
[0gb_us]What is libcapi20-3 and do I need it?00:38
[0gb_us]Oops, wrong channel. My bad.00:39
=== [Rainbow_Dash] is now known as Maple__
=== nosrepa is now known as aperson
=== Sysi- is now known as Sysi
nikolamVLC player in 12.04LTS 32-bit, hogs cpu and refuses to be killed while freezes X , when playing .MOV files. Can only be forcedly killed by kill -9 <pid>08:31
ochosinikolam: sounds like you should report a bug against vlc? (or was there another hidden question in your statement? :))08:38
nikolamochosi, yup, why life sucks so much? and what have I did to deserve this horrible faith with untested VLC in LTS? :D08:43
ochosisorry bout that08:43
nikolamhm, that might be nice bug report  ;p08:43
=== TheSheep_ is now known as TheSheep
mario___I have problem with my xubuntu 13.04, i dont see the GUI, i see blue screen with loading for 2-3 sec and later i see only black screen with cursor on top12:05
mario___i can use the terminal alt+f1, f212:05
mario___can someone help me to repair my xubuntu ?12:06
mario___when i type startx in terminal i have message: failed to start session "gnome"12:07
bgardnermario___: Login to one of the terminals and review /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:07
bgardnermario___: See if you can get more descriptive errors, usually near the bottom.12:08
mario___bgardner: i can't see any error12:10
bgardnermario___: Try grep "(EE)" /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:11
bgardnermario___: That might help you zero in on it.12:11
mario___cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep "(EE)" is ok ?12:12
bgardnermario___: SUre12:12
mario___bgardner: i dont see anything only one line where type: (WW) Warning (EE) eror...12:13
bgardnermario___: Not sure how much you can do, but can you give us 'cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit'?12:15
mario___bgardner: paste.ubuntu.com/611919812:17
bgardnermario___: Did this ever work, or is it a new install that has never started for you?12:20
mario___bgardner: this xubuntu previously works perfect, but today i can't start it12:21
bgardnermario___: Any recent package removals that you recall?12:21
bgardnermario___: cat /var/log/apt/history.log12:22
mario___bgardner: lastest install is mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql...12:25
mario___after broking i install lynx and irssi to get help12:25
mario___from net12:25
bgardnermario___: Okay12:26
mario___bgardner: can i fix it ?12:27
mario___or i need reinstall ?12:27
bgardnermario___: Give me a moment, I'm researching12:27
mario___bgardner: are you find any solution ?12:35
bgardnermario___: Not yet, but still looking12:37
bgardnermario___: What do you get for dpkg-query -l gnome-session12:40
bgardnermario___: No need to quote the whole line, I just want to know if it has a status of "ii"12:41
mario___bgardner: paste.ubuntu.com/611928212:42
bgardnermario___: Hm.  So your startx failure says it wants to, but can't, start a gnome session.  And you don't have it installed.12:44
bgardnermario___: One second12:44
mario___bgardner: are i need gnome-session for xubuntu ?12:45
bgardnermario___: I wonder why a xubuntu installation wants to start gnome...12:45
bgardnermario___: I don't think so, but off the top of my head I admit I don't know for certain.12:45
mario___bgardner: how i can start xfce session ?12:45
bgardnermario___: Do you have a .xinitrc in your home folder?12:47
mario___bgardner: no12:48
mario___bgardner: i think that no solution for my problem12:49
mario___i will try start xubuntu in recovery mode in grub12:49
bgardnermario___: There's always a solution, but it may take a bit12:49
mario___i will restart my pc and enter in recovery mode to try12:49
mario___thanks for help bgardner :)12:50
bgardnermario___: You can try installing gnome-session, but I've been avoiding that because it will install a ton of packages.12:50
bgardnermario___: All right, good luck.12:50
cfhowlettbgardner, gnome on xubuntu just seems ... wrong.12:50
bgardnercfhowlett: I hear you, but I don't understand the error message.12:51
bgardnercfhowlett: Been forever since I burrowed into X this way.12:51
xubuntu897Hi all I hope you can help me. I installed xubuntu 13.04 on my pc and it runs quite a lot slower than mint 15 xfce. Is there something I can do to fix this?13:12
cfhowlettxubuntu897, turn off unnecessary eye candy: shimmers, glimmers and jumpers13:15
xubuntu897straight installation nothting installed13:15
xubuntu897on both xubuntu and mint13:16
cfhowlettxubuntu897, I'm referring to desktop/display effects13:16
xubuntu897no desktop effects active13:16
xubuntu897mint had cairo dock installed and it still outperformed xubuntu13:17
xubuntu897i tried installing the new kernel 3.11.1 and using the open source amd diskplay driver as the closed source driver trashed the os13:18
xubuntu897I am talking about slow to start up firefox etc13:19
cfhowlettxubuntu897, ONLY ff?13:20
mario__how i can start grub to start xubuntu in recovery mode ?13:22
xubuntu897cfhowlett what do you mean by xubuntu897, ONLY ff? sorry I do not know linux that well13:22
mario__when i restart pc i dont see the grub13:22
mario__automaticaly start xubuntu13:22
mario__but xubuntu is broken :@13:22
cfhowlettxubuntu897, are you saying it's slow ONLY when running FFOX?13:23
xubuntu897slow when opening up applications like firefox google chrome etc13:24
cfhowlettmario__, if you ONLY have xubuntu, you don't normally see grub, but it'll boot straight to ubuntu.13:24
xubuntu897<cfhowlett> when downloading files in fire fox the window to display to open or save takes a while13:25
xubuntu897<cfhowlett> any ideas other than installing mint13:46
xubuntu897Hi all on a clean install of xubuntu 13.04 why would xubuntu be slower to open up aplications and run applications compared to Mint 15 xfce13:49
knome!patience | xubuntu89713:49
ubottuxubuntu897: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/13:49
knomenot many people joined since you asked; maybe try those other methods13:50
xubuntu897ubottu I have tried searching and the only thing I can come up with is preling13:50
ubottuxubuntu897: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:50
xubuntu897thanks all14:04
xubuntu749I am stuck at the install screen with (ubiquity:4773): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_window_resize: assertion 'width > 0' failed what do i do?20:52
argoneusI think I have done something wrong22:37
knomethe chair for confessions is at #xubuntu-offtopic22:37
argoneusI tried dualbooting xubuntu/windows22:38
argoneusbut looking at this it didn't really go well, did it?22:38
argoneuspartition 3 is not aligned according to align-check opt22:38
knomethat looks fine22:38
argoneusknome: it does? >.>22:39
knomeargoneus, yep22:44
glitchdhello all22:44
glitchdgot an easy question for anyone willing to help real quick22:45
argoneusknome: so I shouldn't worry about p3 not being aligned?22:45
glitchdwell, 2 questions really..22:45
knomeargoneus, it's extended, so it's basically 4+522:45
Maple__glitchd, just ask22:45
glitchdtrying to figure out how to 1) change where usb's are mounted to when inserted, and 2) trying to figure out how to rename said usb.22:46
glitchdMaple__, thx i was typing already..lol22:46
Maple__glitchd, do you mean changing the label for the partition?22:46
Maple__As for the first, you can disable Thunar's daemon.22:47
glitchdi believe so22:47
Maple__...and mount it manually via the terminal22:47
glitchdchange what name is displayed when the drive is inserted22:47
Maple__lemme check22:47
Maple__Uh, not sure about that.22:47
glitchdi dont mind the auto mount feature22:47
glitchdits just that, when inserted its mounted to /media/username instead of /media/usb22:48
knomeglitchd, gparted (from repositories) helps you change the label22:48
glitchdand sincee i originally installed with the usb, its named xubuntu 13.0422:48
glitchdi have gparted but keep running into an error, ill get the text from the error, 1 sec.22:48
glitchdok so first off, the usb is being mounted in /dev/sdc1 instead of /deb/sdb1, i know its not a problems but id rather have it in sdb122:49
glitchdlol it worked, i promise it wouldnt work earlier.22:50
glitchdbut thx none the less22:50
glitchdproblem solved22:50
glitchdwell half the problem anyways..22:51
knomethere's no way to control the dev name22:51
glitchdnow i have to figure out how to get it to mount in sdb1 and not sdc122:51
glitchdoh well, ill just have to get used to it then i guess22:51
glitchdthx again=)22:51
knomeyou can add the stick to fstab by its UUID22:51
knome(and not automount)22:52
knomethat way you don't have to worry about the dev name22:52
glitchdbut i like the automount..22:52
knomewell you can set up automount with fstab as well22:52
glitchdi guess my problem really isnt a problem.22:52
knomeand you can control the mount directory22:52
glitchdjust a mild annoyance22:52
knomeno, doesn't sound like one :)22:52
glitchdall from fstab?22:53
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions22:53
glitchdi have used fstab before to automount partitions, just not usb's22:54
glitchdill look at that info22:54
glitchdthank you22:54
knomeit's the same for usb devices, just make sure you use the UUID to catch the right device :)22:56
glitchdrightright, thankyou.22:57

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