has filed that :)13:58
didrockskenvandine: btw please join #ubuntu-ci-eng14:08
tkamppeterkenvandine, no answer yet on #ubuntu-touch, have reported bug 1226613 now.14:12
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1226613 in gallery-app (Ubuntu) "gallery-app on normal Unity desktop: Photos in subdirectories of ~/Pictures are not displayed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122661314:12
kenvandinetkamppeter, thx14:12
* Laney hopes someone is in a u-s-s reviewing frame of mind14:15
* sil2100 can be if needed14:17
Laneydoing a few MPs to hide stuff14:17
sil2100Laney: any merge of high priority?14:17
Laneynot really14:18
Laneythey just stack up14:18
Laneyso good to spend a bit of time each day doing them14:18
sil2100Laney: I'll do some in a moment, looking at what's available already14:19
jbichaLaney: I guess we'll have to drop gnome-documents/armhf from saucy because libgdata/armhf is build without goa support14:41
Laneydoes it do anyting without goa?14:41
jbichawithout goa, I guess gnome-documents would still be a decent but very simple document viewer14:44
Laneyit's a hard requirement in configure.ac14:44
jbichayeah, perhaps it could be conditionalized but not by me right now14:44
jbichasomeone should also test-build e-d-s and evolution to make sure they'll rebuild on armhf14:45
jbichaI was able to rebuild grilo-plugins fine here14:46
jasoncwarnerhey Laney, around?15:49
Laneyjasoncwarner: sure am15:50
jasoncwarnerhey Laney !15:50
Laneyhow's it going?15:50
jasoncwarneralright. just following up on the date & time.15:51
desrtLaney: there is a .93 now, thanks for the suggestion16:22
Laneydesrt: cool, tomorrow is the day16:22
desrtgreat.  thanks.16:23
Laneyjasoncwarner: I think you found a system-settings bug16:58
Laneykudos :P16:58
jasoncwarnerLaney: which one is that specifically?16:58
Laneyclicking on the disabled component16:59
jasoncwarnerah, ok :)16:59
LaneyI mean bug as in something we didn't know about16:59
Laneyyeah, I see how to fix that16:59
Laneyit even was fixed in one case but not the other17:00
Laneyya, seems happy enough17:03
jasoncwarnerthanks Laney17:04
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desrtpitti: hey.  pygobject currently fails to build: configure: error: You must have one of the following versions of lcov: 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 (found: 1.10).19:10
desrtpitti: uninstalling lcov makes it work properly.....19:10
pittidesrt: oh, Fedora has 10?19:14
desrtseems to19:14
pittidesrt: so I guess we need a newer gnome-common in saucy for building the tarball?19:14
desrtpitti: i built out of git....19:15
desrtmaybe gnome-common was indeed the problem19:15
pittiautogen.sh doesn't verify the lcov version by itself, that must have been through autoconf via gnome-common19:16
desrtokay.  so this is probably a jhbuild bug then19:16
desrtie: not requiring a new-enough gnome-common in the sysdeps19:16
pittihm, but gnome-common itself should be jhbuildable?19:17
desrtyes... but jhbuild skips building things that have a 'new enough' version already installed on the system19:17
desrtin fact, it looks like pygobject has no gnome-common depend at all.... did you add this lcov stuff recently?19:17
pittidesrt: maybe half a year ago or so19:18
* desrt appears confused19:18
pittiThu Nov 8 14:54:30 2012 +010019:18
pittithat's when I landed it in pygobject19:19
desrtinstalling gnome-common out of git fixes the issue19:19
desrtso this is a definite jhbuild moduleset bug19:19
desrtignore me =)19:19
pittidesrt: oh, I might not have added a g-common dep to jhbuild19:19
desrtpitti: if you want to do that, that could be nice19:20
pittidesrt: are the modulesets subject to the hard freeze?19:20
desrtno.  i imagine not.19:20
desrti know we have a blanet exception for buildsystem fixes.  i'd include this under that.19:21
pittidesrt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6120793/ ?19:22
desrtlooks fine to me19:22
desrtlet me know if you push it -- i can test right away19:23
pittidesrt: pushed19:24
* pitti listens to LinuxCon keynote, bbl19:25
desrtpitti: seems to work properly.  thanks.19:25
desrtpitti: you correctly note for tarball builds that you should have a newer gnome-common, though19:26
desrtmaybe do tarballs from inside of jhbuild?19:26
pittidesrt: yes, that indeed seems better; I actually thought I had done so20:11
pittilike, I usually run jhbuild run make distcheck20:11
desrtwell -- as stated, i was building out of git20:11
desrtso i have no idea what the state of the tarballs is20:12
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ochosirobert_ancell: hi there21:27
ochosisorry to ping you a bit out of context, but there are a few lightdm issues i wanted to quickly ask you about (if there's time)21:28
ochosifirst of all, the test-mode seems rather borked now (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/1226544)21:30
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1226544 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "lightdm --test-mode fails immediately" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:30
ochosiand secondly, the greeter returns false on querying whether restarting is possible (https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm/+bug/1226509)21:31
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1226509 in Light Display Manager "lightdm_get_can_restart returns false in Ubuntu Saucy" [Undecided,New]21:31
ochosithese two weren't present in Raring21:31
robert_ancellochosi, hi. I haven't had time to look at them but for the second one try calling the D-Bus interface yourself and see if that is returning false. If it is, then that's an issue in logind21:32
ochosirobert_ancell: ah, nice! thanks for the hint!21:33
robert_ancellochosi, I haven't tried test-mode in a while21:33
ochosiyeah, it was useful for us when developing the greeter21:33
ochosiand it still is21:33
ochosiso it'd be nice if it was kept alive21:33
robert_ancellI'll try and have a look, but very busy so any help much appreciated21:33
ochosilogind seems to cause some issues in across desktops21:33
ochosiyeah, i thought so21:34
ochosimobile and mir are eating up all the time, innit?21:34
robert_ancellochosi, sure are :)21:34
ochosihm, logind seems to cause odd logout-delays in pretty much all desktops btw21:34
ochosii've talked to lubuntu folk, heard the same from kubuntu and ubuntu-gnome plus ubuntu itself too21:35
ochosiseems no-one has debugged it yet, and i'm afraid logind is a bit over my head..21:35
ochosijust in case you know anyone to forward this to21:35
robert_ancellI'm no logind expert, you want to talk to people like slangasek and others on the Ubuntu foundations team21:35
ochosihm, ok21:35
ochosii'll try to get a hold of them then21:36
ochosithanks a lot for your help, it's really much appreciated21:36
ochosiespecially as i know how much the team is focussed on !=desktop atm21:36
robert_ancellochosi, np!21:36
robert_ancellgtg, later all21:36
ochosisure, seeya!21:37

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