
=== space_ is now known as Space
Kilosmorning all05:14
psychicistmorning Kilos 05:14
Kilosohi psychicist 05:14
Kiloshi bduk1 05:19
bduk1Morning Kilos  and everyone else05:35
Kiloshi Squirm 05:43
Kilosmorning superfly 05:46
superflymorning Kilos05:46
superflywhy does no one enable continuous input on phones by default? it is by far the easiest way to type on an android phone.05:47
superflyI have to educate people all the time. just told another lay on the train about it05:48
superfly* lady05:48
Kilosdesigners and dev peeps forget there are no geek types out there05:49
Squirmhey superfly 05:49
Squirmsuperfly: swype?05:50
SquirmI use it all the time... I also have the hackers keyboard installed for when I use ssh/terminal05:50
superflySquirm: yes05:50
Squirmkeys are slightly smaller, no swype, so harder while driving or just in general05:50
superflymost keyboards on android support it nowadays05:51
Squirmbut the hackers keyboard has the full keyboard05:51
Squirmand no swype, only predictive text05:51
superflyI'm using CyanogenMod and it's keyboard supports swiping05:51
Squirmam using Paranoid Android, it uses the standard keyboard though05:52
superflyand the Samsung keyboard's swipe is actually pretty amazing05:52
superflyI miss it on CyanogenMod somewhat05:52
SquirmI think this is pretty good05:52
Kiloscp=copy right?05:59
Kilosty superfly im trying to put a file in /etc/init06:00
superflySquirm: what phone?06:00
superflyKilos: why?06:00
Kilosto get the zram thing working06:01
superflyKilos: only your package manager should do that06:01
superflyKilos: do you think that'll make your computer faster?06:02
Kilostheres a file to be made and put in06:02
Kilosapart from no showing zram error on booting i hope so superfly 06:02
Kilos8 lines of errors zram0 i/o error when booting06:03
superflyit takes time and computer processing to compress stuff. the speed gain will be negligible06:04
superflyif any06:04
Kilosat least i wont see errors all the time i hope06:05
Kilosand it shows on unity and kde on 12.0406:05
Squirmsuperfly: S306:07
SquirmI like Paranoid Android06:07
Squirmit's quick06:07
Squirmbattery life is only slightly better than the stock rom though06:08
SquirmAndroid 4.306:08
Kiloswont this command work superfly sudo cp ~/Desktop/zramswap.conf /etc/init/06:09
Kilosi dunno how to use a package manager for that06:11
SquirmI wouldn't copy a conf into init06:11
Squirminit is scripts06:11
Kilosthats what that link says to do to get zram working06:12
Kilosits a script to make zram work in the swap space or something06:12
SquirmI don't know anything about that06:14
Kiloscommand worked, if errors still show on booting i can delete it06:16
inetprogood morning06:17
Kilosmorning inetpro 06:17
mazalMorning guys06:18
Kiloshi mazal 06:18
mazalDoes anybody know how I can bookmark a document in nautilus , or alternatively lock it to the unity launcher ?06:18
mazal"lock to launcher" locks the app and not the doc , and I can't find how to bookmark a file in Nautilus06:19
inetpromazal: please explain what you are trying to achieve06:29
mazalI have a file to-do.txt in home folder. It contains a list of tasks I need to do. So now I just want the quickest possible access to the file to open it with few steps as possible06:30
mazalSo was wondering about a nautilus bookmark to it06:30
inetpromazal: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29973/how-can-i-put-a-shortcut-to-a-file-in-the-unity-launcher06:30
mazalBut I found another way. Right-clicked on it , chose create link and then copied the link to desktop06:31
mazalThanx inetpro 06:35
inetprogood morning maiatoday06:38
inetproyw mazal06:38
Kiloshiya maiatoday 06:38
Kilosop en wakker vandag ne inetpro 06:39
Kilospronutro for breakfast06:39
inetproKilos: soos altyd06:39
maiatodayhello inetpro, Kilos06:39
superflyKilos: the command will work, but I'm saying that I don't think zram will affect your PC much06:40
superflyhi maiatoday!06:40
superflymorning inetpro, mazal06:40
inetprohi superfly06:40
Kilosit still shows the errors on starting up superfly even with that script added06:41
Kilosi see others also have the prob06:41
Kilosi saw a modprobe command somewhere in the last coupla days that is sposed to fix it but now i dunno where it is. shoulda bookmarked it06:42
Kilosdomdonner strikes again06:43
superflyKilos: let me give you a rule to live by: If it's not in your package manager, then don't install it!!06:43
Kilosit is superfly 06:44
Kiloszram.conf but it dont start up without knowing where zram0 is06:44
Kilosits like a new thing that needs the bugs sorted still06:45
Kilosoh and after lotsa hard work to get it going properly kde 4.11 seems faster and smoother06:46
Kilosbut after that big upgrade i dunno if my kde is still 12.0406:46
mazalMorning superfly 06:49
maiatodayhi superfly07:26
ThatGraemeGuymorning peoples07:35
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 07:37
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:37
mazalMorning ThatGraemeGuy , Vince-0 07:46
Kiloshi Xethron 07:51
Kiloshi sakhi 08:06
theblazehen_hi sakhi Kilos 08:09
Kiloshi theblazehen_ free period again?08:09
theblazehen_nope, break time08:10
theblazehen_15 minute break08:10
theblazehen_why do I have an _ ? :(08:10
Kilosyou must disconnected at a stage08:10
theblazehen_yeah. but I'm using a bouncer on my server :/08:11
theblazehen_1gb/s internet :p08:11
Kilos* theblazehen has quit (*.net *.split)08:12
bduk1I like theblazehen_ 's subjects. Free period and break time08:12
theblazehen_ty Kilos 08:12
theblazehen_Lol bduk1 only around 1 hour per day08:12
bduk1Only joking08:13
bduk1Hope at least there are some girls in that school08:14
theblazehen_bduk1: yeah :p08:14
Kilosbduk1, are you at school as well?08:16
Kilosor a bally already08:16
bduk1No Kilos i forgot i ever been there09:12
Kiloshahaha bad as me then09:13
bduk1yip. 09:13
bduk1Time flys and never come back09:13
Kilossitting in the sun like an old tomcat09:23
Kilosand time drags by real slow09:23
inetprobduk1: what city/town are you in?09:45
inetproKilos: how's the weather today, will it be as hot as yesterday?09:46
Kilossupposed to be a bit hotter but the wind is keeping it cooler09:47
bduk1Cullinan near Pretoria inetpro 09:47
Kilosah bduk1 you near mazal then09:47
bduk1Here in the office under the aircon it's nice and cool09:47
Kiloswhat do you do bduk1 , if i may ask09:48
bduk1i see him09:48
Kilosthe plot thickens09:49
bduk1Appart from talking to you , reading the LPI manual and watching Mazal not much Kilos 09:49
Kilosdo you understand all the stuff in the manual09:50
bduk1Some of it make sence so far but there are a few places i passed. Maybe look at it later.09:51
bduk1I'm looking at cron at the moment. Want to try and join the class on Friday, couldn't make the previous two fridays09:53
Kilosmost of it i dont understand, and fridays class didnt get far with everyone testing out runlevels09:54
Kilosbut will be good if you join us09:54
Kilosyou can join now and leave questions, whoever sees them helps09:55
mazalFridays are for braai , not studied09:55
Kiloswell join and we can discuss moving the day09:56
mazalAll my days are full oom09:57
mazalDon't have a single one open09:57
Kilosya ya09:57
Kilosn boer maak n plan09:57
bduk1Up to where are you in the manual this comming Friday Kilos ?09:58
bduk1Meisie muisneste09:58
Kiloswe are still 101.3 methinks09:59
Kilospage 46 and on from there09:59
mazalOom Kilos , blonde is baie interesanter as Linux09:59
Kiloshahaha yeah 10:00
Kilosbut you need one night break to learn so you can claim better salary10:00
bduk1Where we are Linux means nothing. This is only for ourselves.10:01
Kilosyou run ubuntu servers so linux means lots10:04
Kilosinetpro, ken jy van ibid debug?10:05
bduk1Yes but it is only to make our work easyer. We are in a windowzzz environment. 10:05
bduk1Is sy blond of is dit lekker?10:06
Kilosoh you must talk to kbmonkey and hear how he uses linux to fix win pcs10:06
bduk1We already have some experience of that.10:07
Kilosso you happy with the new router bduk1 ?10:16
Kilosyou share wireless with mazal ?10:17
bduk1Me and mazal share one that is fine, but the one i bought for home is not that great. Stupid thing goes to sleep or something after a while.10:18
Kilosand they got massive manuals to read10:19
bduk1not at all an a3 page poth sides. But it tells you nothing of that problem.10:28
ThatGraemeGuyjudging by the download speeds I usually get from them, I can only assume IBM didn't realise that IP over carrier pigeon was a joke, and they actually went and implemented10:32
inetproKilos: elinks www.google.com10:51
inetproKilos: from that server10:51
Kilosit hasnt got elinks installed10:51
inetproand you don't know how to install elinks?10:52
Kilosand i cant install there10:52
Kilossays im not a sudoer10:52
Kilosso i cant do elinks www.google.com10:53
inetproget the permission or get him who helped you to instal it10:53
inetproor ask them to help you10:53
KilosSquirm, ping10:53
inetproperhaps you even need a proxy setting for it to talk to the world10:54
Kilosit can google some stuffs10:55
georglKilos: 11:57
georgljoin ibid11:57
Kilosohi goer11:57
Kiloshi nlsthzn 12:06
nlsthznhow are you uncle Kilos 12:06
Kilosnot bad ty and you nlsthzn 12:07
Kilosbad game that hey12:07
nlsthznthe week-ends match?12:07
nlsthznoh and I am doing fine thanks :)12:07
Kilosya with the stupid frog ref12:08
nlsthznit was sad... was shaping up to be a thriller I suspect12:10
Kiloslucky irb overrode his red card12:12
Kilosbut too late for that game12:12
Kilosswine frog12:12
nlsthznit happens I guess12:13
Kiloshi drussell 12:13
Kiloshi Trixar_za 12:22
bduk1Bye all 12:43
Kiloschow bd12:43
Kilossorry Squirm , Trixar_za sorted me out15:18
KilosSquirm, you here?16:22
magespawnGood evening all17:17
Kiloshi magespawn 17:17
Kilosfirst digital lazer here by cir17:17
magespawnHi Kilos17:17
magespawnCool beans17:17
Kilosai! pc hung while configuring screen in byobu install17:53
Kiloshi smile 18:10
smilehi Kilos :)18:10
Kiloshere is a cool tool to find dependancies of a package18:44
smileI knew that trick :)18:47
smilehave to go, bye :)18:47
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:02
psychicistnight Kilos 19:02
psychicistsleep well19:03
Kilosty you too when its time19:03
theblazehenhey psychicist19:05
psychicisthi theblazehen 19:05
theblazehenwhat's up?19:05
psychicistoh, I should get my pizza out of the oven!19:11
psychicistI am doing fine, though19:11
psychicistwhat about you?19:11
psychicisthello magespawn 19:11
magespawnhey psychicist 19:11
theblazehengood and you?19:17
theblazehenBusy with a 1200 word essay for tomorrow, and then my science expo project poster19:17
magespawnhi theblazehen, very good, just tried, been taking parts of a wireless network down19:21
charlgood evening folks19:24
inetprogood evening19:30
charljust came back from a big roundabout in NL19:34
charlwent to eindhoven (the european silicon valley) between more things19:34
charlwas also in amsterdam central, rotterdam central, utrecht and a couple more places you've never heard of19:35
psychicistgood evening charl 19:35
charlhi psychicist 19:35
psychicisthi inetpro 19:35
psychicistoh, great19:35
psychicistI haven't been there for more than 4 months now19:35
charlpoland is quite a distance off :p19:35
psychicistbut then again I get to see lots of things in eastern europe :P19:36
psychicistI was in lviv again for the weekend19:36
charlyeah what you complaining i have never even been to poland :P19:36
charli go shower now... bbl19:36
magespawnhi charl inetpro 19:40
charlhi magespawn, inetpro 19:40
inetprocharl: that was a quick shower, 4 minutes?19:45
magespawnwater wise19:49
charllol no19:59
charlonly got out now :)19:59
charlwell a few mins ago20:00
SquirmMaaz: tell Kilos you should just ask the question, I'll get it when I get back20:06
MaazSquirm: Okay, I'll tell Kilos on freenode20:06
magespawnBack again20:32
magespawnOr back again20:34
magespawnI am now off to bed, good night all20:38
theblazehenEveryone asleep?22:28
Cantidei'm not22:36
Cantidebut my 8ta connection is sooooooo bad..22:36
theblazehenah ok22:50
theblazehenI have to stay up for an essay22:51
theblazehennope, dstv star awards22:54
Cantideentering a compo?22:54
theblazehenyeah. 22:54
Cantidesorry, i'm clueless at 1 am :p22:55
theblazehen1200 words :/22:55
theblazehenlol same here.22:55
theblazehenAnd I still need to finish science expo by this morning, and study math22:55
Cantideit reminds me of staying up late to finish UNISA essays, hence my initial question :p22:56
Cantidegood luck!22:56
theblazehenTy :)22:56
theblazehenLol, could barely stay awake at school yesterday22:56
theblazehenwell on 16 sept22:57
theblazehenToo many late nights in a row lol22:57
Cantidei got about 5 hours sleep last night22:57
Cantideso i really wanted to sleep early tonight22:57
Cantidebut someone kept me up until 1122:57
Cantideand now i'm not tired -_-22:58
theblazehenah lol22:58
theblazehenBeen staying up till 11:30 till 00:00 for past 2 weeks or so22:58
theblazehenaround 5 hours sleep / day22:58
theblazehenyeah :)23:00
theblazehen1:00 !23:01
Cantideoh.. i have become weak23:18
Cantidetime to sleep :p23:18
Cantidesee ya23:18

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