
=== forestpiskie is now known as Guest40580
=== Guest40580 is now known as forestpiskie
=== alpacaherder is now known as skellat
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
NoskcajIs there anyone who can update the patch on bug 733563 ? I'll do the packaging and debian-ing if needed07:07
ubottubug 733563 in xfce4-xkb-plugin (Ubuntu) "Can't change font for keyboard layout indicator" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73356307:07
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!07:08
ochosihey everyone, bluesabre and i have pushed a fix for bug 1204486 to our PPA, instructions on how to test are in the comment #15 of this bug. everyone running saucy please test! thanks in advance08:25
ubottubug 1204486 in LightDM GTK+ Greeter "Unable to select alternate languages at login screen" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120448608:25
ochosi(just mentioning this ahead of the meeting as i'm not sure i'll be able to make it)08:26
knomeugh, looks like i'm not able to make the meeting either...10:27
ochosiknome: can you test the greeter though?10:39
ochosieven a test in raring is useful to some extent10:40
knomeyeah, i can do that10:40
knomeeither before or after the meeting10:40
knomebut today, yup10:41
knomedo you consider vbox testing as good as real hardware?10:41
astraljavaI did not give that information to you as to be treated like a guinea pig.10:47
astraljavaBut yeah, sure. I'll report test installations. :)10:48
brainwashochosi: what's the deal with the gtk2 greeter? can I use it on my saucy installation?10:48
knomeupgrading my saucy vbox, then adding the ppa10:48
astraljavaYeah ok, just thought it was good enough for a funny coincidence.10:49
knomeheh, right10:50
* knome is lost with too many queries and stuff to be done10:50
* astraljava wishes he could help... but not really.10:51
knomei know10:51
knomei also know how you can help10:51
knomeSTOP PM'ing me!10:51
* astraljava sneaks away silently10:51
ochosiknome: if you can reproduce the bug in a VM, i guess testing the fix there is ok too10:51
ochosibrainwash: yeah, you can use that too if you want10:53
brainwashochosi: ok :)10:54
jjfrv8ochosi, I did a quick test of bug fix on hardware. looks good. "Unlock" button replaced with "Log In". Session and Language icons on panel work.12:12
jjfrv8log out is still slow though12:15
knomei'd assume that's another issue (unfortunately)12:15
knomewondering if that's related to our slow login bugs :P12:16
jjfrv8knome, is there still going to be a meeting? I got called into work. I could make it, but under an alias.12:18
knomei don't know. i'm not able to make the meeting myself.12:36
elfyochosi: that lightdm fix works here - I now though have a longer logout time it seems, not got time to check whether that's a real longer or not though at the moment13:09
ochosielfy, jjfrv8: the logout time is entirely unrelated13:10
ochosithat also seems to affect all other *buntus13:10
knomelocking takes me to xscreensaver13:10
ochosiyeah, light-locker was never uploaded13:10
ochosiit's possible to test it via a PPA13:10
elfyochosi: ok - well for the moment - I am happy to be able to logout :)13:10
ochosiso hopefully we can have it in T13:10
knomeand yes, the greeter still says "log in" for the locked user as well13:10
knomeeverything seems to be working with the patch13:11
knomeexcept locking13:11
ochosiwell the locking doesn't work via lightdm with xscreensaver anyway13:11
* knome breathes again13:11
ochosiso it shouldn't say unlock13:11
ochosiso good to hear that the patch works13:12
ochosiwe should get it uploaded asap then13:13
elfyback later - hope meeting goes ok 13:27
bluesabreochosi: if you get a chance to play with cairo-drawing the background, we can fix two bugs in one upload14:02
skellatknome: I have to head to the local Amish enclave so I won't be at the meeting today.14:33
bluesabrethat's an original excuse ;)14:34
ochosibluesabre: i agree, would be good to take a look at the background painting, not sure i can do it today though, kinda busy...14:43
bluesabreochosi: that's cool14:50
bluesabreI might get a chance to look at it myself tonight14:50
bluesabreand since you're not using nouveau, you can't really test if it fixes the bug14:50
ochosiwell i can theoreticall switch to nouveau again14:51
ochosiit just breaks suspending14:51
ochosiwhich i like to use14:51
bluesabreochosi: going to be around for the meeting?14:55
ochosiit's going to start in 5min or in 1hr5min?14:55
bluesabreI think 3 minutes14:57
bluesabreshould I kick it off, or are one of the more chair-ly people here?15:02
ochosii'd say go ahead15:02
ochosii'll be aroundish for at least the first half15:02
bluesabre#startmeeting Xubuntu community meeting15:02
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Sep 17 15:02:51 2013 UTC.  The chair is bluesabre. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired15:02
bluesabre#chair ochosi15:02
meetingologyCurrent chairs: bluesabre ochosi15:02
bluesabrewho's here?15:03
bluesabrehey folks!15:04
bluesabre#topic Items carried on15:04
bluesabre#subtopic Open action items from previous meeting15:05
bluesabre#action knome to prepare the website for the desktop of the week 15:05
meetingologyACTION: knome to prepare the website for the desktop of the week15:05
bluesabre#action knome to see designing a white-bg t-shirt 15:05
meetingologyACTION: knome to see designing a white-bg t-shirt15:06
bluesabre#action mr_pouit uploads the new artwork package later 15:06
meetingologyACTION: mr_pouit uploads the new artwork package later15:06
bluesabre#action micahg to review ochosi's gmb patch 15:06
meetingologyACTION: micahg to review ochosi's gmb patch15:06
bluesabre#action skellat to prepare blog article discussing updating & upgrading for users and why it is okay to do so 15:06
meetingologyACTION: skellat to prepare blog article discussing updating & upgrading for users and why it is okay to do so15:06
bluesabreI'm not very good at this :D15:07
GridCubeP: you are doing well15:08
bluesabrebasically copy-pasting knome's script from last time15:08
ochosihehe, looks fine to me15:09
bluesabre#subtopic Strategy Document reviewing15:09
bluesabreany updates here?15:10
* ochosi wasn't involved15:11
jjfrv8-workI think the vote has been postponed twice and it doesn't look like we have a quorum today.15:11
bluesabrelooks like it was knome, pleia2, micahg, and possibly jjfrv8-work involved15:11
bluesabrelooks like we'll postpone this for next meeting then15:12
bluesabre#subtopic Ideas for using the project money 15:12
bluesabreanother item where we need knome/pleia2 most likely15:13
bluesabrebut... any thoughts, ideas, etc?15:13
GridCubeno, i think we got the tshirts pretty much15:13
bluesabreoh, any updates on that?15:14
* bluesabre reads last meeting backlog now15:14
bluesabreknome had an action item here15:15
bluesabreso, if nothing else, we'll move on15:16
bluesabre#topic Team updates15:17
ochosiok, for artwork...15:17
ochosiour themes have seen new releases today15:17
ochosiexciting news, we re-gained granite support (for elementary-os apps), gtk3.9 support and support for client-side decorations15:18
ochosiso in case people enable the gnome3.10 ppa our themes will not break15:18
ochosii've sent an email to mr_pouit already requesting the upload before UIF15:18
bluesabrecool, want to add some #infos, and give mrpouit an action item?15:19
bluesabre#nick mr_pouit15:22
ochosi(i'm half-working here)15:22
ochosi#info our themes have seen new releases today15:22
bluesabreme too, its cool15:22
ochosi#info exciting news, we re-gained granite support (for elementary-os apps), gtk3.9 support and support for client-side decorations15:22
ochosi#action mr_pouit was asked via email to upload the updated shimmer-themes package to Saucy before UIF15:23
meetingologyACTION: mr_pouit was asked via email to upload the updated shimmer-themes package to Saucy before UIF15:23
bluesabrefor applications...15:23
bluesabre#info the latest gmusicbrowser is now in saucy15:23
bluesabre#info ochosi and I have been working on a lightdm-gtk-greeter fix for lock/login issues, to be uploaded tonight15:24
bluesabre#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm-gtk-greeter/+bug/120448615:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 1204486 in LightDM GTK+ Greeter "Unable to select alternate languages at login screen" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:25
ochosi#info for those wanting to test the lightdm-gtk-greeter fix, read comment #15 on the bugreport15:25
bluesabreGridCube, how's the DA xubuntu-showcase going?15:26
bluesabrehaven't looked at it for a while :)15:27
GridCubepretty much stalled15:27
GridCubewe cant reach the objectives15:28
GridCubeif we dont start advertising, and we cant start advertising because no one has fullfiled the rules15:28
GridCubemostly licencies problems 15:28
bluesabrethat's no fun15:28
GridCubewe can get users to change their licences, but we hardly cant get a licence for their desktop backgrounds15:29
GridCubewich in many cases is central to the destop setting15:29
GridCubeso yeah15:29
GridCubei got a few users to get their permissions and im waiting for knome to have a moment to try and upload the first soon15:29
GridCubei hope15:30
GridCubelets see if after that things move at a better pace15:30
GridCube#info the xubuntu showcase is doing work but it moves slowly15:31
GridCube#action knome and GridCube to join and prepare the first few showcases 15:31
meetingologyACTION: knome and GridCube to join and prepare the first few showcases15:31
bluesabrecool, hoping to see some momentum on that :)15:31
bluesabredoes anybody else have updates?15:31
bluesabre#topic Announcements15:32
bluesabreI saw the announcement from last week, congrats jjfrv8-work on the extra responsibilities :)15:33
micahg-worksorry I'm late15:33
bluesabrehey micahg-work!15:33
bluesabreit's okay, we've got myself, ochosi, GridCube, and jjfrv8-work15:34
bluesabreWe're on announcements, but if you've got any updates, :)15:34
micahg-worknope, ochosi's gmb patch still needs uploading (which I should get to tonight)15:35
bluesabreoh, which patch is this?15:35
micahg-workstill need to discuss indicators for saucy15:35
micahg-workalbuminfo plugin IIRC15:35
bluesabreoh cool15:35
micahg-workunfortunately, that's about all I'll get to before the weekend unless there's something critical15:37
bluesabrewhat's the status on the indicators for saucy?  are we considering using the gtk3 wrapper or discussing broken indicators?15:37
* bluesabre is behind on updates15:37
micahg-workwell, I'm not 100% up to date on what's going on15:38
bluesabreochosi: are you more up-to-date?15:38
ochosiwell the gtk3 indicators seem stable so far15:39
micahg-workif we can get the existing indicators working without too much work or risk, I'd rather do that for saucy and try to land the gtk3 indicator stuff when T opens15:39
ochosibut there hasn't been a release on libxfce4ui or the panel15:39
micahg-workif we have no choice, we can either drop indicators for saucy or try to get a freeze exception to push the gtk3 stuff15:40
ochosiimo it doesn't make a huge difference though15:40
ochosiwe also ship random snapshots of abiword :)15:40
bluesabremicahg-work, have you seen this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/120820415:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged]15:40
micahg-workabiword's not a core DE component ;)15:40
micahg-workbluesabre, yeah, that's what we're discussing I think15:41
micahg-workcan someone please subscribe me15:41
bluesabreok, cool15:41
bluesabrewill do now15:41
micahg-workali1234 did a lot of digging for this15:41
micahg-workor at least this bug is half the puzzle15:41
ochosimy personal take is that fixing the soundindicator won't go down without a lot of work15:42
ochosiat least that's what ali1234's comments on it suggested15:43
micahg-workright, I don't think porting the indicator is worthwhile15:43
ochosiso i think pushing new versions for gtk3 support or dropping indicators are the remaining options15:43
micahg-workso, either there's some way to use the gtk2 dbus service15:43
micahg-workor one of those 2 options15:43
ochosigotta run folks15:44
bluesabreits cool15:44
bluesabreany there any other announcements?15:44
bluesabre#topic New and emerging items15:45
bluesabre#subtopic Schedule next meeting15:45
bluesabreI think we should postpone this until there are more of us around15:45
micahg-workwell, we have beta 2 next week15:46
micahg-workthat's why we had the meeting in the first place15:46
micahg-workyeah, I think the freeze is Monday for beta 2 now15:46
micahg-workdo we still need docs uploaded?15:46
bluesabreI'm not sure15:47
micahg-workjjfrv8-work, are the latest docs in saucy?15:49
jjfrv8-workThey're about 80% complete. I still have some review to do.15:49
micahg-workdoc string freeze is thursday15:50
jjfrv8-workoops. Looks like I won't make it.15:50
micahg-workthursday 21:00 UTC, so I'd suggest pushing as far as we can, then finding someone to upload (I won't be around)15:50
micahg-workjjfrv8-work, maybe talk to the release team and the translators to see if we can get more time then15:51
micahg-workwe only have 4 weeks until release15:51
* micahg-work won't get to some of his pet projects for the cycle either it seems15:52
bluesabreShould we schedule a meeting for thursday to try to get a last-minute idea of where we are for beta2?15:52
micahg-workI won't be around, but feel free, and leave me notes if something needs to be done before Monday (freeze)15:52
jjfrv8-workI can't make Thursday15:52
bluesabreyou can send updates to the -devel ml before the meeting, we'll pick them up for the meeting15:54
* micahg-work will brb15:54
bluesabre#info next meeting, tentatively scheduled for Thursday, September 19, 1500 UTC15:56
bluesabre#action knome to change date/time of next meeting as needed15:56
meetingologyACTION: knome to change date/time of next meeting as needed15:56
bluesabrewe'll go ahead and wrap up, I gotta run15:57
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Sep 17 15:57:39 2013 UTC.  15:57
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2013/xubuntu-devel.2013-09-17-15.02.moin.txt15:57
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2013/xubuntu-devel.2013-09-17-15.02.html15:57
bluesabrethanks everyone15:57
bluesabremicahg-work, we'll have a new upload ready for lightdm-gtk-greeter tonight, I'll get it ready and subscribe you when its good16:01
* micahg-work is back16:04
micahg-workbluesabre, ok, if it's quick, I can upload tonight16:04
bluesabreyeah, should just be a few lines diff16:22
pleia2bluesabre: thanks for running the meeting :)16:33
bluesabrepleia2: yeah, knome left me little choice ;)16:40
elfythanks for the meeting bluesabre 16:51
knomeprobably don't want a meeting for thursday (freezes and stuff) and i can't attend, but i'm fine if people are around and want to go through some things16:51
knomeand yeah, thanks for chairing - you did well16:51
knomebluesabre, ^16:51
knomei met jussi (former IRCC member, kubuntu council member) today and got some ideas how to organize the t-shirt stuff16:52
knomeprobably not ideal for us, but that's one option16:53
* elfy gets confused with jussi's - I sort of know one 16:53
knomejussi schultink, "jussi" or "jussi01" in irc16:53
elfythat one :p16:53
knomeso yeah, i met him IRL today16:53
knomethat's why i couldn't make the meeting... :P16:54
knomeand astraljava too16:54
elfynice 16:54
elfyone day I'll meet someone - I have the upper hand - I know what some of you lot look like :)16:55
knomewell, just come to finland...17:00
elfyI know :)17:00
bluesabrehey knome, elfy17:02
knomehai bluesabre 17:02
bluesabrehow's it going?17:03
knomenot bad17:03
skellatjjfrv8: There was an e-mail by Daniel Holbach about the sponsors pool being overflowing.  Robbie Basak just got it down to 52 pending requests.  LP Bug #1207493 remains stuck so we'll need to talk about finding an uploader for Thursday.17:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1207493 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Documentation does not match shipped system version (11.10 shipped with 12.04)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120749317:56
skellatSEE ALSO: http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/17:57
Unit193GridCube: I have a shot using knome's wallpaper, if you need something with a clear and known license.18:16
GridCubeUnit193, that would help18:17
Unit193It's really not interesting, but alrighty.  I uploaded it somewhere...18:18
Unit193GridCube: OK, so you want a window or two open, any preference?  And should I kill my conky config, or do some major blur of it all, or just remove the calendar and blur the IP? :P18:26
GridCubeprobaly just the ip18:26
GridCubethe idea is to show a pretty desktop setting with all the fancy stuffs peoples adds to it, not just default xubuntu desktop with adifferent wallaper18:27
GridCubethat is boring18:27
Unit193Sure, mine isn't too different though, mainly conky which has my calendar in it. :P18:28
GridCubeP: thats different18:29
elfylicence for the wallpaper is always going to be a stumbling block I think18:31
elfyI certainly never bother looking18:31
GridCubeno, no one ever does18:33
GridCubethough if its something we *have* to have...18:34
elfyI understand that GridCube 18:37
elfywe're likely to be having exactly the same conversations every couple of months :)18:37
Unit193elfy: Yes, I quite agree.18:38
Unit193bluesabre: Oh, how about that keyboard shortcuts overlay?18:43
bluesabreyeah, maybe for early in the T cycle18:45
bluesabrebut that does remind me18:45
bluesabremicahg, micahg-work: https://code.launchpad.net/~smd-seandavis/xubuntu-default-settings/keyboard-shortcuts18:46
bluesabrenot sure if its too late for this now18:46
bluesabreknome too (though he already approved) ^18:47
Unit193bluesabre: OK, so it's not even ready for testing?  Alrighty.18:48
skellatbluesabre: Did you file an FFe bug yet?  Need Docs signoff and a few others before trying to get it in.18:49
bluesabreskellat: figured as much, I had the merge request in before FF, but it got missed18:49
skellatWhere is the merge?18:50
bluesabreI'll work on the FFe on that if everyone else agrees to it, or we can wait until later to merge18:50
Unit193Technically doesn't it fix a bug? ;)18:50
skellatAh, but which one?18:50
bluesabremerge: https://code.launchpad.net/~smd-seandavis/xubuntu-default-settings/keyboard-shortcuts/+merge/18235218:50
bluesabrebug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/116526618:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 1165266 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "missing keyboard shortcuts" [Medium,Confirmed]18:51
bluesabrethough it doesn't hit all of the shortcuts requested in that bug18:51
bluesabregotta go, bbl18:52
Unit193GridCube: https://www.dropbox.com/s/msowfigemo517zp/shot.png?m good?18:55
GridCubeUnit193, :)19:06
Unit193License however you want, and wallpaper is http://temp.knome.fi/.expwall/19:09
knomenot permanent url, please don't link there.19:09
knomebut yep, feel free to use that19:09
Unit193Sure, just saying where I got it and whatever license that is.19:10
Unit193knome: I haven't changed it out of rage, so good job119:10
GridCubeUnit193, http://gridcube.deviantart.com/art/Unit193-s-Desktop-at-17th-of-September-of-2013-400894406?ga_submit_new=10%253A137944620819:30
Unit193Hopefully that'll help and be something easy to approve.19:36
Unit193See?  That's different. ;)19:40
andrzejrali1234, are scroll events working for you in gtk3 indicators?21:23
andrzejrI'm seeing some weird issues21:24
ali1234the problem in indicator-sound is supposed to be fixed now21:24
ali1234but it still doesn't work21:24
ochosihey you two21:24
andrzejrI've fixed that in git master, so now I have indicator-sound working on 13.0421:24
ochosimaybe i should pull and install again21:25
andrzejrbut on 13.10 I get some weird notification/event loop21:25
andrzejrxfce4-notifyd flickers continuously and finally crashes21:25
ochosiandrzejr: works for me21:26
ochosi(in 13.10)21:26
andrzejrtested on virtualbox - maybe related21:26
ochosiso that's fixed it seems21:26
knomeochosi, robert's online if you want to chat with him21:27
ochosiworks as expected, and as it used to with the gtk2 indicator21:27
ochosiknome: where?21:27
knome#ubuntu-release at least21:27
knomeand PM, i suppose :P21:28
ochosiyeah, found him in -desktop21:28
ochosiandrzejr: congrats btw, nice to see the scrolling work again!21:29
knomegood good21:29
ochosiok, we'll see whether i'll get a reply21:31
ochosinever caught him on irc so afr21:31
ochosiso that'd be a first21:31
knomei already thanked him for chiming in21:32
knomebut i thought you might have further questions or so21:32
ochosichiming in?21:32
knomein the bug comments.21:33
knomelittle community/link building doesn't hurt21:33
ali1234andrzejr: works ok for me too21:33
ali1234andrzejr: have you seen this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glipper/+bug/1203888/21:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 1203888 in libappindicator (Ubuntu) "appindicator doesn't work in Saucy" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:34
ali1234it's nothing to do with xfce, but maybe you have some clue for me what is causing it?21:34
ochosiknome: ok, that was a first now.21:38
ochosiknome: got some pointers wrt the restart bug, he'll try to look at the others and gave me some logind-scient names21:39
ali1234ochosi: where is this wiki page for gtk3 indicators?21:40
jjfrv8skellat, I didn't know the SRU docs had another shot at being uploaded until the final point release next year.21:55
knomejjfrv8, we can get them to backports, but the main target is the SRU21:56
jjfrv8So do I need to be doing anything?21:57
andrzejrali1234, I guess you are not seeing that event loop issue, are you. Do you have a virtualbox vm to try?21:57
knomei don't think that's a high priority issue21:57
ali1234andrzejr: yes i do, but it is completely default at the moment21:57
jjfrv8knome, I also didn't realize that b2 was my deadline for the saucy docs.21:58
knomeper https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseSchedule, doc freeze is september 1921:58
jjfrv8I guess I'm going to get fired already :P21:59
knomewe can get exceptions, but we should of course try to move as quickly as possible21:59
knomeanother thing we need to resolve is who is going to upload that new package21:59
jjfrv8I think I might be able to finish up before then.21:59
knomegood to hear that, but if you don't, don't lose your sleep22:00
ali1234andrzejr: i want to update this wiki page as i'm installing everything in the VM, but i don't know the address of it, when ochosi comes back and tells me where it is then i'll do both things at once22:00
jjfrv8would the uploading normally be my responsibility. I realize I don't have the rights yet.22:00
knomejjfrv8, no, not really22:01
knomejjfrv8, note that we are talking about a different from uploading the branch in launchpad22:01
knomejjfrv8, even i don't have upload rights22:02
jjfrv8well I'll try to get you the last batch at least in time for you to do the merges.22:03
knomesure, that's a quick task22:03
knomejust tell me if there's something i can help with22:04
jjfrv8thanks. will do.22:05
knomealso re: your comment on the last MP, if we change things after docfreeze/other freezes, those freeze exceptions imply doc changes, so you don't have to worry about guessing things22:05
knomewe can change the docs then22:05
ochosiali1234: sry for the daily, coming up shortly22:05
ochosii have really sucky connectivity here atm :(22:05
ochosialways disconnects me again22:05
knomeof course, in such case, developers should be in touch with you to let you know a doc update might be needed22:05
jjfrv8ah, ok.22:07
ochosiali1234: right now, a very rough page has been started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Saucy/Gtk3Indicators22:08
ali1234ochosi: thanks. i'll fill it in with all information as i go22:08
knomejjfrv8, ^ you might want to follow that spec as well22:09
knomeochosi, make sure you notify jjfrv8 if things start to roll towards oops-let's-upload-this-for-saucy-anyway, aka paperwork-for-ochosi22:09
knome(or -micahg)22:09
ochosiali1234: thank you!22:17
ochosibluesabre: i would also try to sell off the missing kb-shortcuts as bugfix22:22
ochosiand it's a trivial patch in the end22:22
ochosinot problematic at all22:23
andrzejrali1234, I've been looking into that "child-added" issue. That's a signal of DbusmenuMenuitem22:28
ali1234andrzejr: in virtualbox it doesn't work properly for me...23:07
ali1234it says it is loading the sound indicator but it doesn't show on the panel23:08
ali1234perhaps due to different git versions on the other two needed bits?23:12
knomeok, i'm off for today23:12
knomesee you all later23:12
ali1234looks like i need to reboot then23:20
ali1234andrzejr: right, rebooted... now i get the weird behaviour outside virtualbox too23:28
ali1234andrzejr: it looks like something changed in xfce4-panel or libxfce4ui that has broken it23:28
ochosiali1234: what weird behavior exactly?23:29
ali1234no sound indicator shows up at all23:29
ali1234oh hang on23:30
ali1234i restarted the panel and now it's there23:30
ali1234could be a race condition?23:30
ali1234i dunno what is wrong inside virtualbox23:30
ali1234i updated the wiki page with the missing libs btw23:31
ochosifor me sometimes the icon is missing on startup23:31
ochosibut after restarting the panel, the icon gets shown23:31
ochosiso it's not really the indicator missing for me23:32
ali1234yes, same23:32
ali1234inside virtualbox though it never shows23:32
ali1234a load of others are missing too23:32
ochosii only use sound, network and power23:33
ochosithe other two show23:33
ochosiand messages also always shows23:33
ochosig2g to bed, i'll check in tomorrow23:33
ali1234and cpufreq crashes with null pointer (maybe because it can't access the CPU properly in virtualbox though - i uninstalled it so it wouldn't cause problems anyway)23:33
ali1234hmm maybe it is because something i did while messing around with that gtk2 indicator bug23:36
ali1234yes. duh23:37
ali1234ok it works in virtualbox23:38
skellatknome jjfrv8 -- A merge proposal for you to sign off on: https://code.launchpad.net/~skellat/xubuntu-docs/xubuntu-docs/+merge/18618123:45

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