[02:21] ypwong, jzheng, ping [02:21] maclin, hi [02:21] pong [02:23] ypwong, I have sent the disk partitions state of E49 to you [02:23] maclin, ok will take a look [02:26] maclin, the engineer (shuduo) is on holiday and will be back tmr.. [02:29] JackYu, ping [02:29] ok, the partition is the same with that of E49 at your lab? [02:30] maclin, I don't think they are the same. But they don't need to be, that's why we need to specifically made it work for both OEMs [02:30] ypwong, pong [02:30] JackYu, in 13.04, did we put a link on the desktop for downloading WPS? [02:32] ypwong, no [02:32] maclin, for E49, I am not sure, need to check [02:32] ypwong, 我们在slideshow上提供了下载链接弟子。 [02:32] maclin, need Joey to reply [02:32] JackYu, I see. seems Jon think we had done that [02:35] ypwong, 呵呵。 [02:37] JackYu, yeah i think they're surprised === tiger_ is now known as TigerLuo [03:38] 这是 13.10 版本会有的吗? # http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntukylin-members/ubuntukylin-default-settings/trunk/view/head:/ubiquity-slideshow/slides/zh_CN/screenshots/inputmethod.png [03:38] lenky ^^ [09:20] ubuntukylin-wallpapers 总共有多少张壁纸? [09:20] happyaron ^ [09:20] ypwong: 我数数…… [09:21] ypwong: 算默认壁纸一共21张 [09:21] Jack_Yu: license是gpl 2+ [09:21] Jack_Yu: 3+ 的话用不了csslayer的代码 [09:21] * happyaron 额,其实也能用,错了 [09:21] Jack_Yu: 但现在写的是2+ [09:21] OK [09:22] happyaron, 那我改一下。 [09:22] 好的 [09:24] 好多 [09:25] 16MB+ [09:29] Can we recommend openfetion in youker assistant? [09:30] happyaron, 已经subscribe了release team,下面等他们mark为wishlist了。他们标记之后是不是你就可能上传了? [09:30] Jack_Yu: 需要sponsor [09:30] ypwong: 已经几乎不能用了 [09:30] ypwong, good idea. [09:30] ypwong: 没有人维护 [09:30] ypwong, 但是确实没什么人用。 [09:30] happyaron, 不是 foka 维护吗? [09:31] ypwong: 现在我挂名维护,但实际啥也没做。。。 [09:31] 我偶尔用啊,好使 [09:31] happyaron, 上游没更新吧 [09:31] ypwong: 上游已经很久都不做了 [09:31] 那人去了淘宝 [09:32] 只能说稳定了 [09:32] ypwong: 作者说要重写了,他已经维护不动了…… [09:32] ypwong&happyaron, OK, 那争取放到优客助手里面去。 [09:33] Jack_Yu: 建议考虑照着协议重写一个……工程量应该不大。 [09:33] 几乎标准的SIP协议,但是比较严格。 [09:33] happyaron, 现在肯定来不及了:) [09:33] 代码确实比较差劲,是upstream作为练手项目做的。 [09:34] 嗯,下周期考虑吧,本周期肯定不行了。 [09:34] 是的。 [09:34] happyaron, 很难有人重写啊 [09:35] ypwong: 现在有很多人做了其他的实现,只是都没有好用的界面。 [09:35] ypwong: 协议已经不是问题了。 [09:35] happyaron, 对了,能否在我的member申请上面赞助一下:) [09:35] JackYu: 我回头去写一下 [09:35] happyaron, 还有哪些 [09:36] ypwong: 手机上的minifetion,还有什么pyfetion [09:36] ypwong: 还有php的实现 [09:36] php 太扯了 [09:36] lol [09:36] 网页发短信用的。 [09:37] openfetion 真心觉得挺好 [09:37] enduser来讲 [09:37] 但它的协议部分有问题 [09:37] happyaron, thanks. 明天晚上就要开会讨论了,我正在加些信息。Eleanor Chen和ypwong给了不少建议:) [09:37] 很多人现在是没法登录的 [09:37] o [09:38] ypwong: 比如非移动号码注册的,用非手机号码登录,都会悲剧的。 [09:38] 还有什么登录过程中cancel掉再登录,也会悲剧 [09:38] 呵呵,看来ypwong是真心推荐openfetion啊,我们正在打包,争取明天上午加到推荐软件中。 [09:38] JackYu: 那是在仓库里的,为何还需要打包? [09:38] 哦,已经在了? [09:39] 那就容易了。 [09:39] http://packages.ubuntu.com/saucy/openfetion [09:39] 恩, 正在装。。。 [09:39] happyaron, 这样啊,看来的让 jack yu 团队修一下 :) [09:40] ypwong: 嗯。 [09:40] 呵呵,等13.10后咱们评估一下。 [09:40] 好 [09:40] 主要是要挑用户多、影响力大的做。 [09:40] openfetion当时影响还是挺大的 [09:41] 基本上除了QQ,桌面端就是它了。 [09:41] 对了,金山快盘已经基本可用了,中秋节后先给你们尝鲜:) [09:41] 赞 [09:42] good [09:42] ypwong JackYu 这个有必要和移动合作么? [09:42] 飞信 [09:42] 太難了 [09:42] :) [09:43] 估计比 QQ 難百倍吧 :) [09:43] ypwong: 可能没有 [09:43] ypwong: 飞信现在是去挑战QQ的,QQ只是守地盘而已…… [09:43] 心态不一样嘛。 [09:44] 是的,所以有时候只能跟行业老二合作。 [09:45] 是的 [09:45] happyaron, ypwong, 我晚上要先去踢球,10pm左右再上线哈。希望今天能把qimpanel先弄进去:0 [09:46] 嗯 [10:00] 了解 [14:32] JackYu: 除了fcitx-qimpanel,还有哪几个包需要FFe? [14:50] happyaron, ubuntukylin-theme, ubuntukylin-default-settings, chinese-calendar, youker-assistant [14:50] JackYu: 都已经准备好了吗? [14:50] 只剩youker-assistant了 [14:51] 其他的我来review一下 [14:51] 有链接吗? [14:57] 好的,稍等。 [14:59] https://launchpad.net/ubuntukylin-theme/13.10/0.8 [15:03] default-settings明天早上再release 1.0.7版本。 [15:05] JackYu: theme需要ffe的原因是什么? [15:07] https://launchpad.net/chinese-calendar/0.8/0.8.0 这个之间提了upload请求,一直没人做:) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chinese-calendar/+bug/1217780 [15:08] happyaron, theme主要是更新了开机动画,之前有点不正常,偶尔出现变形; 另外,增加了一个grub图片。 [15:09] JackYu: fix committed代表已经上传 [15:09] JackYu: 所以没人看了…… [15:09] happyaron, 是的,seb128设置的。。。 [15:09] JackYu: 额 [15:10] happyaron, 估计他设置完之后又忘记做了 [15:11] happyaron, 要不你先把这个upload一下? [15:11] 就是chinese-calendar [15:22] JackYu: 我看一下吧 [15:22] happyaron, OK [15:59] JackYu: 现在已经在仓库的chinese calendar是revision多少? [16:00] happyaron, 这个记不住了,能查不? [16:01] 我自己看吧 [16:01] JackYu: 感觉可能这个也需要ffe了…… [16:01] 但应该能比较容易得到。 [16:02] happyaron, 好的,现在应该是要ffe了 [16:02] 我去改一下。 [16:02] 嗯。 [16:02] JackYu: 如果有需要改的,我会直接push branch [16:03] 哦。。。那还需subscribe release team不? [16:03] 要 [16:03] 我刚做了:) [16:03] JackYu: 然后就是去找人approve了…… [16:03] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/+members [16:03] JackYu: 貌似 Laney 刚刚还说过话 [16:04] happyaron, 我下午找cjwatson了,他说release team的人会按queue处理,我就不好意思去催了:) [16:05] JackYu: 你找他,一定是会queue的。。。 [16:05] 呵呵,所托非人? [16:05] happyaron, 那一般找谁会顺利一些呢 [16:05] cjwatson 事情可能比较多 [16:06] Laney, stgraber, stefanor吧 [16:18] 好的 [16:26] JackYu: 状态可能要变成NEW [16:26] JackYu: 否则他们可能看不见 [16:27] happyaron, done [16:27] 赞 [16:31] 悲剧,我的电脑主板松了,经常重启。。。 [16:32] happyaron, 我刚才找Laney私聊问了下,结果电脑重启,也不知道是否发送成功。 [16:35] JackYu: 你去再和他说下。 [16:35] JackYu: 解释下电脑挂了…… [16:36] ok [16:39] happyaron, 17/09 17:30:20 I can't do it right now [16:39] 17/09 17:30:31 tomorrow if nobody gets back to you before then I will [16:39] generally things placed in the queue are dealt with within a day [16:39] 好的 [16:39] 看来只有等明天啦 [16:40] 对了,我还在写明晚要上会的Wiki,你有时间也帮我看看? [16:40] happyaron, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JackYu [16:42] ypwong, 在不?有时间也帮我看一下? [16:43] JackYu, 对了,周三晚上开会 [16:43] 我会挂在 irc [16:43] 但可能反映慢些 [16:43] ypwong, 好的:) [16:44] ypwong, 应该是8-9pm [16:44] sigh, 放假只是把工作往前推而已 [16:44] 那时候我刚好要开会 [16:44] 哈哈,是的 [16:44] 啊, 不用,我的是 7-8 [16:44] JackYu: 我一会儿会写 [16:45] hapyyaron, thanks [16:45] 主要是两位看看我现在这个自我介绍是否妥当,感觉说得有点多了。 [16:45] JackYu, for the wiki, very good [16:45] ypwong, thanks:) [16:46] ypwong, 有点自夸的嫌疑 [16:46] lol [17:02] happyaron, 我刚才又修改了一下,不会跟你的冲突了吧:) [17:02] JackYu: 没事,我重新获得一下lock,刚才弄了下休假的事情 [17:03] 呵呵,OK [17:31] happyaron, ypwong, 刚才看了上次会议的IRC log,我应该是第一个被review,所以时间范围是8-8:30pm即可。 [17:31] 先睡了,good night, you guys. [17:31] JackYu, good night