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OrokuSakiecho echo echo05:00
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dholbachgood morning06:57
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NoskcajHas anyone got 30 seconds to review https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/saucy/navit/liberation/+merge/185976 ?07:09
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Laney@pilot in08:06
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.10 Beta 1 released | Archive: Open, FF | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: Laney
LaneyNoskcaj: ok08:06
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rbasakLaney: I commented on bug 1121874 and removed ~ubuntu-sponsors. It's also my first patch pilot day today.08:55
ubottubug 1121874 in mysql-5.5 (Ubuntu Raring) "MySQL launch fails silently if < 4MB of disk space is available" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112187408:55
rbasakLaney: it'd be great if you're around to help me, actually. I'm MOTU and server-dev now.08:55
Laneyrbasak: how convenient08:56
rbasak@pilot in08:56
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.10 Beta 1 released | Archive: Open, FF | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: rbasak, Laney
LaneyLet me know if you think stuff is ready and you can't upload it08:56
Laneybut feel free to concentrate on stuff you can if you like08:56
Laneytry to do older ones first though08:56
rbasakHow do you want to avoid duplicate work?08:57
rbasakMany of the older ones scare me and I don't want to touch them :-/08:57
Laneythat's how they get to be old ones08:57
Laneyyou can ask the appropriate person to take a look08:58
Laneypatch piloting doesn't have to mean uploading08:58
rbasakI can clean some of these up a bit too - ones that are already done and just need to be checked and removed.08:58
Laneylike this08:59
Laneymlankhorst: can you work with 4$ on pushing https://code.launchpad.net/~fourdollars/xorg-server/lp1212123/+merge/180060 ?09:00
Laneyapparently it's fixed in 13.04 onwards09:00
Laneyrbasak: I'm looking at red for now, you try orange and yellow if you like09:01
rbasakLaney: OK. I'm just removing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maas/+bug/1207102 though as that's done.09:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 1207102 in maas (Ubuntu Precise) "Set PXE class lease expiration to 30 seconds" [Undecided,New]09:01
Laneyk, sounds good09:01
cjwatsonBenC: unless I'm going blind, your latest linux-ppc upload doesn't seem to have actually built the powerpc64-emb flavour09:02
cjwatsonBenC: so it'll probably get stuck in saucy-proposed since the new powerpc64-emb metapackages will be uninstallable09:03
BenCcjwatson: That would be…weird09:03
BenCflavours="debian.ppc/control.d/vars.powerpc-e500 debian.ppc/control.d/vars.powerpc-e500mc debian.ppc/control.d/vars.powerpc-smp debian.ppc/control.d/vars.powerpc64-emb debian.ppc/control.d/vars.powerpc64-smp"09:05
cjwatsonThe build log seems to confirm09:06
BenCcjwatson: I'll follow up with another upload09:17
cjwatsonBenC: thanks09:17
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Laneyrbasak: maybe you fancy https://code.launchpad.net/~med/ubuntu-seeds/sosreport/+merge/17948509:27
rbasakLaney: sure. I'll look as soon as I'm done with https://code.launchpad.net/~edbaunton/ubuntu/saucy/r8168/fix-for-linux3.10/+merge/182485. I'll review but I think I'll need you to do the actual merge for me.09:28
happyaronLaney: is there any progress on setting up translation for ubuntu-wallpapers?09:32
cjwatsoninfinity: You said a while back that you understood the scilab failures and it was a matter of rebuilding something.  I can't really work out what, from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/scilab/5.4.1-4/+build/4860867 - any hints?09:32
Laneyhappyaron: not yet09:34
Laneyhappyaron: but if you want to help you can turn that patch into a merge proposal09:34
happyaronLaney: ok09:34
happyaronwill see if I have time to work on that.09:34
Laneyshould be quick09:35
rbasakLaney: if I mark a bug Incomplete, will it disappear from the sponsors queue until someone changes the bug status again? Or should I unsubscribe ubuntu-sponsors temporarily?09:38
Laneyjust changing the status should do it09:38
Laneyadd a comment saying how to get it back09:38
Laneyactually, no, sorry it doesn't for Incomplete09:38
rbasakI'll just leave it in there after my comment then, and move on.09:39
Laneyfeel free to unsubscribe09:39
rbasakI've asked for clarification since I can't figure out/reproduce the original problem. It might be me, so I think it's unfair to drop him to the end of the queue again. But if he doesn't respond I think it'd be appropriate to unsubscribe sponsors as it isn't clear what he actually wants uploaded now.09:41
rbasakOh it was an MP, so I've marked it Work in progress. That probably drops it from the queue I guess.09:44
rbasaksmoser, utlemming: any objection to https://code.launchpad.net/~med/ubuntu-seeds/sosreport/+merge/179485 (seed sosreport in cloud images)? The only things I can think of to consider are installed size and python 2 requirement as mentioned by infinity in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sosreport/+bug/1206106/comments/909:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 1206106 in sosreport (Ubuntu) "[MIR] sosreport" [High,Fix released]09:51
rbasakIt looks like it only drags in 1123k (~92k compressed) in a current saucy image.09:52
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infinitycjwatson: I believe it unwinds to being something related to http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=71473010:08
ubottuDebian bug 714730 in gfortran "gfortran: binNMU is needed for all packages which contains Fortran90 .mod file when upgrading default version" [Important,Open]10:08
infinitycjwatson: Possibly.  Untested theory so far.  I can look at it after I've participated in the miracle of flight this morning.10:08
cjwatsoninfinity: Hm, OK, maybe I can try some analysis and no-change uploads10:13
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rbasakLaney: I reviewed bug 1217474 and the submitted debdiff is OK to upload with minor changes, but I can't do that. Could you review/upload, please? I'm not sure what testing you'd like to do yourself?10:49
ubottubug 1217474 in crash (Ubuntu) "basic autopkgtest for crash" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121747410:49
Laneyrbasak: OK, can you attach your changes too?11:07
Laneyalso I guess update the forwarded bug with the new patch11:07
rbasakLaney: ack. The VM that had my updated debdiff mysteriously died :-( but I'll recreate it. Meanwhile, please could you close out https://code.launchpad.net/~jderose/ubuntu/saucy/couchdb/1.4.0/+merge/182725? This has been uploaded already and is in the archive.11:08
rbasakActually just realised I can just mark it as Merged.11:09
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rbasakLaney: OK I've attached crash_autopkgtest_v2.debdiff to bug 121747411:13
ubottubug 1217474 in crash (Ubuntu) "basic autopkgtest for crash" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121747411:13
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rbasakUpdated patch sent to Debian.11:16
rbasakzul or adam_g: please could you review/upload the patch in bug 1130608? It's languishing in the sponsorship queue. Does this need an FFe?11:22
ubottubug 1130608 in horizon (Ubuntu) "[RFE] - Horizon - Make available openstack_s3 environments for juju" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113060811:22
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rbasakLaney: please could you reject https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/saucy/imagemagick/lp1218248/+merge/183315? The issue was fixed by a security update, and I don't think it would be accurate to mark this branch as merged.11:48
Laneyrbasak: roger11:51
rbasakmdeslaur: please could you unsubscribe bug 1221040 from ubuntu-security-sponsors as AIUI you've said that it needs no further action right now?11:53
ubottubug 1221040 in wordpress (Ubuntu Raring) "Sync wordpress 3.6.1 (universe) from Debian stable-security" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122104011:53
mdeslaurrbasak: done11:54
Laney@pilot out12:01
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.10 Beta 1 released | Archive: Open, FF | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: rbasak
* dholbach hugs rbasak and Laney12:23
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pittiGood morning12:27
* ogra_ waves to the DixieChick^Wpitti12:29
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lifelesssmoser: bang?12:57
smoserarchive admin (stgraber) i just uploaded ifupdown to p q and r for bug 1226067. but did not include -v to the genchanges.12:57
ubottubug 1226067 in ifupdown (Ubuntu Raring) "ifquery fails with bad file descriptor" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122606712:57
stgrabersmoser: do you want to re-upload?12:58
smoseryeah. can you NACK?12:58
lifelesssmoser: are you east coast based?12:59
smoserlifeless, yeah. US/Eastern.12:59
lifelesssmoser: ah, so it's not unreasonably early for you right now ;)12:59
stgrabersmoser: done12:59
smosernot at all.12:59
smoserbut one coudl argue it is unreasonably late for someone on your side of the world, lifeless12:59
lifelesssmoser: I'm in Seattle this week.13:00
lifelesssmoser: for http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2013-July/011687.html13:00
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smoserneat, lifeless . so its not unreasonably late, but unreasonably early. and reasonably whacked up body clock.13:07
lifelesssmoser: zigactly!13:12
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Laneyis there a bug where new autopkgtests aren't run by jenkins the first time?13:40
Laneythe first time the package is uploaded^13:40
happyaronrbasak: mind have a look at bug #1226492?13:42
ubottubug 1226492 in UbuntuKylin "[FFE]upload fcitx-qimpanel into archive" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122649213:42
* happyaron or maybe a release team member...13:43
rbasakhappyaron: you need a release team member to ack the FFe first, before a sponsor can upload it.13:54
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rbasakhappyaron: once (and if, I guess) it's acked, please subscribe ~ubuntu-sponsors to the bug13:55
bigonchrisccoulson: hey, do you think you could upload mozjs17 into debian?13:59
bigonI mean are you planning to also maintain this in debian?14:00
happyaronrbasak: ok14:00
happyaronrbasak: thanks14:00
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marcoceppiI'm having a weird issue with python packaging, can't seem to get past this14:51
marcoceppiI found this bug, but it says it's been patched in the version of python-stdeb (0.6.0+20100620-2build1)14:51
marcoceppiNot sure what's going on or how to move past it14:52
rbasakmarcoceppi: I've seen that before14:52
rbasakmarcoceppi: I think it's caused by an unclean upstream source, but I'm not sure.14:52
marcoceppirbasak: I am the upstream source14:52
marcoceppibug report: https://github.com/astraw/stdeb/pull/5714:52
rbasakmarcoceppi: did you create the "upstream tarball" with the right setup.py invocation, or are you just using your source tree?14:53
marcoceppirbasak: I used python setup.py sdist14:53
marcoceppithen running against that tarbal14:53
rbasakI guess it is a bug then.14:53
rbasakI was only doing a hack for a PPA (and wasn't sure how the upstream source was created).14:54
marcoceppibut according to that report it's patched in the version of python-stdeb that I have14:54
marcoceppihacks are welcome :)14:54
rbasakMy hack/workaround was to modify the upstream source to match what it wanted, which I think I found spat out somewhere.14:54
marcoceppirbasak: gotchya, I'll try that and press on14:55
rbasakmarcoceppi: note that I think what it produces works anyway. My memory is hazy though.14:55
rbasakOh. I think it works anyway once modified according to what it complained about.14:56
cr3what's the name for the alternative to a "native" package, ie one where packaging is separate from the source?14:58
cr3the debian mentors page says non-native, but I thought there was another name14:59
cjwatsonI would say non-native15:00
cr3cjwatson: if it's good enough for you, it's good enough for me. thanks!15:01
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roadmrhello! can SRUs update translatable strings? (specifically the _Comment in a .desktop file)15:10
slangasekroadmr: they can, but given that translators will generally not have a chance to catch up, it's contraindicated unless there's a very serious issue with the current string15:30
roadmrslangasek: oh ok, that makes sense. Thanks!15:31
rbasakcjwatson: could you add openldap to ~ubuntu-server-dev uploads please?15:40
cjwatsonrbasak: Done15:42
bdmurraybarry: can you shed some light on what the systemerror in this means? https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/15bc0ab1791f275923e1d66575637a22e2b24b7d16:10
barrybdmurray: it is almost definitely a buggy extension module.  these things happen when an exception occurs, something doesn't check it correctly, and it lingers until python itself checks the error.16:27
bdmurraybarry: so something with xml.dom or xml.dom.minidom in this case?16:28
barrybdmurray: probably not.  the problem is these kinds of things are *very* hard to track down because the tracebacks have no connection to where the error actually is16:29
barrybdmurray: you have to audit 3rd party extension modules, often by manual code inspection16:29
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bdmurraybarry: so then it sounds like something we may want to prevent reporting?16:33
barrybdmurray: hard to say.  it's a real bug *somewhere*.  it's just not obvious or easily determined where that is ;)16:41
rbasakcjwatson: I got an openldap upload rejected, but the upload was for a precise SRU. Is there something that can be fixed there, or shall I just find a sponsor/someone else to upload?17:09
infinityrbasak: What did the reject comment say?17:10
rbasak"Signer is not permitted to upload to the component 'main'."17:10
infinityrbasak: The mail does include a comment and who rej... Oh.17:10
infinityrbasak: Well, there you go. :P17:10
rbasakI get that I'm not permitted :)17:10
rbasakI'm just not clear on exactly what I should do about that.17:10
infinityrbasak: Right, sorry, I missed what you were driving at.  I take it that's a packageset you have access to in saucy?17:11
rbasakinfinity: cjwatson added openldap to the ~ubuntu-server-dev exception list for me earlier.17:11
infinityrbasak: I'm sure someone can fix that.  But I can also sponsor it for you.17:11
rbasakinfinity: I'd appreciate that, thanks. I'll stick a debdiff in the bug.17:11
cjwatsonrbasak: Package sets are per-series.  You didn't say you wanted precise17:12
cjwatson(But dinnertime)17:13
rbasakcjwatson: ah, I didn't realise I needed to specify, thanks.17:13
infinityrbasak: I can just steal it from the rejected queue.17:13
rbasakinfinity: it was openldap17:14
rbasakinfinity: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/openldap/+bug/1216650 (the MP on that), except that I added dep3 headers. I've tested that it fixes the issue in the expected places.17:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 1216650 in openldap (Ubuntu Precise) "slapd crashed with SIGSEGV in lutil_str2bin() when using mdb" [Medium,In progress]17:14
rbasak(and reviewed the patch)17:14
rbasak@pilot out17:15
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.10 Beta 1 released | Archive: Open, FF | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
infinityrbasak: Reuploaded.17:16
rbasakinfinity: thanks!17:16
tarpmanrbasak: if I understand correctly, that bug can be triggered under other backends as well, but mdb makes it a lot more likely?17:19
rbasaktarpman: it looks like that to me, yes.17:20
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jtaylorsomethings wrong with adt again: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Saucy/view/AutoPkgTest/job/saucy-adt-skimage/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/6/22:37
jtaylorinput/output error during install22:37
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pittithat's from dpkg install; are you sure it's adt specific?22:45
pittihm, installs fine here; trying with run-adt-test -s skimage here22:47
pitti(takes a while, crappy internet)22:48
pittiSep 17 19:02:11 autopkgtest kernel: [   87.041881] EXT4-fs error (device vda1): __ext4_new_inode:913: comm dpkg: failed to insert inode 263909: doubly allocated?22:48
pittijtaylor: ^ from that syslog22:48
pittithat indeed seems to be a bug somewhere between kernel and qemu22:49
asacwgrant: StevenK: check with fginther about a launchpad issue please when you are around23:14
pittiadam_g: hey, how are you?23:23
adam_gpitti, good, you?23:23
pittiadam_g: quite fine, thanks!23:23
pittiadam_g: not sure whether you saw the autopkgtest failure of python-troveclient?23:23
pittiah, it actually went to zul, I guess he sponsored23:24
adam_gpitti, no i haven't. do you have the results url handy?23:24
pittiand https://launchpad.net/~gandelman-a doesn't have an address23:24
pittiadam_g: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-adt-python-troveclient/123:24
pittiadam_g: so, there is no debian/tests/23:24
pittiadam_g: so either XS-Testsuite: needs to be dropped, or perhaps you forgot to bzr add them or so?23:25
adam_gpitti, ah!23:25
adam_gpitti, i actually did not package any originally, but perhaps this tells me i should :)23:25
pittiadam_g: so, copy&paste bug in debian/control?23:25
adam_gpitti, yup23:25
adam_gpitti, what address is missing from https://launchpad.net/~gandelman-a ?23:28
pittiadam_g: anyway, if you feel like it you could perhaps add a little smoketest; even a simple 'python -c "import trove"' already is quite useful23:28
adam_gpitti, yeah, should be doable23:28
pittiadam_g: I think jibel' scripts take email addresses from LP for the notifications23:28
adam_ghmm. i've got 4 addresses registered there.23:28
pittiadam_g: not public, though23:28
pittijtaylor: other amd64 tests like firefox do the same now; could be a regression from today's kernel?23:29
pittiapw: ^ we are getting several "failed to insert inode 263909: doubly allocated?" like errors on amd64 autopkgtests since today23:30
wgrantfginther: You had a Launchpad issue?23:50

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