
mhall119anders3408: yeah, I'll be on and off all evening00:18
mhall119anders3408: anywhere you can upload the builds, just email me instructions and links00:18
anders3408mhall119:  its all uploaded00:19
mhall119anders3408: then all I need is an email from you :)00:19
anders3408mhall119: https://plus.google.com/107310930968828806488/posts/1EryciLvGLY00:20
anders3408i have a video of it to, but music player does work, just a bit tricky to add files and chmod and chown those00:21
cwaynehuh, weird bug with the messaging app00:22
mhall119anders3408: I have the white Find 5, I hope that doesn't make a difference to the build00:22
anders3408nope it doesnt :) mhall11900:23
mhall119IIRC, they were different sizes storage at least00:23
anders3408yes but sdcard aint being used :)00:23
anders3408only system and data partition for now00:23
anders3408mhall119:  email is being writting now with a  clear guide :)00:29
anders3408mhall119:  should i write a guide how to test music app also ? or is it enough that you can test ringtones and so ? i have a video recorded when i tested music app myself00:37
MDesignerhey guys, can anyone help me out? trying to get Ubuntu Touch onto my new Nexus 400:39
MDesignerhaving great difficulty00:39
MDesignerdespite following the steps here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install00:39
MDesignerat the "phablet-flash ubuntu-system --no-backup" part, it reboots the Nexus, which then shows an android with his panel open and a red exclamation point.00:40
MDesignererrors: http://pastebin.com/wWYmvnTN00:40
isantopMDesigner: Try running this command: phablet-flash cdimage-touch -b00:47
isantopMDesigner: I'm thinking that your device hasn't been bootstrapped yet.00:48
MDesigner-b is not a valid option00:49
MDesignerwhich is weird00:49
MDesigneroh wait00:49
MDesignernow it works. wtf?00:49
MDesignerI tried phablet-flash ubuntu-system -b00:49
MDesignermaybe that's what failed00:49
MDesignerthanks, isantop. rretrying00:50
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MDesignerthe instructions are misleading, makes it sound like you can just pick ubuntu-system and you don't need to do cdimage-touch. so that's what I did.00:51
MDesignerbut I guess I'll just stick with cdimage-touch, can't hurt00:51
anders3408mhall119: email is sent with a huge guide :)00:54
isantopMDesigner: If you want to switch to ubuntu-system after you get it up and running, you can run: phablet-flash ubuntu-system00:54
MDesignerok. any difference, really?00:55
MDesignerit says ubuntu-system can be updated over the air. I assume with cdimage there's some other way to update?00:55
anders3408mhall119: im afk in the next periode, but hit me up on either g+ or mail :)01:01
isantopI thought they both could, but I could be wrong.01:01
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isantopAnybody know if the "Download [U1]" button works in the dash?01:02
MDesignerok there we go01:02
MDesignernow I got an ubuntu logo and some menu options.. reboot, wipe data/cache, etc. I chose reboot. now my phone is stuck at the Google logo01:03
isantopMDesigner: you have to let it sit there for quite some time. It won't be done until it's booted into Ubuntu and the terminal has finished.01:04
MDesigneroh oops. ok01:05
MDesignerso I'll let it sit at the Google logo then. this is a one time thing I take it?01:05
isantopMDesigner: Yeah, once it's up and running you shouldn't have to do this often.01:06
isantopIf it never goes away from the Google logo, you may need to restore an Android factory image through fastboot, then start over .01:07
MDesignerstill at the G logo. hmm01:07
MDesignerso, once phablet-flash was done, the phone booted and I was at the Ubuntu logo w/ some menu options01:07
MDesignerI wasn't sure what I was supposed to pick01:07
MDesignerI just chose "reboot". but there was some other stuff, I forget what.01:08
isantopMDesigner: You shouldn't pick anything there. I think that might have done it.01:08
MDesignerwell shoot01:08
MDesignerok gotta start over01:09
MDesignershoot. my phone won't do anything01:10
MDesignerI'm not sure what to do01:10
isantopMDesigner: Here's the factory image: https://dl.google.com/dl/android/aosp/occam-jwr66y-factory-74b1deab.tgz01:10
MDesignerI can get into recovery mode01:11
MDesignerw/ the Ubuntu logo01:11
MDesignerthat's about it01:11
MDesignerinstall zip from sdcard, install zip from sideload, wipe data/factory reset, wipe cache partition, backup and restore, mounts and storage, advanced01:12
MDesignercrap.. did I brick my phone???01:15
isantopNexuses are very hard to brick. ;-)01:17
MDesignerok so.. what do I do? all I can do is get to that Ubuntu boot menu01:17
MDesigneryou're my only hope at this point :)01:17
isantopMDesigner: On your desktop, run this command in the terminal: adb reboot bootloader01:18
MDesignerdevice not found01:18
MDesignerah there it goes01:19
isantopMDesigner: Okay, hold the power button till the phone turns off.01:19
MDesignerok... now I'm at the menu01:19
MDesignerwith the android w/ his panel open01:19
isantopLeave it there, with it plugged in.01:20
isantopMDesigner: Next, download the factory image above and extract it.01:20
MDesigneryep, gotcha. then run ./flash-all.sh ?01:21
isantopThis will put it back into Android01:21
MDesignergotcha. ok.. then redo everything and next time after phablet-flash when the Ubuntu bootloader comes up.. DON'T do anything? :)01:22
isantopYeah, leave it until the terminal prompt comes back up on the computer.01:22
isantopIt will be installing the image, which takes a while too.01:22
isantopLet it sit and it will eventually boot into Ubuntu.01:23
MDesignerahhh gotcha. I figured it wanted me to do something, since it was sitting at the menu01:23
isantopBasically, run  the command, then don't mess with the phone until you're finished.01:23
MDesignerroger that!01:24
MDesignerok here we go01:27
MDesignerhead, meet wall01:31
MDesigneradb reboot bootloader -> insufficient permissions01:32
MDesignerI messed up the process and am at the Google logo again.01:32
isantopIf you need to get back to the bootloader screen manually, you can hold the power button till the phone turns off, then hold both volume buttons and the power button.01:37
MDesignerok. yeah.. back on track now01:38
MDesignerI don't have to do the fastboot oem unlock again, right?01:38
MDesignerok I have a totally fresh Android install now01:39
MDesignerSO... enable USB debugging on the phone., accept the host key..01:40
MDesignerand then phablet-flash cdimage-touch -b ?01:40
MDesignerok lemme see if phablet-flash will work now01:43
MDesignerno. NO!01:44
MDesignerINFO:phablet-flash:Clearing /data and /cache01:44
MDesignererror: insufficient permissions for device01:44
MDesignerERROR:phablet-flash:Command 'adb shell mount /data' returned non-zero exit status 25501:44
MDesignerevery damned time!01:44
MDesignerphablet-flash looks lke it's almos done, then Google logo on the NExus01:44
MDesignerand then the phoen screen goes black and I get that error01:44
MDesignerbloody hell!!01:44
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MDesignerfinally got it. man, those instructions are completely wrong02:31
MDesignerhad to do a manual install02:31
MDesignerand I dunno why the manual install has you installing the armel version before the armhf02:32
MDesignerit's not necessary. I just installed the armhf02:32
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drachensunwhere should system and vendor be mounted?  just under root05:50
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HujHi ;)06:14
HujHi ;)06:18
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dholbachgood morning07:17
loolmorning dholbach07:18
dholbachhi lool07:20
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nolinuxnopartyHey their.. I was trying to port Ubuntu Touch for Oppo Find 5.. But got these errors while compilation07:27
nolinuxnopartytarget Strip: libstagefright (/home/nolinuxnoparty/ubuntu-s4/out/target/product/find5/obj/lib/libstagefright.so) target thumb C++: libqservice <= hardware/qcom/display-caf/libqservice/IQService.cpp make: *** [/home/nolinuxnoparty/ubuntu-s4/out/target/product/find5/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libexternal_intermediates/external.o] Error 1 make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....07:27
nolinuxnopartyAny help? :)07:27
loolnolinuxnoparty: the actual error is: /home/nolinuxnoparty/ubuntu-s4/out/target/product/find5/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/usr/include/video/msm_hdmi_modes.h:214:43: error: narrowing conversion of 'i' from 'int' to 'uint32_t {aka unsigned int}' inside { } is ill-formed in C++11 [-Werror=narrowing]07:38
loolnolinuxnoparty: so this header either fails to compile with this compiler or these build flags; you may either try to fix the actual error (check the construct there) or disable the error or switch compiler07:39
drachensunI'm having a hell of a time trying to debug lxc, under /var/log/lxc/android.log I get this07:44
drachensunlxc-start         42.808 ERROR    lxc_conf - Script exited with status 107:44
drachensun      lxc-start         42.809 ERROR    lxc_start - failed to run pre-start hooks for container 'android'.07:44
drachensun      lxc-start         42.810 ERROR    lxc_start - failed to initialize the container07:44
drachensun      lxc-start         42.810 ERROR    lxc_commands - command get_init_pid failed to receive response07:44
drachensunI can't figure out how to debug the lxc_conf error07:44
drachensunI've tried to debug the /etc/init/lxc*.conf files but no statements I put in there have any effect, its like they are never called07:45
drachensunanyone have any thoughts?07:46
nolinuxnoparty@lool: Switch compiler :| armeabi-4.8?07:49
ziaagikianHi can i port my samsung s2 hd phone to ubuntu touch??07:52
drachensunok, know how I can get a console on /dev/ttyS008:13
drachensunany know how I mean08:13
asacogra_: popey: 52 seems to be on the way to be good08:27
popeyasac: not sure if that means "it's on the way to being a good build" or "it's on the way to build"?08:28
ogra_popey, ^^08:28
asacpopey: dashboard wise its pretty certain we want to release i mean08:28
ogra_still missing 8 tests on mako08:28
asacso if you want to test you can do at time of your convenience08:28
popeyasac: which random command do I invoke to get 52?08:29
asacpopey: its latest in --channel=daily-proposed08:29
* popey flashes at asac 08:29
ogra_popey, it should also be offered OTA08:29
ogra_(if you are on that channel)08:30
popeyeven though it's only proposed?08:30
loolpopey: phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel daily-proposed --no-backup -d mako08:30
ogra_asac, i think stgraber has renamed the channels08:30
loolyes, I got 52 OTA today08:30
popeycan we _please_ keep https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install up to date?08:30
ogra_while the old ones will work until the 20th we should use the new naming scheme08:30
popeythis project changes naming schemes more often than I change my underwear ☻08:31
asacpopey: that could also be a good thing :)08:32
loolit hasn't changed that much actually08:32
ubot5Um thanks... We *really* did not need to know that...08:32
ogra_asac, popey, lool https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg04111.html08:32
ogra_lets use the new names :)08:32
loolah right, I need to switch to devel-proposed08:33
dave_diwic: are you around for a QQ regarding pulseaudio on... grouper?08:34
diwicdave_, sure08:35
dave_diwic: great. I enabled USB audio driver in the kernel and installed pulseaudio-utils and I was able to switch audio sink to a connected USB DAC. Using N7 as host. I did so using "pacmd set-default-sink x". But it kind of doesn't work every time. What is the best way to switch between audio sinks (under U-Touch)?08:38
diwicdave_, I think pacmd/pactl set-default-sink should work.08:40
diwicdave_, what is it that doesn't work with it?08:40
jibelogra_, Hey, for info, I wrote a script that consumes your change lists and creates a list of the changelogs for the packages upgraded between 2 builds of touch images08:40
jibelogra_, it's here http://people.canonical.com/~j-lallement/touch/changes/, just in case it is useful to anyone else than QA.08:40
ogra_jibel, wow !08:40
diwicdave_, it's fun that you test the USB audio driver but I don't think it's anything we officially support at the momeny08:40
ogra_jibel, mail ubuntu-phone :) ... note that Ursinha has something that integrates both our scripts in the build system ...08:41
ogra_we will land that at some point so that info will be shipped along the images on cdimage08:42
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ogra_(not with such a nice html layout though :) )08:42
dave_diwic: well, sometimes it does not switch. Good to know I'm trying the correct way. A 2nd Q: (I didn't try this yet, but) should 24/96 work, as it does on the desktop?08:42
sander^workWill samsung s3 be official supported when touch is released?08:43
ogra_sander^work, no08:43
ogra_sander^work, but there are people working oin a community port ... contact them :)08:43
diwicdave_, 24/96? No idea. I don't see why it shouldn't work, if the hardware supports it.08:43
ogra_!devices| sander^work08:43
ubot5sander^work: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices08:43
jibelI'll mail u-phone, trying to find the original thread (you did notice that nice late 90s HTML style :))08:44
ogra_i love it :)08:44
diwicdave_, hmm, now that I think of it, I think I tested recording 24 bit (48 kHz) on the Nexus 7 and it worked08:44
ogra_(as much as i would have said its awful in the 90s :) ... how one can change :) )08:45
diwicdave_, that was on the desktop version of the Nexus 7 (which is now deprecated in favor of Ubuntu Touch), but I remember it was working just fine08:45
dave_diwic: ah cool! the thing about 24/96 is, that it is definitely not supported by all OS's on this device :)08:46
popeyMirv: https://bugs.launchpad.net/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/+bug/1225749 # is there some reason libqt5script5 isn't on the device image?08:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1225749 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu "libqt5script5 should be in the base image" [Undecided,New]08:52
popeyasac: that image seems good to me08:58
ogra_dashboard also has finished ... all 262 tests done on both arches08:59
loolpopey: Updated Touch/Install09:00
* popey hugs lool 09:00
loolpopey: let me know if some things are unclear / some use cases are mising09:00
loologra_, jibel: It would be nice if we could integrate your scripts into the system-image process as to get changelogs when updating09:02
ogra_lool, see what i said above :)09:02
loolah missed that line09:02
ogra_there is a patch for cdimage already ... just needs someone to find the time to review and merge09:03
popeylool: nope, that looks great09:03
jibellool, right, what ogra_ said. And for QA we also need the difference between 2 builds in current09:06
ogra_not sure the cdimage version has that part09:07
Mirvpopey: ping ogra regarding image contents. readjusting the bug.09:13
popeythanks Mirv09:15
jibelwhen I run phablet-flash ubuntu-system which version is supposed to be installed? 20130914.1 the same than in current/ or something else?09:41
ogra_theoretically it should be the same version as in /current .. but stgraber forgot to release it alongside last night09:42
ogra_ARGH !09:44
ogra_cdimage@nusakan:~$ mark-current -p ubuntu-touch -s saucy -i daily-preinstalled -a armhf 20130916.309:44
ogra_mark-current -p ubuntu-touch -s saucy -i daily-preinstalled -a armhf 20130916.3: success09:44
ogra_cdimage@nusakan:~$ /srv/system-image.ubuntu.com/bin/copy-image saucy-proposed saucy mako 52 -k09:44
ogra_Failed to acquire lock, exitting.09:44
ogra_asac, ^^^09:44
ogra_seems i cant release system-image09:44
asaccjwatson: stgraber: ^^ ... any idea?09:44
asaci think stgraber promoted 50 yesterday09:45
asacso it might be still in history how to do that09:45
ogra_yes, and i wanted to promote 5209:45
ogra_this is the documented way09:45
ogra_the cdimage user history intresting doesnt have anything09:46
cjwatsonogra_: I don't know the system-image code09:47
ogra_yeah, i thought so09:47
cjwatsonBut perhaps you could investigate for yourself09:47
cjwatsonLock failures aren't usually that complicated to sort out09:47
ogra_yes, wasnt me who pinged you :)09:47
cjwatsonOh, sorry, I misread09:47
cjwatsonThough even so!09:48
cjwatsonogra_: import-images is running right now09:48
cjwatsonHm, though only for a few seconds09:48
cjwatsonLooks like it's locking /srv/system-image.ubuntu.com/state/global.lock, anyway09:49
cjwatsonIt shares the same lock as import-images09:50
cjwatsonSo you should just try again when import-images isn't running09:50
ogra_import-images  seems to run constantly09:50
ogra_looking at the crontab09:50
cjwatsonComment it out temporarily?09:50
cjwatsonI imagine it runs constantly because everyone was too impatient to wait for less frequent runs :-)09:51
ogra_well, the entry doesnt look right to me ... it should at least sleep a little09:51
cjwatsonHow about you just work around it in the obvious expedient way and wait for stgraber to investigate more completely09:51
* ogra_ waits for import-images to finish ... 09:53
ogra_i wonder what it is actually doing, there is no new image ...09:53
ogra_ah, done09:53
ogra_asac, ok, 52 released (20130916.3)09:57
* ogra_ mails the avengers 09:57
ogra_asac, hmm, could you write that mail ? the ML is restricted to team members and jono is teh only admin, i doubt i will be able to send before the afternoon10:00
nerochiaropete-woods: one quick question: if i call MetricsManager::add more than once with the same dataSourceId but diffierent format strings, will it return a reference to the same metric and update the format strings ? or will it create a new metric ?10:01
ogra_popey, ^^ or could you perhaps announce that /current moved to 20130916.3 (respective system image 52) on the ubuntu-avengers team ML ?10:03
ogra_(i see you're a member too)10:03
davmor2Morning all10:04
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popeyogra_: sure10:10
dakeroSoMoN_: did you saw my MR bug 1212980 ?10:11
ubot5bug 1212980 in webbrowser-app "Cannot login on sites requiring HTTP authentication" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121298010:11
popeyogra_: uh, is it worth it, there's only me, rick and jono on that list10:11
ogra_looks like more to me10:12
popeymembers != subscribers it seems10:12
popeyI didnt realise this10:12
ogra_well, julien should be on it as well10:12
ogra_he sent out the request for the regular mails10:12
popeyI'll mail anyway, for the archive10:13
davmor2popey: how do you join10:13
asacogra_: did you have the text?10:13
ogra_i'm not sure it is the right one anyway, his request for mail didnt have any address10:13
* davmor2 feels that he is missing a mail on something some how10:13
ogra_asac, popey handled it10:13
popeydavmor2: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-avengers10:13
asacogra_: nice10:14
asacthanks popey :)10:14
ogra_asac, though it seems only rick, jono and popey are actually subscribed to the list10:14
davmor2popey: yes on that page there is nothing that says join the team10:14
popeydavmor2: Restricted Team10:15
asacogra_: jfunk should be too :)10:15
ogra_asac, but he isnt10:15
jibelogra_, asac could you mail ubuntu-quality instead?10:15
ogra_he is a team member, but not ML subscriber10:15
asacpopey: can you forward me the mail so i can forward :_)10:15
asacpopey: err. just forward to me and jfunk to be sure10:15
davmor2popey: Yes so again how do you join?  I'm guessing that is why there aren't many joining ;)10:15
asacogra_: ok, guess that was not understood10:15
jibelor u-a and u-q10:15
ogra_asac, yeah ... heh10:15
popeydavmor2: ask jono10:16
popeyhe is admin10:16
davmor2popey: nice will do10:16
asacjibel: we were asked to send to avengers :) ... we can do that too10:16
asacjibel: which mail address?10:16
jibelasac, okay but testers are in u-quality10:16
asacjibel: ok ... lets discuss that with jfunk then10:16
asacwe can send to multiple MLs for sure10:17
asacpopey: can you forward to ubuntu-quality too :)?10:17
jibelasac, ubuntu-quality@lists.ubuntu.com10:17
ogra_jibel, pfft, who cares about testers, as long as the managers are informed :P10:18
jibelogra_, right, who cares about managers as long the image is being tested ;)10:19
popeyso avengers, ubuntu-quality, that all?10:22
davmor2ogra_: you telling me that you don't like my feedback on how broken the days images is?10:22
* popey subscribes to -quality so his mail goes through10:22
ogra_davmor2, is it ?10:23
ogra_works for me :)10:23
davmor2ogra_: It's flashing currently I'll soon tell you :D10:24
* ogra_ only tested OTA 10:24
* popey tested both10:25
ogra_which takes annoyingly long to flash on the maguro (over 30min for the 89M delta)10:25
ogra_yeah :(10:25
ogra_xz is CPU bound10:25
popeyasac: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-avengers/msg00001.html10:26
davmor2ogra_: I flash in the morning and ota on my n7 on an evening :D10:26
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ogra_heh, good plan10:26
popeyyay, auto-download on wifi works10:26
popeylike that10:27
asacpopey: nice.10:27
popeylook away, look back, it's ready to install10:27
oSoMoNdaker: saw it, thanks! I’ll review it today.10:27
ogra_hey, why did yoou only have 51M10:27
* ogra_ had 8910:27
ogra_oh, my maguro was apparently one image behind10:27
dakeroSoMoN: here is video https://plus.google.com/101694416703170881163/posts/X1s7koHpdfW10:27
ogra_so the delta stuff seems to work really well10:28
dakeroSoMoN:  i am also working on the filepicker https://plus.google.com/101694416703170881163/posts/6uZiuSz6qqo10:28
ogra_ok. lets trash this image ...10:28
oSoMoNdaker: I’m getting a g+ error on both URLs10:28
* ogra_ makes it writable and installs mtp10:28
dakeroSoMoN: retry now10:30
davmor2ogra_: I'd say that was broken Flashing the image I'm now on the green robot with the blue buttoned belly and the big Start at the top of the screen10:32
ogra_davmor2, did you upgrade phablet-tools before flashing ?10:32
ogra_there were some changes10:32
popeyi now have 3 facebook icons10:33
popeyI think that's enough now. Please stop ☻10:33
oSoMoNdaker: very nice!10:33
davmor2ogra_: I hadn't that would be good info for a mailing list with testers in it maybe ;)10:33
dakeroSoMoN: :)10:34
pete-woodsnerochiaro: it will update the data source to match the new parameters10:34
ogra_yeah, stgraber was a bit in a hurry to get the changes done yesterday10:34
ogra_i guess he just forgot10:34
oSoMoNdaker: regarding the file picker we’re going to want to use the content picker API exposed by the SDK though, not a custom component10:34
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dakeroSoMoN: ok so the content picker API is available ?10:35
nerochiaropete-woods: excellent. and one more question: is there an easy example or a cmd line tool to dump the current metrics and their values ? (for debugging)10:35
pete-woodsnerochiaro: the easiest way to explore the metrics is with d-feet at the moment10:36
pete-woodsrunning unity8 on the desktop is also fairly straightforward10:36
oSoMoNdaker: I don’t know how complete it is, but it is at least partly available, yes10:37
nerochiaropete-woods: i'll go with d-feet for now, thanks10:37
dakeroSoMoN: ok10:37
asac12:37 < asac> wow http://people.canonical.com/~j-lallement/touch/changes/current/20130916.3.html10:37
asac12:37 < asac> what a great view on the changes that landed :)10:37
ogra_cyphermox, hey, we also need the "Books" folder exposed in mtp (if it exists) ... works awesome beyond that10:40
popeyis that updated nicely?10:41
ogra_well, once i seeded it :)10:42
ogra_after i ran the tests10:42
ogra_should be there in next /current i suppose10:42
* davmor2 resorts to reflashing android on his system being as adb refused to acknowledge his devices existences after failed flash10:42
davmor2ogra_: fastboot sees it but you only get the google logo so no system for adb to attach to10:43
ogra_well, then flash recovery manuallly10:43
ogra_thats still a lot faster than going back to android10:44
davmor2ogra_: and reflashing android was way faster than tinkering for half the morning flashing manually :)10:44
john-mcaleelyanyone else struggling with phablet-flash this morning?10:44
john-mcaleelyI get https://pastebin.canonical.com/97586/10:44
ogra_(boot into recovery and use -d maguro with pahblet-flash then)10:44
popeyjohn-mcaleely: what command did you use?10:44
davmor2john-mcaleely: did you update phablet-flash?  if not follow ogra_ 's advice above10:45
john-mcaleelyphablet-flash ubuntu-system10:45
ogra_bah ... 2fa10:45
popey\o/ 2fa10:45
ogra_john-mcaleely, can you please use the public pastebin in this channel10:45
john-mcaleelyI have 1.0+13.10.20130916.2-0ubuntu110:45
john-mcaleelyogra_, doh, of course10:45
ogra_john-mcaleely, note there were some changes, make sure pahblet-tools is up to date10:46
john-mcaleelyogra_, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6118904/10:46
ogra_john-mcaleely, yep, that was fixed yesterday10:47
ogra_should eb in the latest phablet-tools package10:47
john-mcaleelyogra_, aha and I'm just apt-get upgrading now10:47
john-mcaleelyabeato, ^^10:47
abeatojohn-mcaleely, I have just updated to latest10:48
abeatoi am gonna try again10:48
john-mcaleelyabeato, Mine seemed to be in some sort of recovery loop, so I used fastboot -w to get the filesystem to a known state10:50
abeatojohn-mcaleely, ok, for the moment it seems to work, but still waiting...10:51
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nerochiaropete-woods: on dbus i can see the metric i added as com/canonical/UserMetrics/DataSource/1 but i can't find a way to see its current value10:54
abeatojohn-mcaleely, success finally :-)10:55
pete-woodsnerochairo: the data source has no data, it's information about the data, you need to look in the DataSet/1 object10:55
nerochiaropete-woods: got it. i was confused because the dataset doesn't get create until you actually add some data10:57
john-mcaleelyogra_, davmor2, popey, abeato - thanks - looks like it just worked for me, after upgrade!10:57
ogra_asac, all unity8 tests passed with mtp-server installed on the phone, seeding it10:59
asacogra_: nice11:00
asacogra_: gallery would have been nice11:02
asacogra_: i think that one might be impacteed11:02
asacbut guess not11:02
asacmaybe run them while its building11:02
asacso we are not shocked :()11:02
ogra_i can try it ... seed is changed, but meta isnt updated yet11:02
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ogra_that failed with a lot of HUD errors :(11:17
* ogra_ tries again ... probably i was to slow with the unlock 11:17
davmor2ogra_: it might be just as well that I did do the android flash "ERROR:phablet-flash:Command 'adb shell mount /data' returned non-zero exit status 255    Removing directory /tmp/tmpVilHqp"  using the command on the wiki for step 411:24
davmor2ogra_: phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel devel --no-backup11:24
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ogra_davmor2, hmm, doont you need -b for the first time ?11:24
davmor2ogra_: not listed on the wiki I will try that and see11:25
davmor2davmor2@boromir:~$ phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel devel --no-backup -b          usage: phablet-flash [-h]  ...         phablet-flash: error: unrecognized arguments: -b11:25
ogra_hmm, k11:26
davmor2ogra_: I'm guessing not11:26
ogra_try doing cdimage first then11:26
ogra_(with -b)11:26
ogra_and then cross-grade to system-image11:26
* mpt holds down the phone's power button, and the display rotates 5 degrees clockwise and freezes11:27
popeyhmm, clock has disappeared from my phone11:28
fgintherSaviq, ping11:29
ogra_popey, mpt said he had panel overflow on his list, i didnt know he would solve it *that way* :)11:29
davmor2popey: and you seem to be confirming the 3g issue too :)11:30
sergiusenspopey, try doing sudo restart network-manager and see if it works11:30
ogra_sergiusens, for the clock ? wow11:30
sergiusenspopey, bah, before that, do nmcli d11:30
popeyi went for a walk - away from my wifi11:30
sergiusensogra_, no, for the screenshot :-)11:30
popeycame back, not on wifi, when i tap my access point it puts a tick on it then off again11:30
sergiusenspopey, to get 3G going I supposed :-)11:30
popeyand nmcli d showed connected11:30
popey(for wifi) and connected (prepare) for 3g11:31
popeybut ifconfig shows I have an IP on the LAN and can ping11:31
popeyseems the indicator is confused11:31
sergiusenspopey, cyphermox did add a fix sometime these days to get route selection working again11:31
ogra_sergiusens, so it seems that multiple people had issues when bootstrapping from scratch with system-image11:31
ogra_do we have a bug in phablet-tools ?11:31
popeyhttp://popey.com/~alan/device-2013-09-17-123141.png  see11:31
popey          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
sergiusensogra_, I know about that, was talking about it yesterday11:31
popeybut I have an ip11:32
davmor2popey: sergiusens: yeap it didn't work the issue is between ofono and nm11:32
ogra_(seems it works for people that have an ubuntu recovery, for the others it seems to fail)11:32
sergiusensogra_, when we did this with stgraber we never tested that situation11:32
ogra_ah, k11:32
sergiusensogra_, that said I have a fix, but not sure when that will get in11:32
ogra_asap i hope ...11:32
ogra_doesnt seem to be a good idea to scare the brandnew users away11:33
ogra_sigh, i cant get gallery to work11:33
popeyworks here11:33
sergiusensogra_, let me see if anyone logged a bug to attach to11:33
ogra_and i cant imagine it is mtp thats causing this11:33
popeyhehe, found a funny picture I took in the supermarket the other day too ☻11:33
ogra_popey, the gallery tests with mtp-server installed is what i test here11:34
sergiusensogra_, proposed or daily?11:34
ogra_sergiusens, proposed indeed11:34
davmor2sergiusens: bastardised, proposed for mtp support is what ogra_ means :D11:34
ogra_sergiusens, asac asked me to test unity8 and gallery app to make sure mtp doesnt break their tests11:34
ogra_i guess i'll just re-flash and start over ... sigh11:35
asacogra_: you have to unlock the screen manmually11:35
asacogra_: and dont use the -n option for phablet-test-run11:35
ogra_asac, i know11:35
ogra_its not that11:35
davmor2ogra_: cdimage -b is working11:35
ogra_asac, it fails with HUD errors all over the place ...11:36
ogra_i'll start from scratch and will also do a run before installing mtp-server first11:36
asacthat will help us understand if its mtp11:36
ogra_yeah, very unlikely11:36
fgintherSaviq, unping for now, be back in about an hour11:38
popeyogra_: shout if you need more help testing mtp ☻11:41
ogra_popey, well, feel free, i onlyu test maguro11:41
ogra_make the image writable, installl mtp-server, reboot and run the gallery app tests11:41
popeyok, sweet11:42
ogra_and note that you need to re-flash11:42
ogra_making it writable breaks OTA11:43
popeyadb shell touch /userdata/.writable_image11:43
popeythats still the way to make it writable?11:43
ogra_and a reboot11:43
popeyyeah, i reflash this daily anyway11:43
ogra_right,, just saying11:43
popeynoted ☻11:43
mandelbarry, ping11:44
iKillCypherhello guys xD11:45
popeysergiusens: got that routing issue again...11:45
popeysergiusens: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6119092/11:46
sergiusenspopey, well it seems cyphermox patch didn't go in yet11:47
ogra_yeah, no NM changes in recent images11:47
sergiusenspopey, last stuff is from last month https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/
iKillCyphersergiusens, any idea why isnt radio working for my port11:48
sergiusensiKillCypher, I don't have the hardware you have, so not really. I can guess that it could be an incompatible rild or a permissions problem11:48
iKillCypheranyway to debug it o.O ?11:49
iKillCypherlike demsg11:49
iKillCypherand isnt the permission stored in rules or something11:50
ogra_yes, but depending on the rild implementation your manufacturer uses it might need additional permissions11:51
ogra_and since rild is a binary blob you will have to find out yourself whats missing11:52
iKillCyphercare to explain more ?11:52
ogra_it is proprietary and undocumented usually ... only your manufacturer knows the internals of your rild11:52
sergiusenslook at clues in logcat11:52
ogra_right, read your logs and try to make out what it misses11:53
ogra_you as a proter should know your HW best :)11:53
iKillCypherhumm looks like I have to boot to ubuntu >:(11:53
iKillCypheryes but someone has taken over the project now.. so pretty much I working on getting radio working11:54
iKillCypheris there a source where it where it works on nexus4 ?11:54
ogra_sergiusens, bah, my flash now  hangs at the fastboot screen ...  (even though i only re-flashed an existing install)11:57
ogra_waiting for device ...11:57
sergiusensogra_, baffled11:58
sergiusensogra_, if you open a different terminal, and do fastboot devices, that works?11:58
ogra_sergiusens, well, my fastboot udev rules never worked ... and i didnt sudo phablet-flash11:58
popeygallery tests running..11:59
ogra_and booting manually into recovery finds the autodeploy ... lets see where that goes now11:59
sergiusensogra_, strange... it works on precise/chromebook and saucy/desktop for me ... is this raring/chromebook?11:59
sergiusensogra_, I'll create a live boot thing to test it12:00
ogra_i might have some old fastboot rules somewhere, i'll have to check that12:01
ikillcyphersergiusens, ogra_ here?12:09
jibelhow do I switch from a RO image to RW to install gdb?12:09
ikillcypherhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/yuga > this guy seems to have taken over the port12:10
ikillcyphersergiusens, is the Wireless network fixed ? where it could not accept wpa key etc?12:10
sergiusensjibel, remount or touch /data/.writable_image12:12
sergiusensikillcypher, it is12:12
jibelsergiusens, thanks12:12
ikillcyphersince when ?12:12
ikillcypheris there source code where I can look at or contribute ?12:13
ikillcypherthat would be nice :P since I can get most of the bugs working on my device12:15
ikillcypherwhoops I mean fixed12:15
ikillcypherhttp://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2434376 it seems like most of the stuff here are working it is because of you guys fixing it in the source code12:16
ogra_well, for low level networking management, contribute to network-manager .. UI stuff is in indicator-network12:16
ikillcypheras I haven been around for quite sometime and Im kinda pissed someone actually took over the credits12:16
ikillcypherit is pretty shit you know when people just took over what you did and walk over you !12:17
ogra_didnt you have actual help for like 90% of the stuff ?12:18
ogra_at least you said so here ... all the time when porting12:18
ikillcypherwell I asked someone to help me out the only reason why I could not continue development because I had final year exams which I needed to study for12:19
ikillcypherwhich why I left everything dead.. at the point everything was broken even WiFi could not accept security key12:19
ikillcypher<ikillcypher> sergiusens, is the Wireless network fixed ? where it could not accept wpa key etc?12:19
ikillcypher<sergiusens> ikillcypher, it is12:19
ikillcypherand I just learnt about this today12:19
sergiusensikillcypher, it was fixed two days after you made the comment, was a know issue and was on its way to land12:20
ikillcypherwhich is why now Im trying out the new afm-hf file I downloading to see if that guy really made any changes cause I think most of the work belongs to the ubuntu-development team12:20
sergiusensthat's how it goes with critical bugs12:20
ikillcypherwhat about the blackscreen issue12:20
ikillcypherClicking Application Without Opening Browser/Gallery Result In Blackscreen12:21
sergiusensikillcypher, the issues you are commenting on can be checked by installing the image you know... I'm not sure what that issue was12:21
jibelsergiusens, remount works fine but touch /data/.writable_image doesn't12:21
ogra_jibel, works fine for me12:21
ikillcypheralright so I will check and get back to you guys ? anyway any link to the source code?12:21
sergiusensjibel, oh, and reboot if you haven't12:22
jibelI did12:22
ogra_jibel, oh, no, that cant ... must be /userdata/12:22
jibelbut no luck12:22
ogra_jibel, wrond dir :)12:22
ogra_*wrong even12:22
jibelk, I'll try that after my gdb session :)12:22
cjwatsonbeuno: Do you happen to know of any other examples of click packages in the store whose app name contains upper-case letters?  My only example so far is Karma Machine, and I'm unconvinced that the problems with it are actually anything to do with the app name12:22
sergiusensas in /userdata?12:22
ogra_/userdata/.writable_image is the right place12:23
cjwatsonbeuno: Well, at least not *all* the problems with it12:23
beunocjwatson, I don't, as the form will reject it, and if not, the review script will12:23
sergiusensogra_, I thought they were interlinked... oh well12:23
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cjwatsonbeuno: I guess I'll have to construct one then, thanks.  How much work will it be to undo those spurious restrictions once upper-case in app names no longer breaks?12:24
beunocjwatson, so at least I know that in the server metadata, they are all lowercase. Maybe that's the problem?  The scope maybe uses data from there and gets confused of the manifest file has a different name12:24
beunocjwatson, very little work12:24
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# ls -l /data12:24
ogra_lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Sep 17 12:06 /data -> /android/data12:24
ogra_sergiusens, ^^^12:24
sergiusensogra_, thanks12:25
cjwatsonbeuno: AFAICS the response from the server doesn't mention the app name anywhere, only the package name12:25
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ogra_sergiusens, and there is /userdata/android-data ... (which is what /data points to after following the long link chain)12:26
ogra_so they are "kind of" interlinked ... just on the wrong level12:26
sil2100gatox: ping12:26
popeyogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6119237/ <- results of gallery test run via phablet-test-run -o /tmp/gallery -n -p gallery-app-autopilot gallery_app12:26
sil2100Mirv: very busy right now?12:26
ogra_popey, eek, no -n12:27
beunocjwatson, it mentions the full namespace, but this is just me stabbing in the dark. I do recall us seeing problems to install or run apps that had different namespaces in the manifest and in the server, alecu_  may know more12:27
ogra_popey, you want to keep the shell running ... but need to manually unlock the screen before firing up the test12:27
cjwatsonbeuno: It does, but the namespace and the app name aren't required to be related12:27
popeyogra_: oh balls12:27
popeyrunning again ☻12:27
cjwatsonAnything deriving the app name from the namespace is going to an awful lot of work just to be wrong :-)12:27
* ogra_ is at his second run now with the fresh image 12:27
ogra_seems to go fine12:28
ogra_without mtp all finished ... and it llook like it will with mtp too12:28
cjwatsonbeuno: In this case the namespace is fine12:28
Mirvsil2100: depends12:28
ogra_(before i could see the test actually do nothinng after the app fired up on screen)12:28
ogra_this time it seems to do the same actions as in the test without mtp12:28
ikillcypherogra_, sergiusens can I have the source link ?12:30
popeyogra_: no -n? what does that mean?12:30
ogra_popey, -n means stop unity12:30
beunocjwatson, and the file name doesn't matter?  the store renames the file to what is entered in the web forms12:30
ogra_popey, to be used when ... well ... testing unity itself12:30
popeyogra_: oh, you want me to run it without -n, ok.12:30
popeygotcha ☻12:30
ogra_when testing apps dont use -n12:30
ogra_and unlock the screen12:30
popeybe nice if we could send a signal over adb to unlock the screen ☻12:31
ogra_we had that12:31
ogra_but there isnt really a way to do that consistently so that the timing is always right12:31
cjwatsonbeuno: That should only matter for installation, and it installs it fine, just can't launch.  Launching should only be looking at ~/.local/share/applications/12:31
ogra_so that was dropped12:31
ogra_once we have a proper lockscreen and lightdm all will become better12:32
beunocjwatson, that was my last stab in the dark then  :)12:32
sergiusenspopey, ogra_ where to have the unlocking logic has been ping ponged a lot, I think last was having it in the greeter/unity8 emulators12:32
cjwatsonbeuno: I'm attacking it with strace, hopefully will be able to work something out12:32
ogra_sergiusens, well, i know we want locking for desktop to live in lightdm since several years12:33
sergiusenscjwatson, does it launch with upstart?12:33
gatoxsil2100, pong12:33
ogra_sergiusens, i was hoping touch brings us that at some point ... thanks to convergence12:33
ogra_Ran 23 tests in 432.877s12:34
gatoxsil2100, hi, ralsinaa just asked me if everything is in order to land the updater12:34
ogra_asac, so something was wonky with my former install, doing a fresh install gallery app behaves with and without mtp ...12:34
ogra_waiting for popey to confirm before seeding now12:35
sil2100gatox, Mirv: I would need you guys to take a look at this: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/click-update-manager/basic_packaging/+merge/18602112:35
sil2100gatox: with this all should be in place12:35
popeyogra_: did they all pass?12:35
ogra_popey, yeap12:35
cjwatsonsergiusens: Yep12:35
popeyogra_: will ping you when done here12:35
ogra_sudo phablet-test-run -p gallery-app-autopilot gallery_app12:35
ogra_thats what i ran12:35
ogra_great, thx12:36
cjwatson(with "upstart-app-launch com.ubuntu.developer.brianrobles2.karma-machine_KarmaMachine_0.5")12:36
Mirvsil2100: looking12:36
gatoxsil2100, looking.....12:36
beunocjwatson, gah, everything is different for that user, com.ubuntu.developer.brianrobles204.karma-machine is his namespace on the server12:37
beunopopey, please make sure to not ignore those errors with the review script12:37
beunothat app is basically unupdatable12:37
cjwatsonbeuno: That's a copy-and-paste error12:38
popeybeuno: which errors?12:38
cjwatsonbeuno: Blame adb12:38
beunocjwatson, ah :)12:38
cjwatsoncom.ubuntu.developer.brianrobles204.karma-machine_KarmaMachine_0.5 was the actual app ID12:38
beunopopey, the namespace differences12:38
popeydid I miss them?12:38
gatoxsil2100, looks good to me12:38
beunopopey, I thought it was you who approved it with uppercase letters?12:39
cjwatsonfor which THANK YOU because it gave me a test case!12:39
popeyperhaps, sorry if I did.12:39
popeyi did a lot of approving over the weekend.12:39
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beunopopey, yeah, I hear you12:39
cjwatsonso AFAICS upper-case letters are fine with upstart app launching.  there might still be some weird lurking bug somewhere with the current app launching method.12:39
asacogra_: ok cool. go ahead. i guess12:39
cjwatsonthat app triggered bug 1226553 which I'm fixing12:40
ubot5bug 1226553 in click (Ubuntu) "ensure that unpacked package contents are world-readable" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122655312:40
popeyogra_: <testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="" tests="23" time="494.780">12:40
ogra_asac, yeah, i'd like to hear from popey first ... that shaky test result in eth first run made me anxious :)12:40
* ogra_ hugs popey and goes ahead12:40
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rickspencer3wow, huge update today! 83 megs :)12:42
popeyi did the #50MB one over 3G which worked fine.12:43
ikillcypherok sergiusens or ogra_ here ?12:43
ikillcypherit seems like ubuntu-touch went for a revamped it is alot different since the last time I flash it12:44
ogra_it is constantly moving and improving, yeah12:44
ikillcypherthe blackscreen seems to be gone too..12:45
stgraberogra_: hey12:47
ogra_stgraber, yo12:47
ogra_stgraber, so there were some glitches with publishing to the devel channel ...12:47
stgraberogra_: what kind of glitch?12:48
ogra_stgraber, and it is important that we also run mark-current on the respective cdimage build12:48
ikillcypherogra_, is there anyway to test the sound ?12:48
stgraberogra_: I saw you had a locking problem earlier, though all you need to do then is wait for import-images to finish then try again12:48
ogra_so the QA tools that rely on it dont break12:48
stgraberogra_: oh right, I forgot to mark whatever cdimage's equivalent of build 50 was as good12:48
ogra_stgraber, import-images is constantly starting over with that cron entry :)12:48
ogra_stgraber, i un-cronned it until i was done12:49
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stgraberogra_: yeah, I guess we should move it to every 5min instead, it'd give you a better chance of getting past the lock :)12:49
ogra_i'll write a followup later to yur mail12:49
stgraberit's convenient to have it scan every minute, but may be a bit too often :)12:49
ogra_so the others have some directions too12:49
stgraberok, changed to */512:50
ogra_5min should suffice :)12:50
stgraberogra_: so besides the lock and me forgetting to run mark-current yesterday, any other issue?12:50
stgraber(I've got an hour before I board, so if there's anything else, I'll have to fix it quickly)12:50
popeyogra_: dude! mtp works better with Ubuntu on the nexus 4 than it does with Android!12:50
ogra_stgraber, nope, all fine now ... for next time it would be nice to commit the change to the tools before switching the server though :)12:50
ogra_but i guess you learned that the hard way now :)12:51
sergiusensrsalveti, hey12:51
ogra_popey, send flowers to cyphermox12:51
Saviqfginther, pong?12:51
cjwatsonbeuno,sergiusens: OK, so actually I was testing this wrong, misled by one of the duplicate icons in the applications lens not working12:52
ikillcypherogra_, there isnt any videos why ?12:52
fgintherSaviq, have you seen the unity8 MP tests today?12:52
stgraberogra_: well, as I told sergiusens, I didn't remember that phablet-flash had the <device>-<version> hardcoded, everything else should have been covered by the temporary aliases I set up... so I didn't think any of the tools would be affected (and when I tried phablet-flash against my test server, it did work as those were old images with the same old filename...)12:52
cjwatsonbeuno: Karma Machine works just fine after fixing bug 1226553, so AFAICS there is no problem with upper-case app names and any restrictions on them should be lifted12:52
ubot5bug 1226553 in click (Ubuntu) "ensure that unpacked package contents are world-readable" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122655312:52
Saviqfginther, I just started my day (we're in Lexington)12:52
cjwatson(That bug had nothing to do with the app name)12:52
fgintherSaviq, ah12:52
ogra_stgraber, well, thats life then i guess12:53
Saviqfginther, looking12:53
sergiusensstgraber, ogra_ water under the bridge12:53
ogra_heh, yeah12:53
fgintherSaviq, so, we decided to add additional autopilot test suites to unity812:53
beunocjwatson, ack, I'll get it removed from the review script and the server12:53
stgraberogra_: yeah... I did think of running a full production-like test, though the idea of rsyncing 55GB of data to my place just to run a 10min test seemed vaguely overkill :)12:53
ogra_anyway, its all good now and works absolutely great12:53
cjwatsonbeuno: Great, thanks12:53
fgintherSaviq, to better catch a change that would impact a an app. So far I'm having trouble finding a balance of tests that are stable enough to work12:54
stgraber(especially as I already had to download 20GB to run the smaller scale test I did on Sunday ;))12:54
ogra_yeah, sin,ce we play with phones the data you have to shovel through the new got a lot more12:54
sergiusenscjwatson, great12:54
stgraberturns out that /ubuntu-touch/daily-proposed/* + system-image/www/full is pretty big for a home internet connection :)12:55
sergiusensogra_, that's why I got 30Mbps in August12:55
sergiusensogra_, after just downloading pure android images everyday12:55
stgraber(and my internet is nowhere near as slow as yours)12:55
* ogra_ wants too *sniff*12:55
sergiusensit turned unbearable12:55
* ikillcypher wonders what ever happens to all the videos in feature12:55
ikillcyphercause mine is blank now12:56
stgrabersergiusens: hehe, with my work on images, I'm currently at 1.8TB of downloaded stuff this month!12:56
ogra_ikillcypher, all demo content was dropped12:56
ikillcypherhumm o.O is there a source code ?12:56
ikillcypheror is it private12:56
ogra_popey, my clock is gone too with the latest freshly flashed image :(12:56
ogra_asac, ^^^12:56
sil2100ralsina: hi! What's wrong with the click-update-manager? Since the packaging/rename branch will be landing soon, so why do you want to bump it till tomorrow?12:57
sergiusensogra_, I have it, just flashed from android12:57
sergiusensogra_, the app and the indicator fwiw12:57
sil2100ralsina: since I guess we can spin it in daily-release and I can test it on my system before releasing with no problems12:57
stgraberogra_: I also added myself a todo item to make copy-image wait for the lock to clear instead of just failing, that should make it more reliable too12:57
sil2100Just as I did yesterday with unity8 etc.12:57
sergiusensogra_, look at ~/.cache/upstart/unity8.log12:57
ogra_sergiusens, popey said his vanished at some point i think12:57
ralsinasil2100: I am worried about it being tested, having CI, that sort of thing12:58
asacogra_: right. if its gone its a lack of test12:58
asacogra_: i see the clock here12:58
ralsinasil2100: it's our first landing by the new rules, want to do it right12:58
asacon 5212:58
sergiusensstgraber, yeah, we just need to start creating a backup of the internet12:58
asacogra_: both in the indicator bar as well as on lock screen i have a cliock12:58
sil2100ralsina: it has basic auto-landing I guess, since I configured it last week, but ok - if you want we can move that till tomorrow12:58
barrymandel: pong12:59
sil2100But I'll prepare everything from our side today anyway12:59
ogra_stgraber, i was wondering if we shouldnt have a wrapper script that calls mark-current and then loops over the arches with copy_image ... might be tricky to get the versioning automatic though12:59
ralsinasil2100: sounds great, let's have it ready today, and land it tomorrow12:59
ikillcypherogra_, is there anyway to test the wifi12:59
ikillcyphercause it does not seems responding over here when I click it13:00
stgraberogra_: I can write something that makes a guess based on rootfs version and shows the list of what it'd promote before doing it. If that's not right, then you need to go manual.13:00
sergiusenslool ogra_, stgraber https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/1226565/+merge/18602713:00
Saviqfginther, not sure what you need from me here :D13:01
ikillcypherwtf python ?13:01
ogra_sergiusens, looks good (if it works too :) )13:01
Saviqfginther, if you're asking whether we can make our tests more reliable - we're trying ;)13:01
loolsergiusens: (looking) BTW we need to rename ubuntu-system channels13:01
sergiusensogra_, took me long to test because I was bouncing from android to ubuntu13:01
loolsergiusens: daily -> devel mainly13:01
ogra_stgraber, yeah, well, even having to give two numbers might be fine13:02
stgrabersergiusens: same as ogra, change looks reasonable and I'm not spotting anything obviously wrong, so if it works, +113:02
stgraberlool: already done13:02
sergiusenslool, that was done yesterday13:02
stgraberlool: phablet-flash defaults to stable for now13:02
ikillcypherhumm sergiusens is there anyway to test if wifi accept wpa key ?13:02
ogra_ikillcypher, open the browser (and the icon in the panel should have changed)13:02
sergiusensikillcypher, you can use nmcli directly if the ui fails13:02
looloh I forgot to bzr pull, I see it now13:02
fgintherSaviq, no action for you, I just want to let you know what's going on here. If there is a unity8 change that needs to merge but it's running into unstable app tests, we can tweak the gates to get it right.13:03
ikillcypherlet me see if I pull a screenshot and show you guys something13:03
ikillcypherno idea if this is a feature or a bug13:03
Saviqfginther, ok thanks for the heads up13:03
loolsergiusens: mp looks good to me; tests passed too13:03
ogra_hmm, clock also doesnt come back after reboot13:04
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popeyi hadn't rebooted yet..13:05
popeycomes back here13:06
ogra_here is my unity8.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/6119362/13:06
* ogra_ reboots again13:06
ogra_yeah, not for me13:06
ogra_aha, this time it does13:07
popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6119371/ my unity8 log13:07
ogra_i seem to have more warnings13:08
ikillcyphererror: device not found13:08
ikillcypherdamn I keep getting this13:08
ikillcypherdid you guys broke ADB ?13:10
sergiusensogra_, popey I don't see anything in the logs, but I'm not well versed in that log either13:11
sergiusensmaybe time to take it to #ubuntu-unity13:11
ogra_hmm, none of my click apps start today13:12
gatoxsil2100, https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/click-update-manager/basic_packaging/+merge/186021 that has 2 approves already, should we globally approve it?13:12
ikillcypherhey developers wth is this13:12
ikillcypherdid you guys broke adb?13:13
ogra_ah, beru reader does ... G+ doesnt though and ramsamsam reader neither13:13
ogra_ikillcypher, adb works fine13:13
sil2100gatox: approved globally!13:13
sergiusensbeuno, is review going to work in the click scope? Seems mocked still... mandel alecu and gatox are popular commenters :-)13:13
ikillcypherI keep getting devices not foudn13:13
timpasac: ping13:14
ogra_bah, also why do i get two entries for each installed click package in the "installed" section ?13:14
timp^or anyone who is working on jenkins13:14
gatoxsergiusens, jeje we are disabling that until the feature is complete13:14
timpI have this merge request: https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/panel-opened-ro/+merge/18466313:14
timpI ran all the autopilot tests manually on my device, and they pass. But jenkins keeps failing.13:15
kalikianaI found if adb is not usable it's impossible to get images via phablet-flash unless there's a trick I haven't found - it would be useful, as right now I had to resurrect my device using some ancient image I happened to have on disk and not the latest13:15
ogra_sergiusens, they arent very creative though, they write the same for every app13:15
beunosergiusens, heh, yes, mocked. Ratings & reviews were targetted at the end of the month, not sure if ralsina still has that date as a target13:15
timpwell, jenkins used to pass until I made a change in our CHANGES file (so no code change), and since then it always fails.13:15
ikillcypherogra_, sergiusens : http://pastie.org/private/rct8rp0uxjzhi4gihqqea13:15
ikillcypherit is broken over here13:15
ralsinabeuno: it's looking dubious13:15
ogra_ikillcypher, http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_ro/ all these would be red if it was broken ... it is constantly autotested13:16
ikillcypherso any idea what is happening over here?13:16
sergiusensbeuno, well given that this is the new bug reporting mechanism it would be nice to get it eventually13:17
sergiusensI make no claims to make haste though ;-)13:17
ikillcyphererror: device not found13:17
ikillcypherhow am I going to debug now13:17
alecusergiusens: review is still not working, and it's the click scope that still has no code for it.13:17
beunosergiusens, agreed. That said, it's not in my hands  :)13:17
alecusergiusens: I've got a pending task for this week to remove those fake comments and put a placeholder text there.13:17
sergiusensikillcypher, we went over this a lot a while ago... adb kill-server; sudo adb start-server if your udev rules are broken13:18
ikillcypherit isnt broken13:18
gatoxsil2100, we need to know (specially ralsina :P) if those packages (click plugin, and click-update-manager) are integrated in the ubuntu touch CI infrastructure13:18
sergiusensalecu, beuno it seems we can comment from the webfront directly though, right?13:18
gatoxsil2100, so we can start testing it IRL13:18
ralsinagatox: right, blame the manager. That works *every time* ;-)13:18
cjwatsonogra_: bug 122493813:19
ubot5bug 1224938 in Unity Click Scope "Click apps listed twice on home screen in "installed apps"" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122493813:19
gatoxralsina, :P13:19
beunosergiusens, I don't think you can, no13:19
ogra_cjwatson, thanks !13:19
sergiusensoh, no problem13:19
ralsinaalecu, sergiusens: gatox is removing the placeholders today13:20
cjwatsonIf I had a clue how scopes worked I might attack this, as it's a FAQ13:20
beunocjwatson, ogra, ralsina's team is working on that right now13:21
ogra_will we have working uninstall in the UI before release btw ?13:21
cjwatsonbeuno: cool13:22
beunoogra_, yes13:22
sergiusensgatox, this is probably an easy fix for you http://people.canonical.com/~sergiusens/tabu_overlap.png13:23
ralsinacjwatson: that bug is what alecu is working on at this very moment13:24
davmor2ogra_, popey : I can't open gallery from the camera app but can from the apps lens13:24
gatoxsergiusens, oops....... right13:24
ikillcyphersergiusens, I cant open wifi over here13:24
sergiusensgatox, found some more text overlap in team selection13:24
ogra_davmor2, sounds liek a bug13:24
gatoxsergiusens, really??13:24
gatoxsergiusens, do you have an screenshot of those?13:24
davmor2ogra_: yeah I thought you guys were talking about it earlier though so I was just confirming now I have a device that works again and everything :D13:25
sil2100gatox: I'll make sure all is set up ;)13:25
sergiusensgatox, http://people.canonical.com/~sergiusens/tabu_setup_overlap.png13:26
ogra_davmor2, i dont care much about bugs nowadays ... as long as the tests run and finish :)13:26
gatoxsergiusens, ouch..... thanks13:26
gatoxsergiusens, is that in the phone?13:26
davmor2ogra_: wash your mouth out with soap and water ;)13:26
ikillcyphersergiusens, dmesg log : http://pastie.org/private/qbktv7lm8yebco4pq7svnq13:27
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sergiusensgatox, yes13:31
ikillcyphersergiusens, dmesg is something like catlog right?13:31
gatoxsergiusens, yap.... i'll need to test the apps making the window really small..... thanks for the heads up13:31
ikillcypher[   13.233917] wlan: [451:F :HDD] hdd_driver_init: WLAN device not found!!13:32
beunocjwatson, I'm a bit confused now. Can the package name also be uppercase?13:34
cjwatsonbeuno: No13:34
cjwatsonbeuno: Hopefully https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-appstore-developers/msg00570.html clarifies13:35
cjwatson"The package name is specified to13:35
cjwatsonforbid upper-case letters"13:35
ikillcypherI cant seem to get the catlog13:35
beunocjwatson, ack. So then the web ui doesn't guard against that now, just against uppercases in package names13:36
ikillcypherand my dmesg keep ending after awhile13:36
cjwatsonbeuno: OK, great13:36
ikillcypherhello is anyone here?13:37
ikillcypherI hate the random hanging !!13:41
ogra_so fix it13:41
ikillcypherwell how do I catlog o.o like in android13:42
ogra_/system/bin/logcat -d13:43
ikillcypherI meant in terminal13:43
ogra_but that will only get you the log from the container13:43
ikillcypherwell so how do I get the full log without exiting13:44
ogra_ubuntu system logs are in /var/log ... session logs are in /home/phablet/.cache/upstart/13:44
ikillcypherwell I meant like I did sudo adb shell13:44
ikillcypherso now it is in root@ubuntu-phablet13:45
ikillcypherso how do I catlog13:45
ogra_there is no such thing as "catlog"13:45
ogra_its logcat ... and you call it with the above command13:45
ogra_preferably with -d so it dumps the whole log13:45
ikillcypherwell in android it is call catlog atleast that was what google called it13:46
ikillcypherhumm still nothing on carrier13:48
ikillcypherand no logs13:48
cyphermoxpopey: hey, I'm glad you're happy with it :) I hadn't such feedback really, so thanks a lot!13:48
ogra_cyphermox, seen my ping above ? would be nice to have "Books" in the exported folders too13:49
ikillcypherany of you developers got any idea how to get carrier/radio working here13:49
ikillcyphercause Im getting no logs at all13:49
ogra_ikillcypher, /var/log and logcat should have all you need to see errors13:50
ikillcypherim able to call my phone just fine but no logs13:50
ikillcyphernor nothing appears at log13:50
ogra_try: /system/bin/logcat -b radio -d13:51
ogra_thatz should give you all logs from the radio part inside the container13:51
ogra_and: grep ofono /var/log/syslog13:51
ogra_that will give you all logs about the ubuntu side13:52
ikillcypherdo you want it ?13:52
ogra_no, i have no clue about radio13:52
ikillcypherSep 17 13:44:35 ubuntu-phablet ofonod[1465]: GET_SIM_STATUS reques failed: 1; retries: 5613:52
ikillcypherSep 17 13:44:35 ubuntu-phablet ofonod[1465]: Max retries for GET_SIM_STATUS exceeded!13:52
ogra_(you most likely want to set up several debug flags in the apps to actually get more than just errors)13:52
ogra_that you sould run the apps (ofono, rild) with their respective debug settings to get proper debug output13:54
ikillcypherapps o.o in ubuntu-touch ?13:54
ogra_on your install13:54
ogra_modify your port to get debug output as you need it13:54
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ikillcypherhow is that going to slove radio issue13:54
ogra_like you woulkd do in any other case where you need to debug something13:55
ikillcyphero.O when my phone rings but ubuntu shows no carrier13:55
ikillcypherand nothing appears13:55
* ogra_ gives up13:55
ikillcypherwell it is strange how ril works fine on nexus devices and other ported device expect this13:56
ikillcypherogra_, who is incharge of radio/ril in ubuntu-touch13:57
ogra_no ported device has working ril afaik13:57
ogra_and the first step is to collect all debug data you need for nailing the issue down, file a bug and attach all that info13:57
* ikillcypher is doing just that.. but it would be nice if you could guide me 13:58
ikillcypherso I can file a bug report and get this fix13:58
gatoxsil2100, sorry to be annoying.... but, could you please ping me when i can test the packages IRL in a phablet device?14:01
ikillcypherit seems modern is properity ogra_14:02
tkamppeterHi, anyone has already tried out the gallery-app on the normal desktop? I can only display photos in ~/Pictures, not in its subdirectories.14:02
sil2100gatox: should I build the update-manager in the same PPA for you as the -plugin?14:02
ikillcypherhonestly how did you guys got it working for the nexus series ?14:02
ogra_someone worked three weeks day and night to fix all bugs with it14:03
tkamppeterIt would be great if each subdirectory would be considered an album, for convergence, having the same data with Ubuntu Touch and trhe normal desktop.14:03
ogra_expect nothing less for your port14:03
gatoxsil2100, if you can please.... also.... did you see my previous question? <gatox> sil2100, we need to know (specially ralsinaa :P) if those packages (click plugin, and click-update-manager) are integrated in the ubuntu touch CI infrastructure14:03
cyphermoxogra_: I hadn't seen stuff about Books... the issue is that there currently isn't a Books folder to show. we can still update that though, it's trivial14:03
ikillcypherogra_, care to point me to the code then?14:03
cyphermoxogra_: that said, do we have a book reader? :)14:03
ikillcyphercause I really would like to fix this ril issue14:03
ogra_cyphermox, the ebook reader we have creates iut dynamically14:03
popeycyphermox: yes14:04
popeyit's _brilliant_14:04
popeyit makes ~/Books if it doesn't exist14:04
cyphermoxthen yeah, let's add it to the code.14:04
sil2100gatox: yes, I said that I will look into it, right now I know that CI for merges is more or less set up - not sure if there are any other things that need to be prepared?14:05
ikillcypherogra_, Im opening a bug report for RIL Then14:05
gatoxsil2100, cool, i missed the answer14:05
ikillcypherwith all the info14:05
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cyphermoxogra_: I was taking the day off today -- I'll submit a merge request now, but I'm not sticking around to watch it... I'll be back later14:06
cyphermoxChickenCutlass: ^14:07
ogra_cyphermox, yeah, its all fine i guess ... just a bugfix, not really a new feature14:07
ChickenCutlasscyphermox, ack14:07
cyphermoxI'll probably spend some more time thinking about the NM bugfix since it apparently didn't work14:07
barrymandel: hi14:07
cyphermoxI still can't explain it though, looked like dbus wasn't behaving, but I did find something funky anyway14:07
Laneywho can I ask about timed?14:10
Laneybasically - what is the status?14:10
rsalvetiLaney: status is still to be properly investigated14:12
rsalvetiLaney: not something for 13.1014:12
Laneyrsalveti: ok, got a bp or something?14:12
Laneyrsalveti: Also, does that imply that there won't be a way to have automatic tz selection?14:13
Laney& time14:13
rsalvetifor 13.10, yes14:13
rsalvetilet me find the blueprint14:13
Laneyjust figuring out the lay of the land for settings really14:13
ikillcypherogra_, any idea who I assigned it to ?14:15
fury__is it planned or does someone "port" ubuntu touch for the "asus memo pad hd 7"?14:16
ikillcypheralright I have assigned it to sergiusens.. with the logs attach14:21
rsalvetiLaney: actually, we don't have a blueprint yet, we stopped at the point where we needed to do a proper review of it14:21
rsalvetiLaney: in case you have enough cycles, feel free to cover that14:21
sergiusensikillcypher, why me?14:21
Laneyrsalveti: I sure don't :P14:21
rsalvetiand ping tvoss__ with the results14:21
ikillcyphercause I cant assign it to the team14:21
Laneyrsalveti: I'm going to hide it in system-settings now14:21
ikillcypherand I dont know who is incharge of radio14:21
rsalvetiLaney: ok14:22
rsalvetiif we have a manual way of setting the timezone, it should be fine14:22
sergiusensikillcypher, well can't you assign to yourself? or leave unassigned?14:22
tvoss__Laney, rsalveti +114:22
Laneyas long as polkit comes along ...14:22
tvoss__Laney, I'm mostly interested what timed contains on top of timezone handling14:22
ikillcypherassign it to myself ?14:22
cjwatsonIs lightdm definitely still on the list to land pre-saucy?14:22
tvoss__Laney, it's a massive piece of software14:22
Laneytvoss__: I don't care what does it really14:23
Laneytvoss__: Just as long as there is something for automatic time/timezone setting14:23
tvoss__Laney, I do care though ;)14:23
LaneySomeone needs to :-)14:23
Laneycjwatson: mterry told me it was coming RSN14:23
cjwatsonJust wanted to make sure it wasn't dropped at some point14:24
tvoss__Laney, true. So are you going to look into it?14:24
Laneytvoss__: I wouldn't count on that14:24
Laneytoo much to do for settings right now14:24
tvoss__Laney, ack14:24
mterryLaney, cjwatson: it's in asac's queue...  (note that this is still just autologin-to-phablet mode, no real security, but it does fix logind/polkit)14:24
cjwatsonasac: So I think literally all I need to do to delegate some control over -proposed is to check out another branch with some text files owned by some appropriate touch-ish team, and to add a few lines to a config file14:24
fury__is it planned or does someone "port" ubuntu touch for the "asus memo pad hd 7"?14:25
ikillcypherwell if I can actually see the code of who fix radio for nexus It would be nice since I would know what to do14:25
ikillcyphernow Im cluless14:25
cjwatsonasac: That means it's basically just a matter of you/somebody saying which team you think should be able to block/unblock packages for touch14:25
rsalveticjwatson: mterry: it seems lightdm is still not part of the landing pipeline: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au6idq7TkpUUdGNWb0tTVmJLVzFZd0doV3dVOGpWemc#gid=014:25
ogra_cjwatson, i think we should have a separate team for this14:25
mhall119Kaleo: congrats on the successful fork!14:25
Laneytvoss__: Hmm, actually, the time/date setting (not timezone) seems to be hooked up to timedated's useNTP property14:26
cjwatsonogra_: "ubuntu-touch-release" perhaps?14:26
ogra_cjwatson, like you suggested, something like phablet-release ... so we can add peole in a cross team manner14:26
Laneytvoss__: so maybe that works14:26
ogra_cjwatson, yeah, tsounds good14:26
tvoss__Laney, if we can get away with what we already have: even better14:26
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rsalvetimterry: can you work with asac to add lightdm and everything that needs to be done together with it at https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au6idq7TkpUUdGNWb0tTVmJLVzFZd0doV3dVOGpWemc#gid=0 ?14:27
cjwatsonasac: If it doesn't work out for you then we can just not use it and you don't lose anything, of course14:27
cjwatsonBut I think it should14:27
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mterryrsalveti, I did yesterday, see Landing Asks tab14:31
mterryrsalveti, if there are sacrificial chickens to be had, point me at them, I will murder them14:31
rsalvetimterry: awesome, didn't see it because it will only touch the ubuntu-touch-session package now14:32
sergiusensstgraber, ogra_ are we still reading from .developer_mode ?14:33
rsalvetiwe just need to remember to drop the polkit override for network-manager once that's in14:33
alecuanybody experienced color shifting in photos taken with mako? https://bugs.launchpad.net/camera-app/+bug/122662514:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1226625 in camera-app "Color is shifted 16px to the left" [Undecided,New]14:34
Saviqfginther, so... https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/887/? and https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-saucy/2979/? show a set of failures unrelated to unity8 that have caused a CI failure :/14:36
Laneymterry: Do you plan on making the greeter read the stats / messages configuration? Or should we just defer that?14:36
mterryLaney, I have a unity8 branch for the stats bit that has been waiting for a review for a week or so14:36
mterryLaney, the messages side is a little trickier, I'm waiting for design feedback on how messages should even appear in greeter...14:37
ogra_sergiusens, nope .writable_image replaced it14:37
Laneywill hide the messages one for now then :P14:37
MDEEhey guys. is anyone aware of issues with the standard phablet-flash process for getting Touch on a Nexus 4? I had problems. towards the end, it tried to do something and I got "insufficient permissions". I think it has to do with the adb server14:37
MDEEI had to do a manual install using adb push14:38
mterryLaney, sounds sensible.  Sorry it's taken so long14:38
sergiusensogra_, great14:38
ogra_sergiusens, though if you plan to re-use it for adb i would rather go with something more specific14:38
ogra_(.usb-debug-shell or some such)14:38
MDEEbasically I'm reporting that under Ubuntu 13.04, these instructions do NOT work: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install14:39
fgintherSaviq, right. It currently looks like these are just unstable tests as I can't find any connection to the failures and how they are being executed yet. If these app tests are truly unstable tests, we really don't want to use them to gate unity8.14:39
ogra_sergiusens, so we can keep .developer_mode for later usage (as something that would make the image writable and enable adb at the same time or so)14:39
Saviqfginther, yeah :/14:39
fgintherSaviq, it's complicated by the fact that these tests are in trunk and so ran successfully at one time14:39
sergiusensogra_, ok, I was more inclined with a developer mode  toggle that would do the write thing14:39
Saviqfginther, of course - flakiness14:40
sergiusensogra_, well developer mode and writable images are not the same thing14:40
fgintherSaviq, so far the experiment has not gone well. I'm going to start pulling out some tests14:40
fgintherSaviq, I'll check the autolanding jobs as I do so14:41
Saviqfginther, thanks14:41
ogra_sergiusens, imho a full developer mode includes writability as well as some shell access14:42
ikillcypherogra_, :P ubuntu-touch has improved so much in less then 1 month14:42
ogra_(and probably other bits)14:42
ogra_ikillcypher, well, many people work on it all day14:42
ikillcypherhow come you guys dont have a review system like cyanogenmod cause I would love to code and write something14:43
sergiusensogra_, developer mode in android just means adb and install unsigned apps14:43
ikillcypher:( I mean I cant find anything where the source is online14:43
sergiusensikillcypher, code.launchpad.net14:43
MDEEso, anyone? known problems w/ adb/phablet-flash?14:44
balloonspopey, when you downloaded the update, did you get visual feedback of the progress?14:44
popeyballoons: no, known bug14:44
balloonsthought so, ty14:44
MDEEpopey: phablet-flash isn't working per the instructions here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install14:45
sergiusensMDEE, can you track down if adb works without launching the server with root?14:45
popeyMDEE: how so?14:45
MDEEat the end of the flashing process, screen goes black on the NExus14:45
MDEEand I get "insufficient permissions" on the workstation14:45
popeythere's a lot on that page, which one did you use?14:45
MDEEadb is unreliable, I have to repeatdly do "adb kill-server; adb start-server"14:45
MDEElike at EVERY step14:45
MDEEI'm not sure how to help troubleshoot this. it's a tricky one. I could try to shoot video of my Nexus's screen along with the laptop's terminal window, and run "watch adb devices" to show its status14:46
sergiusensMDEE, can you run  apt-cache policy android-tools-adb| pastebinit ?14:46
MDEEsure hang on14:46
ikillcypherthis is confusing14:46
ikillcyphero.o cant even see any single code14:46
MDEEI'm willing to reset the phone to Android and start over & walk through it now if you have time14:47
ikillcypherhow do I access14:47
ikillcypherubuntu-phablet NetworkManager14:47
ikillcypherso I can see the code14:48
guest____hi, how can I uninstall apps from ubuntu touch?14:48
cjwatsonasac: If, hypothetically, I needed to arrange a period when the various offloaded archive jobs like proposed-migration might be vulnerable during migration to a new host (they hopefully won't actually go down for a noticeable period, but just in case something does go wrong), then when would be a good time?14:48
cjwatsonasac: A sysadmin in .au has set up most of it now, so maybe some time early European morning to finish it off?14:49
cjwatsonguest____: UI is underway; in the meantime, https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-appstore-developers/msg00553.html14:49
sergiusensMDEE, can you flash again but run 'uvadm monitor --property' in a separate terminal14:49
rickspencer3awe_, ChickenCutlass my phone is really unreliable in terms of switching to 3g ... I can't tell if it's my phone or the service here, is there a way I can see what is going on? like a log or something?14:49
sergiusensMDEE, before doing this, can you kill adb14:49
sergiusensMDEE, and start with phone unplugged14:50
cjwatsonguest____: Quickest way is currently "sudo click unregister --user=phablet PACKAGE-NAME"14:50
MDEEsergiusens: sure. hang on.. so you want me to reflash to Android?14:50
guest____cjwatson: thank you!14:50
ChickenCutlassrickspencer3, I am sure there are ofono logs.  awe_ certainly knows the logs14:50
sergiusensMDEE, so the it would be, unplug phone, kill adb, run udevadm command on terminal, run phablet-flash ...14:50
awe_rickspencer3, cyphermox has been working on this for quite some time now, and we expect a NM fix to land shortly14:50
ogra_rickspencer3, there are NM issues apparently if you switch back and forth between wlan14:50
rickspencer3ChickenCutlass, nothing crashed this time, at least :)14:50
MDEEsergiusens: ok. the phone is currently running Ubuntu, is that ok?14:50
rickspencer3ogra_, ah, ok14:50
ChickenCutlassrickspencer3, I guess that is better14:50
sergiusensMDEE, yes, that's ok14:50
rickspencer3ogra_, awe_ so leaving my office and going to the street and waiting for the bus and not having 3g sounds like the NM issue?14:51
MDEEok. phone unplugged. adb kill-server. running udevadm..14:51
cyphermoxrickspencer3: it does14:51
sergiusensMDEE, I just want to see what happens wrt to udev rules14:51
* rickspencer3 nods14:51
asaccjwatson: you mean you want to do something that might stop proposed?14:51
cyphermoxrickspencer3: I had a patch ready, but apparently it wasn't working for rsalveti14:51
rickspencer3cyphermox, I logged this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1225393 maybe it's a dupe?14:51
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1225393 in telephony-service "Phone does not reliably switch to cellular data" [Critical,Incomplete]14:51
awe_rickspencer3, we'll figure out if it's a dup!  ;)14:52
MDEEok udevadm is running14:52
cjwatsonasac: We've been planning to move it to a new host for some time, and that new host is now ready; I'd like to arrange a time to cut over14:52
MDEEsergiusens: udevadm is up. says it will print events for UDEV and KERNEL14:52
MDEEsergiusens: now plug in, and do phablet-flash cdimage-touch -b ? do I need adb start-server first?14:53
cyphermoxrickspencer3: I'll dedupe, yeah14:53
cjwatsonasac: We can test a lot of it, but can't test absolutely everything in advance without actually cutting over, so I want to make sure I pick a time when nobody is going to be seriously inconvenienced by half an hour or so of outage14:53
cyphermoxrickspencer3: I'm doing more testing, but expect a resolution soon14:53
cjwatsonasac: So I just wanted to check on general parameters for such times that I could then arrange in detail with sysadmin14:53
rickspencer3thanks cyphermox14:53
rickspencer3cyphermox, is there anything I can do to work around it in the meantime14:54
* rickspencer3 is totally depending on Ubuntu Touch phone14:54
cyphermoxrickspencer3: not so much. it's just racy14:54
rickspencer3thanks cyphermox14:54
rickspencer3I'll stand by14:54
cyphermoxrickspencer3: I can rebuild the patch I gave rsalveti, it may work slightly better for you14:54
cyphermoxbut it's not a complete fix14:54
ikillcypherwifi is dead14:54
rickspencer3cyphermox, that sounds like extra work14:55
rickspencer3I would just keep doing what you are doing :)14:55
ikillcypherand can someone guide to get into network manager so I can see the code?14:55
cyphermoxrickspencer3: ack14:55
rickspencer3thanks for the offer though, cyphermox14:55
cjwatsondidrocks: BTW, the above conversation with asac also includes cu2d - it'll be moving to snakefruit along with the rest of the ubuntu-archive jobs14:55
cjwatsondidrocks: See RT#6312214:55
didrockscjwatson: just ensure we have the same firewall rule to access magners please14:55
didrocks(to rsync)14:56
cjwatsondidrocks: Can you check?  You have ssh access already14:56
sergiusensMDEE, no need to start adb, phablet-flash will do it for you14:56
cjwatsondidrocks: Or tell me the FQDN or IP address so I can check14:56
MDEEsergiusens: phablet-flash cdimage-touch -b ?14:56
asaccjwatson: can we have a separate call on this? i feel i miss details14:57
asacand its important14:57
cjwatsonasac: Could you read https://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=63122 first?  It should have all the necessary details14:57
didrockscjwatson: since I'm EODing soon, better that you have it:
MDEEsergiusens: I plugged in the phone, udevadm dumped a bunch of stuff out14:57
sergiusensrickspencer3, workaround is sudo restart network-manager (I depend on the phone too so I resort to these things which I hope I don't need to)14:57
MDEEI'll dump all this into a paste at the end14:58
sergiusensMDEE, yeah, I'm going to need all that output14:58
rickspencer3sergiusens, ok, that sounds easy14:58
rickspencer3thanks sergiusens14:58
nerochiaropete-woods-late-:  when you have a moment, i'm trying to figure out a way to write decent unit tests for the qml bindings of libusermetrics. normally i would use QtQuickTest but if I do that I have no way to verify that the data has been updated in the data store14:59
MDEEdamn it. I can't use tee with udevadm14:59
nerochiaropete-woods-late-: so i'm not sure how to approach writing these tests. wonder if you have some suggestions14:59
MDEEI'll just redirect it normally14:59
cjwatsondidrocks: That doesn't work yet - I've followed up to the ticket to ask for it15:00
didrockscjwatson: thanks a lot15:00
MDEEsergiusens: ok, phablet flashing...15:00
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
=== pete-woods-late- is now known as pete-woods
pete-woodsnerochiao: are you not able to interrogate the DBus interfaces of the data sets in the same way as the other tests? or you could use dbusmock to mock the libusermetrics DBus API15:03
MDEErather.. downloading files15:03
AskUbuntuUbuntu Touch want boot after install | http://askubuntu.com/q/34668915:06
* genii ponders "want" vs "won't"15:08
wellsbIf it want boot, give it boot15:10
sil2100bfiller: ping15:12
MDEEI hope sergiusens comes back15:13
bfillersil2100: pong15:14
nerochiaropete-woods: well, either i use QtQuickTest and write the unit tests in QML, or to use C++ as the other tests do I need to figure out a way to setup a QQuickView or something similar as part of the test in which to run the QML part of the test. I haven't seen this done anywhere else yet.15:15
pete-woodsnerochiaro: can you include a QML plugin in your QtQuickTest to do the C++ parts?15:16
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
nerochiaropete-woods: not that i know of. QQuickTest is basically just a mechanism to load QML files in the same directory and call specifically named functions in them as tests. I don't think it's possible to compile extra c++ code (an extra QML  plugin)15:18
nerochiarowhen using it15:18
MDEEcan anyone tell me how I can open a bug ticket for phablet-tools?15:18
ikillcypheranyone noticed that that wifi is broken in the latest arm-hf.zip15:19
nerochiaroMDEE: https://bugs.launchpad.net/phablet-tools/+filebug15:19
MDEEthanks. phablet-flash is broked.15:19
pete-woodsmerochiao: so if I have an import statement for a QML plugin I wrote in a QtQuick test case that doesn't work?15:21
ikillcypherwifi is broken..15:21
cwayne1mhr3: ping15:22
mhr3cwayne1, pong15:22
nerochiaropete-woods: it works, but the c++ plugin needs to be compiled somehow when the tests are built15:24
pete-woodsnerochiaro: is that not fairly simple?15:24
MDEEon an unrelated note, anyone know why QtCreator is missing all the Ubuntu Touch project templates?15:25
nerochiaropete-woods: to build it yes, to build it before the QtQuickTest tests are run, i'm not sure15:25
nerochiaropete-woods: i'll give it a shot, sounds like the best option15:25
cwayne1mhr3: hi, are the unity bits that enable scopes to live in /custom in the image yet?15:25
MDEEI swear at one point, QtCreator had Ubuntu Touch apps under 'File > New Project'15:25
pete-woodsnerochiaro: I'm confident that can be done - if you need any help fighting cmake, I have no problem lending a hand15:25
MDEEnow they're gone. did a fresh install too15:25
nerochiaropete-woods: thanks. i'll poke you if i get lost in cmake-voodoo15:26
cwayne1asac: ping15:26
asaccwayne1: questions about landings? -> #ubuntu-ci-eng15:26
tedgtmoenicke_, Hey, I was chatting with attente about keyboard settings.  Do you know when the GSettings based settings will land on the server?15:33
jibelhow to I completely erase a device with phablet-flash ubuntu-system, there was a -b option of legacy image but don't see it for u-system15:36
cjwatson--no-backup isn't it?15:36
popeyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install has some examples15:37
jibelcjwatson, popey thanks15:37
lool(a new bootstrap flag is also coming up)15:37
jfunkthanks jibel15:37
sil2100bfiller: about my earlier ping - I have a strange situation with the dialer-app autopilot tests - when I first ran them, all tests passed - but from the second run onwards I cannot get it working15:37
sil2100bfiller: the application seems hanged up15:38
tmoenicke_tedg: hi ted. looks like early next week15:39
bfillersil2100: that's strange, I can try it. why does it need to be run twice? shouldn't block landing15:39
bfillersil2100: the tests are quite minimal15:39
bfillerdon't really test anything of significance15:39
attentetmoenicke_, also any idea of the spell checking settings? i really have no info about it...15:40
sil2100bfiller: I mean, hm, I cannot reproduce it working anymore, whenever I run the tests with phablet-test-run the dialer-app does not react to anything15:40
sil2100Not sure what happened15:41
sil2100After a fresh device reboot it works again15:41
tmoenicke_attente: what info do you need about the spell checking?15:42
MDEEdoes anyone here work on phablet-flash?15:42
bfillersil2100: sounds like either autopilot or the tests leave something in a bad state15:42
popeyMDEE: people here do, yes15:42
bfillersil2100: what build and env should I use to try?15:42
attentetmoenicke_, what interface is there for modifying those settings? is it through maliit-server or something else?15:42
MDEEmy phablet-flash process dies out at the end with: error: insufficient permissions for device15:42
MDEEERROR:phablet-flash:Command 'adb shell mount /data' returned non-zero exit status 25515:42
popeyMDEE: what command are you using?15:43
MDEEphablet-flash cdimage-touch -b15:43
popeyMDEE: what device?15:43
MDEEI think it's adb's fault. it seems to lose connection during the process15:43
MDEENexus 415:43
popeydodgy usb cable?15:43
MDEEnot at all15:43
MDEEadb devices reports "no permissions" or whatever the msg is..15:43
popeyadb kill-server15:43
sil2100bfiller: ok, I found a way to trigger the 'brokeness'15:44
popeysudo adb start-server15:44
MDEErun it with sudo? hmm.. ok15:44
popeythen try it15:44
MDEElemme try that15:44
tmoenicke_attente: it will be in ubuntu-keyboard. i will summarize it in an email15:44
sil2100bfiller: I use mako, upgrade dialer-app and messaging-app from daily-build (not sure if you need an upgraded messaging-app, but I use one for now) - if you run dialer_app tests normally, they pass, but after you run messaging_app tests and then try to run dialer_app tests, they fail all the time15:45
attentetmoenicke_, fantastic, thanks!15:45
MDEEpopey: when I did the manual install, I kept having to do "adb kill-server; adb start-server" all the time because it kept going to "insufficient permissions"15:45
MDEEok, Nexus 4 has black screen15:45
MDEEphablet-flash is waiting... it's done though15:45
sil2100bfiller: it's as if running messaging_app tests breaks dialer_app15:45
WebbyITI have to report a bug about login in gmail app, where I have to report it?15:45
MDEEaha! "CLearing /data and /cache" works now!15:45
MDEEpopey: THANK YOU15:45
popeyMDEE: great!15:45
sil2100bfiller: even the whole dialer-app application isn't responding when ran15:46
MDEEthis page should be edited to reflect that. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install - you HAVE to do "sudo adb start-server"15:46
MDEEadb start-server without sudo does not work15:46
sil2100bfiller: checking if running messaging-app manually (without AP testing) breaks dialer-app as well15:46
bfillersil2100: ok, we had bugs that were fixed previously with both of those apps running but that should be working now. we had to unregister telepathy listener when dialer was sent to background. maybe lifcycle mgmt is broken causing this15:47
bfillerboiko: ^^^^^15:47
bfillersil2100: I'll see if I can reproduce15:48
om26ermfisch, hello15:48
MDEEpopey: one more Q, unrelated. I installed the Ubuntu SDK.. and when I run it, there are no Ubuntu Touch project templates. I know for sure there used to be at some point15:48
mfischom26er: morning15:49
sil2100bfiller: I tried manually just running messaging-app and then dialer-app, but it didn't seem to break anything - retrying with the AP approach15:49
popeyMDEE: this can happen sometimes... rm ~/.config/QtProject15:49
popeythen re-open ubuntu sdk15:49
om26ermfisch, hey! I have found an issue and think it could be in powerd15:49
om26ermfisch, bug 122667215:49
ubot5bug 1226672 in powerd (Ubuntu) "With screen dimmed, it takes ~1sec for it to lighten up when touched" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122667215:49
MDEEpopey: man.. you are just full of good answers today! THANK you!15:50
MDEEpopey: so, cdimage-touch is updated daily, yes? is ubuntu-system? is there any reason I'd want ubuntu-system over cdimage-touch?15:50
MDEEwow man.. Ubuntu Touch does NOT like WPA2 Enterprise routers! ha15:52
MDEEdoesn't even ask for a password.15:52
mfischom26er: it could be in powerd for sure, sforshee ^^^15:52
mfischom26er: I'm not working on powerd anymore, I've been reassigned15:53
om26ermfisch, aha, ok..15:53
popeyMDEE: it's detailed on the wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install15:53
sil2100bfiller, boiko: made some other tests and to make dialer-app unresponsive and broken, you need to run the messaging-app autopilot tests and then dialer-app autopilot tests (which fail) - and afterwards dialer-app is broken until rebooted15:54
boikosil2100: interesting15:54
MDEEpopey: oh crap. cdimage-touch is deprecated..15:55
popeynot so much15:55
sil2100boiko: I wonder if the AP tests are doing anything strange15:55
popeyit still works just fine.15:55
popeyubuntu-system allows for over the air updates though which is cool15:55
MDEEpopey: oh ok. the page says so15:55
MDEEpopey: is ubuntu-system updated as frequently as cdimage-touch?15:55
popeydepends on your perspective15:55
popeybasically daily15:56
sil2100boiko: try upgrading on a device messaging-app and dialer-app and running AP tests as I mentioned, and see if dialer-app is broken afterwards15:56
MDEEpopey: ah ok. I'll switch15:56
boikosil2100: I'm in the middle of debugging something else, I will try that in ~1 hour probably15:56
MDEEpopey: the page says this is the recommended syntax:     phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel devel --no-backup15:56
MDEEpopey: is that still accurate?15:56
sil2100boiko: ok, cool thanks!15:56
bfillersil2100, boiko: just did this exact thing and worked fine for me on maguro : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6119979/15:57
MDEEpopey: who maintains that page?15:57
bfillersil2100: I ran tests on the device using autopilot run, not with the script15:57
popey"we"d do15:57
MDEEpopey: ok. I recommend changing the "adb start-server" step to "sudo adb start-server". phablet-flash absolutely does not work properly unless adb is running via sudo15:57
MDEEand I'm on a pretty standard setup. (Ubuntu 13.04 + Nexus 4)15:58
popeyMDEE: yeah, that should already be fixed, not sure why you're getting that15:58
sil2100bfiller, boiko: maybe it's related to killing the shell every time or something15:58
om26erMDEE, adb and fastboot permission issues are pretty mixed in13.1015:58
popeybut its certainly not the case that everyone needs to do that, which is why we don't put that on the wiki15:58
sil2100bfiller, boiko: or hm... could history-service be related? Since I also upgraded history-service15:59
MDEEpopey: so is it because I'm on 13.04? and in 13.10 you don't need sudo?15:59
bfillersil2100: I did a dist-upgrade from the daily build ppa so I have all the latest15:59
bfillersil2100: how are you running the tests? you shouldn't be killing the shell. just make sure the phone is awake and unlocked15:59
popeyMDEE: perhaps, I thought it was fixed on 13.04 too15:59
MDEEi'll leave my ticket open then16:00
MDEEI put in a bug ticket16:00
MDEEI can modify it to explain what the issue is, now that we know16:00
sil2100bfiller: I'm using this command more or less: phablet-test-run -n -o output dialer_app16:01
sil2100bfiller: I'll try without -n16:01
bfillersil2100: try running "autopilot run messaging_app" directly when ssh'd on the phone with the shell unlocked, then "autopilot run dialer_app" the same way after16:02
MDEEpopey: thanks again for your help, you've solved multiple issues for me that were giving me headaches16:02
popeyMDEE: good times!16:05
MDEEflashing the ubuntu-system image on there now16:06
MDEEis it a bad sign of my phone has a black screen (but is on) and the last thing I see in the terminal is: INFO:phablet-flash:Waiting for install to finish on device. Please do not unplug device until phablet-flash finishes.16:06
MDEEoh there it goes16:07
popeyits a good thing16:07
MDEEwow, that took a while16:07
popeypatience is a virtue16:07
MDEEI was expecting the android with his panel open and magical stuff going on16:07
popeywe hide magic16:07
popeymagic is overrated16:07
sil2100bfiller: I'll try, but I wonder how the smoke-testing guys run those tests - since we want to make sure those work as well16:09
nerochiaropete-woods: in your usermetricsinput unit tests, how do you deal with the fact that once you run a test the data source will be already there in following runs of the same test ?16:09
bfillersil2100: I see same failure if I use  phablet-test-run -n -o output dialer_app, but not if I use phablet-test-run -o output dialer_app16:10
popeybfiller: ogra_ suggested we shouldn't use -n anymore16:10
bfillersil2100: I think smoke tests reboot the phone after each app is run, fginther, plars is that correct?16:10
popeythe -n kills unity doesn't it?16:10
pete-woodsnerochiaro: I run the tests using libqtdbustest, which makes a private instance of dbus, and I run the service with the argument :memory: which makes sqlite use a memory backed database that is destroyed when the service shuts down16:11
plarsbfiller: yes16:11
ogra_popey, you need -n for unity8 tests16:11
popeythis is dialler app tho16:11
sil2100bfiller: confirming, it works when ran through ssh16:11
ogra_but shouldnt use it for any of rge app ones16:11
bfillersil2100: so it's not an issue, daily smoketests reboot the phone after each suite is run. and we shouldn't be using -n for running app tests regardless16:12
oSoMoNballoons: hey, would you mind having a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/ubuntu-calendar-app/revert-useless-revision/+merge/185779 ?16:12
sil2100ogra_: got it, yesterday I got the impression that we're using that for all tests16:12
pete-woodsnerochari: see the class tests/testutils/DBusTest16:12
sil2100bfiller: indeed! Ok, thanks for digging into that, then I guess we're ready for release o/16:12
pete-woodsnerochiaro: ^16:12
ogra_sil2100, plars can surely clearify16:12
bfillersil2100: cool16:12
sil2100boiko: ^ issue resolved \o/16:13
nerochiaropete-woods: understood. thanks16:13
boikosil2100: nice! thanks :)16:13
nerochiaropete-woods: where do you set up all that ?16:13
balloonsoSoMoN, is Oliver around16:14
nerochiaropete-woods: oh, DBusTest.cpp it seels16:14
plarsogra_, sil2100: for daily smoke tests, we *only* kill unity8 for the unity8 tests. All other tests run a script that unlocks the screen without killing unity. The phone is rebooted between tests, so if unity8 is killed for the unity8 tests, it's not in a bad state for the next test that runs16:14
pete-woodsnerochiaro: yes, it's quite simple when using libqtdbustest, just compose an instance of DBusTestRunner16:15
oSoMoNballoons: did you mean Olivier?16:15
pete-woodsinside your test class16:15
MDEEpopey: one more Q and I'm out! so now that I have ubuntu-system.. I don't have to do phablet-flash to update the daily build, I can just go to updates on the phone & grab over the air?16:15
balloonsoSoMoN, yes, sorry16:15
oSoMoNballoons: oSoMoN == Olivier16:15
oSoMoN(== me)16:15
pete-woodsthe library handles the problem of asynchronously waiting for startup, too16:15
sil2100plars: got it, thanks!16:15
balloonsoSoMoN, lolol.. I thought so, but it was weird16:15
bfillersil2100: what is the issue with landing ubuntu-keyboard?16:16
balloonsoSoMoN, ok, so I was planning to look at calendar again today as it's still failing as you've noticed ;-) I'll try and answer each one of your points16:16
guest____sorry, I asked before about removing an app, I do not seem to have the click binary so i cannot call click: command not found16:17
oSoMoNballoons: thanks, I wanted to investigate the problem further myself, but I have way too many tasks on my plate atm16:17
guest____installing it from apt-get i guess?16:17
cjwatsonguest____: Er, are you on a touch device?16:18
balloonsoSoMoN, "  - unnecessarily expanded the code," Yep, that was on purpose to provide clarity on what was failing, and because there was no need to introduce potential bugs by being cute. "introduced a regression (doesn’t work for abs(delta) > 24),", yikes, this should be added as a test then. "didn’t fix the autopilot failures observed on devices (see e.g. http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/4256/calendar-app-autopilot/)" sadly16:18
balloonsit didn't, though they run just fine locally on my device, which was why I pushed it to begin with. your reverted changes don't work at all on my device16:18
guest____cjwatson: sgs2 with ubunut touch16:18
cjwatsonguest____: Because click has been preinstalled in all ubuntu-touch images since early July16:18
cjwatsonguest____: So, sure, you can install it with apt-get, but if you're missing it then something is wrong16:19
guest____this build might be older16:19
guest____cjwatson: just installed it but "click list --manifest" doesnt show anything, need reboot?16:19
balloonsoSoMoN, overall I don't want to revert the changes, but I agree more work needs to be done. Something is still causing it to fail on the device, and we should fix your noted regression and overall clean up the expanded implementation16:19
balloonsoSoMoN, basically another rewrite is needed16:20
cjwatsonguest____: I'm having a very hard time understanding how any click packages could be installed if click itself wasn't installed16:20
cjwatsonguest____: If click list --manifest doesn't show them, then you don't have them16:20
popeyMDEE: yes16:20
cjwatsonguest____: In which case all the apps are installed as .debs and you can remove them with apt-get16:20
balloonsoSoMoN, I will say, I'm very confused about the sign, -sign and copysign,delta stuff.. I've no idea what you were trying to do there. You can see I replaced the swipes with very simple drag's16:21
MDEEpopey: excellent16:21
popeyMDEE: dont worry if you get no feedback when you hit the "download" button there, thats coming16:21
guest____cjwatson: okay, so click is just another package install system, like apt-get?16:21
MDEEpopey: good to know. so just tap it, and be patient.16:21
guest____cjwatson: and they changed it from apt-get to click recently?16:22
MDEEpopey: is there any indication that there is a new update or not?16:22
balloonsiBelieve, any update on fixing the sdk header bug so the tests can pass? :-)16:22
cjwatsonguest____: We're in the process of moving to click for user-installable apps; at the moment three of the preinstalled apps in Ubuntu Touch images are installed that way16:22
iBelieveballoons, just fixed that, haven't pushed the branch yet16:22
popeyMDEE: not yet, other than going to that screen16:23
guest____cjwatson: thanks for the information, I was trying to remove apps like Amazon and eBay, how would I uninstall theses, and find their package name16:24
MDEEpopey: right, ok16:24
popeyMDEE: http://popey.com/~alan/device-2013-09-17-111959.png16:24
popeylike that16:24
popeyi have mine set to autodownload on wifi ☻16:24
cjwatsonguest____: dpkg -l '*amazon*' '*ebay*' should tell you the package names, then "apt-get purge those-package-names"16:26
cjwatson(the latter under sudo)16:26
cjwatsonMy number of three earlier was mistaken, those have actually been converted to click in current images16:26
cjwatsonSo it's nine now, including six webapps16:26
ogra_there is still a bunch of click apps coming from the PPA16:26
ogra_should be more than three debs16:27
cjwatsonYeah, but they wind up on disk as nine click packages, is my point16:27
cjwatsonHowever they get there16:27
ogra_no, they dont16:28
cjwatsonThey sure do16:28
ogra_well, probably they end up on disk like that but all of them have a dpkg DB entry16:28
cjwatsonNo dpkg DB entry16:29
cjwatsonI'm not talking about those ones16:29
cjwatsonI know there are still *-app packages installed as .debs; those aren't click packages16:29
balloonsiBelieve, k, I'm more than happy to review it, I want that red spot gone just as much as yu16:29
cjwatsonor "click apps" or whatever you said above16:29
ogra_ah, i thought you talked about click packages in general16:29
cjwatsonogra_: click packages in general == click packages16:29
cjwatsonogra_: maybe you mean "core apps"16:30
ogra_well all of tehse apps were supposed to be click by now16:30
ogra_yeah, i do16:30
cjwatsonHowever, they aren't16:30
cjwatsonSo let's not talk about them in the present tense as if they are :)16:30
ogra_but looks like they wont be for release16:30
cjwatsonSure, I know the reasoning16:30
cjwatsonI was just describing the present state16:30
guest____Is there any way to see which version of touch I'm running? In the settings app it says Last Updated 2013-04-0916:30
oSoMoNballoons: your re-implementation does exactly what my original implementation did (with less code), which is why I’m proposing to revert16:30
=== bfiller is now known as bfiller_afk
ogra_guest____, in older images ther eis a stamp in /var/log/installer/media-info16:31
ogra_in newer ones it is in /etc/media-info now16:31
oSoMoNballoons: copysign is just a way to get the sign of the delta16:32
balloonsoSoMoN, yes, I agree yours is less code, and mine could certainly be reduced, however, I don't like the original implementation "swiping". it doesn't work on my device, and I'm really not sure what it is you are trying to do16:32
guest____ogra_: thanks16:32
oSoMoNballoons: where do you see a swipe? it does a drag, just like yours16:32
zzarrhello hashcode, I wounder how the hdmi driver is comming along for the motorola maserati?16:33
Hashcodezzarr: tbh, I just haven't had the time to look at it :/16:35
balloonsoSoMoN, yes, but why so much complex math to do a drag?16:35
oSoMoNballoons: it’s not complex math, it’s just an elegant way to avoid a lot of if else blocks to do the same drag movement in one direction or in the other16:35
balloonsoSoMoN, ultimately reverting it is fine by me.. but like yourself I want the tests to actually pass and reverting it doesn't help that. So I'm more worried about fixing it to work. Feel free to revert and when I get a chance to debug further today I will16:37
cwayne1cjwatson: should preinstallation of clicks in /custom work with click 0.4.6? i'm not seeing the app show up in click list16:38
oSoMoNballoons: yeah, reverting was only the first step, unfortunately I haven’t found the time to dig further into the actual issue, I hope I’ll find some time later today16:38
balloonsoSoMoN, my implementation I found actually ran properly on a local device.. I don't believe the original did, but I'll find out this afternoon16:39
cjwatsoncwayne1: Yes.  Can you pastebin "find /custom/click -ls" for me?16:39
oSoMoNballoons: the original did, it works fine on my device16:39
balloonsoSoMoN, so, the issue is likely to be something very small, perhaps an additional assert is needed16:39
oSoMoNballoons: yeah, it’s probably something very stupid and trivial to fix once figured out…16:40
cwayne1cjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6120135/16:40
cjwatsoncwayne1: Those don't appear to have been installed with --all-users16:40
zzarrhashcode I see, I'll keep waiting patientently :)16:41
cjwatsoncwayne1: Or else your image builder included /custom/click/* or something and hence omitted /custom/click/.click/16:41
cwayne1cjwatson: ah, ill try and fix that16:42
cjwatsoncwayne1: You should end up with /custom/click/.click/users/@all/ (this is an internal implementation detail so don't rely on it)16:43
oSoMoNballoons: I’m comparing the failures with the original implementation and with yours, and they’re not happening at the same place16:46
balloonsoSoMoN, yes that's correct. I believe my implementation failed after 2 swipes to change the month16:47
oSoMoNballoons: yeah, whereas with the original impl, the swipes apparently all succeed, but it fails on going to today (which is the actual functionality under test)16:48
cwayne1cjwatson: so i copied that over, and i'm still getting the profile does not exist error16:48
cjwatsoncwayne1: What error is that, exactly?16:49
cjwatsoncwayne1: (That's not the problem you mentioned above)16:49
cwayne1cjwatson: dbus.log:aa-exec: ERROR: profile 'com.ubuntu.developer.alecu.qr-code_qr-code_0.2' does not exist16:49
cjwatsoncwayne1: You probably haven't run hooks.  Did you reboot?16:49
cwayne1cjwatson: i did16:50
cwayne1i'll reboot again16:50
cjwatsonNo, don't16:50
cjwatsonUnless you didn't reboot until after you copied those files16:50
cjwatsoncwayne1: Can I have a complete tarball, including the .click subdirectory?16:50
cwayne1cjwatson: sure, one sec16:50
oSoMoNballoons: I’m starting to suspect that self.get_currentDayStart() doesn’t return the current date as expected16:51
oSoMoNballoons: or maybe it does but there’s a race condition and when the test starts it’s not always already initialized16:51
oSoMoNballoons: which would explain why the tests do not fail all the time, only sometimes16:52
balloonsoSoMoN, that was different than my experience, however, I would agree that there was likely a race condition. Even my implementation didn't seem to like being run as an entire suite, meaning something outside of the tests was having timing issues16:53
cwayne1cjwatson: http://people.canonical.com/~cwayne/custom.tar.xz16:56
iBelieveballoons, here is the merge if you want to review it (although it does have some other fixes as well as the header fix): https://code.launchpad.net/~mdspencer/ubuntu-filemanager-app/fixed-progress-dialog/+merge/18610316:59
balloonsty iBelieve17:02
cjwatsoncwayne1: Looks cromulent enough.  Anything in /var/log/upstart/click-system-hooks.log?17:02
cjwatsoncwayne1: And what's in ~/.local/share/applications/ ?17:03
cwayne1http://paste.ubuntu.com/6120217/ cjwatson17:04
cjwatsoncwayne1: That looks fine ...17:05
cwayne1cjwatson: hm, i dont even have /var/log/upstart/click-system-hooks.log17:05
cjwatsoncwayne1: How about the contents of /var/lib/apparmor/ ?17:05
cjwatsoncwayne1: /var/lib/apparmor/clicks/ I mean17:06
cjwatsonand .../profiles/17:06
oSoMoNballoons: I think I’ve got a fix, gonna push it in a minute, if you want to have a look17:06
balloonsoSoMoN, <3!17:07
cwayne1cjwatson: nothing about that app in /var/lib/apparmor/clicks17:08
oSoMoNballoons: ah, I didn’t see you had already approved the reversion, I pushed it on top of the same branch, I’ll push it to another branch to avoid confusions17:10
balloonsoSoMoN, gotcha17:10
cjwatsoncwayne1: Huh.  And you definitely have /etc/init/click-system-hooks.conf ?17:12
oSoMoNballoons: https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/ubuntu-calendar-app/assert-today-is-today/+merge/186105 , for your reviewing pleasure ;)17:12
balloonsoSoMoN, ohh I see now17:13
balloonsso just need to try on a device then17:14
cjwatsoncwayne1: Might be worth trying "sudo click hook install-system" to see if for some reason it works by hand and not from the Upstart job.17:14
cwayne1cjwatson: ah, so it seems it was some issue with updating.. i had /etc/init/click-system-hooks.conf.dpkg-new17:15
cwayne1when i move that to click-system-hooks.conf it seems to work :)17:16
=== bfiller_afk is now known as bfiller
ogra_there is something wrong with stgraber's code :(17:48
ogra_https://system-image.ubuntu.com/saucy-proposed/maguro/index.json has two times the #52 image17:48
ogra_that should have become 5317:48
plarsogra_: I was just looking at the latest run, it broke on both maguro and mako and neither device is visible to me now17:49
ogra_hmm, intrestingly i get 53 with phablet-flash but the json file doesnt list it17:49
plarsrfowler: can you take a look at maguro-02 and mako-01? I think they just fell over... probably sitting at the fastboot screen17:50
ogra_plars, well, it flashes fine for me17:50
ogra_(not finished yet, but its in the last steps)17:50
plarsogra_: I'm trying it locally, but both of them timed out in the lab17:50
plarsogra_: and were left in a state where I can't see them17:51
ogra_yeah, sounds bad17:51
ogra_lets see what rfowler tells us17:51
ogra_(whats on the screen)17:51
mruegcan anyone help me? i'm trying to flash ubuntu one on a galaxy nexus. this is the error i receive: http://bpaste.net/show/F8piWQzKDubd0rxgGHbB/17:57
sergiusensmrueg, and a broken android on the screen?18:05
mruegsergiusens: yes, but restarts after a while18:05
ricmmanyone here with a phone that wasnt flashed today can help with a:18:06
ricmm$ dpkg -S /usr/share/applications/shotwell.desktop18:06
sergiusensogra_, the code is ok, one is full, the other is delta18:07
sergiusensplars, ^^18:07
sergiusenswrt to the two 52's18:07
ogra_ricmm, i think guest1__ runs an old image on his SGS218:07
ogra_(SGS2 isnt flipped yet afaik)18:07
ogra_sergiusens, ah, thats confusing ... i always thought the last version would match the full one18:08
sergiusensogra_, lol, if I don't start adbd on ubuntu I get adbd on android18:08
ricmmguest1__: ping :)18:08
ogra_and i obviously got the right image here using phablet-flash ... all fine i guess18:08
mruegsergiusens: any idea?18:08
sergiusensogra_, the delt is for OTA18:08
sergiusensmrueg, yeah, you need something that isn't released yet (in the pipelines)18:09
om26erogra_, should I report "please unseed indicator-bluetooth" ?18:09
ogra_sergiusens, hmm, iirc rsalveti added that ... switch off adbd locally to enter the container18:09
sergiusensogra_, yeah, I saw that in the prestart scripts18:09
mruegsergiusens: can i get it from a vcs or anything like that?18:09
plarssergiusens: what was the difference between the 20130916 phablet-tools and the 20130916.2 that has come out since then? anything important?18:09
ogra_om26er, if it has asac approval (or more generally now #ubuntu-ci-eng approval) i'm fine just doing it18:10
sergiusensmrueg, bzr branch lp:phablet-tools; cd phablet-tools; ./phablet-flash ubuntu-system --bootstrap18:10
mruegsergiusens: merci.18:10
asacogra_: do you know what i think18:10
sergiusensplars, if you look at the changelog, it's the same package18:10
asacogra_: i think mtp busted the automation :)18:10
ogra_sergiusens, i guess just an "[ -e /path/to/some/file ] && exit 0" at the top of the upstart job for adbd and making rsalveti;s change a manual thing should be fine for our purpose18:11
sergiusensplars, I think it was just launchpad copy api... also daily release seemed messed up, since part of the changelog was from a previous package release18:11
sergiusensogra_, that's what I did18:11
ogra_asac, mtp just runs aside adb. wont affect any adb operation18:11
asacogra_: so i just had a window open, a mount error and couldnt adb anymore18:12
asacafter closing all it worked18:12
om26erasac, do you +1 the removal of indicator-bluetooth ?18:12
ogra_asac, hmm, what kind fo mount error ?18:12
Saviqfginther, it looks like running this amount of tests on every merge request for many projects is just not feasible - a mediumtest run now takes over an hour :/18:13
asaci dont know how to repro18:13
ogra_well, theoretically mtp wont influence adb behavior18:14
* ogra_ takes a deep look at the mtp code18:14
mruegsergiusens: now it boots into recovery, what do i have to do afterwards?18:14
fgintherSaviq, hmmm ;-(18:14
fgintherSaviq, perhaps running a one or two tests for the *_app suites would be a good comprimise18:15
Saviqfginther, we're backed up against the wall -
Saviqfginther, jobs have been running for 4hrs now18:15
rfowlerplars ogra_ they are stuck at the screen swipe tutorial18:17
ogra_i thought that was disabled for testing18:17
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
plarsogra_: it gets disabled later - after it confirms it came back after installing18:18
plarsogra_: in this case, we timed out before we got that far18:18
plarsrfowler: I don't see the devices from adb though18:19
ogra_so that actually smells like an adb race between adbd coming up and the test18:19
fgintherSaviq, one moment18:19
rfowlerplars: ya i didn't fix it yet... about to ... just wanted to let you know what I saw18:20
guest1__ricmm, i'm not the one you are looking for, i don't even own an SGS2 ;)18:20
ogra_how do you plan to fix it18:20
plarsogra_: with a hammer18:20
ogra_guest1__, bah, damend, then it was another guest with underscore18:20
ogra_plars, heh18:21
ogra_plars, would be intresting to know if you can see them after a re-plug18:21
plarsrfowler: maybe try rebooting just one of them to see if it comes back?18:21
ogra_without reboot18:21
plarsrfowler: yeah, or even just replug18:21
rfowlerplars: how about now18:21
ogra_also check the logs of the server18:21
plarsrfowler: I don't think I see any new one, which one did you replug?18:22
plarsmaguro it looks like18:22
ogra_you see it ?18:22
plarsogra_: I saw it in dmesg, but nothing new showing up in adb devices18:22
MDesignerwhat's the fastest/easiest way to transfer a file to Ubuntu Touch? like a video file or mp318:22
* ogra_ waits18:22
* rickspencer3 waits18:22
rfowlerwaiting... hands on phones18:22
rickspencer3MDesigner, I used adb push18:23
ogra_MDesigner, use the very latest image and just drag and drop in your filemanager18:23
ogra_(the *very* latest ... untested one ... )18:23
plarsand we're back18:23
MDesigneroh. does that build show up in Ubuntu when you plug it in via USB?18:23
rfowlerplars: thought they would be18:23
ogra_plars, so the re-plug did it ?18:23
plarsadbd was running as an unusual user, but I'm not sure why18:23
MDesignercuz I have ubuntu-system from the devel channel and it doesn't show up18:23
plarsthat's a new one18:23
ogra_plars, yeah18:24
rickspencer3MDesigner, the support for that just landed today ... should show up in the daily after the daily is verified to be green18:24
rfowlerplars:  ogra_ plug/unplug and going through the swipe thingy18:24
plarsrfowler: don't bother, I'm about to rekick the jobs18:24
MDesignerrickspencer3: devel-proposed is the channel for bleeding edge?18:25
rickspencer3MDesigner, no18:25
fgintherSaviq, I've dialed the tests back some more, just have gallery_app and unity8 now18:25
rickspencer3at least, I don't think so18:25
ogra_rsalveti, so i suspect the adbd in container thingie gets in our way here ... mtp sets the property, that makes adb respawn and if you connect exactly while the respawn happens you end up with an adbd inside the container18:25
MDesignerrickspencer3: oh ok. this page says it is: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install18:25
rickspencer3MDesigner, I think it's called "pending"18:25
Saviqfginther, thanks, it's not just unity8 that's affected, though, AFAICS18:26
plarsasac: jobs are running again for now, will try to hunt down what happened earlier18:26
MDesignerahh. the page says --pending is deprecated18:26
Saviqfginther, like what job is that ?18:26
ogra_MDesigner, rickspencer3 sudo phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel=saucy-proposed18:26
Saviqfginther, it seems to be running tests for *everything*?18:26
ogra_that will give you the untested fun stuff18:26
fgintherSaviq, ubuntu-ui-toolkit-ci18:27
MDesignerogra_, what's the diff between saucy-proposed and devel-proposed?18:27
Saviqfginther, right, so that's almost 2hrs of tests...18:27
Saviqfginther, hardly acceptable if you ask me...18:27
fgintherSaviq, same solution, dial back the tests18:27
beunorickspencer3, "devel" was what the TB voted on, no?18:27
Saviqfginther, yup18:27
rickspencer3beuno, that's for something different18:28
Saviqfginther, especially since that blocked all of the runners for 2 hrs18:28
ogra_MDesigner, no difference ...18:28
beunoah, ignore me18:28
MDesignerso there's also daily-proposed18:28
ogra_MDesigner, right, they are all the same atm18:28
Saviqfginther, there were 4 UITK tests ran there, so it took over all ps-saucy-...s18:28
ogra_daily-proposed will go away soon18:28
MDesignerah ok18:28
ogra_and saucy will become stable after release18:28
fgintherSaviq, that definitely wasn't the plan.18:29
ogra_(and the T release becomes devel then)18:29
Saviqfginther, yeah, we didn't cope it seems18:29
MDesignerso, just curious.. when U Touch is finally officially done, will there be a neat & clean deployment method that will work on Win/Mac as well?18:31
MDesignera simple user-friendly interface to flash the phone?18:31
asacplars: cool18:31
ogra_probably by 14.04 ...18:31
asacplars: did it manage to install etc.? or we just hope?18:32
ogra_for 13.10 we'll go with phablet-flash ...18:32
plarsasac: will let you know soon18:32
plarsasac: it seems to have installed, and certainly worked for me locally18:32
asacdid it twice too18:32
plarsasac: I expect it to work now that the adb madness is sorted out, but I'm watching it18:32
asacplars: adb madness?18:32
MDesignerogra_: so Touch won't be "mainstream" till 14.04 then18:33
ogra_asac, yeah, i'm sure it is a timing issue, something we need to fix anyway ... though you are right that mtp actually exposes it more which results in the breakage for plars18:33
plarsasac: adb was running as the wrong user, probably just due to someone running adb devices at an inopportune time18:33
ogra_plars, no18:33
plarsthe question is, why did adb ever die for that to happen18:33
asacinteresting theory18:34
ogra_plars, mtp re-sets the property for the gadget driver (it has to) ... and the thing i just discussed above with sergiusens kicks in while adb respawns18:34
asacat least something :)18:34
plarsah, I see18:34
wellsbAny updates on bug 1213043?18:34
beunoMDesigner, ubuntu-touch will be the default desktop for 14.1018:34
ubot5bug 1213043 in Ubuntu Weather App "Binding loop detected when changing backgroundColor of MainView dynamically" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121304318:34
plarsogra_: that's really bad for us - as we have multiple devices in flight18:34
MDesignerbeuno: hmm, interesting..18:34
ogra_plars, asac, so if you connect exactly that second, you end up with adb insiode the container18:34
asacogra_: aha :)18:34
asacthats what i had18:35
plarsogra_: but adbd gets respawned on the host side?18:35
ogra_plars, yes, but the android adb has to vanish anyway18:35
beunoMDesigner, 14.04 will be the last release of the current ubuntu-desktop code base18:35
ogra_plars, no, on the device18:35
plarsogra_: or do you mean on the device side18:35
MDesignerbeuno, interesting.. I had no idea18:35
* rsalveti reading backlog18:35
MDesignerI wonder what 14.10 will look like on the desktop18:35
beunoMDesigner, pretty similar?  :)18:36
beunoa bit nicer, probably18:36
beunoit'll ship unity818:36
MDesignerjust as long as it's not too simplified18:36
MDesignerI feel like Apple took a misstep shaping their OS after iOS18:36
sergiusensogra_, that's bad18:37
MDesignerhey sergiusens, I got my device flashed properly. the problem was that adb server was not running as root18:37
MDesignersergiusens, I had to do "adb kill-server; sudo adb start-server" and then phablet-flash worked perfectly18:38
sergiusensMDesigner, so where are those udevadm logs?18:38
MDesignerI have them still. hang on one sec18:38
sergiusensMDesigner, the whole point of them is to find out why you need to run it as root ;-)18:39
MDesignerI understand :) stand by18:39
MDesignersergiusens, here's the output of phablet-flash: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6120626/18:40
MDesignersergiusens, and here's the udevadm output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6120628/18:41
MDesignersergiusens, hope that helps18:44
MDesignerbtw, anyone know if the saucy-proposed builds can be updated over the air from the phone? or do I have to flash to update?18:44
ogra_you can do OTA18:48
ogra_be careful with the UI though ... there is no progress for the download ... and i have the feeling if you tap the button more than once it spawns multiple download handlers and falls over18:49
ogra_barry, ^^^ btw18:49
ogra_could that be true ?18:49
ogra_seems every time i'm imaptioent with the updater it fails :)18:49
barryogra_: it shouldn't, if dbus activation is doing its job, although if there's a huge download and the service is timing out, a second one could be spawned (but they shouldn't interfere with each other, though i don't know if the ui can handle that).  check /var/log/system-image/client.log for details18:51
ogra_barry, ah, thanks didnt notice the log, i will check it next time it happens18:51
ogra_i just noticed if i'm handling the UI really carful it always works18:51
barryogra_: sounds good.  you can also fiddle with things like the timeout value and logging level by editing /etc/system-image/client.ini18:52
ogra_impatient tapping the buttom multiple times gets me a failed download usually18:52
barryogra_: if you can investigate and file any necessary bugs, that would be awesome18:52
cjwatsoncwayne1: right - it isn't like that in official images, is it?19:18
om26erawe_, I cannot get gprs to work on my device, I suspect some settings needs changing. Any pointers on that ?19:21
awe_om26er, are you using a special SIM?19:23
awe_( ie. non-operator SIM )19:23
om26erawe_, its my normal sim19:23
om26erawe_, my everyday use sim I meant19:23
awe_and has it worked for you before?19:23
awe_( ie. is this a regression? )19:23
om26erawe_, never worked on Ubuntu touch19:23
om26eror never tried for that matter19:24
awe_ah, ok19:24
awe_well, let's see if we can find out what's going on...19:24
awe_can you make phone calls and send/receive text messages?19:24
om26erawe_, yes that works fine19:25
awe_so now, let me teach you a few commands that will come in handy19:25
awe_go to /usr/share/ofono/scripts19:25
awe_and you'll find a whole bunch of python scripts19:25
awe_list-modem and list-contexts are both good sources of information19:26
awe_list-modem will show you the state of all of the modem interface objects ( NetworkRegistration, ConnectionManager, ... )19:26
cwayne1cjwatson: it shouldnt be19:26
awe_you can see if the modem is powered, online, ...19:26
cjwatsoncwayne1: ok, good19:27
awe_om26er, list-contexts data contexts associated with your device19:27
awe_you should have one "internet" context19:27
om26erawe_, list-modems http://paste.ubuntu.com/6120817/19:27
om26ercontext http://paste.ubuntu.com/6120818/19:28
awe_so your context shows that the phone wasn't able to automatically look up your internet settings19:28
awe_one more thing to check19:29
awe_can you grep for "ofonod" in /var/log/syslog?19:29
awe_when ofono starts, it logs the information used to search the mobile-broadband-provider-info db19:29
awe_it uses the provider name from your SIM + your mobile country code ( mcc ) and mobile network code ( mnc )19:29
awe_there's a good chance this info is missing or incorrect in the db19:30
om26erawe_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6120833/\19:30
om26erawe_, btw these settings are known to work with my network: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6120815/19:31
anders3408|afkmhall119: ive sent you a pm :)19:31
awe_om26er, thanks for the info... give me a few minutes to look at something19:32
om26erok. brb19:35
ogra_cyphermox, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6120871/ we will need something like this (probably a lot more fine grained, that one is  untested just for illustration)19:38
ogra_(misses an initrct emit in the stop too... )19:38
ogra_jono, can you add me to ubuntu-avengers ? i'm supposed to send mails about new /current images to its ML and only members can post19:44
fgintherSaviq, unity8-ci is green again:
Saviqfginther, thanks19:45
Saviqfginther, looks much better ;)19:46
asacSaviq: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6120723/ those are issues i see in what we have staged20:06
asacSaviq: does that sound familiar?20:06
Saviqasac, no, but it looks like the test helper is failing20:08
Saviqasac, can you try unity8.shell.tests.test_notifications.EphemeralNotificationsTests.test_urgency_order with some verbose output?20:08
asacSaviq: what autopilot command is that?20:08
Saviqasac, autopilot run -vv unity8.shell.tests.test_notifications.EphemeralNotificationsTests.test_urgency_order20:08
* asac is currently rerunning with a different location20:08
asacok thanks will try afer20:08
mruegdoes nfc work with ubuntu touch?20:09
thomiSaviq: asac: you probably just want '-v', not '-vv', unless you want to debug autopilot itself (you don't)20:10
Saviqthomi, k thanks20:10
balloonsiBelieve, trying your fix on a device now20:13
iBelieveballoons, great :) In addition to the app header, can you check to make sure the toolbar icons look good at the high resolution a phone has?20:14
asacfginther: does that mean the mir merge issues are also fixed?20:16
fgintherasac, the auto abi bump for mir is in place now, I wasn't aware of any mir merge issue other then the transient issue we've been discussing20:19
asacok thanks20:20
kgunnfginther: right just that issue with the armhf ci failure report20:20
jonobfiller, hey20:21
jonoI noticed last night that touchtone support isnt working20:21
jonois that planned?20:21
bfillerjono: you mean dtmf? should be working if not then it broke. working ok on galaxy nexus for me20:22
stgrabersergiusens: we read from both20:24
sergiusensslangasek, hey, I was stuggling with upstart for a while with the file bridge, just noticed that EVENT=created doesn't seem to work20:24
stgraberogra_: what's wrong?20:25
sergiusensstgraber, thanks20:25
ogra_stgraber, my eyes apparently :)20:25
ogra_stgraber, its all good20:25
stgraberogra_: ok :)20:25
stgraberogra_: I did a quick check and only spotted the expected 53 full image and 52 => 53 delta20:25
ogra_stgraber, yeah, i think i simply looked to early ...  so the delta was already added but not the full image20:26
dobeysergiusens: are you still around? i got rid of the flo device and have a grouper nexus 7 now, but having some trouble trying to get it flashed. can you help, or know who else i could ping to get it flashed?20:29
pmcgowanogra_, can you change the channel topic part on filing bugs to use  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug instead20:29
ogra_i cant it seems20:30
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
cjohnstondobey: more info would be helpful20:30
=== ogra changed the topic of #ubuntu-touch to: Ubuntu Touch Support & Discussion | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch | Release notes https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes | Porting guide (advanced) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting | File bugs at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug | Under active development! | Nexus Status: http://bit.ly/18kIrhM | QA: http://bit.ly/12AQV53
pmcgowanpopey, is anyone triaging https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images20:31
dobeycjohnston: when i run phablet-flash, it reboots the device to wait, and the device sits at a screen with the android on its back with the red warning triangle above it, and phablet-flash fails due to 'adb shell mount /data' failing20:31
cjohnstondobey: can you confirm you are on the most recent version of phablet tools, and how are you flashing (command)20:32
popeypmcgowan: gosh, there's more then than when I last looked20:32
dobeycjohnston: i'm using phablet tools that are in saucy, and phablet-flash ubuntu-system --no-backup -d grouper20:33
popeypmcgowan: will add it to my daily list20:33
popeypmcgowan: not sure if any QA people are looking at it?20:33
cjohnstondobey: I don't know that phablet-tools in saucy is up to date.. what version is it?20:33
pmcgowanpopey, some of those already affect other projects but are not updated for this one20:33
dobeycjohnston: 1.0+13.10.20130916.2-0ubuntu120:34
pmcgowanpopey, we could start removing them here actually20:34
popeyis it sane to continue to file bugs there?20:34
dobeyyesterday seems pretty recent :)20:34
pmcgowanno we want to stop filing here20:34
pmcgowanpopey, and just file to ubuntu now20:34
pmcgowanand the source packages20:34
pmcgowandobey, a fix just came out very recently20:35
dobeypmcgowan: "very recently" == since yesterday?20:35
pmcgowandobey, thats the right one20:35
dobeyah ok20:35
pmcgowandobey, sergiusens could probably tell you best how to recover20:36
pmcgowanpopey, can we modify the touch-preview project to not accept bugs and comment to direct people to ubuntu filebug?20:40
popeywe can put a comment there which tells peopel to file bugs elsewhere20:40
pmcgowanpopey, if we turn off bug reporting can we still manage the ones already there?20:40
pmcgowanpopey, right20:40
popeylemme see20:40
popeyok, so switching it off means you can't see the list anymore20:41
popeybut they are still there, if I flip it back on they still exist20:42
pmcgowanpopey, ok better leave it on for now, but add the comment20:42
popeywhere should I send people?20:42
dobeysergiusens: ^^ help? :)20:43
popey"ubuntu-bug <packagename>" ?20:43
popeythe avengers page has a nice list of places to file bugs20:43
doanacogra, plars: i see smoke reports show todays system-image works. but I'm having all sort of issues trying to get this to work at home. It seems like ADB is acting really sporadically20:47
doanacanyone else seeing this?20:47
ogradoanac, we all couldnt reproduce it manually20:47
ogradoanac, but there is a fix uplaoded already that should hgopefully fix it20:47
doanacoh - okay. i'll wait for that before complaining more :)20:48
cjohnstondobey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/phablet-tools/+bug/122665520:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1226655 in Phablet Tools "phablet-flash fails to flash Nexus 4 - insufficient permissions" [Undecided,New]20:49
dobeycjohnston: i think that's different; and adb is running as root already20:50
dobeycjohnston: for me, it's saying "device not found" after the device is rebooted20:52
dobeycjohnston: seems this one might be it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/phablet-tools/+bug/121543620:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1215436 in Phablet Tools "phablet-flash fails to wait for phone when doing ubuntu-system flashing" [Undecided,New]20:53
slangaseksergiusens: what's the full job?21:00
ogracyphermox, rsalveti, sergiusens  bug122682521:01
ograbug 122682521:01
ubot5bug 1226825 in mtp (Ubuntu) "rebooting phone makes nautilus spill mtp errors " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122682521:01
sergiusensdobey, cjohnston pmcgowan the fix for that is enqueued to land in that landing spreadsheet21:01
ograasac, too ^^^21:01
rsalvetiogra: yeah, just got that here21:01
ogratry the fix then :)21:01
ograrsalveti, and confirmation would be great21:02
sergiusensslangasek, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6121212/21:03
ograi just assigned it to me unless cyphermox claims it21:03
pmcgowansergiusens, so its queued to go into the queue?21:03
rsalvetiogra: I just confirmed and assigned to cyphermox :-)21:03
cjohnstonasac: do we have a policy for being able to land things like phablet-tools?21:03
rsalvetiso we probably had a mid-air collision21:03
pmcgowansergiusens, line 32 in ask?21:03
* ogra reloads 21:03
sergiusensslangasek, as it is that works fine, but I was failing with the EVENT=created appended21:03
ograconfirmed and assigned to me21:04
rsalvetiok :-)21:04
sergiusenspmcgowan, let me find the sheet, rsalveti added it21:04
ograis what the result apparently is21:04
pmcgowansergiusens, thats fine nm21:04
ograseem LP likes to handle it fair and keep one change for each of us21:04
cwayne1ogra: so we should be good to land this now right? or do we need mir on by default?21:05
asaccjohnston: i just asked about that in the spreadsheet, it certainly requires highest attention and checking21:05
slangaseksergiusens: well, the variable is 'EVENT=create', not 'EVENT=created', maybe that's the issue?21:05
asaccjohnston: i think we should at least use utah on command line to be sure we are a bit safe21:05
asacat best in CI that is21:05
asacbut if a dev wants to upload, just checkin that utah works would help a lot :)21:05
ogracwayne1, if asac approved it ... it is just for session handling, no gui parts involved ... it also needs seed changes (lightdm)21:06
ogra(no gui parts -> no Mir)21:06
sergiusensslangasek, if that's the case http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#examples would need an update21:07
cjohnstonasac: ack.. if I get a chance I'll mess around some21:07
cwayne1sergiusens: hey, is --revision not set up on phablet-flash?21:07
asacogra: i have a request for just ubuntu-touch-session MP21:07
asacogra: the rest is apparently already in21:07
asacso i wanted to see this merged to trunk so we can maybe try that tomorrow21:07
ograasac, i dont think we seeded lightdm21:08
asacogra: probably not. i assumed u-t-s would depend on it21:08
asacand we get it that way21:08
ograand there are a bunch of hacks to work around security that need to be dropped alongside21:08
slangaseksergiusens: so it seems!  would you mind filing a bug on the upstart upstream project about this?21:08
asacotherwise the landing ask has to be improved and completed21:08
slangaseksergiusens: fwiw, the 'file-event' manpage is correct21:08
asacogra: check what mterry commented :)21:08
asacogra: i asked exactly what else needs to happen21:08
sergiusensslangasek, sure, let me test with create and then send a bug in21:09
ograoh, right, there is a dep21:09
asacme: "what other changes need to go in to enable polkit etc. anything that needs to happen on automation? Do autopilots run well?"21:09
asacmterry: "No other changes should be needed to enable polkit.  All the pieces were in place, the problem was just that logind didn't think the user session was active, so polkit denied requests from the inactive session.  With lightdm managing sessions, logind/polkit will work correctly.  Autopilot tests shouldn't be affected by this."21:09
asacso ... :)21:09
ograasac, yeah, should be fine ...21:10
ograwe need to drop the hacks then though21:10
asacogra: that should be part of the landing ask21:10
asacwhich hacks?21:10
ograat least for click and NM ... but its probably cleverer to do that after the landing21:10
popeyhm. running every single app in the store on the phone at once is fun21:10
asacok you say we dont need to drop them. just would be nice21:10
dobeysergiusens: ah, i managed to work around it at least, by doing cdimage-touch -b first (and having it fail), and flashing ubuntu-system by booting to the ubuntu recovery screen21:10
asacpopey: disable swap :)21:10
ograwe need to drop them if lightdm works21:10
ograbut testing it will be easier with both in place21:11
asacsure. i expect another landing for that21:11
asacif it makes it21:11
asaci think we can survive though21:11
sergiusensdobey, bzr branch lp:phablet-tools and run from there too21:11
ograits just super ugly to keep them21:12
sergiusensdobey, we are landing in slow motion these days ;-)21:12
ogramoonwalk landings21:12
pmcgowansergiusens, asac phablet-tools updates should get expedited Id think21:13
asacpmcgowan: so land untested?21:13
sarnoldI tried to re-flash my device earlier today and got this error from phablet-flash: ERROR:phablet-flash:local variable 'recovery_path' referenced before assignment21:14
ograsarnold, upgrade phablet-tools21:14
asacpmcgowan: hmm. if its the fix from yesterday, then yes21:14
asaci thought that happened already though21:14
asaci thought it was a new fix21:14
ograasac, there are other pressing issues21:14
asacwell, i basically said how you can self service yourself21:14
sarnoldI figured try again after upgrading the phablet-tools but my nexus 4 was stuck at the "google" splash screen for an hour or so.21:14
ograasac, like if you bootstrap system image from a previously android installed device it fails ... sergiusens has a fix21:15
sergiusensasac, well tested by the author is not good either21:15
pmcgowanasac, not untested just as soon as tested it should promote as it impacts development, as opposed to phone features21:15
asacuse utah command to flash and run tests21:15
asacthen we are safe and you can upload21:15
plarsasac: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/4317/webbrowser-app-autopilot/414877/ is the same webbrowser test that seems to fail/pass inconsistently21:16
sarnoldso I thought the advice to follow on the wiki page was "hold down power, volume up, volume down" and now I'm stuck at a screen that says "DOWNLOAD MODE DO NOT UNPLUG THE DEVICE until the process is complete -- but now phablet-flash returns: error: device not found ERROR:phablet-flash:Command 'adb shell getprop ro.cm.device ' returned non-zero exit status 25521:16
plarsasac: I can rerun if you like - I have a few other things running still, especially on mako21:16
asacsergiusens: i trust you if you tell me you ran utah etc. that it worked21:16
asacsergiusens: so yeah, but i am not doing qa, i try to ensure stuff lands without breaking the world21:16
sergiusensasac, I am, wait for it, I need a precise instance setup (debbootstrapping now)21:16
asacsergiusens: check with plars and doanac about the exact instructions21:17
ograyeah, the prob with phablet-tools is that you need to test it on three releases21:17
asacunless you know exactly whats going on of course21:17
sergiusensasac, laready have21:17
asacyuweah thats annoybing21:17
sarnoldso, now that my phone is telling me to not unplug the device, but the only application I know how to use refuses to talk to my nexus 4, what's my next step? :)21:17
asacwe need a good CI job21:17
ograsarnold, just ignore your phone ... you pressed the wrong buttons on bootup21:22
ograsarnold, you can safely reboot and try to get into recovery mode21:22
sarnoldogra: thanks :) phone's doing something that looks useful now :)21:23
ograhmm, is mterry not around today ?21:27
sergiusensrsalveti, we need to talk about adb, mtp and such (ogra if you are around as well), how about in 30'?21:28
rsalveti30' sounds fine21:28
sergiusensrsalveti, ok, I'll create a hangout in 30'21:28
ograsergiusens, did you see the bug above btw ?21:32
ogra(since thats relevant for adb/mtp)21:32
sergiusensogra, between my disconnect or further into the backlog?21:34
ograbug 122682521:34
ubot5bug 1226825 in mtp (Ubuntu) "rebooting phone makes nautilus spill mtp errors " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122682521:34
ograwas further21:34
ograwe need such a parsing logic in all upstart jobs that touch this property i think21:35
ograto make it work cleanly21:35
ogra(iirc the adbd upstyart job also has it hardcoded)21:35
sergiusensogra, so part of this is what I want to discuss at the next "o' clock" tick21:36
mterryogra, I'm around21:36
mterryogra, sorry, did I not respond to a ping?21:36
mterryogra, I am about to head out door though...21:36
ogramterry, no, all fine ... i'm about to merge your lightdm stuff just wanted to know if you are around in case it jumps in my face or something :)21:36
mterryogra, er...  I can check email tonight in about 3 hours or so21:37
ograi'll resort to that in case anything goes wrong21:37
ograasac, do you also want a package upload for the ubuntu-touch-session/lighdm changes or just the bzr merge for now ?21:44
plarsasac: what is applications #1, applications #2, etc on the landing pipeline exactly?21:47
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ograplars, the finer description is on the other sheet21:53
asacogra: bzr merge so we can test the binaries in the daily-build ppa tomorrow together with something else21:56
asacplars: you can find those tags in the landing asks comment section21:56
asacnot very nicely done21:56
ogramerged ... but not tagged (UNRELEASED in the changelog still)21:56
asacogra: thats going into CI?21:56
ograthat package isnt in CI21:57
ograshould go there though21:57
asacright. but not now21:57
ograbut nothing i'll solve at midnight :)21:57
sergiusensasac, ogra well running utah at least gave me the reason why some people get a < waiting for device > :-)21:58
asacthe benefit of dogfooding :)21:58
sergiusensfastboot command read error -214748364721:58
sergiusensasac, it's not really a utah error, more of an error due to using a usb hub (first time I've done this)21:59
asacogra: maybe you can give it to sergiusens and he can try that package with unity8 and one or two app autopilots21:59
asacin his utah setup21:59
asaci kind of sense that if something breaks it would be utah that is unhappy about how things now get booted21:59
asacsergiusens: right. still noone sees this locally21:59
asacso everybody is confused :)22:00
sergiusensasac,  can run whatever you want me to run22:00
asacsergiusens: yeah. guess install ogras touch session package22:01
asacand see that it still works nicely for autopilots including unity822:01
asacthen he can upload that22:02
GuidoPallemansremember this guys? https://lh3.ggpht.com/-GsprtTxx95U/UdwAEdtE8fI/AAAAAAAAJ_4/bh-KuQN7ItQ/s1600/unlocscreen03A.png    ?    I implemented it: https://github.com/brambram/QML-Lock22:02
asacplars: mako causing troubles still?22:02
plarsasac: not really22:03
plarsasac: it got one failure on webbrowser, seems to be a testcase22:03
ograsergiusens, code is all in, i left the branch on UNRELEASED in the changelog though ... bump it if you want to build it22:03
plarsasac: waiting for a dashboard update right now22:03
asacplars: k22:03
asacseems about time for that22:03
plarsasac: seemed to get a lot of adb issues in the webbrowser job :( http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-touch_ro-mako-smoke-webbrowser-app-autopilot/109/console22:04
plarsthat's an odd one, because it started ok, and started running autopilot22:05
asacplars: i only see adb_open all the time22:05
plarsasac: we don't normally get all that22:06
asacplars: indeed. sounds like log and retry22:06
asacadb_open goes wild22:07
asacplars: mean: put it in the spreadsheet22:07
asacwhich we surely have to revisit soon :)22:07
asacplars: could be our infrastructure is about to die again of course22:07
asaclets hope not22:07
plarsasac: I was looking into a jenkins plugin that would let us automatically retrigger the "Network connection failed to become active" but it's complete junk as far as I can tell22:11
asacplease no more plugins :)22:11
plarsasac: everything in jenkins is a plugin22:11
plarsasac: this one seemed basic enough - watch the output, match a pattern, retrigger the job22:12
plarsasac: even the build publisher is a plugin22:12
plarsyou can't eliminate them completely and still have a useful system unfortunately22:13
plarsbut it's certainly true that some are worse than others22:13
asacsure, there are core plugins and 3rd party plugins. i dont like those 3rd by default.22:13
asaccore plugins == plugins developed by jenkins project22:13
asacsergiusens: i think your python-autopilot thing is kind of the same22:19
asacsergiusens: well, mirv will tak e that22:19
* ogra calls it a day 22:21
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
asacogra: night22:21
sergiusensasac, same to what sorry?22:23
asacsergiusens: nervermind. mirv is on it... was saying, same way to test22:23
asacogra: did u-t-s get uploaded?22:23
asacor not? :)22:23
asacah sergiusens will deal with it... will just check tomorrow then22:24
sergiusensasac, I'm still deploying... had to bind mount /dev (which I failed to notice wasn't done for me)22:25
asacsergiusens: do you plan to upload after? or just give us info so ogra can do the rest?22:26
asacok added it for tomorrow morning22:26
asacwill pick your results up then22:26
sergiusensasac, I can't upload, but I'll give it a thumbs up to someone22:26
loologra: 'night22:30
GuidoPallemansremember this guys? https://lh3.ggpht.com/-GsprtTxx95U/UdwAEdtE8fI/AAAAAAAAJ_4/bh-KuQN7ItQ/s1600/unlocscreen03A.png    ?    I implemented it: https://github.com/brambram/QML-Lock22:35
GuidoPallemansHow can I propose it for integration?22:35
mruegsergiusens: thx for your help a few hours ago, now it is working. :)22:46
sergiusensmrueg, great22:46
mruegdo you know if nfc support is possible with the current kernel?22:47
sergiusensmrueg, depends on device22:47
mruegit is a galaxy nexus22:47
sergiusensmrueg, I can't vouch for that one22:47
sergiusensthere aren't any hooks for it for sure22:48
mruegunfortunately proc/config.gz is always disabled22:48
mruegmakes looking up the current kernel config way more comfortable22:48
AskUbuntuUbuntu Touch import Contacts | http://askubuntu.com/q/34686122:53
sergiusensrsalveti, around?23:32
rsalvetisergiusens: yes23:33
sergiusensrsalveti, this doesn't look good http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/session-manager-touch/trunk/revision/10123:33
sergiusensrsalveti, seems to default to mir23:34
sergiusensrsalveti, and doesn't work on boot23:36
rsalvetiwhat, let me look23:40
rsalveti 23:41
rsalveti 23:41
rsalvetinot sure if that would indeed make mir the default23:41
rsalvetisergiusens: did you test it?23:41
sergiusensrsalveti, yeah, black screen... anyways, if we get this how do we toggle mir on/off?23:42
rsalvetisergiusens: and did it work and using mir by default?23:42
rsalvetinot sure, looks like it failed to start the user session23:42
sergiusensrsalveti, it's on surfaceflinger23:42
rsalvetisergiusens: right, but if you set the toggle to use mir, does it work?23:43
sergiusensrsalveti, yes, that too23:43
sergiusensinitctl: unable to determine sessions23:43
rsalvetithen it failed to start the usersession23:43
sergiusensrsalveti, anyways, that's in trunk direct, not sure we should revert...23:44
sergiusensrsalveti, don't want it to be picked up by accident23:44
rsalvetiwonder why ogra merged this23:44
sergiusensrsalveti, not sure, I was asked to test it... but an MR would of been better23:45
rsalvetiogra just merged it, not words on testing23:45
rsalvetihm, mediascanner taking all the cpu23:47
rsalvetiand crashing23:47
tintihi, I want to rebuild nexus 7 ubuntu kernel, should I use ARMEL or ARMHF?23:51
sergiusensrsalveti, seems to expect mir23:53
sergiusensrsalveti, nvm, I'll keep looking23:54

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