
airurandozmoylan-len: ping09:14
zmoylan-lenwanna use pics on thingy? :-)09:14
airurandoyou read my mind :-)09:15
airurandoblog post09:16
airurandoand put into a folder on pix.ie09:16
airurandowould that be ok09:16
zmoylan-lenfire away.  i'll try and dig them all out. about 3-4 i think, only posted 2.  i'll put rest up later09:16
airurandocheers, the two you have posted are great09:18
zmoylan-lenway more folk than normal :-)09:18
airurandoyeah, it really was great and productive.09:27
zmoylan-lenwas just thinking i could have brought my main destop as there was a monitor there.  a cheapo lidl nettop.  ah well, next time.09:31
airurando1indeed zmoylan-len, that and having the complete kit of bits and bobs to complete the testing.09:38
airurandocan anyone who has performed system testing on any the 13.10 daily builds confirm this bug for me please. Bug#122658112:58
czajkowskiairurando: aloha13:06
czajkowskihows that blog post coming along13:06
czajkowskibug #122658113:06
lubotu3bug 1226581 in checkbox (Ubuntu) "No confirmation on submission of System Testing Results report" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122658113:06
airurandohi czajkowski13:49
czajkowskiairurando: howdy :_13:49
airurandosorry had to pick up the kids13:49
airurandoblogpost coming along13:49
airurandocan't recreate my pop under windows problem so i won't log a bug about that13:50
airurandoall other issues encountered were commented on in the test results13:51
airurandowill get back to it this evening.  Homework now and activities after so daddy teacher is on deck now and daddy taxi driver is on standby.13:52
airurandonew blog post #UGJ http://airurando.wordpress.com/2013/09/17/ubuntu-global-jam-dublin-both-productive-and-fun/21:48
airurandodone and dusted21:48
airurandooff to bed now21:48

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